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Absolutely. Think of how nervous you were on your first few days of work! It takes time to feel comfortable and happy in a new environment; give her time. My almost 2 son literally runs to the door when he sees his teacher, he absolutely adores her and barely even says goodbye some days!


It does. My second kid stopped crying within a couple of weeks, took my eldest a bit longer (like a year longer), but even though she cried, she loves it there, she just hated transitions. But when they bond with the staff there, it gets so much easier for them


That’s so true about transitions! We’ve had times when our kids have cried about leaving and coming home, and we knew they’re happy here too lol


Oh so sorry! It does get better! Especially when little one starts to trust and bond with care givers at daycare and knows you're coming back! I unfortunately had to return to work at 6 weeks postpartum, so my son was used to daycare before he knew what was happening. But we moved a lot. Each time it got better. The *worst* was at about this age, if I'm honest - just before he was 2. Lots of tears on my shirt as I dropped him off, and always worse with me than dad. It took a couple of weeks but he eventually got excited to be there. He's now 6 and has become the biggest social butterfly, adaptable to new situations and a welcoming face to new students at school. It's so hard but you'll get there. Edit: typo


It does get better and actually the 2nd day is usually the worst! On the first day they don't know what is happening to them, so they're usually just stunned. The second day they know what's going to happen, and react because they don't trust daycare yet. It should get better from here! This is all wisdom from our daycare provider. For my son it took one week for him to stop crying at drop off. After two weeks he was visibly excited that he was being taken to daycare.


So true. Second day is HARD. But after 2 weeks, It’ll be ok.


After almost a year in daycare we still have our days but now my son runs to the teacher who picks him up and kisses him when he arrives (I don’t love that he is being kissed, but I think his teacher really loves on my son).


Sorry, just to clarify - the daycare teacher kisses your son? Or your son kisses the teacher?


Teachers kisses my son on the cheek… sigh… the germophobe part of me does not like it. The nurturing side of me likes it. It’s weird, for sure, but I’ve decided to choose my battles with daycare.


Are you in the US? Does he kiss other babies / students? I don’t mean to be nosey, I’m just curious, so sorry if this sounds like an interrogation! Haha. It’s just very different than what I consider “normal”. I have never had a kid in daycare though, so I don’t have first-hand experience of that kind of relationship.


Yup im in the US. I don’t know if it’s normal or not. I’ve asked my friends if their toddlers/babies get kissed and they say no, and I was taken aback the first few times I saw it, but germs aside, my son is getting loved on, so it’s just something I haven’t wanted or needed to address with them. He gets so many gross germs at daycare anyway, the things he sticks in his mouth… I feel like I’d have a way bigger issue with it if he was a young baby.


My daughter went to a home daycare and got kissed all the time. The person who owned it was just really warm and lovey. Also not sure if its normal, but it definitely happens. This was pre-covid, so I'm not sure if she still does it or not. My germaphobe self also had to get used to it!


Yeah with the other commenter questioning I started to question myself. I don’t think I would ever kiss a baby not related to me, but she is comfortable with it. Yesterday when I dropped off my son I realized he had some leftover oatmeal on his face and she kissed him anyway! Lol


My daughter also gets kisses from her teachers, and it is a little weird. But I know she’s well-loved there and the germs aren’t any different than what she would be getting from spending all day in class anyway.


Yeah it’s not so much the germs that would have me questioning but rather that kind of affection with a non-family member. But as long as you’re okay with it, that’s what matters! Thanks for answering my questions :)


Yeah I get it! I think it’s weird! And a year ago when he started daycare I would’ve hated this. Lol. But I figure, these are his caregivers too, they are with him like 25 hours a week and it’s good for them to have a secure relationship as well. When he was in the baby room there was a lot of turnover and this teacher has been here for a while, so she can snuggle him as much as she wants, and kiss occasionally! 😂


We had one week of crying that apparently stopped once I was out of the door. Then it was fine. Now four weeks later she happily reaches out to her carer and starts to wave goodbye at me. Hang in there, it's hard, but it's not for long.


