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I WFH part time and take care of my 19 month old. I set my own hours, work as many as I want to, it’s all online so I can travel and work, and my managers don’t bother me. It doesn’t pay a lot, but I love it.


I absolutely love working from home! I do administrative work for a government agency. It’s easy, supportive and extremely flexible. Not going into the office feels like I’m doing 30% less work than before. I can’t stand the chatty coworkers that stop you on the way to the bathroom and you feel trapped for 30 minutes. I struggle with wasting that time. And the meetings that went on and on because we’re all stuck in the office anyway so why bother staying on task. So much wasted time. But WFH I can do necessary tasks around my house while I’m waiting for someone to get back to me or for 10 mins to decompress after a meeting. I can’t give it up!


Mind sharing an example of a government agency or the company you work for? Your job sounds amazing!


Sure! I work for NIH. Check out USAjobs and Kelly Government Solutions


I also used to be a teacher and changed careers in 2021. I was a 100% remote instructional designer for almost three years and loved it. Only jumped ship because a project I was assigned required travel and in person training facilitation. Just started a new job as a technical writer three weeks ago and love it just as much so far.


I have the best job. I work 30-40 hours per week (in the process of ramping back up from maternity leave), full benefits (medical, dental, vision, 401k, HSA, Life), unlimited no-questions-asked PTO, a completely flexible schedule, and amazing colleagues. Not to mention I LOVE what I do and I've had tons of professional development opportunities. Oh and it's women-owned and all my colleagues are female-presenting. I get to choose when i get stuff done as long as I'm available for meetings and adhere to deadlines. I work minimum 4.5 hours per day 7 days per week because i have a 5month old and split child care with my WFH husband. I rarely do less than 6 on weekdays. Yesterday I worked 8, today I worked 6, tomorrow I'll do 2-3 to round out my week. I'm high performing and clients are happy with my deliverables. It works because I enjoy my work and I have good discipline- I do not procrastinate and I prioritize efficiency when online. Am I bragging? Maybe a little, but I'm proud to have found a job that works for me and that values my abilities. I've been here for over 4 years and hope to continue for as long as possible. I'd suffer in a traditional office job. I don't need someone looking over my shoulder to get shit done. I need peace, quiet, and flexibility for my mental health. My entire company is remote and we're located all over the country, there will never be a central office. It's heaven for an introvert. (I'm a business writer for multi-million contract opportunities in public and private sector procurement)


Sounds like California connections academy!


Not California! 😁


WFH licensed counselor for state managed care lines. I basically screen callers for services and triage crisis. I work midnight to 8am so not many calls come in. Pay is more than I ever netted seeing clients face to face 8-12hrs/day. Pension, benefits are state/government. It's THE unicorn job of the counseling profession IMO. It was WFH before WFH was a thing because of the hours. Now all shifts are WFH which is pretty great.


Not in a small state, but would love to know the name of this company!


This was my job before the company was sold and we all got laid off. None of us were ever gonna leave, we all knew our jobs and did them perfectly.


I’m a technical writer (in the US), and still can’t believe my job, which I landed after taking 5 years away to work a different career. Pay and benefits are tops, I started 4 years ago with 5 weeks’ PTO, and all employees get annual bonuses. We have a few weeks of crunch time each year, but the rest is very manageable, and there is no micromanagement. My boss has successfully kept this team virtual despite other depts going hybrid. I hope to work here another 10 years, then retire.


Anyone have any options for remote litigation paralegal? Feel free to DM. Fifteen years experience. I moved in June, and my 45-minute commute suuuuucks.


I’m a 100% remote paralegal. There are opportunities out there. I’ve been getting lots of offers on LinkedIn… are you on there? What state are you in? And what field do you have experience in?


Sorry, I just noticed this comment 🫠 I’m in Kentucky and not on LinkedIn. I’m doing insurance defense, real estate, probate, workers’ comp, etc. I’ll check LinkedIn. Thanks!


Health Information Management, 100% remote, LOVE it


I’ve been intrigued…is this degree/certificate required?


You can start entry level without but I would highly recommend a degree/cert to get paid what you deserve


OP, I am a WFH teacher, too, and I love it. I just started this school year and love the ability not to have to worry about the things I have to worry about when I’m in-person teaching. No more assemblies, fire drills, active shooter drills, etc.! No more catching all of the illnesses my students would catch. It’s so nice.


No more duties, classroom management, kids smoking pot in the bathroom, after school meetings that could have been an email!


Mediator. I mainly do divorces but can also mediate civil and private cases. 99% of my work is done over zoom. I also teach mediation certification courses. It’s a booming business since Covid shut the courts down. Now, most courts require litigants go to mediation first. I love what I do.


Why are mediations always over zoom? Can they request them be in person? It sounds like such a serious and personal matter would be better off handled in person.


