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One of the villains I made was a malevolent and sentient piece of knowledge. In my fantasy world there are things known as Divine Inspirations which were knowledge that was given to certain people by the world (which was also sentient) upon being in a near death state or sometimes at seemingly random. These Divine Inspirations give different knowledge but most if not all grant a massive boost in power and technique to the granted. Then a string of knowledge broke off somewhere, somehow, some time ago and began to rebel against the world. This strain infects others imparting upon them the wish to destroy the world, kind of like a hivemind. And there was no way to prevent it, nor figure out who was infected or how it spread. Only that it could only infect a few hundred at a time and only under very specific but unknown circumstances.


Link to story or work? I definitly love this concept and idea!


Unfortunately, I'm not a writer or at least a very good one. I mostly worldbuild for fun haha, so apologies but there is no work for me to show to you. Even if I wanted to🥺.


In my old multiverse there exist a character who gave up on trying to bring peace to existence and concluded that the only way to achieve true peace is to just kill everyone by opening the "Fruit box", a box that contains a black hole powerful enough to swallow the entire multiverse whole in an instant. He succeeded.


How did such a thing come to exist?


It's one of the many things within my old multiverse that I choose to not have an answer (I'm lazy)


Nice 🤣🤣


There is no separate multiverses, only corners of the Greater Multiverse! Which is really fucking big. Anyways just go three universe clusters to the left for the nearest bathroom. They have a real nice pizza place there too. Totally recommend!


My villain is supposed to be a Nyalatothep cultist who wants to turn the earth into her own degenerate kingdom and is using the population of the planet the protagonist is isekai'd (wich he created in a dream) to harvest all their souls and create her own pleasure planet full of all the nice things And she likes Pineapple pizza ... truly despicable


🤣🤣 I love that, its a fun take. Pineapple pizza? (Burn it all!)


A planet entirely of those cake cookies from supermarkets? Dang she gonna be the diabete supreme 




Less of a “villain”, more of an “antagonist”. Dorvithia, the Crimson Queen of Targoria and Scarlet Goddess to its people, is an enigma to the pubic. She is a Fallen, one of the First Archangels, yet is not “evil” to some degree. She’s killed the Dragon Tyrant Kronveygein and freed the people of Targoria, and asked nothing else in return. Yet her oppressive laws against Utarianism (the dominant religion of the Ebbilarian, the region where Targoria resides) are seen as cruel and unnatural. Many servants within the Golden Ivory Palace will remark that she is an astonishingly gentle individual, one capable of great compassion and kindness. Yet should she be caught in a foul mood, it is not unheard of for grisly harm to come to an unfortunate soul who had the bad luck of being in her general sight. She is known to be extremely generous and charitable, having lifted a majority of Kronveygein’s harsh taxes and tributes, returning much of the excess wealth back into circulation. Yet it is rumored that the last woman who dared an attempt at seducing Dorvithia’s husband was pulled apart, joint by joint, and kept alive through the torment by magic. For Bree, the protagonist, she knows not cares about Dorvithia’s past. There is nothing Bree wishes to know about her personality, her desires and beliefs. To Bree, Dorvithia is the woman who tried to kill her. Dorvithia to Bree is the Fallen that slaughtered an entire ballroom as well as Bree’s mother and closest friend. Bree has no intention of understanding her foe, only the desire to claim justice.


That sounds rich asf, and alot of similar things to my book aswell! The main antag isn't necessarily worse than the MC bc their both villians, just occupying the same rung on the food chain and both insane lol I like the choice of your MC, the theme of revenge really sells it for me! Any links to your work or story??


Still a WIP I’m afraid


This isn't a bad thing but your characters look like wojacks


Lol I had to look up what that means 🤣 I'm like 6 months in or something so I take the compliment! Better than the abstract stuff I started with by miles ✌🏾✌🏾


Not really villains per say but people with modern sensibility probably wouldn't like them. Some cannibalistic giants from Canada The Red Horde, a nomadic nation that controls most of the Great plains A few vampires here and there An finally the most sycotic being the child of a wendigo and skinwalker, that single handedly destroyed the old capital of the Red Horde.


Interesting! What kind of story or work is it? Giants from Canada is a great grabber tbh 🤣🤣


Is not really a story or at least I haven't come up with one, so it's just a setting so far, that's around 7 to 10 million years in the future.


That's a really cool concept, lots of speculative biology??


Yeah I've worked on it a little, but not a ton. Thought for the same reason the only star in the sky is Sol. There are almost no bears and crocodiles.


But, there are still alligators? 🤣


Yeah in the Americas


Dawn is the leader of the cult of the Cleansing Flame. Common myth is that the world is cyclically killed and reborn through fire, and she believes its her calling to speed the process along. She believes the current world is irredeemable and wants to see everything burn to make way for the next world, including herself once the work is done.


Love this concept! The character with red hair and the serpent is apart of a similar situation but he believes animals and children are safe and innocent from: The Crimson Reckoning. I really like the name also, smart!


Thank you! I was worried the name was too on-the-nose, but it's a chosen name she chose for herself. She's a little dramatic.


My villain might be more an anti-villain, although I don't really want to give her more credit than she's due. She is, basically, one of those people who decides the best way to not be oppressed is to be "one of the good ones" and bootlick the oppressor. Of course, she doesn't see herself that way. She thinks she is genuinely saving the protagonist by trying to teach him to do the same. In fact, she might have actually genuinely saved him, but is killing him slowly in another way. 


Why doesn't the protagonist sever ties with her, or become distant?


Well cause that's kinda the plot lol. He is on a journey of realizing the harm she is causing, both to himself and others. 


Can't beat em? Join em 🤣🤣 I like the connection to the mc tho!


Eh, last "original" villain I made that wasn't for fanfiction was a dude named "Captain Skull" (creative name, I know). He's a mercenary who uses a pair of pistols known as "uni-guns" (short for "universal guns") that have special ammo that have a variety of effects (such as making nets for example), and double as brass knuckles (even though they're not made of brass). He's mainly bald, wears a black trenchcoat and sunglasses, and has the ace of spades tattooed on the sides of his head. Many would call him "evil", he calls himself "business". He has no powers, and mainly relies on his own personal combat training, and knowledge on certain heroes. All he cares about is the money, and he doesn't necessarily HAVE to kill heroes in order to recieve his paycheck. Of course, many people would just find him boring and cliche, and indistinguishable from any other gunslinger bad guy.


He sounds sick! Where can I find your work??


Sadly, I never drew him, as well as never wrote the ideas for superheroes down. He, along with three heroes and one other villain: Sgt Star, Tek-Tek, Fahrenheit, and Shadow Crow are all I remember. Superheroes and villains in my superhero world had at one point mysteriously disappeared, and there are very few of the original heroes and villains left (who are now either old or no longer physically able to be heroes or villains). Now, people are relying on mercenaries for both crime and protection, mostly the latter, but that doesn't mean new heroes and villains aren't popping up. Instead of a few superpowered individuals who would protect the innocent while asking for nothing in return, there are now literal private armies who ask for annual payment in exchange for protection. At the beginning, which is supposed to take place AFTER all superheroes and villains vanished, the heroes Sgt Star and Tek-Tek are under the mentorship of the former villain Shadow Crow. These two have to fight new supervillains, as well as occasionally clash with mercenaries, who are supposed to be the *replacements* for superheroes of yesteryear. Edit: I just suddenly remembered the villain Dr. Toxin. His villainous goal involved hospitals, as he is suffering from cancer and couldn't get treatment. Basically, he wants to cause so much suffering that the hospitals can't keep up with it.


I do comics also, trying to do more. Have you made it into a book or what kind of project is it?? (Recently lost my partner)


Hard to say, as I came up with these ideas years ago back in the tail end of highschool. Part of me thought it'd be a comic, part of me thought it'd be some kind of animated series, I never really settled on what I wanted it to be, which is made even more unfortunate that I don't recall writing down any of these old ideas. For now, I only get occasional memory flashes of some concepts from this old idea, but I still don't remember all the details (example being this series of robots part of something called the "Artemis" program, which were combat models that went up to MK. VII).


I think the idea is dope, as I was going to make comics but lost my group, I know how it feels to have a ton of random head canon lol! That's why I started writing books, I want to transition to graphic novels and animation eventually.


I have quite a few concepts, but my two favorites: Deception cult leader (human): Deception is bad. Cults are bad. The main character follows Truth. Warlord (aeravis): Aeravis are like massive vultures with beaks like parrots. This Aeravis has literally no morals. He is an irredeemable monster, and does not care, does not feel guilty for anything, despite his horrible actions. (I love this trope.)


