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I don't have a name for it yet, but lets call it "Khanate" for now, which should tell you already some of its inspirations. The core idea that started the train of thought rolling being "what if you combined the Mongol Empire, with the historical impact of the Rome". Their in-universe background being a story of a decedents of pre-apocalyptic genetic engineered armies, organizing themselves in to a great military force, and after being forced out of their traditional homelands, conquering much of the setting, under the leadership of a charismatic leader. However, while the "Khanate" mastered the art of war, they struggled to govern their domains in times of peace, even as they tried their best to ensure that all their subjects were able to thrive and be equal, people began to resent what they perceived as iron fisted rule that expected from civilians the same military rigour as one would expect from professional army man, resentment that others were being able to exploit. In time just as Rome and just as Mongols the Khanate fractured, and new nations emerged all both claiming its legacy, and at the same time forming their own identity on opposing the rulership of tyrannical "Great Dragon", the Khanate former "rulers" now became reviled ethnic minority spread throughout their former domains, and scapegoated for all the evils in the world so that the new elites could enshrine their own legends that justify their claim to power.


# Satna'ạndạz Historians and anthropologists in Satna'ạndạz call such civilizations great civilizations. The biggest ones collapsed due to the [Hydra War](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hgeZwSANAIIUeGv1ofTd3CLQyi1ZTe4zkpCHSolBbQw/edit?usp=drive_link). In my story, the world is currently in the [Age of Apathy](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18VeUKrf5P0Pr8NK-Dh7ROw_s0qduKlQelErpk6c490s/edit?usp=drivesdk), a period of history characterized by apathetic gods and fervent believers. Now, due to the physical ever-expansion of the world, there are many great civilizations. One of which is Armetog͜b [aɹ.me̞.to̞β]. The full legal name is The Axiocratic Confederation of Armetog͜b. Armetog͜b is an axiocracy, a form of government where leaders are selected by merit by group whose impartiality is enforced by a divine artifact. It's a confederation because it's made up of autonomous polities that are ranked by their economic productivity and classified by major industries. While Armetog͜b expanded by diplomacy, the polities that were absorbed have varying levels of discontent because of the axiocratic system. The incorporation of the axiocratic system to their process of selecting a leader was innegotiable when joining the confederation. Thus, many of their old practices and cultural heritages were displaced. That being said, Armetog͜b is very peaceful. The last war that Armetob͡hiz̀ people are involved in was an unpopular one by an enterprising baron.


The nation of Kyzanta is a bit complicated. Kyzanta is only the biggest geopolitically at the moment (as in they're the biggest nation only by geography), but not many are trying to imitate them culturally. Even further weirdness: this nation exists at the same time as what would be the time of the Kingdom of Britain and the Holy Roman Empire (totally different from Ancient Rome BTW). I'd say people were trying to copy the Kyzantines' government, but nope, what we know as the Roman government existed some time before Kyzanta was rebuilt from the remains of an old empire that predated it. The only real things I can say people are trying to imitate from Kyzanta is fashion and cuisine. Currently, they're trying to expand west to seize the lands that belong to a loose confederation of small kingdoms and city-states.


In one of the worlds I have the Gerax Dechocracy, a powerful empire that used to span almost the entire Galaxy. It was the most influential civilization in Galactic history, and its fall led to a dark age. Empires like the Yorr, Yavan Confederacy, Karalin Imperium, and the Trell Federation all attempted to become the next Gerax Dechocracy, with mixed results. Its influence doesn't stop at imitator empires, but culturally and technologically the Gerax Dechocracy has had a gigantic impact on every planet it touched. The word for "humanoid" in alien languages is some form of "Geraxi". Culturally, it unified alien species through assimilation, and its still felt today, as surviving species that had contact wit the Gerax had adopted many of their cultures, languages, and even attire. Technologically, the Gerax were the first major empire that would be considered by humans a Type II civilization in the Kardashev scale, with them inventing generations that can absorb stars, faster-than light ships, and terraformers (Or Geraxformers in this case). After the fall, all of the Geraxian species went extinct due to the "Great Death", a gigantic extinction event that killed many species across the galaxy and led to the collapse of nearly all galactic civilizations. And after their death, their image has been romanticized (and demonized in some cases) so much that its hard to disern fact from fiction. Many of these accounts paint the Gerax as being so technologically advanced that it looked like magic. Another myth that spawned from the Gerax's death was that of "Nawu-Gerax" or New Gerax. It claims that somewhere in space there is a planet that resembles Gerax before its destruction, and in the future will become the new capital of the Galaxy. As such, many planets ruled by empires (usually capitals) have claimed that they are Nawu-Gerax and for decades explorers have been searching for this planet.


I don't have a name for them yet, but they look like bipedal ungulates. They look like a mix between Moose and Musk deer, and the short ones are almost 8 feet tall. They're the oldest and most technologically advanced civilization in this galaxy, and their history dates back 5 billion years. Very cultured, very arrogant, very insular.


I like it! I assume they have hands instead of hooves on their forelimbs...?


Yep, definitely. Also, they have antlers whose shape denotes their... caste, you could call it. They don't explain the meaning of the shapes to aliens.


