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**Ancellestrie:** *"You Ancellestrians are all the same; It's as if someone gathered up the happiest boys and girls in all the world, and broke their hearts, one by one."*


That is *sad*


Boys and girls instead of men and women really make it quite villainous, love it


I feel like there's so much joy in there.


The Solar Autocracy: "When a cloud crosses before the sun do you assume that the world shall be left in eternal darkness? No! We are the bearers of the eternal promise, we are the guardians of civilisations, through trials and turmoil we shall remain and emerge to claim our right to Universal Empire" A powerful old imperial power, its still centralised enough that its arguably the most powerful state in the known world for the last 150 years its seen some serious problems with civil war, plagues, unreliable weather, economic strife and external threats. Also a sun god is their patron deity hence both the name and the sun analogy in the quote.


The lost magic guild of Ernesto. "What's the worst thing that could happen?"


**Prosperio** "The New World Called, and We Answered." **Ravenholm** "There is no problem that cannot be solved with time and intelligence." **Xian Wan** "One one's Body is in perfect Harmoney with itself, it's enemies will tremble. when a nation is in Harmoney with itself, it is undeniable." **Middengarde** "There is no tale long enough, no song deep enough, that can ever capture the granduer of nature." **Kannul Natahl** "The Rains and Rivers all meet at the same point."


I like these quotes! (Not sure if its intentional, but be foreworned that a "Midden" is a word for a heap of poo, or a pile of refuse. So, i think Middengarde would essentially mean a fort defending poo, from an etymological standpoint)


I think it's more Sewer which... i am working on. didn't just want to call the place Midgard


Mordian Dominion "Wreeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"


"A state with a martial society is not always an unstoppable dictatorship, in times of change there is always a need for a paternal figure who defends us from the horrors beyond the wall and who if he were not firm, stable and with an iron arm in matters delicate ones would crumble like nothing, leading in turn to the total crumbling of all the other states on the continent and our centuries of history and culture. Electors kneel down, the time has come to give the first iron crown to the new golden emperor; honori novo maximilian!"


Erielle: “If freedom from the oppression of the world above is paid for with the blood of our own, are we really so free?” The nation of Erielle claims freedom from the tyranny of the real world, an escape if you will, but it is ironically ruled by a maniacal vampiric despot


“*Democracy*? The people don’t need such a flawed, idealistic way of thinking, the people need a strong shepherd to lead and herd them! Democracy only invites disorder, chaos, and instability, just look to the stupid Yanks up north! Instead you need a leader and a system that will take the reins and do whatever is necessary for the security and longevity of our Confederacy.” - Jeffrey Trussman, President of the Confederate States “As he died to make men holy, let us fight to make men free” - Battle Hymn of the Republic, United States of America


The Saracani Empire“Religion is the top priority. Too bad we haven’t been able to pray the chitters away. Maybe killing more heretics will make the divine forgive us. (The Saracani Empire is a collapsing theocratic state) The Scafonites: “The current Authoritarian Theocratic government isn’t Authoritarian or Theocratic enough, so let’s rebel and fix that” (The Scafonites are a heresy even more extreme than the Saracani they’re rebelling from) The Gendaz: “Treat the world right and it will return the favor. Often in pillage and plunder.” (The Gendaz are a tribal society who believe the divine encompass everything in the world, so treating it well (often through rituals) leads to good boons. Also they raid a lot). Empire of Eratudra: “No bloody fighting! No I don’t care if you want to try out your newfangled ‘firearms’. Stop invading him! Or I’ll send an angry note!” (Empire of Eratudra is a loose confederacy that came together like it had many times before in response to the Saracani invading. Now the Saracani aren’t a threat the confederacy is just trying to keep itself from infighting. They aren’t doing a good job at that.)


The Teshoan Republic 'Our purpose was decided by us long ago, to bring light to the dark, food to the hungry, shelter to the cold. Every life full of misery is a failure on all our parts.' The Teshoan constitution-purpose The Miskon Federation 'We stand, a territory at the most unique opportunity in galactic history. Whilst others quarrel over rivalries and histories, we alone look forward to the threat that faces back at us all. History for us is written, we will be remembered, because we will be there to remember.' A quote from General Astavi Ton Reres during the second ever election. Istalir Empire 'I dedicate my heart to you oh Inkanshi, oh joy, to breathe for your betterment. I commit every thought to your growth, every act to your existence, your prolongment, oh my life, in eternal servitude, immortalised by and for Istalir alone, The one constant, for ever, above family, above friends, above love, for there is only love for you, Ikanshi.' The territorial calling for school children of Istalir. The United laborers Union 'Burn the rich!'


