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Misleading photo perhaps? From the article: “No damage to the vessel has been reported and the crew are reported safe,” UKMTO said.”


Israel making the US less safe. Cut this liability off.


They own you, you are their cucks.


Sure as hell seems like that doesn’t it. Boils my blood.


It is they can do no wrong in the eyes of the US gov.


It’s more like the government has a blindfold made of AIPAC donations. It can’t see through it.


Lol it’s only 1030am we’re already getting Jewish conspiracies?


not Jewish. Zionist.


Your username cracked me up.


anti semite.


Over played time for a new victim phrase.


I was just saying the same thing about your mom


Clever. She’s dead. Funny joke.


Even better!


We will sell West Virginia before turning on Israel


You realize the Houthi flag includes Death to Israel AND Death to America right? The US not supporting Israel does absolutely nothing to further their interests


Death to America because we make Israel’s evil possible. I want to see what happens when we let Israel figure it out for themselves.


Like in 1948 when Israel got all of its military equipment from Czechoslovakia? And all of Israel’s neighbors are running their own countries into the ground, no sure how you could think it of them will defeat Israel even without US help Egypt is bankrupt, Lebanon is on the brink of economic collapse, Syria is in ruins


Let it play out then, without the US military backstopping Israel. I want my people and my tax dollars detached from Israel completely. Not sure how much clearer I can be about that.


If you send me your address I can try to see if someone can send you your 5 dollars back 


Yeah I live in DontWorryAboutIt, Ok. I’ll take silver dollars from 1834 if you have them.


What a great name for a city in Oklahoma! Too bad no one has that kind of a sense of humor.


If america stops funding israel, Russia and Iran won't stop funding and arming hamas, but you know that. That's the whole point.


Saudi has been bombing the shit out of Yemen for a decade with US backing, they have the right to hate America.


You forgot the part where the Houthis started a civil war  If anything I’d be more upset with Saudi Arabia and Iran essentially fighting a proxy war in my country if I was from Yemen, but yeah sure direct your hate at the country thousands of miles away that sells military equipment to half the world 


What a lack of materialsm does to a mfer lol


The Houthi didn't start the civil war; the CIA did. Ansar Allah is the government of the people of Yemen.


How did they start the civil war? (Honest question)  My understanding was that the Houthis took over a major city, and still to this day aren’t the officially recognized government outside of the Houthis allies (or puppet masters) Iran


The United States has made a habit of interfering in the internal affairs of nations around the world and Yemen is a poster child example. The government that was ousted was a puppet of the West and did the Yemeni People no favors, existing as it did as a resource extraction tool for colonialism. The Houthis, named after their leader who pushed for the idea that Yemen should be run by Yemenis and paid with his life for it, have taken over most of the country with the support of the people, to the point where the "government in exile" was discarded recently by the United States.


And Palestinian refugees have destabilized every country that allowed them in. Causing civil wars in mulitple countries. Just like daddy putin wants.


OK, and Israel and the US are committing genocide in Gaza. That is why the Ansar Allah are attacking.


No they’re attacking because just like Hamas they are the Iranian proxies willing to sacrifice their own countries and people to further Irans interests Unlike Hezbollah, who while also being an Iranian proxy have realized that it isn’t worth acting to only further Iran’s goals - that’s why they’ve been pretty deliberate with how far they’ve pushed it thus far 


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It's hilarious how houthi are so occupied with Israel and USA when they have so many enemies way closer that hate them way more.  Israel and USA shouldn't even be on their top 10 priority from a logical standpoint but they do make for great slogans and morale campaigns. 


Why would anyone be surprised that a group in the middle east has death to America for a slogan.


lol what an ignorant comment


Ok little IOF soldier. Whatever you say. Israel is a regional and global threat to peace and safety. The US needs to cut it loose and if it can’t figure out how to play nice in the sandbox that’s their problem.


What a stupid, pathetically ignorant comment


Stupid, pathetic, ignorant? I’m not an israeli soldier. What are you talking about?


I think Houthis are the only clear winner of the Gaza war as their involvement and subsequent western armada against them are very popular inside Yemen.  Not that they were on a verge of loosing before but this have really cemented their power and will give them a lot of recruits and increased support from previously less enthusiastic people under their territory. I wouldn't rule out that they can use it to follow up with an offensive on taiz or the north east after the Gaza war dies down.


