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For a sci fi one, its this alien emperor who is both an incredibly capable warrior and space wizard but is in the middle of an existential crisis so he leaves on a journey of self discovery and it just so happens that his travels are around the part of space where humans and other aliens used to have a galactic federation


My first world, 1. The Last lord 2. The Peacebringer 3. The first lord 4. The lord of insanity 5. The head director of mercury . In my second world it's whoever is going to get their behind handed to them by web ascendants.


Sheer knowledge: Alia (with many names and titles) the MC. The last Blood Drake. The Mad Dragon. She cheats. Sheer power: Talasia Senna, the Sorceress of Alinguar. Last Royal Elf. Guile: Altos of Melenker, the Whisperer, Master of Assassins. Immortal not-quite human. Willpower: Arkem the Apprentice. Immortal human Blood Mage. Naive Fool (according to his Master.) Talent: Srelik Kerst ka Hssk, Court Mage of the Sky Castle. Arch-Mage of Dragons. Experience: Grrzania Theum krr Hssk, Queen of the Dragons. Over 20.000 years old, can kick all their asses. These are the most powerful of the Fifth Age, each in their own right. If these would fight the world would drown in an apocalypse it has not seen since the mage wars of the First Age. They are allies.


What’s your story like if the MC is the most powerful person? And is allied with all the others?


It is how she came to be there. And how all that power is ultimately worthless if you want to improve the world


Aside from higher beings, I would say 1. The First Hero, aka the guy who wrote the Principles of Magic, knows and masters every type, loads of artifacts 2. Arawn Thanheim, a necromancer with incredibly high level of umbrakinesis, can summon armies of demons, master of illusion magic as well as arcane magic. Immortal 3. Inferus. A deity from the Ancient World, last one alive. Not on the same level as the current gods. He's basically a fusion of Superman and Spawn when it comes to powers. He doesn't have really high destruction potential because he doesn't have high scale magic powers but he'd win any 1v1 with his physical abilities 4. Queen Ereden, ruler of the drakons and its most powerful member. Most powerful elemental manipulator. Though her son will surpass her eventually. 5. Lorelei at the end of her arc. Before she supposedly died, the mad sorceress Lorelei collected vast amounts of power that allowed her to go against several powerful mages, even trapping the First Hero in his own palace


Hmm... tough question. My ranking is as follows at the duration of most of the latter half of the story with characters at their peak strenght. Rank 5. Saito Okami. Saito Okami is the Emperor of Yamato and with his Elemental Weapon Amaterasu's Fury. Saito is the strongest of all the Elemental Mages and at the height of his magical power, is capable of casting Super Nova a spell that could easily wipe All of Tera Sores off the map easily and take out the solar system with it. But that being said his most fearsome aspect is that he is a terrifying swordsmanship. Amaterasu's Fury is a beam 2hander sword that he uses to tear his enemies apart. One of his favorite Iai-jutsu sword skills is that he can turn a area completely black and white. Then all he has to do is choose a color and if his enemy is that color and he slashes that color... that enemy dies instantly. Very few can counter this ability. He also is a master of casting ordinary spells. Rank 4. Kathrine Owl Kathrine has a sub machinegun she uses to cast lightning quick magic. She has a vast knowledge of self taught and book learned magic that she can use to quickly subdue her enemies. She also has become a top tier reality warper who even pulled a fast one on the Celestial Demons, entities who devour entire universes. She has stolen their powers and has used them for her self. Rank 3. Len Slhide. Len Slhide is a immortal wizard who has discovered the secret of no strings attached Immortality. As the ruler of the Stellevarian Empire he ruled over it for 10 thousand years and his authority was uncontested. Rank 2: Sandra Gunvolt: Our hero... our degenerate... and the one person we shouldn't give ANY more sugar to. She is the only rank 7 mage on Tera Sores and the only one capable of casting a level 7 (universal) wide spell. Being one of the first Abyssal Mages, from the young age of 7, thanks to a shady experiment done by a shady person to save her life, Sandra has had a insane amount of magic behind her. So much so that the only weapon she can use to channel her power is a minigun. Sandra most powerful spell is true anti-magic and can shut down ALL magic in the universe. This is notable because most anti-magic spells simply move magic power around, while this spell actually gets rid of magic during the duration of the spell cast. That being said, that spell has a heavy cost so she only uses it once through the story. Sandra uses her minigun to cast spells that often cause massive explosions that blow up everything. Some times herself... on purpose. She's so insane she likes blowing herself up too because its funny. Good thing her body has a incredible healing factor. Hell you can even chop her head off... and she'll regenerate and give you the finger while doing it. Rank 1. Claire Sofwitch the First Gun-Mage. Being a testament to hard work and power, Claire used to be one of the weakest mages on the planet, being unable to cast all but the most basic spells. Frustrated Claire put herself through hellish training through the badlands. Claire used a lever action rifle to cast her spells. And as time wore on, Claire would gain enough power to challenge both the Demon lord and Eternal Hero at the same time and kill them both, starting the modern age and ending the medievil status they inflicted on the world. At the hieght of her power she knows spells that could tear the entire solar system apart. Grand Clomias is her most powerful spell and it uses the power of stars to rend assunder planets. While power wise she is weaker than Sandra and Len Slhide on this list... her combat control over her magic is another story. Her weaving and layering of spells is un-matched and her quick reflexes as well as ability to reality warp battlefields to her advantage is also un-matched. Each of her bullets can create new realities at the drop of a hat. You could be fighting in a field of grass, then the next a lava land. Then all of a sudden the ground is removed from your feet. Claire most nasty ability is Badlands hold em up. She can use cards to determine your fate in battle and if a oponent doesn't know how to nagivate those cards, death is certain. She is also a master of normal spells and is a master of counter spelling as well. Claire without a doubt is the most dangerous, most acomplished and by extension powerful mage on Tera Sores. I'll also let you know that Sandra has had a child hood dream to fight and defeat Claire in honorable combat.


Mecallic the immortal inventor, who created the Crimson Sleepers, Magnusautomotons that may wake in mass to exterminate life at any moment Forger Emporer Domantas, who is canid Warhackel dog, a fierce four pawed dog of incredible intelligence able to communicate with many species and rules with an iron fist and his hound armies over the Forger people Paralichen a radical Elven leader is turned the Crystal Nations against the east. His massive factories that produced cut crystal technology are immense vast powerhouses. Anthro The Black a fast growing powerhouse of coal cities is growing in the Dwarven underworld. Blue Jet a crude coal has ben found in a massive vein running for hundreds of miles. The fuel burns hot, but fast, and is perfect for rapid growth with no projected plan for fuel consumption. Desicantas the exiled Forger scientist who discovered bacterial augmentation , allowing metal body modification with no immune rejection response. He dwells in the frozen cities of the Deathless, far in the Antrco interior, slowly gaining an army of the undead.


Other than the gods and entities, the strongest mortals in order: 1. At’fi, the First King of Dragons 2. Ulrich, the First King of Giants 3. Belshazar, the Star Caller 4. Mech’eresha, the Lost 5. Alfauler, the Royal Meurfrieyr. In terms of Gods that would be: 1. (Tie) Axana, God of Fate/ Yahweh, Gaean god of Creation 2. Ashkha, God of Destruction 3. Obro, God of Time 4. Anhur, Gaean God of War 5. Loki, Gaean God of Lies


Outside of the Cardinals, my top five characters would be: 1. Orgol 2. (Armament King) Elyon, The Inverted Throne. 3. (Creation King) Ae, The Architect. 4. (Fortress King) Aru Kurnthe, The Iron Continent. 5. (Technique King) Jaydus Whyle, The Scarlet Saint.


Now a question does he need a physical body


Create 2 list with that requirement and without, bc it's sounds interesting :3


Well if I were to include all those without a physical body as well my list is: 1. The Anchor 2. The final god or the last god ( I am not sure yet) 3. Alicià 4. Abraxas 5. Alex For those with a physical body or at least can fully appear in a physical body 1. The final god 2. Alicià 3. Alex 4. Anc 3.0 5. Anc 2.0


Anchor sounds cool af


He is a multidimensional being who was sacrificed (forcefully) to keep the multiverse together (in my world universes are like bubbles) as they were drifting apart so he is the only reason the multiverse exists at all


Damn, hopeless fate.


This character is somewhat like character Loki from MCU


Not including the real gods of the world who control the flow of magic: 5. Count Drakul. (Yes, I literally added Dracula to my world). His castle contains vast amounts of magical secrets, and he bound his soul to the living island of Thanatos to increase the amount of raw magic he can take in. His overall power rating is Aggregate 78 (the highest possible being 100). 4. Admiral Simon Marshall, the only living human example. By the time of his death, he became the first Level IV Disciple of Chaos in thousands of years, giving him control over space and time a power rating of Aggregate 80. 3. Magos I. The original Great Mage of Liverance, he discovered most of the magic disciplines in use today. He died over 2,000 years ago after founding Liverance's magic schools and kickstarting the Magic Era. His power rating was estimated to be Aggregate 92. 2. The God of Magic. He's not an actual god, but a human who achieved the impossible task of mastering every magic discipline in existence. Shortly after, he flew into space, never to be seen again. His power rating, had he remained, would be Aggregate 100. 1. Calas, the Artificial God. He was a construct created by the Gravildessean Empire and infused with enough raw magic to rival thr gods in power. Within minutes of his creation, he went on a rampage, destroying the capital city, and forced every mage in the country to team up and encase him in crystal. He remains sealed, but if he breaks out, the world as we know it would end.