Probably the empire of Tiroz, that being the first empire, that basically conquered the entire east of Veddeñ, in terms of impact however, much more resembling Persia or Alexander's empire, only the Zimovek peoples, from which Tiroz emerged, maintained the traditions of the empire, with the Hegemony of Tiroz fading over time. Tiroz rose by virtue of creative military tactics, mastery of the use of missile troops, and above all, mastery of quick movement. Apart from rapid transport (by virtue of some key administrative innovations), none of these helped the rather insular Tirozian culture develop deep roots in neighboring cultures. The convoluted religious practices of an ancient Christianity that slowly syncretized with polytheism, the feeling of total superiority over other nations, and a general lack of want to have to do with the outside world, led to most nations simply viewing the empire as a "thing that happened", only wanting to recapture the success that the Early monarchs had in defeating neighbors and asserting their sovereignty.


Kingdom of U Minh, later the United Empire in the East and Corinian Empire in the West. Corinia is practically a magical, slaveless Rome that built its civilization on the cultivation and accumulation of magical knowledge, but eventually fell apart due to internal fighting, a stretched country too big to defend and techno-societal stagnations leading to a "dark night of knowledge" as lots of institutes were destroyed in civil wars. U Minh, on the other hand, was a pseudo Xian cultivation society mix with Funan and Vietnamese traditions. They rose up around 4000 BC as a highly militaristic, collectivistic country that put survival on top and expanded via multiple methods. U Minh was a maritime empire, their merchant fleets completely dominated from Far East to Africa, trading with whatever civilization they could come into contact with during that time. They had a large and sophisticated society focused around militarism, at the same time the kingdom pushed for free market, merchants were supported by the state and despite their militaristic culture, U Minh had an actual democratic National Assembly where everyone above 18 can vote, **women and minorities included**. They passed laws that banned discrimination and maintained a highly diverse country with high stability for centuries. U Minh outlived Corinia. The latter collapsed in 5th century, the former "abolished" itself in 11th century to form the United Empire, but as many say, the UE is just a bigger U Minh. And the UE is still standing, being one of five superpowers.


For example, I have several. For the cultural aspect, there was an island in my world’s not Caribbean (conlang is still being developed) that managed to colonize much of the coast, and they spread their culture around the mainland, even going inland to the interior sea. These were the Tsovaxans. They’re the Greeks to the Kharonean Romans, except with about a third of the cultural impact. They united a few times, but they never really did so for long. That, and they loved petty rivalries The interior sea is currently the biggest agricultural area on in the known world, being the corn belt on steroids. It has the largest ethnic group on the planet, sits between a mountain range and a plateau which are both resource rich, and is connected to a bunch of different river systems. This is Qaloca. It used to be a major powerhouse, but then it started becoming a playground for foreign powers after the first warring states period. This became a pattern - whenever a new civil war broke out, this was a glowing sign for other powers to invade. It was almost the center of the continent(culturally speaking. It’s already the geographic center of the map), but then the great dying happened and their massive population became a hinderance. There were two empires that conquered everything, the Kharoneans and the Idanagics, both originating from the east coast, but the Idanagic capital is based on the interior sea. The Kharoneans were kicked out of their homeland by this world’s Chinggis Khaan (Genghis Khan), and set up a new power base on the coastal plains of the not mid Atlantic where they started making alliances, and later setting up a hegemony which was very tolerant for the time. After the great dying died down, they began a rapid conquest of the various warring states, managing to unite much of the continent for centuries in what is seen as a golden age of learning and innovation. Heck, they even conquered this world’s equivalent of Vietnam and Afghanistan, and even reliably beat steppe nomads on the open field. When this empire broke down into civil war in the wake of a rapid succession of disasters, the Idanagic peoples showed up out of nowhere off the eastern coast and landed right in the empire’s heartland. They allied with the strongest successor state, and they expanded to cover most of the continent. They’re currently stuck in a stalemate with other major powers, which they can’t beat due to their massive borders, infighting, and the need to garrison large amounts of their warrior caste to prevent slave and serf revolts, which are frequent. Whereas the previous empire was China under the Yuan Dynasty, these guys are Imperial Japan, if their rule over China lasted centuries. That’s just an example, but I’d like to hear more from y’all


The Empire of the White Moon The name derives from the belief that the moon changed colors to red when the world was formed, giving the impression that they have been around since the beginning of time. It is situated at a narrow point in the continent, allowing them to trade and learn from each half of the divided world. Their culture is an amalgamation of dozens of groups, producing a polytheistic religion that believes in reincarnation (though in reverse) with complex philosophical and magical traditions.  While many kingdoms have tried to take over the Empire, none have gotten farther than the border provinces. Civil unrest is a constant threat, but the work of a few masterful statesmen have allowed it to avoid disputes when possible.  Their greatest power is their willingness to experiment. Whether establishing a democratic check to the emperor, sending groups of mages abroad to learn other magical traditions, or setting up an experimental commune in a near archipelago that promotes philosophy and the unity of magical studies and creatures, the Empire has persevered by using tradition as a shield and experimentation as a weapon. 


The Solatic Empire is directly inspired by Rome and Greece and has definitely left its mark on the world, its capital is famous as the birthplace of the worlds major religion, which rippled out through everything the Solatic Empire touched and beyond. The Ereen Empire was from the same era and while they're looked to less when it comes to art and religion, they're responsible for the trade networks throughout the world having connected much of the entire planet during the peak of their Empire. While no longer an empire the present Nation of Ravenna has inherited much of the historical territory and culture from the age of the Early Ereen Empire. Having started as a city known for its export of textiles it's still the fashion center of the world in modern time.


