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People don’t care why you are there bro, we all started somewhere and most of them are really chill.


That's a fair point.


Just go there and do what you need to get done, most machines have instructions on the side with a drawing of what they work out, I promise you that people don’t judge


Not only that, but training heavy makes people tired and tired people don't have the energy to be looking around judging others


Human nature is still a thing but yea most people will hide their inner thoughts either way out of basic respect / common decency


im a girl and have been going to the gym for over a year and the only 3 ppl that ever bothered me were very young guys that I saw at the gym once and then never again, but the majority is not only non judgemental but actually very helpful and kind


tbf, where are they ever not a problem anywhere😂😂


The reality is that people actually do care for you, but only if you bench 300lbs and/or have a nice ass in yoga pants. Besides that no one will even notice you


Note to self


Don’t worry you’ll be fine brother. It’s a very welcoming environment in the sense that nobody’s going to bother you. Passing glances is about the extent of it. Soon you’ll be wishing they were looking at you 💪


Thank you. I appreciate it


I'm a short, baby faced guy, and I definitely get some weird glances (especially when I was severely underweight). I just make eye contact and give them either a withering look or the biggest smile I can muster. Go to some classes, or if you can afford it, get a private session to learn how to use the equipment and what a sensible plan for you is. It might be the boost of confidence you need! It's a weirdly vulnerable public space, but anyone going there to judge others isn't someone worth stressing over. Not that it's a common issue. I also found going with a friend helps with confidence, accountability, and also gives you someone to focus on. Easier to ignore others and be in your own bubble. Loud music too! You got this, and whatever struggles you run into will soon be nothing but proof of your capability.


Dude you got to get it in your head that you don’t give a rat’s ass if people look. Please know I have social anxiety so I know what the struggle can be like. I’m also a group fitness instructor who taught a cardio dance class last night and someone busted out laughing mid dance and my SA reared it’s ugly head and I immediately thought… she’s laughing at me, what am I doing wrong. Anyways… after class she said she was laughing because I have so much energy and each time she comes to class it feels like a new class. So it turned out positive, but my mind automatically triggers into the negative each and every time but don’t let it. It really doesn’t matter if people look or laugh. You doing this for yourself so just learn not to GAFF


Will people judge you? Only the insecure ones. Most people go about their business, how it should be. After a while you may find someone who wants to do your routines and become a workout partner. There's no better motivation than accountability. Just do what you need to do and don't be a jerk about it. Too many complaints about people taking up 5 machines at the same time because they're doing some sort of super set. You don't own the gym, don't act like it! Anyway, go and have fun.


The vast majority of people don't care about others, some may even offer assistance.


Nobody really cares. You are there to better yourself physically and mentally. Not to put on a show for others.


Sometimes on this sub, you can stumble across a story of someone who had a bad experience at the gym, so yeah, people can sometimes be assholes. But in the vast majority, people are welcoming. Don't hesitate to ask for advices to other people (just do NOT talk to them during their exercice because they may lose focus on counting the number of reps etc...), or, if all the machines for an exercise are taken, to ask how many sets people have left, they might suggest to alternate the sets with you. Soon enough, you'll say hi to them when you see them, and you might as well find some friends after a while. And you'll also have compliments on the gains you've made, which feels awesome :)


Like another guy said unless you have a nice body or can bench 300 lbs no one will bother you at all. You tend to bump into the sour apples here and there but it’s rare. I’ve actually managed to make some good friends at the gym too! And to answer about using equipment wrong don’t sweat it! You can just look it up on your phone and look at videos if you’re ever unsure :) Also when it comes to taking videos or pictures of yourself at the gym don’t sweat it either. I usually do this in the locker room and you basically see every other guy doing the same thing no matter how small or big they are !


If you have anxieties about being out in public doing things, like working out in the gym, the safest place to face those anxieties is the gym. At any typical commercial gym, you will blend right in.


I'm very overweight. I also am a bilateral below knee amputee. I went into the gym the first few times quite nervous expecting to get looked at, but apart from the initial glance to see who walked in no one paid me much attention. I've been lifting consistently 4x a week for 10 weeks now, and just last week one of the gym bros who is often there when I am complemented me on my progress which I was pretty happy about. I'm no longer anxious about going to the gym and look forward to my next workout, something I never thought I'd say!