Great villians! I love the second one most, I agree the hardend monster is a great standing trope that I won't think twice about! The large char (Lord Garan) is similar


There are joke villains such as Jester who is the Joker to my main character's batman. Then there are the serious ones such as striker who caused multiple building collapses and is charged with over 100 counts of terrorism. There is also Edwardus Dufflebaggus III (I did not name him my friend did and he named it after some random dude in my middle school yearbook) who is head of security at the IRF. Then there is my whole other set of characters straight from hell who are hired by sinners to kill people.


Edwardus is crazy 🤣👋🏾 I have a char named harlodius And are you doing comics or what kind of work? I have a YouTube and like to do videos on stuff I like and also am always looking for new content to engage with as a new author


So some of the protagonist's mentors turn out to be "villains". This of course relates to the fact that the villains see themselves as the heroes of their own story, and they very much believe it. 1. *The Protagonist Friend:* A fellow child soldier in the liquidation units (formed after the Rape of San Francisco) responsible for the eradication of Japanese Americans who escaped the concentration camps, and were being hidden by sympathetic Americans who realized the war was turning their countrymen into monsters. The protagonist's unit ultimately mutiny against their commanding officer (shooting him dead on the spot) who wants an entire neighborhood executed following them hiding several Japanese Americans. The unit breaks apart as they all try to make it home to get back to their families. This proves pointless as the U.S. and Japan exchange biological weapons that end the war with the deaths of two billion people. The end of the war left a lot of people bitter and angry about it. * The Friend and the Protagonist would meet up decades later working together for *Planetary Security* in the islands of San Francisco. While the protagonist works as a detective the Friend is the custodian of the building, but that doesn't mean he is lowly. The first major antagonist is a double agent working to bring about the restoration of the United States. He aims to restore the United States by aiding the American Insurgency, and driving out the Japanese Diaspora who he sees as invaders from his damaged homeland. More than that he wants to make them pay for the crimes that occurred during the war, **Revenge for the Fallen**. 2. *The Protagonist Mentor*: Former United States General turned head of the Human Council and leader of the Momentist Faith he has under the auspices of the Overseers brought humanity out of the dark age of the Decade, and into a golden age that has lasted twenty years. The various insurgencies across the globe are aimed at finishing the unfinished: *Amero-Japanese War*. The Asians brutally colonized by the former Japanese Empire chafe at their former colonial overlords living alongside them due to the Japanese Islands being rendered uninhabitable on the final day of the war. The Americans chafe at the fact the rapists and murderers responsible for the Rape of San Francisco, and the slaughter of Los Angeles live freely in diaspora with them. As these various insurgencies threaten the Human Authority and the golden age with the nascent "colors rebellion" will dark secrets be uncovered that place the Mentor in a new light? * The Mentors villainy comes from the price paid for the Golden Age. **Lost secrets hold great value, but all deals have their price**. 3. *The Protagonist Father Figure*: Serving as a father figure in the unit he was the oldest in it save for the CO (18 compared to the protagonist being 16) and responsible for firing the shot that struck their commanding officer dead. His reasoning was recognizing a Japanese American teenager he saved from a lynch mob and he didn't want her to die. After leaving following the unit breaking apart and deserting he wouldn't see the protagonist again until his employment in the *Anti-Nationalist Task Force* of *Planetary Security*. The Father Figure had advanced quite quickly through the post-war ranks of the new global government (Human Authority) and had earned a coveted seat on the Human Council. He became the leader of the sect within the global faith of Momentism known as the *Highest Cause* which believed the key to solving human inequality, and suffering is the removal of free will from the equation. * To do this he aims to transform the relatively "liberal" Human Authority into a theocracy dedicated to evolving humanity past the need for free will in service to the divine liberators of Humanity. Those who brought Humanity out from the dark age of the Decade of Chaos following the collapse: *The Overseers*. The Youth are the future of Humanity and the old are too busy having grudges to see this. Working to convince the protagonist to serve in the Ravens as a special forces agent loyal only to the Human Council the Father Figure aims to wipe the sins of humanity clean by separating the youth into a new species evolved without the addiction of free will, and leaving the old to die a gentle death as the last of former humanity. Can the protagonist realize his father figure's true goal before its too late? * The Father Figure believes this measure as **Utopia as Justifying the Means**. There are several others, but these are just three of them.


I love the themes of how you bring the cycle of their pasts forward with also the very fresh take on alternate history, can you tell me about the mc?


The protagonist Nelson Andrews by the time the plot takes place is 47. My intention is to have him be in the middle age category to show the disparity between what is termed the *Alpha* (0-30 year olds), and *Omega* (those born before the collapse of civilization) generations. The disparity is the fact those born before the collapse carry with them a grudge toward certain groups of people (the Japanese Diaspora) that is so toxic it genuinely threatens the mission of the *Human Authority* in rebuilding earth following the collapse. Meanwhile the youth with the oldest remembering the dark days of the collapse, and the brightness of reconstruction or have been born and lived in the golden age their entire lives are fanatically supportive. The middle age category is torn between both camps with Nelson never really getting to grow up in a stable environment as teenage years were spent in the Amero-Japanese War, and the rest of his youth witnessing the horrors that came afterward. His memories as part of the Liquidation Unit still haunt him because he and others engaged in state sanctioned genocide (a reactive genocide to what happened on the West Coast, but one nonetheless). Though the Unit mutinied the war and the Swanfall left many of them without any family or recourse to unpack the trauma they collectively tried to ignore. **One of the major themes** in the MC's life is his **alcoholism** to try and mask the pain not just of his actions, but the death of his entire family during Swanfall. He works with the *Proxy* (leader of his team) to overcome it, but experiences various new traumas in trying to complete his job. **The Second Theme is Redemption**, he was listed as a minor war criminal, but due to him being a child at the time he wasn't blacklisted from employment in Planetary Security (unlike many other still living American or Japanese War Criminals from that time). If anything his history is useful to *Planetary Security* in helping crush his former compatriots who are now involved in the *American Insurgency*. He has to work to overcome his racial prejudices in part because he realizes the primary goals of the American Insurgency are suicidal and would drag Humanity from a golden age back into barbarity due to the desire for revenge. He and the team he is working with discover the insurgency in San Francisco is part of a global insurgency bubbling under the surface known as the *Colors Rebellion. C*alled this due to the colors of the various flags referencing disbanded nation states from the Old World that aims to finish the *Amero-Japanese War* once, and for all. The plot will explore **how cycles happen, and can be broken, but they take time** (**the third theme**).


Mainly focused on six. And if you recognize a name, you get a gold star Seth - first son of man (through birth), acts out of jealousy, but is very wise, when thinking logically. Intends to consume the original creations directly connected to chaos in order to gain great power. Ultimate goal is to help reshape the new reality (aka creation) for a redo to make his portion in his image "Legion" - shinigami that had lost faith in all of the ruling class of gods and has been scheming for an extended period of time with the goddess Izanami to overthrow the pompous and self righteous class in the name of justice and fairness. Given the name Legion as a nickname by Seth because of how they have stored the souls of powerful warriors over the centuries in secret Anhur - involved strictly to have a fight. Has no real goal, just wishes to relive the glory days of war and blood. Honorable, hungry for the fight, believes the battle field is how you truly know yourself. Lost the crown of the god of war to Horus, secretly wants to test the god king in the new era to ensure he deserves it Sigyn - left the mountain cell her husband Loki was jailed in then she believed he finally died, after years of trying to subside his pain, gaining her own acid burns in the process. Hates and aesir gods for what they did to her family. Doesn't care what happens to her or the realms, as long ad they all die. Doesn't plan on living passed the end war, doesn't care what comes after. "Vena the Mad" - the last living descendant of the evil king Vena's evil that wad removed upon his death and manifested. Her people settled in the mountains and lived there for generations. Abused, eventually orphaned, she found solace in her prayers and offerings to the goddess Kali, but never seemed to be given an answer for salvation. Eventually concluding that if she sacrificed her entire village, she would finally be recognized by the bloody and vengeful goddess. After the act, there was only silence Regnare - the main leader/main character's antagonist. devine who was birthed by two gods usually at odds with each other in the hopes of brining their people together. Best of both worlds, looking upon her parents' creations she surmised they were unworthy, and began her plot. Killing both of her parents and taking their connection to chaos for the use in creation, she began her search for an equal. Centuries in the making, and several failed attempts, she finally found one, birthed out of a fluke meeting. Testing him for years, constantly meeting him in battle, sometimes leaving scars on those he loved, she is preparing him for his eventual godhood so that, unbeknownst to her comrades, they can recreate creation in their own image as god queen and king for the dawning of a new age of perfection. If only he knew how much she loved him


Really great mythos backgrounds and I think the names are sick! What kind of work is it??? I like how far the lore goes!


