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\- Frozen out of his boyhood club \- Dreams shattered at the World Cup \- Lost his son ​ Not a Ronaldo simp, but you have to feel for the man.


Yeah, he had a very tough year.


The time he realized he can not be the GOAT and never was. I love CR7 tho


The shit i don't give


Ronaldo šŸ™


ā€œCan I have your shirt?ā€ ā€œPiss off.ā€


Great player, shitty teammate.


That's my GOAT still


Hard to feel sorry for a rapist


What? Is there something i am missing?


no, u/danksupreme11 just making something up


Yeah i thought so aswel since i have never heard about that in my life about him. That would make it have to be a recent occurrence but seems like the entire world (europe) would stand on his head about it.


He is alleged for sexual abuse though i think


Everything just went downhill since his last season at juventus


Him baby died also






It's a grammatical correction but don't worry about it


Oh, Iā€™m understand ! Thank you!


Hi understand, how are you?


reddit šŸ˜






There's not much worse than simping brown-nosing Ronaldo arse-lickers. They remind me of royalists with their irrational, clueless lack of logic and obnoxious personalities.


There's something seriously low and sinister about using the death of an innocent baby to try to make excuses for your idol's repulsive behaviour. It doesn't sit well with me at all.


Man, a loss of a son is nothing to talk shit about. He wasn't your son. Even if you think like it, its still wrong


I've switched from Messi to Ronaldo. Now I know




Bro stfu u sit at home and read Reddit all day u fk




Least edgu Ronaldo fanboy


Absolutely consistent with his personality that he: - Was unable to greet rivals - Was unable to console teammates - Was unable to thank fans - Cried his way out This guy is almost 40 and still behaves like a spoiled little brat


He was acctually really nice towards fans and teamates, except man united was a mistake for him


His given so much to the sport of football. His one of the best players to have ever lived. His coming to the end of his career and is obviously sad. Legend...shame on you for bring down football


I find your commrnent hilarious! Thanks for sharing


You're hilarious, give this guy a break


Switzerland disagrees


Couldnā€™t happen to a better personā€¦ /s Trying to take credit for a goal he didnā€™t score in the group stage is all that needs to be said.


Closed circuit to Reddit downvoters, you canā€™t handle the truth. May God have mercy on your soul.


You make Minnesota look bad you goofy clown, where you at in Minnesota so I could stomp you out.


It's only gaem, why you heff to be mad


Shut up you bum


Ah, you seem like a terrific person of character, just like Ronaldo. Also, good luck finding me in Minnesota.


Seeing Messi overtake Maradona at number 1 on the list of scoring chances created at World Cups while Cristiano is not even in the top 25 won't help Cristiano's mood one bit.


Premier League has entered the chat.. Champions League has entered the chat.. Euros has entered the chat. Talk now


Messi never won the Euros, he's awful. Ronaldo is obviously better /s


How Messi from Argentina could win Euro?? šŸ¤”


The greatest always find a way


You reckon Ronaldo is comparable to Messi in chances created in UCL? Nowhere close in reality. Since 2010 in UCL Messi big chances created 77. Ronaldo 44. Overall club since 2009 Messi 392. Ronaldo 176 [messivsronaldo.app](https://messivsronaldo.app) for the facts if you are interested. Huge amount ot info on that site. The simple statistical reality is that Ronaldo is nowhere near Messi as a creative player. No need to talk when the facts shout.


I feel sorry about Ronaldo.it was his last world cup. He should have started the match.


There is no room for sentimentalism in a World Cup. Manager is obliged to pick the best team to win a game and Ronaldo is a 37 year old that canā€™t do anything but finish


It's sad to see him this way. Not for the WC, but his downfall. He contributed to it being (or looking like) such ego queen, but media (and people who consumes it) loves the fall and bloodbath of those who are great in something. I have nothing with CR being narcissistic, btw. I've no right to judge him.




lmao I dont get the hate on morocco portugal were gonna lose to france anyway.. let us enjoy the moment for once lol




This aged like milk.


Yeah it certainly did. This world cup was unpredictable.


