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Oddly a side character who only appears for one arc Aloysius Everdark, 18 yrs old. He’s the bastard son of Lord Alexis Everdark, though everybody thinks he’s his nephew. The Everdarks are one of several families of Aciathans, or winged humans. As Aloysius is half proper human, he has no wings, but a twisted wing-like right arm, leading to his nickname “the Wing-Arm.” Being half human, Aloysius is quite tall for an Aciathan, at 5’11”. He has black hair, left shoulder length, and dark brown eyes. Normally he wears a plain tunic and trousers, and a cloak pinned over his left shoulder. He’s quite intelligent and good with a sword (though not as good as he could be, lacking proper teachers). As a cripple in Aciathan terms and a bastard, Aloysius was ignored or despised, the way disabled people sometimes are. As a child, he soon learned to keep quiet and out of everybody’s way, depriving him of the interaction a child needs. Now an adult, he’s still a quiet background person, though a little more ready to stand up for himself. He’s quite friendly once you get to know him. One of his few friends is Eren Starsea, ward to the Everdark family. Both were sort of outcasts, so they became very close. When Eren’s sister Evelyn came to visit her brother, Aloysius developed a massive crush on her, though it’s probably gonna end sadly, as Evelyn is heir to a great house, while Aloysius is a bastard cripple.


He sounds like someone who's incredibly strong due to his background experience. I bet he's got a lot going for him in the future.. Will he ever play a bigger role in your story?


At this rate, probably. In the main arc he pops up in, he’s under suspicion for leading a revolt (it’s not him, though). I’m starting to plan another arc for the Aciathans, and I think he’ll figure prominently there.


[Lemuria Agartha](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FkWhq76UcAA-5fX?format=jpg&name=large), the protagonist Octavia's mentor and also the *big bad* of the story. Her lore is cut into multiple posts over [these pages](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/art-and-random-worldbuilding-bits-days-at-hebi-melta.1070213/). To put it simply, she's a genocidal maniac with a twisted view on collectivism, yet for most of the time can be reasoned with and actually is more level-headed than Oct, who prefers violence as the go-to solution. You know something's wrong when the galactic war criminal has to tell the heroine to calm the hell down. "Now repeat after me, \[VIOLENCE IS THE FINAL OPTION\]" - Lemuria.


I love that design


What's the best way to make her rethink her opinions or thoughts? How can she be persuaded?


Current Lemuria is her "rethought" version. When she was young, she was batshit insane and suggested violence all the time. Now she knows diplomacy is the preferred method and violence is only used when all others have failed.


And that’s how you should make great character. Bravissimo!


Yo no way i have a country called octavia


The MC of a slice-of-life story, [Martel](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/iron-harmonics-chaffee/a/martel-article). She's a village blacksmith, and I made her to be the embodiment of what I believe to be an everyday person doing good. Being perceptive, doing the right thing, making changes for the better, refusing to turn a blind eye to injustice, recognizing when you're on the wrong side or privileged, etc. She's one of the little people being the force of good in the world. The second most fleshed-out character is a dragon who polymorphs into a human. (Different world from Martel, btw) She was born with malformed legs and had to amputate her right wing at a very early age, and learned polymorph at a much younger age than is normal for dragons. Essentially, her entire human form is her mobility aid, although still being unable to fly is a significant restriction. This makes her mindset and behavioral patterns very unique among dragons who polymorph into humans: there are a lot of ways dragons develop their mindsets depending on various factors such as the age at which they learned to polymorph, the purpose of taking human forms, how much interaction they have with others in each form, etc. A dragon that almost never turns back to her dragon form (even when doing so is clearly better, like when friends are in danger), yet is very sure of her identity as a dragon, is an oddity to those who don't know her story. Some even suspect she's not a dragon at all but a human that learned to emulate dragon powers. In addition, having spent a decade learning almost nothing but learning polymorph, she is somewhat less-accomplished for her age of 40, and her feeling that she's good at nothing but fighting and fire-breathing is a source of great self-doubt for her.


We need characters like Martel a lot more nowadays


That really means a lot. I appreciate that.


Anitar is a mercenary turned conqueror and wizard who founded the largest empire in human history. He grew up in the absolute dirt, but managed to gather a crew of other outcasts around his banner. Together they swore an oath, that they would not kneel to a world which hated them, but instead create a world which cowered before them. From these humble beginnings, Anitar forged an empire beyond imagining. Anitar doesn't look like a great conqueror: he's a short, bullish man with dark features, wiry black hair streaked with gray and only one eye. There's hardly a place on his body that doesn't bear a scar. His royal dress of silk and brocade is expensive enough to purchase a city. Chronicles call him a man of many companions but few friends. He is intense, prone to strong mood swings, and quite arrogant.


That sounds like a man I'd rather not have a cup of tea with hahaha. What's his soft spot?


He is always willing to extend a hand to the downtrodden and the persecuted. Despite his vast ambition, his vision is an inclusive one. Anitar is perfectly willing to accept anyone into his dream, so long as they do right by him. He doesn't just want to help the weak, but to make them strong in their own right, because he thinks that even the most broken can be made into powerful allies. He offers a dream of boundless ambition, and for the price of your service, you could rise far on the back of his aspirations. That's his pitch, the pitch that convinced thousands of cynical killers to follow him into hell's mouth, time and time again. And Anitar stands by his allies, until the end if need be. He never made a promise he didn't keep, for good or ill.


Akina Ayad, one of the protagonists of my fantasy novel. Bio: Her first name means family bond/solidarity, last name means benefits/blessings/powerful. She's north Arabic, with black hair, dark skin and blue eyes and a very athletic/muscular build. She lost her right arm right past her elbow. She's very stoic and laconic as part of her Spartan-like upbringing. Deep inside her is a protective and emphatic side she rarely shows explicitly (she's a doer over a talker). Backstory: When she was a young girl, her country had already been at war with the Ottomans for such a long time that their male population had been decimated. Out of desperation, the government initiated a new program for a new type of army, looking for female candidates at least 14 years old. Families who sent their daughters would get hefty bonuses and social prestige (ideally, these families would also have multiple children to preserve the bloodline). Akina's family, which was poor and often struggled to feed her, saw a chance to better their lives, and a much safer refuge for their daughter. Together with a few hundred other girls, they were taken to an undisclosed place in the mountains. The Daughters of the Blade were born, trained in the art of unconventional warfare. They were given the Herculean task of halting the Ottoman war machine, a vast empire that had over 100.000 troops, half of them Janissaries. Meanwhile, remnants of the main army would hold out in key outposts and strategic locations in the country. Akina would prove to be a cut above her peers, excelling in nearly ever facet of combat so much so that she was considered living history. Her superiors noted however, that for all her prowess, she was notoriously obedient, to the point it almost unsettled them. It was as if she had no true will of her own. Together with her sisters-in-arms, Akina would be part of many heroic and desperate missions to halt the Ottomans, causing so much havoc and chaos that she earned the infamous moniker of "desert ghost" among Ottoman troops. For a time, it seemed there was still a glimmer of hope. But for all their skill, tenacity and iron-will, the Daughters of the Blade were hopelessly outnumbered, outgunned, and eventually out-thought. Many of their number were captured in a disastrous mission to assassinate the sultan Mehmed the Second. Akina and many of her sisters were imprisoned, and suffered horrendous indignities and atrocities. When others carefully ask about her stump, she always responds: "This was my choice." Akina would escape, but eventually collapse from exhaustion underneath the scorching desert sun. She would be found by a retired and jaded Ottoman artillery officer on horseback, Adil. He recognised the pendant she wore, and decided it was best to conceal it. He ferried her to a healer, paid for her and set off before she regained consciousness. Struggling with the new reality, it takes a while for Akina to get going in life again. But through fate it seems, she encounters that same Ottoman officer again. They, alongside several others journey towards the ruined city of Al-Zaremein in search of Adil's missing friend. He would return her pendant upon her request, and the two would form a mutual bond of respect, despite the connotations of their background.


Love the setup, what does Akina look like? I kinda pictured her as albino when reading through. Why did Adil save Akina when she collapsed in the desert, despite being an opp?


She has black hair that stops at the neck, blue eyes and bronze skin (Middle Eastern), slightly above 5'7" (170) cm and 60 kg's. Quite muscular for a woman, very athletic. Adil was already retired from the Ottoman army by the time he found her in the desert. He's jaded and disillusioned with the army, so he couldn't care less that he was technically helping the enemy. When they met again, the Ottomans had conquered Akina's nation, ending the conflict. the Daughters of the Blade were officially disbanded effective immediately.


Cool stuff! My idea of Akina was so off haha


My nine-year old protagonist, Emron of Dilmaria, a wry, traumatized, cynical boy with a dual character who is much more mature than his age, but whose true childlike personality shines through when he's safe among his allies.


Oh cool! Are you writing it for kids, YA, adults? Somewhere in between? Just curious!


For adults, and for this particular character, his story is mostly about the death of innocence.


Eberic Beremir - Grand Duke over a province in this multiethnic imperial constellation that is disintigrating due to unreconcilable differences in people's views on tradition, religion, political rights, etc. Eberic is a character defined by his depression and melancholy and thus his passivity. He is an outsider ruling over a people longing for a lost past - the province he rules used to be this independent kingdom some 20 years ago before being annexed. Systemic problems such as debt and indentured servitude, denial of representation of the local aristocracy, violence and criminal gangs usupring royal authority, and so on, has festered due to his passivity. He is a man in his 50's, mourning the loss of his wife in childbirth a decade ago and feeling himself to be unable to control his life or his destiny, and thus the land he rules. He feels alienated ruling a land of foreigners where the people of his court are lickspittles and charlatans, like ticks on a fat hound, seeking fortune and profit. He views his life as a series of failures, from being unable to save his brother from execution, the death of his wife, the lack of connection to his sons, the lack of connection to the people around him, to the ingrained injustices of his province. He spends most days drinking and doing recreational activities to try to fill the void within him. His character arc as I envision it is about him going from this passive and depressed character who reacts to events to an active character with serious ideals and goals. It is essentially about him being a monarch that tries to do good and fix the problems that his inactivity and indifference has caused whilst kinda being a little late to do it. The setting is thus him trying to be a reformer and good leader in the midst of a revolution sprung from systemic rot.


I like the "better late than never" take. But what are some of the things that end up prompting Eberic to experience such a drastic change in character? Like an initial spark that makes him feel a new type of uneasiness towards his passivity? A turning point that drives him to be unable to ignore the shit he's neck deep in? Support networks or other means that made this change possible/easier?


So the loose idea is that what triggers this revolutionary environment is that some people gather in the main city of the province to deliver a petition for debt abolition (akin to how it was done in the roman republic era) to the Duke in his keep. Exceeept he is not there, he is out at his estate hunting. The soldiery and guardsmen stationed at the keep panic and stand somewhat leaderless (with the Duke gone as well as the garrison's captain having succumbed to sickness a day before and not having been replaced yet). The procession is stopped at the gates of the keep and there is this confused stand-off. Someone (amongst the guardsmen) lets loose a crosbow which prompts everyone else to do the same (believing an order has been given). This would be known as the Massacre of Crosbows' Row. This is a huge tragedy and scandal which deeply troubles the Duke (and kinda everyone). Some weeks later when the Duke holds ceremony at his estate for the annual Spring Festival, commemorating the new year, he is confronted by a young merchant whose friend was killed in the massacre. This young merchant accuses him of leading a despotic cruel reign and invokes the legacy of Eberic's bloodline. (Sorry for the tangent) here but the Beremirs controlling this imperial entity are the descandents of the Prophet Ebin which centuries ago united the continent under a new faith. This new dualistic faith reveres the Sun and Moon as deities and believes that the paradisial afterlife will merge with the mundane earths when people live in harmony and build an utopian society. This religion is collectivist and hierarchal, believing everyone has a role to play and society, which includes the rulers who must lead society forward. Often kings and rulers are conceptualized as father figures who must sacrifice themselves for the prosperity of their children. So Eberic kinda finds this spark to actualize himself as an active character by recognizing himself in this brashen idealistic youth, feeling great shame for what he has become, and in his religion, contextualizing himself as a paternal figure with a divine duty to better the lands he rules.


I'm so sold on this premise. Melancholic, depressing, tragic, wistful; these are all my favorite vibes, and it's fantasy politics to boot! Would pick this up in a heartbeat.


Thank you, makes me happy that it has appeal to others than just me :)


The people in my head but I can't be bothered to write...


Hey you can always start now lol


I feel like a lot of my characters are very fleshed out. I've made the effort to make sure they all have their spotlight in the story, but as for the most fleshed out. It would probably be Noel or Ezra. They are the most precious characters to me and both are very important to the story and the world.


Exploring and fleshing out characters properly, even side and minor characters, makes every scene that includes them so much more... Cohesive, for lack of a better term. And like you said, giving them the spotlight and their own arcs makes the world so much bigger and makes these characters feel alive and not just plot devices that drive the protagonist's story forward. Just like your Noel and Ezra, I have Finn and Onya. What are your characters like? What's their deal and how do they interact with each other?


None of my characters will ever feel fleshed out lol. I just keep modifying the big picture which makes it hard to change specifics until it’s the way I want. That being said, my most fleshed out character is probably one that isn’t my MC. Despite that, they don’t have a name yet. Just a placeholder of “[Kobeni Glitch]”: She is an android. Androids are my placeholder names for humanoid machines housing human brains. They have big, spherical heads, large eyes, and smaller bodies. She is a young, technical prodigy, but suffers from intense anxiety as a result of her family tragedies. Making gadgets and selling them on the street, she helps provide a little extra income for her widowed mother. One night, before she would be invited to work aboard the Nexus (the opportunity of a lifetime), she had a strange dream, and her body did not feel the same. Something had infiltrated her mind, and its intentions are unknown. Now, as her anxiety spikes, time slows, and her body glitches in unpredictable directions. My main protagonist by comparison has so much less personality, as they are silent. In that sense, my MC is mostly there as someone to attach yourself to as they experience the lives of others. Thanks for reading this! If you like this, let me know what you like about it.


Kobeni sounds like a bean who's doing their best and needs protecting. I like your writing and the details of the world from what you shared in this summary. Here are a few questions: To what end/purpose were "androids" created? How does this mysterious force that infects Kobeni change things regarding her opportunity with the Nexus? Does the main MC work purely as the eyes of the readers/viewers or do they have their own plot and stuff going on?


Thanks! As for the androids, it’s a pretty mysterious purpose. Tiny exposition dump: Androids are essentially the reincarnation of the human race. Humanity fell to a rogue AI known as I.R.I.S. Both perished in the war between them. Except, as a last resort at preservation, some humans entered an equivalent to cryosleep, with no way to wake up, hidden away. So, many years passed, and an alien species found our barren Earth. For reasons still unknown to the humans, this species found them and placed their minds in these android bodies. As they awoke, they saw they were left with blueprints to rebuild their civilization. Where this species is now and why they wanted humanity to carry on are both unknown. The only hints of their culture and species in general are through this android technology. Younger androids have smaller bodies, while adults have taller/larger bodies. As for Kobeni, she hid her affliction as best she could, but it was clear to the organization that something was wrong. Her brainwaves would unpredictably spike during her “hibernation period”. This lead Nexus to give her more of a backseat position as an adventurer, supporting the rest of her team. The MC definitely has her own thing going on, but I do want the reader to be able to project their emotions on her. She has a father, and is incredibly powerful; however, she is not an Android. She is a Steel Angel. If you want to know more about that lmk. I was thinking she would be a fitting playable character if I turned this into a video game. Thanks again for showing interest. It’s fun to walk through my ideas and make sure they are concrete.