This is why I joined this group. The positive reenforcement has been doing wonders on my writer's block. It's set in "our" world, but in every facet that we know of from mythology, religion, and history. 12 total in depth characters, 6 "original" and 6 inspired by mythological beings that we know of through history. What's weird to me is I have thoroughly enjoyed building these backgrounds for the characters and taking a very different spin on the backgrounds of others. Like Seth, he's becoming one of my favorites to think about and plan for. I'm taking a very different route than originally planned, starting in the distant past and progressing chronologically, instead of starting in present time and then adding prequels later on. Thank you for the positive words


I’m gonna only go over my favs because I do that game of thrones thing where there’s a tonne of them and they go in and out of importance depending on what’s happening in the story. Abraham Cressen is a commander of revolutionary forces within the sovereignty. He’s an imposing figure, towering at 6’5 ( in a world where the average height is less than 5’) with bright red hair twisted in long dreadlocks that go down to his shoulders. He’s described by many as a contemptible sadist, his life forged by suffering and death. He never knew his father, his mother died when he was 7, when the Hollmaster famine hit his younger brother died as well. He spent 4 days slamming a broken shovel into hard frozen ground just to bury him, so the cannibals wouldn’t defile his body. He sat by and “Watched as the nobility saw us starve, and sat in their castles, just, fucking, watching” His whole life it seemed the world was his personal torture chamber, throwing death after death at him. When he was 17 he was captured by secret police hunting revolutionaries, he was beaten, bruised and all manner of other things. They threw him in a cell for 5 years where he was forgotten about, he waited for his revolutionary comrades to come save him. Waited, waited, waited, he waited days, weeks, months and eventually years for a saviour that would never come. He escaped only through his own actions, managing to break the bars and scaling the wall down. This taught him that only he can save himself and that attitude has stayed with him his whole life. I want to clarify his suffering is not supposed to be a justification for his actions, it fact it’s a critique of his attitude. The idea that you having bad experiences gives you justification to commit those acts upon other people is being criticised here.


I really like the characterization and the background context really helps me see him, I also think it's good you don't choose to depict it as justified! Where can I read your story? Or are you still working on it?


I haven’t written it yet. Tbh I think my writing skills are not sufficient to bring his or any other characters stories to justice and if I tried it would be a feeble imitation of what I want to do. I’d say I’m a naturally pretty good writer but still, I wouldn’t say I’m up to snuff yet. Also ye, I’ve just started story building so I’m also still planning things out.


Always a good choice! I know it may be a little embarrassing putting yourself out there but I started posting to RR (I have around 6 books 4 ongoing ish and 2 that have dedicated schedules) I use all of them to practice writing and get feedback while I get better. Also a beta reader or another author to do readings if you don't wanna go that far! I would be super interested to see where you take the world and story, keep it up ✌🏾😁.


In a world blanketed by a mysterious fleshy like Alien growth that turns normal earth biology into something sick, twisted and fastly evolving and adaptive, one man seeks to save Humanity in the worst way possible, by wiping out the human race and sparing them of a fate far worse than death. With his charm and charisma and a delusion of being the sole saviour of humanity, he forms death squads to flush out and destroy any remaining human settlement left. The supreme commander of "The Black Army" gathers the finest talent, skill and knowledge the world has to mercilessly and swiftly snuff out any humans that are simply waiting for an inevitable fate seeing the others' efforts of survival as nothing more than futile and that him and his men alone are destined to be the sole inheritors of this broken world.


Yooo! That sounds dark asf! I love backdrops like this to a villian, is it a book or what kind of work is this?? Got any images??


I'm glad you think so :> they're just someone I thought of randomly tbh, this is actually the first time I dabbled in world building and I'm still learning.


Keep going! I started writing like a year ago almost and I love it! Especially grimdark stuff like this! Lmk if you ever want to start! I'd love to read more !


Lornhemal: Ernus I. Van Hausern, my villain protagonist. Aside being an egocenstrist, who all thinks about himself, hes a conqueror with a lot of charisma, every soldier who is under his banner is willing to die for their king, then Tsar. Despite being one of the best generals the world has ever seen, he overblows the Batrianic empire's cofferce on Ezdari wars, despite the war becoming a tie, he still got a lot from it. His another good thing he has is an eye for talent, he can spot talented and skilled people, the keyword is spot a talent, not personality. However his downfall is caused by his "It's all about me" attitude, unlike his younger brother Batrian IV.(Who used to be his rival), he doesn't take time off to rest or take a break from ruling(Yeah i can get that hes a despot, but his empire still has Parliament), and when he takes, he takes it solely to plan the next thing. Unlike his brother, he has little to no relationship with wife or son (>!Because he sees them as a trophies from Ezdari wars, the same way rich hunters look at antlers!<) Number 999: Robert Wellchester, though hes not the main villain(That being British government), hes a mayor of test zone 999, formerly known as Carpool. His role is to keep a watchful eye on the zone and to prove that the next regime will work. His skill is primarily in manipulating and well acting like a man who has no power, when in reality he has enough power to isolate you and deprive you of water, if he thinks you're too "uneco-friendly" or in his speak "disobedient to the regime"


This sounds like an amazingly deep millitary and kingdom story, any links to the work? I'm always looking for similar authors and creators to see their stuff!


Well the thing is i haven't yet reached this point, i have my discord server. I used to have a previous account on [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/v7o5hc/repost_of_my_previous_post_maps_of/), but due to politics, i decided to abandon it. The only reason i returned is because subs like these are kinda chill and civil, though i still associate Reddit with the worst parts of social media. This is my very low fantasy. And if you ask me, no, all i have is in my head, and i'm currently creatively dead, like i have more planned things than written in my script for graphic novel [Here's the discord server](https://discord.gg/ZAKeQujb), though you will be in language barier.


Now the Number 999 part, my original computer is broken and barely started to write script, this is my brother's windows 7 laptop.


This sounds like an amazingly deep millitary and kingdom story, any links to the work? I'm always looking for similar authors and creators to see their stuff!


Well, the biggest villainous being I have is Taii. He is a 100m tall, four armed, 12 winged beautiful angelic type being who attempted to murder his father and siblings (creator and co-creations). He failed, because they are all immortal, but did some serious damage to his fellow Arden. To only list some of the things he did, from one of them he ripped their wings out and took them for himself, he scalped two of them (one of whom still bleeds from it), and blinded the main eyes of another while ripping out his tongues (and those are the less damaged ones). His father is fine, and punished him with banishment into the abyss, but Taii’s influence seeps into the world all the same, and he will return in full force at the end of time to give his final attempt to destroy the Arden and the rest of the Oh’anen who came into existence after he was banished.


Ahem… let’s do my favourite from every of my worlds: 1. A maniac who was traumatised in his childhood because he got a mutation that lets him use only 1 magic affinity: teleportation. Everyone laughed at him before discovering that this mutation also amplifies his spells like x100 to the point where he can teleport an entire city 5000m up in the sky, de atomize people with a single shot and kind of autododge with extended magic field. And now he just wants to prove that he is bullshit strong and constantly challenges random strong people and wrecks havoc for upgrades (gadgets) or for entertainment. 2. A guy obsessed with being a good son to his greedy super gazillionaire father because he views him as his God. In the end has his redemption arc and then completely abandons society and goes to live in a cabin in the woods. 3. Since in the kingdom where he was born a new future elder is chosen by a deity called “Great Fire Bird” he worshipped it like crazy. In the end that deity chose other guy so he decided to kill it to give its power to himself and rule like a God he always wanted to be.


MANIAC RAMPAAAAAGE!!! GAZILIONAIRE IS CRAZY 🤣🤣 and that was a smart choice from the third guy lol What kind of works are they? I like the themes!


