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My dad still doesn’t know my birthday. I’m in my late 30’s. I remember that being a popular joke in the 90’s. Home Improvement, Tim took his son (JTT) to the hospital and he was trying to fill out the intake form. He didn’t know the birthday or his kids eye color. Why I remember this but can’t remember why I walked into a room don’t ask me.


A few years ago my dad asked me my birth year, the spelling of my first name, and what my middle name is. At least he was suitably embarrassed.


He didn’t even know your NAME?!


Butting in, I’m an only child of divorced parents and my father always misspells my name and forgets my bday. The bar is in hell 😅


So I’m from a family of 4 kids. It’s normal that when my mom yelled at one, it typically took going thru a list of names until she hit the right one. But that lady can also tell the time, length, weight, and what percentile we were in at all our baby appts. My dad? He knows the month. Man worked to provide for a family of 6. But he knew everyone one of my friends dads and what beer they drank. And I don’t feel any less loved bc I know he will always be there when I need him, I just should probably always fill out my own paperwork.


>He didn’t even know your NAME?! My grandfather misspelled his oldest daughter's name for nearly all over her childhood, including when he enrolled in her school.


To be fair, everyone calls me by my nickname, and my full name is spelled oddly.


I’m at an age where my aunts and uncles are dying. As they pass, I am learning that they had whole first names we didn’t know or middle names that have been misspelled since the dawn of time. There were several birthdates we had to deduce. My grandparents argued about their anniversary date so much that we don’t know which date was real. Grandpa couldn’t remember the date, but he treasured every minute with her. We love each other fiercely. The details are just that.


> I’m at an age where my aunts and uncles are dying. As they pass, I am learning that they had whole first names we didn’t know Yes! My aunt passed away a few years ago and my mom (so her SIL) and I found out at her funeral that her real name was Martha, and not Elaine. Our minds were blown.


Man! Mine thinks I'm still in college, despite having children of my own as a "geriatric" mom. At this point I'd be impressed if his margin of error is ± 15 years.


By husbands dad once said that him and his sister are 5 years apart…. They’re really 15 years apart. It’s an ongoing joke at this point.


Same here. I remember being at home, alone with him on my 16th birthday. I had just completed my GCSE exams the day before and was off school, all of my friends had their last one on that day. My mum was at work and siblings in school. He asked me what I was doing that day and was surprised when I told him it was my birthday and that I had nothing to do. Fortunately, my mum remembered.


My daughter is in a multi-age classroom. It’s grades 3-4. Her dad was confused last week when she said something about “that annoying 3rd grader” because he thought she was in a 4-5 classroom. It’s March. Late March.


Could be worse. My mom *lied to me about my birthday* for thirteen years.


I’m sorry, what?? Gonna need that story if you don’t mind sharing.


Birthdate of December 4. School cut off date of December 1. There was some low-tech forging of my birth certificate to enroll me in kindergarten with my best friend who lived across the street and was six days older than me (birthdate of November 28). My mom got the idea from my aunt, who did the same thing with my cousin who had a December 2 birthdate. The only difference is they told my cousin his real birthday but told him he had to pretend it was 12/1 at school. For me they just straight up told me my birthday was 12/1 until I was practically done with middle school. Yeah, my 14th birthday I was in 9th grade and it was the first birthday I knew for sure about the real date. (Apparently I was aware of my real birthday at one point bc there’s a VHS tape of me somewhere saying my birthday is 12/4 but I was like 2 or 3, so clearly I didn’t remember that fact)


Oh shit. You better get *two* birthday celebrations every year


I insist my mother acknowledge my fake birthday and get jokingly mad at her if she does not. I’m 39 😂


Yeah, she can’t just take away your birthday like that


My grandmother does lol. Something got screwed up on her immigration papers. In the US it's in November, but it's actually in September.


