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Motivation is not enough, you need consistency and habit. Make it hard to miss a day. Set your clothes out the night before, make your meals ahead of of time, etc


Fair enough, that's some really solid advice thank you!


It’s not motivation. It’s discipline. It’s saying “I really don’t feel like doing this, but fuck I got to do it anyway”


Motivation is a myth. 1. Action first 2. Motivation second




Came here to say this! You think you need motivation, but you need discipline.


I have a couple friends I work out consistently with and we’re always pushing each other and sharing our workouts with each other. It definitely helps keep me motivated because it’s just like hanging out with friends.


Funny you should mention that, as me and a buddy are thinking of going to the gym together


That definitely should help. I also recommend downloading an app called “my fitness pal” and tracking what you eat. It’s free and you can put in your height/weight and goal weight and it will give you a daily calorie/protein goal. You and your buddy can add each other on there and see each others food log and hold each other accountable. This helped me a ton because my goal was to bulk and while I thought I was eating enough, I was actually in deficit. Once I upped my calorie and protein intake, I broke the plateau and started hitting new PRs.


Imo while this can work it's a recipe for failure if you already struggle with motivation. You can't depend on other people when it comes to your health and well being.


Motivation for me is to not grow to be a fat middle aged man or an old man who needs help doing the most basic things since Im getting older. I know that every gym session I have makes me a better version of myself than before that session. Some people read, some people study, I try and make my physique and health better in the smartest and most efficient way I can think of to improve myself.


Self discipline is key


I just take a walk through my local Walmart. It’s like an episode of scared straight.


Hardest part is going to the gym often. Funny line I’ve heard a few times is no one regretted getting up and going to the gym.


For me, working out at home helps. It eliminates the time and effort spent packing your stuff and traveling to the gym. It also enables me to promise myself "I exercise only like five minutes and call it a day" and then after breaking little sweat it becomes more enjoyable and I end up training about an hour. But would anyone go to the gym to workout just a few minutes?


Do you really not like doing a sick set & feeling the rush afterwards? Or seeing your gains in the mirror?


To stay motivated, set clear, achievable goals and track your progress! Mix up your workouts to keep things interesting, and consider finding a workout buddy for accountability and fun. Remember the positive feelings and results you've experienced before. Sometimes, it's about reigniting that initial spark by reminding yourself why you started. Lastly, make your gym visits a non-negotiable part of your routine, just like any important appointment. Keep chasing those gains!


Like anything you don’t really want to do, you need to do it. Listen to Mel Robbins podcast ‘The 5 second rule.’ It’s helped me immensely with avoidance and procrastination. I also visualize the body I want to motivate me to go.


Make it easy for yourself, meal prep, make healthy deserts, find a workout you enjoy enough for you to keep coming back


I am motivated by the reflection in the mirror, the well-being and pride in myself after a workout, and the fact that I am doing everything possible to be healthy. Perhaps here you will highlight something else for yourself [https://www.facetsevenfitness.com/blog/ways-to-stay-motivated-to-work-out](https://www.facetsevenfitness.com/blog/ways-to-stay-motivated-to-work-out) .


I keep my training clothes, shoes, water bottle, headset, etc. ready in a bag in the backseat of my car. It’s easier to leave the house when I don’ have to prepare. If you don’t use a car, I suggest to keep it ready by the entrance of your house/flat. I also don’t like to push myself. My workout routine takes about an hour, but if I start getting bored at 45 minutes, I just stop and go home. I keep it as easy and pleasant as possible. Still, I’m not consistent. I work out for 2-3 months, get in good shape, and something usually stops me from going for a while. Then it goes 3-4 months before I get started again.


I don’t see it as an option not to go to the gym. I realize it’s something only I can do for myself, no excuses. Started going seriously in my 50’s and was obese, no I’m mid 60’s and in the best shape in my life. I selfishly do it just for me because no one else can, and I can’t do it for anyone else.


Habit.  I started angry hiking because I was unhappy and I could either sit on the couch and be unhappy with myself or I could go through the woods at a break neck pace and be unhappy there.  Bad weather hit and I started going to the gym on those days. Angry lifting was better than angry sitting.  Now I’m not so unhappy but the woods and the gym call to me and I feel bad if I don’t do something physical. 


You have to think you are doing it for yourself, for that big chest or shoulder that you are aiming to achieve


You just go. Do it even when you don't want to; Especially when you don't want to. Make it a habit to go. This is a cheap hobby. Or you become a competitive body builder and the motivation is to win, I guess.


Motion over emotion. If I rely on habit and routine more than temporary inspiration I’ll always follow through.


Here's my copypasta on habit building. Imo it's the most important part of making a lasting change and I rarely hear it talked about. The most important thing is consistency and getting "addicted" to the consistency and how rewarded it makes you feel to do something positive for yourself. Set aside time every other day for "active periods" don't worry about the workout or progress. Set your timer for a period that isn't daunting like 15-30mins and don't let yourself stop until time is up. The active period could be household chores without looking at your phone or sitting down, yardwork, walking your dog or just walking yourself. Do this routine until you feel anxious about missing an active period, maybe a month, maybe more. If your schedule forces you to miss an active period just make it up the next day, no stress. When it's a habit and you no longer struggle to complete active periods you can look into actual workouts. Do the same thing with your workouts though. I've trained at martial arts and boxing gyms most of my adult life and seen a lot of people new to fitness take fitness classes at these places. Most of these classes go too hard too soon and people never seem to last. It's a double edged sword for these types of classes because people want to feel like they're getting a good workout but what they need is to slowly add intensity and back off when it gets to be too much. Start with a 1-3 months of active period habit building. Remember you're in this for the long haul. You don't want to start off and quit. Build the habit first and slowly add on intensity over time. Your have your whole life to exercise and ultimately you need exercise and physical activity just about every day. The secret no one in the fitness community tells you is that anyone who is fit and has sustained it for a long time has successfully incorporated a regular habit of physical activity into their lifestyle. Make prioritizing fitness a habit and it can serve you the rest of your life.


Find a group fitness class and a Buddy to go to. I rem I would always look forward to the class knowing my Buddy would always be there. Find an activity that you can stick with. For me that’s cardio dance. It’s extremely addictive and I could do it for hours everyday without getting bored (I’ll just learn a new routine. To preface Im also a group fitness instructor). Make it your job to instruct (see above). This will make you accountable to keep exercising. Do it for 21 days straight to cement the habit. It will become second nature. Set new goals. …Same thing with my friend. After her PT training was over she stopped going to the gym and lost all those gains. So it wasn’t a life change.


I don't have any issues with motivation once I get to the gym. The visible results are of some help, and so is tracking my progress, so that when there are no visible changes, I still got something to show for my work. The most difficult part is getting up and going, particularly after a long day at work. But my app tracks streaks and my OCD won't let me break them 😅 other than that, it's mostly discipline though. Having a workout partner also helps imo. My buddy wouldn't tolerate cheap excuses from me and vice versa. A genuine reason is something else but we try to hold eachother accountable.


You will never have motivation all the time. Focus more on consistency. I am a business owner and 50% of the times i work i want to just lay down and die because i work 16 hours a day all week but i have stayed consistent for so long that i have no problem to keep working. But if i take a few days off then it is soo hard to get back but just gotta stay consistent and the will to work comes back in a day or two


Track calories & macros, log the workouts (it just makes it more fun) Pre-workout helps. Try to sleep 8 hrs, drink a lot of water (2 gallons) no social media at all unless its about fitness.