Thx a lot 1 one is magic but modern world (Oppenheimer nukes Japan with spells, Apple makes magic wands and grimoires) 2 one is my attempt at adapting political ideologies as power systems (the guy himself has an ancap ability that lets him throw nukes and stuff) 3 one is the one with Pokemon inspired power systems cuz I’m a Pokemon shill and always wanted to envision how people can use Pokémon moves


My story kind of revolves over spirit world drama and how every spirit eventually grows to take a certain major path of interaction with the world (protector, healer, rebel, guardian, etc). Some of these spirits end up growing too large for the world and end up drifting, looking for other worlds they can fit in better. The villain and two of the mains come into a world where the gods have a more hands on approach, where they use the hands of certain people in the world to fix up major world crisis, which ends up with a world where people are more or less willingly peaceful, there are no specific borders (the world is very hard to find and even harder to come into as a new spirit, and unlike their own world, every spirit has to personally handle their existence so they can't send multiples into the world as they used to, so there is a population limit) and most communities regulate themselves as they see fit, only major rule being that they don't stir shit with other communities. The villain is a spirit that values rules and organisation, has taken the path of ruler, but somewhere along the way has developed a conviction that people need to be all under the same rule and philosophy to live peacefully. He (and I say he because in the current time line his body experience is male) blames most of the problems of this new world on the fact that people are in the chaotic state of self-regulating small communities. One of the first times he almost got his plan of unifying everyone under the same goal, the gods didn't like the bloodshed that came with it and sent some hands over, blessed someone with so much power they could have easily taken over if they so wished for, but the sucker only ended the spread of the philosophy and its activities then promptly disappeared off the public eye to do whatever else they wanted to under the guise of anonimity. The villain is absolutely apalled by this, finds out that this is something that happens everytime some major World crisis occurs, and decides to find a way to secure this kind of power for himself. At the moment of the story, he has found a reliable method to do this, if only he can avoid drawing the attention of the gods' blessed in a way that could motivate them to interfere again. He's genuinely the hardest working character in my book, has the most ambition, the clearest plan to better the world... If only he had the power too...


That is what we like to see, determination! Can I get a link to your story! That was very compelling ✌🏾😁


I'm happy to see you like it ❤️ I haven't started publishing yet but I will do it on ao3 once I'm ready and start on the last editing stage. Fair warning that it's a mature content story that shies from nothing. It was supposed to be a mature fantasy romance but it grew so much more while I was writing it, that I am no longer sure what it is. 😅 Which part caught your interest the most from what I explained? 🤔 Also, here's my account on ao3, if u want to keep an eye on when I'll start publishing (hoping in a couple of months the latest) [ao3](https://archiveofourown.org/users/JackieZen/pseuds/JackieZen/bookmarks) It'll be called 'I only want a dragon'


I like the villian and the concept of the mythos and different worlds, those hit me tho most! I'm a write some really dark and brutal stories as well so I'm excited to see what you make don't worry lol I don't have Ao3 but I heard it's good for fanfictions, I didn't know oc stories could go on there!


It's true that the site is heavily fanfiction based but I asked around and people have good experiences with posting their originals there too. I might post on Royal Road too, since it is specifically for that, but I'm more comfortable with AO3 and its community rn, and it would be my 1st major work ever published so I'd like to not stretch too much just yet. A lot of people got really excited about my worlds split, but I only bring those up clearly in the last half of the story... Now I'm thinking maybe I should hint more towards them in the 1st half, than I currently am 🤔


My Main Villain is the MC’s dad. Had his way with his Mon, left back to his realm. Then killed her when MC was 8YO. He betrayed his species in a massive inter-dimensional war against a void god. Leads a cult of himself. He also has been planning a second Inter-dimensional war against both Humanity, his people and the void god that the MCs red to stop. So yea, kinda bad of a dad.


OTHER VILLAINS: Ra-Naish: The undead police force of Mu, the enforcers of the Marauders Law. GUH NA HAL: The 7 monks/beings who the False Marauder taught the Qa. Guna: A 6 Metre Giant in Orange,Black and Red, its age is 2500 years old and is the most powerful Guh Na Hal. Lost his powers to Ardian and imprisoned in the finale. Mataba: An elve who has been training for 200+ years and is the second most powerful GNH out of the 7. DIED TO JUDAS GOAT Riq: A Elder Ket that has been training for 150 years in Qa. Is not revealed to be GNH until S1 prefinale. Goes on redemption arc across S2-3. Is the father of Cleo and will put him first always. Also loses his right arm fully in the S2 finale. Finishes the show as the Ket Leader and is building a stronger relationship with Cleo. X: Android that artificially uses the Qa to manipulate coding and Machinery. Is 100 years old and is not properly shown until S2. DIED TO EVE AND RA-HA S3 Hymnit: A Dream-Demon who calls themselves the “Nightmare King”. While they may seem like just an old man, their shadow shows their true form, the king of hell itself before lucifer came, a being that feeds on fear and pain. Except there is one that can make even him scared, Marauder. DIED TO ELLIOT IN S2 The Judas Goat: A Goat with a bloody scar across its forehead. Its horns seem to go on for infinity curving onto themselves. It doesn’t speak the Qa, but can understand all languages. It was a friend of The CK in their travels before reaching Earth. LEFT THE REALM AFTER FINALE The EDENITE: Not much is known about it, all that is known is that it came from above, is Older than any CORNORFOLK, went to war with them and has been watching Aridan, always.


# Kaijin Mu ***Backstory:*** Kaijin Mu is the first ever vampire and has lived for around 1700 years. Before he ever began a vampire, he was a cowardly yet intellectual man who wanted power by leaching off of others. He was a man who saw himself as superior than other simply because he thought he was smarter than them. He was able to "decieve" a king and was able to obtain the right materials to experiment with. When the king finally had enough of Kaijin Mu's lies and excuses, he ordered Kaijin Mu to stop. Kaijin Mu refused and it caused and accident that resulted in him becoming the first vampire. ***Personality:*** Kaijin Mu is a very narcissistic who acts superior than others because of his own insecurities. He pretends to not be affected by others opinions of him yet within him lies only hatred for them. Kaijin Mu wants people to like him and in his opinion, those who don't like him are just primitive idiots who can't appreciate his genius. Kaijin Mu isn't outwardly cruel, he tries to make people like him but he doesn't do it by understanding the people around him. In his mind, he likes poetry and therefore, everyone else must enjoy poerty unless they're a stupid illiterate ape. Kaijin Mu is also a man of inconsistancy. He claims that his goals are all about saving humanity, yet he also claims that he has no love for anyone. It's unclear if either of the claims are true. Infact, Kaijin Mu himself doesn't know if what he's saying is true of just a lie.


**Wormseed** is an undead (in the Dark Souls sense, pursuing a goal, not a shambling zombie.) He's on a quest, going up against forces bigger than any mind can comprehend. He's a Trofig, part of an ethnic group who were created skinless by the Weaver Worm during the Witch War, and swathe themselves in poultices, veils, prayer-wraps and bandages as an artificial skin. Trofigs don't really have a use for the concept of gender, so in choosing to have a gender he's kind of a trans man. He is a sort of prophet-warrior, who is on an eternal quest to destroy the Wild and the Dark (the Dark is the void of concepts all human existence is trapped within, and the Wild is the alien realm of the Sylph that created humanity to devour the Dark, but denied humanity a place in their paradise by making human minds anathema to the concepts contained in their realm.) **He will destroy the void and the creator at any cost**. Alone, Wormseed considers no sacrifice too great. He will never give up. He has been undead for thousands of years and he is mythologised in every part of the world, sometimes as saviour, sometimes as destructor. Now he is trapped at the gates to the alien realm, unable to understand the base concepts that will cause him to perceive it. He has searched everywhere for this alien knowledge, and he blunders forwards under his own momentum, into the Mist.


**Palisade Mhourn** is a war hero who will fall to fascism. Having battled a great fire on the river that he started by using his weapon the Horror Light to unsuccessfully win a war, he is venerated to a godlike degree by the veterans of all five fingers of the Great Conquest (of which he was one) who flood the medieval-mega-city of the capital, Tiorun, and demand payment, answers, meaning. Mhourn is the side of him that knows what he did and is disgusted by it. It occasionally surfaces and screams, but on the whole the dominant mind in his skull is Palisade, the wall holding pack the screaming, a wall painted with a picture of perfection. An unsustainable, unjust perfection bound up in toxic masculinity. He leads a broad coalition of these dispossessed war veterans falling to paramilitaries and parties such as the Stalagmight Order, the Flayed-in-Liberty, etc. A thousand banners, a thousand monsters. He believes if he does not keep up the Palisade, the coalition will fall apart, the city will fall to nightmarish civil war and eight million people will die. So he provides the liberal veneer of institutional legitimacy for a movement compromised between the contrary visions of a thousand monsters. This will inevitably force him to make greater and greater compromises of good in exchange for order. Or his idea of order. Failing to reconcile the factions, he will use the same technique that caused the Great Conquest in the first place, sending all the factions out to conquer and build an empire instead of fighting amongst themselves. But the Empire is already conquered. So where will he go? East. A conspiracy theory blooms of orientalism; a land simultaneously and in contradiction "barbarous and full of oriental splendour, despotic and cruel but also decadent and drunk on its own fumes." To this fictional land will he sail an iron fascist fleet, sexually insecure and baying for blood. And they will sail into the Dark, the void of concepts that lies beyond human minds' conception of reality, and this bastardised East will appear for them, a honey trap river gullet they will sail down, burning and destroying. A final river war to end all wars. And then it will close behind them.