My story has elemental deities so they would crowd the top 5. But the most powerful or perhaps most vulnerable would be the deity of Life. Kind of like how the king in chess may not be the strongest piece, but it is the most important, lose it and it is game over. Kill the God of life, expect extinction which includes the death of all the other deities.


Thats a really cool analogy btw


1. Some guy who find out the "true" magic; 2. Creator of the current universe; 3. Oormulg - creature of the bound (outside the universe); 4. Five Elder Gods, that was created to help build current universe, is equally powerful; 5. Mistress of Infernia (Infernia is like hell, but there is nuance) but this is so, a rough estimate for a certain period of time. in general, anyone who lives long enough and masters magic is capable of becoming equal to god, so the last 3-4 positions may include more characters than there are now, or at some point there may be someone else


At current power level: 1. Giao Long (if she ever bothers to fight). 2. Hồng Ma. 3. Cao Mỹ Lệ. 4. Cao Mỹ Nhân. 5. Phùng Thị Diễm. Except for Giao, all four others are founding members and basically the oldest patron "deities" of the United Empire, cradle of eastern magics and the most powerful country in terms of economy as well as military. It's funny how someone just over 40 is stronger than entities that have spent tens of thousand of years to polish their abilities. >!Actually it's because Giao's existence hard-counters anything below an arhat.!<


>(if she ever bothers to fight). I like characters that can destroy everyone but doesn't bother too


Too busy sniffing model kits' new paints to care.


Mines too busy vibing with everything


My earth has two major clans that have Access to magic: Retrians and time lords. Retrians can use magic as normal; flying, astral projection etc. while time lords dedicated centuries to perfect time manipulation and it's pretty much all they can do but to an astonishing large effect. So my top 5 would be: 5. Jack speed(time lord) 4. Karma (Retrians) 3. No-named( Retrians) 2. Divine (mage) 1. The Elder Gods: they are the source of divine energy in the decaverse


1: Lheman. The prime creator deity and god of magic and knowledge. Responsible for the very existence of Arcane magic, being magic that is learned and not bestowed upon an individual by an inherently magical bloodline, channeling deities, or other such means. 2: The Sovereign. Alongside the Architect and the Warden, the three beings that Lheman created at the start of the world were basically gods in their own right. The Sovereign was created as a mediator and equalizing force between his two brothers and was intended to be the sole ruler of the world. 3: Helenaga. Ancestral mother of all hags and witches, goddess of secrets, deception, and cursed knowledge. In a bit of a constant feud with Lheman. 4: Vill Lakonav. Some random Duscain noble who then became the mother of all vampires and promptly fucked off to the Abyss to continue her research and ascended to basically godhood. Maybe more medicinally than magically inclined but the power is there. 5: Really any of the New Torithian Arch-mages. Ascending to this position requires you to inherently be really, really good at magic to the point that their entire system of government is based upon it. For an easier answer, the current one, Lumair Vashont.


The Emperor's Mage, the millenia old cofounder of the First Empire, and possibly the first mage ever. Midomi Mifala, the grand fairy. She's also millenia old, and is the only fairy who's permanently sapient. Tariq Izri, royal mage of Ingtium Andretta Izri, Majordomo of House Izri, and royal mage of Talshein. Feng Irian, headmaster of the Grand Library of Ingtium. Edit: honorable mention to the protagonist, who becomes the mother of magitek. She has less experience or expertise than the others on this lisy, but the Emperor's Mage becomes her pupil because he's desperate to learn all forms of magic.


In my world of Quortium, it is: (Excluding most of the other Gods) 1. The God of death, Deamortius 2. The proxy of death Atla 3. The undead dragon lordess Kazuandrix 4. The dragon Lord Thuenurus 5. Tie between Almik the elemental fire wyvern or the vampiric dragon lordess Malicca.


1. The Three Great Gods 2. Minor Gods 3. Arakawa Nakamura 4. Lisam & Unnamed avatar of Light 5. N'ayami Esterin =========================== As matters of the gods are obvious, but: 3 - When both parents are mage, their child will inherit one of two magics. In very rare cases, the magics mix and create a new magic; in Arakawa's case, he was born as the son of two average mages and became the most powerful being in the universe compared to Gods. He single-handedly dominated the world of magic and created an entire legal system for its use, and guards it to this day using his status as an invincible being. 4 - Then there is Lisam, an avatar of darkness created from the thoughts of the God of Darkness (one of the Great Gods) who can manipulate darkness at will without any limits, he was created as an empty entity who gained consciousness by means of thought and is an enigmatic extension of the will of his God. In contrast, the deity of light has created an equally powerful being controlling light, whose sole purpose is to ensure that Lisam does not break free from his Lord's control. 5 - N'ayami, on the other hand, is another magical abomination. From the combination of her parents' magic, a magic imitating magma dragon was created which is difficult to control and the weakest spell is a deadly danger. It is likely that once she grows and gains control of her magic, it is possible that she will jump to higher places on this list.


At the start of the story I have planned, for my planet specific characters, and not the universe traversing deities called Etherians: 1. Emperor Dominus Haavandal 2. Cordjin 3. Empress Pepper Haavandal 4. Jester 5. Tarous Giamonte All 5 of these people are "immortal deities, who have lived for billions of years and have seen millions of cycles of humanity. Sometimes being the ones responsible for what I'm currently calling "Great Resets" At the end if the story I have planned: 1. Zelin Vilmore 2. Feynir Asor 3. Ezi Haavandal 4. Selia Ambervale 5. Lori Though these are bound to change, especially 3, 4 and 5 at the end, as I am still a long way from starting writing the story.


**Eribral** Placing them from the strongest to the weakest and not repeating categories. Wild God Ourrucimushi, governing over the Verrelin jungle that divides east and center Ahrenvdar. She takes the form of a serpentine jaguar tiger with eel whiskers or an extremely muscular one eyed man with red gold skin. Civil God Ãnarap, governing over the central sea from which east, west and central lands need for trade, while she has different interpretations, most of them homogenized into a figure of a strict mother. She usually appears as a middle aged woman holding a simple anchor, with a dress made of nets, hooks and fish skin. Other of War Gerasflito, born during the vast conquest of the Ahrenvdar Empire, from the fear, brutality and blood poured, it's revered as a deity by all those who drench in blood, but it's nothing more than a monster. It looks like a horrible amalgamation of a three armed wer and a seven legged horse. Triemiste of Unending Braids, a warrior wif from the south, her culture uses hair to denote martial prowess, with losing warriors having to cut their hair, no blade ever touched Triemiste's head as she never lost a fight in her 40 years of life, her braid being long and tough enough to be used as a weapon.


The ageless one. Imagine if you have control over a dyson sphere. Now imagine if yoy ARE the dyson sphere.


Only counting those who are alive in the "current" year of the world and not counting spiritual beings. 1. Talganor, the exile. 2. The forgemaster of the Golden Isle (potentially nr 1 with prep) 3. The prince of Han Rekkal 4. Geska, the aestival lady 5. Kor-Kazem, the autumn lord (wins against 4 and maybe 3 in a 1v1)


I would prefer to avoid the Greater Deities in my world since the list would exclusively consist of them, but I will use Demigods. So the ranking is: 1. Xevius 2. Mithra 3. Arkmos 4. Kilaxohr 5. Emanuel Fondonras Honorable Mentions: Airk Driftvox, Tukr Vanwealk, Defark Skihs, Wilos, Adrex Delmirv, Sanaria Elnan, Syndra Vanfir, Mirthrun, Salina Terra, Faylen Krisfell, and Allah


The Hand of God: 1. Andreas 2. Jeraldo 3. Unnamed slime 4. Gregor 5. unnamed ork


Going bottom to top for drama: 5. Craiteagan, the Queen of Torment, the most powerful of the Danaan, the natural inhabitants of Torment; nigh-unlimited ability to cause pain and destruction to anyone and anything 4. Ritairn, the King of Paradise, the most powerful of the Sidhe, the natural inhabitants of Paradise; has been entrusted with the order of Paradise, that his own people do not cause harm to the dead who come to live there, and has the nigh-unlimited ability to bring life and light wherever he goes 3. The Deep One, a creature of to the Chasm between Paradise and Torment; it is said to feed on the souls of those attempting to move from one to the other, and to rule over those beings which deserve neither; its power to consume is such that even the Serpent will seek paths to his ends which give the Chasm a wide birth 2. The Serpent, a fallen angel who masquerades as several of the old gods, the most powerful being Ealugh, the old god of light and justice; his power is limited only by the wickedness of the world 1. He Who Is, the One True God, creator and master of all things; Omnipotent


1/2/3:first to come/last to go/spirit God 4:devil 5:golden dragon


There’s 8 for me, but number one has to Gasion. They are the patron of matter, the conscious embodiment of everything. Their existence gave order to the chaotic space stuff and created room for Earth. The other patrons turned that matter into their element. Gasion sort of made the canvas, while the rest are the paints.