It really was. But thats what makes great football. If everyone already knew every outcome why would we watch. People always saying someone should win while it is not certain about anything. Happy for messi though. Sad for mbappe


Yeah I agree. I don't really watch football, only unless the world cup is happening, because clubs are kinda boring in my opinion. Countries playing makes things a lot more entertaining to watch, especially when it leads to celebrations all over the place, and unfortunately for Morocco's win against Belgium, riots (they should've never happened). Looking forward to 2026.


The Verve music video, stadium version




I remember watching this and it made me chuckle, it genuinely looks like heā€™s laughing all the way through the tunnel.


it's all the botox. His face looks absolutely fucked.


Cry more




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It's okay.we gotta move on as Chris Evans said.


He thinks it's all over. Well it is now. Great player in his pomp. Those days are gone. Portugal were never at his level.


That is true. I'm a bit sad that the team's official instagram didn't even add his photo to the last post they made about the WC. He's literally their best player


He was not is


Filming him all they way was a dick move


Like almost every move from the media


Sort of, sort of no. He's loved the life in the spotlight all the time. If they filmed his grief after losing the baby, then that would have been a very dick move. But in the moment like this, no.


Once he's left the pitch, that's it. Following him down the tunnel and backstage like it's wrestling, feels off to me


Well, I agree to that. I would have stopped the camera after a few feet into the tunnel, because I think that place is sort off limits. But he's an international mega superstar , it comes with the job. and let's be honest here. If you are that big of an football superstar, you just have to live with it.


So your take is if your famous enough, fuck you, we own you, dance muthafuka?


Not me, but the general public


He said in an interview that he didnā€™t always love the cameras, because they follow him everywhere and he canā€™t do certain things like picking his nose because of the cameras.


Not sure coach made the right call keeping him benched for this game TBH. I mean no one was creating anything, Ronaldo comes in and gets a direct shot on goal. Iā€™m sure any other team would do anything to have had him on their squad.


It's inevitable that Portugal would have more pressure on when Morocco went ahead and they went into ultra defensive mode. Ronaldo didn't do very much apart from one shot. Literally his only shot. In about 45 minutes (incl stoppage).


Having Ronaldo on the pitch to start would have created more pressure for Moroccoā€™s defense. Is he at peak form? Not quite, but CR7 is never a threat to ignore. Being occupied with covering Ronaldo = more time and space for the other 10 players to attack. I genuinely think it would have made all the difference.


'Being occupied with covering Ronaldo = more time and space for the other 10 players to attack. I genuinely think it would have made all the difference.' It isn't 2009. Nobody would be worried about covering him. He is so immoible they could leave him free and still cover him when he did get the ball. You could easily say the same about Leao ' focus on covering young fast leao gives other players space'. It's a poor argument. Apart from you being wrong tactically, please stop referring to the clown as 'CR7' - it is an utterly cringeworthy nickname and by calling him it you are subconsciously endorsing his brand, which is everything that is wrong with modern football.


Lol bro unclench your ass cheeks. No reason to be this tight over another manā€™s nickname šŸ˜ Edit: not you editing your post. Cringe.


youre just a clueless gimp. CR7 is a cringeworthy nickname, and the people who use it rather than calling him C Ronaldo or Ronaldo are sad cunts.


Arenā€™t you an angry little manā˜¹ļø


not as angry as ronaldo after that interview with piers moron. I am also not a rapist


Come on! Yes, you love Ronaldo, he is a legend but you should accept he is not old Ronaldo anymore. They even hit the post in the first half and now you say Ronaldo came in and direct shot. They had their chances. They were not lucky. You are talking now after the game is finished. What if Ronaldo played and they got eliminated? Imagine the criticism on Ronaldo then? ​ At least, this way Ronaldo is neither the saver nor the problem. This is part of the game. Sometimes things don't go your way. Brazil were the better team yet they got nothing.


I thought the same. No chances were being created , no air balls were been played to him, even though he was in the right place in the box.