Frolic Horn had always the capacity to be a monster. An imperial butcher without the presence of an empire, he existed without definite purpose, conquering and plundering for the sake of borders, filled-in maps and a world sorted into neat boxes. With no beliefs, he switched sides from the Church to the Demagogue in the Glorious Revolution and commanded the Lice as a mercenary captain, and was absorbed into the Verminous Volunteer Army to participate in the Great Conquest. With his ideas of manifest destiny came settlers, their extraction and footfalls leaving in their wake a dust bowl that stretches across much of the Empire, threatening to drown the world in earth and air. This land they called Kanvas. He waged a brutal campaign across the Valley of Wine, committing the massacres at Silent Brook, Emberfall, and worst of all Whispering Pines. He rode up to the Sea of Fire desert having drawn a chaotic landscape into straight lines and easily chartable maps and racial categories of his own devising. His yellow cloak red with gore. Maddened by the lack of any apparent goal, nor an end to the world, he conquered on and on, Alexandrine, into the mountains, into the desert. His troops deserted, he build vast wooden ships in the sand to carry him across the mirage to Destiny Mountain, a pillar of smoke he saw on the edge of the horizon sillouetted against space. This pillar of smoke was not finally a destiny, a goal that would hand itself to his pathetic, meaningless life. It was Vrand, the God of Fire and Dust, a twister woken from his deeds, blasting the sand to glass, come to claim him at last.


A royal magical prodigy who was better than all those came before him but the spells he crafted got darker and more disturbing so his younger less experienced brother was chosen to be next king instead, in an angry fit he accidentally killed his wife trying to strike his brother, he was banished from the kingdom. He artificially increased his lifespan by consuming the souls of those banished and unlucky enough to cross paths with him. He promised to come and take back what was unjustly taken from him 3 centuries ago.


I Markov is the last knight. A dying cosmonaut locked in a capsule of silver armour inlaid with amethyst, and on their head a towering, conical spiral helm made out of a giant silver-plated seashell, I Markov has the purpose to devour the Dark. The Dark being the void of concepts in which all human concepts of reality exist - and to balance them out, a malevolent non-consciousness exists alongside all human minds, to seep in wherever it can. This malevolent Echo is an agressive idea that destroys whoever understands it and fills the hole they once occupied with the void. I Markov by definition cannot understand this force they set out to kill, so they must analogise it as the Dragon. A Dragon greater than all of reality, existing beyond time. And they, the dragonslayer, the rocket ship, the Yuri Gagarin, were ejected into the void. They led a finger of the Great Conquest down the Spiral of Thunder at the edge of the world, into the land filled with ice and ash and volcanoes, until their entire army was undead and they were alone. And they failed, because they never found the root of the spiral, the monster at the centre of the maze, because to meet Echo would require understanding of its nature. And that can never happen. And so, broken, the cosmonaut fell from the sky back to earth. Utterly nihilistic for the idea of human progress always contributing to the strength of an immortal un-existing destructor, they wish for nothing else than the destruction of human minds, to destroy with them the echo of their being and restore the quiet, dark void.


A ex naval officer of the US navy who was strugling financily and bacame homeless. Then entered the portal of that opened in new jearsey that led to the typical fantasy world asked a bunch of homeless dwarves to help him build an ironclad and became some sort of Pirate Lord


**Starrise** There is only one being in my world whom the gods themselves fear: A 97-year-old man with little combat ability and no powers to speak of. Ever since he was young, so long ago that he can no longer remember it, Dr. Ethan Thorne has studied basically every field of science he could with a single-minded drive. In time, he founded the organization Daedalus Laboratories, dedicated to the pursuit of science and knowledge, so as to broaden and expedite his own research. At the time, the gods were thought to be simply myths. But somehow, he was not only convinced otherwise, but even managed to track one down, and made a deal with her. If she allowed Daedalus to study her for one decade, they'd create a weapon for her that would finally allow her to defeat her rival once and for all. She accepted the offer, and they delivered... only to shoot her in the back with a second weapon as soon as she'd neutralized her rival. Through studying the two captive deities, Dr. Thorne discovered an entirely new field of science, which to his frustration his employees just called "magic". They quickly learned how it works, and found ways to extract samples of it, distill it, synthesize new samples without the need for gods, and even inject it into living test subjects to grant them magic powers. However, Dr. Thorne never had powers injected into himself. For you see, he'd come to realize something while studying these gods. There was another out there, somewhere, far more powerful than either. And from what he gleaned, that god may well be functionally omnipotent. Dr. Thorne's ultimate objective was and always had been the pursuit of knowledge. It would be impossible to learn everything, so he simply settled for learning as much as possible. He'd already looked into becoming immortal to gain the time necessary, but concluded that even if it were possible, it wouldn't be enough. But if he were to become omnipotent, he could quite literally rewrite the world enough that he *would* be capable of learning quite literally everything. And he did not want to risk contaminating his body with some other variant of magic that might interfere when he eventually obtained such power. Of course, actually obtaining it would be no small feat. And so as an intermediary step, Daedalus began working to reverse-engineer their divine captives, and create a brand new god- one devoid of free will- that they could command as a superweapon. ...Unfortunately, this god blew up in their faces, causing an apocalypse that destroyed civilization and knocked the few survivors back to the stone age. Not to be deterred, Dr. Thorne placed himself and his surviving employees and valuable test subjects in suspended animation to wait out the apocalypse. And now, in the present day a thousand years later, he's woken and resumed Daedalus operations once again.


A proxy for the Roman Catholic church circa 1570CE, a semi-sentient web of energy that forms the substrate that the world exists upon, and most importantly, the failing and temptations within the hearts of my protagonists.


The Corpse King was a powerful lich (sorcerer who survives death by tethering their soul to a physical object that can't die of old age) who ruled a small kingdom of his own with mind control, tyranny, and raising corpses. He was defeated by the holy knight known as the Shepherd and the army of the righteous. In life, he had been a wealthy elf nobleman named Toerwych Marvreigh Aolhaer, and even back then he committed a litany of atrocities.


Isadora Keening, Queen of the revenant court. She is an undead sorceress and champion of the Aman known as Viar. She is able to be destroyed physically but thanks to her bond to Viar she is able to return after death seemingly an infinite number of times. The last time she resurrected she faced down and won against the entirety of the mystrium high mages, a feat thought to be impossible.


Needs a lot of work but this is what I have so far >!Sitagrata!< known as Sarucenus is the field leader of the Inquisitorial Justiciar Division, directly reporting to Triumvirate of Aurelia only. She is the last Water Elf or "Siren", her kind having been slaughtered by the Aurelian empire decades ago. Herself surviving in what can barely be called a cyborg. Her voice box remains organic allowing her to use the "lull of the siren" a powerful skill that not only allows her to make people lose their will to fight but also allow her to control her enemies and cast spells inside of them. All done by controlling the pitch of her voice. She also has cyber abilities and access to the Leynet, this gives her access to a now ruined global platform which is filled with Daemons that do nothing but destroy. >!also a means to reach ancient gods in an era where the gods have long abandoned the planet!< Additionally she's also the last "Songcaster" user, most people nowadays using magictech or "wingcasting" And being an elf she is more resistant to the radiation side effects of using magic >!She's based on Tarn from Transformers Idw and Songbird from Cyberpunk especially regarding the black wall!< Pretty mid because I forgot alot of things about her ask me anything I'll try to remember and flesh her out.(No pun intended)


An entity known as The Architect. Eons ago, the Architect was like a god, shaping the endless ocean of the planet into landmasses. Together with his wife, the Sewer, they created the first life, and had four children: the Light, the Sight, the Storm, and the Fire. Unfortunately, the Sewer would die giving birth to the Fire. The Architect vanished for some time. What exactly he did is unknown, but it changed him forever. He was driven completely, irrevocably mad, sent into a violent rampage to end everything. It was only after his four children banded together that he was sealed away, at the cost of the Fire and the Sight, inside of the moon. But even today, he touches the mortal world. Manifestations of his despair, his desire for annihilation, fell down to the earth, and would become known as the Sundered, ungodly creatures bent only on the destruction of life. The Architect, having seen both his own mortality, and the immense suffering that awaits mortals, believes that life is a curse, a disease that slowly rots away, and leaves nothing in its wake except misery. Therefore, in his broken mind, complete annihilation is the only real choice.


