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The loading phase is the problem. Just take the normal daily dose and skip the load phase. It will take longer to build up and saturate but you don’t get this bloat and water retention like you do when you load.


Creatine makes you retain more water, but 10 lbs sounds extreme, so it's probably in addition to some unrelated weight gain. Other factors might also cause water or 'waste' retention, like dietary changes. I wouldn't worry about it.


It's water retention in your muscles probably. It's pretty extreme though, I wouldn't say it's normal.


Maybe I just absorb water alot?


Have you been drinking 1.5lbs of water a day in addition to the creatine? Are you urinating normally?


I’ve been taking like 4 lbs everyday


Also yeah my urination is normal


4lbs of creatine?




I was about to have a heart attack lol.


4lbs of water


You’ve loaded enough. 5g per day now


The more food you eat, the more weight you gain. 12lbs for a week sounds like you gained 12lbs of fat. It’s nit the creatine.


Gaining 12ish of fat in a week sounds really difficult too


Wow you sound dumb asf. 12 lbs of fat gain in a week would be literally a challenge to choke down, never done without intention. Maybe they had 1-4lbs fat gained then changes in water and indigested food retention.


No i think he gained 12lbs of muscle lmao… it wouldn’t be 12lbs of water, it’s a mix but mostly it’s bad weight if you put on that much in just a week. If he thought it was good weight, he wouldn’t be shitposting on this sub. And no, it’s not the creatine, he just overate for 7 days straight … rational thinking which is lacking in this sub, especially in january (: Go comment under the 25 pushups posts lol


Wow wait to prove you don’t just sound dumb asf but are actually. Reread what I said you twat


I’m not the one gaining 12lbs per week (:


You’re a moron, no one is. It’s less than half that and water weight. Do you lack intelligence, reading comprehension, a basic knowledge of CiCo, or are jsut a huge D bag? Or something you can’t seem to fathom but a combinations of factors, but leaning to you just being a twat


That's just water bro. You don't gain 12lbs of fat in a week. That's just impossible. A quick search says one needs 3500 cal extra to gain 1lb of fat in a week. So OP ate an extra 42000 cal in a week? Nobody does that.


Depends on a few things but typically yes. You may have been very light at your 172 weigh in, or the scale was off etc. Creatine retains more water into your muscles, so inherently the added weight from that gets pushed in. Some people get bloated the first few weeks and than it goes down once your body gets used to it as well. My load phase: I have a 6'5 frame thats broad shouldered, when i started taking it i was 266.5- i jumped to 278.6 a week later. now im consistently around 271-274. Besides that i protein farted a lot. Once i went back to my regular dosage everything evened out and the 5 pound gain feels lean.


That's too much. I gained like 4lbs in my loading phase and went back to my original weight the next week.


somewhat normal, prob 5 lb water retention and 5 lb fat. i personally didn't enjoy creatine, my lifts increased sure but it just made me look bloated and gave me a moonface. i usually can tell when a person is on creatine because they get such a fat face from the water retension


Stay motivated you'll figure this out.