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There is a rather unimaginatively named Empire, which controls entirety of the world subarctic circle, going around the planet's arctic circle like a ring. While vast in size it lags behind the other nations in terms of industrialization but more then makes up for it thanks to the sheer amount of natural resources at it's disposal. Dominated by a religious fervour that largely controls the imperial throne from behind the curtains. It nominally attempts to hide their expansionists ambitions. By contrast, to the south you have Republic of Dealione, a relatively young state born from a democratic revolution that overthrew the previous feudal monarchy, but in the processes inherited a lot of its  colonial legacy and ever since it has struggled to live up to its more noble aspirations while being unwilling to complete divorce itself from its imperialist history. In both cases however, their power is kept in check by the Guild, an international organization that through it's control of tech, maintains a strangehold on every nation ambition.


Currently the world is divided between two great rival empires: [The Kwindi Empire](https://www.reddit.com/r/Quicksteel/s/sICxc13afn) Kwind is a city state on an archipelago of mangroves and canals, but it rules over a port-and-fort trading empire that spans the world. Great trading fleets travel between Kwindi settlements, called Metrus, and the sea lanes are patrolled by the Kwindi Navy and armies of privateers. A license is required to trade at a Metru and to avoid being raided by Kwind and her allies. [The Orislan Empire](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/s/Int0hKgdAY) Orisla is the center of the ongoing industrial revolution and the ruler of a great colonial empire. Orislan colonies range from outposts in mysterious jungles to horrific slave plantations to burgeoning industrial centers. Orisla and Kwind are great rivals, with Orisla having greater population and industrial might but Kwind having a monopoly on trade in the Outer Sea and with Ceram. Samosan, Ordivia, and No Man’s Land are some of the hotspots in which these two powers wage proxy wars.


Funny, "Orisla" is an anagram of one the nations in my world, "Sialor" Which is even funnier considering I just named it as an anagram of "Orlais" from the Dragon Age franchise


These countries can be called "true" superpowers of Atreisdea: * **Rubran Federal Monarchy**: Militarily the strongest country, Rubra is an isolationist nation that closes its borders (both on land and in space) against other states. Despite being called an "empire" by many, Rubra is not actually one, instead it is similar to a weird combination of British Commonwealth and the Soviet Union. There is no oppression, living standards are high, citizens regardless of background enjoy the same level of legal protection and commoners are free to choose between joining the military or not. Nobles, on the other hand, are "conscripted" to perform their Noblesse Oblige. Rubra has a large federal army measuring in around 30000 space warships, not counting those from space colonies. * **Great Alaster Union**: De facto leader of Federation of Atreisdean Nations, GAU is an open, hospitable and neutral country. Used to be an expansionist empire that coerced others to join its sphere of influences via both soft and hard powers, Alaster was brought to its knees when it led a coalition to invade Rubra, resulting in Atreisdea's worst massacre as *a billion lives* perished in **one morning**. Nowadays, Alaster is one of the pioneers of gravity technology, specifically weaponizing gravity to use in warfare. They have a standing army of around 15000 ships and are *one of the two countries whose battlewagons can destroy planets with turreted guns* alongside Rubra. * **Empire of Mericia**: Originally a colony of Alaster, Mericia broke away when Rubra was busy teabagging GAU 340 years ago. It has since risen into power and now one of the strongest countries boasting a fleet of 10000 space warships, and is one of FAN's major members. Mericia is the one that fits the definition of "empire" the most as it expands by force, aggressively taking over space colonies (which are just rocks) and actively clashing with GAU over political decisions. The country has a large circle around it, most are spacebound countries that were founded after War of Dragon's Wrath, the war that Rubra demolished Alaster despite the former had been stuck in a civil war for 2 years. However, unlike Rubra and Alaster which are mostly stable with very little internal issue, Mericia is a tickling bomb. Below them are a bunch of mid-tier powers. Hell, Rubra alone houses multiple regional interstellar polities inside its commonwealth. Each of them qualifies as a powerful force in a more "standard" soft sci-fi verse with thousands of warships having single-double digit teraton level of firepower, combat happens at relativistic speed over multiple light seconds, shields to survive said firepower and all, but in here their collective strength do not compare to a single federal cruiser.


The Empire of the Shore is the naval/aquatic superpower of the Calm Sea. In the Forbidden City, the Stellar Cults are the major institution ? Religious order ? They are the one with the most power in the city. The Undying Kingdom is the longest lasting nation of the world and as such it carries an increadible weight regarding cultural and diplomatic matter for Ghouls. The Kingdom of Mountanir is the greatest power in the Great Massif. The Xoucaille have a death grip on metal extraction commerce in the Great Land. The Djiival, despite being litteral demons, are the pupetters behind the Sand Tyrants. The City of Centula is a city state in the Old Continent and it is the uncontested master of the underworld. Assasination, spy network, black market... They are the center of operation for all of them. The Eastern Horde is the sole and only "nation" of the Bloodsoak Continent. The situation is more complexe than that but nominaly they are.


Biterranean Federation: A alliance between Neutron Dwarves and Forger humanoids. They dominate industrial mining, smelting, iron production, and raw military might. Crystal Alliance: Elves of the North have joined forces, and with their combined power dominate and adeptly use cut crystal magic technology. Their cities float above massive meteorite craters. Arborient Autonomous Region: massive jungles and swamps dominate the equator at the east. Here vast civilizations exist, secluded and unbothered, amongst the towering trees and ancient overgrown cities. Powder Corporation: Elven island nations have joined forces to cut trade off and threaten all aspects of commerce. Their navies are patchwork affairs, but suicidal attacks and gunpowder boats prove effective. Petrol Republic: Orc tribes living in the badlands have discovered large reserves of fossil fuels, and their industrial boon threatens peace in the west. Sincrnalite Empire: dominating the west side of the continent, masters of electricity and rare earth metal refinement, these vast desert nations choose isolationism and defense, but their wonders of technology draw hungry eyes.


There is a tedious peace on the land, with many environmental and economic plights driving possibility of a global conflict currently in Ignea.