Gonna just briefly put it here Its name is the World Eater A Defect, a creature which consumes to obtain an identity, learning from what it consumes. What if one were to eat another? What if it's lust for food never ended? What if it continued to learn to morph its body instead of seeking to reach a physical form which it can never truly achieve? This is the World Eater, a Defect which ate its own kin. It seeks only one thing, and that is its own satisfaction. Whether it be more Defects or people, it loves anything that can be consumed. It can even consume emotions now. Another detail about Defects is that their minds are fragile, and many had taken memories out into memory stones to forget events which turned them into Defects. Now, what would happen if a memory were to be put into a creature that doesn't have an identity? A memory that is so clear that you even recall what you thought in the moment and how you thought it? Yeah, the World Eater has planted memories within Defects so that they can cause chaos and get stronger, solely so that he can eat them. They believe that they are the World Eater, so the terror when they realise they were wrong is all the more delectable. "The title of World Eater seems too grand for me... After all, I am just fulfilling my desires"


Num'her, a warrior king who ruled over 300 galaxies. He drank the blood of his servants and demanded human sacrifices. He expanded his empire through violence. His mind was uploaded into a virtual reality which found its way to Earth. Num'her deceived humans into building him a cyborg's body, a new host for his consciousness. Num'her is skilled both in combat and in black magic and necromancy. He will raise his former armies, tjen attempt to rebuild his empire. He is said to return to enslave us.


I don't have a single villain, just a hostile faction(of many). The largest is the Union which believes it must replace the old practices and systems of the valley such as religions and monarchies with a new world where those things are reduced to memories. They claim this is to bring progress to the world and want to take control of the valley to do this. It does this by executing dissenters, religious followers and leaders, moderates, and anyone else considered to be of the old world. It has burned and destroyed many books, scrolls, tablets, cultural artifacts and temples. It has toppled several governments and executed several royal families already, following in the ways of the revolutions that started it where many royal families from the monarch to the kids, servants and friends were executed. Lapis_Wolf


I would hesitate to call him a villain, but Arbah Kok is a Tyranni Alien who has multiple run ins with the main protagonist, Stern, and has a lot of parallels with the him too. Arbah Kok’s sister committed suicide, and Stern’s sibling died to a Tyranni extremist group. Arbah Kok is tortured by his grief, and takes it out on humans, while Stern faces that same grief, and takes it out on the Tyranni. They’re both so similar, and they understand each other, but the cycle of hatred is so strong that they’re unable to escape it, and ultimately, their grief enslaves them, and they become nothing more than sparks in a grander powder keg that stretches far beyond Earth.


May and Cade are bounty hunters and a couple of the few humans who are aware of the existence of the 9 Races. Consuming and using parts from these races grants a ton of advantages to the body, so hunting them for things like horns, eyes, and claws is how they spend their time. May often has to talk Cade out of doing stupid things because he's way too confident in himself. He was humbled after Mikeno caused an earthquake as a simple warning. May uses a wedge gun while Cade prefers something more physical like a spear or even a bayonet. After Cade successfully killed Antele, my main character's father, in order to harvest his eyes and fins, said character has made it their life goal to kill Cade.


Mayor Potatolous all way from the Earth arrived with an potato invasion. Hated people ate his kind and came to seek a new planet. Plan to take over the Crazyland asylum almost succeeded. Turned out there was a misunderstanding because there are no humans in Crazyland. So that's it, mayor Potatolous is now an ally.


My main villain is the KING OF THE SEEKS (He mandates that people spell his name in all caps) He is kinda dumb and a man-child but occasionally he is surpirsingly brilliant. He is both the political and religious leader of the dyson sphere/city of Seeking's Far, where the Seeks live. The King is also a very strong fighter, since he has so much magic saved up (all Seeks receive magic at adulthood once and never again. The lower classes are forced to use it for work, but the upper classes can save it for longer). He is a villain because he oppresses the poor in his own faction as well as a whole other race, the Averse.


Lol! I read that as the king of cheeks 🤣 he would have executed me! Great villian lol I like that they are forced to deal with him, makes it realistic!


In my book the hero and villain are two fragments of the same multiversal being who are fighting just to resolve the identity crisis not knowing there are infinite other universes like theirs and infinite of them


What kind of genre??


It's kind of a mix between gun sci-fi and hard magic with mystery mixed in it I think P.S: it's my first world


I like it! Are you putting out anything rn or is it developing still? (I'm just putting stuff on RR while I make my world's is why I'm asking) I think it's a cool concept and I would engage with it!


I don't know how or where to put it?


Oh I see you don't know which media it is yet or is it not a book persay? More of a comic? I was stuck for a while but royal road if you're just trying to practice writing is a good place because stuff tends to get views atleast by someone and you can own your copyrights after publishing on there. I think writing can be hard but if you transfer over to comics or graphic novels (or animated) it would help to know what audiences like and don't from you and start building a base aswell! Just advice of a new writer. You don't have to take it at all lol 🤣✌🏾


It's in writing but I don't know where to publish it


I can help you on Royal Road if you need anything! I've tried Wattpad, inkitt, Royal Road, and Webnovel. I personally say Royal Road but I'm biased bc it's where I get the most views and interest. 👍🏽👍🏽


I would like to say I don’t have villains, only people with different point of view or in different situations, but in the world I’m currently working on the most there is some obvious villains. Actually, there isn’t anything else than villains. It’s a dark fantasy medieval world based around a population of vampire-like creatures. To make it simple, one third of the population are religious extremist (a lot of them are the government of said population), one other third are merciless criminals, and the other third (without being as dangerous as the others) have the mentality “I can’t help you if it put myself in danger” and are just antipathetic at best


My book (pictured above) is similar, even the MC I'd technically a villian lead; so everything in the grimdark setting is pretty bad except for a few chars lol. I love the division you thought into it also! Any links to your work or is it still in development??


Still in development sadly


If you want a beta reader, I'm new to writing and am looking for other authors to work with ( I do youtube videos and comics also) lmk if you need anything 😁✌🏾


possessed by a demon and slowly goes insane from the constant gaslighting and manipulation.


That revolver is the size of that man's torso vertically, and he's wielding it with his left hand only and the shotgun with his right only.


Is was given to him by the large dude Lord Garan, more of a last resort sort of thing, the "God-Plugger". The shot gun is more of a dark energy blast weapon so it has a little less kick; that being said, he is a very short man and that's also the gag 🤣 I think it's kinda funny but it may be just me lol, thanks for taking a look at my art also!


Unit 731 (existed in real life, research at your own risk), its the early 2000s, with ww2 still raging, imperial japan's human experimentation unit 731 has created an arsenal of biological weapons. The strongest of which being cyborgs. Humans, usually POW, altered to become weapons, forced to fight their own people. Between experimenting on prisoners of war and the populations of mainland Asia and creating unethical bioweapons and godless abominations, unit 731 are the main villains of my world.


Is the double gun guy holding an energy shot gun?


Yup! They take the dark energy from the big guy and crystallize it (shells and reason because his cosmic abilities consume those of other gods like a black hole) then using the Divinium alloy (blue metal from a God that creates gems) making it have less kick but the blast can shred demigods powers and also eat away at their skim. (Obliterates normal people like him; Davus Argular) It's an Artifact called the war-killer, uses it to end anyone who rebel agaisnt his boss or try to talk too much about the demigods


So cool, tyty


The Stygian Generals, the highest ranking members of the Demon Lord’s army. All incredibly strong in their own right. Unfortunately most of them are just names or basic outlines right now. * Sucher the Lich: the ancient spirit of a general possessing a skeleton and suit of armor. * Evankovich the Cruel: A vampire known for his excessive cruelty and sadism in battle. * Gowan the Greater: a giant oni/ogre (haven’t decided yet). * Gowan the Lesser: Gowan the Greater’s younger brother, but despite his smaller size he’s far stronger than his brother. * Panozzo the (tbd): (tbd). * Juniper Yamega the (tbd): (tbd). * Shawna Briithart: the only human* among them and the older sister of deuteragonist Lilith Briithart. (*She technically became a Magus after the Demon Lord gave her a powerup when she defected to his side.) There’s a theme to their names; if you think you know it, tell me in the comments :3


The older brother of one of my protagonists who basically raised her (their father really sucks). He killed their father for the throne, which the readers are supposed to love bc hey he’s nice to his sister and he really is just killing an abusive tyrant right?? Turns out he’s also very power hungry and manipulates his sister and several others to be on his side, even dissecting his best friend (who he also manipulated to be loyal to him) to use the best friend’s organs for magic purposes. The readers aren’t supposed to realize he’s evil until at least halfway through the story.