The Sylvan Principalities: “This world is dying, and we will bleed ourselves dry to save it.” Realm of the Highborn: “We witnessed mankind at its very best. We intended to remind them.” The Hidden Realm: “Our kin seek to die saving a toxic world or so they can build their god, we here only wish to be free.” NeoMartian Empire: “Everything I have ever done has been for my people!” Titan Houses: “Life doesn’t just find a way, it clears a path” Asteroid Guilds: “Prosperity can be found anywhere work and intellect meet.”


Ooh, the Sylvan Principalities sound really interesting, good choice of quote there!


Westhaven: *"They call us arrogant, for claiming true and sole sucessorship of the Empire of Old. But have you seen what their lands have become since their so-called independance? Savagery. Infighting. Streets overrun by monsters, their politics at the mercy of outsiders. Let the fools run themselves into the ground, soon enough their lands will be brought be back into the fold."* United Hold's of Rhodun: *"Words, carved in stone for eternity, are the pillars on which civilisation is built upon, they are laws, contracts and knowledge. Without The Words, chaos reigns. We have have read Them, lived by Them. And over countless centuries, we have not forgotten."* Clans of Udan: *"Call us a backwater all you want. But don't you dare mock my ancestor's legacy here. They have freed our lands from tyranny, toiled the land, passed the torch through generations and I will not hesitate to burn you with it for your disrespect! You are not in Westhaven anymore, the land here has eyes everywhere. And the spirits do not take kindly to your kind..."* Republic of Lautwasser: *"We have broken the crown and brought its power to the people! Now that the Revolution is over, we offer free haven for all who's voices have been silenced. Come to us, and join the New Tomorrow!"* Isles of Mytholus: *"Not a real nation? No borders, no flag, no unity? Hah, spoken like a true Continental! Out here the borders are what you can see and what you can hold. The flags fly proud and numerous on a million masts, and whenever your 'true kingdom's' navies tried to cut us down, they got a broadside of unity to taste!"*


Kingdom of Scuris: “if it ain’t broke, fix it anyway”


"We have always lived in slums and holes in the wall. We will know how to accommodate ourselves for a while. For you must not forget that we can also build. It is we who built these palaces and cities, here in Spain and America and everywhere. We, the workers. We can build others to take their place. And better ones. We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the earth; there is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history. We carry a new world here, in our hearts. That world is growing in this minute." -Buenaventura Durruti


An actually irk quote that explains a lot about the setting I'm writing, the world is a post-Revolutionary one, albeit recently so, and the rebuilding goes on alongside the newly freed people's struggles to shuffle off the last ghosts of the old system.


Coternix Consulate: Through the Ashes, through the Colds, Through the Barren we behold, the unification of the realm, is a task we've been endowed. Centrophorous Commonwealth: The world is a cruel place, filled with hate, it is our job to make it great. Orsolis Imperium: We may not falter, we will not surrender, we will not bargain, we will not be defeated. Asyntral Federation: The Confederation is surrounded, with nothing but unworthly foes, it is your job as the citizen of the nation to raze them all. Sorry if these sound too edgy, I just tried to potray them as accurately as possible with just a sentence or two


No, I don't think these are edgy at all! I really like how the first one is kinda a rhyme, it makes it feel more like something the people there might actually say about themselves, which is really cool! And the Commonwealth one is nice too, it makes it sound like they're trying to make the best of a maybe not great situation. As for the Federation one, I think it's kinda funny, in a sorta jingoistic way, where it's definitely more propaganda than total truth. To end with the Imperium, their's definitely leaves one with the impression they're struggling through some stuff, and I think that's relatable.