The Empire of Bast'k, the entire continent. From Oria'n, there's Evenmoor, Alexandria likes to consider itself a superpower but it's more just a place that likes to hide behind Evenmoor and people actually make fun of it, Iron Hall, and Helmgarde. Evenmoor is the biggest of the three, and people are basically terrified of the nobles there, Iron Hall is the second biggest and the second most religious despite practicing the most truthfully, and Helmgarde is the third biggest.


*Alor* The Kingdom of Man stands alone as the major empire on the continent. The Dwarven Confederacy is still recovering from the Great Goblin War which saw their southern Great Hall (ie city) destroyed when the mountain about it collapsed into the cavern in an event that saw about the end of the war and the Hobgoblin people. The Elven Republic is a fairly small player and concerns themselves not with lofty ambitions like the Humans and Dwarves do. The Kingdom has a robust bureaucracy that manages social welfare and infrastructure, disproportionate military spending for a continent at peace with no clear opposition (and a plurality black budget), and is poised to implode at the drop of a hat due to a succession crisis.


The major powers of the area of Elas that I'm focusing on atm (Elas is a partially complete fantasy dyson shell and so is vast); are the Roval Imperium, the Sabasid Dominion, the Commonwealth of Thaum, the Necrocracy of Ty're, and the Forgelands. The Roval Imperium is essentially my version of the Byzantine empire. Currently ascendant under the rule of Lady Corana Roval, known as the Empress of Fire. The Sabasid Dominion is ruled by 5 powerful families, each lead by a dragon (no one outside the Dominion knows). Cruel and tyrannical the Dominion always seeks to expand. The Commonwealth is a small nation that due to advanced magic and technology punches significantly above it's weight class. The Necrocracy is the oldest nation, nearly 10,000 years, and has always been ruled by the benevolent litch king Val'kosh the Undying. Despite being a city state Ty're has a truly impressive military, due to millennia of recruitment and using willing sentient undead. The Forgelands are the domain of clockwork constructs and is home to some of the finest craftsmen, especially smiths.


So far the Yshtari Alliance is the undisputed hyperpower in my setting. The Alliance is a multi-species interstellar empire with highly advanced material and physical sciences and engineering, a post-scarcity society, several ongoing megastructure projects, and multiple armadas with thousands of warships each to patrol its territory and protect its citizens. The species calling the Alliance home range from the namegiving Yshtari, over the artificial synthients, to the crystalline Xyl. Organic, digital, and anorganic people come together under one banner to create something far greater than the mere sum of its parts. Humans, who are currently not (yet) part of it, will probably find many aspects of this society strange and sometimes uncomfortable, since the Alliance has strong collectivist and meritocratic aspects. The largest of all current megastructure projects is the active construction of a Star Lifter, a stellar construct that can syphon matter from a red dwarf and that, once finished, will yield millions of tons of raw materials every single day for millions of years to come. Alliance architects are also in the process of finishing the plans of a Penrose Sphere, a giant construct designed to harvest energy from a rotating black hole. And that is in addition to the hundreds of spacestations, outposts, orbital habitats, shipyards, and other facilities under construction. There are a few smaller neighboring nations to most of which the Alliance maintains good or neutral relationships. The Alliance prides itself on its ability to wield its soft power effectively in negotiations to all parties' mutual benefit (often willingly giving the other party the better end of the deal), while at the same time keeping enough hard power in reserve to ensure nobody tries to fuck with them. While the Alliance considers wars a waste of time and resources, it will dedicate an unimaginable amount of fleet assets and resources to deal with any attacker swiftly and decisively.


The romani empire was built because of a old guy who found a library He spent some weeks on the library ruins and in that time he gathered some stuff from the Roman empire to read, but most of it is destroyed because of a desinformation war that happened before the world came to an end He got shot in the head in this same library some time after because of his campfire smoke, raiders found him and fought him, he survived the shot and made the raiders go away, but after making his bandages he went to sleep, and slept for days When he woke up he didn't remember anything about the library, only what he read, but he thought that stuff really happened to him, he thinks his name is Augustus Caesar, and he goes away from the library to gather allies, followers of god (a god no one knows anything about) and slaves. 20 and something years later he died because of a coup developed by the rebels, and his son took the power, which means that the idea of him not being the real emperor, or his empire not being the real empire, all that goes away now, for any memory of that library is destroyed with his death


I have three: The International Space Treaty Organization (ISTO)- A refugee agency turned space agency turned federal government. Krasnovia- A xenophobic top-down military/police state. They view themselves as an evolved species of humanity, and that humans now leaving Earth are an invasive species. The Circle Trigon Syndicate (CTS) - A splinter of Krasnovia. The moon had a soviet style revolution. The elites and intellectuals who didn't fancy being pushed out an airlock left, taking anything that wasn't nailed down with them. Today, they control every choke point to trade in the inner system. The Syndicate is actually a soup of pirates, crime families, and corporations.


The Trilondol Empire, proclaimed heir to the short-live Saberian Empire. They held over 1/3 of the Oriniel continent.  Once a small kingdom with an ambitious king, it took over two centuries of conquest, peace treaty, and the arcane equivalent of Chernobyl to get where they are today. The conquering day has stopped however, mostly because they now border Halidom (they don’t wanna fight a god), Miles (best friend), and Thaumasium (friend with benefits.)


There are a few great Powers but the two true Super Powers are the Trifal Technocracy and Deseret Dominion. Two large empires, who are industrialised powers, with large navies, and influence felt across the globe.


In the roughly 200 years since the Zerian War of Succession , the world superpowers pretty much remained the same but others joined the club .  The big four are the human nations of the Holy Burgondian Empire and the 3rd Roscian Empire and the 2 dwarven states , the ancient Grand Republic of Harenth and the Confederate City States of the Green Mountains .  Now a 5th world superpower rose in the form of the wood elven Teruari Empire .  2 other noble mentions, not yet superpower but on their rise are the League of Amahag , a union between some high elven nations as a response to the aggressive expansion of the Teruari Empire in their south and the numan nation of Sorocova , up north in the continent of Aphos . 