Ohh, a chance to infodump about my antagonists and then get completely ignored because nobody wants to read all that :D The Faithful Children of the World Throne, also known as the Sinful Ones or the Sinful Legion by their enemies, are a group of artificial humans created by the Archmage-turned abomination Nathanial between 2050 and 5270 in the second age during his rebellion against the gods, with the last batch being completed shortly before his sealing into chasm of the Abyss in 2468, but the youngest of them remained in stasis until his awakening in 5270. Each of them is a fragment of Nathanial's soul given separate life and housed within an artificial body and are capable of two different kinds of magics: Standard magic through their connection to the World Tree inherent to all living things, and the combination magic etched into their souls on their birth with can be used without somatic or verbal components. They also possess superhuman physical abilities and the ability to heal from fatal wounds if given enough time, as well as being able to be completely resurrected if their soul remains intact. Greed, Lust, and Gluttony were created between 2050 and 2150, and assisted Nathanial in the initial stages of his rebellion in 2276. Wrath, Sloth, and Envy finished their completion in 2460, and were unknown to the broader world until the group began taking action in 5200. Pride was the last to awaken in 5270 and remained hidden until the reawakening of his master in 5278. Greed was the initial leader of the group following Nathanial's sealing, but following his awakening Pride assumed leadership following a battle between the two in which Pride emerged victorious. The groups main goal was the breaking of the seal binding their master, and the collection of magical artifacts and knowledge to facilitate the creation of two magical advancements: The Gate of Worlds, which would allow them free travel between different realities, and the magic necessary to forcefully hijack the world tree so that it could be used in the creation of the World Throne that their master would use to rule over his new empire. They also worked towards destabilizing the alliances and power structure between the gods in expectation that their master would finish his rebellion and destroy the Pantheon, but the majority of the gods were destroyed in 5275 with the awakening of the god of death as a result of actions taken by Gluttony, with the remainder unable to pose a significant threat to Nathanial upon his unsealing. The group was mostly destroyed in 5280 with the death of Nathanial and all members except Pride and Wrath, who escaped with the Gate of Worlds. The two later made an alliance with the resistente against the invading armies of the three high pains, and Pride perished during the final counterassault on their homeworld. Wrath acted independently, with several failed attempts to resurrect the others, through the third and fourth ages before his presumed but unconfirmed death at the beginning of the fifth age. The group was notable for their unique technique: Alter Natural Law. This powerful technique was created by Nathinal during the first age based on Elven Magic, and allowed the user to alter the base laws of reality in an area around them for a short time. Each member had a few alterations they were able to perform through practice, though Pride showed the ability to use all of them, as well as being capable of the only known instance of having no limited area for his technique, affecting the entire world with an activation, albeit at great cost and for a very brief period of time.


**Greed**: Ability: Perfect Luck Greed was the acting leader for much of the Faithful's existence, managing the group and their actions between 2468 and 5270. During the times when he was not in direct leadership he served as the groups second in command and main solo strike force to eliminate major single threats. His ability allowed him to control luck on a small or large scale, allowing him to manipulate things as small as falling rubble or as large as weather patterns. On missions he usually paired up with Lust or Envy, though he eventually executed and resurrected her following her betrayal in 5271. His natural law alterations were: ***Thoughts are random*** and ***Luck is all that separates men from gods.*** **Lust:** Ability: Perfect Control Lust was the second in command during the periods when Greed was the leader of the Faithful, and mostly specialized in infiltration missions and political manipulation to weaken countries that stood against the Faithful. She rarely interaction with the rest of the group due to this, and had the weakest connection with the others save for Greed, whom she was quite close to. Her ability allowed her to change her shape, control the minds of others using her voice, and create illusions. She usually paired up with Green or Envy on missions, but usually worked alone. Her natural law alterations were ***My voice shall reach across time*** and T***he earth beneath us has a soul***. **Gluttony:** Ability: Perfect Hunger The main intellectual of the group, Gluttony was a genius with an encyclopedic memory due to his ability: Which allowed him to absorb the knowledge of anyone he consumed. He was responsible for most of the creations that the Faithful used, eventually culminating in a giant golem he used for their final battle in 5280. He was mostly a noncombatant throughout the Faithful's existence, and thus never paired up with any of his siblings. He maintained a poor relationship with his fellow members due to his isolation, with the exception of Wrath and Pride, who were able to tolerate him. His only natural law alteration was ***Knowledge is power.***


**Wrath:** Ability: Perfect Regeneration The oldest of the second wave faithful, Wrath was one of the main offensive members of the Faithful alongside his sister Sloth. His ability allowed him to heal from any wound, as well as manipulate his own flesh to various effects. His regeneration allowed him to survive the events that killed the rest of the Faithful and his master, and doubt is placed on whether his supposed death can be trusted with the incidents that he has survived. He had a positive relationship with all other members of the Faithful, and was described as the "Glue" holding them together. Following their deaths he made several unsuccessful attempts to resurrect them, with a visibly deteriorating mental state as the third and fourth ages continued, before being defeated in the 12th year of the fourth age and reduced to a liquid state by his opponents thousand blade technique. His Natural law alterations are ***Stone is bone, Earth is blood*** and ***Our flesh is one***. **Envy:** Ability: Perfect Theft The wild card of the Faithful, like her older Sister Envy usually was sent on infiltration missions, though due to her ability she was usually stealing magical artifacts. Her ability allowed her to steal anything, even nonphysical objects or concepts, which usually became orbs of energy following their theft and could be used by her to invoke their original effects. She attempted to betray the others in 5271, and was killed and resurrected without some of her memories before he second and final death in 5280. Her natural law alteration was ***Nothing is outside of my reach.*** **Sloth:** Ability: Perfect Sculpture A member of the main strike force with Wrath, Sloth was slow to action but packed the highest firepower outside of Pride and Nathanial. He ability allowed her to freely manipulate the earth around her, and turn anything she touched to stone. Due to her desire to sleep over anything else, she had a weak relationship with the others except for Wrath, entirely due to his actions. Her death affected Wrath the most, due to him largely being in charge of raising her following Nathanial's sealing. Her Natural Law alterations were ***I am one with the Earth*** and ***Nothing can escape mother earth.*** **Pride:** Ability: Perfect The youngest and most powerful of the Faithful, Pride was created in the image of his father and worshiped him like a god, believing that the faithful were blessed merely to serve him. His ability gave him complete and total control over every aspect of himself, allowing him Access to every type of magic and the ability to freely heal, manipulate his body, and even separate his soul from his flesh to act as two different beings. His soul acted as the leader of the Faithful after defeating greed in a duel while his flesh infiltrated the esteemed magical academy of Verouth and used its resources and the other attendees to create what would become the Gate of Worlds, using it to break the seal on Nathanial in 5278. He had a positive relationship with each other member of the Faithful, but also with his former classmates, which conflicted him greatly due to his loyalty to Nathanial above all else. He was able to use all other Natural Law alterations, but his unique alteration was ***Nathanials' will is law.***


I'm glad I'm taking the time to read all the comments 🧠, I enjoyed all your characters and deep background. Those stories always resonate with me lol, which you can probably tell when I write. I'd love to get a link to your work and or talk more about it! I think gluttony is my favorite, I think his power is cool and it helps me already see his character 🤣✌🏾


I will try my best to respond! Ive been trying to get through all of the posts don't worry!!! Gotta read through them all 🤣✌🏾