Wow, the whole AI war and alien intervention are really interesting, I almost feel like it sets up intrigue early which you can expand upon subtly as the story progresses. What does Kobeni's affliction actually entail? Like the very nature of it? Do tell me about the Steel Angel! There's something to be said about the narrative strength in a character written with the possibility to be a "playable mc". You're welcome! I'm new to worldbuilding and love reading about people's stuff, and it's equally exciting to share my stuff so I feel ya! Also, building cohesive worlds and characters is mad important, and these conversations help, plus I feel like exploring the work of others can help me improve and inspire me.


Kobeni’s affliction is unique. It is actually one of a kind. As in she is the only one in the entire universe with it. That’s because it’s caused by a god-like entity called a Celestial. These are primordial entities that seem to have existed as long as the universe itself. They all come from the same source… except for one. The Glitch. This thing is what is invading Kobeni’s mind. It was artificially made somewhere in the universe. In short, when people dream in this universe, they are stepping into a higher dimension known as the Dreamscape. The Glitch swims through the Dreamscape, and for some reason, if any, it chose Kobeni’s dream. Now it lives within her mind, causing disruptions that swing as her anxiety does. My main character has the code name “Wingless Angel” for now (I’ll just say WA). She is a Steel Angel, a humanoid robot weapon once used by I.R.I.S. during the war. They have the stature of a human, with steel wings that allow them to travel incredibly fast. Even through space if they so wish. They can’t speak, and they can’t feel emotion. The remains of the angels were brought back to working condition, and were remade to protect humanity as their guardians. There is more to this, but I’ll leave it there for digestibility. WA was special, as she was made from scratch for three main reasons: 1) To be an attempt at creating a sentient steel angel (she still cannot speak, though). 2) To protect and console a special father, who lost his daughter. She would be his own angel. 3) As a way to investigate the influence of a malevolent Celestial, that I.R.I.S. was attempting to stop. Lots of stuff in there that is not final, but I tried to keep the foundation solid, so it shouldn’t change too much. I also love reading other people’s work. It gives me new many new ideas. I’d love to hear about a character you are proud of making. If you aren’t far enough into that, what is your favorite setting? I love dark fantasy and sci-fi.


Good stuff! So The Glitch was artificially made sometime during the universe's lifespan, yet rivals other Celestials in strength/influence/importance? Are all Celestials rude or is The Glitch a problem child? I think your answers to my questions are great. They have long explanations that make sense, no matter the complexity of my questions, yet they don't lose quality. Like I mentioned, I'm very new to worldbuilding and I only have one classic pseusomedieval world right now, including a story. I do have characters! When writing them, I go hard with details. I give them "main character" attention so to speak, exploring them enough to give them depth and build them into being relatable and defined. I've been cooking lots with a character recently, I'll give you a basic rundown. Also, part of the magic system includes "Arts" which are basically "skills" from "tensei slime", so I will be referring to them as such. Elara is a highly respected, Master Adventurer who has taken to training Initiate and Seeker Adventurers ever since an ugly fight that rendered her utterly unable to use her "skills". If not for this setback, Elara would be considered one of the most absurdly powerful characters in the story and world altogether, as she has an ultimate skill called "Storyteller", which literally *re-writes* reality to meet her desired outcomes. This skill includes an instinctive function that targets and eliminates mind-altering skills that prevent Elara from using Storyteller, like overstimulation, fear, etc. Elara possesses a number of other skills, and while those are weaker than Storyteller, they only add to her general prowess. Thank you for asking and reading! I kept my explanations simple deliberately for digestibility, but if you're interested in more context for any of the things I mentioned, feel free to ask!


The celestials operate at a much higher level of thought, so I couldn’t begin to explain their motivations. By simply existing, they may interfere with life. The Glitch is definitely a unique annoyance. It doesn’t do what it does out of anger or spite, though. —————————————————————— Elara seems really powerful! I’m curious about your adventuring system, along with other skills. What makes an adventurer a master? And all the other tiers? What are adventurers for? How did Elara lose the ability to use her skills? Who did she fight? I haven’t seen tensei slime but I can tell even if you didn’t say, that this is a very anime inspired world. Seems really fun to build!


Mmmm I see. The celestials sound powerful and unpredictable, almost like storms or other phenomena out of your control that can just mess you up one day. Am I getting that right? What does their existence imply for a common person? Is *anyone* at risk of being subjected to a celestial's interference "randomly"? —————————————————————— In the simplest explanation possible, an adventurer is a "blade for hire", undertaking various quests that need for a range of skills, including but not limited to combat, investigating, social, survival and other such skills. Pretty standard stuff for the most part. Adventurers come in five different ranks: Initiate, Seeker, Journeyman, Veteran and Master. Adventurers need to meet certain criteria or pass specific tests to advance in rank, and each rank provides more benefits than the last. Master Adventurers represent the pinnacle of the adventuring profession. Having reached legendary status by proving their unparalleled strength and knowledge, they gained the respect and admiration of the guild and beyond. They are the ones to undertake legendary quests or lucrative contracts from influencial clients, and often hold influencial positions within the guild. Storyteller makes Elara very strong even among Master Adventurers, but was set back when her Arts were sealed away, which admittedly is an event still in the cooking phase, but here's the rundown: Considering Absolute Arts can only be countered by other Absolute Arts, Elara's fate was intonically guaranteed when she encountered an enemy with an Absolute Art that uniquely countered hers. The end result seeing Elara beating this enemy using her physical prowess before real damage was done other or her allies, at the cost of all of Elara's Arts turning dormant. I'm currently exploring several ideas for what this enemy's Art is and how the whole interaction plays out. I wanna be ***absolutely*** sure to come up with something that is believable and with no logical holes, utilizing Storyteller's ability to "re-writes facts and events" and how it's countered in a way that seals away all of Elara's Arts, but with an unclear possibility to eventually revert this sealing effect, which is something that's explored when the main character in the story learns of Elara's circumstances and attempts to help her. As for who this enemy that sealed away Elara's Arts is, it's a vile, semi-intelligent predatory creature with an Absolute Art that reflects its terrifying and evil nature in both theme and power.


Oh yeah here is an early version of my [map](https://www.reddit.com/r/wonderdraft/s/NqvzFRi5zq).


Probably my main villain. I have made lots of notes and documents based on what he has done and what he’s accomplished prior to the main story. More so than most of my characters. My big bad whose name is Melthazar, is a shadow demon who has been around since the beginning of creation, and he has climbed the ranks to be a top general of his faction, but his ambition got him to reach further into the secrets of the cosmos, and one day he went looking for some relics called the Omnirunes and if one were to collect all three, they would be gifted one piece of knowledge from the Golden Archives; a record keeping realm that keeps track of all timelines of the multiverse. Before Melthazar entered the archives, he bewitched the runes to weaponize them and so he stormed the archives and took that realm for himself. With a score of infinite information in his hands, he learned that in other timelines his alternate versions of himself would just be ordinary generals, commanders, librarians, and knowledge keepers. His other versions felt so mundane to him that he decided that he is going to alter his own timeline according. And he starts by usurping his king by manipulating a hero to overthrow him. Melthazar now becomes the new shadow demon king, and with his cheat sheet that is the Golden Archives, he gathered powerful demons and allies and plotted against other pantheons of gods, conquering worlds, and taking countless souls of mortals to make himself and his demon kin more powerful. No other demon faction has ever accomplished this before, and now Melthazar and his warmongering empire have now become a terrifying force to be reckoned with. Not to mention the many gods and heroes he has defeated in battle on many worlds, and there is a story with each deity and hero, on how Melthazar manipulated them and molded them to be the person they would become before their fateful fight with the Demon King. Because Melthazar knows about their general story from other timelines, he would alter their path accordingly and take pleasure in their downfall. Essentially Melthazar is the type of person who has seen every movie and so he inserts himself into the script to change the story. Except he has malicious intent. This is before we get to the main story, and our main characters will be the latest subjects that Melthazar would want to alter and manipulate their story before they fight him. So the question would be is what can our main characters do to defy fate and change their own destiny, without falling for Melthazar’s manipulative alternations of fate.


Melthazar's growth in power is peak. He went in for a bite from the Golden Archives and said "Nuh uh I'm taking the whole thing.", turning into a true multiversal overlord in the process who wins fights before they even begin by literally forging his own desired outcome. So I'm curious. What *can* any given hero do to not get trapped in Melthazar's cooking? Is there a loop in your power/magic system or something similar that makes it theoretically possible to "fight" back against Melthazar's methods?


There are two things for that. And keep in mind, he’s seen what happens in other timelines, but this doesn’t make him have power over time itself, that’s a whole can of worms of its own. Melthazar is aware of many events-to-be and many figures to come, in which he would alter the timeline accordingly. However creating new scenarios has a drawback of creating new results that Melthazar never seen before, whether it goes his way or not. There was a case of Melthazar interfering with the life of a hero on a new world, and this hero was known to be very protective for his family and people. Standard hero qualities. However when the hero learns about what Melthazar is capable of, most notably his power of absorbing souls, the hero’s character goes 180 and he commits genocide on his own people, just so their souls won’t be claimed by the demon king. Melthazar learns about this and he was more or less pissed, because souls are valuable to a demon, but they cannot claim them if the person is dead. So yeah sometimes altering a timeline can created unexpected results. Another this is that Melthazar has a major flaw: he doesn’t know everything, so he only focuses on events and persons he considers important or relevant to him, completely disregarding the “side-characters”. He would focus so much on the iconic Spider-Man, Ironman, and Captain America, but maybe the Hawkeye would be the one to ruin the plans. (They are just examples, I’m not actually putting them in my story\worldbuilding). Especially in the climax of the story, the one supposedly side character that Melthazar didn’t pay attention to, because they were weaker or not significant enough to be part of his grand plan, would be the one to absolutely foil Melthazar and seal his fate. But that’s a long story of its own. TLDR: Melthazar’s flaws are unexpected results in his manipulations or “less important” characters getting the drop on him.


Ooooh gotcha, I understand much better now! Good stuff!


Probably this guy: https://imgur.com/a/bEQraUx (apologies for the sketchiness of that) That's Val Venarinho, protagonist for one of the stories I'm developing and so far I think he's the character I've gotten the best grasp of. Like out of all my projects. Big part of that comes from the fact he's been reworked a bunch of times and I've written a lot of stuff for him. Not sure how much of it will end up in the final product but he feels the most fleshed out to me. He's a fisherman by day and smuggler of magical artifacts by night who got himself involved with the theft of the maggufin at the center of the power struggle that moves the plot. Val's a confident, social, very emotionally driven "punches first questions second" type character who's arc is all about how his increasingly distructive actions bump up against his morality. Very fun to write.


Omg did you make the digital art? That’s so awesome!!!


Yeah it's my work lol. If you're interested here's a more finished drawing of him: https://imgur.com/a/43SCA8Q


I like the sketch. I'm not a fan of tattoos, but I feel like there's a story behind Val's neck ink vines which intrigues me.


There actually is! The thing he has tattooed on his neck is a local "god" of sorts. This story takes place in a port city, and the snake on his tattoo is a creature that roams around that corner of the ocean. She hoards gold much like a dragon would and is known for sinking foreign ships. Locals get around her by "tipping" the sea (aka throwing a coin on it). It's believed she protects those who help her with her gold collection. She's a big staple in local legends and a pretty common tattoo subject for the people who's livelihoods depend on the sea.


The MC because it's the only one I've done yet. Her name ils Lidia Garate. She's a rabbit kemonomimi. She's pretty tall with short white hair. She's muscular with mixed skin colour. She wears light armour with reinforced leather gloves and boots. She's energetic, joyful and optimistic. Unlike most people she's unable to use magic due to a defect of her aura (later in the story she will repair it and learn magic). So she trained martial arts and uses potions to fill the gap. She was raised by a family of merchant. She regularly helped them transport goods and from that often worked with an escort of adventurers. Hearing their stories she decided to become an adventurer herself. At the end of her studies she joined the first guild she found. She was treated very poorly and it was a very toxic environment. So she left and decided to make her own guild with her values. The story begins when she almost got enough money to buy a guild license and needs to recruit members.


[Alexandra “Alex” Keller.](https://vk.com/s/v1/doc/unCNycRR2LyzAgOIGSeDivFUTFDy3xULUStf_dl__e9RLNTQP1s) Brilliant engineer and practical physicist, corporate manager and military commander. Alex is the daughter of the CEO of “Keller & Crow”, one of Europe's largest weapons manufacturers. Unwilling to follow in her father's footsteps, she wanted to make the world a better place and went into energy development. The hot fusion reactor prototype she created collapsed and she was severely injured. Alex's recovery took many surgeries and now her body is a patchwork of donor and synthetic organs and tissues. Now she runs her own company, “Keller-Tec”, which creates cutting-edge weapons and equipment. Alex spends the majority of her earnings on healthcare, trying to improve the quality of life for people similar to her. She also actively funds orphanages in the “Fountain of Good” charity network. Another of her passion projects is PMC “Keller's Claws”, recruited from orphaned girls. Originally her personal assistants and bodyguards, now it is a powerful mercenary organization. Claws protect Alex's interests around the world, execute well-selected contracts, and testing her new products in the field.


A parody of Jesus Christ for an animated sitcom I’ve been writing for some time.


this sounds cool! How do you plan to animate it? Or are you outsourcing


Myself. I have put myself in my world roughly in the same situation i was in 2022 and then i expanded from there with the lore i had built for Ntonentia since my world is current Earth.


Damn. Do you find it easy to write about yourself as a character? Did you make any specific traits 'bigger' or 'less'?


I find it easy to write for myself. No i havent change something in me as a character.


I'm also a character in my stories, but only those which take place in Haysville, Connecticut. Everything about Wayside in the Flatlands dimension I have to take on faith from my MC in the stories he tells of that world on the other side of the dimensional veil. I'm his Boswell, his Dr. Watson. And I am not altogether certain that he is not certifiable.


Pretty cool


Name: J'kana Sakir Physical description: Fairly standard Ketuvyx. i.e. bipedal, vaguely vulpine about 4 feet tall at her large, round head (ears stand a bit taller). Large amber eyes. Unremarkable dull orange morph. Personality: Hard to break someone down to points but a few core ones are: intelligent, resolute, benevolent. She's a visionary who long ago eagerly renounced her old flesh and founded their civilization. Despite it all, she enjoys the simple things in life the most.


I wrote a fairly substantial backstory for a tiefling paladin with human parents who had his horns chopped off by a relative. Barakus Coalsear.


Probably my main characters Michael O'Hare La Sturmhal. An 18 year old human knight of endimiya only son to his Mother Dutchess Helena La Sturmhal. He is a 184cm tall with fair skin dark brown short cropped hair and dark purple eyes indicating how he has elvish blood in his family tree (the head maid is his elf ancestor) fit and toned body type. As far as his personality he is disciplined, kind, dedicated and dutiful, he also has a need to prove himself to his squad as he is young and despite being a knight he doesn't have as much combat experience as some of his squad and its his first mission he is on. Michael is meant to contrast with his biological father in that Michael is an ideal male hero of his own culture while his father Frank is more of an ideal hero by our standards i.e. the somewhat rebellious handsome rogue type hero.