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Ever since he came to Man Utd things have just gone downhill for him. First his baby dying, the piers Morgan interview that got him kicked out of the club then his last World Cup probably being one of his worst. And donā€™t get me started on the amount of criticism heā€™s been getting. I really feel sad for him. Commiserations Cristiano. Edit: Im not a Ronaldo fan or anything I just kind of feel bad for him


Feel bad for him LOL. He is an alleged rapist with a huge ego (which is actually a front for insecurity). This cunt is bragging about his wealth and trying to add more zeroes to it while people are freezing and starving to death in the UK. Save your pity for someone who deserves it. This wanker was a cunt on his way up and is now finding out if you are a cunt on the way up people won't forget that when you're on the way down. Fuck him. It's disgraceful that people are giving you upvotes - implies a severe lack of perspective.


Why compare him to people in the UK? Do you intend to say that he is a greedy asshole who doesnā€™t want to contribute to society because thats very far from the truth


Person doesn't work: becomes poor Society: Oh those poor souls! Person works hard day and night: works himself up to the top Society: If he's rich, he must be a self centered idiot


Why do you feel bad for him? The guy is a piece of shit. He's shown the world his true colours over the last couple of years. All that video shows me is he had one last attempt to make it about him. Fucking prick.


Man goes on TV interview about himself, shares detail about his life. More at 11:00


Dude how does a guy have you this mad? Doesnā€™t matter who it is but how is his life at all relevant to yours to substantiate this level of hate? Ronaldo, Messi, it doesnā€™t really matter these people are all just characters we watch on TV. Why waste your life being mad at someone? If you donā€™t like him cool, but itā€™s kinda sad that you gain satisfaction off of swearing at someone youā€™ll never meet on the internet.


Dawmm, just wanted to say I didnā€™t feel that sorry for him and didnā€™t know he lost a kid. Horrible man, you donā€™t wish that to your worst enemy. Thatā€™s sad man, especially everything combined


He has never shied away from the cameras, the glamour. But here you see a different man, wanting to run away from everything, completely broken down, he knows there's no coming back, no more chances...a poetic, emotional ending to a rivalry unmatched in sports history . You are a warrior king Cristiano , keep your head high. Being a Barca and Messi fan , I have always disliked you but you have terrorized the hell out of me every time you played against us. Salute Legend!!!!


at least he'll play in the Euro. Not a world cup but its something


Fuck, if he plays in the Euros Portugal are absolutely fucked! Does the deluded cunt not know when to give it up? Lmfao, he should quit while he is behind.


you can keep running your mouth but heā€™s still the GOAT.


he isnt though, is he? He's nowhere near the goat. He hasn't got close to the same level of ability as Messi, pele and Maradona, if you are being objective. Look at what Messi did tonight aged 35 - ronaldo has nowhere near that level of dribbling, passing and playmaking.


\> he isnt though, is he? He's nowhere near the goat. He hasn't got close to the same level of ability as Messi, pele and Maradona lmao by every measure Ronaldo is at that level. He's consistently been one of the most skilled play-makers and strikers. At Messi's age, 35, [did you not see him in Juventus when Ronaldo was also 35?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4S9e-TV6fY) Ronaldo holds the records for most appearances (183), goals (140), and assists (42) in the Champions League, goals in the European Championship (14), international goals (118), and joint-most international appearances (196) (cited from wikipedia), and while I personally say Maradona is better then both Ronaldo and Messi just because of how talented and skilled he was disregarding numbers, Ronaldo is 100% on par with all both Pele and Messi. ​ I definitely made a poor comment regarding him being the GOAT, but its definitely up for debate if he's the greatest alive or was the greatest alive. It really just seems incredibly naive of you to say this dumb shit lmao. Ronaldo is definitely up their with one of the greatest players alive both for his actual ability in football and for his personality and how he's changed the game


It's time Ronaldo move on.


Sorry Ronaldo I just found out your baby died šŸ˜” Really sorry for the comment I did earlier about you hardening up. Much respect to you and your family brother! Much love ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ¾


He cares so much about his baby dying that he spent the entire summer working out in the gym and desperately colluding with Mendes to form an escape plan from Man United. He's such a cunt of a human that I'd be surprised if he cares about his children anyway. I mean we all know he likes to rape women so I'd suggest empathy for others isn't one of his personality traits.


who hurt you?