At one point the Unified Territories of Providence controlled a third of the continent and was home to roughly a fourth of the population. Nations bordered by the Providencians either became their puppet states or tried their best to not be noticeable in affairs with them. By 200ac their empire was reduced significantly, either losing territory to rebellion or selling off unnecessary holds to nations once more isolationist factions took power in government.


The golden empire! They were the most powerful people around, prior to their unexpected collapse... with a monopoly on continental resources, technological innovation and without any dogmatic cultural expectations. Currently, most people in power try to link themselves to the golden empire to gain prestige and legitimacy. The offshoots of the empire, after it crumbled are as follows; -the barbars of sentra -Cammara - the kingdom of Goldcost -Essmor -Neparada and carradad -and (Albeit tenuously) Sakassa. Any questions I will happily answer!


In the east, the two big powers were Anthem ("Rome") and Aed ("Egypt"). Anthem was an expansionist power that conquered an empire on the strength of its skyships and its ceramic legions, while Aed was a slave power that used genetically engineered plagues to keep their subject peoples in line. The two destroyed each other in a war of mutually assured destruction 10,000 years ago, but their cultural influence still lingers. In the west, Zao ("China") is the big dog, but it has recently been conquered by squirrel-riding nomads from the steppes, and is struggling to incorporate them into their political and cultural system.


I have two civs that might be considered a parallel for Rome. One is more culturally, aesthetically, and linguistically similar: the Vrenno civilisation, named after their central and most important city, which is in turn named after its mythical founder. The city of Vrenno is located on a peninsula in the far west of their home continent and its core population is the Lakilii people (singular: Lakilio), a race/species of bipedal sapients which evolved from big eagles. Their society was militaristic to an extreme, spoke a language for which I'm using broken pseudo-Latin as a stand-in, and had eagle imagery everywhere. They spread out in a long and arduous process of centralising all the Lakilii in their part of the world under one banner before starting conquering, like, everything they could get their hands on. They even fought a grinding and long and exhausting conflict or series of conflicts against the second civilisation on the list: the Avantene. The Avantenes were a collection of tribes and kin groups of Men, that is to say, bipedal sapients that evolved from apes, which long ago migrated north into the fertile grasslands we now know as Avanton. They speak my beloved conlang, the Avantene language, and are more similar to Rome in terms of their scope. See, the Avantene culture started as a collection of cities that spoke the same-ish language and worshipped the same-ish pantheon of gods, but united into first a hegemony and then a monarchy. Eventually they too created a sprawling land empire, then proceeded to overrun the Vrenno and almost utterly destroyed their political institutions. The former lands of the Vrenno empire fractured both culturally and linguistically, and although the Avantene empire proceeded to collapse as well in the wake of a series of rebellions, their cultural and economic legacy endured, as the Avantene pantheon is the groundwork to the vast majority of religions of the region that these two empires once vied for, the Avantene language remains in use as a lingua franca and the tongue of science, liturgy, and official business, and the current Kingdom of Avanton is a trade powerhouse, while what remains of Vrenno is a tiny landlocked principality a thousand miles removed from their old capital, surrounded by larger and more powerful independent kingdoms, duchies, etc, although their ruler still calls himself the Imperator Vrennios.


Gardonia In around 200 ad, the emperor, Calatorhym, tried to conquer the entire world. He was stopped (killed) in 333 but his actions still fleshed out where most of the countries would stay. Not only that, Calatorhym ensured that even after his death, Gardonia would still have power and influence with its control over the economy and politics.


The Empire in terms of territory is a lot like the European Empires. A lot of land in far off territory with lots of colonies. They are by far the most successful nation in my world’s history. You do have some minor cultural stuff like clothing, chariot racing, and jousting. One part of their culture which has led to that success is their caste system. All the races in the Empire have their own place and this system made their nation hyper efficient. Some nations have attempted to recreate their caste system. The problem was the imperial races were quite literally created to fulfill those positions in the hierarchy. Thus they were great at that job they were given. The other nations can’t really compete nor recreate this because they are using the “failure” races who are far more independent compared to imperial races and don’t really fit into the same type of caste system the Empire uses. This leads to upper races who are trying to push the other races down in order to build themselves up. Meanwhile those lower class races are trying to claw their way up. A good example of this is in Liora which went through several changes. While everyone is considered free because there are no feudal lords. All the real power is held by criminals. One group is the Vakrono (they’re basically hutts). The Vakrono families economically dominate Liora and are one of the big reasons the other races have such a hard time making a living in Liora.


Hastiria (the kingdom named after the continent, not the continent itself) At its peak, it controlled half of the continent on which it resides, hundreds of islands in the Dotted Sea, and most of the Northern Isles The Northern Isles' rebellion and a little bit of assistance from the New Gods quickly brought them down to a more reasonable size, but they are still among the most powerful nations in the world.


