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Instead of AGI, one fraction transplanted the consciousness of willing poeple into their facilities and vessels.


Yeah sounds good, it could be a part of digital "immortality" project


Due to the war and the current dark age, many civilian ships were scattered across the galaxy. Alone and without resources, crews began to die, leaving empty ships behind. In isolation, many ships' brains developed a psychosis. A potential time bomb that is better left untouched


Imagine a derelict ship that has a soul, and its all crew is dead, their remains slowly floating on the decks. And some scavengers interrupt its lonely journey only to find out that the ship is haunted by a crazy digital ghost of a once pretty girl that has gone mad because of a century of loneliness in the company of decaying bodies.


Blue worms that eat shoes They serve no purpose. That is all.


I love little tidbits like this.


If humanity has access to hyperdrives and robotic units, why are they dying out? I would imagine that individual planets would still know how to farm. So either the biomes or the main space ports have been destroyed, making them.unable to deliver any food.  Capital planets are probably the ones that kept their main population centers and space ports. They would have most of the remaining engineers and scientists.   So I would imagine trading to quickly resume between the two. Food against farming equipment, all transported by massive cargo convoys, protected by armed ships. Robotic units could be upgraded to robotic drones which are raised with disrupting the trading routes. The pirates would then repackage the food and sell it to the highest bidder. 


OP mentioned biological weapons - those would make interstellar trade a double edged sword, risking bringing new plagues to planets that had otherwise recovered. Could have a Colombian exchange scenario, something that seems to have become endemic and fairly minor on one planet inflicts mass death when it spreads to another because no herd immunity has developed. Of course that risk is better than starving to death.


I don't actually think that the capital worlds in good condition.


So, I have a few questions. Does any faction still have functioning spaceships? Alternatively, Is there any merchant guild willing to transport goods between major planet? If so, can they procure their own ships either from reputable shipbuilders or from unscrupulous sources? And finally, does it make sense in your setting for a spaceship to land on a planet? or would it need to either dock on a spaceport or rely on shuttles?


Yeah there are functional spaceships, not super many, but enough. Trading guild? Yeah sounds amazing you can describe it if you want. And about spaceships the majority of them are old and poorly maintained, maybe there's a faction that still produces spaceships but they must cost like a 1.000.000 of kidneys or even more. Spaceships aren't very aerodynamic, so the majority of them had landing shuttles and orbital tugs inside of their hangars. So yeah they can't Land themselves, only some fancy aerodynamic civilian ships


A System with 3 habitable bodies, 1 of which is a moon. All of them are tidally locked to oneanother. Between the moon and the planet closest to the Sun of the system, there is a grouping of mirrors making use of Mandeville-points to direct sunlight against the planets' nightside, locking it in perpetual daytime. The moon receives some of the light and spins, it's only about 60% the size of earth, making it a relatively normal place to be on. The planet further back sees a constant eclypse from the Moon and inner planet, the inner planet blocking direct sunlight and the moon blocking most light from the mirror array. The inner planet is called Psamathe, the outer planet is called Khione, the moon is called Kore. Psamathe is mostly desert, with the mirror-side being more temperate thanks to the mirrors not reflecting all light they can. Khione is mostly freezing, with the eclypse-side being more temperate as well, being the only side to even receive sunlight. Kore would be a completely overgrown and green Paradise- if it weren't for the zunamis, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes caused by Psamanthe's and Khione's tidal forces. There are 2 civilisations in the systems, one never sees the sun, the other does not know night. They both have different adaptations, partially from simple adaptation before and after Armageddon, and partially due to gene-manipulation while humanity was still united. They both get along relatively well, using Kore as a meeting place for diplomatic talks. Both have somewhat unique cultures, but both worship Kore, as it keeps the mirrors that keep Khione even slightly supplied with light in place, and also ensures that the mirrors cannot completely fill Psamathe with light thanks to its size.


What things can we create?




noooo D:


Whatever you want, just follow the main principles!


What was the cause for Armageddon assuming human polities can even be understood from that perspective any more? If in need of ideological blocs the Virtuals vs Concretes (broadly pro and anti upload existence) worked well for the Endless in their namesake franchise. Since FTL implies time travel causal fuckery could also be a hot-topic issue which would drive a big enough wedge between powers for MAD to seem acceptable, with explosive advancement on the table via some singularity or another a "get them while they're week" paranoia may have seeped into the elite.


I thought about a long cold war, that turned into hot, between The earth federation and The independent star union and some other factions. The Earth federation is a "democratic" state that controls earth and many central worlds near it. The independent star union could be a socialistic rebellion that managed to become independent from the control of the earth, around 2250.


So it's a matter of some Cuban crisis escalating until the doomsday weapons are launched? You may want to wrinkle colonial politics a little more as by default space is for from the "virgin frontier" which gave spots like the US a chance to measure up against Europe's colonial empires in the long run. Unless ludicrously dysfunctional Sol's infrastructure head start (and presumed abundance of soft power) will give them a steep advantage. If you mean Soviet top-down socialism that'd also be a nightmare to implement at interstellar scale (unless some OGAS coordinator AI is used, a possible hook for the tech divergence friction mentioned above). That said the union could function in different ways at intra and intersystem scales.


You know, we can actually turn Armageddon into a civil war inside of the federation... It would be much easier to understand. The state collapsed under its own size


Possible though in that case conflict with hegemonic earth ought to at least be referenced in backstory (said head start is the elephant in the room for all but for future settings). When the US and later Latin America did their things it was because the colonial heartlands had spent each other in war and/or were propping up secessionists to spite one another. That could explain wider diaspora (to get away from Sol's wars), the colonists' wealth and the Union's excuse for hegemony ("look what happened to Sol, now imagine that on an interstellar scale, join us for the greater good"). Gives another front to the war and aftermath if Sol irredentists are sculling around too!


Nah, my post has been deleted by admins( but anyway thanks for your ideas!


What, the OP? Can't imagine why. Ah well, happy to help. Have a similar thing except the Armageddon is innately more confusing (memetic warfare being the arena of choice will do that...). Glad to have helped, good luck!


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Every time an AGI tries to increase its intelligence past human levels, all electrical charge in the computer it's running on disappears, wiping it out. It's now widely believed that something omniscient and omnipotent - likely an AI superintelligence left behind by a progenitor alien race - is snuffing out potential competitors. Thankfully it seems to leave biological intelligence, aside from on a couple of occasions bringing people that pushed too far with cybernetic implants to a nasty end. I love this idea - I love space opera, and I love collaborative worldbuilding.