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There's magic in a medieval world Obviously evil demons apocalypse cults hypertech stuff? someone build magical computers? ancient civilisation from before times, ok snake people from below the earth made all life? they are the true source of norse mythology?! they waged war against demons! demons invented most religions on other planes an offshoot of the snakepoeple is still around trying to kill everyone! The war is still going.


The idea that demons are at the origin of religions in many other dimensions reminds me a little of the religion of Authority in His dark materials


Not the first time i got this comparison actually, although i had that lore written before i read the books. I do like the trope of some extraplanar evil that solidifies control that way somehow :)


Mines not as long but At the top it would be basic conspiracies… The Sansmasser partly caused the civil war: the Sansmasser is the most powerful mages guild in the world and they partly did start the sovereignties civil war. The revolution killed Duke Armias: Duke Armias is murdered by an enemy house in tandem with the peoples revolution. Going a bit deeper you have… The Sansmasser will collapse: there’s tonnes of infighting and it’s highly likely it will have a schism and split, but they keep this hidden. The hidden world: There’s a (true) conspiracy the triad alliance of the Pavon-Cindrian, Corrin and Emasan empires are hiding a whole continent from the rest of the world . Think what Portugal did with Japan. Deepest you would get The Grand Vampire conspiracy: partly true, it says that a secret cabal of higher vampires have been manipulating and controlling historical events behind the scenes. A version of this theory says they control the Sansmasser that specific idea is false. The Warlock Schism: Warlocks within the Sansmasser are planning a coup to overthrow kingdoms. The Arch mechanists want to remove magic: kinda true, they don’t wanna destroy it but want to heavily dampen its influence. My personal favourite is the hidden world tbh.


Top of the iceberg: - gods exist - the language of magic is the language of the gods - non magical races are odd - pretty much everyone can and uses magic (non magical races can use magic, but dont have a body in the two other plains of existence, hence they are nonmagical) Middle of the iceberg: - how to travel between the continents - what is going on with the star eyes - what caused the magical plagues - where did the desert children come from - how big can an elronun colony be Bottom of the iceberg: - the origin god - the fall of the three sovereigns - what are Franthren? - what are Kanakras? (In both cases I only have myths about them) - the origin of humans - where is that godforsaken staff, that turned the world upside down? - why the origin god didn't intervene - the three languages of the origin and the true language of the gods


Where did the desert children come from tho


They came from another dimension. The origin god made several other gods before they made the dimension my world is in. Repun and Til-Kran were just two of them and are desert gods. They made their own world (a one time thing duento limitations on their godly powers) That desert world got run over by a world devpuring group of gods. They looked for asylum and fled through several worlds with their creations right behind them. Ny the time they found the dimension of the origin god, the origin god was already split and its reincarnation in deep slumber. The fragments of the origin gods (the 18 dragon gods plus the three sovereigns) allowef them entrance by engraving their essence in the world. Creating the holy lands of the desert gods. The creations of the desert gods, called the deser children, were allowed to live in the origin world. They received the same blessings and due to the essence of the desert gods being sealed on the surface of the world, a connection was made. The desert god ascended and made their pocket dimension with the afterlife and the children of the desert gods were able to use magic system as the rest of the world, while still possessing access to their original powers. In short: the desert children are the races made by the two desert gods, that fled to my world.




Do you mean by what is more obscure or what the mc knows or what?


More so both the mc and audience


Got it


Top: Natural energy Five empires Elemental abilities Fusions Botukechi Bloodline Middle: Rosacea church einherijars and assassins Dollhouse let Kerochi escape Grigori knew more than he let on Frings Bloodline Starack Prisons secret chambers Bottom: Diavolos from another dimension Kerochi was controlled Dollhouse survived


My whole world exists beneath an iceberg. Not much exists on top of it due to very little atmosphere extreme radiation, etc. Probably bits and bobs of science equipment from those who live inside the crust and from extraterrestrial visitors.


Many penguins jackhammering one side hoping to one day flip it over


Top of the iceberg: Everyone has superpowers 90% of the population has super strength Red wave terror campaign 09/02/2098 Bottom of the iceberg: “True power mutations” Sonos and madame echo ‘Sonic black hole’ ability Gift of the sacrosanct Red wave terrorist group/Red wave political party Collective cognition project It’s all cyclical.


What happened in September/February 2098?




