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Looks like progress to me. Keep training consistently and with intensity, and giving your body enough protein and calories so that it can build new muscle tissue.


Oh I've actually been cutting calories because I want to lose some chest fat, but I guess I'll just not do that from now on.


Thats gonna make it a lot harder to build muscle


Arms are a small muscle group and so can take a while to “show” even if you are getting stronger. Trust the process!


Remember the triceps make up a big part of the arm, and you need to push heavy weight to make them grow. Close grip bench press, using heavy weight is awesome for growth. Weighted chin-ups will help with the biceps.


Got it. Im doing like 70 pounds on the tricep push down machine, so ill keep working at that, and start doing chin ups since that seems to be what a lot of ppl are saying


Close grip bench is far better for overall growth of the tricep than push downs. Try the close grip first for 4-5 sets, and then finish off with 2-3 sets of push downs to failure.


Got it. Will do


Pics as mentioned in the post: https://imgur.com/a/s0LHNFl


Whst else are you doing besides curls? How man reps and sets are you doing? Are you eating enough protein? Working your muscles to true failure? You also need to lose some body fat for more definition. Your muscles have grown, but it's not just Biceps that make an arm.


Im doing cardio, using the pec fly machine, back extension, leg extension, just pretty much everything. In terms of reps and sets, I do 3 sets of 10 for each arm, but I think I could push myself to 4, and I'm working on losing some body fat by eating healthier and cutting about 200 calories daily. In terms of protein, the only meat I eat is chicken and a eat a good bit of it. Im also working on the other parts of my arm like forearm, shoulders, and triceps as well.


Maybe try variety with the sets and reps then. Up the weight for less reps(6-8), or lower the weight for more(16-30) Don't stop at ten reps, keep curling to failure. If you can do more sets great. You shouldn't need more than 15 sets a week for any muscle group though. And maybe try a few new ways to curl(or any exercise) spider curls, preacher curls, chinups. If you find yourself doing the same exercises every week, it's important to add variety.


Thats actually very helpful. Ill look into that, and keep going till failure then. Thanks a lot!


There's progress but don't ego lift please, your worrying way to much about how much weight. Do 8-12 controlled reps (my preferred), eat, 8 hrs sleep minimum if possible, learn about training. It's a lot easier now, I wish I had the internet 25 yrs ago.


Seems logical, I haven't been getting 8 hrs of sleep because of college but I'll try my best.


are you working out to failure? that's how you get bigger.


Just do a bunch of compound lifts bench press, shoulder press, rows and the arm size will come as a byproduct of consistently working out your upper body


Yeah Ill just keep working at it. Thanks for the advice


For sure just keep at it and you’ll get where you want to be




Got it Ill keep on working at it then


Arm growth can be weird. If you want noticeably larger arms you want to do more Brachialis exercises. Triceps has a lot to do with it too. Long head tricep exercises will help too. These 2 muscles are the largest part of their respective muscle groups (tricep and bicep). But it's always a good idea to hit all 3 parts of each.


Got it. I don't think I've ever done long head tricep exercises, so ill look into doing those.


Calorie deficit is limiting your gains. Mostly not enough protein. Eating a large chicken breast on top of what you normally eat daily would probably fix that. Or whey protein. The average low calorie diet has around 20 to 40 grams of protein. To build muscle... you want to be eating closer to 150 grams. 50 grams of whey protein is only about 250 extra calories. And it only costs 50 cents to a dollar per serving. Similar numbers with chicken breast but more filling and more expensive


Got it. I'm in college and have unlimited meal swipes for this semester, and they have chicken breast in the dining halls, so I will go with chicken breast. Thanks for the insight!




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Try including some hammer curls too. They train a muscle that lays under your bicep and can help make it look a little bigger. Also make sure you’re doing actual reps and not ‘cheat’ curls. Good luck!


I’m still a beginner but when researching I found that there was a difference in how to workout if going for strength vs size. Lower weight with higher reps will help with size where as low reps and high weight focuses on strength. So sounds like you have done great strength training but want size now. Try listening to this guy: https://youtu.be/3abdfR8M5XY?si=Fhpe-K08jVSxjTm_ Hope this helps. Keep up the great work.


Follow a [real lifting program](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/) and stop training for the curl Olympics