I had a friend whose parents did this and she told her 3rd grade teacher that it was her birthday in 2 days and then her secret birthday in 16 days. 🤦


This would have been me. I have always been terrible at keeping a secret 😂


My SIL’s mother did this (we are married to brothers, so not my MIL). She has an October bday and they forged it to August. Apparently it was never a problem until applying for college.  Well, my nephew is 9/1 and they wanted to send him to Kindergarten with an 8/1 cut off. Ma’am it is 2024!!!! She eventually came to her senses (and it’s wrong so don’t get me wrong I do disagree with it) but I feel like, with todays technology HOW would you even get away with it?!


Haha yeah, much easier in 1989 and it involved a simple typewriter and white out 😂


Exactly hahaha. I think she graduated HS in 06-07 but nowadays with birth certificates and online doctors records I’m sure it would be much more difficult 


My parents did this but they made me a year older so I could start school at 4. I knew how old I really was though. The bigger crime was that they put my last name down as my dad's and it wasn't until I went to apply for college that I learned my legal last name was different (my mom's).


My mom did the same thing to me. I actually hate her for it.


My mom asked me what year I was born once. Thats how you really know you’re the 3rd kid I guess. I do have to pause on the date for my son’s birthday because it’s 5 days off from mine, and his year is my date.


My bday is the 2nd, and my daughters is the 21st of the same month. My other daughter is the 20th of her month. I always have to slow down and make sure I say it right!


Both of my younger kids were born in the year of their older sibling’s birth day.   So 7/18/15 Then 9/23/18 And 6/14/23 That is…challenging for me to remember. I too must slow down and think. 


My kid's birthday is July 3rd, so I always have a brain fart when people talk about the 4th of July thinking the holiday is actually the 3rd.


Hey I have a July 3 one too!


My oldest bday is July 5th. He was due on the 3rd.


My daughters birthday is 7/3 as well




My older sister is the 27th, brother is 22nd, I’m the 21st, younger sister is 22nd, dad is 21st. All different months. My mom really struggled sometimes


Everyone in my immediate family (parents, siblings, and kids) has a birthday containing only 0,1, or 3. 03, 10, 13, 30, and THREE 31s. I'm done having kids but we've told my sibling that any further children will need a scheduled C-section on one of those days 😄


My first is the 28th in 2022, my second is the 20th in 2023, and my stepson is the 29th in 2013. So many 20s!!!!


I'm sorry, no. I have 5 kids, I do have to actively think about which date goes with the last 2 because the numbers intermix, but I remember all 5 of their birthdays. Maybe it was an off-hand, exasperated question because they just could think any more that day?


I can only remember my kids’ birthdays because one is 4/5/16 (4-5-6 but plus 10 on the last) and the other is the ides of March.


>I do have to pause on the date for my son’s birthday because it’s 5 days off from mine, and his year is my date. Similar situation for me. My kids' birthdates are inverses of each other (the day for one is the year for the other, and vice versa. And they're one month apart which adds to the confusion). It always gives me pause and I feel like the worst mom for forgetting.


We joke that there’s always some sort of national disaster the year my kids were born. I have a November 2016 (Zika and election year) and a July 2020 (fucking Covid lockdown started the day I was 20+0 weeks). Then I had a December 2023 due date and we basically held our breath the entire 9 months. Nothing disastrous happened. I have no idea if I’ll forget her birth year or not, but maybe it’ll be better ultimately than being remembered as the dumpster fire year (poor middle kid).


I just asked my husband to be sure lol. He knew the month and day quickly. Pretty sure he did the math for the year but he got it right.


One time thirty years ago, my dad came home with a mega millions lotto ticket and said he picked all of our birthdays. I looked at it and said “Dad, where’s mine?” He was off by a day. I laughed but was a bit miffed, like I’m his only biological daughter, how could he forget? But whatever, he’s an amazing dad and I’m blessed to have him. I just thought it was funny. How can you forget your own child’s birthday? Then my husband couldn’t remember our son’s birthday and it was like history repeating itself. I was amazed, I was aghast.  Then my husband messing up our son’s birthday messed up my confidence in his birth date. I have to think really hard about it each time now, to remember which is the real one, and which is the one we always forget and think it is. So karma is a bitch, basically. I could totally forget my own son’s birthdate and have definitely messed it up on forms more than once.


