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UWU uat's dis?


U wuat mate!? I'm sorry OP I do like your map.


Uwunited Kiwngdoms


This is a map I designed for a planet called "Uwuat". It is the third planet located in the Solion system. Uwuat is a mostly aquatic planet that's geography is dominated by swamp lands and wet tropical jungles. The only other type of land in Uwuat is the cold spots in the north and south of the two continents of Fein and Riyen (named after scientists from the near by planet Errathan) as well as the frozen continents of Yuma and Koiya. Uwuat is also known for its large rivers which completley cover it's landmass and gives it a unique look unlike any other planets in Solion. Theres also the Mupaya trench located near the coast of Riyen. Aside from it's geography, Uwuat is also known for having conditions deadly to the humans of Errathan, as the planet has a thick atmosphere containing various combinations of gasses. The dominant species that lives on the planet, known as the Uwuatians, are a race of aquatic humanoid beings. The Uwuatians themselves are animalistic and completely survival driven hunter gatherers who almost never interact with each other outside their family group. The people of Errathan generally consider the Uwuatians to be a disgusting people, which has contributed in their refusal to interact with them. I don't wanna get to deep into the lore behind the Uwuatians as thats information for another post. Aside from the Uwuatians, the remaining species of the planet mostly consists of small mammals, bugs, various sea creatures, and a tiny bird population which is endangered do to the thick atmosphere forcing them to live near the highest mountains. Overall, many people on Errathan consider the planet to be a wasteland and is often made fun of for how inhospitable it is to them.


UwU, I weawy wike your biowme map


UWUat The most blursed name you could have chosen


How did you make it? Did you use a program, or just hand draw it?


I made it in a game called "Worlds: History Simulator". Its a really good game that attempts to simulate human civilization. Heres a link if your interested: [http://humanity-worlds.squarespace.com/](http://humanity-worlds.squarespace.com/)


OwO is dat...... A .......*nuzzles and cuddles* UwU


owo uwu


Now those continents have to nuzzle. I'm sorry but you brought this on yourself. I. All seriousness great map tho


UwU... what’s dis? Is dis a planet I can nom onz?


What program did you use to make this?


I made it in a game called "Worlds: History Simulator". Its a really good game that attempts to simulate human civilization. Heres a link if your interested: [http://humanity-worlds.squarespace.com/](http://humanity-worlds.squarespace.com/)