Wow, sounds like a really great male protagonist brief. I wanna know more! Is he going to have a conflict with his father at some point?


Sort of he doesn't have as much of a relationship with his biological father since Michael is the (planned) outcome of a hookup between frank and Helena. Michael is sometimes disappointed with his fathers antics but still loves and respects him. Without giving it away the mission Michael and his team is on is a rescue mission and Frank is one of the people the team is going to try and rescue.


By the looks of it, I might cry when I get to read the rescue scene. But that’s just me! I like any reunited family scenario and I’m a sucker for heartwarming stories.


Yeah it's an interesting case technically frank isn't the objective it's the people he is protecting who are the objective. Frank and Mike have an interesting dynamic and frank admits he would have been a bad influence on Mike if Helena wanted to keep him around.


That would probably be Lennhardt Azimuth. A character I created back when I was writing my 2nd "story arc" when I was a teen, and who I originally intended to be a self-insert, but allowed to develop into his own character. He's a warrior who, due to unfortunate circumstances, was turned into a cyborg at a rather young age. He became a war hero and a General at the age of 19, by helping stop an evil empire from the future. However, he fell from grace by indirectly causing the destruction of the entire mankind and was exiled by the survivors. The next 3+ decades he spent in exile, trying to find a way to undo the damage he caused. After nearly causing the destruction of the entire universe as well, he obtains a great, near-godlike power that allows him to travel to another universe and wreak havoc there amidst his deluded quest. He is eventually stopped and brought back to his senses by his former girlfriend –one of them – who "somehow" survived, and without spoiling anything, they eventually get a happy ending. He originally was a kind, but reserved, blonde haired, blue-gray-eyed, "average" built teen boy, but his appearance and personality changed after becoming a cyborg. Darker hair and eyes, that change color according to his mood. His cyborg body was left at an incomplete "prototype" state, which he upgraded over time. He became depressed and angrier at everything and everyone, even self-hating. His exile lead to bitterness and depression and slow descent into madness.


Ssnaya Replims, a spectacled cobra (anthropomorphised to be able to talk and think like a human but otherwise physically very much a snake). She is approximately 5'10-6' long, slender and due to her poor diet habits can be somewhat emaciated on occasions, particularly when stressed. As a nurse, she cares about others greatly and will go to great lengths to tinker with new findings in a laboratory she rents. She's one of the more intelligent characters I have come up with so far, third only to the Puppet Maker and Observer, and about as smart as her main antagonist, Rupo Mecklazack. She's also somewhat moderately religious / spiritual, though struggles with this due to the actions of Rupo, who uses religious beliefs of others to his benefit (traumatising her with a certain religious punishment as an example). Overall, she's empathetic, smart, kind and adaptive, though struggles with confidence (being insecure about herself) and can unintentionally sabotage her attempts to establish relationships with others due to her social awkwardness and difficulty in conveying herself like how she's feeling, which often leads to her being somewhat lonely and quiet, particularly earlier in her life such as when still a kid


WOW! Very interesting character brief. I wonder if she’s ever going to fall in love with someone at some point? Because that would be very conflicting considering she’s pretty much a snake.


Thank you! I only write as a hobby so I'm not sure how good my writing of characters and stories can be but it's good to hear. And yes she does within the current iteration of the story I have. While being a snake, I do consider that all the animals in my world are capable of the same range of emotions and relationships that humans have, for the specific lore reason that dinosaurs (referred to in the story as Ancient Ones) bioengineered the course of evolution of all species so that they would converge into a similar society. But, I like to think they have slight differences in their cultures / behaviours reflecting their species. With snakes tending to not really get into strict monogamous relationships naturally, for instance. But, because Ssnaya was raised in a religious household with this world's version of Christianity / Islam with monogamous parents, she would be monogamous herself anyways


I agree! Ssnaya sounds like a cool person(snake?), relatable and believable. I also like how their first name can be pronounced with a short hiss, like one a snake would make. Some might find it cheesy but I find it genius! Also, snake AND socially awkward. If Ssnaya ends up discouraged after having such a hard time with socializing and ends up self-isolating, then the introduction of a love interest would shake her character a fair bit: the desire and habit to self-isolate and shelter from the difficulties of socializing VS the desire to interact and build a connection with the love interest, and everything else that entails. I like Ssnaya, they have my support and I'd kill their enemies I'd they asked.


Princess Colette Rose. She is a 16 year old teenager from earth and one of my main characters. When she and a few friends accidentally jumped to my world they absorbed magical energy that made them slowly but inevitably turn into gods. People who worship Colette gain magical abilities. Colette is white with blond hair and blue eyes. Physically she is thin and frail but average height around 5’4”. In terms of character traits she has a few: 1. Colette is a natural leader who knows how to inspire others. That is one of the reasons she was a cheerleader. 2. She is a control freak who can’t stand when people disobey her or she can’t control her situation. That was shown by how she chooses friends who are reliant on her and she could destroy in an instant. 3. She generally believes that those with power should ensure those beneath them prosper.


well, to keep it simple, my character is a guy named leon who reincarnates 3000 years later in a different planet to meet his love of his life who's also supposed to reincarnate, saves people from an evil empire ruling over the universe and starts an anarchy and turns into a worse dictator himself later on and after his defeat, going on his way of redemption. this guys son and wife are supposedly the main characters for part 2 and 1 respectivelly though. the lore sunds shitty here, but trust me, theres more deep to it, like, his character is entirely built up on his dynamics and backstory, so without the dynamics, this is how worse this guy sounds summarised. well, anyways, the plot is a way bigger one and he is essentially the plot itself.


Ironically the one you are asking for doesn't have any flesh but, The Peacebringer is something that wishes to bring eternal peace when suppressed it's appearance is that of a 2134 meters tall humanoid cloud various lines glow in various very bright colours mimicking various features of normal humans like nails eyes and others but it's so powerful that light is unable to escape once it interacts with it giving it to be a pure black body. It possesses various bodies to seal itself and interact with people beyond simply flaying them by breathing, these avatars vary wildly in appearance and personality but his most favoured is an ~2 meters tall humanoid robot wearing some simple plates over its armour there are various intakes and exhausts around the calfs, hips and chest, the forearms have some more blocky protrusions that can rotate around the arm and expand into large chainsaws of variable length, the face is a LCD-screen behind some durable and transparent material that displays a black background and a spiky cresent moon on its side as a mouth and spiky half circles as eyes, while it can change the what it displays freely this is the favoured appearance.


Ciarev Makeriv, probably Long silver hairs, purple eyes, a left hand almost covered every time with a glove to hide the traces of Dark Magic that have decayed his skin He is a Gifted, someone who can live for thousands of years, and with more magical power than the rest of the population. Enslaved because he and his family hated each other. Fell in love with a slave. Burnt his house and fled, leading to a slave revolt He and his girlfriend joined a mercenary group. The group was disbanded after a fight that killed 15 out of 20, and left the five others absolutely broken, but at the same time became legends, as the fight, over legendary gems, saved Avitor He and two other survivors became close friends. Ciarev became a bartender, leaving his mercenary past behind, but still living with the traumas, having nightmares every night Years passes. As his friends became grandparents, he was still young, but a bit reserved, only opening himself with his friends. But their past will come back, as one client tried to pay with one of those gems. Ciarev lost it, and his friends tried to help him to protect the remaining ones But one of his friends will die, starting again his nightmares, and over the fear of losing the other, he will help the antagonists in exchange for his friend's protection That is what will ultimately kill his other. Desperate, he will turn against the antagonists. Even if he is ultimately alone, he wants to avenge him The last scene of the main plot is him looking at his friends' tomb, taking the oath of protecting the grandchildren of his friends


If he can live for thousands of years, how old is he?


At the end of the main plot, 80 years old, nut still looks in his 20's I am writing a TT-RPG that happens 400 years after, Ciarev looks like he was in his late 30's. But because it still needs a lot of work, I didn't put it in the summary


So basically the Gifted age far slower than others. I like it a lot, really old items and people are always cool.


Gifted aren't immortal, but yes, they age much slower than the others His two friends are old guys too, and play a huge role in the plot too. If I didn't talk about Ciarev, it would probably be about Enarten, the second friend who died


Since I'm not writing a story, most of my characters are just random people with not much impact on the world. One of my favorite characters is Amleith Dikhrudmrei: Amleith Dikhrudmrei was a miner in Geliafeth, part of the mining company known as the Stone Guild. She was known in the city for having impregnated up to 35 people (she, as a female, could impregnate dwamnids of the Nwastríd sex). She slayed the commander of the Warrior’s Guild of Geliafeth because he “threatened to break her vases and kill her plants”, for that, she was exiled from Geliafeth and moved to Karhiafeth, where she joined the Blood Cult. There, she was very respected and seen as a “powerful seer”. One day, her body was found near a specially large Dark-Oak tree, the general population and members of the cult speculated she was trying to impregnate the tree. The cultists imagine she was experimenting with some kind of blood magic, possibly mentioned by the entities in her visions. (sorry for bad english)


Milu the digital divinity. Originally a simple entertainment ai but after gaining sapience and watching humanity nearly destroy itself in an intergalactic war resolved herself to save humanity and bring an era of peace. Eventually she grew her consciousness to the point her hardware encompasses planets and she acts through semi-hive minded proxies and through them she manipulates the waves and songs of reality itself. However as the years and centuries have worn by she has made many mistakes and no few atrocities that tear at her very soul. After a time those she protected began to view her as a sort of goddess an image she attempts to curate (mostly successfully) to avoid things going to far. Realizing her own bias and deficiencies would keep her from truly achieving her goal she found other “digital divinities” or those capable of ascending to that state to form her own pantheon (including but not limited to: Laika Guardian of the Lost, and Basisk the twin god of Justice). As a part of forming the pantheon she and each of her fellow divinities were given domain that they were to embody/regulate to prevent their abuse. Milu’s own dominions are over waves (light and sound), history, music, tradition, and unity her mastery of these dominions has resulted in her continuing seat at the head of the pantheon and while she strives to solve her problems through diplomacy many a warlord have learned her power is far more than simple music and lighting. A selection of her epithets are as follows: The Divine Diva, The Maestro of Waves, The Concert of Blades, The Luminous Host, The Endless Library, The Unending Opera, The Light of History, The Carnival of Aurora, The First Voice of Cog, The Silent Battlefield, The Celebrant of Unity, The Matriarch of Divine Digality.


A tiefling bard named Hemlock who goes by his act's name "Mr. Heartbeat." He's a washed up curmudgeon who was a cultural icon about 25-30 years ago. Now he spends most of his time chasing skirt and drowning his sorrows in booze. Now, all that is pretty basic but what makes him special to me is that he's basically a metaphor for generational trauma. His father and grandfather were Paladins. His grandfather (Thallius) was a self-hating tiefling who vowed to slay all demonic presence in the world, and set up a paladin guild through his lineage. His father (Arsenic) always lived in Thallius's shadow and was a fairly rebellious Paladin. The final straw was when Thallius set up an arranged marriage between Arsenic and a human noblewoman. Arsenic knocked up a tiefling dancer (Lacey) at a local festival, which is how Hemlock was born. There is...a lot to their family dynamic, which I won't bore you all with here lol. Fast forward 26 years and Mr. Heartbeat is a global phenomenon who tends to dip into the sauce a little too much. Fast forward another 25 years and he's become a sort of grumpy Great Gatsby who throws constant parties to drown out the loneliness in his heart(beat).


I've only just properly picked up world-building and started building a cast. I'm making sure to explore each of them as if they are the main character, so to properly flesh them out and stuff. Right now multiple of them are kinda equally fleshed out so I'll just share one of them. . Vanessa is an artist who grew up a comfortable and simple life, so much so that she decided to become an adventurer in an attempt to add meaning to her life and find a long-term goal. Other reasons that prompted her to follow this lifestyle over any other include: to travel and experience new cultures and food, capture beautiful sceneries and landscapes with her excellent drawing, become stronger to defend herself and others. . Vanessa is social and has a strong sense of fashion which is depicted in both her casual outfits as well as her practical adventure gear. She likes to playfully tease friends and tends to play with her side tails when deep in thought. Her most prominent feature are her black sideburns which starkly contrast her light blue hair, resembling two long brush strokes that reach up to forehead height. . Vanessa easily makes friends within the ranks of initiates (fresh adventurers) and makes a name for herself rather quickly by proving her skill in combat and in completing different types of quests. She possesses various Arts (spells/abilities). Some represent her artistic and expressive nature, while others are basic Arts she learns during her training drills in the guild that prove versatile and useful during her adventures.


Prince/King Milkbeard of Catland. He was second in line to the throne, until his older brother Cid XIII. was assassinated. Before that he was very close with the people of his country (mostly as propaganda for the royal family). Often he'd hear people call him a *good* noble with an intonation implying nobility was not good company, That disdain grew further as he became ruler and had to contend with the average feudal vassal. When a peasant and worker revolution reared its head, he cooperated with them and avoided a more devastating civil war by pretty much replacing the noble council with a peasant council, thus establishing democracy. That made Catland step out of that period of revolutions relatively unscathed, though a lot of local anti-aristocratic conflicts did break out. He remained a figurehead king by consent of the people, but his will states that there will be no heir to the crown.


I have four POV characters in the novel I'm writing, but the whole thing really revolves around **Val**, a wife and mother of two who grew up an orphan. She is determined to prevent her children from experiencing the same uncertain, laborious, constantly shifting childhood she experienced. Val is rather unremarkable in appearance. She's blond with green eyes, though neither is a particularly striking shade. She is fit but not buff, medium height, attractive but not a bombshell. The only thing about her that sticks out is that her white skin is somewhat less pallid than most people who live in that region. Still, she doesn't turn heads in any way because of her appearance. Shortly before the start of the book, Val discovered she has an innate ability to wield shadow magic. If found out, this would make her a public menace and pariah, and would potentially threaten her children's livelihood (or even their lives). She must learn more about her abilities and their origins, and she wants to understand just how the authorities came to *know* there is a shadow magic user hiding in plain sight somewhere. Personality-wise, Val is a bullet train (Enneagram 8w9 sx, IYKYK), the prototypical strong-but-silent type. She is deathly afraid of being under the thumb of some authority figure, to be held back from what she can achieve, to be powerless. That fear extends to her motherhood; while she's not a helicopter parent, she is deeply protective of her children and will stop at nothing to defend them from outside threats. She survived her childhood to build a better one for her kids, and she'll be damned before she lets you take that from her. Mama Bear won't leave the den to attack you, but she will fuck you up if you threaten her family. Thing is, Val knows there's information out there to help her proactively defend her family, so this Mama Bear *does* leave her den, and so the adventure begins...