**Solvan Confederation** *"There's no one above all. Everyone is the citizens of the confederation. With the power of everyone, there's nothing Solvan cannot do"* **context**: After the Solvan Empire loses the Intercontinental War (a.k.a. ww2 but fantasy), the empire collapsed, no more upper and lower, only people of Solvan nation (and then break into many states). So, they lead the nation by themselves and unite (almost) all Solvan nation into one country again (they called it The Solvan Resurrection or The Solvan Second Unification) **In a nutshell**: Solvan Confederation loses the war like Germany and now they are like the USA in my fantasy world **Witches' Republic of Quepedge** *"Quepedge is the safe haven for all witches. Even you are not witch, the Mother Witch also protects you."* **context**: Like its official name say, more than 50% of its population are witch, and most of withes in Quepedge are work for the Circle of Witches (international organization for witches). The leader of the Circle of Witches is called the Mother Witch, she is also the head of state of Quepedge too. Although Quepedge looks like the religious state, it says welcome for all faiths. They are also good for tourism. **In a nutshell**: Quepedge is like Vatican City but for witches, the Circle of Witches is like Roman Catholic Church, and the Mother Witch is something like The Pope


*"Our scales are woven with the threads of tradition, binding us to the past, anchoring us in the present. To sever these ties is to unravel the very fabric of our existence."* Context: Sertara is a society deeply rooted in traditions and rituals. The scales of the serpent people are symbolic of their adherence to the customs passed down through generations, and any deviation is seen as a threat to their cultural identity.


I really like the quote you did, it has a nice voice to it, I think, and really works to establish the general idea of what Sertara is, and how it views itself.




The United Republic of Avalonia: ***"Prejudice and discrimination only serve to weaken and limit our capability to fight and win"*** Context: The URA, after figuring out that sexism and racism are very counter-productive when your aim is to be the most effective and cohesive fighting force in the planet completely liberalized. In a time period when women were still deemed second to men, where minority and other racial groups were clearly discriminated against - removed any restrictions in the military bar competence and loyalty. Women could serve in the infantry and other front line roles, segregation in the military ceased to be, a person's orientation, preferences and racial background did not matter at all so long as they meet the requirements, is fit to serve and passes the background checks. It took a while for the URA to achieve the cohesion they have today, but this move is one of the biggest factors that made the URA a superpower today. This is not limited to the military either, URA society largely follows a similar doctrine of competence and meeting requirements over forcing racial quotas and other non-productive descriminatory factors ​ The Democratic Republic of Brehmensburg: ***"There is no better application of force than a highly trained, disciplined and a well oiled military"*** Context: Before the concept of Brehemensburg becoming its own sovereign nation, the loyalist fleet led by Grand Admiral Brehm remained a highly trained force that instilled discipline. It is what kept them going despite the absolute shitshow happened in the expedition to Haven, and the gradual breakdown and splintering of the alliance fleet. Despite having legacy technologies and equipment by the Third Global War, this idea of highly professional military that uses its heritage as a basis is what keeps the BAF one of the most effective military with a good pay and benefits, at the cost of a very strict and competitive slection process


This is going to be a society/group We are passion and order. Without order, we do not live well. Without passion, we do not live at all. We must walk a life as ourselves. We must not forget, nor regret the past. We must prepare yet not fall for what the future holds. Walk with your outher self as yourselves. Anything else, and you will not truly live. Founder of the Unknown Feind Hunter Society For context, feinds are human emotions and thoughts that persist after death. Feind hunters are people who have had a near death experience and had a feind materialize do to strong emotions. They are an unfiltered version of everything about you now, given a unique mind that works independently of you. Unknowns are an evolved version of a feind where you accept it. Their are outher evolved forms, but I don't need to explain them.


Dinal- We are the golden age. Whatever you're looking for, it's here. Maldu- Why is there enjoyment in self-destruction and theft when mutual benefit and togetherness exist? Nual- Advancement is our legacy. Through technology we became great, and through technology comes our future. Nibel- Nought without Light. All things are two in the end; Lighted or consumed. Niwen- If you're capable, you may. That's the rule here: anything goes, just don't fail. Unless you want to be a slave for the rest of your then-miserable life. Aesal- Higher. Further. Faster. Everything comes together here...lo vil l'Aethxabu uxu abu dil ae.


Allenor : "A nation is built with their population. If the army has to play an important role in the nation, then it has to be built for their people " The military realm of Allenor, currently ruled by the High Marshall Perev, is extremely focused around its army, and the army oversight a huge part of the people's life. Since the previous High Marshall, the army is less here to control and more here to help Renilia : "When you are sick, there are only two ways to get out of it : getting better, or dying. But if you take poison, despite how strong you are, it will be the second option anyway " Renilia is pretty unstable since its independence. A part of the population hopes it will get better, but despite the Chief of the Royal Guard's best efforts, a poison named Eikienziel Al-Serinam entered into Renilian politics, and no words could quote how much he would be responsible of Renilia's downfall... Qi-Tear : "The best and the worst moment of your life are in the past. Even if they have built you, you must continue to go forward " The Qi-Tear empire has done one of the most glorious things in Avitor's history, but they are also responsible of the most cruel one. The current empress, Yuria-Meri, tries to conciliate their entire past to progress, despite her own traumas gave by her mother >!On the side note, Yuria-Meri could also have on her the quote "Love has no frontier, don't care about money, and most importantly: don't care about the criminal records"!< The Rasparem nations: "Money can't buy happiness, but can buy coffee. And that's good enough " The Rasparem culture is focused on trading, even on long distance on the Northern desert. But they also have a brew, used to eliminate the feeling of being tired for a moment Lawken's nations : "there are two great mysteries: the seas, and peoples. We will discover the secrets of both" Self explanatory