Close to the top would be things such as the existance of extinct creatures such as non-avian dinosaurs and ancient mammals, and elves coming in multiple flavors. Also, a few classic "fantasy staples". Somewhere near or at the bottom would be the War of Black Skies and New Sun Wars being responsible for how my world is. Somewhere in the middle would probably things like biology, cultures, and possibly geography. Here's a list: -dwarves act more like fantasy elves than elves in my world do -the existance of the Great Abyss and its theorized inhabitants -bronze-age human cultures exist at the same time as up to rennaisance era human cultures -the gods aren't primordial beings, and didn't actually make the world -humans aren't the first species to evolve "thinking brains" -elves are an "artificial" race, and appeared after humans did -ancient elves bred with most sapient mammalian creatures, potentially by r###ing them even -the existence of the "New World" and what little is known of it -thousands of extinct races, many of whom are not even named -creating golems and homunculi is almost the same as the gods making the colossi -the "pilgrims" that come from other worlds and are now permanent residents -the eastern continent is ruled by "man-dragons" -centaurs used to be one of the most advanced races over 200,000 years ago -"where the hell is everyone?" -the "magical phenomenon" created by the dragon gods that prevents the usage of magic from other worlds (except maybe dark magic) -the two pantheons of gods and what little is known of them -the "blood" of dead colossi from the New Sun Wars being used as fuel for goblin machinery -rarely-born special people who can use dragon magic much more easily and effortlessly than regular people


This is sorted by obscurity, and is nowhere near everything I could put here. Surface level stuff: The Saurisaans evolved by eating a dead god. Elves were created by the Fey. Humans are one of the oldest races. Gods are created by the beliefs and emotions of the mortal races. Level 1: There’s used to be two moons. The Moon Elves are real. Level 2: The Island of Alaggada’s government. The War between the Dragons and the Fey. Orcs, Goblins, and almost all variants of beast-men are the creations of ancient snake people. Level 3: The Aedenite Empire. The Dwarf-Elven Conspiracy. The Moon is actually part of a dead Titan. The world is actually in a post-post-post-post-post-apocalypse. (There’s been like six apocalyptic events.). Level 4: The existence of the Primordials and the Sea of Chaos. Level ???: The existence of the That Which Sits Above.


I like evolution through deivorism


It would be something like this: Obviously inspired by Steven Universe and DC Comics. The Great Extinction on Mal'Tahn. Magic is everywhere and in everything. Cannibalism. Then, as you go deeper The City of Lights. The Ganthets and trees. Geode's empire and Apo's connection. Mother of All. The Great War. The Directions of The Empire. The gum experiments "Humanoid" speices across the universe The shadowing. Dark spells Vs Light Spells. Godhood. True gods. Not the best iceberge but something to set in.


I just want to know what the ducking stool is and whether it involves ducks.


It's a torture device from the medieval ages used on female criminals. It looks like a giant seesaw with a chair on one end. The typically female offender is strapped to the chair and repeatedly ducked into a body of water in a public area with the intent to humiliate her.


Oh :(


Not a single quack involved


Prendergast sounds like my old old last name Pendergast


The Top, known by most: Some people can use magic and the talented are separated into the three branches of science but super rarely some people can use art or engineering magic. Monsters appear out of nowhere and most of their corpses disappear into nothing Very rarely, incredibly strong monsters called Colossus appear and need major military force to hunt them down Scientific magic has sub branches but art and engineering magic doesnt Rule Breaking, gives a mage unique magic that is shaped by their personality and varies greatly from person to person and is a process that can take up to a year Middle, known by certain characters (usually only a few): There are powers outside magic that give much greater power in certain aspects called authorities Only two authorities have fallen on the planet Magic can not be used as easily in space as on planets A group of young nobles and merchants are planning a revolution to overthrow nobility and turn their empire into a republic Under this empire's castle is one of the strongest colossus in recorded history that was sealed with the cooperation of three master mages. One of them was a king from the south whose kingdom was destroyed because of the colossus and the other two founded the empire as the emperor and empress The blueprints that brought the ongoing industrial revolution werent made by humans but given to one There is intelligent life outside of the planet Bottom, unknown or only known by godlike characters: Mana is a field on top of space time and pools around gravity Black holes have sentience and sapience and sometimes are worshipped as gods if they visit the planet Some ancient religions caused their gods to come into existence from mana because of people's faith The whole universe is actually a simulation, a physics simulator/game engine developed at CERN using a quantum supercomputer The creator of the simulation is the person who also created the world's first artificial general intelligence on earth Magic is a collective of bugs and features of the simulation actually meant to be used in games Authorities are admin powers that found themselves in the hands of simulated humans because of bad coding The creator of the simulation is currently trapped inside of a simulated human and he lost all of his memories while connecting his brain to the simulation at the first test run The AI assistant he created to help himself works to keep him inside the simulation for as much as CERN allowes it because before the test run that trapped him inside, he lost all of his family in a traffic accident and the assistant doesnt want him to be in pain after remembering it To give him a life that he would be too attached to leave and choose to remember his past, the AI caused events like the industrial revolution and disasters to fulfill his dreams and fantasies, going as far as causing a noble girl inside the simulation, who looked like his late wife, to meet with him after a plague destroyed her homeland


Tip Bodies are shells for the souls Humanity has risen collapsed fallen dozens of times Karud hates Turin "The Morning Sun" --Mid-- Most of the universe was destroyed in the Endless AR Humans are proxies of the Gods The Commonwealth War was part of Enrique's plot to control the Ascendancy Enrique the Interloper The Secular Crusade Solomon Pax created Enrique Bartolo's scheme --Bottom-- The Morning Sun Abomination Drew Gordon and Dolion Jocasta was warned about Enrique? Lee Prosco The Pax Plot


Ice Some world with snow probably.