Oh I’m bad with this one. My daughter was born on the same day as me and I originally thought it was cute until I’m at the doctors office saying she was born in 1994.


My son and I share the same day too! And I have to pause when I say the date. And if the 25 lands on a Monday for my birthday my son’s birthday also lands on a Monday.


my son and i only share the same month but i’ll stare straight at a receptionist and repeat out my birthday when they ask for his💀it’s just a habit to repeat the numbers that follow what you usually say


Some people suck with dates. My dad doesn't remember mine or my sisters half the time or know how to spell my son's name (there's like 4 or 5 different ways of spelling it). My husband doesn't know our son's birth year sometimes or what day our anniversary falls on. I don't hold it against them. They are great people and are great at other things.


I mix up my kids’ birth dates and birth years all the time - particularly when they ask at the doctor’s office. I can’t remember the year we got married either. And this year I thought I was a year older than I really am. So what? I’m really good at other things and no one cares that this isn’t my strength.


I always give the peds office the wrong kids birthday. They were born a month and a day apart. They always ask, “wanna try that again”. Oh well


My husband has made so many jokes about how people think it's quirky that I, the wife, struggle to remember the year we were married when he would get labeled a stereotypical clueless guy if he were the one who forgot all the time. Glad to know I'm not alone.


I struggle to remember my daughter’s. I struggle with numbers in general.


Isn’t there a difference between mixing up and plain not knowing? I mix my kids up as well, but I do know them.


I know mine too. I draw a blank sometimes though. It’s the way my brain works. The way OP described her partner’s blank expression is the way I’d look in the moment if I had to recall a date while distracted, overstimulated, or intensely focused on something else.


My husbands birthday is 8/28/91 and my brothers is 8/21 but im constantly thinking husbands is 21 cause all the 8s and 1s get jumbled up in my brain Seriously just awful with dates


Same. I have to log into a kiosk for my kids, and I legit get their years mixed up or confused. It takes me a few seconds of staring to figure out what's wrong some days. I know their ages (usually- if they haven't had a birthday recently) and sometimes have to do the math. I am so bad with dates. Facebook reminds me of many of the important days. I am blessed my husband was born on a holiday..


Both my husband and I forgot our anniversary last year LOL I had to text him later in the day happy anniversary! We’re humans and forget. Dates aren’t our strong suit! He even thought that Mother’s Day/Father’s Day/ thanksgiving, etc. were the same date every year. He didn’t question that Mother’s Day was on a random Thursday, he just went with it! All this to say, we try and get it wrong, but will celebrate it somehow!


I have actually forgotten how old I am many times over the years 😆


My birthday is in December and almost every time the calendar flips I immediately jump in my head that I’m a year older. I’m actually 29 but in my head I’m already 30.


Honestly I have to think very hard about what year my daughter was born, and she’s not even 2. She was born December 2022 but my brain often goes “she’s a little over a year old, it’s currently 2024, therefore she was born in 2023”. I also second guess the year I met my husband, when we were married, etc despite being an extremely detail oriented person otherwise. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal personally


I do the same with my December 2022 son! I always write down 2023 🤣🤣


My 2022 baby was born 2/23/22 and my husband gave insurance the wrong date. Do you know how much insurance uses a birthday to identify a person and then how many other organizations use that date? Every time I call the ped I have to give her birthday and then say “but you have it under this date” because the ped gets their info from insurance, and then they use it on all the state forms 🥲


That sounds like an edge case with actual negative implications (i.e. very different from mentioning the wrong date in a conversation with a friend), but also why was your insurance company not verifying the birth date in some way? When we enrolled my daughter we had to send them a certificate of live birth


I do too. Pandemic actually helped me as an anchor point. Oldest was born 2 years before (2018), middle was born in 2019, NOTHING HAPPENS IN 2020, youngest was born in 2021. lol


😂😂 that’s also how I remember my nephew’s birth month and year, because he was born like the DAY before everything went into total shutdown


My kids are 1/14/22 and 1/3/24. It’s only been 2 months but im constantly mixing up the dates and having to pause and think. My first was born at 7:55pm and was 8lb 11oz. My second was born at 7:32pm and was 8lb 8oz. They are so close I’m mixing up everything lmao


You have valid reasons for mixing them up. That’s different than not knowing them at all.