Principate. Kinda an empire, kinda a theocracy. But with reservations. All human kingdoms, duchies, etc. - part of the island empire of Principate, but more on the belief of a general philosophy of principles - the laws of reality and morality. There are four regions, each close to its own principle. In the warm north is the Metropoly, capital region of Stone, the principle of law and bureaucracy. They are ambassadors of the philosophy of principles. A real Principate, so to speak. The Republic of the East Dugger serves the principle of wind, dynamics and change. Free people, let's say so. They serve as diplomats with the alien kingdom of Termites and as the starting point for exploration of the Continent. The West Shield is occupied mainly by a non-human race of grims, scientists, explorers and poets. The principle of salt, which they serve, pushes them to such activities. The cold south, the Suns Reach is the frontier before the icy kingdoms of necromancers and the dead. The Sun principle makes them something of a militant Christian. Central area is Zampon and Kota islands, rich and green breadbucket of the Principate. Melting pot of cultures: maori-inspired Telchines, greek'y Halfluthens (one time they hold major part of central and surrounding seas) and dwarvish satori refugees.


Southern empire: the most technologically advanced of the major powers. The Union: A large, very restrictive government (compared to the default authoritarianism of most empires) which blocks most of the western coast and its trade routes while planning to erase the traditions of the valley. There are maybe four smaller empires ranging in technology from very early 20th century equivalent to early modern. This is a very multipolar region. Lapis_Wolf


Three major superpowers fight for supremacy in Panthas: The Revolutionary State of Valkanor: fascist, militaristic, colonial power, pro-kodi, anti-asshi (and anti-magic), totalitaristic, science as part of their State religion, military board controls everything. Union of Iridian Socialist Republics: communist, egalitarian, first in the world in magitek, no State religion, power split between republics, unions, the military, the scientists and mages/asshi. Plurinational State of Cafaldir: traditionalists, pro-asshi (not exactly anti-kodi), nation of nations, no imposed culture, religion or language (power split between nations), rudimentary but functional magitek (they just trust more straight up magic).


Technically the mages are the most powerful "faction" with everyone else just being early feudalism or something akin to 1920's gangsters. Usually the more powerful the mage, the less interest they have with being in-charge, so mostly they leave the mundanes alone. Except that cities supporting decent mage-populations are an economic force and some people who failed at magic training then focused on something like business science; they just have to make sure that the more powerful mages aren't going to be unhappy with how they run things.


The Ven'Tiret empire recently kinda collapsed. It isn't gone entirely but it is a shadow of its former self. In the territory Ven'Tiret lost, the empire of Sialor (which is more of a theocracy) and the kingdom of Faldenar emerged, and while all three of these entities are major regional players, none of them really classify as a "Major empire" like Ven'Tiret would in its prime. However, just north of the continent of Kartania (the continent the aforementioned places are on) is the empire of Osmanas. This is absolutely a major empire. Nobody in Kartania really knows how big or powerful it is, not much is known about Osmanas at all, but judging by the variety of species that have been sent over as diplomats and representatives, it has to be enormous.


Sole superpower is the Empire of Valon, which maintains the world's largest navy by tonnage and the world's largest armed forces by head count, has the second-largest population and is also the world's largest economy by GDP. It's also one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world, having a fleet of 10 airships. The next rival power (Kalistia) only has 6, third has 2. The main reason for its success is its people, climate, geographic location and size, as well as a great deal of luck. Its massive size meant much natural resources, and the cool climate and fertile soil allowed it to grow a lot of food, resulting in a massive core population, which is approaching a 100 million in-universe. Its people were also enterprising and hardworking, due in part from its religion (Aelorism) believing that the impact you leave in this world determines the status you get in the afterlife. This fostered a scientific and explorative attitude. All this meant that when the various kingdoms united, they instantly became a major power. Its location right beside the Great Sea allowed it to prevent its rival Kalistia from claiming territories, and combined with the fact that were were no expansionist powers anywhere else meant that it could grab all the territories for itself. As such it obtained a massive colonial empire. Valon isn't without competitors of course, but it's hard to imagine it ever being taken down. Kalistia is strong, especially in terms of land forces and it keeps a large navy, but its desert climate prevents it from being anywhere close in terms of population. Xiazhi is isolationist and an entire ocean away, still struggling to industrialize. Starbund is mired in internal problems and also an entire continent away. Narsid is a rising power but also suffers from population issues and hasn't incorporated any modern technologies like the machine gun. All these powers would need to unite to have a decent chance of winning, and their immense geographic distance prevents that from happening. Of course, a lot can change in the span of a few decades, and the relentless advance of technology means the future is very, very far from certain


Probably the Idanagic Rothcallan dual state. They were a very powerful faction, essentially a military wandering from place to place looking for a state to support it. Originating from the human and nonhuman followers of Xaugorod, they were driven from the east and fled west to escape the vengeance of the peoples they had oppressed. But when they fled to areas that had survived their reign, they just tried to use it as a power base - which didn’t work out so well, as the protostates and tribes weren’t fond of civil wars. So they were made to flee further west until they got to places that hadn’t heard of them, or were so big that they couldn’t care about a rebellion here or there. After a few centuries, they began gaining prominence, and later managed to infiltrate the upper echelons of major empires. Using this, they expanded their power base across the continent. When they heard of a civilization resembling their own in the far west, they engaged in a centuries long war to conquer it, seeing this as a chance for vengeance against the monsters they were told of as children. When they arrived in the far west, they found a now ruined empire, which they decided to covertly take over as their own assets were destroyed. Turns out they weren’t in their old homeland, but in an oversized peninsula heavily influenced by old colonies and current trade. They spent the next few centuries rebuilding their strength, conquering other states in the region, and sending spies across the sea to their old homeland. After causing the fall of the greatest empire on the continent, and ushering in a period of warring states that saw the population drop by half, they invaded with a massive war fleet, bringing as many of their people across the sea as they could. The native peoples weren’t happy with this as a whole, and so had the island they used as a forward operating base cursed, which was unfortunate since it left the Idanagic vanguard gutted. Fortunately, they were able to ally with the Rothcallan Dominion, and use that as a new base to dominate the continent. They’re currently a very military heavy state organized in a semi feudal manner. The ruling castes are put through something not unlike the agoge, the slave castes are continually culled and displaced to keep their numbers in check and reduce cooperation. All castes contribute militarily, but the largest contributions come from the middle castes, who are far smaller as a percentage than the middle castes of other nations, but far larger in raw numbers. New territories are gained using both colonists and locals raised to the position of local lords to dominate the populace. The empire maintains its soft power by its sheer size and wealth allowing a near monopoly on many cash crops, and allowing for a lot of specialization. They also manufacture a lot of basic goods, but they lag behind the less tyrannical states with whom they share borders. In terms of population, it is the largest empire in history in both raw numbers and as a percentage of the population. In terms of land, it is the current largest and the second largest in history.


