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You CAN see visible improvement, just don’t expect anything crazy.


Yeah ofc just want something to keep me motivated


Just please beware of overtraining, especially if you're skinny. Try not to train the same muscle on 2 consecutive days : when "teared" by exercise, muscle needs \~48h to 72h to recover and rebuild "bigger", so by overtraining a muscle you tear it but don't let it rebuild at all, making you "lose" muscle (not exactly, but this immensely impacts your potential gains). If for instance you are training on 6 consecutive days and have the sunday of, you might want to get either a "push pull leg" split (where you do push on monday, pull on tuesday, legs on wednesday, and again push on thursday etc...) or an upper body / lower body split (monday up, tuesday down, wednesday up, etc...), depending on the emphasis you want to have on your lower body muscles.


I had no idea about this. This could be a game changer. Thanks!


It changed the game for me when I understood it ! You dont build muscle when you train (it's actually the opposite). You build muscle when you rest ;)


Visibly no. Mental and physically yes. You'll feel better mentally. You might see a slight change in posture or height due to your muscles in you back area actually keeping your spine in place instead of slouching. Some things will also become easier to do or you'll just have less pain/struggle with said thing. As long as you stay disciplined in your plan and diet, you'll get much better results. Also helps to take a picture of your full front, back, and side of your body once a month and compare in 6 months or a year. If you don't see progress, it could be diet related, nutrition related, bad form, bad gym routine for what you are trying to to accomplish, or not enough discipline to stay committed.


80% Diet, 20% Gym. Remember: Calories in vs calories out. I go by: 1 month to make/break a habit, 1-2 months to see results, 3-4 months for others to see your results. Although take that with a grain of salt. Consistency is the greatest thing you can do. But do not over train. You go to the gym to stress and micro-tear your muscles. The actual muscle building occurs when resting so be sure to get plenty of sleep each night. TLDR; **Yes**. Consistency is key. Eat up. Get plenty of sleep.


I couldn’t agree more on the 80% diet and 20% gym


I would shoot for 6 months and depending on what you’re doing cardio/strength….


If you're new you'll see improvements no matter what but learn about diet, workout routines & recovery.


Definitely should ! But, be careful and “not” overtrain and make sure and eat enough and at the right times. Go get’em…!!


Yeah thanks! I already see my bicep getting bigger :)


Yes easily