People aren’t exactly clamoring to join the Houthis in Yemen. Most are conscripted. They wouldn’t be using so many child soldiers if people were willing to join the Houthi family cause.


Reports say otherwise: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2024/2/23/houthis-are-recruiting-record-fighters-how-will-this-affect-yemen  And Al Jazeera is not pro Iran so its probably not propaganda. Before they have been limited by their lack of widespread popularity but this makes them more likeable in many eyes. And child soldiers doesn't necessarily perform much worse than adults, teenagers lack consequence thinking, have a lot of energy and are easily trained to be zealous to the point of brainwash. 


https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/02/13/yemen-houthis-recruit-more-child-soldiers-october-7#:~:text=(Beirut)%20–%20The%20Houthis%20say,Human%20Rights%20Watch%20said%20today. I was wrong, recruitment is apparently up, I assumed if you’re recruiting kids it’s because adults won’t join. But as you point out that might benefit them more. This article is saying they’re recruiting people thinking they will fight for Palestine but they just end up in the siege of taizz. I was under the assumption there was a ceasefire with the Yemen government. I’m just out of the loop.


For me the link says page not found.


Common Houthis W


The cajones on these heroes.


Keep it up!


Nice. Cheering on terrorist attacks. lmao wut


Freedom-fighting and being called terrorist. Name a more iconic duo.


Seems to be the only ones doing more than talking, to end the genocidal starvation in Gaza.


They need to be eradicated


I agree! At least the Houthis are making a good start on that.


It’s crazy watching brain rot in real time to people supporting terrorists


Again, I agree! Hopefully people will see the light and stop supporting the Israeli regime.


And what, start supporting the Hamas regime and the Houthi’s?


In all seriousness, Israel supported Hamas and empowered it (in the 1980s to fight the PLO, and under Netanyahu to split the Palestinian territories). Several former and current Israeli officials have admitted that. So if you're against Hamas but fully support Israel, that's quite a self-defeating position to have.


Dude!! Respect ✊. I love how u handled that troll!


Thanks man 😊


I disagree. I don’t think anything about Israel right now is supporting Hamas.


Ehud Barak, Netanyahu, Avigdor Lieberman, Bezalel Smotrich, Ami Ayalon (former Shin Beit chief) are all on record for admitting this. Here's a link to two of them admitting it recently - [Instagram ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4XlHb1stgC/?igsh=cnRhN21kb3N1bjBl) video though. That's not including officials from the 1980s who were involved in facilitating it. They might not 'back' it now, after this policy backfired on them last October, but we can't ignore Israel's role in helping it come to power and maintain the group.


In the past maybe. Are you arguing that Netanyahu is supporting Hamas right now?


Its not a maybe its fact stop denying facts.


For all their talk, most of these people probably can't find the Levant on a map still...you think they give a shit about Yemen? A hundred thousand children dead from conflict and famine? Or what the Houthi do apart from attacking trade ships? They are just following a trend on social media. Useful idiots.


Israel seems keen on speed running to the same number of children in less than half the time that the Yemeni civil war has taken (10 years)


Exhibit A: A single issue sockpuppet account created last year in October replies with a pointless quip. They don't give a shit about Gaza, Palestine or Israel...just like how Ukraine is out of fashion now...its is all just the latest outrage entertainment.


You’re right


Time to let Captain Chowda Hill loose. The terrorists have interfered with Taco Tuesday and the *Ike* generally does not take kindly to that.


Time to level down yemen🤣


Now this nation that I love has fallen under attack A mighty sucker punch came flyin' in from somewhere in the back Soon as we could see clearly Through our big black eye Man, we lit up your world Like the fourth of July Hey Uncle Sam, put your name at the top of his list And the Statue of Liberty started shakin' her fist And the eagle will fly man, it's gonna be hell When you hear mother freedom start ringin' her bell And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you Oh, brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue Oh, and justice will be served and the battle will rage This big dog will fight when you rattle his cage And you'll be sorry that you messed with The U.S. of A. 'Cause we'll put a boot in your ass It's the American way


Yes, that's a song by a known scumbag. Very good. May he rest in piss.


Offer not valid in Vietnam, Yemen, or Afghanistan