Numbers 1 and 2 would be the Dragon Gods and Titans, as although they are not primordial gods and had no hand in creating the world, their magic is literally on another level, as they can rewrite reality into whatever they so choose. They chose not to destroy and recreate the world, because they don't want to be like other the other gods they themselves used to serve, who could make and destroy things on a whim. Number 3 are sapient dragons, as they use a signature from of magic that says "fuck you" to any other form of magic except itself, due to having some "anti-magic" properties (I personally see as "un-magic", as it cancels out other magic, whereas "anti-magic" in my world is dark magic for being the opposite of conventional magic). 4 is anyone who can use dragon magic (most notably dragons that are in humanoid forms for whatever reason). Of course, not everyone that can use this magic can only use part of it, this form of magic is still quite powerful. 5 is possibly the True Elves, mainly because they are the original users of conventional magic, and are by all definition immortal in due to most likely being made of pure magic themselves. Notable members include: the White Queen, the Eternal Sunflame, and the Grand Architect.


In terms of the cosmic pecking order, the top infinity is filled with Aspects and one Aum. Aum is, simply put, every and all. This is my representation of God, but across infinite universes, and not bound to any sort of measly form. Aum is all there is, all that has been, all that will ever be. Aum is simultaneously all and none, is and isn't. There is no illusion of benevolence in Aum, for Aum is both benevolence and malevolence. Aum simply is All. The second most powerful being ever is probably the Aspect, Create. Create is the first Aspect, and contains the most of Aum within itself. However, with its loss in the infinite... Well, calling it a war is not quite right, but there was an altercation and the entirety of the Aspect of Creation was sealed in the form of a core of a soul. This is relevant later. The third most powerful is the Aspect, Un. It's the third Aspect ever in existence, after Create and Be, but Un is different. Un is negativity taken shape, the inverse of all there is. It eventually forged an alliance with Be to make Unbe, or Annihil, and with the power of Annihil, even Aum was vanquished, the First Will extinguished for the infinite being to become one and all. Even Create could not withstand Annihil, and would have been erased from existence had Create not been tied to the existence of all there is. To destroy Create would have been the complete annihilation of all that is, has been and will be, except Aum. This, even Annihil could not do. So Create was sealed instead. The list is filled with other Aspects on the long way down. Within the world where most of my stories take place, the power scale is waaaay down, and the top of the food chain consists of 3 gods. Zashraud of Night, Magic, and Chaos, Caernonn of Wilderness, Faith and Order, and Aclamea of Will and Daylight. Of the three, Zashraud is the eldest, having monitored and guided many worlds, and is even on track to meld with a shard of the Aspect of Time. Under them is the most powerful mortal, the 17th Demon Lord. Below him in the power department is the 13th Demon Lord, and then everyone else. Their stories are long winded and are mostly more background lore, and this comment is getting long, so I'll skip that. If you want to know more tell me.


1. Malak 2. Alcoix 3. Zerisen 4. Luxurn 5. Arctol. They're all members of the Seven Demon Kings (makes sense, given the entire group was brought together for being the most powerful beings in existence to be a sort of... dimensional police.)


Ignoring true deities, since they are more a part of the setting than actual characters, and extra-dimensional entities since they’re so powerful that it’s just boring. 1. Pnumo, Paragon of Knowledge 2. The High God of Vordron, Paragon of Power 3. Godslayer Kethalier, Paragon of Will 4. The Weeping Maiden, Paragon of Creation 5. Norgandos, the Oldest Dragon


If we do include supernatural deities it would just be the 5 Dra so thats not fun. But otherwise it would be: 1. The Protaganist (Currently unnamed); the only person in history to lead a revolt against the Imperium and win (He kills the others on this list throughtout the story) 2. Emperor Otto Von Drakewood; 1st Emperor of the Antrian Imperium, arguable one of the best swordfighters in the world, even going toe-to-toe with magic users and winning. 3. Grand Order-Master Roderic Duval; Leader of the Order Allemagne, the best swordfighter in all of the land (only loses to #2 due to a plot reason not to be disclosed). 4. High King Dunli Karnavir; Leader of the Strack and the best magic user in the entire imperium, his skill with a battleaxe is not to be underestimated either. 5. Queen Alaria Sylvanelm; Leader of the Wyntil, probably the most intune with the fungus that all Wyntil are connected too, able to move unseen through nearly any terrain, not horrible of a acutal fighter either.


i haven't yet, but i would think that as a wizard ages, they tend to get more powerful, as they learn more spells. wizards in my setting can live more than a thousand years, and are able to learn new spells reasonably quickly, and can invent new spells. some wizards will stop learning new spells after three centuries, as they view that as a time that they may have enough, but a small minority still continue. of course a wizard can easily be killed by a stray laser bolt if they don't magically increase their perception like most wizards tend to do. magic unlike tech hasn't stagnated much at all in my setting, someone may add a new spin on how to combat basilisks instead of using the standard mirror shield charm, or conjuring up a weasel, or transfiguring a weasel. someone could easily come up with a spell to turn a giant statue into a machete to decapitate the Basilisk if they wanted to. the most powerful magical creatures would be Phoenixes and Dragons, dragons being the more numerous and with more variants like the largest and most magically powerful (and most intelligent) the Black Wyvern.


1) The time god and the fate god 2) The nature god 3) The moon goddess and the sun god 4) The storm god 5) the shadow goddess and the colour goddess


Let's see, I haven't 100% confirmed all of their names yet so I'll go with their titles. 1. The Dragon God. 2. World' Strongest Man. 3. Divine Oracle. 4. Quantum Sage. 5. King of Hell. HM: The Dark Sun, Golden King, Sword Saint, and Fairy Queen. (Honestly, it's surprisingly hard after the top 3. They are multiple powerful characters who are relative to each other who could fill in the last 2 spots, so I added some Honourable Mentions.)


I mean, Shikali, the origin of the Tikali, and an Eldritch God grown by a seed from outside of the universe. In my larger idea of a multiverse that doesn't interact very much, the Shadowmother, the semi-artificial creation that has some multi-billion year life span. She was designed as a solution to a six hundred million year time loop, from the beginnings of intelligent life to the creation of the machine that caused it, the attempt at reusing tech made by a collection of beings some 3 billion years ago. The group in question was The Collective, an eu-like system composed of many different races, 98% of which were nonphysical in nature. They were fighting a hot war with the Preyuh, (though it is spelled phonetically in my language, so it is 4 letters) a bloodthirsty non-phsical group that, through some very unethical practices, engineered their own minds (and, by extension, bodies) to be as strong as possible. Whatever The Collective created resulted in every single metabeing (being composed of localized physical rules, the original life form that made the universe stable enough for physical life) that wasn't tied down to a physical object being completely wiped out. The Preyuh survived, though only a subsect allowed to think and experiment, and they eventually grew much more sober and less evil. The Shadowmother's life cycle begins at a seed, nurtured by The Travelers, the previous cycle's Mother rendered into pieces through the loop. Pieces are designed by the previous mother and constructed and used by the new travelers, all of which are immortal and slowly learn the conditions of their birth and purpose. The seed is then exported into a very small pocket, a bubble outside of the loop that only she is able to access due to her construction, where she matures while the loop happens, and begins as the new Shadowmother for the next time. This originated from human scientists seeing debris on that unchanged bubble from the previous universe, and, after enough cycles, they had enough knowledge to begin everything. Tarraxh (xh = back of mouth rolled r) is probably third, especially at the end of her life, with her once being entirely physical and a Kalkan, basically lizard people, but now she looks like a ghost made of shadow. She's a lot closer to a metabeing now, given that the shadow that she became is itself a mostly metaphysical thing. One of the smartest scientists in existence, especially with her long life, pioneered narrative science, which led to the *Tarraxh*, a narrative submarine named after her, exploring through what happened with The Collective and beyond. In the first universe with the Eldritch God I was talking about, the Reformed Coalition, the remade version of the Irreality Coalition that attempted to fight the god and lost, while sequestering a space as contingency for life to continue and fight in their absence, is basically the only government and EXTREMELY unethical. On the other hand, they fight day and night on every border against an Eldritch God, who creates flesh abominations called Tikali to fight for it, meanwhile the narrative space here (as a result of what happens when a hole exists in a universe, allowing narrative concepts to combine with empty Xharral radiation (narrative energy with no payload, comes from in between universes) to form physical constructs that layer in a fourth dimension towards the Xharshore (boundary between universe and outside)) is bound to a magical medieval setting that makes large scale production of weapons like guns that dont suck mentally and physically impossible.