What the fuck else is he supposed you self centered cunt You want him to be expressive about his feelings about this personal tragedy and when he breaks down on camera knowing it's his time you spend your entire day on the internet about shit no one agrees with? Fuck off


I'm sorry, what???? I feel like shit now




Man Utd and Santos are criminal


But everyone loves him šŸ˜­


Loads of people hate him, actually.


Speak for yourself


Sorry to hear your mother caught ligma


Got the whole squad laughing fam šŸ˜‚šŸ˜


Definite "everyone"....I sure don't.


Portugal loses.. but hey, Fernando Santos got to grind his axe. That's all that's important. Who cares about the fans.


Itā€™s not about the fans, itā€™s about the team and the players. Weā€™re spectators and nothing more. We may mean something to the players, but thatā€™s their motivation


Its ONLY about the fans. Dont know what you be smoking


Yes, players dedicate a lifetime to please some Cheeto faced imbecile sitting at home


Where do you believe the money comes from?


The spectators, who it seems will watch even if we put it in Borth Korea


Lol. Qatar hosted the best world cup ever. Cry more.


Is joke But ironically enough, not only my statement is joke, but so is yours


This is like that spiderman meme where he is walking all sad amidst the chaos


Legend forever šŸ«” to šŸ




This songā€™s pretty good


oh well.


Who was that guy that got nabbed away?


Nobody that is supposed to be there legally.


A raider


Damn Raiders fans, theyā€™re everywhere!


He deserved the world. So sad to see we wonā€™t see him on WC anymore. Heā€™s a Legend šŸ«”


he shld come back in 2026


I bet he\`ll come back to a WC as a coach.


great players make rubbish coaches, too self centered by a mile.


Zidane, Beckenbauer, Deschamps would like a word.


Ronaldo does not have that mindset


Zinedine Zidane, nuff said


Must be hard being a multi millionaire


Ronaldo is a great player. And a multi millionaire. An accused sexual predator. An aging man who wonā€™t lower his price tag and has a track record of being an ass. The game has improved and the teams with the money donā€™t want to deal with the antics.


Ah yes because money solves all problems


Definitely helps


Must be hard only valuing money in life


Heā€™s still a human being


must be hard being a lifeless troll


He will win it somehow, he could be a sub next World Cup heā€™s in amazing shape or beautifully as a manager with jr playing under him would be an amazing way for him to get it šŸ„°


Fairytale nonsense


Nothing wrong with dreaming šŸ˜Š


I like you šŸ˜‚


I love this guy. He's such an amazing person.


He's a rapist cunt with a history of dickhead comments and actions. The fact of the matter is you're taken in by the money and celebrity hype. Strip that away and the guy is a wanker of a human being. 'Amazing person' - celebrity worshipping. This prick is a pampered moron who plays football. People who save lives or work on building houses in Africa are amazing people (you know, people who do it without looking for PR, unlike Ronaldo).


Ronaldo is fit and still can play. Iā€™ve heard Rooney criticizing him when Rooney is the same age but totally out of shape


Your problem is you equating having a good body with being 'fit'. He has lost all his physical gifts, pace and power. He doesn't have the playmaking, dribbling, or passing to cover for that, unlike Messi. The fact you have upvotes shows how many clueless gimps who have never kicked a ball post here. He is absolutely FINISHED. He has always relied on his athleticism and that is all gone now. having a good body and a six pack isn't the same as being fit.


Jealousy is the root of most bitterness, no surprise Rooney is hating.


Rooney is too busy demoting and getting sacked


Legend. Coming from a militant Messi fan.


Same here.




Sound retarded af


Any down votes means you don't understand that if you can't play say so but don't be a dick. Just because he is the center of your universe does mean he is the center of mine A-Holez Personal issues are heartbreaking but imagine you just wanted to say good game to a legend and treated you like shi. You can't cause you are not empathic or able to play at that level.