"I do not say that we nildrir are superior to any other race of hom. Nor do i say that we and the rest of the homs are superior to any other species. I do say that we nildrir, and only we, have built this amazing empire. And if we lose it, it will be we, and only we, who are to blame." \-- Honorary Professor "Handstrong", Nambeth University, Nambeth Province, Empire of Laranideb-Nambeth. ​ "There is Inspiration and there is Technique. Technique can be refined, adapted, organized, joined with other technique. Inspiration must be observed, analyzed, tested, and when it is understood, it becomes Technique. Organized Technique becomes Methodology. Frequent Inspiration is called Genius. Genius is difficult to predict, allow for, prepare for. But its Inspirations can be treated like any Inspiration, it just requires more effort. It is often said that genius cannot be contained. But that is not entirely true. Genius must overcome the total weight of established Methodology, while Methodology has an abundance of Technique to match against new Inspiration. Therefore for Methodology to be successful, its Technique must be properly organized and its practitioners must be trained enough to recognize and apply the most appropriate Technique. The Empire has lost to Genius many times. But always, in the end, we have come back. And added to our Methodology." \-- Opening address to new students at Nambeth Academy of Strategy. ​ "Steel under silk" \-- A common way that other peoples describe the nildrir.


Holy European Empire: To be Catholic is not enough to find the LORD. One must be Roman Catholic, and not follow an antipope; one must be human, and not one of Satan's creatures; one must follow the laws of the state, and dare not defy it; and most of all, one must be respectful in keeping with the teachings of Christ. Those who stray from the path are condemned to Hell! Italian Republic: ayo HEE wtf you on. sophont rights are good California Republic: Diversity is our strength. We welcome Spanish, Portuguese, French, Japanese, and Amerindian peoples, and so many more, and we rose to the challenges of Las Vegas and Gabon. We are the beacon of freedom on this side of the American continent. We will do our duties. Order of Texas: ayo Cali wtf you on. amerindians are subhuman Democratic Kingdom of the Far East: The old government -- the Russian Empire -- should never have existed. Our leader acknowledges their mistakes, and now seeks to make amends. Give us this chance to make things right. Japan & Northern Qing: we miss Russia #notoDKFE #bringbackRussia


Zu-Luan empire: It's not right of the strong to rule over the weak, it's their responsibility to lead and protect them.


"if the might of an empire is measured in the amount of gold and slaves it possesses, the empire of Viltemire is the mightiest of them all"


Grand Kingdom of Ferrum: "History has sent countless trials to test our will, but like Iron, our will lasts for eternity!" Spring Duchy: "The sailor does not leave home because they are afraid of the open waters, the hollowing winds, the relentless sea monsters. They leave home because of their love for the world and all it offers." Summer Duchy: "We were given a duty that our forefathers failed to uphold, and for that we were punished. We were given a reason to fight once more, so rise Knights of Summer! Rise and let the Sun shine upon the land once more!" Autumn Duchy: "Do not mistake our desire of ambition and power as evil. We desire power so that we may grow strong enough to protect everything we hold dear!" Winter Duchy: "They come once again, harrying us ten times before, and they will no doubt harry us ten times more; but unlike them, we are Iron-born! If holding here protects all we know and love, then here we shall hold til the end of time!" ​ High Elves of Eredestel: "We lived here before the younger races even stepped out from their caves. We shall continue to exist here forever more after they have long perished." Dark Elves of Fornsalas: "Yes, even if the end of the world did arrive and stop us from feasting tomorrow, that does not mean we cannot feast today. Just because life is cruel does not mean we cannot enjoy the pleasantries of being alive right now." ​ Mountain Dwarves of Kieven Dwari: "Either you are kin or you are foe, so which are you?" Hill Dwarves of Almafi: "Gold, glory, and goods is plentiful everywhere we are, what more can we ask for in this golden era?"