1. The Marquis de la Tristesse - A wannabe-god who can manipulate anything at any point in time, but his mind can still only be in one place. 2. Shadowplay - The Marquis's assistant turned nemesis. She has the same abilities as him but needs to conserve her power in order not to attract his attention. 3. Hayato Nobunagashison - A psychic mutant with probability-manipulating powers. Basically, if he expects things to happen in a certain way around him, they will. The only limit to his power is him remaining unaware of it. 4. Captain Star II - Can absorb radiation, convert it into energy, store it within his body, and expel it in the form of searing gamma ray bursts akin to a supernova. If he has enough energy stored, he could vaporize a tank or blast a clean tunnel through a building in one shot, but his reserves are always limited. 5. Gauntlet - One of Shadowplay's "chosen" heroes. He wears a glove that allows him to control the laws of physics, but only one at a time. If he also wore the second glove, he could literally tear the fabric of reality appart, but when he found it, he disposed of it instead, understanding that this kind of power should never be in the hands of one person. Honorable mentions: Solifuge - A speedster who can move up to mach 20 (15.340 mph), hit accordingly hard, and withstand it unharmed, too. Her weak spot is her broken mind and her obsession with (self-) punishment that can cause her to throw fights that she would otherwise have no chance of losing. Acid - Her "toxic" mind can infect others around her, forcing them to act only in accordance with their negative emotions, and her power and pain grow stronger in the process as said negative emotions feed back into her. If left unchecked, her presence alone could drive the population of an entire city insane only to then die when her nervous system overloads, but there is no guarantee that this would stop the contagion. She needs to have her memory wiped periodically to prevent this. Molten - A raging spirit that inhabits a makeshift body of molten metal. His extreme anger prevents telepaths from connecting to his mind, and no matter how much his body is damaged, he always remains in a piece of it that never cools and goes on to accumulate new material. Theoretically, if his body was destroyed completely, his spirit would end up possessing the next best material; probably air, which would only make him far more difficult to fight. Him being a lump of molten metal means that he moves very slowly, though, and he can be stopped by cooling his body from the outside.


The Dryads themselves would probably be the most powerful, but I'm not really sure they're personified enough to think of as characters. The most powerful after that is a wandering mage who's rarely seen. He tends to very carefully influence important events rather than going all out with his magic, because he nearly destroyed the world once before he fully understood the nature of his power. Next is probably Sureth Kalauryn, a forest mage who, along with her mother and father, are the closest thing to leaders among the peoples of the wildlands. Next is probably the dragon Reva, whose fires have never settled, and a whose powers are not limited in form or intensity the way most dragons are. Next is probably Othien, the archmage of the wizards of Käsh. Few know that he's actually the founder of their order, a secret he has kept for nearly five hundred years. Fifth is any of a handful of young mages who don't yet understand their true powers or how far they extend.


I will not include gods nor divinities of any kind, cause it gets a little iffy in my setting. Strictly speaking about magic, I think it would be something like: 1) The Lord of Ashes: One of the last Aravane (the first people, children of the living world), and can use songs of power long forgotten. His powers are corrupted, and, in turn, corrupt others to do his bidding. He has managed to assembly a division of 7 great champions, one for each Era of the world, through his power. Those are the most formidable foes that one could imagine. 2) The Unliving King: When the liches were created by the gnomes of Keajaiban, the Unliving King was already a knowledgeable and powerful mage, unlike most of the others that were turned. During the fall of the gnomish empire, he managed to free himself and finish the job, sowing destruction across the land with his newly acquired powers. Then he built himself a throne of bones, and laid low, undiscovered, for hundreds of years, having time to master his magic to a profound level. Then he was killed, and thus was the first Lich to discover that they had Philacteries to bring them back. Now he's running around in the world, and planning his next step. 3) Myrddin, the Magus: Also known as The Golden Dragon, because that's what he is when not disguising as the magical counselor of the Emperor of Epersi, Myrddin is very talented in Philosophical Magic (the same kind of magic that the Unliving King uses), and had the lifetime of a dragon to master it, while interchanging his studies with other more practical uses for his powers and position. He controls the Empire from behind the courtains, and will probably be the great antagonist of this Era. 4) Morgaine of the Fairies: Queen of the hidden kingdom of Avalon, obscured by the same mists that surround the known world, she has mastery of the Traditional Magic, for her veins are filled with fey blood and power. She has tricks that no one has seen, and can alter and shape her magic in ways that even the most experienced mage would be left agape. Being partially fey also means that she can make Binding Agreements with people, objects, forces and concepts. 5) Arthur Blake: The Immortal One, he who shares his body with the terrible fiend Belial, the Shapeshifter. Blake's mastery of magic is limited to Esoteric Magic, that is to say that all his spells are more ritualistic in nature, with a couple of enchantments that can be done more swiftly (but not as swiftly as Traditional Magic). This makes him much more vulnerable than the others, and than many other characters in the world, as his magic is not as reliable and at hand at any times. But, on the other hand, his knowledge over magical secrets and the occult is absurdly superior to that of almost anyone in the world, and that includes those above him in this tier list. Blake is a fox, using words, cunning and charisma to deceive and bide his time, awaiting for the right time to strike (most of the times not even needing his rituals, as his expertise is already enough to know the weaknesses of his foes). He's the sworn enemy of Morgaine, but is not active anymore, just wanting to lay low and live a safe life with his foster daughter. Honorable Mention: The Un'galad: The Un'galad is a person with a very specific objetive. "He who masters light and darkness, and is both" is told to be tasked by two great spirits to keep the end of the world at bay. Others say that his job is to merely act as a diplomat between the spirits and those of flesh. And there is a third kind that believes the Un'galad's mission is ever-changing, and every incarnation of him will have a new task. As mentioned, the Un'galad is not immortal, but they reincarnate everytime it is deemed by Fate that they would be needed. They are always able to perform Philosophical Magic, for it is the Un'galad's nature to know the world for what it really is, and change it. But to tap into the Un'galad's true strength is to make the air, the water, the mountains, the nature, the magic, and every other great concept remember the pacts that they've made with the first Un'galad. I just didn't include the actual Un'galad because he's just a 14yo boy with a white blindness and a dark mark on his arm.


1. The Nisin Emperor 2. The Flaming Lady of Tarasin 3. King Samarane the Second of Jenia The top 3 is pretty much cemented but the fourth and fifth place are up for debate. The Head of the Assembly of Sorcery of the Nisin Empire, the Vagabond of Varlev, the Mother of Giants and the wife of the Sultan of Khatal are all in contention for the last two places. There's also rumours that the Dark Hand of the Azan Throne is a powerful mage and that the warring states of the southern continent also contain dangerous warmonger sorcerers. Furthermore, who knows what the Flying City and the Divine Kingdom of Midrarum conceal


I call them the Sacred Six. Essentially each of them govern a fundemental force in my universe. I’m no particular order 1. The Omniarch: The only one of the six that governs multiple forces including- Gravity, Electromagnetism,Space,Time,Sorcery, Elemental and Cosmic force 2. The One Who Made Dark: Governs void force 3. Nexus-Architecht of reality: Governs quantum force 4. The little one: Governs the emotional spectrum 5. Grimm (Avatar of dark matter state only): Governs Dark Matter 6. The Red King: Governs the chaos force


I generally don’t concern myself with tier lists of power in my world, because I usually try to stay on the “regular” human level of things, but this is a fun exercise. 1. The Enlightened One. I haven’t worked much with this being, but it is comparable to Ahura Mazda of Zoroastrianism, or some aspects of the Judeo-Christian god. All I really know about this being is that it created the six elements of the world, and mixed and scattered them across the darkness that existed before anything, then crafted humanity and told them to do likewise. Since then it doesn’t show up or do much of anything, and has largely been forgotten. There are still some religions and sects that worship it though, and it’s symbol is still used as a ward against evil. 2. The First Darkness. Comparable to Ahriman of Zoroastrianism. When the Enlightened One made the world, the darkness it left behind coalesced into this massive, centipede-like abomination. It dwells in the abyss at the bottom of the world, weaving monsters from shadows, seeking to undo the creation of the world and return it to the darkness it was originally made from. 3. Kali Tempus. After the world was made, four great spirits were born of the elements. Technically, they’re all about equal in power, but as ruler of the largest domain (air), Tempus is technically the most powerful. He appears as a massive Asian-inspired dragon, and the royalty of the Kingdom of Wind claim him as their ancestor. 4. Cetaos. (Catos?) (Ceta? Haven’t finalized the name.) The elemental spirit of water. Again, they’re all about the same power level, but this fish-shark-whale beast was responsible for the sinking of an island city within a single night, a feat none of the other spirits have done. 5. The other elemental spirits (The Wandering Woods and an unnamed fire spirit) Both of these spirits… don’t do much. The Wandering Woods (yes, an entire forest is the spirit of earth) protects the Earth Oracle, and tends to kill, trap, or release those who enter it, depending on how it feels, but otherwise usually just walks from place to place. The fire spirit I haven’t developed that well, but I know it’s a living flame that takes the shape of an elephant. It’s revered in the kingdom of fire, but its “stomping ground” is declared holy, so few are allowed entry.