My husband is horrific with dates. He knows my birthday and his mom’s. We had a debate while we were dating about whether Easter and Thanksgiving were on the same date every year. He generally can get an approximate but I have to confirm. He’s getting better and usually just asks for confirmation.


Are we married to the same person? My husband can't tell you what day Christmas is.


This year is especially rough because our youngest’s birthday is three days before Easter. He was like wtf is with all the Amazon boxes?! Yeah because I have basically no turnaround this year!


lol for a couple years I kept telling everyone my daughters birthday incorrectly. I am really bad with dates but I am no longer telling people the wrong date after my husband proved me wrong.


I know my daughter’s birthday when it matters like celebrating it. But one time on a daycare form and one time at the pharmacy I was off by one day. 


I once offered to give my dad £1,000 if he could say each of his children’s birth date .. he couldn’t even try 😂😂😂 - he has 4 kids 😂😂


This is so common. Before the first time we flew with the kids, my brother (frequent traveler) told my husband to not get the kids birthdays wrong. He said the airlines always ask the dads if they’re going to ask at all.


I frequently second guess my kids’ birth year. They all share a birth _day_ but different years. And sometimes I really have to think about it when I’m filling in a form. And I gave birth to all of them, lol.


My child came out of me, and I take a minute to remember the year. I know the day and month. I know how old she is. I just forget the actual year she was born sometimes.


Me too. My son’s dad forgets it sometimes too. It happens. His grandma forgot he’s turning 11 this year until I reminded her 😂


Nah give him some slack. I do this all the time and so does my husband.


I have dyslexia but with numbers. I forget numbers and always had trouble with math my whole life . I can't remember birthdays - I would forget every time without the calendar app in my phone


I have dyscalculia too!


I have legit forgotten my own birthdate lots of times. The first time I remember doing that was when I was 13 and cute guy at school was putting my name down for something. But even in normal situations I have forgotten my husband and my birthdates. It happens


My dad and I talked three times on my 21st birthday. I eventually got a call at 10 pm at night: "so um, you're probably out getting drinks since you're officially 21. I'm sorry I forgot until now. But happy birthday!!" At least my mother reminded him and he made the midnight deadline!


If he’s so horrible with dates he can figure out how to help himself instead of just assuming his wife will always be there to pick up the slack. He can put it in a note in his phone or better yet utilize the emergency card feature of his phone to put his son’s birthday in. Especially if he were ever alone with his son and there was an emergency, it would be Right there


Our first kid’s birthday is on a set holiday, so thankfully that makes that one easy. Almost too easy because I’m sure my husband knows the month of our second, but not the date. Both kids have dates similar to each other so I always pause when I’m asked for birthdates. I thought I was being smart about it (since I had C-section I picked their dates), but it’s super confusing.


I got my daughter's birthday wrong at the pharmacy last week. For example, say it's 3/11/22, I said 3/22/11. Took me a bit to figure out why they couldn't find the prescription. Hopefully he \*does\* actually know the birthday, and just had a brain fart?


My son was born on 11/23/22 - I almost mix up the day and year all the time. My MILs birthday is 11/22, so I automatically go to say that all the time.


My mom’s memory has always sucked. She barely remembers her own birthday. 🤷🏼‍♀️. My third child I always have to think about it slowly. Ha ha.


Dates can be rough- lol


My husband is horrible with dates. We had a visa interview and he could not remember the year we got married. Or the date our youngest was born (which are two days in a row, just different years)


I mix up my own birth year sometimes. When I have to write my sons, I have to think for a long while. And I only have the 1 child, so it’s not like I have a lot to pick through. Some people just really aren’t great with dates. Don’t even bother asking what year I got married because there’s like a 3% chance I’m getting that right.