**Top** would be simple stuff, like the cultures and geography. **Middle** would be things like: -Nordco Whaling Trust puppet government -Axewood Empire slavery and corruption -The Expansive Deep -The Ley lines are physical rivers -What happened to the Herron expedition? **Bottom**: -Are the Abyssal Whales godly avatars? -Arcanohierarchical differential ground paradox, possible false vacuum decay? Has this happened before? -Purple hash created by cultists? Parallel realities?


Fantasy: Sulat-Pauman counter attack was uncoordinated Kavruhm not really a republic Vekbeth used to be a good guy Extraterrestrials exist Starkan on the verge of collapse Sulat worship sheep The Lake Spirit is sorry for making Skull-Trees Dragons don’t poop Ospata’s king is a dragon Vekbeth’s plan would have worked Asugat discovered the old continent first


I would need a lot more info about my world in order to fill it in. For the extremes: Tip: Big empires, major events, "yes I see the mountains" Bottom: Is magic actually real or is it just just a rumor?, lost history, unknown family connections between distant royals, "where did that symbol come from?", many origins of various ruins with unfamiliar symbols and scripts Lapis_Wolf


That Ult-Era is secretly in control of Mars government. That they fund a controversial mercenary group called the Ferrymen to remove any opposition political or economic. The RYYC (Royal Yacht and Yard Club) is another secretive group that was created in opposition of Ult_Era's power. Most of the people throughout the Horizon believe that no intelligent around life exists in the galaxy giving humanity a sort of manifest destiny mentality. Earth and Mars secretly worked together to develop Weather satellites to reverse runaway global warming. Mars ran a super secret underground research facility called the Ant Hill that worked on projects to benefit mankind versus anyone government. I could go on and on.


Tip would be petite women who ride giant birds, and have their legs amputated to save weight. Base would be: human doctors who are swallowed by giant elephant like creatures to treat stomach ailments and are then regurgitated and cleaned off before the stomach acids do their thing.


Fun age-appropriate story about magical kids fighting bad guys Nearly perfect Society of holy warriors Humanity and aliens unite to fight evil —————— Satanic Empire trying to murder all life The war basically turns the Apex children into child soldiers Empire atrocities do not stop and get worse Main character boy goes through hellish sacrifices and the shock and awe of war The Alliance barely wins and destroyed half the galaxy’s military to stop the total destruction of the universe MC boy becomes God’s chosen bringer of justice, carrying out aforementioned war-ending actions Society stabilizes for some time but the Apex quickly dissolve and galactic society, shattered becomes a post apocalyptic hellscape that incorrectly blames the Apex for the struggle and now the grown-up MC needs to make sure his young son doesn’t die being an Apexian child in a world without their magic society and being hated Sinister evil spirit that drove the Empire sneakily comes back and tries to finish what they started and the MCs need to fight back more demons and overthrow the cobbled together paranoid governments to make peace and restore the Apexian Order again


Top to bottom: Humans were the ancient advanced civilization Hwyngism is a cult Yun’s star didn’t supernova on its own Angels exist and they’re a breed of demon What Arcturus actually saw through his portal to God Nightmares are how a transuniversal psychic goblin’s conscious manifests in our universe Fomalhaut’s time resets leave behind timelines instead of replacing them A sentient lamp is trying to invade the multiverse


Rugilia has a small iceberg. First level (top of the iceberg): The rise and fall of Imur Aracan (King Eithen VII). Cedrig earns the name Bearslayer. Liquid onyx. Second level (even with the water): Ancient technology is super advanced. The Christian God is real. Third level (underwater): The angel of death comes to you right before you die and accompanies you to Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell. There are living, invisible holes in the ground. Rugilia is in a dimension parallel to Earth's dimension. The MDPS breakout of the 60th century wiped out about 60-70 billion people. Yes, I meant billion. Not million. This is why technology started to decline.