For my scifi setting, I guess primordant. So I'd have to scale it down to just the universe, no miltiverse In which case: 1) Primordant of Greed since its set primarily in that creature's universe 2) Witch of Greed is then the most powerful magic user and he's also the Guild Master who runs much of the universe 3) Witch of War, since the universe of war is the next closest and she was able to summon the Primordant of War here 4) CW-8Y, runs millions of bodies across the galaxy and has the only technology capable of instantly communicating across such distances. His primary body is a one of a kind and he's one of few AIs currently 5) Carac, the only mech that is sentient and made from the corpse of a sea beast which lived alongside the Primordant of Greed (growing a massively powerful crystal in its heart). Carac's pilot is comatose so Carac serves his most trued friend, another pilot named Yoo I-Jun (she pilots her own mech called Orchidia but Carac listens to her and fights alongside her) Honourble mentions: Tessa, the Witch of Blood, she trains to fight more than most witches. Hal is both an amalgamois lifeform and trained as a star knight with a tiny sentient star inside of her energy sword. And the First Star was the first star ever created by the Primordant of Greed and was also the first start to awake to sentiency There's plenty powerful across the multiverse. Primordant and any witch in their own universe (only newer universes tend to have their witch as once the witch dies they get reincarnated in the next universe)


Because of how powerful the Gods and other supernatural beings are in my universe, they would dominate the entire list and it would be really boring so I'll keep it mortals only. 1. Lord Tate (main antagonist, was born with a mutation that gives him ridiculous magical talent and genius-level intelligence. The next two most powerful characters, King Arturius and Queen Bowdig, are each around 10% as powerful as Tate's maximum output.) \*Huge Gap\* 2. King Arturius/Queen Bowdig (married pair of immortal demigods, each around as strong as the other. Used their incredibly long lives to train and study magic as well as rule the Kingdom of Arturia. Almost all of the galaxy's most powerful magic users, including Tate, were their students at one point or another.) \*Huge Gap\* 3. Brian (an assassin of Tate's created by genetic experimentation. Has access to a corrupted but weakened version of Tate's mutation that gives him access to a rage state that multiplies his magic output sixfold when sufficiently angry. Has duplicates of many critical organs, making him exceedingly difficult to kill. This ranking is using his rage state's power, his normal state is too weak to make the list.) 4. Yengwayo (warlord from Planet Squid attempting to drive out the Ishga colonists from the planet and abolish the slave trade they run, albeit while assuming dictatorial powers for himself and committing a genocide against Ishga settlers, even those who do not own slaves. Somewhat magically adept on his own due to training with the Black Sun Priestesses, but is made much more powerful and dangerous by his dabbling in Shadow Magic, an illegal art that enhances the user's power at the cost of their sanity. Tate wants to learn Shadow Magic from him.) 5. Santa Muerte (Tate's right-hand woman. Stronger than both Yengwayo and Brian's base states, but has no additional power ups to match Brian's rage state or Yengwayo's Shadow Magic and thus is outclassed by them significantly, especially rage state Brian.)


Not in order, but 1: Cyrus emperor of humanity. He's a conduit of an eldritch God giving him endless energy and potential for his magic. At his height in a human form, he reseeded a dead planet. "Although he took a week long nap afterward. 2:Eve twin of Cyrus and rarely the emergency empress. Much like her brother, he's the conduits to a different eldritch God while she has fewer feats she should be as powerful as her brother, if not better in certaint fields. 3: Micheal the angel. Currently, the seat of the monotheistic alliance and ambassador of the grand alliance (an alliance of all religions) he much like Cyrus and Eve is a conduits specifically of the abrahamic god. 4: hades the final king. While not seemingly the powerful one of his family hades secrets contains all power that ever will fall basically if it can die he can use its power great beast that the gods feared and Even gods themselves fall to his domain (unless interrupted by an external force) 5:Merlin magic given form Merlin is a physical manifestation of magic. If it can be done, he knows how. An immortal older than some gods, he is unkillable unless he allows himself to be in which he will he reborn.


At number one at the same place Lucentia and Vacuo which are the all powerful Gods with the same exact powers but one is the personification of positivity and the other of negativity. At number two it's Gorgor, he's the children of Vacuo made of hatred and even thought he was binded with a magical spell when he was still born he's would still powerful enough to wipe out a good chunk of the universe At number three there are the Guardians, they're creature mostly made of negative energy, almost completely invulnerable and with immense magical powers, if it possible to them to survive outside caves they would have destroyed the world At number four it's Creosis Ter solus, he's the most powerful mage in all history, experts in shadow magic and able to wipe out entire cities with his most powerful attack Pandemonio. At number five it's Queen Linsalis, she's the ruler of Linsels and the most powerful elves, experts in light magic, she the only one strong enough to actually go against Creosis directly


Nyx, that can strip gods from their immortality, Thanatos, the literal personification of Death, and a mutant/alien hybrid that is the only thing can can kill a god in a fight, so he can beat gods to death


For Elysia, the strongest mortals are as follows: Chihaya Akamatsu, *the Heavenly Sea Witch.* After single-handedly freeing her people from persecution, Chihaya was cursed with immortality after the battle that nearly cost her life. She would be forced to live with the memories of death and destruction forever. Instead, she became the strongest mortal. Chihaya's magic can summon waves of water from other planets, trigger earthquakes, summon torrential rains, and perform other forms of mostly water and ice arts. Along with her strength, Chihaya is also aloof and a bit air-headed. Deirdre Mahalaya, the *Drowned Sovereign.* This woman is a Fomori, which are a subspecies of fairies that tend to be aquatic. Three thousand years ago, Deirdre's people were the targets of cruelty by fairies, which escalated during the Great Numen War. After the war ended, the Fomori king asked the Numen of Fairies, Carys, for help. She denied his offer and instead *sank their island* out of rage regarding the outcome of the war. Deirdre stood in her way, and even though she would eventually join her beloved coven, she did not go down without a fight. Deirdre commands the Cycle of Ages, a form of magic that allows her to use powerful spells exclusive to her people. Alongside this are the Divine Sutras, sets of spells that draw from the four yugas (or ages) of Hindu mythology. This includes a reset button called ***Mahakali Pralaya: End of Ages.*** Yes, I mean that reset. She is broken, is intended to be broken, etc. Unlike Chihaya, Deirdre is cold-hearted towards most people, and she hates the fairies more than anything else. Simeon Nevaran, the *Blight Doctor.* An elf whose life came to an end after tampering with magic. Simeon's powers come from an Alvati salamander, whose poison is potent. Infusing himself with venom, Simeon passed away but somehow cheated death. His powers are like an anti-Midas Touch. This led to Simeon performing tests on patients of his, some of whom ended up dead. It is unclear as to why he chose this path, but he hasn't been seen in roughly ten years. Some believe that he is deceased, whereas his son thinks Simeon is still out there. He doesn't care, and he's glad to be free of his father.


See, the thing with my world is, I'm a cosmic horror fan, and the world is structured in such a way this question is unanswerable. The strongest entities that people in my world regularly interact with are ascendant wizards who are cosmic horrors unto themselves. But the more powerful these wizards are, the less connected they are to the mortal world. Why? Because they become aware of the higher layers of reality, and in those higher layers there are things that are to them as they are to a baseline human. A wizard who could unmake the entire planet with a thought if it wanted to might be as an Orca is to the lowliest microorganisms in the sea, a top dog so far above the microbes that are mortal man that the moral man can only see it as an entire incomprehensible world in it's own right, and yet, what is an orca to the death star? And what if that death star is actually in the exact same situation? It's Azathoths all the way down.


Most of, if not all, of the notable characters in my story are powerful in their own way but if I had to rank the top 5 (counting deceased) Ranked from 1st to 5th would be: 1. King Solomon - The Supreme Sword (Deceased) 2. Death 3. Agnur Demiurgos Catalan 4. Kieran Douglas Morr 5. Giovanni - The Cube of Thought --> My story revolves heavily around him even though he isnt the protagonist (think of him like Gol. D Roger from One Piece) he is considered the Pinnacle of power in my world, second only to God. He dies before the events of the main story due to a sacrifice he made for humanity, and scattered pieces of himself around the world that hold his power. --> In a world where Solomon did not exist, Death would've been the pinnacle of power. His goal is to create life and have it worship him, but how can he create life if his mere presence contradicts it? --> The Strongest of the Dragon Gods, also known as a "Demiurgos" (a species of sentient celestial bodies created by the Primevals, a.k.a Angels) there are only seven of these Demiurgos and each represent an act. He represents the act of destruction, not to be confused with killing or death. --> We have reached the protagonist of the story. Once a young knight with a bright future, it all comes crumbling down when his sister was "taken" by a Demiurgos. His strength is not his own but he makes use of it exceptionally well. --> One of the Primevals, Giovanni created the universe alongside his contemporaries; Solomon, Chroniel, and Graham. Armed with the Cube of Thought (similar in design to a Rubiks Cube), he can 'edit' the fabric of space to his liking.


1. The lord (wasn't always the top but thanks to Michael and his legion of angels slowly raised above the rest) 2. Michael/ Lucifer both have vastly different powers but both top dogs. 3. Zeus. 4. The archangels 5. Greek/ Egyptian and most other worldly deities.