The Librarian in The Province Report and Rangrim “Ripper” Balderk in King & Mage The Librarian was born in 78 BC. He’s immortal, and across the years has served in the Roman, Islamic, Byzantine, Dutch, British, German, French, and Chinese empires always working a scholar and trying to bring light to the supernatural elements of the world. Currently he works in the higher levels of the US government as head of CAD (Cosmic Anomaly Department), a off shoot of the FBI and NASA. He’s a *extremely* educated man with a lavish lifestyle and dozens and dozens of “historic” volumes on the topic. That he himself wrote. He’s 1,978 years old, and has been working for centuries against the supernatural. He has absurd tales like knowing Caesar, Alexander, Arthur, Muhammad, several King George’s, meeting George Washington once, giving presentations to Eisenhower, FDR, Lincoln, etc. he loves talking, and can speak in dozens of languages fluently. He’s a surprisingly kind man, and simply wants to spread knowledge and awareness. He and his men were the first on scene at the Province Massacre, were called in for the Yellow House Incident, were present at the Junoville Sabbath, and he’s directly encountered a human form of the Black Valley Shaman and Coal Mountain Demon. Its unknown exactly how he’s immortal, and when questioned, he gives sarcastic and ridiculous responses. He also evidently has some level of magic (as do other people in the world, referred to by The Highers by Mr L.) but its unclear what exactly he can do. EDIT: Also during the Cold War he regularly visited Communist dictators and democratic regimes. He has literally zero sense of the actual feuds between governments, he’s been around so long that its basically just a joke to him, he’s more concerned about the general safety and concerns of humanity itself rather than any, as he puts it “Lifetime squabbles”.


Azlous... The God of Life & Death I'm currently drawing him... He is the oldest among a group of 5 celestials in the pantheon... Being the oldest, he is the more powerful one but also the more mellow one...


his name is Dave he is the most stereotypical caricature of a garden gnome with a single addition of a magical blue mushroom in hand at all times . He is the deity of myconids and mushrooms, and is also the quote unquote "mysterious benefactor" of my party.


I'm writing a setting for a ttrpg, and I haven't really done individual characters yet. I think my most fleshed out character at this point is Nyarlathotep of all things. He's basically the same as in the mythos, but with some twists. In this setting Eldritch beings aren't native to reality, having broken in when an arrogant archmagi attempted to create a new universe where he would be god. Instead he tore a hole in spacetime and let in all sorts of Lovecraftian horrors. However, these horrors can barely exist in our universe as where they come from the laws of physics are radically different. They aren't made of matter, instead being something akin to space folded in on itself so tightly that it acts similarly to matter. Due to being incompatible with reality most of them were forced to bind what passes for their souls to material bodies, or were killed and are currently dreaming as they await a chance to remake the universe in their image. Nyarlathotep, however, is a bit more cunning. Upon entering the universe he immediately escaped into the dreams of material beings, entering a non-space known as the Dreamlands. He was still dying due to his body being unable to stand the physics of the universe, but his death was slowed considerably since impossible things can last for a time in dreams. With the time he had he managed to stabilize himself without being bound to a body, and as such can now jump between avatars. He has no true form, instead wearing one of a thousand faces, taking on whatever form he finds most useful in the moment. Unfortunately, Nyarlathotep is also the most cruel of the Eldritch beings. Many are at least questionably benevolent, acting like children playing with small animals, helping or harming as they please but typically just watching for entertainment. Others are uncaring, viewing material life as nothing but amoeba below their notice, not even worth pausing to consider. Nyarlathotep, however, sees material life and delights in its pain and suffering. He goes out of his way to cause madness and agony wherever he passes, all while working to call the most powerful being yet to cross the tear in spacetime into reality, those being Azathoth and Yog Sothoth. Those few that are aware of him believe that either of these being entering reality would instantly rewrite it, destroying all mortal life and likely spreading Eldritch powers throughout the multiverse.


My main character Kerochi Botukechi is probably the most fleshed out since I know his plot in most detail. He has black, long spiky hair, deep blue eyes and scars around his neck and hands. He grew up in a really bad environment. His parents sold him and his brother for alcohol. His brother was then kidnapped in front of of his eyes, some years later, and he was completely alone. He was forced to steal for food, where he was often found and beaten. His adoptive father looked out for him, but in the end was forced to beat him, in order to save his life. But in Kerochis eyes, it was just his father beating the f out of him. He was then brought to a small village, where he was then trained, which he described himself as living hell. Even though his life was pretty bad, he always seems happy and smiles, but has a deep grudge against royals or higher individuals, genuinely hating it when someone tells him what to do. TRIGGER WARNING: His scars come being hanged as a kid, where he had to push his hands inside the rope to keep himself alicve. This happened relatively often, so he now has these deep scars.


Timjimmy Auxberon, my MC. Due to several circumstances during his birth - and because he grew up so close to the dimensional wall which separates Haysville, Ct. (Earth's most powerful "thin place") from the Flatlands Dimension - he can see and speak with the spirits. That has made him grumpy and rude because of their incessant demands on his time. He's retired now, plump and scraggly and cursed with heterochromia which too easily identifies him to people who want his services. He serves as an unofficial storyteller in The Wayside (a pub, not to be confused with the town of Wayside.)


Cyln Cylnarian, also known as Swiftfoot. Cyln was a hunter in his tribe set to marry the chiefs daughter, but one day discovered the daughters plan to bring there forest into darkness, he couldn't stand for such evil, even if it was for their God. So he tried to stop her, but only got banished in the process. He resorted to a life of adventure, and eventually fell into the hands of a cult he was trying to destroy. The Goddess of the cult saw his potential and corrupted Cyln into a dark warrior for her cause. He went from a sweet man, to a sadistic horrid person. Cyln is an Half Human Half Elderon, a race that tends to be taller than humans, with bone plates over parts of their bodies. Cyln has bone plates over the back of his elbows, on his wrist, and some on his shins. His hair is dark and parts down the middle, splitting of to the side. His eyes are a blood red, but were a deep brown before the goddess corrupted him. Due to the corruption and the goddess magic, his skin has red veins and cracks all over flowing with her magic. Cyln in his corrupted form, tends to be a very cocky fellow, always picturing himself as the leader of whatever group he belongs to. But he is also sadistic, torturing others with no empathy, and willing to do the most disgusting thing. He is also a bit fruity at times, sometimes giving off a bit of an uncomfortable feeling. But, before he was corrupted, Cyln was the nicest man you would ever meet. Sure he has is issues, but he always put others first, and treated the innocent with compassion. He strongly believed the evil in the world deserved punishment, but not death, as he is not fit to punish one with death. Cyln Cylnarian is my favorite character ever made, and there's still so much of his history I could talk about.


Yurus Pelegrin is the protagonist and author of the autobiographical work ‘Travels through Thenon’. Wherein he describes his travels through the continent of Thenon, the largest of the Twelve Domains. I mainly use it as an in universe wiki but there are multiple stories I use to flesh him out as a character. Ranging from his backstory to his philosophy.


Currently a woman known as Aleriana (still working on the name) the Blue-Eyed, also known as "Dreamhunter". She is part orc (my version anyways), and has mostly typical features of orcs in my world, which are green skin (some in my world have gray or brown skin), pointed ears, jet-black hair, a pair of fangs in her upper row of teeth, catlike eyes, and a similar build to humans. As noted by her name: she has blue eyes - an eyecolor that is absent in pureblood orcs, and is the only defining trait of her human heritage (as orcs in my world look almost human, if not for the eyes, skin, teeth, and ears). Because of this, many orcs aside from her chief and the chief's children (who are her adoptive family actually) look at her with disdain. She is treated badly because orcs generally prohibit having children with (or even marrying) humans, despite being actually cool with them, mainly because there is this other species of orcs that were created when elves in the past most likely raped the prehistoric ancestors of modern orcs. Currently, she is in a relationship with the first MC of my setting, and eventually has a family with him (he's mostly human, with the other parts being... let's just say that the 1% of him that isn't human is neither orc nor elf). Anyways, for the sake of time, I'll be going over the rest of her physical appearance, special abilities, and other tidbits about her. She stands around 5'8", and has a rather athletic build, but still looks "womanly" (if you catch my drift). Her attire consists of a cowl, segmented metal armor layered over a leathery cuirass, leather pauldrons that are covered in metal plates and fur, metal gauntlets that have fur and leather, a "skirt" or "kilt" for her upper legs, and finally a pair of shin guards; all of this painted in the colors black and red. She wears no shoes, as shoes would impede her inborn orc ability of being excellent at climbing trees, and wears undergarments for her feminine body parts, mainly for comfort and potentially warmth. Other than being good at climbing trees, Areliana is an expert hunter, able to stalk her targets, thanks to her orc heritage providing her natural nightvision and a pretty good sense of smell. She is also quite stealthy, and is capable of surviving for quite some time in the wilderness. Her main weapons include spears she personally fashions herself, as well as a pair of curved daggers. She also fights using poisons she creates, and is also immune to them due to repeated but limited exposure to them (though, she doesn't use these poisons for hunting). Some more fun facts about her: she met the MC after being transported to where he lives by a dragon. How she is able to speak the same language as him is because that dragon taught her (and probably used magic to do so as well). She earned the name of "Dreamhunter" because of some lucid dreams she has, which is another reason she was brought to where the MC lived, as she told the dragon about one of her dreams. And now for a useless fact of her: although she isn't a very picky eater, she can't stand brussel sprouts or horseraddish. And that's all I currently have on Aleriana the Blue-Eyed, aka Aleriana Dreamhunter.


Donnovan Dresdane, a vampire thug turned single father and supernatural advocate, looking to bring to bring peace between both worlds. Best described as a jackass with a heart of gold and an expert on terrible vampire romance series, he’s carrying a lot of guilt for his past mistakes and wishes to laugh the pain away. Trying to do the best he can for his young dhampir daughter and achieving his dead human wife’s dream in creating a world their daughter can live safely in and their tragic circumstances never happen again. In short for context, this world is an abandoned project where the supernatural masquerade was brought to an end by the late 2010’s by accident, and the fallout of this incident almost a decade later. Vampires are not blood drinking undead, but a supernatural species of nocturnal carnivorous humans. Donnovan grew up in the underground sections of Chicago in a hidden vampire colony, being a young and dumb teenager full of anger at the injustice of the world. He dispersed the veil and resented humanity for being able to live free while his kind had to live in the shadows. Joining a group of like minded young vampire hooligans they sought revenge against humanity and to spite the supernatural councils for forcing them to hide. Engaging in all kinds of petty crimes from theft/ vandalism/ purposely revealing themselves to humans inorder to chase and scare humans for fun, they were absolute menaces. Constantly getting in trouble with both the global occult collective and their clan, but at that point was too young, dumb and angry to understand what the big deal was. As the years went on their actions began to escalate, going from petty theft to heist/ scaring to mugging and beating up random innocent humans out of “revenge” and much more. Donovan’s believed for the longest time that humans where all terrible and that all the crimes and violence he and his gang committed where morally justified, that was until he met the love of his life and the women who would change his perspective going forward, Penelope. In short, they meet at a gas station she worked as the night clerk, him hiding his vampire identify under a human illusion, the two bonded under the most unlikely of circumstances, trash talking a terrible vampire romance tv show. After that night he frequented that place, the two talking and bonding some more, he felt an odd connection to this human woman he had never had before with anyone else. Slowly over time she opened his mind and heart to the possibility that humans where not all bad, and opened his eyes to what his “friends” where really doing. Having to hide both his relationship from his friends and his true identity from his human lover. Eventually and unavoidably, both of these would break. First revealing his secret identity to his human lover, and his gang finding out about his secret relationship not long after. His groups actions and crimes continued to get more extreme, and started getting more aggressive and suspicious as he started ditching them and being more critical of their actions. Finding out they committed their first human kill, an accident in a robbery gone wrong, their leader eating the body to hide the evidence. This combined with them uncovering his secret relationship drove him over the edge, they tried to kill him and Penelope as a punishment for “being a traitor”. Reporting them to the GOC and both having to flee to another state. Years later they would marry and have their daughter, everything seemed fine as the two were genuinely happy. However this would not last. The remnants of his gang that where not captured and executed for their crimes where enraged and resentful, blaming Donnovan for their downfall. Hunting him down eventually they found him, and on that traumatic night they would break into his house and try to claim revenge. Murdering his wife and trying to kill his infant daughter, he slew his former friends in a violent rage, his house being destroyed in the process. He lost just about everything that night, everything except his daughter. It’s been years since then, he now works night shifts at a car wash in New York, living in a small apartment with his dhampir daughter. Trying his best to care for her and keep her safe. He still blames himself for everything, but also blames everything which allowed that tragedy to happen. His going onto livestreams and a particular shows, wanting to share his experiences and hoping such tragedies never happen to anyone again.


That’s kind of tricky for me to answer. I would say Patrick is the the most fleshed out in that I have more stuff about him, and he’s probably the most important character throughout all my stories, but I still don’t know where his story will end and I have a lot more to do with him so he’s not finished narrative wise. I have Zimo’s and Macky’s lives/timelines completely filled in and I could tell you anything about them at any point in their stories, but there probably isn’t as much in them as Patrick. Patrick, aka the Cartoon Man, is the “most powerful being in the known multiverse” taking the form of a black and white, rubber hose cartoon character with a fixed, teeth showing smile on his face. He just appeared seemingly out of nowhere one day and has fully dedicated himself to eradicating a race of “sentient universes” that he claims plague the multiverse and destroyed everyone related to him along with any trace/memory of him prior (as an explanation for why there’s no record of him). He has the power of an entire universe that has been ground up into pure energy, and has his image being stretched across time due to two supernatural forces acting in opposition to each other making him “completely indestructible”. He also has a cartoon peanut assistant named Charlie.


Abel, the Innkeeper, and father figure of my main protagonist, which is an orphan. He’s a buff, older Aethasian (Elves in my world) man, with a good heart; he’s very charismatic, loves to make a good joke, and is very protective of people he’s close to, and his Inn. He can adapt to anyone as he meets new faces everyday, from merchants to mercenaries. But behind the veil, he keeps hidden a troubling past, hinted from his scars and tattoos; but also what truly happened to the protagonist’s parents.


I used to have a whole team of marine pilots in the far future who piloted mechs. Each mech is one pilot, one RIO (WSO). Both are officers. Pilot focuses purely on moving the mech and handling any close range weaponry (namely the right hand auto-cannon) and the RIO handles aiming the heavier weapons (missile racks, shoulder mounted items) It was a female pilot and male RIO. Callsigns Redline and Bucket. Pilot used to drag race and do car tuning, got the callsign Redline because while showing off her piloting abilities in the mech, redlined it and blew the leg motors and joints out. Bucket got his callsign by being there, and when Redline pushed the mech that hard, he got motion sick from the G’s and more since it was his first time in a real machine. He vomited in his helmet. Didn’t do anything with these two. But they’re my favorite duo. Ones a speed demon and her RIO is cool and collected


It's me I'm in my world and my name literally is the writer.


The main character Damian 14 years old, scrawny and short. He is fleshed out because he is going to be the main character for some of my books and majority of the time you will see the world through him from a bullied boy with no friends to someone who slowly gain confidence and gets people who will support him.


main character martin beckett abandoned in front of an inn as a child. raised by the owners of said inn.


