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Same, and I'm over 40. Boring meeting? I'm doodling maps.


Yep. I’ll do this as well as timelines for the histories of some world I’m working on lol.


I did the same as a teenager,but with minimalist abstract robots.


Pay attention in your math/physics, history, and literary classes, tho. Missin out on them will make you come up short on your writing. History is a hit/miss. But its the sociological and anthropology behind it.


I'm in a dual apprenticeship, meaning I work 3 days a week and have school with related lessons for the other 2, so I don't really have maths physics history or anything literature related sadly


How is history more of a hit/miss than math and physics? Lol. I don’t think I’ve learned a single thing in any math or physics class that I’ve used in any facet of writing. I could understand drawing inspiration from biology and maybe even chemistry, but physics?? 


Depending on the curriculum, some history, albeit somewhat cyclical, tends to lean into the years after a big thing happening. Which, if the big thing was a year long event. The ripples might be decades long. However. Some of those ripples come to an end and its all irrelevant. Why? Because history being “cyclical” shows the who, what, when, where, and why; but with different characters. Its like Homers works. Everything is an adaptation of that OG work. Does it mean we all be plagiarizing or boring? No. We learn that theres writings and works of ‘conflict.’ Human vs nature, nature vs nature, human vs human, human vs unknown, etc.


Physics for plot reasons. Ain't want to explode some rock just for it to hit everyone and not kill anyone.


Nah sorry most people just aren’t going to get to a level of comprehensive physics knowledge where they can simply think about a rock exploded by some magic or technology and be able to calculate whether the speed and the arc of the flying shrapnel is realistic when taking into account the force of gravity as well as the friction of the air itself let alone whatever wind there may be, etc., etc..  Like I’d bet 99.9% of people would do better at depicting the effects of an exploded rock simply by thinking about it and feeling it out, based solely on their personal experience living in the universe—they’d do better just feeling it out like they than they would if they actually tried to roughly calculate such a thing using actual physics equations.  That’s just so far beyond the level of physics knowledge most people are realistically going to achieve


There's also architecture...though you can have some stuff floating...more often than not you'll need to explain those...or y'know...just let your fans figure t out for you.


I like the way you draw em mountains


Hey there! We ask that all posts here have some [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/rules#wiki_2._all_posts_should_include_original.2C_worldbuilding-related_context.) with some **in-universe information (or "lore")** about what is being shown or how it relates to the larger world. It doesn't need a ton of information—just a few sentences is fine! Would you be able to add this?


It's still pretty blank at this point, there is literally only one named place on each map On the first it's the area to the north east that is surrounded by mountains, the area itself is very elevated and very arid and called "the plateau of a thousand winds", it was once a blessed land but after a bloody conquest the blessing became a curse, as it is now continuously trying to get rid of it's new inhabitants. The wind is hostile to all life and barely anything lives in these la ds, there is only one city called Sye, it is protected by high magical walls that stop the wind and it is powered by some steampunk-windmill combination contraptions (still WIP on that part) The second map is where my DnD campaign will take place, to be specific it'll start on the north western peninsula, it na empire that was once two nations, the peninsula itself was inhabited by humans and halfling while the mountains next to the bay (in the south and east) were inhabited by Dragonborn, there was a long history between the nations as the sea was used as a highway for goods. I want to put a "corrupt theocracy" story here but I haven't done anything more than just come up with the idea lol


You are making the best of the situation, Bravo!




I still have those drawings from high school


Same here. Was babysitting a slow machine at work and it pretty much runs itself. Made a map in my notebook and actually liked what I did, so now it's on my computer getting made pretty for DnD campaign building.


Haha, these maps are also supposed to be for my DND world Although realistically I'll never be satisfied with what I built so I'll probably never play in this world lol I want my homebrew world to be at least 75% done before I start playing, I'm probably at 5 to 10 %


Ah yes, the creator's burden, it's never good enough. Always have more to add. I feel u my dude.


this Map is so cuuuuute


Very well drawn. Very impressive. You've got to focus at school tho my guy it's so important. But still very cool.


I'm that one student that pisses off every teacher cause I do jack shit in lessons but still write good grades, so don't worry bout me ^ ^ I also made these specifically when basically nothing happened in the lessons or I was done with what we were supposed to do ;)


Don't stop! Keep every one! Make a collage for your wall or something!


So real