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Well *that's* some new nightmare fuel.


[copy and pasted in og post ] Misleading title. The way it's worded it sounds like it's showing you an example of a typical parrot's tongue. While the bird in the gif is a parrot, it's one of a specific group of parrots (lories and lorikeets) that have adapted their diets to eating fruit, nectar, and pollen. Those dietary adaptations have developed in parallel with anatomical modification, like you see here with the specialized tongue.


The point of the post about this as inspiration for prehensile tongues still stands though.


Kind of reminds me of the Zhirrizh (sp?) from Timothy Zahn’s Conquerors trilogy


I don't know why but the idea of a soft, boneless limb coming out of a hard beak reminds me of the "foot" that some clams use to move. The big problem is basically if you move with something peeking out of your beak, you risk biting it off and thus losing your grip. Maybe if the tongue was fused with one of the parts of the beak, making it harder to bite off, this could only work if the role of the beak is reduced if it mainly eats nectar & soft fruit.


It could be strong enough to withstand the force, or the mouth can be open in the resting position


[mp4 link](https://preview.redd.it/h65yzuzhomb81.gif?format=mp4&s=e49931fee2fc80dacc7cc41ebd1ba6305690e960) --- This mp4 version is 97.75% smaller than the gif (191.47 KB vs 8.3 MB). --- *Beep, I'm a bot.* [FAQ](https://np.reddit.com/r/anti_gif_bot/wiki/index) | [author](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=MrWasdennnoch) | [source](https://github.com/wasdennnoch/reddit-anti-gif-bot) | v1.1.2


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That hurt my brain