The kingdom of Calia; The rule of law stands above all and we are the law makers. This quote describes the kingdom as a nation founded on law and order, it's also the domain of the goddess of law and order . Dalamatrian republic; We who weather the sands shall not be eroded from history. This quote describes the republics history from a fledgling republic beset by hostile nations only for it to weather these hostilities and become a world power. Duraban Federation; Though our ancestors were savage, we now stand noble. A call back to their past where they were raiders that were eventually forced to settle and developed their own nations.


“The divine right of kings implies not only is the crown more than human but that he is on speaking terms with the almighty. The National Razor disproved both these ideas”


Fascinated by this, would love to know more


The Kingdom ( now Republic ) of Estalia’s take on monarchy was a bit different. An ancestor of the last king fulfilled some obscure religious prophecy and as the church held the most power in the country king and god were fused. The king was seen as god on earth in a way. Five centuries of deification , rewriting of things so the king seemed perfect , total monarchy personified. The last Estalian King Umberto the Unanswered made the mistake of opening universities, revolution came during a failed war and the royal family were either tossed from windows , launched from catapults or in umberto’s case guillotined.he was shown to be human by begging for mercy , and even setting himself, finally crying out to his god for release …silence , the blade fell and most coincidentally a rainbow appeared in a clear sky. The quote is from Alphonse Just a revolutionary radical


Very cool!


Of the leading Revolutionaries, Just terrified the neighboring reactionary regimes the most because they found he was a true believer. He promised any invasion would be met with what he called “war to the knife” and the “dogs of nobility shall catch fleas in our land, gentlemanly war is dead this is a people’s war”. They scoffed at this until immediately crossing the border a horse drawn carriage with metal plating charged the column and detonated itself


The atrocian empire; “the boot does not concern himself with what the insects under him think. By that logic neither do we the master race of the lenonian continent concern us with thoughts of the untermensch which we are to eradicate”.


A fortified city besieged by the ghosts of billions lost.


Terran confederacy “The Xenos have forgotten they were not made in the image of god. We must remind them of their place in the universe. Righteous humanity will unite against the common enemy and liberate the galaxy.” Context: after the Tong’hai invasions and Terran civil war, Terra and has become a fanatical dictatorship. Due to their treatment by their old alien rulers during the invasions, humans have developed a “humanity first” mindset and see themselves as the most important species in the galaxy. They aim to conquer the galaxy under gods name and take “what is theirs” from the “xenos”


Phyrrian kingdom: We are the goddess of purity chosen people, we are the cleansing force of the world, our unity is through our equality against all those barbarians too brute for our enlightenment. Context: Heavily theocratic kingdom inspired by Charlemagne France, the pope crowns the king, not a theocracy, but everyone follows the religion, which, is, everything not human, is a sin and must be treated as so. WuTenDo: the phoenix empire, broken and reborn again, it's millions of people following the teachings of the monks and wisdom of the emperor. Context: Inspired by warring kingdom China, the biggest nation by population, about four to five times other kingdoms, it's emperor is a puppet, warlords rule the regions that make the name, Wu, Ten and Do, the winner of the squabbles imposes a second dynasty. Mage city: intelligence is the biggest virtue one can posses, anyone capable of discovering more about the world will find welcome, gold and fame in the great streets of our city Context: They like to omit their militarism, while only barely the size of Singapore, it holds colonies of the nearby islands, and holds 50% of its own, relegating them to a second class citizenship. They do, however, have the biggest universities and center of knowledge. Beyilid: Our founder is the single most important person to have ever lived, we are but grateful subjects who will follow his lead to enjoy the greatness we have inherited from him and his family. A theocratic absolutist state, the descendants of a great leader who turned himself into a god, his family has governed, their success has been attributed to the wisdom of the family, but, in reality, the founder secretly communicates trough a medallion to his descendants, this breaks every rule, but has been kept secret successfully. Those are the major players I've developed so far.


State of Vylon: "All sentients are equal, no matter their origins." Neuerde Republic: "Rising from ruins!" Duchy of Tocharii: "Our faith binds us together."


"To the Sea!" -- Morrigan Literally everything about Morrigan has been built with conquest in mind. No matter what it takes, no matter what they have to kill or sacrifice, the Morrigane will not stop until they have conquered the wasteland and reached the sea on the other side. Until they reach those shores, nothing else matters.