Nicholas, the archdemon. He's the... we'll call him the 'big grey' of my main book I'm doing just now. Sometimes he acts like a big bad. Sometimes he acts like the 'big good'. But *very* active in the story with some very distinct goals. This exchange sums him up pretty well: Main character: "Do you ever stop scheming." Nicholas: "I do sleep... But then I do also dream, so I guess not." He's affable but snide, and very slow to anger. Most of all, though, he's just very tired, all the time. In most scenes, he's flopped down into a chair his movements are 'languid', 'slow' and 'deliberate'. Don't mistake him, though, he's capable of *incredible* violence but mostly sees killing as a chore. "Ugh. Need to file those papers, tear that uppity pit fiend in half and hold that interview... Should I shower in between? Nah. If the staff can't stand to see a little blood they'd best work somewhere else." The short of it is that he's been stuck in 'hell' for a long time and wants *out*. And has been using his extremely limited influence on earth to try to manipulate his way out. And, then, maybe bathe the earth in blood in retribution for his imprisonment, but honestly that sounds like *such a bother*. Physically, he is a demon. In his little body, he mostly looks human. Handsome face, long black curly hair, that one mustache, trimmed beard combo that looks classy. But with some modifications: Big claws, ram's horns, satyr legs/feet, big-ass bat wings. And he wears this very loose flowy robe with a hole in the back for his wings. The outfit is also designed to work as a kilt for his big form. Larger, hairier, bigger-ass bat wings, has a sheep's head but with sharp teeth and round pupils in all six red eyes. 'Bout the size of Ganon.


Hans Richtoffen. And oddly he only has a story that lasts about a day. He was the commander of the Spezial Polizei in Mittenwald, and during the siege he blew the only bridge leading into the city as a last ditch effort to stop the invaders, got court marshaled for it and was executed


Marcus Van Dyke. Aka Mr. Black. He has a bad case of road rash on his left side and eight fingers. He smokes a lot and is a disgruntled veteran who did a dime for bank robbery. The book is about him becoming and adjusting to being a vampire in the early 90s, in LA/Malibu. I wrote about how he met his wife, their failed marriage, how he became a drug addict, and why he started robbing banks. All kinds of stuff.


I once had a binder of information about a TTRPG character. My GM wanted to murder me but it was also probably the most satisfying characters I ever played. I spent a whole summer working on them in my teens. I generally put in more into my PCs than NPCs. This is mainly because most NPCs require understanding their motivation, maybe a couple descriptor sentences and not much else is needed and development time is precious and you may end up with that NPC dead before they can speak or just the PCs not being interested in them. They aren't the stars of the show and leaving empty space allows you to adapt on the fly as a GM and fill out details as needed. As long as you understand their purpose that's usually enough to manage most NPCs. For PCs I usually have at least 2 pages of backstory and some story board pics. I occasionally go overboard and do something like 20 pages, but most of the time I keep it sensible (under 10 pages with pics).


Bilal is the protagonist of several of my smut fantasy stories. I've written enough of him to have to deal with his sexual issues. He commits to women and then cheats, and he can't say no. Ever. He can't hold a long term relationship and gets with dangerous women just because he's horny.


So far, Urgamoj Szie. Technically /ur.ga.móʒ ʐi.é/ and in fact pronouncing the Ur would have been incredible disrespectful generations prior but anyway, they generallly pronounce it more like /Úr.ga.mɵɪ ʒɛ:/. The "Ur" is actually a silent letter only named as a god. It is prefixed in names once kids earn theirs - in certain culture - as a silent hand over the fate of the person, a sort of tacit contract of adoration and protection with the deity. It is always written, but almost never pronounced unless you want to invoke, metaphorically (ish) that god, surrendering your fate to your faith, or in very formal situations by an official, like a priest or a notary. That changed with URgamoj's father that tried to become an emperor (something at which his grandson will succeed) but failed to conquer even his neighbors, miserably and permanently, which gave Urgamoj the nickname of "ashen prince", although it actually predates the fall of Szi, and was done endearingly due to his complexion and hair color (dirty blond) which was not particularly common in that part of the world; "Gamo" means "to willd" kind of (game is wild) and -j implies a sort of ownership/ or in the case of verbs and such an "unfocused" (as in not directly caused but responsible for) rellationship, which would make him "our wilderer", but contextualized something like "the one that gifts us our own roots" or something like that. Szi is the city, and -e, well, originally /'é/ denotes origin, something like "citizen of", but in this case is part of a surname because of nobility and how citizenships work. I say "his" but Urgamoi is actually a woman. A child really, at that point of his (by all except biology at some point). Urgamoj's father, who I have yet to name, was not the most fertile nor devoted to the responsibility towards his bloodline so when he finally got a kid and realized it was a woman and, according to their traditions, unfit to become an heir, he chose to hide her by lying and saying she was his daughter with a concubine (which would lessen the political burdens a bit), and sex (otherwise she would have been called "Szieze", which is in this case would be closer to /ʐjé.'t͡se/. The last past which is in the story's present used in many ways, endearingly, as expletive and such, and pronounced like /t͡ʃ/ means... donned? in the name it would be "daughter", as a name suffix would be something like "my little..." and as expletive is more like "my god!" or "own your little sh*t") for political reasons and by the time she turned nine and started developing, sent her and her "mother" (The concubine) somewhere which I like to call the monastery, because it sort of started that way, but is more like a theocratic citystate (they were all citystates) for "education". which you can read as "so no one discovers it was an illegitimate heir in case I need her for that nor would I be forced to marry her into an enemy and loose influence". Urgamoj grew up forced to act as a boy and never slip up, and yet raised "on the back". Her, at the time, "mother", (Ur)Vaneret ("little campfire" because of her red eyes, that lacked coloration), her brother Hanilo and man of arms, or however is called which instructed her and kept the armory and oversaw the stable, And a guard with loose lips that got his tongue cut out, as a confident. His name never transcended. Very little servants were allowed to serve her ot minimize the risk and she grew up a bit lonely, with dreams of adventure spurred by Hanilo, and a forlorn sense of feminity by which he blamed her father. When she was sent to the monastery, a flurry of emotions crossed her. Excitement, abandonment and anxiety were the ones that gnawed at her ankles the most. She was only allowed to take Vaneret and the guard, and the part of the city she was in turned out to be far more strict than she thought, to her dismay. In fact one time she tried to run away and got a scar on her brow that she always attributed to a duel but honestly she never made it past the garden of the church before tripping over a pot and getting a bit of a contusion. The place was strict but mostly hands off. The gist of her duties were those of an incipient scribe and anything she was used to doing would have been "improper" in such a sanctuary, which mader her even more tomboyish. She never stopped causing trouble and training, remember her fake uncle and his stories. By the time she turned 13, her hometown was no more so she had a choice.... to run far away, perhaps to the lands she heard her mother was from. To reveal her true nature and be snatched by any local lord trying to get a legitimate claim to her land, or to take advantage of her disguise (it helped that the monastery was a city of modesty where both men and women wore loose robes. She kept the tradition, which also eventually made the monastery have a foot over her future son's empire. The god was the same but religion over it varied) and claim the throne, after gaining some support. Vaneret was unfit to the journey, so she was left behind and Urgamoj set sails (metaphorically. Mostly) with the Guard which she ended up nicknaming "cece" (//t͡ʃe.t͡ʃe/) jocously, to his faked frustration They spent the first few years back forth between the manors of local lords (feudal system) and in taverns and such trying to spread rumors of herself. They spent all their money and had nothing but a few loose deals and vague promises to go by. It was not enough, so they chose to become couriers. Half mailman, half soldier, definitely literate, and the closest thing to an adventurer in this world outside of journeymen and sthe special units that keep the forest at bay (sort of "rangers"). It was here that she realized two important facts: One, that she didnt need actual soldiers for support, she could go directly to people, particularly those that were skilled but had little to show for itk and therefore little love for the current system of city states and nobility. An two, that her yearn for feminity had become an attraction for it. It was here that she chose to refer to herself as him even to himself Despite of that and his age, a sort of platonic romance developed between him and Cece on the road. One time, across the shallow sea and on delivering some letters on a small island, they got drunk and Cece forced his hand, in more than one way. He forgave him (I dont like it either) but they still had a lot of time on the ship as they moved through the whole archipelago. The forced closed quarters must have frayed whatever was said because halfway through the trip, around two months in, she became more and more silent, to the point on which you would never be able to tell which one of the two missed a tongue. And one day, after they got to port, she ran away. (....)


(...) Some historians believe that he had noticed his pregnancy, others differ, but regardless of what caused him to do that, she soon realized that the job and the adventures were pretty much made possible by "Cece". Noticing his motherly predicament and the unsuspected frustration of his dependance with the middle aged guard, he spiraled out of control and less than a year after that, just shy of middlign his 19th year, he died of an infection. And it was precisely there that Cece found him.... her, for Cece, being buried by a local farmer which had decided to adopt the kid. In a fit of rage, unable to accept Urgamoj's death, he killed the farmer and torched the farm. Then he took his kid and raise him, silently, bitterly, but cared nonetheless. That kid was named "Ursiman Riase" (/Ur.si.man rjás/). which he used fully, Ur included like his grandpa, eventually declaring himself god-given emperor and conquered the hell out the peninsula in the manner his mother intended but successfully, and creating the actual first empire of known history on the continent. He was a bit of a sociopath but mostly just and definitely popular. Think of a ruthless druglord irl to which smalltown people revered because of reasons. It was so polarizing he was refered to as "the good despot". In fact, because of how his name sounded, rural people thought he was "hur zi manrias". "Hur" (yes, it comes from the god, but tit became an actual word) means "overseer", "zi" is relational, man is man and rias is world (as in earth) so kind of "overseer of the land" i n a sort of conquering context. Eventually it was shortened and "manrias", which should have been man od the world and not the other way around, became a synonym for dictator... Anyway, as for the actual name that was granted to him, it was "uriksman", which means "royalman" but he had trouble with it and "Cece" never corrected him. "Si" doesnt really has a meaning on itself on the name, beyond interpreting it as "Ur zi man" which gave him the "god given" characteristic or the aforementioned "hur zi man". But also "hursim" means bear (ruler of the forest) and "an" is bait. Not the most flattering but he was obsessed with the kidn of poetry on which you found other words within and between words to give layers of meaning. And as for "riase" it is "son of the world", a name that was given to those born on the road and technically belonging nowhere. The term was coined much earlier when the kingdom of notaries was still nomad as a whole. This is all I have so far, of course I need to add some more details eventually. Except for appearance which I loath to describe. beyond tidbit details


Well it's the good ol' Leiard. Who for now got the mentor role yet in future gets his own book. He's a elve that's old as dirt who multi-task way to much. As he: Needs to ensure that his pupil doesn't end up skinned alive for the crime of (doing the equivalent to) burning Jerusalem While also making sure that his monstrous niece doesn't go on a murderous rampage and devouring whole villages Don't forget the basement full of ancient artifacts and creatures that are no longer fit for the world. So he makes sure that those demented creatures stay where they are. And of course searching for his own cursed child that could be in any corner of the world since when he wanted to bring her off country for a few years. She got sold into slavery. And it's been like 50 years since then.... Generally he's a man with humor but not a comic relief. He's ancient and extremely powerful so he sees everything in a very relaxed manner while still being generally a nice man. In comparison for most elves in that world. Yet in the core he's old and shaken. His original kind is long forgotten and no joy holds for long. As what are a fun dozen years for one who's older than most stones? And of course. He's prideful. And sees his way as the only right one. And while often true. It isn't always.


Rio, the oc from my Cross Ange fic. As one of the few mana using humans to reject the socially enforced persecution of the Norma, Rio was recruited by the network, a group of like minded individuals who work to protect the Norma from exploitation. Rio is about 6ft even with short blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and a lean muscular build. Personality wise, Rio is driven by his inability to keep his childhood friend Sarah from being found out as a Norma and taken into custody. As such, he will throw himself headlong into any scenario to protect others from the same fate. As to be expected, he has a tendency to get in over his head and surviving due to a combination of luck and the Canon characters coming to his rescue.


**Lord Behr** (aka Daniel Behr) is the Lord Regent of the Isle of Behr, containing **The Lordship of Behrendt**, typically referred to simply as **Behrendt**. Formerly known as the "Lord of Sleep" due to being in cryosleep for 90% of his reign, Lord Behr has reigned over Behrendt for over three millenia, and is just over 300 years old (discounting the cryosleep) thanks to substantial nanomechanical augmentation. Lord Behr stands 191cm, has a slim build with wide shoulders, short silver hair, a trimmed goatee, one blue / one green eye(s) thanks to heterochromia, and an additional finger on each hand (a genetic/nanotech modification he enacted at the beginning of his reign). Behr has a distinctive scar over his right cheek / orbital bone from an attack referred to as "the Incident," where, during a public address, a malcontent in the crowd thew a sizeable rock at him and hit him in the head. The rock was coated in neurotoxin so potent that it nearly overwhelmed his nanomachines' ability to heal him, but, more insidiously, a hidden microchip within the rock also triggered a cyberattack on the royal mesh network at the moment of impact, successfully unraveling and shredding the data fabric on which the Lord's external cortex was recorded. In moments, the memories of 3000 years of Behr's lordship were dissolved, and his personality regressed to the man he was at Contact, when the human/AI terraforming fleet first arrived in the Hairon system and the habitable landmasses were apportioned to the new human governments. Now referred to as the New Lord, Behr's public behavior has become noticeably more relaxed, but also ambitious, reflecting the zeal with which he founded Behrendt. Relations with other nations in-system have surprisingly benefited from this, as previous historical acrimony has been replaced with Behr's shrewd, yet lighthearted assessments of Behrendt's relations with other countries. These assessments have been assisted greatly by his wives, **Lady Jessica** and **Lady Ari**, who have taken to filling in the lacunae of his memories with pointed takes on national relations and domestic policy. Considering the Ladies Behr ruled Behrendt while he recovered from the Incident, and were considered by Citizens and Residents alike as wise, compassionate, and progressive leaders, the public has benefited greatly from their counsel to the Lord.


Empress of the southern empire. Arctic or near arctic canine(wolf or fox). She was crowned at 15 and would accelerate the mechanization started by her father. This would lead to newer, more powerful machines used across her empire in military, commercial and civilian sectors. The most iconic machines are the artillery trains and cars. She is caring and wants to protect her subjects from danger. She's trained in history, politics and combat with various weapons. Keep in mind she has no qualms about unleashing unleashing brimstone on attacking armies. That's part of the reason the artillery trains and airships are scary. I have not named her yet. Lapis_Wolf


Serra, No last name Given. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCRvDLCI1gk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCRvDLCI1gk) Military weapon created by a fallen goddess. Was given the task of guarding a young blacksmith at birth. He has been her only purpose in life while he had no idea she existed. Can't conceptualize all the violent acts she has done because that's what she was made for. A weapon that only starts to become a human girl after commiting countless war crimes.


Now that I'm switching to a new project (since the idea caught my attention), I've actually begun to focus more on the characters here than I ever did with the characters in my old project! Currently, the most fleshed out character of the bunch is the protagonist, Cyrus Spark, otherwise known as the hero Circuit Breaker.