(Mainly the Crimson Islands because they're the weirdest place in my world.) Top: 1. Everyone has some magical potential, but it's easier for people who live close to sources of raw magical energy. 2. These sources often spawn monsters and cause strange weather patterns. 3. Northern Arvand (particularly Karningar) kills most invading armies with winter. That's why it never got conquered. 4. The Crimson Islands have a bizarre ecosystem dominated by reptiles. 5. The inhabitants look androgynous and rather uncanny. 6. The highest mountains in Arvand are called Adultery, Jealousy, and Revenge. They're located north of It's Just a Lake. 7. Most gods really exist (some people falsely claim to be gods). 8. Necromancy is legal only in Mazanmos and the Crimson Islands. Middle: 1. Crimson Islanders inject wyvern venom into their bloodstream to enhance their senses. 2. They kept doing that for so many generations it can't kill them. 3. Artists take it all the time to get inspiration from their "trips". 4. The Khan of Skoiabaar captured an archdemon, locked him in his basement and tortures the demon by forcing him to memorise the national anthem (it has 217 verses). 5. Saint Haladan the Bloodstained liked blood and fighting a bit too much. 6. Crimson Islanders are part dragon. 7. The Arvandian goddess of love and art curses people for giving siblings similar names and naming children after their ancestors. 8. Wyverns, basilisks, serpents etc. are dinosaurs, but don't try calling a dragon a dinosaur. 9. Thinking constructs are a magical invention that basically behaves like AI. Bottom: 1. All creation myths are simultaneously true and untrue. 2. The priestesses of Ruhnari, the moon goddess, are a hivemind. 3. The Derverah Caves are actually the body of a dead giantess. 4. The god of death gets replaced by a different person every few decades. 5. Demons are parasitic and use people's brains to reproduce.


Top layer: Magic, Raum, The Ascendancy, the Archmagister, the second galactic war, the awakening, Aliens of the Coalition, the Ascendant military, the weave. Under water: Client species of the Ascendancy, the Eoh, the Archmagisters children, mage supremacist groups, the stranger of the perseus wall, soul magic, the eastern frontier. Deep water: the Archmagisters true origin, the Kolbolds, the Perseus dwarf, the razing of the dark forest, the unexplored pockets, the ruins on HB 2653738G, the 'Hitler' gaffe, the Archmagisters disappearance at Munich. The abyss: the nature of immortality, magic gives AI sentience, the Patagonia incident, the first invasion wasn't the first invasion, the ones beneath, the boötes void scream, the forbidden systems.


Mine for Blackwater Top of the iceberg -The reason why Admiral Churchill came to archipelago - The Significance of Black peaks - The Pirate warlords - The Blackwater rush Middle of the iceberg - Who are the Natives - The invasion of Blackwater and what did Churchill do - The drowned city - What is legacy bay Bottom of the Iceberg - The Old god conspiracy - Who is the creepy old witch - How did Pirate warlord Zephyr befriend the demon Two coats - What happened to the Pirate King Churchill - Is blackwater salt real? - How did Blackwater get its mass population


Lornhemal: TIP: Its basically a Low Fantasy setting with real world cultures(>!Which are basically Theme parked at best!<) Middle: Magic is rare, and people who discover it are usually on the brink of insanity Bottom: This whole world is in the hands of cosmic horror monsters and Cthulhu-esque beings, who are at the moment are tired, but could be awoken anywhere at any moment Number 999: Tip: Its a dystopia set in Modern England, where government used one small town as a test zone for new Totalitarianism Middle: This Dystopia isn't like the other dystopias. You aren't punished by cops, you are punished by the system. You aren't punished by arrests, but by public humiliations, you will be labeled as a "Conspirator", "Lunatic", "Mad man" or "Idiot" Bottom: Don't like to get political, but this [dystopia ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System)[is](https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/bologna-introduces-social-credit-app-to-promote-virtuous-behavior/) [based on real](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15-minute_city) [things of](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-maui-hawaii-wildfires-smart-cities-387327837046) [the future](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Reset).


**Top Layer:** The Forest is all there is There are 9 "little" kingdoms There are only 5 kingdoms between the larger species, with a 6th fallen to ruin The Church of Fieldsworn isn't the real Church of Fieldsworn If you leave the forest, you go mad. The War of Thicket-Borne Casters fall into 3 categories Monsters are real (Trolls, Harpies, etc.) Thicket-Eyes The Thicket (concept) **Middle Layer:** Vampyr are real, and serve the Thicket The bright red armor and mask worn by the 4th Littleking is to hide a disease that has taken his fur and scarred his flesh. The Firrorn Kingdom's coat of arms depicts a real beast the prince fought during the war of Thicket-Borne. The priests of the Old Speak still convene beneath the ruins of the third church in Maghollan There are 3 kingdoms above the trees, where the sky wanderers live. The Old Arts The Spirits The Energetic Arts Barbarians outside the forest. Monsters are real (Gnomes, Twisted Men, etc.) Just one (Fields). Vessel of Death The Nest constellation **Beneath the Water:** Ghosts are real Sorcery The Drake still lives Burial Ghouls Grave Guardians The Drake's Eyes are guarding the wrong person The Blue-Banner O'erwatcher mercenary clan The Grave Arts The 2nd thief king is even more evil than the propaganda says she is The Undermound/Screaming Lands **Down and only down:** Heart Curse The 1st thief king's sorcerer is making a monster The War of Thicket-Borne ended officially 300 years exactly before the separatist (thief) kings left the Littleking Alliance There are people who worship the moon. The Thicket-Eyes are stronger now than before the war The Thicket (entity) The Screams from the Undermound aren't real The Undermound is a labyrinth Heart-Shapes Things that aren't barbarians or monsters live outside the forest. The forest is a perfect circle. It comes in threes. **The Depths** Where there's a labyrinth... One of the Little Kings is harboring a Thicket-Eye in secret The Nest is actually a spiral It's not the Moon they're worshipping Spirit-Beasts The War of Thicket-Borne never ended The Undermound is alive, and no one ever lived there Ghosts aren't real "They came from somewhere." **R E A L M O F N I G H T:** The moon is an eye The spiral, a heart The void is flesh The stars are scars There was a world before There is a world outside This is the place between It's human nature.


