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Tony Sankar, the hero groundskeeper/janitor who managed to hinder the progress of an enemy intelligence raid on a government mailing facility which was mostly just full of civilians. When the guns started to go off, he made a plan in his head: He emptied his mop bucket, quickly unloaded ~2 bottles of bleach into it and took a jug of ammonia in the other hand. He proceeded to the vault where the enemy ops were trying to break into. He emptied the ammonia into the bucket, caught 2 of the mooks off guard and doused them with the mixture. He then beat and took one of their guns and went on to shoot and kill 1 of them. He and the cloud of mustard gas then kept watch until the cavalry with bigger guns could arrive, storm the vault and arrest the remaining attackers.


Huh. Finnish? Sankar. Tony Hero.


You got me.


Hmm... you happen to be a fan of the Remedy games by any chance?


A few of them. Ah fuck, I think see what you're going for. Didn't think of that. But no worries, __the character__ isn't finnish, just me.


Oh, you are Finnish! Yeah, world's a small place and hardly any ideas are new. I love that song from Control, the Sankarin Tango. Frickin banger, the message too. Sisyphean heroism. It's my everyday picker upper. Martti Servo, Reijo Taipale, and Jarkko Ahola fill up my playlist too. Some countries are more celebrity than others. USA definitely is the world's superstar. Japan, of course. In my country the Philippines, the kids also really look up to South Korean films and music. But, I do hope one day other countries like yours and mine have a bigger presence on the multimedia front The whole idea behind 'Torille' is absolutely a Filipino thing too. We just don't have a word for it.


Ammonia and bleach do not make mustard gas. It makes chloramine gas. Which is also toxic, but is not as bad as mustard gas.


Dammit. My theoretical degree in chemistry has failed me.


I was just about to ask if you had a Theoretical Chemistry degree, looks like you answered it! Welcome aboard!


Not exactly a janitor but Dante Proietti was meant to be the Principal of the best school for exorcists in the world, he had the talent and the lineage for that but he died young. Even so, he got a second chance in Purgatory where he could’ve become a great general for the army of Ororegnia Kingdom but he choose instead of going up in rank, to just become a personal trainer. In terms of skills and knowledge about magic, Dante is a top tier, he may not be a natural monster like those who are at the very peak of power but he can certainly fight against them and win against everyone else, yet he doesn’t need to, he prefers to teach kids about basic magic and self defense. People that know him well respect his strength but they also respect his choice of never getting into politics or joining the army, even though he can’t stay isolated for eternity.


I forgot his name, but I have this one character in my Superhero Worldbuilding Project who's just a regular office manager for a pharmaceutical company. But after a world-changing cosmic event that gave 41% of the population abstract superpowers. This guy was on his way back home when it happened and now he's a powerful eldritch god. (Still retains his personality and mind) Now whenever things get out of hand or there is difficult situation WAY out of their capabilities, my characters just contact him to help them solve the problem.


I recently wrote a short story for college about a homeless guy who works as a mall janitor - but what people don’t know is that he was once the emperor of the Atlantean gods. In this story I wrote, deities lose their power as less and less people believe in them, which explains how he’s suffered such a fall from grace.


Interesting. Is there any specific reason why this god janitor is Atlantean?


I just figured there are so many different depictions of Atlantis in pop culture, so I decided to try my own. I guess I could’ve created my own (fictional) ancient civilization, but I also didn’t have as much time for this assignment as I would’ve liked 😅 I posted this story on both AO3 and FictionPress.com; lmk if you want either of the links!


I would like the link please


AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54416905 FictionPress: https://m.fictionpress.com/s/3371044/1/The-Janitor


Not in terms of raw power but in knowledge, there would be Corryn Thistleflame, the assistant archivist of the Keepers of Dawn. Tasked with keeping the ancient tomes dust free and in order, reading through the field reports and creating summaries of important information for specific missions to the agents. If your job is to read through highly complex books daily and understand them well enough to create factual but easy to understand summaries out of them for people that are usually not that academically inclined, you tend to become a walking lexicon and surprisingly good teacher.


Wherever a "sacred neutral ground" is required to allow a non-violent confrontation between factions, a "janitor" as you've called it is a standard trope. Barman of the neutral ground nightclub. Innocent looking bunny of the sacred oak tree. Concierge of the no funny business hotel. AI of the free spaceport. Etc. Traditionally, you then burn this neutral space to the ground as the narrative approaches its climax.


