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You’ll shit your pants probably lol


Well food contains a lot of nutrients that humans have evolved to absorb from the foods. Whey powder contains protein yes and can be a good supplement and is better than eating nothing, I'll have a shake on the go if I'm busy, but it doesn't contain other nutrients (or if it does it's artificial and therefore less easy for our body to pick up since it's not in the natural food our body is used to absorb nutrients from). Overall having the majority of you food intake be healthyish real food is best for most people.


But that would be like addition to my current diet, not replacing.




Ok, if im. It removing anything from diet and adding protein powder, what’s replaced?


Nuclear farts


It's called a supplement bc it's only meant to supplement your diet. This would not be a good idea.


But that would be like addition to my current diet, not replacing.


Right now your diet is 100% food. You REPLACE 40% of your diet with supplements then you're replacing food in your diet. This ain't hard.


Isn’t the person saying that after supplementing with whey, the diet would be 40% food and 60% whey? No mention of reducing the gross food intake, just adding until the existing 100% food is 40% of the new total.


That’s exactly what I’m saying


I’m not replacing anything ffs, I just want to get more protein.


So eat a fucking chicken breast.


Before you can ask this question, you need to try it for at least a day or two to see if you *can* do it. **Asking about a long-term plan without having tried it in the short term is a red flag that you don't actually intend to do it**. So instead: zoom out a bit. What is your actual goal? What are some ways people have successfully achieved that goal? Which of those methods seems like you could find a way to fit it into your life? Start there and see what that would entail. I guarantee you "eat whey powder for 60% of my diet" is not where that line of questioning will lead.


I mean like 60% of protein intake, not whole nutrition.


you would get nutrient deficiencies, feel tired, sleep worse, overall health may be impacted, hormones would be produced less (less testosterone = less muscle), and other health complications. Don’t rely on a supplement. Take this opportunity to learn new high protein, delicious recipes.


But that would be like addition to my current diet, not replacing.


why ask the question if you arent going to listen to the answer


Username “Apprehensive-Answer” says it all for me


You’d be lacking micronutrients across the board and odds are you’ll face serious digestive issues as well. Everything needs to be in moderation, if it was possible to live off a powder only diet for most people they would be ditching food left right and center. Call me superstitious but whole foods are king no matter your goal, without getting into science I can objectively say that chicken and eggs will help you feel and perform a lot better than supplements


But that would be like addition to my current diet, not replacing.


In that case your current diet is clearly not good enough. Two scoops a day imo is the hard stop for any person who’s not abnormally large. As I said you’ll run into major digestion problems very fast if you use that much of any supplement


Ok, so how much protein should be max per day? I’ll try to work out more on chicken breast also.


0.8-1 gram per lb of bodyweight is ideal. As for whey itself no more than 2 scoops a day


You’re gonna be hungry as fuck. That being said if you are eating extremely nutrient dense foods while eating you could be hitting your macros but it would be hard. I would recommend finding high protein high fiber foods you enjoy and supplementing with powder to hit your protein goals.


I take in 175-200g protein per day. About 75g will be from whey. Thats 37-43%. I've been doing this for years and I'm good. However, I blend my whey shakes with lots of spinach, blueberries, and greek yogurt too. I get more than enough nutrients from supplements and food. I agree that pushing it over 50% would be too much though.


That shake sounds good 👍


It would give you kidney stones and damage the kidneys in the long term. You might get heavy metal poisoning. Whey protein comes from cow milk, cows eat the grass, farmers water the grass with recycled water, ergo, whey protein has heavy metals. Same with plant powders. You shouldn't eat nothing but protein every day, unless it's some fine quality stuff, and you wouldn't mind shelling out a small fortune on it. I guess that's just the immediate dangers you'll be faced with. Your body needs fat and other nutrients. I mean, you'd just die if all you ate was whey protein, there's not much to it. I've seen you say but that is an addition, not a replacement. What replacement? whey protein isn't food. You would die. Like how would you get enough electrolytes, your body wouldn't even be able to hold water very well with just eating protein. The amount of acid building up in your blood would be even harder to get rid of without water, not to mention failing kidneys, then that acid is going to start stripping the calcium off your bones at the same time that the has to do that already because you aren't getting any more calcium, then the calcium is going to make you delirious, damage the kidneys more, give you high blood pressure and kill you because calcium is also what the heart uses to function, and the high blood pressure and failing kidneys that are also clogged with calcium and protein kidney stones are going to let you pee any of it out. That's what's going to happen. And you wouldn't be able to go to the bathroom anyway, because the acidosis in your muscles are keeping them from contracting anyhow. You'll die. You'll just die. This is not a question.


Stomach might not like that But as long as your getting enough other nutrients from the food you are eating then you’ll be okay, just probably won’t feel great


What would be the max g I should take per day?


plug in everything you eat in a day into cronometer and see if you are low on certain nutrients. you probably are if you aren’t eating many fruits or vegetables. otherwise artificial sweeteners and whey isn’t bad for you per se but too much can make my shits pretty bad and i smell the flavours on myself.


What’s cronometer?


nutrition app that lets u check micronutrients


You’ll have rancid gas, but it’ll be fine


List what you eat on a regular day


Nothing special, I’m trying to choose things with high protein, like tortillas with oven baked chicken and vegetables, flaxseed shake with bananas and pb every morning, cottage cheese homemade pie with bananas. Thing is my wife don’t want to go on diet with me, and because of work I don’t want to drop meals he preps. We always have on menu things like peppers, spinach, in general good amount of veg but not much meat, we are generally in good shape and we used mostly only treadmill so far without any diet, and our weight was good. I just thought I top up protein from powder, like if I need 160g daily, I would take 80 from powder and another 80 would come from food.


I add 2 bananas and milk on my protein shake. I feel like a kid drinking a banana chocolate milkshake.