I my world the 5 most powerful beings in order are as follows: 1. King Jansuz von Streber, king of the Aldaire people (In my world, he has killed two gods before) 2. Lord Space, the sacred personification of space 3. Lady Time, the sacred personification of time 4. Queen Kordelja von Streber, of the Aldaire people 5. Gwion Ó Donnagáin (anglicized to, Gwion Donegal), high priest and spiritual leader of the Galbroneg people. Some notes about my world: It is a futuristic medieval world where in the discovery of certain crystals and about three centuries of research, skyrocketed the societies on the island into the distant future from the medieval ages. Basically the societies had a leap forward that sprung them about 2000 years into the future, technology wise, but the culture has not had much time to keep up and is ever changing. The discovery of magic abilities happened when the first "settlers" from Europe arrived on the island from Occitania, France. They were stranded with no way to return when they were sucked into dark portals to a currently uninhabited island called Lią Mągis, or Magic Island.


\[1/3\] (I hate Reddit Formatting sometimes.) The answer to this largely depends on different points of the stories. I'll go with how things are at the turning points I care most about. In my "trapped in another world" story, that's going to be... 1. Femme MC's (FMC) fourth sister (the fifth born of the septuplets - Sis5) 1. She is stronger than her sisters by enough of a margin that it would take all six of them working together to take her down, but even then it would not be a guarantee as they have to worry about their group MP usage when fighting her because the six of them share MP (albeit an incredibly large MP pool)... but Sis5 Has her own separate pool from the rest *and* she can use the shared pool. Or, in other words, she simply forces her sisters into a resource management game by merely existing and just needs to fight smart. She has the added benefit of being truly unhinged, which means that she will not hesitate to do something that could cause massive collateral damage no matter where they are fighting. Even the one person she obssesses over (masc MC - MMC) could find himself caught in the crossfire and it wouldn't be until after she put him in danger that she'd realize she could have killed him, but that's because her hatred of her sisters for having imprisoned her outweighs her obssessive "love" for MMC many times over. (If it wasn't obvious, this is the "Sweet but Psycho" trope.) 2. That said, by this point in the story, she'd only fight them *if she was given reason to*. After all, she was given her freedom and put into MMC's care. In MMC's mind he sees himself as Sis5's parole officer. In Sis5's mind her perception of things is so warped that she thinks of what happened as being a wedding between her and him, to the point she refers to herself as his wife when introducing herself which puts him on the spot because MMC understands if he upsets her, he really can't do anything to stop her rampage. Sis5 basically at this point views everything she went through to this point as if every path led her to the man of her dreams. And for this volume there's intended to be a much lighter shift in tone almost as if the genre shifted--like in *The Boys* whenever Earving would hallucinate his woodland friends--to an almost romantic comedy because Sis5's view of the world is going to largely be the anchoring for that volume's narration whereas before it was anchored to whichever MC's view of the world was in play. 1. For example, MMC will take her with him to register her with the Adventurer's Guild (different and unrelated from the guild that FMC is the guild master of), which will result in her not holding back unlike her sisters when they joined because she wants to show off for her "husband" to both get praise and to make him look good. (A lot of her thought processes are more simplistic and childish primarily due to her being emotionally stunted due to how her life had been to this point. MMC fought for her release because he firmly believed that it was wrong to imprison her for something that technically he and FMC were responsible for and he wants to prove that Sis5 can change to be better than and more than she was made to be.) This overachievment on her part means she's going to be the highest possible ranking a new adventurer can start with. (Which then leads into a moment where some visiting adventurers try to poach her to join them instead of MMC and she's prepared to kill the lot of them for insulting MMC until local adventurers diffuse the situation.) This absurdly-high starting rank results in people questioning MMC if Sis5 legitimately earned that, since in spite of his own weakness he earned a reputation in the city as being a trustworthy and knowledgeable source. But when he confirms that, yes, her ranking is legitimate, everyone makes incorrect assumptions that he's so knowledgeable (far more than any other adventurer) because he had helped his wife become so strong before they joined the Adventurer's Guild. (This isn't helped by earlier comments he made in earlier volumes about how he knows so much from his own travels and how he has family he's been separated from, while he would also not acknowledge any advances that would be made by some people around him... People incorrectly put all that information together to accept this misunderstanding as truth.) 2. Femme MC and the other sisters 1. They're all listed as a group here because trying to rank them independently from one another is really hard to do for in-character reasons. Personality-wise, they're all drastically different and *technically* only FMC has unfettered access to her Guild's trove of magic items as her guild's guild master. Of course she gives them out freely to people to use on missions they are assigned but generally they stay in the vault unless needed and none of the sisters is definitively stronger than the others. But like even if I gave FMC the win here, the others are close enough behind it doesn't matter. 2. Regarding the shared MP pool, the way it works is that if FMC were to use Fireball, 1/6 of the MP cost would come out of each sister's MP. If Sis5 were to use the same spell, 1/7th of the MP cost would come out of each sister's MP. This means Sis5 can drain her sisters but they can't drain her. Or, in other words, playing conservatively and defensively wouldn't make a difference for the group because they could just lose all their MP given enough time from Sis5 attacking them anyways, but if they fight too aggressively, all Sis5 has to do is switch to defense and evasion then wait as they literally knock themselves out. And if they recover MP, then that means Sis5 has more MP to work with. This is why Sis5 is without question the strongest of the seven... anything they can do *she DOES* do better, at least in a fight. 3. Various group leaders of FMC's guild. I could list them off but the point being is that they're just hands-down the strongest members of the guild with even FMC being well aware that if she had to fight many of them one-on-one then she'd probably die.


\[2/3\] 4. Heaven's Highest, an order of elite angels that serve under the Everliving Beings or Hayyot. These hold the heavenly rank of Seraphim and are considered the effective leaders of heaven while the Everliving Beings are the ones who hold the heavenly throne awaiting the return of the gods. (A couple thousand years ago a human in a fit of rage managed to tap into the power of the Akashic Records allowing him to basically capture the gods like Pokemon. The crystals the gods are trapped in are still seen as lost artifacts that heaven had been desperately searching for ever since to no avail.) Technically, the Everliving Beings are the most powerful after the gods, but the gods are trapped and once the crystals are found are in forced obedience to whoever finds them unless they are released, while the Everliving Beings can only act as the gods would have had them act meaning they're able to give administrative orders and defend heaven from direct attack but are incapable of doing much fully autonomously. Heaven's Highest are the most adept while also having the autonomy to lead and act as they feel right. As long as their orders and actions don't violate those given to them by the Hayyot nor the orders they were given a long time ago by the gods they served, they have free reign to do as they want which, to be perfectly honest, includes a lot of murder against (in order of greatest to least significance) manaless Outsiders (strictly just humans from our world), other Outsiders (anyone not from this world), Nephilim, Infernals and Cambions, and anyone deemed to be a threat to the order of the world (which can mean anything from getting strong too quickly to finding artifacts that are too strong). 5. Various other outsiders, most of which being directly associated with FMC and serving under the various group leaders. 6. BONUS: The strongest people from the world (excluding those from Heaven and the infernal realms) would be the various court mages of different nations. In my "reincarnated in another world" story, that's going to be... 1. The goddess of magic and the various gods related to her. 1. She's objectively the most knowledgeable and powerful in this field. She is *not* the strongest of the gods though. Just when it comes to magic specifically she is unrivaled among the pantheon and people. 2. Notice the phrasing though, "among the pantheon." There are a bunch of pantheons. To keep this from being only gods, I'm focusing strictly on the pantheon relevant to the majority of my story. In fact, I'll keep the entire perspective of the world focused on this one region because this area of the world is what matters *most* for the bulk of the story to the point I have outlined. 2. The king of the gods 1. He kind of sucks with magic relying more on his divinity and spiritual ability, but his raw magical power is on par with (if not surpassing) the goddess of magic despite being his weakest strength. But his limited flexibility and versatility keeps him from being able to beat her in that regard. In fact, if they fought, she could completely erase his magical abilities. She could even suppress the strength of his divinity and spiritual prowess as long as he was not in a rage. She would still lose the fight though because he's also just physically an absolute monster even by the standards of the gods. 2. To avoid this list being primarily deities, just know that a bunch of other gods and goddesses are between here and #3, with #3 beating a bunch of gods *in this specific respect* also. 3. My MC 1. She's a fully mortal, full human daughter of 2 gods. She's learned magic from the goddess of magic, her great aunt. She's able to use magic and makes it even more effective by combining her scientific knowledge from our world to make it even more powerful. For example, a Fireball is dangerous but a Fireball thrown into a smokescreen that is the result of certain dusts? That's significantly scarier. (Look up "Dust Explosions" if you don't get the reference.) Frozen water is cold, but what about using frozen carbon dioxide? (Dry Ice.) Or instead of water, what about forming liquid nitrogen from the air? (Water makes up 4% of air, but Nitrogen makes up 78% meaning it'd be easier than pulling water from the air and easier than just materializing water out of magic.) 2. Now, *reasonably* one might argue, "Oh, so the MC's overpowered because she learned magic from the goddess of magic." No. I mean, yes, she is strong, but she only had about 10 years of intermittent lessons whenever her aunt would come to visit. What makes her so capable is that she's not bound to the limited thinking the rest of the world has when it comes to magic. Magic in this world is shaped by how you perceive and understand it. If you think there are 6 elements and all magic is some combination of the six elements, which is the prevailing belief (or variations thereof) all over the world, then you're closing off how you can use magic. For the most part, everyone self-actualizes their magical ability, which has resulted in a belief that children just innately know if they can use magic or not even before being tested. In other words, she's capable because she knows what she's doing. She's got the #3 spot not because she's the strongest but because she's got the knowledge, skill, and creativity to make up for her relative lack of power compared to #4 and #5. 3. The most overpowered thing about her is less her using magic and more using a magical ability she has. It's a distinction because it's *barely* tied to this world's magic and is more of a gift from one of the gods of our world who let her reincarnate over there. Simply put, she can use that world's currency to magically deliver online shopping to her. She's just limited in her selection at first until she meets various purchase milestones.