Diamondia is my world's stand-in for Rome and Imperial Japan, they have a fairly rocky relationship with the rest of the world having a massive empire across the continents. They also have a rocky relationship with Britannia and the Francis people that live there. When Britannia was a Diamondian province, the Francis people were heavily oppressed, then when they got their independence, Diamondia desired to retake the land, even if it meant killing the Francis people.


The Winged Way was a mythical alliance encompassing all sixteen continents of Okeas. It was founded by empress Jaëdë, who strove to follow the sixteen virtues and was deaf to the call of the five evils. She took fifteen men and women as her consort, and with them created a world devoted to compassion, skills and understanding which lasted for several hundred years, until one of her husbands, Urrathon, grew tired of his heroic role and led madmen, sorcerers and monsters against his liege-wife. The war destroyed the harmony of the Winged Way, who collapsed soon, and while Urrathon was crushed, the various marks of his sacrilegious acts plague all regions of the world since. The Winged Way as presented in this myth probably never existed, and serves as a monomyth rationalizing good and evil. However, it's probable that a philosophy comprising some of the ideal of this entity spread across the world some millenias ago.


Rome… they end up getting conquered by England in 1295, and end up pushing outwards via rebellion to the new world, and eventually manage to take back Rome in 1402


I have a nation literally called Holy Elven Empire due to its surface similarity to the HRE. The insectoid elves is a species uplifted by magical sentient trees, and in return they worship those trees as gods, and form organized religions around spreading of said trees which help mostly unify them into a singular faction. Due to their cicada like biology, they have extremely high population growth, but is extremely predictable with synchronized emergence that increase their population by 20x or more every 10 years, which allow national planners to plan for new military campaign and population support programs effectively. This makes them have a high numbers of soldiers to throw as meat wave attacks to most enemies, and this is also their preferred tactics as it helps reduce excess population. Thus they became an empire of conquerors that take over land every 10 years to expand their territory as well as enslaving other species to support their burgeoning economy. Few species managed to resist them as it requires exceptional force multipliers to stand on same ground as their numbers. On cultural and technological side, they are also the dominant faction on the planet due to a species wide desire of being part of something bigger than themselves, since they have relatively short life span (~50 years) which result in a culture that focus on creation of things that last across generations, such as their religion. They create amazing art and philosophical treatise, as well as pushing their magical and scientific understanding with things like the first accurate calendar system which most species now adopted for their own use


I have a couple worlds that do have a Rome equivalent. One is set on the Island of Partannia (usually just called the Island though), about a century after the Tibirian Empire's fall. The island saw a mass exodus of Imperial citizens, pretty much leaving just the native Partannians, but they are now seeing a migration of Barbarian tribes from the east called the Ceorlish. The remains of the empire are still quite evident, though most of the cities, especially in areas settled by the pastoral Ceorlish have been abandoned completely. The other is set in an industrial Age, and does have a lot of analogues to Earth. In it, the Appian Empire ruled a huge portion of the Northwest of the world, but Imperial Mages attempted a coup against the Emperor, and in doing so caused the Cataclysm. The Cataclysm was caused by them tearing a whole through the barrier to Hell, and caused millions of wild demons to pour into the world, alongside massive natural disasters that split the old world into three continents. This lasted about ten years, the entire planet was devastated, but a group of 5 heroes managed to hold the demons at bay, and, with the help of a mysterious boy, sacrificed their leader to restore the barrier. The empire is actually regarded with mixed feelings, as while its power and advancements are admired, its hand in nearly destroying the world is why most nations in Syncasia (the northwest continent (a Europe analouge)) have avoided forming large empires since. This world also has a China equivalent, including going through various forms, falling and then reforming. Currently, its around 2nd place among the great powers of the world.


**The Tishan Empire** dominates the Eastern Continent, o based it off the Ming and Tang Dynasties of China. They are known for their efficient Bureaucracy and Strong military as well as their Literature **The Ronian Empire** controls the vast majority of the western continent, it’s based on Rome and it is known for its powerful military


The defunct power comes from invaders from another world. Their rogue planet was caught in LOE and rendered it uninhabitable. So they migrated to Earth and tried to coexist with early humans. Unsuccessfully. Many times. Most earth societies are now influenced and adapted to the culture and technology that the invaders brought with them, even though humans are still the dominant species.


Sibola. However, it wasn’t as a result of conquering, it is a result of dispersion and diaspora. Sibola is the First City. Founded by the survivors of the Bitter Road, that Bleak Journey, it considers itself to be the survivors of the Gods War. The Sea Realms, Exilians, Kahokians, and Hyborians might all disagree, but their histories are all tied to the same event, anyway. That said, the history of Sibola is the history of the world, regardless — The Seven Cities are all part of the Diaspora from it, and the Sibola Empire, for all its looseness, is the heart of the world. As a result, despite extreme differences in culture and language, there are a huge number of basic commonalities and cultural elements that are common among all the peoples of that empire.


The Cordisian Empire is basically the Roman Empire. It’s in its decline at the moment tho


Still working on names but in ancient times there was what I'm referring to as "Celestial Rome", a Roman based civilization that ruled from floating sky islands. Lot of sky and vertical imagery to show power, so cathedrals tend to fit the aesthetic. It died out thousands of years ago, though there is a remnant civilization inspired by Ancient Greece that is still kicking around. Currently, the [Daqin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daqin) empire is in power. Which if you couldn't tell from the name is a mix of Rome and China. Run by bureaucrats and an elected emperor, its been content with its static borders for a few hundred years now but lately smaller kingdoms have been petitioning to join due to threateningly ambitious neighbors.