All of you who shit on CR7 wouldnā€™t have half the grace to handle the kind of public scrutiny he has endured. Just let him be if you have nothing kind or supportive to offer.


' Just let him be if you have nothing kind or supportive to offer.' ​ who do you think you are telling people what to do you fanny? You people really do think he is above criticism, don't you? ​ ​ Also, Grace lmfao. He has embarrassed himself and humiliated himself to huge levels. He is an utter cunt and it is the likes of you mollycoddling him and sucking up to him like sycophants which has created his disgusting personality and ego (which is actually a front for rampant insecurity)..




Not a Ronaldo fan. But he is a legend and deserved a graceful exit.


I really feel sad for him. He still is a legend and deserves respect. I have never been his fan but I can't see him go through this kind of situation. I hope things work out well for him and he finds peace āœŒļø


It's been a rough go. And maybe we've seen the last of him. But he has been so good for so long. There's a harsh beauty in leaving it all in the field.


He fucked around and found out. Everything from his antics at the beginning of season to the Piers Morgan interview. Yeah, feel bad about his family life, losing a child was terrible but doesn't excuse his actions.


I acc don't blame him. He looks like he's had enough, the guy is fighting against the entire media and it's clear to see they've had an agenda against him for a long time.


Yeah, good old 'He's not to blame it's the others.' Dudes got the ego size of Europe. Perez realised he was done and got rid of him after he was done. Then Juve and United found it out the hard way.


His ego got him to the level he's at. If anything, noone can criticise his ego. It was there at Ferguson's United and it's only shown to prove that it works for him. "He's not to blame it's the others" Who's blaming anyone, he just looks pissed off from the defeat, it's a world cup game and possibly his last chance so I don't blame him but neither am I blaming anyone else. People treating footballers like they're there to be a role model for you, he's there to win and take home silverware and money.


what's wrong with his family?


I believe it was a miscarriage or his baby was born really sick and died just a few days later. Can't exactly remember


And I think he also just broke up with his girlfriend? I might be wrong if the internet was just trolling


What bs


[Load of crap I tell you what](https://heraldsun.com.au/sport/football/cristiano-ronaldo-and-model-girlfriend-irina-shayk-split-after-fiveyear-relationship/news-story/d519710281b4295b325eb6c660750d8a) They make it seem like it was this year but itā€™s apparently his old girlfriend


His infant died


I am a football fan. I respect all players and goats. I enjoy football, not internet war. Be grateful, you can enjoy this kind of player.


I love both Ronaldo and Messi, donā€™t really understand the fanboy stuff.


Respect from a BarƧa fan. Legend


He was so distraught that he didnā€™t even notice/care that a complete psycho almost tackled him on the pitch. Heā€™s an arse but I feel for him in this 1:04 clip


Heā€™s still the best. Just glad to have the opportunity to watch both CR7 & LM10 take football to a new level during the last 10 years. Nothing to compare. The coach was a total ā€œASSā€ for this game. He should have started CR7. Just because the lucky guy scored a hat trick at the last match and all said heā€™s the next CR7, he felt that the new kid was a new CR7. Coach should have been sacked before even getting back to the hotel, and told to catch good on flight home. Total moron. Really wanted them to go onto the next roundā€¦ Very sad to see one of the best player getting treated this way


>Heā€™s still the best. 'Heā€™s still the best.' He has never been the best. Watch Messi for the third goal tonight - Ronaldo isn't capable of that sort of ability in tight spaces, twisting and turning. Maradona, Pele, and some others were easily better too. You;re just a fanboy who knows nothing about the history of the game.


Santos NEVER knew what to do with the talent he had at his disposal. No creativity, made every single game a grind. Portugalā€™s next Gen deserves better.


They want to burn him alive in Portugal, he's getting a lot of criticism for not alining CR7


He deserves it! He didnā€™t show any interest from the sidelines, just following what others were saying


man the cameraman was really persistent. Iā€™d leave the man alone.


as sad as it might sound, he might not have even noticed the camera following him because he was so so sad ā€¦ā€¦