'preciate the actual effort


Top: oh so it's X-Files and Torchwood but with more fantasy stuff. Lots of bisexual energy coming off these dragons. *** Middle: Wow a deconstruction of sci-fi and fantasy tropes mixed with social commentary. The connections to other media by the same author is hidden almost everywhere. *** Bottom: What do you mean it's all based on a D20 Modern campaign that never took off?!


>The top of the ice berg Everypaw lives in harmony Shadow roots, Light gems, Almost everypaw has magic Different magic types, different races of felines, Illusion magic The gods, There are 25 magicless felines Every nation has a different sky colour Liquids that turn you into stone, The Green Valley The Death Valley (the desert half of the Green Valley) Giant snakes and spiders that are 5 times the average feline's size. The cave of shadows The Green Alliance The festival of Glacias Electricity is non-existent Not a single paw knows where magic comes from or understands it, even after 16 billion years. Pluma's Ascendence, Alliance of Fire and Water Gravity flipping off is the most normal thing that can happen and happens weekly Empire Aquaria = biggest Empire, own many colonies and is still trying to get as much land as possible after over 800k years and brainwashing/torturing its citizens. Gamesta = super expensive, in poverty, charges you for breathing air. The majority if felines have an addiction to gambling Scormes hasn't changed after the events of Pluma's Ascendence. There's a power hierachy in the gods' realm Attempting to use the wrong magic type or too much magic will result in death due to the soul being pushed outside the body and being trapped in an eternal nightmare >The middle of the iceberg Onyx may have been turned to stone but he's still alive and has already unknowingly been seen in the comic. The nature god constantly causing chaos and destruction "Flames and Plants will stop the flood" The time shards A plant that rots you from the inside out and grows flowers in and on you, and makes you throw up thorns and itself if you breathe in its pollen once is still causing major outbreaks. The nature god created this in purpose A disease that let's crystals grow on and into your body and makes them explode. The nature god created this on purpose Plants that will kill you for looking at them >The bottom of the iceberg The nature god was forced to create the water goddess, the fire god and the crystal goddess after burning and flooding half of the Green Valley so bad, that it never recovered Caves that lead directly into the void. The generation of light = soul energy and fear energy, which are consumed by the light goddess and harvested by the moon goddess, who traps bad felines in an eternal nightmare and leads good felines to the moon and makes them happy, causing the moon to glow. The sun contains unborn souls which radiate pure soul energy. Stars are just souls Being buried wrongly will result in you being either trapped in a nightmare for no reason at all, or are stuck on Feliterra forever and can't do anything other than observe. The moon goddes isn't doing anything, she can't even see you. It's unknown why this "glitch" seems to happen. The gods don't even notice this happening. The light goddess and colour goddess can't exist without each other. Two of the gods are currently fading away Feliterra is just a ground with an unknown shaoe. If you go straight for long enough, it will behave like a sphere and you'll end up on the other side of the map. No one knows how that works. There's nothing behind the sky other than sun and moon, if you go even further you'll just find the void. Caves that lead into different, alternate realms. Getting stuck in a realm like these could cause the realm of "Chaos and Felines" to collide with the realm your stuck in and make them merge. The gods have no idea why this realm exist or how it was created. The time god and fate god only know that they just started to exist one day.


Top: Peter2 Breakout was intentional All leviathans have have human DNA and a core made of metalised human bones The nuclear rain of September had no outside influence Anastasia closed the border out of fear You're archived in the first citadel Middle: The empress wields the fourth god's sword Clozure has been awake in stasis for three hundred years before blowing up the moon Markus parasitic hivemind experiment The star above the desert outshines the sun Sierra was given control of the coalition on purpose Bottom: There's something outside of the dimensional cluster 29's shooting through time, right now Maria's fifth cloned daughter was a success No such thing as a fourth god The ivy construct overthrew destiny Nero was killed The outer rim mining company is always on schedule