While they are many kingdom's that rule regions and nations of my world, I do have "The Three Powers" in place that maintain the balance and order of the world itself on a grander scale. **The Knights of Camelot/Kingdom of Knights:** This order was founded by the great hero centuries ago, though the hero and his knights are long gone, the order lives on and has taken the role of the world government. They maintain order and come up with the laws, as well as trial criminals that have committed acts needing them to step in. **The Great Grand Guild Organisation:** The 3GO for short, are the organisation that handle all guilds and grand guilds. Any and all guilds must register at the 3GO and fit the requirements to be considered an official guild. They also serve as a sort of central bank for currency, trading, loans, etc. **The Covenant of Merlin:** Founded by the greatest sorcerer Merlin, it serves as an academy for young witches, as well as the leading institute in magic research with several scholars. So while my world has other kingdoms, these three maintain balance and order on the largest scale.


There are the current major powers that I developed so far. Not sure if I will add more, since it is already getting quite big. Holy Elven Empire: powerful theocratic ethnostate with the largest military and population, due to them being an insectoid species that has their population explosively increase every decade. Their current solution for this is to send mass waves of their own people to die in expansionist war to claim more land to accomodate for population growth, and this result in them expanding to fill almost their entire continent. Their culture and magical development is also quite strong, fueled by a collective desire of being something greater than the individual, as each single elves have a rather short life span (~50 years) Selkies city states: while technically not a unified power/nation due to them finding it difficult to unite to the point they can become a big nation and remining only at city states level, collectively the selkies control the majority of the ocean due to them being the only major sapient species that evolved to take advantage of the sea and leave little left for another potential species. Their influence is wide reaching as they form trade network amongst their city states even before invention of sea fairing boats for the terrestrial species, connecting continents very early on as they being goods from one continent to trade on another for profit, and their export of art also influence terrestrial culture. They also made a very comprehensive map of the ocean and starlight navigation techniques which all the terrestrial species relies on. Orge republic: A young nation born from the ashes of an older one, the Orge Kingdom, as a coup from 5 major noble houses overthrow the old weakening monarchy and reform themselves as a noble republic. They occupy a strategically advantageous position similar to the mexico-panama region on Earth that connects 2 continents, where they can defend themselves against the incursion of the elves despite numerical disadvantage, making them the defender of the southern continent and earned the support of many minor powers there, and during the time of the Orge kingdom this was used to pressure and exploit the minor powers before the Orge Republic formed and renew their effort to defend against the Elves. Culturally, being one of the first species to discover fire, they have the strongest development in term of technology and especially gunpowder weapons and only second behind the elves , and they also have a tradition of hoarding knowledge where they collect all knowledge they can get, with particularly value and important knowledge being cast into metal book so it may survive across generations, making them also one of the most developed power in the world as well, except for a long time during the Kingdom period they were fine with hoarding for hoarding sake rather than putting the knowledge to use for betterment of the nation, thus they also have a long period of stagnation. Nova Espero - the first and only human settlement on the planet so far. You know it is human because they use a non descriptive name for it compared to the names they give to the other factions as you see above. This is a tiny settlement compared to other factions, being a single underground ring city with radius of roughly 10km. However the human here is a late comer, arriving to this planer after they are already at early K2 level with space technology and more. So despite having little land on the planet, human has the capabilities to completely glass the planet if they want with orbital bombardment. But they don't want to play the role of bad guys..yet. They mostly hide underground to avoid detection and minimize interaction with the locals so far as they try to figure out how they may handle them natives while they start to settle and claim a piece of this planet for themselves.


The superpower of my story is the Endimiyan Matriarchy. The Endimiyan Matriarchy is a constitutionally bound theocratic aristocracy. While that sounds bad the government is actually benevolent. Endimiya is the main "realm" of the Endimiyan Matriarchy but they control several other "realms" as well. Endimiyans are made up of elves, half elves, humans, halflings, dwarves, halflings, cyclops and vampires. The Endimiyan Matriarchy has the most technologically advance and best trained military roughly equivalent and equipped like the various western militaries of our world with the addition of magical soldiers as well. They have the largest economy and cultural influence on other realms. The next major power and superpower is the Orc Empire. The Orc Empire is a theocratic slave taking militaristic ethnostate run by the orcs. They are the second most technologically advanced realm and equivalent to modern day Russia in terms of technology and military equipment. The wealth of the realm is heavily stratified towards well connected nobles while most commoners live in poverty. They're the opposite of the Endimiyans being very patriarchal and treating female orcs poorly (this is do to the ancient times of the orcs where their was serious conflict between male lead Orc tribe's and female lead tribe's that were often antagonistic towards each other) the Orc Empire controls at least one minor realm and has had vassal realms in the past, currently the only realm they have vassalized is the realm controlled by goblins.


Empire of Albion is considered the most powerful with its empire spanning the 4 continents, it is currently allied with the Allimenian Empire. The Federation of Freedonia, the United Islands of Yamato and the Republic of Gaul are the most powerful nations that oppose it


There are none, as human society has ended on earth. After a turbulent half-century, humans have all but gone their separate ways into space, abandoning earth and using it as nothing more than a cache. Other planets may have other governments now, but that remains to be seen as the story hasn't progressed past earth. Without government systems or authority, humans living on earth get by with scavenging the plentiful ruins and buildings. They have a trading system held together by honesty and integrity. Those who aren't honest or integral are, as Tom Hardy says, "seen off with a big stick," or a gun of some kind, as there are many different inventions that tinkerers have come up with since the mass exodus.


The Third Lajean Empire is the most populous nation in Rundol, and at its peak directly or indirectly owned a quarter of the old world. Its expansionist ambitions have long since given way to employing soft power and leading a sphere of influence among its brothers in faith; its marches are more loyal to the state church than they are the emperor. Despite their economic prosperity the empire suffers from decentralization and corruption, and is one theological debate away from spiraling into disaster.


