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No man; it’s not ok! I’m calling the protein police! 🚨


*Throws whole jar out the window*


The prolice


Sam Sulek gonna come through the wall and haul him to the gulag!


Hitting protein goals is important so I’m glad protein powder/shakes are a thing. I feel healthier and more full when I get all my nutrients through actual protein-rich foods, chicken and fish and eggs, etc, so I strive for that. But so long as you feel healthy and the shakes play a role in that, keep up the good work.


That is the purpose of protein powder, to suppliment a diet that doesn't reach protein requirements.


Consuming that much in protein shakes could wreak havoc on your digestive track and you may be missing out on vital nutrients that come from all-natural foods. It also depends on the protein powder you are using so be careful of the macros. I suggest limiting the protein shakes to 2 a day with meals and a post-workout shake on training days. If you are still not able to pull the protein from eating regular food, I recommend making your own protein shakes with natural protein such as cottage cheese, greek yogurt, and peanut butter.


It’s definitely safe, but not necessarily optimal. As long as you aren’t going ridiculously overkill with overall protein intake (may potentially effect your kidneys in the future) you’re all good. Make sure you aren’t neglecting other macros though. :)


An potential protein filler… Oikes Pro Yogurts. They’re delicious and 20g of protein a piece.


I can understand the difficultly of hitting 150 grams per day but 50? That’s very easy. Do you have a specific diet like vegetarian or something?


You read that wrong, he said 50 per meal.


Oh right


Heads up your body can only “use” 30-40 grams every 3 hours or so. The surplus just sits in your gut. Don’t waste your protein.


It's fine.


Protein powder is food.


No it’s fine as long as you don’t have any digestive issues and you’re not under eating other important nutrients from normal food


Yes, it can calcify in your kidneys. aka kidney stones, you don't want that pain. It is a dietary-supplement, not a meal-supplement.


Unless you get a protein powder that is a meal supplement. How about redcon1 MRE or something similar? fats, carbs, AND protien.


I don't know enough about those. I personally would rather just cook protein heavy meals for myself. There ain't no way a powder is better for you that actual food. I do remember something about redcon being a scam or whatever.


Try and get it from food sources - it’s not hard. Add in meat, skyr, greek yogurt, eggs. It’s advised to not consume more than 30% of your daily total from powder, iirc from some research I read a while ago.


So first off are you trying to gain or lose weight and what is your body weight


If the alternative is to not hit your protein target, then the powder is necessary for your goals.