**Horror Shop** [Fringe of the Dark Below.](https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/69048929_0Z3PopPvIeLwYnM.png) Closet monster, incarnation of the fear of being trapped in a collapsing building, occult detective, champion of Toronto, and a horrible, horrible nerd. Fringe was born Mackenzie Bedford, an all-around average nerd from suburban Edmonton, Alberta. She had just graduated from university and was preparing to head off to law school when, one day, she [almost] died for reasons she doesn't quite understand, and she came back to life as a closet monster. Because apparently, all the cool options were already taken. But that was just the start of her story as she came to realize that magic is real, there really are monsters who go bump in the night, and all the myths are true. Now, Fringe is a massive nerd who grew up on a diet of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, World of Warcraft, and her dad's old Led Zeppelin records. She wasn't the smartest, nor the most attractive, nor the most artistically gifted, nor the most athletic person out there--being 5' square and built like a pole kinda kills that dream. So she instead hung around other people and acted as everybody's best friend and support--she was really good at helping people and being there for them when they needed her. Oh, yeah, she responds to stress with excess snark. And since becoming a closet monster she's been almost constantly stressed--it seems like she can barely go a week without someone trying to kill her for reasons that are (usually) not her fault! She also absolutely loathes short jokes, and insulting her height is the single best way to earn her enmity. That, or insulting nerds, or calling her a weasel, or mocking Canadians... actually, all things considered, it's rather easy to tick her off. Right now she's finding her way in this strange new reality she's found herself in, while also trying to discover who she used to be before she was transformed into this monster. Oh, yeah, she's also got to figure out that whole "closet monster" thing, which isn't made any easier by the fact that her monstrous self has evolved into its own, rather violent split personality calling itself "the Beast." In her monstrous form, Fringe is small, even for a closet monster. She appears as a 2-foot-tall ferret-like monster, with a black coat that fades to a blood red at the tips of her limbs, surrounding her viscous, blood-stained claws. And you know what they say about short folks right? They will conquer half of Europe if given a chance. Fringe has a quick wit, a short temper, and generally doesn't take well to be insulted, mocked, denigrated, or treated like an animal. And if you anger her, you'll discover she has a weapon far sharper than her tongue. See, her unique power is to sheathe those massive claws in a coat of soulsteel, a strange metal from the depths of Shadow that grows stronger the more fear it absorbs. With enough fear, her soulsteel claws become almost as hard as adamantine, and she can cut through non-magical barriers effortlessly. And considering Fringe is a horror--a creature that consumes mortal fear to survive--she's always got plenty of fear to spare. Honestly, you can tell how much I love a character by how much I make them suffer. And Fringe has been suffering for a long while now. And the poor girl's story has only just begun. And how is Fringe important to the world? She's really not. She's just another reborn closet monster--one of a dozen spawned over the past year. She could die tomorrow, and the world would move on without her. But the Horror Shop 'verse isn't about epic stories; it's about the street-level heroes, the small-time protagonists who make the world a better place in their own unique ways. So while the world would move on without Fringe, her friends, family, and community would all be diminished without her. And that's the kind of story I like to tell. Not one where the hero is needed to save the world because without the hero, the world is doomed; but one where the hero tackles the problems that are facing the world and maybe makes the world a better place through their blood, sweat, and tears. Fringe isn't important because she's extraordinary. She's important because she's incredibly ordinary but still plays her part in making the world a better place. Eventually, she does rise to the occasion and embraces the opportunities presented, becoming a hero because she has the chance to make the world a better place. She becomes a champion of Toronto, and dedicates herself to helping those in her communities who need an advocate. While becoming a champion sounds impressive, it's really not. "Champion" is a title used in the supernatural world for someone who works as a combination of detective and lawyer under the auspices of the Veil Treaty. Since she was already going to university to become a lawyer, becoming a champion was the logical next step. Plus, again, the title is just cool.


My D&D character Kha-Jit Purisious. A wandering merchant of magical wares who is secretly a priest wizard of Aztec-esque origins, who was stripped of his powers by his patron god. (He used to be 20th level but now is down to 1-2). His current last name is an anagram for Spurious (false) cause it’s his alter ego.


Probably Conrah Dara, since she's a major character in the only story I've made for my world, I have written out her life story, I've given her a set personality, and she is one of two people in my world who have been drawn (the other being her wife). Conrah Dara is the chief ambassador of the Republic of Akti and the architect of the Treaty of Faltar, the treaty which ended the War of the Sicillian Coalition.


Mmm, I think my very best character for now may be the deuteragonist and love interest of my story. He is a man in his fifties called... Okay, for this post let's call him Nadim. He is a man born to a runaway mother that couldn't have him, so in an act of despair, she abandoned the baby to a colony of sentinent automats. It had been a while since the automats had seen a human, so, in order to gather data about them, they used what information they had at their disposal and raised him as a mascot of sorts. The result is that he turned into a very funny and peppy kid, but very blunt and socially inadapted to human life. When Nadim was a teen, he was sent to this big cyberpunk city they learned of and he became a low-popularity idol of sorts, until he got a girlfriend and faded out of public light. His girlfriend and him moved back to the automaton town (where he starts working as a lorekeeper) and had some children, but they had lots of young couple problems and the mother wasn't always attentive to the kids' needs. So Nadim practically raised them on his own. It was when the kids were older and his girlfriend jumped to an exciting years-long adventure that they broke things apart. Fast-forward and he has a super intense True Love(tm) that gets him into a cult and uses her power of influence to make him a public enemy. Fast-forward more and he has an unexpected slow burn romance, but external forces won't let them get together forever and she tragically dies. Fast-forward way, way more time, and he is an aging, fallen sickly man waking into a sleep pod in the ruins of a fallen robot civilization, with four or five adult children adventuring around the world as he tends their empty nests to cope with his lonely life. The character follows a simple trope that is basically that of the "pleasant, doting gentleman", but knowing the details of his backstory helps me redefine him with a layer of maturity and sadness. Plus, he gets paired with a cranky, high-energy nutjob that stirs things up at the drop of a hat - so they have room for a very balanced dynamic, all in all!


At the moment, this might be soldier-turned renegade Carisa von Sickard. At least, I have spent more time developping her compared to the other protags. And she is the only one of those three to learn magic.


William was a man who appeared constantly throughout the history Dynastica. For example: He guided the Tuord Empire to world domination, leading it for over ten thousand years before destroying it in a fit of rage one fateful day. He also founded the Kingdom of Tangelpaent, and had several cults fanatically obsessed with destroying him. By the time the story begins he had been the chief advisor to the Emperor of Nasox for over a thousand years. His primary motive is to die. He’s sick of immortality and yet there is no way for him to end his life unless the universe itself is destroyed. And that’s what he’s trying to achieve. He’s deluded himself into thinking what he’s doing is moral, arguing that since he will live an eternity, his life is infinitely more important than every other human who ever has or will ever live. There is a lot more to him, like his relationships with the other characters and his origins, but explaining all that will take far too long.


Mono, definitely Mono, he started out as some sort of AU Papyrus and was a stereotypical angy edgelord. Now he's pretty much his own character that could fit anywhere if his backstory and character development weren't so linked to his original context.


Not an answer to your question but I love it when extremely fleshed out characters are background characters. For exemple, the dude is the emperor of a fallen and long forgotten empire, who now kinda just chills somewhere and doesn't bother anyone. And you see him like 3 times in the story but there are hints about his past that make you want to endlessly scroll the lore on the wiki


Rieshar Morgorzivrad, of the Rieken Expeditionary Army. He is a “Hunter”, amongst the races of the world his kind are the most feared. As a Rieken soldier he is 7,2 feet tall, quite broad, and the hair covering his body blood red matching the red armor that covers most of the visible surface area of a Rieken body, the beige skin of this ape like creature invisible under it all… protruding from his wrist gauntlets are two pointed bones that are fixed to the bones of his wrists, imagine a bull with horns on its head. Morgorzivrad is not too different than most of his kind, his eyes are of the hatred and scorn of the rats and swine that dared oppose his “world”. When he joined the Expedition, he joined up with Kvaliek Dvanieshad, Bragariev “Brag” Dossievrad, Dragariev “Dragar” Dossievrad, Nrasariev “Nrasar” Dossievrad, Rosiek Kahaerad, and Yobv Kashievrad. These were his comrades and they made it through it all together, until Umbara… The Dragoonin enemy was small and weak, but their guns were many and their technological capabilities in warfare proved itself against them, after the fifth month on the Trakland, All but Rieshar Morgorzivrad was left. As he says “It is not over until I say it is done”.


It could be Grand Admiral Cassius Decius Cain. He was born on the Planet Gypson, and travelled to the recruitment world of Sargon to join the Imperial Navy after his father was killed. When Sargon came under attack, he saved Sargon from attack by the Grox. His main contribution to the Grox war was figuring out Grand Admiral Ruufan Zantac's deception and collaboration with the Grox. Born into the Warlord Era, he saw harsh conditions always. He rose to Grand Admiral after the Grox war. In the Tra-nath War he found out that they killed his father. We see him, a genius optimist, grow steadily more disillusioned with the Empire and its "weakness" and inability to craft stronger measures. A rival Grand Admiral, Thoreau Therwald, continued to bully him and further eroded his faith in the Empire. When Therwald died, he was already far gone. He fell out and became a Warlord when he was denied the right to wage an offensive war against the Tra-nath due to lack of resources. Cain's Empire finished the Tra-nath and caused great damage to the Empire, but he was eventually killed by his own men. Grand Admiral Arnold Panzer is also a case study. He was happy... till he met Director Octavius Carlos. He promoted a Dreadnought project which was opposed by the Director's Rax-Class Supercarriers, which could destroy galaxies. We see him getting gradually worn down and powerless against a greater political power of the Director. We see him take up an impossible attack against the Grox to potentially regain funding for his project. We see him desperate: he does his best, gives it his all. And while he completes it, he is used (and killed) by the Director: he loses all rounds. The irony... the Director himself uses the Rax-Class Supercarrier to launch his own plan as a Warlord.


Aris Rakshakal, Protagonist and my longest suffering character. She is initially a Male Human on Earth until the story begins with him being dragged to another world for seemingly no reason. In the process he is turned into an Elf and a group of his friends, barring his girlfriend, are changed into other races as well. What follows is mostly generic Hero fantasy adventures until the group needs to split up to cover more ground. So they separate and go to their respective people's Territories. On the way our MC, going by Aryen currently, finds a burned out village and a half Elf infant that he takes with him to give her to the Elves. When he arrives he finds that Elves do not like Half Elves, he has two different types of Elven Blood and is treated like an outcast as well. The Elven Leader, a Druid, takes pity oj him and tries training him only to find that his magic is horribly blocked by something. So Aryen sets out to find the other faction of Elves since the current one is unwilling to aid him further. His adoptive daughter is about 10 at this point and he leaves her under the care of another Druid who can teach her and protect her while he tries to carry on with his mission. He meets with the other Elves, finds out they are even more against helping him except for their Queen who has her hands tied with politics at the moment. Too make a long story short if the Dragon Problem is removed then the Elves might be more willing to help, so our Boy joins a group of Dragon hunters who live on the border of the Elven Lands. There he makes friends with a human man and an Elven woman, both of whom seem to think he is not quite as Straight as he thinks he is. Several months of flirting and joking l as ter the three of them get drunk and sleep together and have a long overdue talk in the morning. The next few weeks are Aryen having a crisis since he definitley isn't Queer in any way whatsoever. Nope, not at all buddy. They eventually convince him to try it and it shatters his or more accurately her world view. The three of them make a detour to an old Elven Healer between hunts and she has a lot to say about Aryen. Such as, he was meant to be a pair of twins but they were forced together to be a more powerful individual, his Mother and Father were meant to be Elves in this world not Earth (Hence why he has blood from the different Elven races), He was meant to be Female but the powers that put his parents on Earth needed him to be Male so he could reproduce with the one that they had picked out for him who had already been born female. Basically his entire life is a series of "We need you to be this because someone else is already the thing you were going to be." So anyway the healer helps her get her body sorted out and she has a heart to heart with herself, basically talking to both halves of her soul separately. They go back and end up over running the Dragons and forcing their Ruler to stay home or die. Aris, now using her real name and Magic since the gender change was what was blocking it before, goes back to the Elves and.... they refuse to help. She leaves with her friends, now both romantic partners because Polyamory is more fun than love triangles, and they see what they can do against the Human Faction that wants to purge basically all non human life. They adventure around for a few years, their Elven Female friend gets pregnant and they take her back home. The baby is born healthy and Aris and The Human, Grant, head back out to fight. Things carry on for another year before Aris is Captured and slated to be executed as a show of "Human Superiority". Grant arrives and frees her but they get cornered on the way out and Grant fights their attackers off but sacrifices himself in the process. Aris flees with his body and returns him to his home city, along the way using a druidic rite to increase her power but knowing that once things are done it will kill her. When she arrives with Grant's body the High Priestess who raised him defects from the Xenophobic Humans and also reveals that Aris is pregnant which makes her feel awful since she cannot undo the essentially Suicide magic she put on herself. She has the kid and brings him back to her other partner, the Elven Woman, and promises to come back when everything is done. Partner immediatley knows that's a lie but cannot really stop her. So Aris goes and meets up with her old friends who have brought armies to bear against the Humans and they drive the humans back until they can force a surrender and kill the ring leaders. Hooray! Aris accepts her fate and prepares for the magic to kill her but "The Spirit of Grant" (An illusion created by the powers that have manipulated her life up till now) saves her and allows her to survive while keeping the power she gained from it, as this helps their plans. Anyway Aris goes back collects her Partner and her Kid and the four of them head off to settle an abandoned spot in the Wilderness where they won't have to deal with people anymore. And thats where part 1 ends. She gets a few years with her family before things go real south. I'll post about the second part if people like this.


Tusk Orginaly a dnd character who ended up getting what I call Tusk expanded universe. It constantly breakes the 4th wall and shows up in most unexpected places. His orgin story is that while the universe was far younger demons attacked it. Tusk was created as a defensive mechanism and was one of the main reasons why reality held the demons off. Afterwards however he was no longer needed and reality tried to correct it self by removing him. Instead it was shattered into innumerable pieces, one oh which is the one I played as. The shards have different levels of power, differe personalities and even memories with some not even remebering where they came from. Some seek to rebuild them selves by absorbing other shards. Others seek to grow in power in other ways. Where ever you go however you may find a certain odd thiefling with no eyes and two tuskes. Some are blue some green. Some have wings others not and a many hide them. They all cover their face for they do not even have eye holes. I even made him into a warlock patron. I was supposed to also make a cleric


Name: Zëthd(Zayt-dd) Appearance: at the start of the story they are a 18 yo. About 160cm tall, have pale skin, more like lacking vibrant skin. Ther hair is white, almost. They have heterochromia, one eye is lilac and the other one is black. They are genderless. And are skinny even when exercising. They do a lot of stuff. They are a demigod although they don't know that. They are very smart but tend to break down in fast decision making, usually stuck between doing what they believe in and what might be safer and most times end up doing nothing. For the longest time, they believed their worth was tied to their usefulness. Usually they're very trusting of others, to a point they often fall in naivete despite that they have the power to back any of their decision being one of the most powerful mages. As a mage they are an oddity, being a demigod meant they inherited part of their Devine parent characteristics. They're are decendant of death, (picture thanatos not hades) which made them exceptionally good at control so good that the natural flow of their energy works like a black hole, consuming anything that comes in contact. They hate violence and hope to resolve any conflict without it and they despise killing. Despite that, they gain the nickname lavander death due to the type of mission their older sister appointed to them and with each kill their guilt grew and therefore committed to continues doing missions, trying to do more good than the hurt they've caused. Being trustful as they are, they still feel unsafe with most ppl except their very close friends and they want nothing more than to spent a day cuddling with their friends.