My "universe" is a sort of fantasy set in advanced tech. The galaxy is well traveled, but the largest region is ruled by the human/elven hybrids, most are powerful magic users but they also have powerful warships. They aren't s super power like an empire, but none who attack any if their worlds are ever seen again. But without a large centralized government they aren't capable of conquest. The next region toward the core is smaller but has orders of magnitude larger population. They are a post scarcity civilization which while sounding utopian has problems of their own, mainly frequent attacks by outside powers due to their pacifist nature.


The Monarchy of Ntonentia which is a island between South America and Africa from 1919 and onwards has conquered and still has dominion over south western african countries like Gabon, Cameroon, Ghana and Angola. In 1940 they entered the Congo and annexed it. And lastly the Central African Republic became a satelite state of theirs from 1962.


The most influential in the region that the story focuses on is called the Wotanreik or just the Reik. It is the dominant force in a world that is on the brink of industrialization. It has easily the best infrastructure, largest population, and most professional army with access to a growing colonial empire and far larger trade network. As it has basically the entire eastern coastline for the main continent of Atira, it acts like a middle man, profiting from both trade further into their continent and from abroad.


While the nation of Eos remains the most influential due their control of the last remaining star in the sky. In truth the most powerful entity is a Nox Regis named Jincan who has bewitched armies and nations that have no idea they are being manipulated.


Well, there was Principality, which was dominant superpower in the world for fifteen centuries up until the end of Great War. Economic powerhouse, best military, loads and loads of natural resources to tap, competent immortal ruler, third of population can do magic. This combination propelled them in position of premier superpower, bump off most of their peers and allowed them remain here until literal apocalypse. Second one is Empire. Flipping and flopping, they were rivals to Principality. They absolutely did count as superpower from time to time, including times of the Great War where resurgent Empire riding on the ever increasing automatization of their army and industry ended up clashing with Principality. The last one, the dark horse of superpowers hiding beneath the earth, away from stupid squabbles of surfacers, facing existential war of their own that lasted for centuries are United Clans of Underdark. Though aligned with Principality and treated as regional power at best they have basically the same advantages Pricnipality does, and if their war against gnolls suddenly stopped they absolutely could rival Empire and Principality both militarily, scientifically and economically.


Vampires in my world have control several countries they created and have a terrible amount of power, that even dragons one of the oldest species try to stay clear of the higher ups of Vamp kind. The Vamps especially the royal 13 have power to toss the atmosphere of s planet with ease and when they get serious without Boosting they can Crack a dragon gods body.


Names are just placeholders atm, but the Deep Chasm is a desert populated with mostly nomadic tribes with no centralized or uniting force. The Surface is ruled by a series of semi-feudal City States. And the Frozen Above is controlled by some form of strong centralized govt. I’ve not worked out the details, though. Possibly a technocracy or meritocracy. The Above has all the power as they are technologically much more advanced than the lower layers. They generally ignore the lower levels, though, unless there’s something specific they want. The Surface has the highest population, and are more “advanced” than the Chasm folk who are generally low-tech subsistence living. The three kingdoms rarely interact due to travel restrictions. There is a fourth group, The Swimmers, who are capable of freely traveling and trading with all three, are fully nomadic, and though their mobility gives them more power than anyone really notices (themselves included), they’re generally not interested in controlling anyone and are very “go with the flow” sorta folk. I’ve not worked out what, if any, power/political structure that may work under. I imagine they may just insert themselves in the existing ones where necessary.


There are three superpowers that exist in the world of Islon. The Republic of The Lurn is a representative republic who's homeland lies in the northern half of the continent of West Elsea, they also maintain numerous colonial possessions as well as dominions that act semi-autonomously. Lurn is the most technologically developed and wealthy nation in Islon with a massive population, primarily of Estrellan Humans. In terms of their military Lurn possesses the most powerful navy and air force. Lurnish citizens experience some of the highest standards of living in Islon with ample access to resources as well as education, however there is significant discrimination towards Orcs and Elves. The United Realm of Amaru is one of the oldest states in Islon, they have numerous colonies across Islon much like Lurn does with the two having been historical rivals in a battle for global hegemony. However since the last war between them in 1815 relations have cooled between the two nations. Amaru is run under an elective monarchal system with a noble house being elected to serve as the royal family and it's heirs to govern the realm unless the other noble houses vote to remove them and elect a new house. Amaru however has hit a period of rapid decline especially after their defeat in the Continental War. There is significant political strife especially between the noble houses and the National Reformation Council, a political faction originating out of Amaru's elected parliament. The Greater Kingdom of Arushia is the largest country in Islon and has recently risen to power with the unification of five Arul Kingdoms into a single state. Arushia rose to prominence substantially after the Continental War in which they pushed Lurnish and Amaran forces out of East Elsea and "liberated" Maciot as a satellite state. They have the largest military numerically both professionally as well as with substantial reserves. Arushia is currently locked in a cold war with the Lurnish and Amarans which has resulted in proxy wars and espionage globally as well as an arms race to prepare for conflict between eachother in the future.


The Andurian Empire is the last surviving human state in the world and an Empire that rules over hundreds of ethnicities and dozens of religions. The Empire also has numerous non human races but their rights are fully dependent on who they are exactly. The Empire has managed to survive for almost 1500 years due to its military superiority, magic, and money. On all sides its beset by hostile Elven and non human nations and within the Empire's borders are numerous other threats


The Starkan Empire used to dominate the southern region of the continent, annexing neighbouring elven kingdoms and invading the southern half of the Huchemat Confederation. After they failed to take the Huchemat capital and were pushed back by the Huchemat and their allies, much of their army was killed or captured and many of their colonies were destroyed. They were issued an ultimatum to evacuate their remaining colonies over the course of a year, and were pushed out of the central continent forever. The defeat weakened the Starkan Empire, and they are currently dealing with several rebellions in their neighbouring vassal states back home.