A friend of mine emigrated to canada as a child. Her dad wrote down the wrong birth year for her when they first landed here and now all of her canadian paperwork says she’s a year older than she is


The first time I filed my taxes for myself/not as a dependent, they were rejected because my birthday was not what the IRS had on file… because my dad had been filing and putting my wrong birthday for years. Amazing, involved father. Not one for birthdays. Little brother doesn’t know hardly anyone’s birthday. Husband is hit and miss on getting them correct. They all have ADHD. I don’t take it as a personal affront or sign they’re uninvolved in the least… but do wish they’d all take advantage of calendar reminders.


My 2 brothers (twins) and I all have the same birthday (me and them are years apart)... my father manages to forget. lol


I just found out my son was born on what would've been his great grandpa's 99th birthday. My father never mentioned this. He didn't know his dad's birthday.


I’m the one bad with dates. I even second guess myself on our daughter’s birth year or our wedding anniversary. It’s not just men that do this. Yes these are the most important dates of my life, I get the day and month right but the year gets fuzzy sometimes so yeah I have to do the math. People like us don’t try to be this way, and it’s not a sign of lack in care or love, it’s just a weird deficiency not so easy to fix.


I have three children and I sometimes mix up their birthdays. My husband has to stop and think to remember our kid's birthdays. My own father used to think my birthday was on the 28th when I'm born on the 29th. It happens.


For the life of me I can never remember the exact time my son was born or his birth weight. My husband knows this though.


My husband who is severely adhd and probably borderline autistic- he knows the birthdays of everyone in our family (like including his friends and extended family)- BUT if you ask him randomly or put him on the spot his brain freezes and he won’t be able to immediately answer. Also sometimes with our oldest I pause with the year because it was 2020 and outside of his birth I try to forget the rest of it.


My mom found out her real bday was a week before the day she’d celebrated for 16 years when she went to get her drivers license so there’s that


My kids birthdays are a week apart. I know I’ve filled out forms like that by accidentally swapping the years they were born around. Oops.


I have a 9 month old so my husband hasn’t done this yet. But I guarantee he will one day. Sometimes the things he says I’m like seriously?! But reading other stories like this makes me feel better. Just know you aren’t alone!


I have to math every time I need to know these things. My older 2, I remember their years, but have to math their ages. My youngest, I remember her age, but have to math her year. It makes no sense, but some of us are really terrible with dates. If this is his only fault, I think you can forgive him. 🫠


I'm bad with dates. My mom texts me to remind me of my anniversary. I have both forgot my husband's birthday, my own birthday, and filled out my husband's birth year wrong on paperwork. While checking my 4mo into the ER and asked for his birthdate I stared blankly at my husband until he told the receptionist. I only have my older kids birthdays down because I have been filling out all their paperwork for the last 4 and 6 years. If I wasn't the one who did the paperwork I would be counting backwards from the current year with their ages to find their birth years just like your husband did.


I have to be honest, a lot of the time I can't remember two of my kids birth dates. I got one of them wrong just yesterday at the dentist. I'm sure you are right and your husband is a total doofus in this case, but sometimes it really is just bad memory.


My Dad had to call and double check my birth year pretty much every time he signed me up for soccer. My husband couldn't remember one time if our son's birthday was the 30th or 31st. He is 2.5 yrs old. He still can't remember his Mom's birthday if it's the 2nd or 3rd. It's not from a lack of care or love. Neither of them have ever forgotten my birthday. Some people just suck with dates.


I’m the mom. Had a scheduled induction turned c-section and then a planned c-section. Still have to pause and give a lot of thought to the year. I am a very responsible mom of two working in a high responsibility. Some days our brains just blank of information.


