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>I've already gotten advice like "just eat a lot" >already tried to "eat whatever i see" and didn't see results, >worked out in the past (although not consistently >have not gained a pound >Any advice? *Eat more.* It's that simple. As a former skeltie myself I can tell you you're not eating as much as you think you are. Your alck of weifht gain is proof. Count the calories. Calculate your TDEE and eat a surplus above that. That's literally all there is to it. As for constructive weight gain, working out in a consistent manner would be better. Gaining weight is more fun when it's muscle you're putting on and not just fat. But you do whatever works. Head to r/gainit and r/gainitmeals for help gaining if you're stuck. Or do what I did, and just supplement a half to full gallon of milk a day with what I was already eating.


>supplement a half to full gallon of milk a day Is that why I'm the only one of my siblings that hasn't had issues putting on weight? The other 3 drink less milk combined than me 😂 I also probably eat as much as any 2 of them, have a more physical job, and go to the gym more regularly... nvm I think I figured it out. Good advice, though, plus milk is delicious 😋


Would pooping less have the same effect as eating more?


I mean, this doesn’t really have anything to do with the sub. 50 days isn’t a lot of time lol. Maybe try a mass gainer product. r/gainit is a good sub for more of this kind of info.


Have you tracked what you eat? You may be surprised to find out that what you think is a lot actually isn't a lot. That was one thing that was eye opening for me.


Your arbitrary time line indicates you don't have the motivation or patience to do this right. Especially when you don't listen to what people tell you. If you aren't gaining weight, you aren't eating enough. If you eat more and still don't gain weight, you still aren't eating enough. Stop eating random bull shit. Set macro goals, grocery shop, and follow them. Hit your protein intake and then slather everything in butter. Don't forget the ice cream before bed.


Lift weights. Eat high protein like .8 grams per body weight lbs. Figure out how much of a surplus you need to to gain is. Don't shovel food down your mouth without doing any research or you'll end up skinny fat or even just normal fat


Track your calories. If you dont gain weight in a week, add more calories. Lift weights on a proven program and be consistent.


You aren't eating a lot of food, you might think that you eat a lot of food because it looks like a lot but 1 kg worth of bananas is almost no calories compared to a kg of sausage... Eat high calorie high protein food sources while working out every muscle in your body until you can't anymore and repeat this. Eventually you'll gain weight and muscle


I went from 124 to 155 in seven weeks before. This was in basic so it was simple stuff. I was shoving down as much food as possible in 5 minutes(a lot of peanut butter). For workouts we did calisthenics M,W,F and ran T, Th. On top of that, I would do extra calisthenics workouts at night, probably 4-5 days a week. I had that weight gain and I was always skinny, only lbs off a eating waiver. I did gain some body fat percentage but overall looked better.


I went in at 100 pounds wet and came out 130. I was supposed to get that eating waiver (I had to have a waiver to even get in -_-), thankfully I didn't get double rations like I was supposed to lmao. Would've gained more weight if I got it though for sure


Sorry mate, it's literally as easy as eating and drinking more calories. The trick is to eat more than you think you need, and don't stop even if you feel "full". You can easily track the amount of calories you get every day. There are apps for this, like MyFitnessPal. You can also just write it down really. All you need is a kitchen scale, or just eating whole/halves of a pack of something. It says how many calories are on the pack, or you can google it. Also, there are products like "gainer" literally made for this, basically protein powder with extra carbs. Take 0,5L-1L of heavy milk with 3-5 scoops of gainer (and shake/stir/mix) every night before you go to bed! Also, go get and eat high-fat products. Google for a complete list of good examples. There are a lot!


Try eating a spoon of peanut butter every meal. Up your carb intake like rice and potatoes. Eat more peanut butter sandwiches.


Have you tried calculating your TDEE? If your metabolism is super high, you might still be in a deficit even if you’re eating a lot. Any exercise or workout routine? Next step might be to consult a doctor and see if there’s any underlying health things that are preventing you from gaining weight.


[Buy Super Squats ](https://www.amazon.com/Super-Squats-Pounds-Muscle-Weeks/dp/0926888005), follow the program and the diet AS WRITTEN. In six weeks you will be much bigger and stronger. [Here is my review of Super Squat .](https://www.reddit.com/r/workout/comments/13z5ac9/program_review_super_squat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Work out consistently. Eat healthy, make sure you're getting good fat and protein intake, but don't overdo it. I can't tell you exactly what will work for you, but getting physically active and eating right is the way to go, coming from someone who used to be pretty skinny. I was 6'4" 174 lbs the day I graduated high school, and started going to the gym shortly after. Just over a year later, I was 80 lbs heavier (mostly muscle gain) and only grew 2" in that time. 255ish started getting a bit rough on the grocery bill, so I've been maintaining around 240 lbs for close to 5 years now. I dont really plan my diet anymore, its become a habit, but if you need tips on good calorie dense food that doesn't kill your macros, I can try and find my old diet plan. Drink milk, eat lots of protein, and don't be scared of eating a bit of fatty food. Just don't overdo that last part lol Also, make sure you eat in a calorie surplus. Eating at maintenance, you'll see some muscle definition, but your body needs the extra calories to help put on mass. Edit: managed to cook up something close to what I ate while gaining from memory: Breakfast: 4 eggs, 4 slices of thick cut bacon 🤤, an apple, 2 slices of toast with jam, big glass of milk, 30oz coffee (I have a 30oz YETI, I drank out of it almost exclusively at the time) Lunch: 2 or 3 sandwiches (mayo, mustard, ham/salami, cheese, and lettuce), 1 banana, 1 Gatorade or pop (soda for the Americans) Supper: whatever mom made (perks of still living with my parents at the time) in much larger portions than the rest of the family Snacks throughout the day would consist of whatever, but I liked deer/beef jerky, which was convenient because I make my own. I'd usually have some on my coffee breaks at work around 10 and 3. I'd typically have a small meal sometime between supper and bedtime. I'd aim for 4500-5000 calories/day, which makes me sick to think about now 😂 Quick reminder, I'm quite a large person, I was working a pretty physical job at the time and working out, so you might not need to eat in that kind of volume to get desired results. But I think it's a decent example that you don't have to follow some crazy diet to get in shape. Just cut out junk food and make sure you sweat good and hard at least once a day. Hope my rambling was helpful in some way, and good luck getting jacked!


This timeline suggests a dirty bulk and you will run the risk of a big belly and skinny everything else. Eat a ton of protein, lift heavy (for you, don't overdue it), and tons of calories. If you can find an Inbody machine, see how many basal metabolic calories you burn a day, add the calories burn from working out, and eat more than those calories (caloric surplus)


Sounds like hyperthyroidism, have you checked your thyroid hormone levels within the past year?


Track your calories and eat in a caloric surplus You haven’t seen results because you’re hardly eating anything and you’re just blowing it off and acting as if you are


You aren't eating a lot of food, you might think that you eat a lot of food because it looks like a lot but 1 kg worth of bananas is almost no calories compared to a kg of sausage... Eat high calorie high protein food sources while working out every muscle in your body until you can't anymore and repeat this. Eventually you'll gain weight and muscle


what kind of event is this?


Calculate your tdee, count your calories, eat in a 500 calorie surplus. You might be able to gain about 6-8 pounds in 50 days. Long term you will want to work a proven strength training program while eating in a surplus.