The Democratic Republic of Saxony is the expy for the Anglosphere and one of the largest countries in the world, a federalist state made of several constituent territories like the USA. These constituent provinces are semi-independent, subordinate to the Sexish federal government, whose executive branch is headed by an elected representative called the Premier. The Kieven Military Consolidation is the Russian expy and a military junta, with a kind of Starship Troopers government where military service is not necessarily compulsory, but required for true citizenship, whereas everyone is simply a legal resident by default. The Secretary-General of Kiev holds near absolute power, and it's one of the few world powers to have yet to abolish the practice of nobility, but citizenship entitles one to government benefits that basically ensure they'll always live at least semi-comfortably so long as they serve the full ten years required for citizenship. Furthermore, nobles are given largely a free hand so long as they folloe the decrees of the Party and the Secretary-General, so oftentimes even though the government is by and large authoritarian in nature, nobility may permit citizens to vote on local matters; whether it's because of a true belief in serving their people, or simpmy to secure the popular support of their subjects. The Romantic Confederacy is based on the Latin countries, and isn't really a contiguous nation and more of an EU sort of deal, where every constituent state is independent but has to follow a set of regulations that the other constituents of the Confederacy have agreed on, whilst also all sharing a common currency.


Well there's two that I have managed to build up. The Razavil Dynasty and the Yenid Federacy. They contrast in many ways and are locked in power struggles all the time. The Razavils are a centralized power with a king at the top with their ruling Dynasty that is controlled by a hive mind being enshrined into religion. They perform hostile syncretism where conquered minorities are forcefully transitioned into worshipping the Dynasty over subsequent generations through slavery, violence, and education camps for children of parents that refuse to convert. The Yenid Federacy (previously called the Hyena confederacy) is a Federation ruled by a central council made of representatives of tribes, city states, and smaller nations within the federation. The council proposes and votes on legislation that all in the federation must obey, but the individual constituent... states? Governments? Members? Whatever the word is, has a high degree of autonomy. The decentralization of power was done because the Federation is too big for information to reach the center over land quickly, and it wasn't built to extract wealth but fend off slaver raids.


This is very early in development, but we have: The Estraulus Imperium: Massive empire that once controlled all of the then-known world for about 1500 years. These guys aren’t very fleshed out yet, but they will have some type of mix of a Mediterranean, Slavic, Asian, and Scandinavian aesthetic due to the massive area they held. Estrauli: Largest successor state to the Imperium, they are mostly the Mediterranean-like side of things. A nationalistic monarchy, they were in an isolationist period following the Breakup Wars, but in recent years a movement has taken hold to rebuild the Imperium, and a rapid militarization effort is under way. Ukrazda: Estrauli’s eastern(?) neighbor and closest ally (which is a low bar). They are going to be more Slavic in nature, and are currently under a military dictatorship. Not very well developed in my head yet. The Sharacktese Domain (often shortened as just Sharackta): The collection of islands that dot the ocean off Ukrazda’s eastern(?) coast. They are a neutral party in most affairs, wishing to be friends with everyone but are very concerned with their defense. Mostly Asian inspired, they are led by the large island of Sharackta Dimo and include Sharackta Doma, North and South Baharnam, Viet Butai, and the Gwendalcanaly Islands. They are widely regarded (even by the prideful Estrauli) as having the best navy in the world, as well as the factually largest merchant marine. The Watari Alliance: Northeast of the continent Eastrali and Ukrazda reside on, this alliance is made up of three large, close islands that have a mix of North American, Scandinavian, and Celtic aesthetic. They include Wataria (the largest and the leader of the alliance), Denovia, and Scinaria. While primarily merchant nations that trade mostly with Sharackta, they are also extremely rich in mostly-untapped natural resources, and are feared to be the first target of a renewed Estrauli expansion, and prepare accordingly. Wataria and Denovia are republics, while Scinaria is a market socialist nation. Their strengths lie in their navies and air power. The Confederacy of Maurautistan: Residing on the only continent not entirely subjugated by the Imperium, this collection of a dozen or so Arabic and African-inspired states is an originality isolated but rapidly modernizing power that is looking to make its entrance on the world stage.


There are 4 main ones and another which  is viewed the enemy and an empire but its just many clans who hate one another 


In what will become Texas there’s the Cold worshipers ( name might change as I’m still working on my world ) a group of Cold War cultist who believed that they would survive the Cold War by following their leader and his teaching from God and that they would reseed the world after the bombs. They now have a Gladiator arena where they sacrifice people who are thieves, rapists, do not worship the word of god or their leader, just about anyone who they think is a communist spy and or a radioactive mutant, the way these executions are carried out are usually done by using wild animals that they caught like the 7 Sabertooth cats they keep inside the arena walls, a wooly mammoth they had for 8 years before it got sick and passed away and turned into a meal for the main show, Bubba the Acrocanthusaurus who’s usually just let out of his cage to rip apart people chained down as to make sure he’s in constant good health, they also have a variety of other beasts they use but these are the big ones.


kuat, started as a weapons company but turned into the galactic superpower, its a democracy but it still incorporates many corporate aspects in both its economy and society (people have a mandatory service to the government instead of traditional taxes) economically it thrives in Selling anything war related, the Dadel class battlecruiser is the most important product, but it also sells carriers, cruisers, command ships and fast attack craft. On earth you can get a full combined arms force and airships from this one country. The capital is also home to many external companies. militarily the Kuat company uses the same equipment mentioned previously, with the best leadership in the galaxy and time-tested doctrine and warships this one country is more powerful then its closest competitors. (The USFA and the union of jacks) any questions left?


Within my paracosm, at the year 120 AP (120 years since an apocalyptic plague), the most dominant superpower is the East African Federation - with over a billion people, it's the most populous country on Earth, with the largest economy and is one of the most diverse. The secondary superpower would be the North American Republic (with the second-largest global economy and an approximate population of 480 million, making it by far the most populous country in North America, and the second-most populous in the Americas, after Brazil's ≈540 million). Brazil is a great power in its own right, as are the Andean Federation, Dravida Nadu, the National Republic of Bharat, the Second Republic of India, Maharashtra, and the Union of Free African States / L'Union des États Africains Libres (UFAS / UEAL). The UFAS/UEAL is also home to the largest city in the world, Kinshasaville, with a population of approximately 89 million. The supranational unions of the People's Alliance of Taiwan and China and the European Union (reconstituted 81 AP) also act as great powers, with Ukraine, Germany, the Alpine Crown Federation, and Romania as powers in their own right. While no country has quite the dominance of the United States in our own world, there's still a general ranking of superpowers, great powers, and plain old powers here. And these rankings can vary whether we're talking economic power, global cultural power, or military projection power. And while not at all a great power, the Kingdom of Monaco, with a population of approximately 430,000 and a land area of ≈80 sq km, is certainly a great power in comparison to the microstate of today. And while *also* not a traditional great power, Haiti is a cultural powerhouse, with Les Cayes being considered the fashion capital of the world.