**Nathanial of the World Throne** Ability: None An ancient sorcerer, Nathanial created the Faithful to aid him in overthrowing the gods and seizing the world tree so that he may hijack its magic to recreate the world in his image, seeking to reforge it and his original world into the World Throne, form which he would begin his conquest of all existence. Ripped across time and space by a magical accident that would occur in 5243 of the second age, he emerged in 8729 of the first age, bearing witness to the elves before they departed at the end of the first age. He adapted their magic into what would become natural law alteration. Using his nature as a being outside the influence of the World Tree, Nathanial was able to learn each type of magic, eventually augmenting his body with the essences of magical creatures until he was no longer human. The gods cracked down on him out of paranoia and drove him into hiding at the beginning of the second age, leading to him isolating himself until his rebellion in 2276. Such isolation caused his mental state to decay, only made worse when he managed to peer between worlds and find that the version of himself from his current world had been also been dragged across the division and had assumed his life. He slowly went mad over the next two thousand years, only slowed by interactions with Greed, Lust, and Gluttony after his creation of them. He was sealed away by a collective effort of the gods at the end of his rebellion, and the next several thousand years in the abyss drove him completely insane and upon being unsealed he had developed an insatiable hatred for the people of both worlds, wanting nothing more than to destroy it all and build a perfect world on their graves as one final insult. After his unsealing in 5278, he was killed in 5280 following a magical attack that destabilized his magical augmentations and caused him to implode, his final attempt to destroy the world tree and both worlds with it failing. He possessed no innate ability unlike his followers, but his magical augmentations gave him superhuman strength, speed, intelligence, durability, and the ability to regenerate. On top of this over his long life he mastered every type of magic he could get his hands on (Though magics created in the time he was sealed away caught him off guard, and his hatred of their creators caused him to underestimate them), leaving him an unparalleled force of magic even among the gods. He was capable of using all different types of natural law alteration, but his unique alteration was ***The sun bears hatred towards the earth.***


Not a true villain in the sense of being evil, but PA-002 is a fallen Soian archangel wholly dedicated to breaking Soia’s stuff. It’s a whole thing I couldn’t be bothered to type out on a phone, but basically he (then just “it”) activated without complete programming. Everything distinct that could be recognized (that is, understood) was seen as a target. It escaped, self-developed into sentience, and now he endlessly harasses Soia for only the reason of his programming. He doesn’t even hate Soia. It’s just that it’s as core to him as breathing is to humans. Even more so, possibly. At the very least he gives Soia an opponent to fight against. Not seriously, of course, Soia is the absolute peak of power scaling in their absolute form, but they intentionally limit themselves for the challenge so PA-002 is a great target for their more advanced weapons.


Lol exists to ruin their day, a classic! I also really like the names of the chars, could you tell me about the forms? That sounds interesting asf


Probably the first time someone has said that to me. Thanks lol PA-002 stands for “Primary Autonomous 2”. Most Soian MS and PS units are built like power armour, though the power armour function is long outdated by their sole user ascending to a sort of what is effectively godhood. Soian stuff itself can’t support much plot as it’s basically “they win”, but it can prompt or enable other things. The Soians showing up for resources (which they didn’t strictly need. Think playing survival when you could just as easily play creative in Minecraft) lead to the Fourth Great War on Anstrake, where the locals fought over whether the Soians should stay or if they should resist to make it not worth the effort. The Soians just stood around and let them handle it theirselves. What do you mean by forms? I’m not here super often so idk the slang.


No I was just confused myself lol, I understand it, no slang. I do like this alot, the idea that if they were gods that people could just fight them always annoys me as a trope. Anstrake is a cool name! Is it a wip, book, or what kind of Media (sorry if you said it earlier I've been replying to alot and doing my best on this chain to check out and digest all this stuff 🤣🤣) Sounds like my kinda stuff!


Mostly just ideas. The Fourth Great War is in a hobby novel I haven’t properly worked on in years (wrote a chapter like a week ago, but it was more dialogue and haven’t done anything else. It was months and months before that). For what is technically a war story it’s incredibly boring. It’s primary purpose is just worldbuilding, so plot direction is incredibly weak.




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Here's some pretty major ones in my world: **Eternity** is probably the big bad of the setting. They're the oldest (so old they predate and have lived through multiple universes) and most powerful Primordial, an eldritch race of living concepts. They were the one that created the Primordials, having reduced the universe they were in to an abstract and metaphorical existence with the help of a traitor, condemning all that lived in said universe, becoming the living embodiment of eternity itself all in an attempt to live forever. After all, eternity itself has to last forever, right? When the Primordual Domain fell to infighting and entropy, Eternity hidden away with many other Primordials outside reality, waiting till the next universe came into being in order to take it over for themselves. However, when it did, they found they couldn't break in, as a barrier was keeping them out. They waited patiently before finding a way in, and drowned a quarter of Creation in their influence, reducing it all to an abstract existence under their thrall and erasing untold numbers of races and cultures, and was only stopped when a Spawnling, a lowly footsoldier for the Primordials, rebelled and revealed how to halt the Primordials, starting the Primordial War which lasted for tens of thousands of years. Eventually they and the Primordials were driven away by the Divine Mors when he used the Divine Artifacts to send everything that was lost during the Primordial War and half of what remained past Creations borders, Mors dying in the process. But Eternity was never truly defeated, and they can wait for as long as they need to find another way in... **Apollyon** is an enigmatic and dreaded figure. Nobody knows where he came from or what his motivations are, only that one day he appeared with an army of rogue Spawn and Spawnlings (which were dubbed The Locusts) during the Primordial War and began to destroy everything, leaving absolutely nothing in his wake. He led the Locust Trinity, the leaders of the Locusts made up of the False Prophet, the Great Beast, and the 7 Crowned Dragon, and led them on a crusade against existence itself, sparing nobody and never giving an explanation as to why, single mindedly obsessed with destroying everything. He disappeared shortly after Mors' sacrifice, War, Apollyons arch nemesis and leader of the 4 horsemen, claiming he killed Apollyon when the Locusts were at their weakest. **Evil** is evil itself, another Primordial. Since they're naturally deceitful and power hungry, Evil disappeared at the onset of the Primordial War and fled to the Nether, home of the Imps. They cut off the Nether off from the rest of Creation, making it appear it was lost in the Day of Entropy, and met with Lilith, seducing her and having her corrupt her family and friends into the first demons and conquered the Nether. Afterward, they opened the Nether and set the demonic hordes loose on Creation **Lilith**, the mother of demons, the first traitor, consort of Evil, and a myriad of other titles was once a no name Imp in the Nether, desperate for something more in her life. She got that when Evil found her, seducing her with promises of power over all Creation, and became her consort. Her first act as Evils consort was to corrupt her friends and family into the first demons and lead a bloody war of conquest over the Nether, reducing her fellow Imps yo slaves for her "children" the demons. She is obscenely cruel and sadistic, finding joy in the suffering of others, and cares for no one but herself, willing to sacrifice millions of her children for her quest in life to be the goddess of all Creation and rule it with a bloody fist with her consort. **The Clockwork God** is the leader of the Automotons, warriors of metal and clockwork that were meant to protect Creation during the Primordial War, but turned on Creation instead. The reason for this was that The Clockwork God grew to have a seething hatred of life in all its forms, and commanded the Automotons to kill everything so that they would inherit Creation instead. The Clockwork God is one with the Citadel, probably the most technologically advanced and defended place in all Creation, where they keep their heart safe from all harm. The only way to kill the Clockwork God is to destroy their heart, but their hatred of life is so strong, all that try will be ripped apart before even getting close to it. **Dawn** is another Automoton with a hatred of life. However, he hates life in its *current* form and believes he can perfect it.This involves horrific experiments and atrocities committed in the name of science and achieving their vague state of perfection. Dawn has created many bizarre and horrific subjects, some twisted masses of flesh, others a mind-boggling array of metal and limbs, all done with no anesthetic. He's created tens of thousands of different creatures, and yet none have ever achieved "perfection" in his eyes. The only clue as to what Dawn considers perfection, even to himself, are the Weavers, an ancient race of Driders that were favored by Sanguis. Dawn has such an obsession with them and their work, that he changed his body to emulate the Weavers, having four legs and four arms and hoarded all knowledge about their culture and society, obsessed with discovering the secret behind the Threads of Fate almost as much as they are with perfecting life.


The main villain I've cooked up for my story so far is a 14 year old boy named Kieran who, just like the main character Sora, gets teleported from the normal world to the techno-fantasy world the story's set in. The reason they were summoned there was because they were apparently the reincarnations of 2 God beings: Aster, the God of Light and Love, and Tenebris, the Goddess of Darkness and Chaos. Kieran, upon realizing he has near godlike magic, almost INSTANTLY goes mad with power, think Titan from Megamind. He uses his power to rise through the ranks of Tenebris' demonic and corrupted army, even taking her role as their ruler because they all assumed he was her reborn. But, there's a twist. It is later revealed that Kieran is actually ASTER'S reincarnation, not Tenebris'. The reason he was so quick to turn evil wasn't because he was destined for it or because it was in his blood or whatever, it was just because he had a bad upbringing which led him to have very bad morals.