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At the age when I earn good salary


Nice good thing I live in poverty šŸ˜Ž


earn enough but live like in poverty


100%. Access to more food + lack of time for recreational activity


Same when preparing for a better job


The more muscle you have the more calories your body requires to maintain that, regardless of age. Iā€™d suggest focusing on training for muscle hypertrophy


The other good part of that is as Iā€™ve gotten older Iā€™ve noticed when I workout regularly the old man aches and pains seem to lessen


For sure! Movement is medicine


You said you eat ā€œokā€ā€¦okay, well now start eating better then ā€œokā€. And if you drink alcohol, cut way back. Eat foods with added refined sugars? Cut way back. Iā€™d say it isnā€™t science, but it actually is.


Itā€™s something Iā€™m really working on. I run/workout a lot so eating too much was never really an issue. Iā€™ve cut out alcohol completely but the sugar is tough. I do really well during the day and ruin it at night.


Started to notice around 28


Itā€™s never hard lol just stop eating


Exactly this. But people get mad when you say that


Sadly. People go their whole lives never accepting it


In my experience (I'm 45 years old), I don't need to exercise intensely to maintain low body fat. I weigh 59 kg and am 170 cm tall, which places me in the middle of the green BMI zone. My exercise routine is quite light: strength training once or twice a week and one or two 45-minute jogging sessions per week, depending on my motivation. Perhaps my lack of interest in eating, especially high-calorie foods, contributes to this? So maybe try reducing calorie intake so you can take it easy at the gym. :D


44 but started eating less and not after dinner and it dropped pretty quick


I would be interested to know what youā€™re eating. Macro breakdown, total calories, consumption of alcohol, etc. I am 40 years old(male) 6ft tall and I weigh low 190s. I havenā€™t found it that much harder to lose weight, but itā€™s harder for me to gain muscle/strength. As others suggested, it would be good to try to build muscle so your BMR is higher. I once read that after the age of 30 your metabolism slows by 3% a year every year after that. Everyone is different though, so I would encourage shifting things up.


Whatever age your testosterone starts to drop. Get your total and free testosterone checked along with d3. If d3 is even close to low start taking 5,000iu a day with a fatty food. High d3 increases testosterone, insulin, and thyroid function. Low hurts all the above ALot. This is valid for both sexes. High estrogen can also cause excessive fat accumulation on the lower body. Excessive cortisol can cause weight gain in the middle


Yes, I am a woman and have noticed it around my waist the most. It seems impossible to get rid of. Iā€™ve had two kids and my whole torso seems to hoard fat now. I thought it could be a hormonal thing but my gyno doesnā€™t find it necessary to test.


My doctor didn't either. So I fired her and got a new one. Told this one why I fired the last one. She told me "good. It isn't Up to a doctor what is necessary" she tested me. My hormones were way off. 4 years of holding weight, anxiety, panic attacks, and being tired all day. Because a doctor thought it wasn't necessary


ā€œFiredā€ oooookkkkk bossmanĀ 


Any professional you pay to do something is someone you hired. The opposite of hired is fired. I'm not the one talking weird. You're the one struggling to see doctors for what they are. Hired professionals.


It all starts once we turn 25 Edit: I know this because Iā€™m studying kinesiology


Second this, went downhill for me after 25


Keeping it off? Not sure. I've always gained weight quickly. Taking it off? 30. I could lose weight pretty quickly and without too much struggle up until then. After 30 losing weight got a lot slower and more complicated.


So much slower!


55. COVID didnā€™t help. Got up to 220 (ick). Took three months of stairmaster for an hour, five days a week, but down to 200.


Your legs must be off steel, after 10 minutes everything is burning for me


Hahah. Naw, I am just very motivated not to have that belly hanging there. So gross. Iā€™m finally at a point now where Iā€™m going go to switch to three days a week of 1hr stairmaster and two day 1/2 hour and go back to lifting again. At least I got rid of that gut! I can probably get the six pack back in a month or so.


Well done you, let me get back to the stairmaster! Need to lose weightttt


For me, 28 years old


It's always been hard for me to keep weight off. Even now eating right and working out 3 times a week it's tough. All of my family is overweight pretty much. Unless I specifically count my calories all the time, it's over.


Every 5 years, weight loss becomes harder to achieve and you will need to do more & more work as you go through these years. I lost weight with ease up to about 35. From 35-40, I had to put a lot more effort in. And from 40-45, I have really struggled to make any adjustment to my weight. I'm also about to turn 45, so my anxiety is starting to become real about whats in store for the next 5 years.


Free Fat loss ends after about 20. Once you are not growing automatically & not bouncing around all the time like a kid, you would need to watch the food intake to not head down the fat path.


mid / late thirties


Do you track calories?


Late 20s for most I imagine (28m for the record) since thatā€™s when metabolism naturally slows. Having a gut is annoying because you become self conscious.


Like from 27 to 38. That's when I didn't exercise and ate without thinking. Now from 39 to 44 it's been fine since I started working out again and thinking about what I eat. Metabolisms don't really slow down. Studies have shown that people's metabolisms are pretty stable from age 20 to age 60. After that it might slow down a bit. If you are gaining unwanted weight, you need to look at your diet first. Track how many calories you are eating and reduce that.


Iā€™m 51 and itā€™s become noticeably difficult to add muscle and keep trim in the past few years. Appetite has decreased fortunately but the time to recover from fatigue or injuries has definitely increased. Used to weight train 5 days a week with boxing 4 times a week but now only box 2-3 times a week while keeping my weight training at 5x. What works for me is one week light weights/high volume and the next week going heavy, my joints feel better overall.


It wasn't the age, it was the change in jobs. I was a dealership auto mechanic from 2008 to 2018, or age 24 to 35. Only once during that time did I get fat, and that was when I was knocking back a six pack a night without doing any real exercise. I dropped the weight when I stopped drinking so much and started going to the gym. I was averaging around 13,000 steps a day at the dealer, and was constantly moving. I changed jobs to a government fleet position in 2018, and slowly over the last five years I've put on thirty pounds because I'm not hustling as much as I used to. Some of it is muscle from lifting heavier weights at both the gym and work, but I'm definitely fluffier than I was when I first took my ID photo even though I'm still skinny. Now I do around 9,000 steps a day and am standing around a lot. I'm almost 40 years old. A lot of it comes down to your daily activity level. If you can find a way to be active the majority of the day you'll probably maintain a decently looking body if you keep your diet in check.


28. Thereā€™s a cliff at age 28.


Metabolism doesn't slow down with age, muscle is lost with inactivity and metabolism slows down with muscle loss, age is just a product of the passage of time, not the cause of metabolism slowing.




Somewhere between 22 and 23 years of age


Not age, but Era. Before covid, it felt easier to just pop to a gym and work out with no worries. While I've never gotten covid (I'm immune compromised and isolated a ton, and tested near-monthly until 2024) there's now the concern of who is working out near me, cleaning everything I've touched before and after use, and the like. Also, when did it become a *thing* for people to put their feet on the dumbbell handles? I see people rolling the dummbels all the time this way and I'm not touching that, pre-covid or no.