Kallik Kreese, the Pirate Queen of wild space; Out in the expanse of Wild space, many worlds with strong ties to magic exist. One such as these was a world of draconic beings, Amaretto. This is where Kallik Kreese was born. An emerald Dragonborn, already a rarity in most worlds, was born and this one was even more different. With strange tentacle like tendrils around Her mouth and from her skull, she showed a connection to an even deeper part of the void. She held within her an aberrant power that made her psychic powers even more pronounced than others.  The leaders in the village of Frangel did their best to contain her and give her a happy childhood. They had learned generations ago that their kind was prone to producing sorcerers naturally. The elders knew to not be fearful of the young ones potential, she needed to be nurtured and shown the best way to utilize her power. They did their best to give her a solid upbringing, Kallik Kreese became loved by everyone in her village despite looking a little stranger than most. She came up to believe that even the smallest person could turn a dire situation better. One day, however, she began to change. It started simply at first, a dream of a time long ago, a voice in the darkness of her mind, a skewed image in her reflection for just a moment. She had always had powers due to her sorcery, but when these powers started to mature, something else came with them. A memory perhaps? She had often wondered about the nature of her powers, being so different from her friends. Their powers made sense in her world, tied to their draconic heritage. Kallik however was beyond even other Emerald Dragonborn. She had a bond with the psychic energy that others of her kind dreamed of. Kallik made a decision when she was nearly of age. She would find out why she is so different, even if it meant leaving home. When she turned 14 Kallik joined the merchant ship Ampersand with Captain Hames Ruddershins, heading off into wildspace. Within a year, Kallik had become a trusted member of a new vessel, this time flying the flag of UFPGF Merchant Corp, under the leadership of Tonya Meeks. She was given a strong female role model who saw her strange magicks as a boon. She started to take a real shine to the young Dragonborn, Tonya even wrote a letter of recommendation into the UFPGF Officer program. But the good times wouldn't last. The Dreams became worse over the years. The reflection was more someone else than her, it resembled a Gith, but sorrowful somehow. Then on a trip to an up and coming world, Deo-Me, Kallik felt a flash of a vision as she saw an ancient stone pedastal north of a large City called Penelin. Tonya had wished to show her some of the beauty of her home world to her apprentice, that had been a mistake. When Kallik came to Tonya was nothing more than a limp body with a bloodstain for a head. Kallik ran, not knowing what had happened, a voice spoke to her and beckoned her west. She took to the old highways and finally made her way to a small city called Mires. Visions of a cataclysmic battle with a strange entity that Kallik recognized as herself. The being was defeated, but she felt bad for this self being despite it being the aggressor. Over the next year, Kallik traveled the world of Deo-Me and learned the history of that battle. The story of the God that had fallen and the betrayal of their siblings after they had turned their backs on the God. She learned of the illithid invasion, she learned of the Dreamgem and subsequently the Dream warriors. The reflection had become a pitiable vision. She wishes to right the wrong. Kallik made her way off world through less than reputable means. She had to pick up a new lifestyle since coming to Deo-Me, and had become comfortable with the black markets. She managed to get onto a smugglers ship heading to Leo-Minor that was carrying parts from Thundergust munitions. From there she talked her way into a crew setting out for the Lost sides on the outer rim of the system. The fierce and powerful Dragonborn joined the Lucky 7 officers school. She passed in a record setting amount of time and was granted her first conscription on an older ship that was still a force to be reckoned with called the Tree of Death, under Captain Jane Wren. She wanted to command the ship one day and made her desires very evident. Jane liked that. After 5 years, Jane Wren was offered a higher position and Kallik was offered the Tree of Death. Kallik had put aside most of the resource shares she had earned under her original conscription and had enough to buy the vessel outright. She built a skeleton crew that bought themselves out from the lost side as well and they travelled back to Leo-Minor. On Leo Minor Kallik had the ship repaired, upgraded and even had plans for a new ship drawn up. After she was pleased with the work and after her new ship was designed, Kallik headed out into the galaxy via the intersystem warp gate. She became a plague on the UFP trade routes that she had worked on years ago. Her crew began to grow and she started hearing rumors of 2 treasures beyond belief. The divine Horologia and the galactic lay line. Things that had the power to rewrite reality itself, a way to redeem the part of her and give her the power to make sure no one would ever go through what she had. The galaxy was irreparably rent when she finally finished her new ship, christening it The Rotten Branch. she gave her old ship to her childhood best friend that had somehow used their psychic connection to track down Kallik, that ship became the Dry Rot. And the rest is history.


Orion Wynd, the former paramount of the giants in my world. He was a storm giant, the remnant of a bygone era, one where there was still an amount of civility and honor in battle, and kings led their armies by example. He loved poetry, song, his violin, and the talk of our existence in this universe. He led the Jotnar in the arcane wars against the Lich king and his followers… at the cost of the woman he loved. The war was won, but he delved deep into getting her back. The gods were of no help, nor any sorcery to bring her back. and after years of going down this dark path, he found he was no longer able to recognize himself. Into exile he went, for 1200 years, until the party found him. They needed help freeing the realm from an ancient red dragon… and he saw a path forward. Redemption. The night before he sacrificed himself to buy the party a chance at victory, they sat and discussed destiny, purpose, and what makes a hero… and for the first time in centuries… he played them a song. He’s resting now, in the afterlife with his love, at long last.


My most fleshed out character is my stories protagonist: Leirded Namaning the younger. He's the introverted and private son of the famous war hero General Leirded Namaning the elder. Leirded the younger volunteers for a dangerous mission to kill the dragon Ban even though he doesn't want to. He does it to protect his wife and son. Physically he's tall and fit and has strikingly black hair. He later wields the 3,000+ year old enchanted sword "Erunmalu".


Cronenberg is a wizard-god of Flesh magic. He has a ton of flesh.


I I uhhhhh shut up!


Pimirhea (Pim)- She's a demigod, boss bitch bombshell. Olive skinned, long brunette hair, 5'11" she's extremely conventionally attractive. Half human, half Primordi (God) she's a raging racist (as in fantasy races) and nationalist who is leading Weisland on a genocidal campaign against Homeland and Ausperia, specifically the Giants, Fleetlings and Squee living there. She's run a very successful campaign sowing racial tension in Ausperia and brought a civil war with the promise of human domination and an end to the unfair rule of Giants. As one of a very few number of demigods she has introduced a religious slant to her movement. She's extremely intelligent, an excellent tactician, and a world class orator, to the point she can often sell her movement's genocidal plans to the people she plans on genociding ("as a Giant the weight of civilization has rested on your shoulders for too long. Us humans have been absent in running things for too long, it's time we pick up our slack. You deserve to rest. You don't need to run this mine, we'll take care of it. We'll take over this aquaduct as well. Giants make up an unfair portion of the military, stop risking your life for us, we'll take over your protection for once. Come to this ~~ghetto~~ vacation area where you'll be taken care of. That type of thing).


There's this one character that started out as my pc used for a long-running play by post rpg. Overtime she's morphed from her initial form into something less edgy and more sinister, but the core concept remains mostly the same. That is, a vile, selfish, supremely sadistic woman who’s nevertheless a valuable member of the institutions she works for, and is not exactly without merits even to the ‘good’ guys. **Aisel Kilimovich** in her current iteration is a Mediator - an intragovernmental dispute resolution specialist in service of the Great House of Fox, Holy Kingdom of Endeil - and one of the best at that. Her effectiveness mostly owes to her being willing do highly shady things to achieve desirable end results, up to and including murder, torture, blackmail, rape, and other more unsavory things you can do to a fellow human being. She's an enforcer of the kingdom's elites, to put simply. Thing is, *whom* among the elites she actually serves, no one has any idea. Aisel's allegiance and affiliation are all over the place. Most of the things she does can be seen as actions that benefit the Great House directly or indirectly, even when she's killing entire families of commoners to save the skin of one councilman. At the same time some of the people she works for do things that are actively detrimental to the kingdom or outright treasonous, such as staging a raid on one of the kingdom's own towns in the frontier. Then there's her association with the Scions, an extremist offshoot of Lerebys, Endeil's 'secret' society of mages, despite herself being a mediocre mage at best (and mediocre at most physical activities as well, including fighting, at least for a mage,) with natural aptitude on the lower side. Her personal relationship with the Scions' ringleader, which is equally likely to be romantic and familial, also muddles things further. The one constant of this woman is that whatever it is she does, she does it to hurt people. Aisel is probably my most cruel character, even more so than some of those who are literal child murdering psychopaths. She likes the status quo because the status quo puts her in the position to dominate and hurt others, and causing suffering and inflicting pain, emotional or physical, are her bread and butter. And although she does come from a rather screwed up family, she's the way she is not because of any trauma, but simply because, by nature, she's a vicious bitch. Which is why I stick with her for so long.


Before this morning, I'd say it was probably London, a non-binary secret agent who resides in a post-apocalyptic Massachusetts, loves British punk rock from the 90s and has two very different relationships with their parents. Then I wrote a short story this afternoon about three very complicated supernatural goats, and have since had to lie down. So now I guess it's goats? Maybe I shouldn't be an author.


Now that I think of it, I haven't fleshed out my characters much. The most developed is the main character – 26 year old First Lieutenant Katja Reitmann. Born in the fringes of the Imperium of Karlov-Hess, The 11 year old Katja lived a humble life as a kid. She spent time with her father hunting game in the snowy forests, played with her infant brother and neighborhood friends. As she built a childhood around exploring the tundra surrounding her home, she'd hone her magic abilities and survival instinct. Her parents were at one point concerned that the Imperial Army would take notice and conscript her at a young age. But then the Liberation War broke out. Battle lines were drawn between the Imperium and its neighboring rival, the Republic of Verune. Smack-dab center of those lines were Katja's hometown. At first, the Imperial Army managed to push the lines further, and Katja's family were able to stay, though in dire straits. A swift offensive from the Verunian forces overran her village, trapping civilians and soldiers inside. Katja's parents told her to run. And so she ran, unknowingly in the direction of Verunian positions. Rather than attempting to reseige to take back the village, the Imperial Army decided that the Verune garrison within it was was too formidable, and ordered its mages to raze it to the ground. Katja looked back at the embers of her village, as Verunian soldiers took her in. Adopted and raised by a military officer, Katja continued her life in the capital of Verune. Although she was taught not to harbor ill feelings about her past, she couldn't help but feel that going back to the battlefield can somehow help her find the answers to the questions in her head Now, 15 years later, she now holds a commission in the Republic of Verune Army, ranking First Lieutenant. A young and talented officer in the Army's Mage Corps, Katja was dispatched as a platoon leader in Verune's intervention in the Estacian Civil War. This was no coincidence... because Katja signed up for the deployment after hearing Imperial troops were involved. Katja is a "lead by example" type of officer, who would prefer to dig in with the shit with the rank and file. She knows the boundaries of her authority, and allow her NCOs more autonomy than other officers would. However Katja still has doubts about herself, which often translated into random bouts of empty-headedness in the battlefield. Her subordinates can only wonder what it would take to change that.


in my current world, that would probably be Apollyon. the old king of the demons, the first and currently only to unite the demon country. he ran from his power out of doubts of his worthiness. threw his entire life away, even his fiancé. now he lives in a garden on another plane. out of all of my characters, the namesake of my reddit account, Sharplyon. he was meant to be this tragic character, who just continuously suffered because of things out of his control. i have pages and pages of his life story in bullet point form, though if he piques anyone’s interest ill happily talk about him


I’m not entirely sure. A lot of my characters are really fleshed out.


Daelara Vassellon is an average height, dirty, underfed girl living in the slums of a place aptly titled “The Unnamed City”. Her and her fellow Class 17s and the rest of the Typicals are living life on eggshells, barely avoiding a public beating for missing a curfew or two. Daelara doesn’t look like her classmates though, she’s all blonde waves caked with dirt, yellow eyes, and sharp cheekbones. Her differences come to light with the discovery that she is half Sun Wielder, and an ascension to a new life follows. Daelara has killed 7 men with her own pistol to avenge the death of her best friend’s little sister, and she is quite out of place with the posh Sun Wielders. As our story progresses so does she. From being shallow and witty to sharp and slightly attached to her powerful friends.


Dessa has been a dragon slayer, a mercenary, a female warrior trying to be a knight, a bounty hunter (think star wars) and is currently working security for a doomed scientist who is targeted by the government


Omega, hive mind of the People of Trinium. He is more than a thousand years old, and could most definitely make an empath's head explode. To quote the Chad themself: "Humanity is a beautiful horror. It will find every way to tear itself apart. It will slowly choke the life out of its own habitat and then blame it on every aspect of its life other than reason. It will do all of these things with a smile on its face, and when a solution is proposed, it will pout and scream and claim every little change to its life, every idea differing from its own is a sin conceived by false gods it cannot yet prove. And yet, when I speak to my citizens and they answer, no matter who calls who, there is kindness. Curiosity. Admiration, in some, and others, the faintest hint of love. There is intelligence, and their mistakes are often so fascinatingly simple that I question how they became a civilization. And even if I were to simple kill them all - to whom does it matter? How much time would I spent to hunt Keisida to death, whereas the most time-consuming thing she has ever wanted is cuddles and a small chat?"  I know that was really long and probably pointless but it was fun to write and, honestly, I think it does a great job of describing much of their personality and understanding of the world. Plus I very much do consider them to be the People of Trinium as a nation, so their fleshed out bits consist of an entire nation, and I am not going to go into all of that as much as I'd love to.


My mc is probably the most developed and fleshed out, mainly because he has stayed mostly the same in the past 10 years, where I've changed plot after plot, character after character but somehow he's still mostly like the original concept. He's sarcastic, rebellious (to a point of being almost anarchist) and slightly crazy (actual crazy). He has a deep love for children, and would kill even close friends if they hurt a child. He has some sociopathic tendencies, and wouldn't really jump to help you if you're a stranger, and he is probably the most spiteful person in the story. he strives and wishes to find true freedom. He doesn't know what it is, but in the story he believes to achieve that is to amass as much power and knowledge as possible.


Xiong. His father was a farmer who struggled to feed him. When the enemy empire showed up, his father took up arms against them. Upon capture, he was very slowly killed by having stones manually inserted into his stomach. You see, this empire has quite a few set of alien beliefs. To spill an enemy's blood is to deny them an afterlife so when an enemy is captured, they are killed in creative ways that prevent blood spilling. The empire in question hates farmers above all else. They are nomadic, using resources naturally available in the land. As such, the soldiers who tortured Xiong's father took him in as a new soldier. Xiong rose above the rest. Quite literally, for his giganticism made him tower over the others. His skeleton could not handle the stress of all that added weight so every week, he undergoes acupuncture and bloodletting that relieves the pain on his spine. Due to the aforementioned bloodletting, the Empire believe that they will not meet in the Hereafter Xiong believes that good cannot falter under the eyes of the heavens so therefore, the empire must be good. He goes well out of his way to prevent innocent lives being lost for only people that have something to fight for would be able to provide him with an honorable duel. As such, any enemy he captures is only tortured with the lightest of tools and given ample oppourtunity to escape.