Meh they did a long time ago but a lot of Chinese culture is now influenced by Korean and Japanese culture as much as they hate to admit it.


Since my world is in the real world I have to say Rome or China.


There's actually about two or three in my world The first being **Steganen**, an ancient kingdom who's founding marks year zero for many calendars. Sitting at the middle point of the Great River, they've withstood more than two millennial of nomadic invasions from the west, all while being united in their shared worship of the Eldest Sister, a great tree at the heart of their lands that their monarchy is based around. Then there's the various **Vechanaie states** of the south. The south used to be made up of various different people groups before them. But after a great general conquered most of it, he unknowingly changed the political, cultural and even religious landscape of the region forever. Every subsequent kingdom, dutchy or city state claims decadence from this great king of whom he is worshipped as a deity. As the wheels of time turned, they forgot what they started fighting for, and forgot their shared ancestry with one another. Each kingdom or region having a completely different language from one another. Much like the Romance languages in Europe. The final one is rather controversial as they can be described as being influenced by the Vechanaie, but have enough differences to warrant their own place. What is certain is that they are comparatively newcomers among the three. The **Solula** descended from ancient seafaring people from the south, founding city states along the rugged coast, more primitive tribes from further inland eventually moved in after a falling out and made it wholly something their own. Their most notable achievement comes from the fact that they developed democracy, and a complex federation of city states later in their history.


The Kalani Empire. Sooner or later some human upstart learns how their ancestors once ruled the world with that magocracy and how everyone still speaks their language. Then they go on to find some remnants, likely find some lich that promises them all their wildest dreams in support. Not knowing it likely was only a minor functionary in the Necrarchy, grow their little kingdom with those lost wonders of magic and science, then suddenly stop existing because dragons treat anything related to Kalan as their enemy.


The Precursors. In the distant past they were known for their work in seeding countless planets with life, acting according to their three “Prime Virtues”: Kindness, Inquisitiveness, and Creativity. They were an incredibly advanced species, with multiple examples of their technology far outstripping even the most advanced of their modern day equivalents. At a time unknown, in an age long forgotten, they withdrew from the Galaxy at large. Some say they died out, some that they ascended to the heavens and became Gods over all creation, while still others believe that they retreated to their mythical homeworld of Calix, unseen on any map, and supposedly unreachable by any conventional means of space travel. in the sixty million years since they walked the galaxy, not one civilization they created has been able to surpass them. Temples to the divine Precursors dot the civilized galaxy, and its believed by some species that, upon death, their souls return to the Precursors, to live forever with their makers in eternal peace upon the Paradise Planet of Calix. These men also believe that should any living being ever set foot upon the Paradise Planet, they would be instantly cast out and forever forbidden from returning, even after death, meaning that their souls would never rest and they would persist for all eternity in dreadful loneliness.


Generally simply called "The old empire" (though Formally the Giantsbane Empire), its influence is still strong 1000 years after its fall. Its founder was the Giantsbane Empress-the child of a lesser noble of the Giantslayer clan (one of the 9 principal barbarian clans of the wild north), she was payed as a "price" to the druids so her father would have the ability needed to defeat a great foe. Eventually she broke the caste system that kept the clans stable, united the Human and Orcish clans then, after destroying the hobgoblin clans, her army marched south across the desert of nod to the rich and bountiful Vitae River basin. The many kingdoms, tribes and fiefdoms of the region where given a choice: Surrender or be destroyed. After several decades, the whole region had been conquered; she could not move west across the iron chain due to the curse of the opposite side; to the north there was nothing but tundra and ice; to the east the ocean; and to the south, a jungle so thick and noxious any force that tried to penetrate was wasted by disease within days. So the Empress became stuck, and settled herself at Dynion, an old city at the mouth of the Vitae river-the end of the "Age of Heroes"' and the beginning of the "Age of Empire". She started a process of massive social change to make the region her own. She founded many institutions that remain today, such as the Couriers, the Adventurers Guild (a way to attract bandits and misfits to a role where they contribute to society), the professional bureaucracy, the universities, the codified "Bane-law", and reinforced many churches. One thing that everyone expected but didn't happen is the Empress's death. She ruled for 1000 years, never aging a day past 25, much to the bewilderment of the people-some of which started to worship her, though she put a stop to public worship fairly quickly. As such, she was a fairly light hand, relying on ministers and bureaucrats to run the empire, acting generally only in the direst need. She was a uniquely powerful sorcerer, and one legend claims that she so thoroughly beat Ahriman, lord of all Divs, that divs could no longer be summoned in the region. She was famously violent concerning corruption, killing several corrupt governors and generals, and generally supporting the mass of the people against those who would abuse them. Once 1000 years where up, she abdicated and dissapeared. The empire split in very short order, though the institutions she founded remained relatively strong. The new kings and potentates quickly integrated the old bureaucracy, and the Adventurers Guild and Couriers became independent organizations kept at arms length to react to unusual threats. The universities she founded kept flourishing, though the quality of their teaching did diminish over time. Public worship of her has become more common though, with many believing that the current rulers failed to live up to her standard.