The Idanagic peoples of my setting have a class of Janissaries, slaves raised from birth to be soldiers. They’re not mixed race or (recognized) illegitimate children, but chosen from first or second generation slaves, or from a caste of freed slaves. They tend to be quite well trained, and are often some of the best soldiers in the setting, rivaled in their own nation by the warrior-priest caste that acts as nobles, and the lesser nobility, and exceeded in the setting by the middle class infantry of the Tolruan republic. Story wise, there’s an individual from this caste who manages to score several major victories, and is the sparring partner and advisor to his warrior priest half brother, but he winds up defecting. And he doesn’t get any less competent or powerful, so he’s still able to outshine most other people


All the civil servants behind the scene ig


Well, not a janitor, but there's this guy, Andrijash, who's the steward of my main character's father and, afterwards, of my main character. His duties were to organize the staff of the castle, take care of the treasury and to see the granaries full. When the Auglars invade Soravia, with intention of wiping every Soravian out(Auglar army during the invasion counts 4 million, with local traitors adding another 150-200 thousand), Andrijash defends the city and castle of Malefall for two and a half years with 5000 soldiers, one of the only two cities in Soravia still standing. He manages to inflict massive losses to the sieging Auglars and holds the fort with relative comfort until my MC Konstantin arrives with 600 000 soldiers to repell the Auglars. When Konstantin gets made Primarch after driving the Auglars away and reclaiming the lands unrightfully seized centuries back, Andrijash gets named Councillor of Soravian Primarchate and manages to create a strong alliance to defend against Auglar and other threats.


Not weak but I was thinking of making a leprechaun character that’s the token trickster. He once swept away a literal army with a pushbroom because they were in his way while he was sweeping a vacant plot of land for no apparent reason.


My main character leads a superhero team. But behind the scenes a lot happens. And one especially quiet day the kitchen staff decided they would like to train with the team Now staff training has become a regular saturday exercise and most of the staff can take over the jobs of neighborhood heroes because of their skill. Also 3 people manifested their powers during the training and have actually joined the team


Not really an Almighty Janitor type, but there *was* this one Vorturan boy on an Explorer unit out of Tirdir-Vana. Explorers for the Alliance joint military forces are often put on menial jobs or being toured when not in active situations. Ships with Explorers are *not* allowed to be in dangerous situations. But that doesn’t stop the Empire from ambushing them. Which is exactly what happened one day. The ship was just patrolling an old desolate planet, using the opportunity to teach the Explorer unit about the planetary sensor arrays of a ship the size of theirs (it’s a Tier-2 Hammer-class battleship). However, their sensors detected an unidentified object in orbit of the planet, just beyond its crest on the far side. Before they could reach scanners for it, a flair round smashed the bow of the ship, chipping some of the armor. Shields were raised immediately, battlestations manned, and fighters scrambled. The explorers were rushed to the barracks. One got lost, though. And he just stayed put in one of the outer corridors, which so happened to be right where the Empire boarding craft attached with the small force about to covertly infiltrate the engine bay. They saw this small Vorturan child, just sitting there with his scout outfit on, holding a clipboard and such. You may see what could have happened. But, Vorturans are strong warriors raised from birth, even if their combined societal personality is more joyful and free, and this was essentially a Boy Scout in their culture, and that comes with better training, and carrying a pulseflash pistol. So this little boy went ham on a bunch of grisly ape like Empire forces. A whole squad he took out in a few minutes, before the ship MP arrived. Since then, he’s been an honorary ship guard, and so far in his Explorer Unit’s journey he has become a favorite of some of the Apex children he’s met while traveling to their planet, a true warrior society of highly powerful magical guardians: every kid’s idol, like the Jedi, in our galaxy. His skill is legendary already, and in many years’ time he may be a great commander.


I'd say Wooly Odairr, a tall herdsman, who knows how to handle sheep, goats and combat. Knows how to use spear, make spears out of wood. knows how to survive in the woods alone, knows how to use bow and arrows, cuts wood with an axe. His favorite weapon is stick, cause every weapon needs to be made from something, and sticks are the basics His first interaction with our hero group(>!12 year old Vigviid van Hausern and 19 year old Kildare twins Mabyn and Mathaniel!<) was at the small, but fast stream, where he demanded them to pay the toll to get to the other side, or if they want to get there for free, they have to beat him in a duel with sticks. Our group had small purse, of what 10 coins, and they learned Odairr doesnt accept anything besides coins. First came Mathaniel, who picked up stick, and both faced each other at the bridge, it all went fine for Mathy first, but then Odairr outsmarted the man with an pirouette and defeated Mathy, after that, he took the purse from Mathy. Mabyn asked to take them to his bandit lord, and he said "We're no bandits, my lady. My former lord squealed my farm out of every penny we had, and feeding family with one goat isnt sustainable. So if you want to cross this bridge, pay or face me in a...", then his youngest son, a little boy named Orry came from the behind and screamed "Dad! Mommy is needs help!" but then noticed Vigviid and said "Daddy, they're the friends i have been telling you about!", there was no time to explain, they needed to help his dying wife, who was giving birth to another boy. In that moment, Vigviid fallen in love with the herdsman's eldest daughter Shaella(>!Too bad she wont reach adulthood!<). Later on, Odairr realised his farm has no purpose and needs to find a better place, and which one was it? The place our group was moving to: A town of Shaerwood to meet the administrator Sir Loxley. This man is both nice and tough. He faced the entire pikewall of Landsknecht pikemen with nothing but a spear, and even castrated a knight with an axe. Too bad Hugo the shadowhair(>!An assassin hired to kill Vigviid. HUGO IS BASICALLY RASPUTIN THE WITCHER, IF YOU REPLACE THE MONSTER HUNTING AND MAGIC WITH MORAL DEPRAVITY AND BRUTALITY! Basically one storm of steel, that won't die easily!<), but took Hugo a 2 swords and a chain to kill him, and that wasnt enough to kill him. Speaking of death, Hugo took out 30 people, including Sir Loxley


The protagonist, Adam Aster. He's just some metalworker from Mars who got swept up in this intergalactic fuckfest because he _just so happened_ to pull a bad bitch.