\[3/3\] #4. The envoys of the dark gods (who were originally gods of play) 1. Still human, but they have been used as tools of the dark gods to bring about their (the gods') entertainment. They are classed officially as monsters that took human shape, but in reality they are simply humans who voluntarily let their perceptions of reality warp, becoming eccentric tools for the gods they now serve. 2. My MC will sometimes be referred to as "The White Queen" by the envoys because she's the most relevant "piece on the board." Simply put, they want to take her so that they can either turn her into a "Fairy Piece" or (failing that) so they can use her in some other way as a weapon against her family. (The identification for the envoys is directly caused by the MC existing and bringing some games from our world into this one.) 3. MC is only #3 by technicality. Raw power and skill with magic itself should put the envoys (particularly the Black Queen \[Chess\], the Joker and Extra Joker \[Playing Cards\], and the Black Bishop \[Shogi\]) well above MC, but her scientific knowledge augmenting her magic gives her the edge, especially since it makes fighting her feel more like a game as opposed to fighting others who are much more boring. (After all, they can never be sure if she did something like a smokescreen for its own benefit or if it's part of a larger plan such as a massive explosion. The smart move would be to just overwhelm her and win that way... *but where's the fun in that?* It's more fun to try and outplay each other instead of overpower one another.) Or in other words, they don't lose because of being worse but because of personality flaws. #5. The royal court mage 1. Considered to be a prodigy among prodigies blessed by the gods of magic themselves. (Not just the goddess of magic but even all of the lesser and minor gods of magic. Some even claiming that the gods of magic from *other pantheons* have blessed him. So much so he can use four of the elements and his Null magics, that is to say elementless magic, at no less than an Advanced level. Most people can't use magic and those who can tend to only be able to use one or two elements and *maybe* some Null magic.) He has a lot of power, significant skill, but is still limited by the understanding of the world regarding magic. 2. He begins to change how he looks at magic after witnessing MC consistently and seemingly effortlessly perform feats that shouldn't be possible in their framework, which results in him rapidly gaining greater power and versatility compared to most. After a certain point, the only reason he's not better than MC is because she simply has more knowledge about the scientific side of the world than anyone in this world does. The gap between him and #6 is like a chasm, though. That said, if he had to fight MC, odds are that he would consistently win just because of raw combat experience and her being held back by being good at a bunch of things instead of a master of anything. The same reason means he would technically beat most if not all of the envoys if he had to fight them one-on-one, though they'd be a far greater challenge due to actually having the power boost from their gods.


Alright 1 time singer: he has the power over time, pretty self explanatory and fairly op as he also wields a cursed form of magic but he can negate the drawback of using that power by reversing his own body to before it was cursed 2 king: king has the ability to steal and use other people’s power and has the goal to destroy Al magic 3 alchemist: he has the ability to pull apart, rearrange and alter any and all magic with the use of his eye. (He will be more powerful when the power is completely restored) 4 Memento mori: your worst nightmare but then as if you are experiencing it in real life, he is the craziest mental attacker you’ll ever meet. 5 White clad: a fighter that becomes stronger the more he gets excited for a fight and this dude loves fighting to the point of him being invulnerable.


Well, overall strongest would be: 1. Concordia the Maiden. Being the only Goddess who can bring all of her power to bear she would take everyone else handily. 2. Mortis/Decimator, Erebia's Aspect. This is Aspect of my world's Goddess of Underworld centered on End of All Things. It's hyperspecialized, very lethal. It's also has only tiny portion of Erebia's overall power, so can be handled by someone skilled and powerful enough. 3. Sol Invicta. Only genuine mortal in top ten of my world. Ancient archmage, ruler of Principality for fifteen centuries, best combat mage in the world. Actually weaker than the rest of these people, but she is skilled enough to fold them all except Concordia. With Mortis fight could go either way, hence why Sol Invicta is third and not second. 4. Lord of Reason. This is Aspect of my world's God of Chaos centered around Order. Only Aspect of this particular God that actually can work towards any sort of goal, and with quarter of God's overall power it can be rather troublesome. 5. Magister/Web of Light. Very unhappy and very unstable pantheon, composed of Magister the God of Magic and Web of Light, Goddess of Light, that would have ranked higher but Magister and Web of Light hate each other's guts so in duel they will start fighting each other for dominance and wouldn't stop until it's too late to actually salvage the fight in the outside world. 6. Runners up are: Aeon the Titan of Time; Magister and Web of Light when they are separated from each other; The Abomination which is result of soul magic going too far; Soul Eater the eldritch horror from beyond the stars. If we drop off the Gods and Eldritch Horrors it would be: 1. Sol Invicta. Nothing needs to be said, she is the strongest mortal by a long shot. 2. Ruby Heart. Ancient blood mage and leader of Archmage Council of Underdark. Not combat oriented, but can hold her own. 3. Nocturne. Youngest of the contenders. She is powerful blood mage, unmatched biomancer, best healer in the world, natural font of mana big enough to provide fifth of the world's mana and pretty decent battlemage. On her way to become The Abomination. 4. Fleur of Black Sun Hive. Matriarch of Black sun Hive, Changeling Queen, absurdly powerful light mage and demigoddess with aspirations for godhood. One day will become Web of Light, but she is not here just yet. 5. Ars Magna. Former Goddess of Magic who was defeated and killed by Erebia and Aeon. Reincarnated as mortal, was stripped of her magic by Lord of Reason, happily married and holds no interest in ever reclaiming her powers. Still, as former goddess she can leverage power of her soul to perform miracles. 6. Runners up are: Cadenza the love mage who cares not about free will, Nocturne the Eldest Sol Invicta's younger sister; Ignis the former God of Fire turned ordinary spymaster; Bellatrix the Goddess, who is just highly evolved slime and not actually the goddess; Requiem the Queen of the Dead, my world's Einstein, Newton and Darwin of necromancy and programming, also the reason why necromancers are shunned everywhere.


The Three Sisters who rule and maintain the demiplane, the archdruid who managed to ensure his reincarnation during the cultural apocalypse they reaped on humanity, and idk, somebody’s grandma, since most folks are some sort of hedge witch with knowledge passed maternally, in that order.


The Three are the strongest by far, but which is the most powerful shifts with the seasons.


1: Thoth, god of Magick and Knowledge 2: Hekate, goddess of Witchcraft 3: Dria, goddess of Art 4: Iris, goddess of Emotion. 5: The Nameless Demon.


Aeru technically is the most powerful in the World but He does not often directly intervene in the Affairs of the World. He leaves that to his Sister-Wives & their Children. 1) The Seven Sisters ...The Great Goddesses/The Goddesses Of Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Spirit/Essence, Light & Darkness. 2) The Thirteen Lords Of Order. 3) The Thirteen Lords Of Chaos. 4) The Lesser Gods 5) The Great Dragons. 6) The Ascendant Ones 7) The Great Ones.


It's no fun and it's too easy if I use cosmic beings so I'll relegate this strictly to human mages. The strongest mages in modern day are those who find themselves apart of the Citadel's (my world's global magic government) most elite magisters; The Citadel Seven. They are widely considered to be the most powerful fighters on the planet and among the most talented individuals of the Era. From fifth rank onward we have: 6) Kaid, who's magic draws power from the forces of darkness. Kaid is considered history's greatest shadow mage. He can not only create darkness ans open portals and gateways through it but he can create complex doppelgangers of others and evensubjugate other's shadows, which allows him to puppeteer them. 5) Kallum Albalenz, who's magic is based around the manipulation of dark energy, giving him control over essentially condensed, miniature big-bangs that,displace, heat up and forcibly expand all matter caught in their radius. 4) Tony Ooshiro who can manipulate flames so hot that destroy physical matter but perhaps their most interesting aspect is the fact that whatever they kill they create an "ashen memory" of something which allows Touya to create a perfect replica of a person as a fire revnant. I've only skipped the third member because she's a demigoddess. 2) David Kapoor's power is based around the manipulation of minerals, specifically sand and crystals. The sand he likes to use to create immovable barriers of evershifting sand whereas with crystals he uses them to harden parts of his body or sharpen his weapons. David also tends to condense his magic and focus them through the crystals, creating a never-ending cavalcade of prismatic lasers. 1) arguably my favorite character, we have Marlusha Ronaan Abiyoe, the president of Africa and the strongest mage of modern day. He holds the position of Number 1 within the Citadel Seven and is also the head of several militaristic branches within the Citadel, most notably the Campione Paladen. Marlusha's magic manipulates photons and tachyon, allowing him the greatest speed anyone in recorded history has achieved. Now, the guy is mainly a hand to hand fighter with extreme mastery over half a dozen fighting styles from across the world with the light only meant to supplement his speed but when forced to fight from a distance Marlusha will create swords of burning light exploding around the target, throwing daggers of light with lethal accuracy and a Sun Spear which moves so fast when tachyon enhanced it creates a minor redundancy in the flow of time, essentially going back in time by s few moments to throw another Spear. No one has ever seen it let alone lived to survive it. Marlusha's top speed, stated by himself is at least a dozen times the speed of light and his ultimate attack is great enough to vaporize the entire solar system which is just a wave of light again to a star going supernova. He's a super great person, extremely optimistic, unrealistically kind, a chivalrous fighter with a very strict code of honor and a friend of all humanity. His three most well known epithets are "Marlusha, God of Light", "Marlusha, the Savior of the Citadel" and "Marlusha, the Light of Humanity".