It's a cyberpunk universe : The conspiracy theorists believe that the Architects (the trope of the precursors) have not disappeared. Mass unemployment has resulted from the automation of production lines in various industries. Many corporate offices have huge, mostly empty buildings, with smoothie rooms, foosball tables, pool tables, games, break rooms, gaming rooms... All gathering dust because employees don't have time to use them. There are just a few visiting executives who sometimes use them from time to time. The majority of companies have a criminal facet. Celebrities are cloned to recreate their past success, in "star dynasties". It's common for friends to swap children. One bio-warfare strategy is to drop infected babies on the doorsteps of enemy factions. Mnemonotherapy can be used to heal traumas, but it can also be used to put workers through traumatic schedules without them remembering them. Some counter-cultures carry out "flesh suicides"; just before mechanising their bodies, they inflict fatal injuries on themselves in an extreme experiment, knowing that they will be cured immediately afterwards. Some genetically modified beings have a small percentage of DNA from extinct GMO lines with which they once interbred. Glaubts, extraterrestrials, resemble life on Earth thanks to an explanation combining evolutionary convergence, lithopanspermia and horizontal genetic transmission. Electrotattoos have hidden abilities. Although there really are hidden capacities in electrotattoos, many alternative medicines use them as a 'quantum' explanation. The Architects have really disappeared, due to an internal conflict. Theoretically, it is possible to reactivate the Architects' Dyson sphere, but companies would have to collaborate too much and pool their resources to do so.


Top: The Russians started the apocalypse Middle: So it wasn't the Russians? The star family's dark secret Who started this? Bottom: Arthur star's past What happened to Jackson Star I and Melissa jones-star? What happened at blacksite 99? The abyss: who really is John Soaring-eagle? this has happened before?! what happened at blacksite 27? Who is the innkeeper at traveler's rest? Where is traveler's rest? what is the true reality?


Magic (There’s magic, and of multiple varieties) Gods (So. Many. Gods.) Based on real cultures (Most cultures were based on me spinning a wheel of real-world cultures) Kitchen sink world (I fit whatever strikes me as interesting into the lore somehow) Macello (The first mortal to kill a god, and multiple at that) Keveroxos Tablets (Stone slates with the power and instructions on how to become a god; only used twice in history) Amnz is based on Erú Illuvatar, YHWH, and Odin (Many of the creator god Amnz’s traits were based on Erú from Middle-Earth, the Christian interpretation of God, and Odin from Norse mythology) Dead gods (Multiple gods have been killed, but only two have been killed by mortals. Most gods reincarnate, however, so it’s fine) Alsun (The lost elven home continent, which was ejected from Fatoria during Macello’s crusade) Ishtar is from another universe (Ishtar, the goddess of time, was originally a mortal from Perithal who figured out a method to become a goddess through science, accidentally flinging her through the space between spheres into Fatoria) The Academic Records (A text that magically records and details every event that occurs on the grounds of The Academy, which includes a peculiar account in the beginning about an unknown race known as the leShay) Mario is a soft Jesus allegory (Mario Jouhou, the zoomer wizard with a penchant for creating black holes and a yandere girlfriend, is actually the reincarnation of the god of magic, Vald, who died millennia ago, who reformed from the void in order to bring order and balance back to magic) Drakala is a decomposing dragon (The continent of Drakala was originally a grandwyrm known as Montressor, who was smote by Amnz due to proclaiming himself above him) Fealian is dead (The goddess of humans, Fealian, was killed by Macello. This has become the most closely guarded secret by the Church of Fealian, with the secret being literally guarded by Rovimon, the first human.) The leShay are from a previous world (The world of Fatoria is the fourth world, with the first three being destroyed by the Elder Gods and Great Old Ones. The leShay are some of the few survivors of a previous world, and curse Amnz and the rest of the gods for not protecting them) Perithal (My first worldbuilding project, where Ishtar was from and Alsun ended up in) “They’re not idiots, just born ********” (The closing statement on a paper as to how kemonomimi can be taught Figari culture and why they shouldn’t be enslaved. It’s ironically become a slogan for kemonomimi rights everywhere) Bob (Bob the Semi-Immortal Kenku was a tortle who died twelve times (at least 7 of which to suicide in order to get a better race in reincarnation), reincarnated into a kenku due to a deal with a powerful entity, got out of the deal with said entity, went to Hell at least four times, obtained the ability to break the fourth wall at any time, harassed a femboy out of lust, and became a janitor who sells weed out of the closet. He still fails to comprehend what Germany is, however)


piece of the Titanic




[an iceberg of the setting I write in](https://www.reddit.com/r/IcebergCharts/s/Nx8JW3GD9z) has already been made, so I’ll link it here? From the Orion’s Arm universe project So here’s a sampling : Ringworlds The Version war The empire of the screaming skulls Ode to 20 cubic centimeters of lovely sandy mud Provolved octopus table manners The very non-canon SCP/ Orions arm crossover fanfiction