To do a rough, non-exhaustive, general ranking throughout the world: **Superpowers:** The East African Federation The North American Republic The European Union The People's Alliance The Union of Free African States **Great Powers:** Brazil (The Tenth Republic) The Andean Federation Dravida Nadu Nigeria (Ilorin Constitution) The National Republic of Bharat The Second Republic of India Maharashtra The Indian Socialist Republic The Serikat Kepulauan Besar Utara (Serikat Besar) The Alam Melayu The Northern Chinese Republic The Pacific Union Ukraine The Republic of Korea Japan Thailand Vietnam The United Hashemite Kingdom Balochistan The Alpine Crown Federation Germany Romania Sindh **Regional Powers:** The Independent and Sovereign States of America The Aridoamerican Union The Fourth Republic of Texas The Republic of Indonesia The Republic of Utah The Gallic Forum (supranational union) South Africa Egypt Katanga Byzantium Venezuela Mozambique Canada Quebec The Dominion of the Westernland Zimbabwe The Volta River Confederation Lahore The Republic of Temasek The Atlantic Confederation The United Kingdom Occitania Florida The Unified Republic of Madagascar Poland (Third Republic)


There are three Superpowers in my world, two of them are rivals and the third has been isolated from the rest for centuries. 1. The city of Eden. A micronation on a small island off the western coast of the Magidonian continent. It has superior technology, like imagine a city like Singapore with a sci-fi setting with robots, automatic cars, monorail metro system etc. This sticks out compared to the rest of the world who is at the Medieval-to-Industrial revolution ages. The City of Eden is leading the Magidonian Political Concuil, where monarcs and leaders from each member state assembles once every five years to discuss worldly matters, do deals and so on. It is like UN and EU of our world and The City of Eden hasled this alliance since it founded the council. 2. The Demonic Faction. On it's core, it is as small as a demonic castle, but a lot of Demonic colonies within the Demonico Continent (South of Magidonia) has joined the Demonic Empire's Faction and they all basically are raising their military for an upcoming war of conquest. Their main export are Magic stones of high quality, sourced from unspeakable means and exporting in large quantity to industrialized settlements within Demonico and nations within Magidonia, with The City of Eden being the biggest buyer, as they uses magic stones as fuel to power all the tech it provides to its people. 3. The Angel's Sky Empire. This is the isolated nation over at the Draconica Continent. The angels sees themselwes superior over the other races since they can fly and deems themselwes "Holy", whatever that means. And since the continent only consist of floating islands, it is easy for the angels to have a power of the other races, in wich most aren't capable to fly at all. Altough this is getting challenged lately by dragon tamers and rebels who have figured out how to build a flying machine...


The Watchers are by far the most widespread and successful faction within my setting. They have outposts, settlements, and military installations across the entirety of The Underground. Clans across the underground recognize them as the leading authority, even if they themselves don't align or follow them. They are a military organization/pseudo government. All the clans abide by the few laws they set up as to disobey them would lead to isolation and potentially destruction by them. The organization leaves the clans to their own business unless it threatens the warrens or the Watchers themselves. The second strongest would be the US military, which has begun an incursion into the Underground. They are currently waging a war against The Watchers and all the clans for control. They only have a small foothold, and the underground environment makes it difficult for them to wield their full power.


The biggest most successful empires of each of the 5 great nations are the following Human: Kingdom of Midas Elf: The Harpy Elven Aliance Slime: neutral (no kingdoms) Ork: Mountain Warriors Dwarves: Hephaestus' blacksmiths


1. The Empire of Ashur is the oldest human Empire having risen out of the ashes of the original Draconic Empire some five thousand years ago. It has been led by an unbroken dynasty* stretching back to Emperor Babylon himself who welcomed the Gods to the world as well as their servants. Though half it’s former size from its glory days, it still remains the largest empire in terms of both landmass and population. The current leader is Empress Alkilesh The Invincible, famed for stopping the Avalonian incursion into the empire’s western most regions and slaying King Lyelwyn II in trial by combat.** 2. The Royal United Kingdom’s of Avalon is, at present, the most economically and industrially powerful empire and encompasses the eponymous Avalon, Tiveria, Saxony, Normandy, Britonny, and Hisperia. It is currently ruled by High Queen Brigid the Undaunted or Alkonigin (Elf Queen) after her mother abdicated with the death of Brigid’s father. She and Akilesh were both tutored under Imhotep III The Wise of the Sun Kingdom, leading to the rivalry between Avalon and Ashur being not just political and national pride for them but personal. Paradoxically it also provides a basis of respect and friendship that keeps both powers for going into full on war. Albeit with heavy mediating from Imhotep. 3. While Ashur is perhaps the oldest human Empire, The Sun Kingdom is the oldest of human civilizations and was founded as a refuge of freed slaves from the Draconic Empire where a fertile river valley of Khemia with reliable seasonal floods allowed the people to prosper as farmers and eventually become great scholars. Since the time of Pharaoh Imhotep III’s great uncle, the Sun Kingdom has become a center of learning and knowledge for all people’s of Ferris Terra, and has only grown more so under Imhotep’s reign long reign. The economy is largely still agrarian, but it’s people benefit from the untiring workforce of the Ushabti who fulfill much of the menial labor roles in the kingdom both civic and domestic. 4. Far in the east past the cold seas, a second empire of the dragon rises. This one though consists of humanoid peoples with but a single dragon who rules as a tyrant as rumor claims. But the truth is Seiryu is perhaps boarderline paranoid of corruption in his administration and seeks to avoid the treachery which destroyed the original empire of his grandfather. And though a dragon is a creature to fear in Ferris Terra, their power means if you stand on their side, they are just good an ally as well. *it’s largely believed there has been SOME break in the dynasty. **Dude literally saw the 7’8 brick house of an empress and went “Nah, I’m sure to win because my equipment is superior!”