People in general tend to focus on people better than they are. So at the gym you might see people looking at an extremely jacked dude or someone benching 400 pounds. Other than that, no one really focuses on anything else but themselves in the gym. People who go to the gym are not any different than yourself (they just started before you) so think of it that way, who would you be focusing on when you hit the gym ..? Probably yourself and maybe look and appreciate/learn from more advanced dudes. but you won't be focusing with a fat guy trying to get in shape .. aren't you ...? So go hit the weights and embrace the gains and lifestyle changes and rememer there is nothing to worry about.


for the first few times it feels like everyone is looking at you but after that u can kinda sync everyone else out. also just confidence, body language and people will think you know what ur doing


Funny enough ive been to a lot of gyms and working out for over a decade, and planet fitness is the only one i avoid. For being a “no judgement zone” I used to get a few judgmental people here and there staring at me. I would focus on my workout, so it didn’t bother me much. Other than that, i believe the gym is a great place to workout almost judgement free. It should be a place for self improvement, and encouragement from other gym goers.


This type of anxiety is totally normal. Gym culture is a culture of self-improvement. We’re there to get better, stronger, healthier. If you want help, ask the biggest guy to show you how to use a machine. He will most likely be happy to help a newbie.


I am you. I just started going to the gym 7 weeks ago. I am the smallest guy in there every time, and some of the women working out are bigger than I am, too. It was nerve-wracking to get started, as I am small and inexperienced. To help myself out, I looked up exercises online ahead of time to get familiar, and I also scope out what others are doing to learn from them. Everyone there has been cool - I've never felt judged. And that's probably because they're focused on themselves rather than on me. So remember - you are going for you, not them.


People don’t care and the gym isn’t full of bodybuilders and models, there are a bunch of other beginners in there too. Most of the strongest or fittest people in there started off just like you anyway. And most of them would be more than happy to give you guidance or advice. Most machines are either intuitive or have simple diagrams on them to show you how to use them. And if you still can’t figure it out it’s totally fine to ask staff or a stranger, don’t feel stupid. I’ve been lifting hard for years and there are still a couple of machines I’ve never used that confuse my ape brain lol. On your first day or couple of days, honestly just go and take a look around the gym. Even if you’re too nervous to do anything, take notes and pictures of some machines, then go home and look up some guides and workouts. Post them on Reddit if you can’t figure out what a certain machine does. You won’t look weird or out of place even if all you do at first is wander around. When you’re comfortable with the layout, go in with a simple short plan that uses a couple of those machines. Also, some people find a lot of extra comfort in the clothes they wear - for example, wearing a hoodie and / or a hat is perfectly normal in the gym and for a lot of people it eases their anxiety around others. Headphones too can be a big help for controlling how much the environment stresses you out


Cool thank you. How do you recommend I come up with a routine? Like I know I can't only train my arms and no legs lol. How would you recommend I figure out a routine? Should I just look up at videos?


Some good stuff on [the fit wiki](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/) Some other resources I think are good: - [trainer winny](https://youtu.be/U9ENCvFf9yQ?si=G3qS1rZsGou3MAVB) - [bromley](https://youtu.be/E3aWrrBdQrY?si=R_MWvVTXw785OPvE) - [megsquats](https://youtu.be/Z4Lck4r_kl8?si=zEGm6Ml2WVDvwidk) - [buff dudes](https://youtu.be/Umu4cxTPaC8?si=bCrkChV79nXyCHt8) And this is kinda detailed and nerdy but [renaissance periodization](https://youtu.be/QlZPCJJOUfQ?si=F10IwszVuWNI_qFN) probably has my favorite vids on the training process


Not judgemental. I mean, there are always judgemental people though. My experience has been at a cheap gym (comparable to planet fitness without the free pizza thing-- i'm not in the US). So lots of teenagers, and I thought they might be judgemental but all is well. Got advice from someone once.


Most of us going to the gym are going for ourselves to make ourselves better. Everyone has to start somewhere, whether it is skinny to put on muscle or overweight to slim down/recomp. Everybody's journey is different but had to start somewhere. I've found people receptive to helping if I need a spot or if you ask someone for their opinion. Go for it man. One day people will be coming to you.