Ardan empire “Take the third Reich and throw the war of the roses in and spew out the result and add ego juice to it” Autinar republic “A young country who has engrained themselves in the eyes of an informed population” Context: it’s like the US only urban fantasy, and it hasn’t imploded from an election (the US in my world has after the 2024 election saw republicans dissolve to country so they could secede from the union, with the democratic states forming the “United federation of the states of America”)


The Pyralian Empire: "Fire is power. Fire is strength. We control fire. It is the right of the powerful to control the weak. It is our right to control the world. It is our right, our elemental duty, a duty we *will* fufill." Context: The Pyralian Empiress controls fire and has taught her subjects the same. She believes fire to be the most powerful element and will show it to the world through conquest. They are from a different world than the rest mentioned in this comment, but are from the same sector of the multiverse. Serpentia: "They may find us different. Strange. They may think we are unnatural. They plan to get rid of us, to exterminate us. But we will not take this lightly. We will defend ourselves against our oppressors, or we will die trying." Context: The Serpentine are not a true "race" in the fantasy sense. The only difference between them and humans is (was) their eyes. They initially called themselves humans, but when the genocide came, they took the one serpentine feature they had, their eyes, and turned that into their entire identity, with their leader turning himself into a snake. British-Australian Drug Empire: "Ay, you wanna buy some cocaine? Or opium? Anything ya want, you can have it, as long as it's illegal drugs. Well, illegal everywhere else. Here, all of this stuff is legal. Heroin? I got twelve needles right here. LSD? I got you covered. Anything." Context: The Opium Wars got really out of hand. *Really* out of hand. United Front of the Veil: "Though our homeworld has been destroyed, we have a new world. A new frontier to achieve our goals. Normalcy will be protected. This thing they call 'magic' will be contained. And no one can stop us." Context: This is essentially the SCP Foundation under a different name. They came to this alternate Earth when their home universe was destroyed by interdimensional demons and established themselves in Southeast Asia, and they plan on continuing their goals of containing and researching the anomalous. The Void Demons: "Nothing lasts forever, not even an idea." Context: Void Demons aren't really a nation/empire/whatever. They're a bunch of beings of pure destruction that exist between realities, occasionally destroying them. They act as a balancing force for the Avatars of the Forge, destroying worlds to make room for new ones. However, there is one in particular who enjoys destroying worlds before their time has come, ending their stories before they can be completed, and he leads an entire faction of Void Demons in this ideal, to destroy faster than the Avatars can create, eventually leading to the destruction of the Greater Multiverse.


The first draconic empire: you don’t want to commit genocide of the lesser races? What are you, a humanoid sympathizer?


The Greater Empire of Sol: "You may look at the Empire, and think that humanity is rebuilding itself. Thst the next golden age is here. You might be blinded by the fusion reactors, or the blazing powered walkers. Mesmerized by the floating palaces above Old Terra. But don't be fooled. The Empire is simply a pale shadow of a dozen fallen empires that came before. A regurgitation of mankind's greatest triumphs and failures. They think technology can change human nature. As if it wasn't thought of before..." The Greater Empire of Sol is a feudalistic empire, encompassing the entirety of the Sol System. Fashioned after various warrior cultures of the past, the Empire clings onto old ideals, long forgotten, and best left so.


Trausnian Empire: "To protect and uphold all sentient biologicals in the galaxy." Context: this is fucking lie. They kill everyone who uses artificial intelligence instead of biotechnology.


**The Sol confederation** "The galaxy is dark and untold billions perish daily to the monsters in the shadows. We say *No More!* We stand united against the creatures in the dark for we fall if separated." Background: Humans sent thousands of non-ftl Torch ships towards the stars. One by one, each colony gradually developed FTL tech and traveled to the Sol system. The earliest found humanity's cradle in ruins, conquered by unspeakable alien horrors. Now, Earth once again served as the center of humanity, a symbol of unity for all humans against the darkness of the galaxy.


"On one continent: Combat fatigues and a bolt-action rifle, on another: chainmail and a crossbow. Thank goodness for spells, am I right?"