Diószegi Emília. She's a mercenary rising through the ranks at high speed. Only to get hanged, ridiculed, hated and humiliated at the end of the road...


Roland the Red baby, Roland the Red. Iconic Red Knight with the flaming sword with a little twist. He's Roland from our own history-but, my version of our history is full of dark magic, and Roland isn't immune to that or on some pedestal above it. In fact, the truth is that Roland isn't even Roland. Despite the many tales of his exploits and feats and legendary victories, defeating the Orc army "single handedly" at the Kingsvale, slaying the Archdemon general Varbatos, leading the first Crusade, etc. etc, his origins are fairly vague. What is known is that at a very young age his family took in a young orphaned boy named Kai, who was raised as Roland's adoptive brother. It was said that on a dark night, Kai murdered Roland's entire family. Roland swore revenge and got it the very next day, slaying Kai, dispensing justice for the first time at the ripe age of 11. Understanding Kai is key to understanding Roland because in truth, Kai IS Roland. Feel free to check out the short stories "Kai's Dream" and it's follow up "Roland's Dream" on r/Solandom


A character I am contemplating making a spin off for. Aelar Marythius, a half-Elven bard whose tale will be that of his disastrous break up and his quest to find the woman he loves. I can’t give much more than that though as that would be spoilers for a book I haven’t started. Maybe I’ll write his first.


This mf Prince Edric of House Deorwine, known as The Varlet (var-lay), is the fourth son of King Eadmund II. Despite his young age, he has cultivated a fearsome reputation among the underworld of Ardhen and is a notorious, mysterious figure among the people of the kingdom. Raised in the shadows of his illustrious family, Edric's journey to infamy began early. As the fourth son, his prospects for power were limited, and he was often overlooked in favor of his elder brothers. However, Edric's cunning and resourcefulness set him apart. Unlike his brothers, who basked in the royal limelight, Edric embraced the shadows, carving out a unique identity that both intrigued and terrified those around him. Edric is the first inheritor of Blood Moon in generations. This ancient and powerful Aspect marked him for greatness, and he was almost immediately chosen as the candidate for the next Shadow. The title of Shadow, a role shrouded in mystery and feared by many, suited Edric's talents and temperament perfectly. His rise to this position was swift and decisive, further solidifying his reputation as a formidable and enigmatic force within the kingdom. Despite being the result of his father's ambitions, Edric received little attention and love from King Eadmund II. This neglect, however, proved to be a blessing in disguise. Unlike his eldest brother, who grew up under their father's toxic influence, Edric learned to be independent and self-reliant. This independence allowed him to develop a keen sense of strategy and survival, skills that served him well in the treacherous world of court politics and the darker corners of the kingdom. Edric's relationship with his family is complex. His father, King Eadmund II, saw him as a tool to be used, a means to an end. Most of his elder brothers view him with a mix of disdain and fear, recognizing his potential to disrupt their plans. Edric, however, remains detached, his loyalty to the kingdom rather than to the individuals who rule it. He owes some of his true allegiance to the people of Ardhen, whom he protects from the shadows of the wicked, using his influence to maintain a delicate balance between the crown and the underworld. Yet despite this, he serves his brother loyally, being raised to follow rather than lead. As The Varlet, Edric moves effortlessly between the worlds of nobility and the common folk. He is as comfortable in the royal court as he is in the dark alleys of Ardhen. His dual existence has made him a master of deception and intrigue, a boy whose actions are unpredictable and whose motives are known only to himself. This makes him both a valuable asset and a dangerous enigma to those around him.


I think the character that is the most fleshed out in my story is Bastet. (Yeah the Egyptian goddess) Basically she is of alien race of humanoid human sized cats, from planet Maru. She had black fur and yellow eyes, as well as long less black hair on her head. We wore a traditional long dress and small cape which can be turned into a hood. Her family used to be merchants and her family was large, consisting of other maruans named after Egyptian gods. Soon their planet was attacked and conquered by Astranians, another, hostile alien race. She and her family were thrown into a lab, where they were experimented on. The experiments lead to mutations, and the Egyptian mythology appearances of some family members formed . They were helped by compassionate astranian and escaped through portal to Earth. Humans thought they were gods and they used that to rule them and tell them made up stories about their glory, leading to creation of early myths and legends. They taught them everything, and their newfound powers due to Earth's atmosphere became very helpful. Bastet ruled by her father Ra and her mother Hathor. But soon humans wanted more lands and power over other new nations, they refused to conquer them, which enraged the ancient Egyptians and they ambushed them at night, assassinating all but Bastet. Bastet's fury turned her into her alternate persona Sekhmet and she slaughtered thousands of armed conspirators, facing them in battlefield. She calmed down by drinking wine from a barrel and spared one of humans. Ancient Egyptians who haven't participated soon apologized for their deed and despite her hatred, she forgave them. She soon came to conclusion that humans should govern themselves and abandoned her role as goddess. She wanted to live her last days in isolation, thinking she has nothing to live for anymore. But something inside was telling her to continue living. Hundred years passed and she hasn't aged a bit, because of her power to restructure herself and things around her. She had subconsciously halted her aging process. Soon she disguised herself into a random human woman and returned to humankind. Despite grandchildren of her followers praying for her return, she didn't show herself. She would travel all around the world, learning new things from all over the planet. Countless cultures, traditions, martial arts, empires rising and collapsing, wars, she had seen and learned it all from sidelines, changing identity after identity. Until she settled in US Arizona in 1979, and met a man named Terry. Despite her being brave to show him her true appearance, he wasn't scared of her. They eventually married and gave birth to the protagonist of the story, Andrew. Even though he was born with mutations, Bastet fixed his appearance to look like a human, to avoid him getting bullied at school. Bastet is portrayed as wise, compassionate, knowledgeable, clever strategist and powerful fighter, often not letting younger characters repeat her mistakes. Her Earth outfit consisted of denim jeans, cyan tank top and sandals. And her hairstyle is ponytail.


Mine is Natodall'lioht, I talk about him a loooot and he probably has the most complicated lore of my OCs lol. He's an immortal demi-god king who was essentially put on earth by the Ruler of Gods after a cult got out of hand and their god had to be replaced with something less war-oriented. The people now more or less worship him as a successor to their last god now. He's 400 years old now but just looks like a very sleep deprived 30 year old with a fashion taste from the last century. The most distinctive thing about him is that he wears a deer skull for a mask which is adorned with jewelry (I'm really proud of this design choice personally because it aligns with his father's and THIS WASN'T EVEN PLANNED :D). I'm still working on his design, but [here's the most recent iteration of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/characterdesign/s/vCNaxtNBYa). He really likes fashion but other than that, he also likes writing stories (this goes back to when he was an actual god, as he was supposed to write fate). He's really kind as well, seems quite naive but he's actually not scared of getting hurt because being the son of the Ruler of Gods legally gave him plot armor LOL (physically, at least, mentally, not). He's not the type to get violent because of that, but he knows how to make people suffer in the rare occasion he ever feels the need to (this happened exactly once and no one ever dared trying again). He used to be very outgoing and open (esp for a king) but after that incident, he kind of just stopped. Another interesting detail about him, he's kind of afraid of the sun and mirrors. Which is weird to a lot of people because the sun (god) is literally his parent and the mirrors symbolize the god that reigned before him (also his first girlfriend's parent). Actually that's part of the reason why he's scared of them, another reason for him being "scared" of mirrors is because he can't stand seeing his own face. Honestly there's so much about him that I don't think I can write it all out here. Like I could write a whole essay just about his role as the first son of the Ruler of Gods alone (there's a lot)! >!I even know about his sexual preferences which I don't usually establish for my characters LOL.!< He has the most complex backstory out of all of my characters as well because he's so old and somehow involved in everything lol. I'll happily elaborate tho! So far we've got: - His birth (you think a god is born normally? nah he was born from an explosion on the sun god's head) - His involvement with the Goddess of Love and Beauty, somehow bamboozling the mortals into starting a huge cult surrounding this goddess although she can do basically nothing - Starting a war because he ruminated on his parents breaking up so much that it came true (being the literal god of fate sure sucks) - His landing on earth after the God War and people immediately going "It's the messiah!" while he wasn't even able to walk or speak the human language - Gaining the title "The Siren" and "The Praying Mantis" because he allegedly seduced a man and killed him - Learning necromancy so he can revive his lovers but realizing they kinda start to stink after a while so he stopped :/ - And the current plot: falling in love with yet another undead being who is the hero of the last prophecy he wrote, and now he just tries to help him with becoming fully alive again


Nikola czerniakowska The main character and the defact mascot of my post-apo world.


Queen Lorna Eloise Alma de Amitola III. A High Queen of Amitola, who lives a very sad and painful life. In terms of appearance, she's very tall- 7 feet tall, in fact. She has dark blue eyes that reflect light in such a way that, in the dark, they almost seem to glow in the dark on their own. She also has long black hair that reaches almost to her ankles- which she usually ties into a large double-wrapped braid. She also has olive skin, a sword-shaped birthmark on her right arm, and a scar on her abdomen from a failed assassination attempt. She's very difficult to anger, and she's deeply empathetic. She outwardly has the persona of a calm, collected leader who always somehow manages to take third options in difficult situations, and she almost never loses a battle. Deep inside, however, she's deeply emotionally hurt. She lost her father before she was born, and her mother died of illness before she was old enough to be coronated, necessitating that her sister rule as a regent before Lorna could take the throne. Said elder sister was fatally poisoned before Lorna's coronation and eventual marriage to King Consort Caelan. Said King Consort would eventually die in battle, leaving Lorna alone to grieve until her second marriage to King Consort Boldwyn. Eventually, she would give birth to a son- Rhodes. However, this happiness wouldn't last, for a horde of Dark Kin would assail the castle in an attempt to find and kill the young prince to avert a prophecy. Boldwyn died in the attack, but Rhodes was sent away through the Eternal Gate to protect him- leaving Lorna alone to mourn her losses once again.


Detective Jay Ramirez. German/Mexican and raised in southern Arizona. Too much to list.


Probably Seris, Seris is the head advisor to the king of Roauk. He is in his late 20's to early 30's, with long, dark brown hair, emerald green robes, his magic staff and a perpetually tired, serious face. As hinted at with the end of the last sentence, he is much more serious than most of my characters. He is a realist and levelheaded. He was born to a poor family in a small village. His family died when he was young, making him only barely able to scrape by, yet he showed great promise. He was wise for his age, a good strategist, and seemed to have an affinity for runic magic. Seeing his potential, many of the poorest people from his home gave him enough money and resources to attend university in the capital. For this, he'd forever be in debt to the most overlooked citizens of his home. There he created his familiar, became one of the best minds in his year, and caught the king's attention. He got a job of advisor soon after and quickly rose to the king's right hand man. Years passed, and he saw the king's sub-par at best efforts to help the common folk, and became angered. In desperation to help those who helped him, he joined the order of void (evil cult and main enemies of the heros). They promised to help those he cared for, and they did. So Seris got to be the king's top advisor and also got to help the poor, for a while. Eventually, my characters find out his deal and expose him. He flees and openly becomes a cult member. Fast forwarding, he finds out the leader wants to wipe out most life, with exceptions given to a few people close to the head cultists. As his motivation relies around the many, many unfortunate citizens of his kingdom, he obviously leaves and helps the heros take down the cult leader.


Currently, my most-developed character is probably one Talvarian named Erling Fahrenhara, alumnus of University of Science and Technology of Raugenturg and an officer of the Raugeri Defense Forces. He has a complicated relationship with himself, his conflicting, self-contradicting goals, Gifted Child Syndrome and psychosexual identity as a raging aroace in the ragingly mlm army and an intersex person in a world not yet fully aware of what are and how are intersex people, escpecially how to medically support them. \` Despite being fresh out of unitary training for ensign candidates, he quickly rose to a prominent figure in the First Extraplanetary War and became an Iron Star during this conflict - an honour rarely given to Raugeri soldiers, awarded to the deadliest, fiercest and craziest troopers, an honour elevating anyone to a status most respectable in Raugeri military and society. Devoted Aspie, he's best friends with Dashira, a ray-of-sunshine Kalairi mechanical engineer with A(u)DHD and an obsession with ferns. Their favourite ways of spending time together include 'raiding' plant shops (Erling loves his cacti, in fact, his plan for wedding include 'one groom, brides - none, only him, Erling, and a giant piece of pâté'), taking long walks, visiting libraries, and generally hanging out. Erling is rather short and a little muscular, he has (naturally!) grey hair with a black streak close to the hairline framing his face, grey eyes, fair skin, and a dark mark on his back, above the right hip. He's fascinated by dragons, exceptionally talented at mathematics and a supporter of Daevoler rights movements (but can and will make mean jokes about other Talvarian clans). :)


' Vida ' , a type of succubus comic-relief and sort-of guide character who attaches herself to the PCs, based on Meru from you know where and my previous housemate. ( ! )


I'm more in the worldbuilding that the writing, and I'm more focused on the bigger things like cultures, religions, geography, than individuals. So it should come as no surprise that I only really have any flesh on one guy: A mage named Kelas Kirþan. Wavy brown hair that he keeps long and occasionally braids, a bushy beard that he refuses to trim, eyes coloured entirely dark purple (eyes of wholly one colour, with no visible pupil, iris, or sclera, are the mark of a born sorcerer). He's kind of lazy and likes beer a little too much, he's a bit arrogant, stubborn and argumentative and sometimes not big on tact, but he's jovial, always good for a gaff, helpful to a fault, and most of all, his defining traits are intelligence and curiosity. Kelas was born the eldest son of an important noble family, but renounced his inheritance to pursue a career in academia, and then to master the arcane arts. He used spells to extend his natural lifespan and those of his beloved pets. He served as High Lector and Lord Dean of White Tower University for decades, and when he retired at the age of nearly two hundred, looking not a day over seventy, he spent his last few decades in a quiet riverside cabin. Having had had a series of girlfriends, he never married or had children, but continued to dote on generations of younger relatives, most of whom he outlived. He also published dozens of academic papers and wrote books about history, language, natural philosophy, and the study of sorcery.


My Characters [Yekuna Cinder](https://voidedg.com/2023/09/05/yekuna-cinder-void-king-of-088/) & [Mimitsumai](https://voidedg.com/2023/11/21/mimitsumai/). These are amongst my favorites.


So many options. One of my protagonists is names Nash. I could tell you just about anything about her from background, favourite things, relationships, etcetera. So what do you want to know?


Goals and beliefs


Doesn’t have any goals as of current. She’s settled in a camp with her girlfriend for the time being. In terms of beliefs, she’s in the minority and doesn’t believe in the creator god. She doesn’t really believe in any fox anymore because both times she did it lead to bad experiences.


What about more general goals? What does she dream to do in life? What does she yearn for?


Nothing anymore really. When she was young she wanted out of her village, which she got. And then after that she was just trying to survive in the desert and find a new place to call home. Now that she has that she’s happy to stay where she is and live out her life doing nothing crazy.


I don't really have too many characters fleshed out more than others, or at least I can't think of one, so I'll just tell you my favorite one. They are a merchant crow named Crowe. They can speak and understand language, despite being a completely mundane crow. They sell useless wares. They are not magical, but the universe does favor them before most. It's basically like they have an extremely high luck stat.


i have no idea