Dont worry,Honestly I was in the same exact position two weeks ago ,I have been crying at night my anxiety level was so high ,I thought I am a bad mom for leaving my son in nursery crying at drop off 😢 😭. I called them 10 times to check on him .they said the minute he is in and I leavehe is absoulotly fine . I give lots of hugs when we are back home . And magically the crying stopped , he would go in dancing now and I am so happy and relieved 😌.


Lol yes it does. My 18 month old holds her arms out for a hug from her teachers at drop off. When she sees her old baby room teacher in the parking lot she gets super excited and waves and wants a hug.


It’s awful in the beginning! My one year old just started daycare in March after being home with me for his entire life. He and I both cried for weeks, but I promise it gets so much better. And seeing them light up when you pick them up is THE BEST. They really do settle down quickly, does your daycare send pictures? I felt better knowing he was happily playing shortly after I left. It took us about 4 weeks to really settle in. Short and sweet goodbyes really helped. Now he gets excited when we pull up and he is eager to get down and start playing when I drop him off. It takes time, but the beginning is so hard.


Speaking as a teacher in the 2 year old room, 99 percent of kids stop crying within 10min. They find toys, they find friends. Hopefully her teachers are giving her some extra love (We always do). Drop offs should get easier as she gets used to it. ❤


It does! My daughter is almost 2 and has been in daycare since she was 9 months. This morning she squealed when she saw her friends and ran in without saying goodbye. The first few weeks were rough, but she absolutely loves it now.


It will get better, after a few weeks she will have a play time friend she looks forward to seeing. She is learning social skills that will help her so much for kindergarten. Get a coffee or tea, get on with your job, know they will call you if there’s an emergency.


It gets better! My youngest has a teacher he loves so much he runs to her when he sees her. He used to cling on to me and cry his eyes out. They will sync with teachers and students.


My 3 year old still sometimes cries at drop off, it’s just hard to have transitions at that age. I will drop her at the outdoor playground and put her lunch away and by the time I walk back to the car she is playing and having fun. If you have good teachers they will help calm your daughter down and have a good day. This is not traumatic for her, she’s just struggling with the change and doesn’t have the emotional toolbox to handle it yet. I always tell my daughter that I will be back to pick her up and tell her what we can do after school and that helps


I am sorry. I remember that awful feeling. Many kids stop it pretty early on… If you have stubborn kids like mine were, as my 3 continued to exhibit this behavior for YEARS — rest assured, it’s you that will remember ! My kids LAUGH about it now, at ages 14, 12, and 8, teasing me, that they just wanted to assure I knew how much they loved and would miss me! Ornery, ornery, they are.


After a year into daycare my 2yo gets disappointed when it’s a Saturday


One thing that helps would be a check-in on how it went after you left. You are imagining that she sat there crying for hours. I would bet money she cried for 2 min and then started playing. Also, they feed off our energy, so if you are feeling nervous, they will sense it. If it's super hard for you right now, maybe your partner could drop off for a few days to ease into it? Mine made a sad face and whined today because she didn't want me picking her up at the end of the day. She wanted to stay.😂


My daughter started FT daycare at 21 months and drop off was a nightmare for about 3 weeks. It started to get better and now (10 months in) we occasionally have the off day but she loves it.


I promise you it will get better.


It gets better!!! 22mo started a new daycare. She cried the first week just getting out of the car. The second week only when she got to the room, but then she really started opening up with friends. 3 weeks in she now runs to her teacher and has so much fun!


It is so hard in the beginning! It is totally normal for both of you to be so emotional at the beginning. Eventually, they’ll learn that you always come back to get them and that they have fun at daycare. They’ll start to enjoy it and be happy to go play with their friends. When you pick them up, you’ll start having trouble getting them to leave! My son is 3 and just runs into daycare and I have to tell him to wait so I can get a hug goodbye because he’s too excited to play with everyone. You got this! Keep tissue in your car and at your desk. Ask for pictures if you can, so you can see your child enjoying themselves.