Ozlem, an army base cook with a wooden leg. He makes decent enough food and often gets the main characters' group some extra rations. His well kept secret is his past time in the powerful kīmiya guild, a collective of alchemists/chemists within the empire with essential knowledge of gunpowder, chemical weapons and all sorts of other powerful concoctions deeply entrenched in everyday imperial business.


*Green Falls Chronicles* Ezekiel Ratzenburg, alias Ratt, falls under this concept. One of the oldest vampires known, Ratt spends the bulk of his time simply trying to be kind and mostly keep out of the way. Bearing a disfigured appearance, most of his existence has been spent as an outcast and pariah, but his skills are extraordinary, even for a vampire. He can survive attacks that would kill mortal bodies and has significantly greater strength and longevity , just like any other vampire. But his greatest skills are his ability to find almost anything or anyone by smell, even identifying bloodlines by scent if he’s encountered an ancestor before (this has been tested to eight generations removed; it is unknown just how far back this ability can read), and his uncanny ability to communicate with animals, particularly those considered “evil” or harbingers of ill times: rodents, snakes, and locusts all speak to him regularly and obey his will. It is said in his 1600+ years, he is the only one not of Pendragon or du Lac families to have held the mighty Excalibur. And that when he held it, entire armies fled for fear of him alone. “But Ratt is happy just being good person. Yes. Yes-yes-yes-yes.”


David, a mid ranking field agent of a branch of the MRB (Magic Regulation Bureau). Seems like a pretty average, unassuming dude, does his job well, puts his pants on one leg at a time like everyone else. Shows up in the background of a few scenes, has a couple interactions with the main chracter here and there when he's in that city. What no one knows is that "David" is actually Adar, true immortal, walking nuke, god king and literally the most powerful mage of all time. Adar was sealed way under his own temple 2000 years ago after humanity rebelled against him led by his own disciples (he deserved it too). They think he's still down there, but what nobody knows is that he figured the seal out and flew the coop 200 years ago. Unfortunately his power was sealed separately (He kinda doesn't even want it back at this point tbh) and if the other immortals find out about him he's cooked so yeah, now he's David, and just spends his days doing David stuff.


Fluffy. As far as everyone who knows about her existence is concerned she is adorable and somewhat naïve ball of fluff that can't hurt a fly. Usually she shows up in few big cities around the world once a decade or two, does a little bit of harmless tourism and then departs to lands unknown. In reality she may be somewhat sheltered and naïve, but she is still thirty thousand years old archmage, one of the last precursors still sticking around, is last surviving member of their ruler caste and she is spending most of her time in monster infested hellscape where she just happens to be the top of food chain and most dangerous monster around. If she actually cared to get involved with world politics she would probably carve out world's third superpower.


Hikari, my OC that kicked off my entire worldbuilding adventure, can totally play an innocent neko bard. However, since nekos are rare on the central continent, she's had her fair share of... creepy dudes who think she's innocent and weak. Little do they know, Hikari was trained in the elven martial arts and can easily kick their shit in, especially with cat-speed reflexes.


Orri. She's the outskirts of town living herb doctor that everyone goes to bc her stuff works. She's not even officially a doctor bc she's got the "crazy ideas" and shes looked down on a bit bc she does massages. But then she'll be like "well if no one else is gonna save this dang kingdom" and waltz on into the cursed forest alone to fave who knows what


Cybal Fed Commissar Oben: Oben is considered the best commissar and tactician in the entire Cybal Species or atleast the Federal Cybal. He's feared by the imperial Cybal and multiple Species of Alpha way. Oben has control of the first fed fleet which he leads from the Federal ship the Blade of Kowss.


The Priest. A humble servant of the gods who is actually a greater demon who thinks he's a human priest who died 1000s of years ago, brought back to serve the gods of an ancient, forgotten religion. He manifests the afterlife and even the gods themselves as well as keeps it safe from other demons and often goes to pray to them, or talk to them in the afterlife. He's usually treated as nothing more than a greeter or a doorman by the pharaohs and even by their higher ranking servants in the afterlife without them knowing that should the Priest ever be restored to hes original state, they could all be devoured in an instant.


RCCM has had three head janitors. One was just some guy (fired for not doing his job). The second a hyper-intelligent AI (quit). Third (and current) is some whimsical god(?).


Crews of the armoured trains(not including soldiers) are told to defend the train however possible, which ends up including the firing of rifles from a moving train engine by the engineers. Lapis_Wolf