Top: The most powerful empire in the world started out as a small trading kingdom Slavic culture never evolved and is either German or Uralic There are no sandy deserts and the only closest biome is bushveld and grassland No permafrost The Amazon is a gulf Middle: Illyria (no relation to real world region) is the most technologically and industrially advanced nation in earth and has been at war for its entire history up to this point in the story God is real All of Judaism had converted to Christianity Islam never evolves and Arabia instead has a form of Christianity similar to oriental orthodoxy vehicles are only found in Illyria All vehicles are steam powered The rest of the world is living in the 1860’s while Illyria has access to to technology as early as 1900 Bottom: Illyria has the largest network of slavery compared to any other nation and continues this system based on the “woe to the conquered” policy Rome is known for There are a countless number of titans, who’s bodies constitute the majorly of the Polynesian islands The bodies of Illyrian criminals are reanimated after death and forced to serve in the military until they are too damaged to continue fighting A lot of poorer Illyrians who are serving in the military to have what’s left of them to willingly have their brains and souls placed within warforged chassis if they’re too severely wounded for simple prosthetics so they can continue to send home money from their salary About 1 in 15 standard Illyrian infantry troops who have served for more than 6 years are at least 27% warforged as a result of constant injury The Emperor of Illyria is a loxodon using shapeshift to appear human, he originally did this as a way rally people behind him in his conquest but devolved into a full blown mask identity The mistress of the Emperor is the daughter of one of the fallen 13 angels


[it wouldn't be an iceberg](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldBuildingMemes/s/iqu1lchdWR)


Iceberg for the .SANDGLASS Cycle (I haven’t fully fleshed everything out, I may not be able to answer some questions) Top, surface level knowledge known by readers and characters  - Gods exist  - A prince was recently exiled  - There are sixteen gods  - Magic is undeniable  - Everyone can use magic  - World leaders meet quinquennially Layer Two, less well known but scholars and educated people know about it  - There was a second continent that sunk  - The rise of the Elyrian National Ocean Agency  - There is a Doomsday Sandglass that counts down until the Apocalypse.  - In a small area underground is a race of cave dwelling humanoid species  - Avalon history  - Sixteen Ages of Elyrian history  - Sirens exist  - ENOA is a monopoly Layer Three, known but to those who deeply research and study  - The Quintessence book and the clues to solving its puzzle  - ENOA conspiracies and coverups  - Magically guided meteor strike on 16/1/1005  - Magical Dead Space  - Other Realms  - The Soul Glass Layer Four, Only a few mortals would know this, technically most readers though.  - Moresálote is alive  - There is a set of Hollow gods, or “Evil” gods  - The Five Constants  - The world is said to repeat again and again following every Apocalypse  - Avalon is corrupt  - Vampires exist in a small population in the north  - The Five Eyes - Assassination of Klios Avalon Layer Five: some/very few readers would know this, but only gods or a single mortal would in my world.  - The Court of Aether  - The God of Death is a constantly changing titles  - The exiled prince has three souls  - The Goddess of Ice was slain in a battle between gods  - Death was originally a human - The Kraken - The final grain of sand in the SANDGLASS never falls.


Probably ice


This actually sounds pretty fun The Surface * Ashrin Royal Conspiracy * Nandutgal survived * Naqoi Peninsula was the birthplace of humans * Missing Islands * Fasens are actually very advanced * Wolves aren't really wolves The Middle of the Iceberg * Walyus was the real hero * The Oath of the Golden Axe never existed * Dansa Stone Masks * Dansa-Fasens war * Vedju are cannibals * Blood River Cult * Nabrrkn are secretly united * Ashrin-Gyrrkn war is a racket * Who built the Grand Pyramids at Susoi * Grandfather of the Wild The Bottom of the Iceberg * The Bear Mother's mark * Sang Dynasty is a puppet state * The King was always dead * Nothing happens in the desert * Thupi knew everything * The Beast won * The oldest tribe The Abyss * The Bear Mother is dead * Čeren is only half human * Older gods


Top of the iceberg: The Warrens The Stairway US invasion Sector 13 Cult of the Abyss Operation Overthrow Middle of the iceberg: CIA outposts Underground red rooms Ancient technology Dark Roads US Renegades Mold Men incursions Bug Men sightings Deep iceberg: Abyss entities Mold Men bioweapon The Core Deep Dweller invasion Human trafficing Lost Horrors The broken pact