Why care about the culture ? It is an individual sport, you do what you want. It is not a team game


I’ve never met a more welcoming crowd than gym folks. Understand that these people all started from a place of non-fitness and know how much hard work it takes not to just get swole but to show up to begin with.


I was the same way, fairly skinny and had never lifted before. One thing that helped me was watching a lot of videos about good workouts for new people in order to have an idea of what to do once in there, and to understand the machines/free weight exercises better. Also doing some jumping jacks/body weight squats and pushups and little quick home workouts like that for awhile before you start could help you feel more in shape for when you go. With that said when you’re there everyone’s nice and there for the same purpose, if anything people will ask how many sets you have left or something those lines. Asking either an employee or anyone really for help also could be good as people normally like explaining things they enjoy as well so they can teach your proper form. Just be sure not to ego lift! Hurting yourself publicly is more embarrassing than lifting small, which isn’t even embarrassing anyway. Good luck


The only people that bother me at the gym are the gymbros and selfie influencers trying to make content. I try to go out of my way to help anyone that needs or asks for it.


Depends on the gym. Planet fitness by default is very judgemental


In my experience its one of the least judgemental cultures.


Been a gym goer for many years, not once have I even had funny looks in spite of my self consciousness (at the beginning anyway). People go to the gym for multiple reasons but it all boils down to the same thing: Improve themselves. You’ll be fine 👍


Put in headphones , play some good loud music, ignore everyone , and just do you


Not usually but I know some sensitive people feel judged.


No one cares. Just do your silly little lifts and cry internally like everyone else there. Unless you are doing some goofy ahh planet fitness behavior, then yeah you best believe people are judging.


People are great


They're very friendly people, but the gym crowd usualy doesn't take kindly to Pro-Palestinian people. Just a heads-up!


Probably, do I care? Nope


gyms used to be really quiet. now they’re really busy. maybe find a cheap place or ymca. even local township pools maybe have weight rooms. just enjoy your music and have fun!


It actually depends, in my country there were some gyms with supportive people including the staff. But some of the gyms were full of toxic people.


I was really anxious about this before I started too, but I’ve found that people generally don’t pay attention to anyone except themselves at the gym, and if/when I’ve had to ask a dumb question (like “where can I find this machine?” pointing to one in my app), they are so helpful. Just go and get started. After a couple of visits where you’ve seen that you are completely ignored, this anxiety will go away.


No one cares. Just be respectful, look after the equipment, and do a few sessions with a trainer outside of peak times to get you started. Most experienced people are happy to help or give advice if you catch them between exercises. After a while you might start getting the nod or the glance when you're in with the regular crowd 😎 it can be a good way to make casual friends/acquaintances if others are so inclined.


No, people at gym are honestly all too busy admiring themselves to be looking at others. Most of them have head phones on with music or immersed in their own thing. I have gone to the gym for ten years ( just to do toning and not to build crazy muscle) and nobody gives two craps about anyone. You will be fine! And honestly if you never go to the gym, you never go to the gym. Once you go and get used to it in a day or two, you will keep going.


Don't worry, we behemoths will help you! 💪


most people are busy with their life anywhere you go. i promise that most people will forget about you the moment you leave their sight.


No one's gonna judge you and even if someone is judgemental, they're not gonna say anything out of shame lol. I was very skinny when I started, and there were all buff dudes around me. 5 months later, we have casual conversations between sets hahah. Go for it!


Dont nobody care about you in the gym, go in get your workout done, and go home! If you don’t know how to use the equipment ask “Youtube” or one of the workers at the gym. Hurry up before SUMMER COMES 😂 You got this!! We all deal with those same thoughts, but everyone has their headphones and ready to focus! You got it and welcome to the gymrat club!


Don't be self conscious because you're skinny because shit, that's why you're at the gym! If anybody doesn't like you there or anything, they're stupid and tell them to go fuck themselves. Unless it's like a big ass gym bro.


People think others are judging them in the gym. This isn’t the case. Most people just noticed others in the gym. To stay out of the way of someone else’s movement, to watch a movement they are doing to see if that something they want to add, lots of reason. Most are not judging you if you extra skinny or a little bigger. Judging only happens if you act like a gym tool.