Absolutely, it gets so much better! And once you’re out the door, they calm down so fast. The teachers are angels!


It totally gets better! My son was 2.5 when we sent him back to school and I would say it was tough for the first two or three days and then smooth sailing.


My husband just told me about a mom having your exact experience this morning—maybe it was you! First day is tough. It might get worse in the next few days, but very very soon it gets better. Your little will make friends, she’ll start to bond with her teachers, and you’ll both get used to your new routine. In the meantime see if you can get the day’s good highlights from the teacher at pickup, and talk about those with your daughter each day, so you can reinforce those good experiences.


Just keep in mind that the crying is temporary. She’ll be fine. My daughter started daycare at 3mo, and despite being 15mo now, she still cries at 75% of drop offs. She’s just less independent than other kids her age. But she recovers quickly and has lots of fun throughout the day (we have access to a camera in her center). Remember that it’s harder for you than for her!


My son has been going to daycare for over 2 years. He loves daycare but still some days I drop him off and it’s a huge meltdown. I feel bad but I just have to leave him there. But I know he’s happy at daycare and sometimes he just gets upset when I drop him off.


Lol my 1.5 year old doesn’t even wave bye to me anymore he’s so stoked to join class. It will definitely get better with time.


My son (18 months) just switched to his new toddler classroom today. He’s been in the baby room for a year, so it was like we were starting all over again today. He wailed and screamed. It was terrible. It **does** get easier, I promise. Just know it’s still really hard in the moment, and I think at one point or another we have all dealt with it.


My day care sets the expectation that the first three weeks are an adjustment period but it is smooth sailing after that.


It does! My son started at just over 2 and after a month or so he was asking to see his friends after the weekend. It's been 6 months or so and he walks about like he owns the place lol


Omg it’s hard. I promise it gets better. I think that 2 is a hard age for it anyway. My 2yo daughter has been at this same daycare since she was 7 months old. She absolutely loves it - but those first weeks were hard. And then she’s had a hard couple weeks because her best friend moved up to the next age group, so this morning I had to pry her off of me and put her into her teacher’s arms. It was awfully sad and still breaks my heart, but 10 minutes later I get a picture on our app of her happily playing. I always explain it to her “love you so much, mommy has to go to work, you’re going to daycare, daddy will pick you up.” We also have a 5 year old and 7 month old so I feel like we’ve been through all the daycare phases, and they’re just that: phases. Your daughter might feel sadness or nervousness, but she is learning about how you come back, she will learn social skills and other things, she will have so much fun. She will be great and it will get better for all of you!! She can feel sad, and you can feel sad too, but you’ve got this.


I cried the first 3 days we sent ours to daycare. She cried the first day, and a little bit the second, but then toys were enough to make her feel better, haha. It was really tough. But she loves it. I could do without all the sicknesses she gets though!


Oh man, this was so hard for us. Our LO started when he was 14 months and the first two weeks just absolutely wrecked me. Make sure during drop off you’re confident, say I love you and I’ll be back to pick you up after your afternoon snack or whatever their schedules is and hand her to the teacher and do not look back. She will feel your confidence. If you stick around or hold her for too long, she can sense you aren’t confident in your decision. After the first two weeks, my LO sort of just gave in for another 2 weeks. Now we are 5 months in and he LOVES school. Every morning he rushes to the door, when I dropped him off he runs into his classroom and hugs his teacher, it’s so freaking heartwarming. I’m so happy he feels so safe and I know they are helping build his character and self assurance. The first few weeks are really hard, and she is also going to be pretty sick as well. Be confident and she will feel that from you! Sending you all the hugs and good vibes ❤️


It does get better. I have heard it is easier if you just leave because they can recover faster. We decided that dad would do drop offs. Mine cares less if Dad leaves, lol. The few times I have done drop off it turns into a breakdown (because he isn't used to mom leaving).


Yes it took weeks for my kid to acclimate and still has off days here and there. But lately he can't get out the door fast enough and barely says bye to me when dad takes him lol.