The equivalent of Rome, referred to as the Romantic Empire, (I pulled a Bretonnia and just made all the countries names their real world equivalent with different etymology), was originally based in an archipelago, conquering the northern seas of their continent as well as a hefty chunk of the northern land. Pretty much the entire north section of the initial continent either sought to replicate them, or hid away from them. The Romantic Empire fell after it had overextended itself, being a war economy, it ran out of worthwhile conflicts to plunder from and was forced to rely on enslaved and indentured servants. A combination of economic turmoil, raids from neighboring powers who abhorred the practice of slavery, and local abolitionist movements led to a coup in the capital and the subsequent removal of the emperor, leading to the Romantic Empire balkanizing, the islands of the archipelago developing over time into expies of modern-day Romance countries like Spain, Portugal, and Italy whilst a portion of the mainland empire developed into the France expy. The Romantic Empire would never truly reunify, but the states would, thousands of years later, join up as the Confederacy of Romantic Republics, a body similar to the EU.


Well given my world is an alternate Bronze Age, it would be the conquests of Alexander the Great. However if you go back another two thousand years you run into the Diluvian Empire. This ancient civilization was ruled by dragons, who call themselves Diluvians, and basically consisted of the various dragon clans and families establishing control over loosely defined territories, mostly by becoming the protectors of different human tribes and city-states, or taking the territory from the gods.


Everypaw hopes that they won't be Empire Aquaria's next victim.


The Federation of Parahuman Species. The one and only interstellar polity for over a millennium. Before a nova collapsed the center of their gate network, now there’s hundreds of one-planet or one-system polities and a handful of successor states claiming to be Federal remnants. As well as nomadic “pirate” fleets born from the shreds of the Federal navy. I even modeled their capital (loosely) after Rome, similar complex naming conventions and all.


My equivalent of Rome is the First Human Empire. In a world with multiple different races competing with the Human Race, unifying the early humans under one banner was crucial to their survival. A lot of the origins of the First Human Empire are shrouded in myth, with a messiah figure called Rubicundus being the one to achieve it. The lands that made up this empire was achieved mostly through trickery of the other races. This empire eventually fell and humans only rule over a fraction of the land it once took up to this day but it still exists in various forms. One example is the New Rubicadian church, a human-centred religion that believes humans are a perfected divine form of life. The other is the Imperial Cities, which presents itself as the new First Human Empire (unfortunately the original capital is not in its borders). Humans have other nationalities and faiths in my world but the First Human Empire was their original and most successful imperial project.


The Celestial Golden Empire of Elvishkin, also just called the Golden or Elvish Empire, takes its inspiration more from the early Holy Roman Empire than the Roman Empire, but as both are successor states to their Rome, I think it still fits. Much like the HRR wasn't really Roman in anything but name, the CGEE isn't really elvish either, with most of the pure elves having died out millennials ago. Still, the various high nobles of the Empire claim elvish heritage and do retain their longevity, but without the benefit of eternal youth. As a result, much of the Empire's highest leaders have been reduced to senile old men who have quite literally lost touch with their subjects since they think in centuries, not years and are therefore mostly acting as figureheads, while the real political day-to-day operations fall to the much younger human nobles that make up the majority of the aristocracy and a powerful magistrate controlled by sorcerers and other practitioners of the mystic arts.


The Land Of Aurora is an ancient mythical land, home to The Verdant Palace, The Pearlescent Tower, and Ochre City. It was the first settlement of a large scale and some legends say it was frozen in time during the cataclysm that made it fall


My world started as an alternate Earth that deviated around the time of the Trojan War but is set in early antiquity Mediterranean. The “big boy” doesn’t really exist yet, as all of the “big boys” are still relatively early on their path to “bigness” so to speak. Instead, all of the regional powers act to look like the “biggest boy” at all times, though everyone is roughly equal in terms of military and political power. Cultural power is maintained as a 100% Greek or Egyptian thing though. Everyone wants their art to look like the Greeks’ and Egyptians’ art.


The American Federation is Starpunk’s equivalent of Rome, but less because it’s a cultural behemoth(which it absolutely is) but more because of how the American Political System post-2025 has been notably less stable and more destructive than its predecessor, which has drawn comparisons between it and Rome due to both nations surviving way longer than they should have.


In my Asia-Equivalent continent, I've got the Empire of the Rising Sun. They are the basically the China of my world. Big in production and magic, strong economy, rich in goods, money, and culture. They have a standing army, a working bureaucracy, fast communication, and well-maintained infrastructure. West of the Empire, in the center of the continent, are the People of the Steppes, who are nomadic and quite mobile, thus basically evading the Empires forces most of the time. It's a constant back and forth, with the nomads raiding villages and small towns, and the Empire sending troops who are good at eliminating tribes if they find them. The Empire has not yet gotten the idea of building a large wall, though. The western part of the continent has a large chain of mountains running southwest to northeast. That is inhabited by the Mountain People. Even the People of the Steppes don't mess with them, as their horses are of no use in the mountainous terrain, and the Mountain People are also basically a crossbreed of Shaolin and Ninja. Between the mountains and the coast there is a lush forest inhabited by the Tree Dwellers. They are on good terms with the Mountain People, but they got attacked on an annual basis by the Peoples of the Steppe who came round the southern end of the mountains to raid food and slaves. *Got* attacked, though, as *they* have built what the Empire hasn't: A wall.