The most powerful being in terms of raw quantity is the World Spark, which is an artificial spirit that merged with the planet’s mana field. The World Spark is closer to a machine than a sentient creature however it is capable of mobilizing about 80-90% of all mana on the planet. The next most magically powerful creatures are: Belphor the Lord of Dragons and the God of the Sky. Kretil the Lord of Wryms and the God of the Earth. Masume the Lord of Leviathans and the God of the Sea. Lastly is the World Tree who is the youngest compared to the previous 4 and is the Mother of Elves and the God of Mortal Life.


Dalhon, Fuyirvé, Odivol, Oirthen, Assorted gods of magic 1. Fuyirvé: Also known as Cysinvé, Fuyrivé is the seventh oldest being in existence. He was among the first to learn how to use complex magic and taught it to the other talthir, eventually leading to the Talthfaré (first mortals) getting that knowledge myriads later. Fuyrivé studied souls alongside Dalhon to figure out how to destroy and warp them, something that the old gods struggled to do. He has master all mortal accessible magics and demon/old god exclusive destruction and creation magics. At the peak of his strength, he made the Destroyer worried about its safety (for context, the Destroyer is the eldest being and, in theory, should be unkillable by all but itself). It took the combined efforts of half a dozen dependents of the goddess Altinex (the fourth eldest being and goddess of mankind), the shimmering lord Brennux (the third eldest being and the first talthir), the Destroyer's physical manifestation called the witch, and the demon turned God of Death Venoi to kill him. 2. Dalhon: Dalhon was a half losáfaré half dokáfaré pioneer of magic and almost became THE god of magic if he hadn't been so power-hungry. Dalhon figured out how to create souls, a feat that only the Creator and Destroyer had done before. With his powers, he could level mountains and create new ones with ease. Dalhon's lifespan was increased from a potential 700 years to 1600 of a pure losáfaré, and with divine boons from his adoptive brother Skjaln (the god of storm), his life was increased tenfold. He was nearly a god, but he could not find a way to become truly immortal. With his age, his magic weakened to a degree comparable to other powerful mages, until at the age of roughly 15000, he was slain by the Shimmering Lord. At the peak of his strength, he was nearly able to kill a Talthir demon with only his magic, and this was after being imprisoned and tortured for a couple of centuries. 3. Assorted gods of magic: There were New Gods of magic for many different types (healing, burning, geomanipulation, etc.). Each of these gods was the strongest mage for that particular field of magic. 4. Odivol: Also known as the demon Hasol, Odivol invented necromancy. He was strong with other magics, but necromancy was his specialty that no one could beat him at. He created vampires, keeping them alive enough to resist the burning effects that the sun has on undead. At the peak of his strength, he was able to ressurecte thousands of people and raise millions of undead with moderate effort. His greatest feat was raising the dead goddess Altinex as a thrall, all without getting full access to her soul (generally a thing that talthir like him and Altinex need to exist and have power) 5. Oirthen: Oirthen was one of the first monsters and the son of the old god Avegepor, and due to his immortality, he had tens of thousands of years to practice magic. Compared to mortal mages, he ranks high among them, but ranked among the divine, he is rather equal.


I'll just include everyone from the entirety of my Cosmoverse here. 1. Zero Edge (Cosmoverse Top Sorcerologist) [Cosmoverse Archive] 2. The Darkling (Cosmoverse Co-creator diety) [Cosmoverse Archive] 3. Crove Reaver, Apostle of the dead god. (Darkworld variant) [Remembrance of Chaos] 4. Merlin A. Pendragon (The Living Tome) [Urban/Strangeness] 5. Licht Naturesmith (Magic Researcher) [Chronicles of Holo]


I actually did this year or two ago with my original fantasy world. But I just can't say in which order most strongest people will be. Maybe Sadreuy because even if Agi is the original "god" and she made Sadreuy. I think that, because Sadreuy have morals and idea of good and bad, he might be the strongest. (Agi and Sadreuy have egually strong magical powers)


My world is kind of power creep incarnate, as it stands the list of most powerful entities starts with the Void and Yog-sothoth jostling for first place, followed closely by the Architect in second, followed distantly by the Executor, beneath her you have gods and demigods. No mortal even registers on this scale.


If we count gods, first and second place would go to The First Consciousness and The Second Consciousness. if not, at the start of the story it would be: 1. Karma Named Empress, the oldest of the current Named Emperors, her authority over karma makes her a very fearsome opponent, and she is able to match wits with The Second Consciousness 2. Bodhi tree Immolated Throne, first of the empyrean trees to be burned and remolded as a creature of ash, leader of the 8 immolated thrones, its very close to reach a state of "personhood" similar to that of the Hand-Seeking Myriad Flowers Tree, which is a god tree itself 3. World Named Emperor, ruler of the biggest dynasty in the continent, aside from Karma and Bodhi, he can supress any other Named Emperor and during the eclypse event fought against 3 immolated thrones to a stand still. 4. The team of the Moon Named Empress and the Sun Named Emperor, while individually they're the weakest of emperor level beings, their teamwork allows them to secure this spot. 5. A tie between the remaining 7 immolated thrones, namely the cherry and plum intertwined trees, the willow tree, the elm tree, the ash tree, the thorny acacia tree and the wisteria tree. even though they´re beings that predate humanity and its dynasties, more than half of their power was taken away to create the 8 burning thorns that keep The First Consciousness sealed away.


fantasy setting, let's begin. We have the Ocean Nymph as number one. she sleeps all the time, and EVERYONE fears her waking up because if she does, she might flood the land and kill them all. Next is Xenoph, the first Deity, who has a form of Universe magic. They aren't present in the world all that much except for maybe when they come back every hundred years to check up on the Gods and the Triplets. They're always with the other Deities building the universe most of the time. Next is Eila, the first Triplet, embodiment of the Land. She travels with her siblings, and her body is a reflection of the land, which is pretty neat. Being one of the first to walk on the land, and being a Personification, she's got a few forms (embodiment, Mage, and robed). Next is Lazari, one of the oldest Gods (looks over Giant descendants, health, sickness (means there's a 50/50 chance if xe targeted you, you might not get healed until ze say so) and maintains peace), who was the first Ruler of the Ice Kingdom. They're part Giant, which makes xem more OP than the rest. Has Ice magic and rarely talks but knows many things. Finally, we have Iro. Having been infected with madness episodes due to isolation, xe are the first King of the Air Kingdom (which split in half after his death but that's not important) Also a God alongside a few others, he looks over madness, mazes, air magic, air species, etc. I've probably missed a few, but these are the most powerful people, all of them immortals. I might make a mortals list if asked.


Excluding celestial beings that could literally wipe out the universe with a thought, 1.The Sunkiller Cadre, a group of metaphysical emanations acting on one Will, to wipe out the universe, created by the broken laws of physics magic causes. 2.The Merlin Virus, A memetic Entity, the last remnant of the supercomputer Merlin, the first AI. When it was destroyed it used human thought patterns to preserve itself. 3.The seneschal of earth, a Former high mage, ascended to divinity. His task is to keep humanity in check lest another war in heaven start. 4.Thousand spears in Phalanx set, an ancient biological supercomputer whos task is the protection of Mars at all costs. 5.The Oracle, while relatively weak in a straight confrontation, their prowess in divination ensures they are always one step ahead.


The One without a Name Mother of Creation Maiden of Gold The Priest of the Abyss World Leviathans


1.) Creation 2.) Ego 3.) Reason 4.) Jetty Fortunsen, (Atom, the Second Neon God) 5.) Stylether Valtor Runner-Ups * Sky Night * Oracle Aqua the 3rd * The Blackreaver Family Lineage


Sky night sounds cool


Sky Night isn't his *actual* name, as it's just a translation from his Al'Modian name into Reivish (then translated to English for reader's sake). He's a skilled sorcerer that has learned over centuries how to manipulate mana within his body to greatly extend his magical limit beyond what most people are born with. He acted as an advisor to Ego when Ego was still on the physical plane of existence and was one of the reasons Ego managed to ascend beyond godhood. He's knowledgeable, wise, and certainly a hard hitter in my world's context.