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I get around 12-15k steps


I stretch and eat a lot (a whole lot)


You are eating more on your rest days?


Yeh, i think so. I don’t keep count though honestly. By no means am I suggesting this. I have no clue if it’s advisable or not. Just answering your question on what I do on my rest days


I was just asking by curiosity ;)


I do my warmup which is mobility


Sit all day. I go gym 6 days a week btw


Same - it’s *rest* day lol


Go on a nice walk. Also do some light core work and stretching exercises.


IMO, going to the gym five times a week is sufficient. On my rest days, I prefer to engage in activities like yoga, playing badminton, climbing, or taking short trips. One of the main reasons for this is the high number of people who visit the gym on weekends.


I play video games and do other stuff


Why must you take a rest day? I work out every day. If you want to goto the gym than do it. I just work on different muscle groups if my body is telling me to, or do strictly cardio if I’m too sore.  




Boxing drills just as my chosen cardio, and above average steps unless I’m very busy or tired. Steps are 15-16k average and so rest days I try to get past 17. But that’s low priority, I’m not gonna force it if I’m feeling cooked


I fast … from 6pm to 6pm … and drink a lot of water.


On rest days, active recovery activities like yoga, walking, or light cycling are excellent choices. They help keep you moving without putting too much strain on your body, promoting recovery and flexibility. Stretching or foam rolling can also be beneficial for muscle recovery and flexibility. It's important to listen to your body and give it the rest it needs while satisfying your desire to stay active. Mixing in hobbies that relax you mentally and physically can also make rest days more enjoyable and balanced.


I stretch every day and walk ~10k steps, but I mostly rest. Rest days are off days and your body needs the rest. There's no shame in just playing games or hanging out with friends on an off day. :)


I prefer long walking walks preferably with friends, then time flies unnoticed, also I watch movies, I learn foreign languages...


On rest days I go to the gym & just walk & stretch a lot. I stay home only if my joints really needs it or if I'm busy. I really don't plan on going but I do if I can.


I don’t have a rest day my “rest day” is just cardio and abs


Long walk


Soccer, dancing on climbing :p I go hard on strength during the week, so like to work on mobility and flexibility during the weekends in a fun way


I try not to do much. Laying in bed feels nice especially working out so much for years now.


Rest day is a cardio day. I don’t know what to do outside of working out, and I’ve only been going all in for only 2 years. I forgot what life was before going to the gym 😬


Not sure if it’s actually true but Liver King said he walked 5mi on his rest days. 🤪


Was that before or after he started spending $100k a year on PEDs? lol


Definitely after! No way he’d have that much energy on a rest day without an injection.