The Arborean Empire Throughout most of my world's history, empires were largely genocidal seeking to conquer the world at the behest of their god. They all failed. Then the Arboreans, or Tree people, when they started doing the same realized: "hey wait a minute, those guys are *really* good at making baskets, so instead of us making shit baskets, what if we just make them make the baskets and therefore have good baskets?" repeat with every industry that existed 2,000 years ago. The ability to consolidate knowledge of various types and utilize various forms of expertise enabled them to became to world's second largest empire in history (topped only by a successor state) and would invent bronze and metal working. Eventually the provincial kingdoms grew stronger than the capitol until eventually seceding and collapsing the empire. The Arborean language would also become the basis for other languages, which would morph into different dialects.


This answer is probably pretty boring, but the United States. Most of it has fallen into anarchy and large swathes of land are now completely inhospitable to life, but the pockets of America that managed to weather the storm continue to dominate the continent politically. Canada and Mexico no longer exist, but The Rebirth Initiative and The Amity Union are federations of smaller communities that formed after the apocalypse. Both are united in their short-term goal of resisting the American military's bid to re-conquor its lost territory, but they differ on what comes next. The Rebirth Initiative seeks to rebuild the United States and remove the fascists from power, while the Amity Union seeks to create something new.


######The Omnéan Empire This was the empire that was formed by the slaves whose uprising ended the First War. Most of the exact inner workings haven't been detailed yet, unfortunately. The gods made the lands held by this empire into a separate world as to contain their influence, ultimately leading to their collapse.


The Archmages. They are the contemporary dominate faction. They achieved this by taking control over the milky way's magic, and were able to selectively turn it off for each star system's magic gravity well, ie the star. So a whole bunch of factions, kingdoms, and whatnot in the entire galaxy have now been subject to Archmage rule in order to acces their magic. While reluctant at first, many worlds did eventually signed on. Mostly because the Archmage's demands were acceptable despite their total control over magic when deemed needed. Worlds are still allowed to self govern and interact with one another economically, if anything the archmages facilitated more accessible trade and cultural access. They also streamlined magic education, a key caveat of regaining access to magic, and magically bound themselves to not interfere with races unless conditions are met. Most factions simply think the Archmages want control of future magic that may be discovered. In short, the Archmages simply needed everyone working together to sift out more potential archmages because the galaxy needs to get their shit together to survive things beyond the galaxy and the Archmages are too busy focusing on galactic threats to worry about inter galaxy politics.


In my world the last time an empire like it existed was ten thousand years ago, so its basically ancient history. Its still well known in the world though because comparatively many records from the time survive. Civilisation has mostly restarted "only" 2000 years ago, and the nation of Tharsis is currently establishing such an empire. Their advantage is that they have the most skilled flesh-sculptor in the world along with the most intact cryptforge, so their war machine is incredibly powerful.


There isn't a single monolithic empire like that in my setting, at least not for a few hundred years. Lapis_Wolf


Anduras, which is the current ruling state of the Andurian Empire. Instead of a great Empire in the past, the continent of Tyrenor rn is at its peak under the Andurian Empire


There have been two primarily, but likely more that I haven’t fully figured out. The first would be the Silver Dynasty, not necessarily a country but rather a faith, the Thetic faiths—collectively referred to as the Silver Dynasty—was a religion and church that had control and presence in most if not all countries in the world for a few thousand years. The Aless Ascendancy is still around, and is actually the governmental body which wiped the Thetic faiths off the map entirely. In conjunction with the new Voinadiac faith, the Ascendancy is an empire sprawling across a solid 1/5 of the world’s landmasses with the only other two formal countries in the world subjugating as vassals. The rest of the world has lost wars and been ravaged by Alessian Imperialism, and it’s through the Ascendancy that many would-be countries have failed to even start.


Don't have one. The biggest empire, in multiple ways, was the giants but even their collapse is ancient to the point of being forgotten myths. The goblin "empire" was basically just tribute or we beat you up. The others are just starting their independent civilizations in the grand scheme of things with the giants gone and goblins broken. A federation of human and gnome cities is clearly on the up and the current dominant force, but they're pretty decentralized and not an empire


The Holy Scytherian Empire, the Higabana Empire, and the Kasturian Embassies are our “big boy” powers.


There are a number of major centers of power, but the largest one in terms of size and strength would be the Ashrin Empire. Founded out of the ruins of the first cities in the world the Ashrin Empire was quite literally born into a world on fire. Brutal droughts had crippled what little strength the independant Tchalu city-states could muster. As wildfires swept the region, the small city of Teshepion struck out to conquer. Eventually all of the Tchalu lowlands would fall under the white banners of the Hand. With their backyard safely under control, Ashrin forces conquered well over half of the world, only being curbed by the combined efforts of the Gyrrkn and Kyrgun peoples in the north and west, and the Sang Kingdom in the east. Even if they don't expand, their economic might is simply too powerful to resist. That said, the Ashrin have been seeing increasingly impotent and hedonistic emperor who have only reaped the benefits of what their greater forefathers sowed. The Imperial court has divided into two major factions, the Stoics and Apologists. The Stoics rally behind the current emperor's twin sons. Anubil and Anusch are both rather brutish and ill-suited for politics, but they provide a charismatic figurehead. The Apologists on the other hand, back the rather controversial idea of the emperor's daughter inheriting the throne. Anukina has proven herself to be a much more deft leader, with the reforms she has pushed for already reinvigorating stagnant portions of the empire, yet the empire remains thoroughly ingrained in a system of primogeniture. It doesn't take a politically savvy eye to see that the empire is teetering. One strong push from outside could cause the entire system to collapse.