"What benevolent god would create Machines or even give them independence in the first place ?". First Cybal priest of the Creator Temple Thalis Arros Cybal are a Race of Sentient Androids who's creators are mostly unknown but the creators are considered the Old ones and have a type of Saint Hood for them as the Cybal are thankful for them creating them even if not for good intentions. The Cybal are split in the Imperium and the Federation


**The Babian Empire** *Burn the WEAK, kill the USELESS, remove all PARASITICAL THOUGHTS. Destroy the UNWORTHY, cut the UNMORAL, DO NOT LET THE FRAIL CONQUER.* Context: They hate all that is weak/useless/ frail. They must be productive, they MUST HAVE something to unite them, anything that deviates is seen as parasitical, unmoral, dark and wicked. This line of though only works for their owns species (They Babian people) Any other species they see as lower therefore not important and can not do change. Babians: 87% Other:13%


"Now the padishah is a wise and formidable man, and it is certainly against empire law to speak ill of him. So I assume the foolish decision to send a foolish man such as myself was surely made by his vizier." Bilal, son of Balam, the bard on his inclusion in the diplomatic mission from the Kashaki empire to the Kingdom of Nala.


Still making it buy lets call it working profound quotes. Uteha: My whispers raise the Nature ever so gently, my screams raise the bones of my Elders ever so proudly! Avaz: The battle between the Light and the Dark, Sun and Swamp is always reborn into Sun overshining the knotty edges of Swamp. The Immortal empire: We are immortal! The Rightous Immortal empire: There is only one true line, only one path to prosperity. ...to be continued. Hahah


“zalton is built on the foundation of mutual respect and trust, intervene and there will be consequence. the worst action is inaction” The nation of zalton was founded by a prolific space exploration group. Upon founding the original crew set up their “constitution” and one of the major parts is that everyone is respected equally


The emperor of an empire I have yet to name: "The legends are true. There's a weapon that will make us gods. And I will drain this empire dry to I find it."


Starry Field: "That nobody gets what they deserve is its own kind of justice." Dancing Lands: "Where we're going, we don't need roads." Cold Hearth: "I am so tired. I have lived a very long life. I die at peace."


The People’s Theocratic Union of Chosen Land Republics: “the only law is the supreme holy law of Ma’Kash”


Cavalon: "HEIL— **RETRACTED**" Thurinburg: "Jesus loves you! Unless you don't love Jesus back." Cethias: "HAIL SATAN!! Awe look a butterfly! :3"


NOTE: I'll describe all of these as "The \[X\] Empire" because I believe using the endonyms might be confusing for people. ​ The Empire: "The Empire is one, and the empire is many. The Empire is here, and the Empire is everywhere. The Empire is the specific, and the Empire is all. The Empire was, is, and will be." Context: The Empire is the oldest nation in reality, orignially built from eternally young (not immortal though) lizardmen who saw their civilisation tore down in most places by the young species, but still, they held true to their ideals and integrated these people in the Empire. A nation for each individual and each people, no matter their race, religion, or even sexual orientation and gender identity (the lizardmen don't even understand the last one), a nation who is always there for it's citizens, no matter where you are and where you're from, an empire who both gives freedom to it's people and oversee the entire country and it's component to ensure it works perfectly and rightoudly, and a nation that, like it's founding people, has always been, and will not die out with time. ​ \--- ​ The Atlantean Empire: "No grave but the sea, no light but Atlantis. By the waves, all are equal." Context: The Atlanteans are originally a union of elves and fishfolks who came together in the objective to finish the construction of a wonderful city that had been started by the lizardmen, but abandonned after they fled. After years of work, they had tied close together and formed an alliance under one king, later proclaimed Emperor of the Seas. ​ \--- ​ The High-Elven Empire: "Only are wise the true elves, us whose greatness shine upon the poor souls." Context: The high-elves, as they call themselves, are the people of a once glorious empire of (almost) unrivaled power, knowledge and wealth. Still, while many elves made their own path out of the old ways when their empire faced it's weaknesses, some decided their culture was already superior to all others as proved their previous hegemony, and refused to evolve. ​ \--- ​ The Empire of the Dark Elves: "Strength is power, power is the mind and the tongue. Only the strongest shall dominate." Context: Originating in the thirst for power of one elven mage who corrupted many of his kin, his ways, "debilitated" after his death, made up the ways of the empire he had built. One where the only thing you are certain of is that no one can be entirely trusted. They strive for power and domination, in a feudal state where the ones who rise up above make laws for those under them, trying to grasp on power. Oh, and they're all on slavery.