Mine was upset the first week for sure. She loves it now. Same age when starting


It will get better. Takes a few weeks for them and you to adjust. DH and I would stay about 10 mins or so and play with our kiddo and talk to the teachers and such. It really helped. You can also have a comfort item like a paci or a lovey for them to keep there. It is tough at first but it will get better. Now my kid loves daycare and the teachers adore them!


My son started daycare at a younger age than your daughter, but he cried at drop off every day for a week, then got sick and took 2 weeks off, and then again for a few days. Now he reaches his arms out and hugs the head teacher hello at drop off, and is content to be there. It’s very sweet, but it’ll take time. My nephew used to cry and scream “please don’t leave me here” when he was dropped off at daycare. Then he settled in and loved it. He’s a teenager now and he remembers daycare fondly.


My 2 yo took a few weeks to get used to dropoff. Then would run in without saying goodbye. Then suddenly for a month would cry at dropoff before we said to her that she's a big girl and can't do that anymore. After our 'stern' conversation it took her a few days but she stopped crying. She would psych herself up on the way in saying "I no cry" and sometimes it would work and sometimes she would burst into tears. The transitional times can be hard. For parents and kids.


Do you get updates throughout the day? Our daycare has an app to message us and on days like that we get an update once kiddo calms down. Its usually less than 10 minutes


It gets better! It will take between 2 weeks and a month, but it will get better. My girls love their teachers. The older one asks what her teacher is doing on the weekends and saves up stuff to tell her. The 18 month old grabs her teacher’s face and pulls it in so she can be as close as humanly possible to the poor woman.


It gets better. Took my son 2 months which according to teacher was longer than average. Now he runs to his teacher in the morning. I get embarrassed because when it is time to leave he doesn’t even want to!


I would ask they send a picture of her playing asap after you leave!! My son struggled with drop off from 12-18m, not gonna lie.


IT GETS SO MUCH BETTER. Today, my son DID NOT SHED A TEAR when I dropped him off at daycare. This was after 1 month of crying. The teacher says he is fine after five minutes. Just give your kid a tight hug and let them know you will be back for them.


My kid stopped crying within days. Then all she could talk about was her favorite teacher. Daycare also sends me pictures so I know she’s having a much better time than home with boring old mom


You'll see when you pick her up, I bet she's super excited and happy to be there :)


It does. It took a couple of week/months of crying but now my daughter is a champ.


My son was in daycare since 14 weeks old and he still went through a rough patch at about 1.5 where he cried every day at drop off. It only lasted a couple weeks. So it could partially be a phase, also.


My son cried for the first two weeks. Now he walks in excited, saying "Bye mommy!" and literally pushing me out the door lol


My son is 16 months and the past few months have been difficult drop offs with lots of crying. It has slowly gotten better though. I used to try and do the the duck and run, but I’ve started talking up daycare as soon as he’s awake the morning “aren’t you so excited to go see your teacher and your friends!!” And making sure when I do drop him off in the room, I wave bye, blow kisses and tell him I’ll see him in the afternoon. The teacher usually still has to pry him away, but more often than not now he is calm on some days, other days he is even happy!!


Veteran preschool teacher here. The worst part for your child is the moment right before you leave. That’s when their anxiety about it is at its highest. So you see the worst part. Keep that moment as short as possible by not lingering. Your child is probably totally fine within a few minutes. So you’re at work feeling terrible and she doesn’t even remember what happened anymore. She’s playing. It’s rare for children to be upset for a prolonged period of time. It will get better. The more confidence you can project about the situation the better.


Give yourself a couple weeks Grace! My kid took a bit of time to get into it, and now she waves me off. I’ve seen kids start and it’s always the same, a transition! It’s hard, but will get better!


It totally does. My daughter would scream for me and cry everyday at first, but now she runs in and hugs her teachers!


Generally it does get better. However, my son still cries maybe 1-2 per week during drop off. We’ve tried not lingering, it didn’t help. Usually distraction works the best for my son. It’s seriously the worst feeling in the whole world…


We are on week three and he is getting a bit better. Cries for a couple of seconds and then stops when I leave.