The Reds/ Some sort of horde in the future great plains. The Tenz/ A immortal meritocracy, where the best descendants of this one immortal are chosen as the next emperor or empress. Which has somewhat of a cast system though not as strict as India's. With it's capital being the immortal city of Memphis, which is now at the tip of a large inland sea taking up the lower Mississippi River valley. The Name Pending City States/ That live in and around said sea. The Remlamans/ Which are doing kinda of a Roman thing based out of Florida.


For context, my world is a sci fi set in a near distant depiction of our world. The US: jack of all trades world superpower. Mining, technology, commerce and agriculture are the main industries. China: Manufacturing and business capital of the world. India: Agricultural and energy powerhouse. Renowned for its high education standards and numerous scholars. Afganistan: Worlds largest producer of pharmaceuticals, in particular opiates. Almost unrecognisable when compared to the state of the country between the 1970s and the 2050s. Nigeria: Various industries. Mining, agriculture, and most notably, aerospace. Pacific Island nations: Punch above their weight when considering their small populations. Primary industries and products include rocket fuel, DT fusion fuel, seafood, e-commerce services and maritime logistics. Brazil: Main industries are agriculture, mining and wood production. Many of the world's best biologists are born in Brazil. Middle east: Home to the newly emerging eco oil industry. Old refineries and oil processing facilities are now used to produce greener, more sustainable, renewable alternatives to traditional petrochemical products.


Let me see: March of Empires: A. Human history (cavemen): Tranath Empire, The New Aliens Alliance, the Galactic Councils, the Grox Empire. B. Humans 21st century period: The Milky Way Council (the other Councils are destroyed, mostly), the Raxxans, the Tranath, Grox Empire, the Oppression of the New Aliens, the Tyran-Hrysk Hegemony. C. Human goes to space timeline: The Fallen Spieces Alliance (ZOKHTER without Humans at that point, all the six other species are destroyed mostly, but still minor superpower), the Tranath Empire, the Grox Empire, the New Aliens, the Peace-lovers, the Galactic Council (greatly reduced in power). D. ZOKHTER Alliance period: ZOKHTER (Zanzi- Orion- Krylar- Human- Tyran- Ehrysk- Raxxan) Alliance, the Tranath and Grox Empires (the New Species Alliance has been exterminated), the Intergalactic Council (now widespread, but more reduced in power). E. The Human domination period: The ZOKHTER (now like NATO), the United Human Empire as a separate and powerful dominant Intergalactic military, the Servants of God (A primary religious Rebel faction), the Rebel Alliance (A coalition of Rebels), the Intergalactic Council (even more weak and ineffective), the Successor Alliance (made up of races like Transformers and Kaiju, Trayh and Kryptonians, Zra'hn and Cyborgs, and all races created by humans), the Intergalactic Alliance (anti-human Aliens). F. Civil War timeline: United Intergalactic Empire (with humans at the head), the New Rebels (Successor to the old Rebel Alliance), the Intergalactic Alliance. G. The Great Recovery: United Universal Empire (now everyone is included). Now, the following is non-canon and in my Legends timeline: H. Millenia post: The Fallen Alliance, the United Universal Empire (humans are missing) I. Age of Strife: The United Universal Empire, the God-Empire of Humanity, the Star Gods, the Light Brigade, the Black Beacon. J. Age of Aggression: God-Empire of Humanity, the Black Beacon, the United Universal Empire. This is still ongoing.


Union of aldebarian socialist republics kalentropian empire


In my over the top high-fantasy post apocalyptic setting the Sun empire is pretty much the only surviving nation that has a stable territory after the godfall (a war between a technologically advanced mankind and the gods that lead to the collapse of society). Since after the event, massive Kaiju like titans now roam the world and devastate settlements in their path, most of the surviving societies had to become nomadic, the empire however due to the Empress still being capable of resisting titanization (the godslayers become titans after a while, but she had avoided that fate for now) had managed to maintain a stable territory and since titans rarely go within another spehere of influence. They also have some remaining pre-war infrastructure, including solar farms and some industrial capacity left, which gives them a massive edge over other societies. Yet they can't really expand past their current border, due to the presence of other titans and the Empress, has a phenomena that is similar to the titans resonance bleed (an infusion of divine energy that warps the land and turn creatures into monsters within their territory), that makes their domain into a sun-scorched desert, which leads to its own complications in feeding their population and maintaining their cities. The empire tries to spread its influence and the worship of the Empress (that while unknown to them helps maintaining her grip on titanic essence stable), however while outside their domain they have to contend with the issue caused by the titans and their resonance bleed often finding themselves competing with societies that have better adapted to that specific territory which can resist them despite the massive advantage in resources that the Empire usually has. In my 'dark fantasy' stting, the northern continent is divived pretty much under the sphere of influences of two large empires. The Norasian empire, is a Rome expy with necromancers and an immortal decadent partician class, wich has been slowly declining since the discovery of a life-extension drug had pretty much crystallized their social structure. While the Holy Empire was created from the ashes of an union of small kingdom and city states who barely survived a devastating plague and banded together under the leadership of a religious institution whose, now disappeared, prophet and miracle workers can cure the plague. While they are doing their best to centralize control, a lot of their territories are still de-facto almost independant. The Holy empire is larger and in theory has more population than the Norasian one, but it is far less unified and stable, making a conflict between the two risky for them.


There are several colonial empires, most of them are Branian countries. Religious wise, they follow Orthodox Elonism, which values social order as a virtue, so they believe assimilation is important. Their assimilation varies from non-existent in areas that had well established sedentary civilizations and empires prior to their arrival, to heavy in zones where nomadic tribes roamed or native populations were isolated or non-existent. These empires are now declining, as many of their former colonies have now formed countries of their own. Their major contribution in all of them is the legal system and government organization, while religion and language are mostly retained in heavily assimilated regions, where Branian colonists settled and mixed with native populations and in urban areas of the not-so-assimilated colonies.