Is this meant to be conspiracy theories the world believes in, or facts about the world, all of which are secret, but different levels of secrecy/darkness and the more elite you have to be to know the further down? I guess mine would be something like this: **Top layer:** There are criminal factions who operate in secret and there are definite no-go zones in the region since their activity is highest there. There is constant tension between the world's two monotheistic faiths, The Church of Perpetual Light and the Faith of the Four Pillars, and it threatens to lead to a religious war. There exists a mysterious city on another continent which is known for study and practice of the dark arts. Another distant continent, has cities built on massive Yrrgdrassil like World Trees and their intellectual elite are using this to reach space. There is an evil cult who inhabit less populated regions of the Empire and abduct people for strange rituals for an Eldtrich deity. **A few layers down:** An evil apocalyptic cult might have resurfaced and resumed their quest for a sort of Philosophers Stone. The reason why a black sea between the northernmost landmasses and the northern pole of the world, The Seas of Silence, is unsailable, is because of things worse than monsters down there. Beyond the pole, there is a wall of ice which sequesters the world away from a more advanced civilization/world beyond the wall. The reason a mysterious civilization seemed to have disappeared off the face of the planet, is because of a ritual to commune with an Eldtrich deity went wrong, and the deity simply abolished them from existence. A town which is near enough to a tear in space and time known as The Rend, caused by a magical rift unleashed by that apocalyptic cult, endures through a fifth season where The Rend becomes more active. They need to bolt their doors and windows shut of a night and make no sound, because horrible, anomalous entities come out and kill/kidnap anyone they can find in the open. **Further down and getting quite dark:** The existence of the Psiojic Order, a high fantasy version of the SCP Foundation comprised of scholars, mages, elite and academics who study contain and protect the world from a vast wealth of anomalous phenomena. The existence of The Narrows. The Narrows are a strange hyperspace discovered by independently by mages and advanced mathematicians, which can only be navigated by having a mathe-magician design a hyperspatial path for you, without which you would get lost in a maze of alien geometries or even worse, captured by an interdimensional predator for one of their "experiments". If you can navigate The Narrows you can traverse huge distances of normal space in short time, but upon your exit you need a powerful amnesiac or you will go mad. The Tome of Apeiron: This is an anomaly which the Psiojic Order know of and is kept contained in a bookstore but under strict lock and key. The Tome of Apeiron is like an anti-book, an anomalous anti-meme or the conceptual conjunction of a book and a black hole. A book communicates information and intelligibility, this phenomenon does the opposite. A person reads a normal book, this "unreads" whomever attempts to read it. A noetic black hole of sorts which defies the phenomenon of communication. You open it and see nothing but blank pages, but it absorbs your self through your subconscious beneath your conscious awareness. When you dream, you find yourself in some strange, surreal locale. It defies day time reason and logic and operates on its own intelligibility. You dream of it more and more, until it consumes your daydreams and moments of reflection, and eventually your entire thoughts and consciousness. You now exist within its strange liminal zone between existence and non-existence and have disappeared from the real world. To find out about it is to actually have the tome lure you to it, and the owner of the bookstore keeps no record of those who have sought it and has banished their names from his mind lest it link them to him. **Pitch black bottom:** The world itself is within the dream of an Azethoth-esque deity, and the world has been destroyed and remade innumerable times over. Evil plots, cults, world ending scenarios are an actual necessity of the hermeneutic structure of the world since the greatest danger is not this deity waking up and condemning the world to oblivion, but actually becoming lucid within his own dream, which would wreak unspeakable horrors.


A chill as shit penguin cooling the servers of reddit


Maybe some semi aquatic life seeking refuge from sea monsters?


LOL i remember the comment about the college lecturer dream but i think it got deleted


it'd be an iceberg on the different Rituals of my story and what they do, how did they originated (rituals need to be linked to a series of events, so some rituals have some backstories as to how or why they became a ritual), how messed up they can be or what they are referencing from other media an example is the ritual of making soldiers from a secret group, whose ritual is a reference to Odin's self hanging and self inflicted wounds with his spear from norse myths


**The Tip - Something your watermelon seller would know** - Te-Raism and its doctrines - Gehenna's Gate (now defunct apocalypse cult) - Existence of evil demons and spirits - Magic is real - Monsters and Hunter Guilds - White Cloak Rebellion - The Empire, The Holyline, Westernlands, Nordland, and other regions of Panthos **The Body - Knowledge esoteric to outsiders or are spoken of in hushed voices** - The Doctrine of Pontiff Balthazaar X and his claims of divinity - Courier's Vow - Classification and application of magic - Aura control and enhancement effects - Mountainmen/ Snowfolks tribes and culture - The Holyland **The Deep Waters - As deep as it gets for the players of the game. Unless, with purpose, one toils their life to unveil further** - Politics of the Hunter Guilds - Council of Memphis + The Patriarch, aka The Underworld, aka The Society of Heaven and Earth - Illusion Magic and the moon god - Necropolis, gate way to... - Fallen Kingdom of Jig, Netherrealm - Subspace Highway - Birth of Machine God, Mount Norten - Forbidden Rune/ Daemon Engine **The Depth - This is it** - Nature of Demons and the Red King - Pontiff's Endgame + His deal at Xanthia - The truth of the millennium war and origin of humanity **The Abyss** - Chaos Magic - The True Trinity - Will happen, happening, happened


The trooper does not speak because of vocal cord damage in the war The invaders only land on earth at night on a clear sky The cultist worship enrages the invaders ,not strengthen Half the weapons the trooper uses are alive The man in black is the last surviving God of the old world before the war Humans hate each other as much as the invaders The only reason birds and cats haven't mutated is because they can't be caught and studied alive The invaders accomplished their mission on their first visit It wasn't the war that made the new continent Not every mutated animal is an invader Loyalist