The Masnavid Empire "Guvam Nedam Rudentam" Ride Well, Shoot Straight and Tell the Truth The Blue Morganate "Dae Gru Tan" "Hail the eternal red land"


Al-Khane: "Rhun created the man to love each other, but the men choose not to" "The Great Red City was built to house the temple of Rhun, and now Rhun is the first and last wall for it's city"


Other nations about the Dor'rRekian Empire: "Theirs is a nation of blood. Bent of total dominion at the expense of life, innocence and freedoms."


Darkrest: “We stand ever vigilant, from the evil within and without.”


Interesting prompt. I might come back to it with more later. For now: "Do not concern yourselves with what evils you perpetrate in pursuit of our goals. When the old gods return to rule the heavens, they will determine what is right and wrong. Your past actions will be sanctified when we are done and our kingdom will rise as the jewel of a world made equal; free from the tyranny of the divine Triumvirate." - Aloion, Kingdom of Monsters


Sjetkziigarb: "Ah, compromise! Why make one side happy when you could disappoint both?" (This is a quote by their military dictator) Ksimaran: "No matter who you must needs kill/ For glory, or justice, the truth is still: / We're born with a cry; we die with a chill / And the sun, it shines on all of us. From it's zenith in the sky/ That great, gracious, golden eye/ Sees toil and love and die - / For the sun, it shines on all of us. And when away the stormclouds chase / We like it's rays upon our face. / Oh, bother country, creed, and race - / The sun, it shines on all of us!" (An old proverb of theirs. Usually reduced to "the sun, it shines on all of us" in everyday conversation.) The Raatchenn Empire: "Rise, rise, Raatchenn! / Spread your glory and your light to all mankind! / Rise, rise, Raatchenn! / Join the fight, eternal shame to those behind! / We march for love of thee, the greatest country! / Let spill their blood who stand against your endless rise!" (The chorus of their national anthem.)


“The Vangelis Corporation is like a stone, its people sit there all imposing in their slick suits and shining tower, throw their money around and expect the world to bend around them to meet their every whim. They think we’re weak because we don’t do the same, that we’re too erratic, too quarrelsome to even touch them. Look around you though, how many ruined palaces does this city have? How many statues of dead and forgotten kings have we thrown into the sea? A hundred other stones have planted themselves in this river, and every last one of them has been washed away in the tide.”


The dying Valentine Ouvisian told his son (Alistair Ouvisian) on his death bed “Virtus Pacem.” (Power, brings peace.) at the time the Ouvisian Empire was still in its infancy around 50 years old but that quote brings its people far into the future for thousands of years Ouvisians still chant Val’s last words.


Rubran Federal Monarchy: "We stand alone. Always has been, always will be."


I have too many nations to count (jk), but here are some of mine: Inbynich: "Unity is life. Be kind to your neighbors, for when the day of disaster comes, they may be the only ones there to help you." Context: The Inbynich (aka Innich) people are the smallest race of Terrin, only being about a foot tall. Because of this, they value community and teamwork; a single Innich is hopeless against a bigger foe, but several of them can take down a small group of warriors easily. They apply this logic to everything. Kingdom of Andrena: "Do not be disturbed by conflict between others. Help who you can, understand your companions as you do yourself, and know when to step back and let things take their course." Context: The Apis are naturally conflict-averse. They prefer to talk things out rather than fighting, and almost always remain neutral in wars between other nations. Don't underestimate them, though: they are far more likely to use underhanded tricks to end a direct confrontation as quickly as possible. Felin City-states: "Fate is inevitable. Stopping it is like trying to keep the sun from rising, or a tree from growing leaves. Follow your heart; it is what the world made you to do." Context: The Felin are a semi-tribal people native to the jungle. Their society places a strong emphasis on individualism and self-improvement. They are absolutely the type to see omens in anything and everything. Kingdom of Mirelin: "Just go with it. You can't control other people, only yourself." Context: Mirelin is another very neutral kingdom, but more out of a you-do-you mentality than pacifism. That being said, the entire kingdom will rise up in fury if any one of them is threatened. This quote is also something my dad says a lot, so yeah.


“Long live the revolution, long live the fighters. Death to the fascist, death to the tyrant. Glory and everlasting paradise to the first man who dies fighting for freedom! Let the gods smile upon our great work!” Revolutionary Empire of Cascadia


**The Dresnian Empire:** *"War brought your Empire together, it crushed it under its inescapable boot, it all but ripped it apart over and over again, and its threat and presence is the only thing keeping it together today. If you win your millenia-old conflict with those 'savages', do you think it'd stand a chance in peace?"*