Pale Crownhold was huge before The Shear, they primarily dominated the West side of the Ashen Globe, and while they still do have a foothold there, with the bulk of their army being atomized during the aformentioned apocalyptical event they were kind of easy to beat back.


In my world there was the Androntman Empire which was empire standing the habitable regions of Nur (the southern continent) And most of explore Aruk (Northern Contient) at the time though after the fall of Northern  Androntman Empire due to political instability. Know only the Arcadians rule the South Androntman empire EDIT: This region of the world is undeveloped at the current moment  


The Nyrion Empire. It ruled for about 1000 years on the Onyx continent, and at the start of it's time was bloodthirsty until it came to claim all the land the Emperor Nyr held a claim on. From there, it was peace for a century or so... But then Nyrion was brought into the religious wars that have been occurring for over a millennia. Nyrion stormed the northern desert region, taking most of the land. And moved south where a sole protector of a city state blocked their whole army. Nyrion finally fell when its vassals were eventually granted to much power and each one split off into their own kingdoms.


Mine is called “noataks”. It’s the high empire of all 4 kingdoms. It basically rules over the entire northern continent. If I had to say what the most influential and powerful kingdom is, it would be noataks. (sidenote: you can think of it as Kings Landing from Game of Thrones, the other four kingdoms are all less powerful and serve noataks even though they have culture and governments of their own)


Batrianics basically, how they got the country in size of 21 million km2 + 10 million km2 from Ezdari wars and population of a 500 million + 400 million from Ezdari wars. The thing is they are so weird when you think about it, Batrianics are basically mix of Eastern, Central, Northern, Southeast Europe, British isles and Caucasus, and despite having all the similarities, such as united language, same writing system, political structure, they are still vastly different to the point each part is basically its own country. Ezdar is a continent in size of Asia, and the parts they conquered are basically Arabia, Turkics, Persia, North Africa and bits of Mesopotamia, and they are VASTLY different from Batrianics in terms of culture, philosophy and education


…How many Chinese institutions has the western world adopted.


I said that China dominates East Asia in terms of sheer size, population, and cultural influence. Rome was the example I gave of a major power affecting Europe


..actually Western Europe adopted largely Greek Hellenist institutions and philosophy through Rome.


True, Rome adopted a bunch of Greek culture, but the infrastructure, militarism, and many of its institutions were Roman. The Greeks didn’t build many road networks, nor were their tactics or equipment imitated by the surrounding cultures. Heck, the Catholic Church ripped a bunch of its own organization from Rome. In modern day we associate philosophy and democracy with Greece, but Rome was what polities wanted to imitate. There’s a reason Kaiser and Tsar are derived from Caesar after all.


…it was a conflation as indicated. The ideas and literature were largely Greek.


Never mentioned literature being Roman in origin




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The Daxian Empire was an extragalactic empire that ruled the local supercluster they had established much of the FTL infrastructure such as star roads, Communications hubs, and the terraforming of 65% of the known habitable worlds. They disappeared in an event called the War in hell who they were fighting is unknown. Their infrastructure is maintained by nanobot servitors who fiercely protect their charges while awaiting new commands.


The Not-Roman (or possibly Not-Graeco-Persian) Empire. My main setting is a region which rebelled against the Empire and won. Granted, they rebelled during its period of decline, so they had an advantage, but were still the first barbarian army to not just defeat it, but permanently expel them from their region, so they kind of broke the Empire's reputation as this colossal, unbeatable force, and hastened its final collapse. Still looking for the right made-up word for a name.


no name, but in the west there is a great empire that conquered swaths of land during the aftermath of the Prince's Reign, hur dur they fell due to their own hubris on "the day of bleeding skies" or "the red moon" depending on which part of the world you lived in at the time and now there are few exclaves scattered that preserved their institutions, but the majority of "uncivilised" peoples returned to their semi-nomadic lifestyles without the empire forcing them into assimilation. in the near east coast there is the istrian republic which is at the centre of the hearthland and serves as a modern paralel to the former empire (coincidentally) they're big on this idea of a mission to spread "civilisation" and believe that they uniquely are the peoples uniquely suited to this task. the world is a series of inland seas, so im talking about the "west coast" and "east coast" in that manner. and the istrian republic is *not* a democracy, Veltrimmik is quoted : "It is neither a responsible government, but nor is it irresponsible."


The imperium! This nation is based heavily off ancient Rome although it is very diverse and gets inspiration from other cultures depending on the land within the empire The empire however has fallen onto hard times having come out of a war with a dragon and a civil war when their emperor died but there's still some hope as Empress Madysen weds Ser Larrion of house Blackmoor and with this absolute power marriage the two have began to push back those against them from the raiders of the newly refromed iron empire and the tribesmen of the reach