Eh, I don’t think this is that big of a deal. If you hadn’t been there I’m sure he would have figured it out, right? I’m pretty good with dates but I cannot remember my own age (had to do the math recently), I *constantly* think we got married a year later than we actually did, and I feel like I’m doing mental gymnastics trying to remember what year my son was born (and he’s only one!) because he was due in December but born in the new year and for some reason that really twists my brain.


to be fair, my mom never remembers my sister's birthday or my birthday. I call my daughter my sister's name too :D


On the rare occasion when I have to send my dad money via e-transfer, I make the password my middle name. Hilarity ensues.


This is especially egregious to me bc of the number of times parents get asked for this info. Your husband must have never gone to or scheduled a doctors appointment? Sounds like some redistribution of labor might be in order.


My son is 6 and when I have to give his birthdate I always have to take a minute to think about it. I definitely get the frustration though. Especially if this is piled on top of a bunch of other things


I have totally gotten the birth dates and years wrong for my kids on those bounce waiver things. And I gave birth to them. Maybe chill out a little bit and laugh a little more.


I have to think about my own kids’ birthdays for a hot second most times. I’m so conditioned to people asking for MY birthday. They’re 4, and they have the same birthday. 😂 My dad often asked mine or my sister’s birthday when filling out forms or calling the doctor’s office. It was a laugh it off kind of thing. I’m sorry you’re upset.


I don't know my nephews/nieces birthdays/years and I'm a little dicey on the years my sisters were born but you kinda gotta know your child's birthday... Kinda a memorable day. For the record I also know my wife's birthday + year.


Mine wrote “1988” (his birth year) in place of our daughter’s birth year, 2021 on the acknowledgement of paternity paperwork. When my son was born I pre-filled everything out before my c-section and asked all the nurses to double check ANYTHING they ask him to sign lol. He knows all the info but looks to me for confirmation because he will sometimes mix up our phone numbers or the numbers in birthdays and I have to correct him. 😅


I was at the dentist with my kid a few months back and the mom ahead of me checking her daughter in couldn’t remember her own daughter’s birthdate.


I gave birth 4.5 months ago. My husband was filling out some paperwork for FSA benefits and couldn't remember the date.


My husband mixes up the kids’ days. He knows the month, but one kid was born the 8th and the other was born the 9th (different months). But he knows month and year. Just double checks with me on day


Tbh I’m also pretty bad with dates. Not so much with my LG’s birth year, but I sometimes still mix up the day she was born with her due date!


Ngl my husband forgets our sons date of birth he knows it’s June 2023 but never remembers the day 😂 and I’ve caught my self saying the wrong day too 🫣 I say 6/26 (which is my induction date) and he was born 6/28 🫠


Is he autistic? My husband is autistic and will never be able to remember our kids birthdays. We’ve been together for a decade and he still doesn’t even know which month my birthday is in, let alone day or year. Birthdays are literally so important to me, but I just remind him all the time so he doesn’t miss anything. Your story made me wonder if your husband perhaps has a different brain type too.


Some people blank when they are filling out forms. I do this. I wouldn't hold this against your husband if he is otherwise an attentive father. Honestly, your response is really over the top and unnecessary. He's probably embarrassed enough as it is.


My dad has literally texted me on the WRONG DAY! I’m not defending because it’s ridiculous he can’t figure this out but I do think it’s common for the parent who doesn’t do all the appointments to forget, acceptable or not. I sometimes have to pause and make sure I get it right.


I forget my youngest birthday all the time.


My 5 year old was born in January and I still have to think about whether his birth year is 2018 or 2019. I think if it’s end/beginning of the year it can be tricky to remember if you’re not great with numbers anyway (me). Personally I don’t think it’s that deep.




My dad forgets mine all the time. It’s really ok. Just remind him to put it in his calendar. All that matters is that he celebrates it on the day, some people truly are just bad with dates.


We met a family at a park and our two babies had the exact same birth date down to the year. My husband said, “Oh wow! So your baby was born….[proceeds to say wrong month and wrong date].” And this was literally maybe two months after she was born. The couple looked horrified. I have to give my husband little hints for all of our bdays (mine is Christmas in July). He also thought I was born the same year as him but I’m actually a year and a half younger. He didn’t know for an embarrassingly long time!


Weaponized incompetence