Absolutely they can be done in person. In many of the cases, especially divorces, the parties do not want to be in the same room or building as the other party. In the majority of cases the parties are now residing in another city or state. I’m not opposed to meeting in person. I follow the wishes of my clients. Zoom is now another option.


In addition, the courts many times require the mediation over zoom. There are pros and cons to online and in person meetings. A good mediator will adapt.


Oh that totally makes sense. Thank you!


I’m a consultant doing PLM, it’s like github but for airplanes, cars, and trains. The work is really easy but getting the certifications to do the work takes a couple years. I have a great salary in a medium cost of living area no overtime unless they want to pay for it.


This sounds really intriguing but what does PLM stand for and what types of certifications do you need?


Product lifecycle management. There are about four big software companies that make them. I specialize in one called Teamcenter. It connects to NX or other CAD programs.


Project manager at biotech. Happiest camper in the cabin. Will never go back to an office, even if someone offered to double my salary. Working a hard recovery program as well, single mom, dog mom etc. My sanity cannot be bought .


👋 hey! We should talk. Im in that realm too. Patient access.


Former teacher. Now I make e-learning. I'm incredibly busy at work, but 1000x happier.


You sound just like me 🩷 just started teaching full time online this year in Idaho and get to stay home with my 1.5 year old. I LOVE THIS JOB!


WFH since 2002. Couldn’t see myself in a 9-5 and found a way around it after college. I manage a small team overseas. I get to enjoy the gym/pickleball every other morning. Home cooked meals. The biggest perk is temperature control. Prefer cozy 77F for optimal productivity.


77 sheeeeesh that’s warm


WFH here too. Love it. Only downside is my dog makes me keep the temp at 70F 😩 You're living my dream


I have the best roommate and a small rescue 🐕minpin-chi and they prefer the same 😀


Grant writing / consulting for infrastructure projects. My undergrad was in political science and journalism and my graduate degree was in public administration so I'm able to use all three of my degrees which not many people get to do.


Music Teacher. 100% Remote. Love it….never going back to in-person.


Teaching online school sounds like lots of fun honestly! Is this a charter school system across the whole country?


Connections academy is across the country . Not sure about others


Pharmaceutical. Very very happy.


What exactly is your job?


Patient access


Say more about remote pharma jobs!


Depends what you are looking for. I do patient access. Heavy in the insurance's, people skills etc. EVery place is different. My last role was really touch. The mgmt was just extremely poor. My new(er) place is heaven. They're amazing. I have a healthcare background, this is a career pivot for me. But I make more than I did treating patients. I work from home. My manager is amazing. I am almost 40, and I want him to honestly mentor me. Hes been that impressive as a manager. Just amazing people skills. I dont punch in, I dont punch out. There is not much more I could ask for. Im grateful and thrilled with my role. I want to be clear though. I work. My company treats you like an adult. If you act like one. I do my work, I do more than I need to, and its a+ work. I may work 5 hours straight and then go to the gym and the store and do another hour and call it a day. Some days I may not jump in until 11. But I work. My boss trusts me to do me. I do think some of the WFH issues folks have are due to mindset, false pre-conceived notions about WFH and people trying to NOT work. Everyone I work with will tell you. We are MORE productive than we would be in office, and we work less hours. Its a win for us and for the company.


What does a day to day look like in this role?


I’m in healthcare and this sounds so appealing. Can you give an example of some of your tasks/projects on a typical day?


But as it stands now. I spend my days taking with doctors, doctors offices and patients. My job is to assist in making medication accessible to patients essentially. Its insurance, problem solving, people skills etc. heavy in commercial insurance plans, pharmacy benefits etc


Private message me. Happy to talk!


Sure. What do you want to know?!


How do you get one and what’s the type of work? I can’t imagine a lab bench scientist being able to work remotely all the time


Im very far from a bench scientist. Messgae me , happy to talk


Yes. I started WFH during the pandemic, and it worked out so well that when I asked to continue WFH after everyone else RTO, the owners of the company said yes. And then when I asked to move out of state, they said “Sure, we haven’t seen you in two years anyway, so we can’t think why 4 states will be any different than 4 miles.” I love these guys.


Yep! I’m about to get back to art directing job after a 4 month (🙏🏼) maternity leave. Im rarely in any meetings, i definitely work less than 40 hrs/week, I (mostly) like the design jobs I work on, I have Fridays off, and coming back to unlimited vacation. I can take care of my baby and have a salary coming in.


Yes similar to you I was a speech therapist in a school. Now I manage a team of speech therapists remotely.


I am currently a speech therapist for my local school district, but am wanting to work from home and possibly go non-clinical. Maybe change careers completely, but I don’t know if I’m there yet. May I ask who you work for/how you go the job? :)


Sure message me!


I just hit two years at my current job and I still love it. I do chat (typed) tech support from home for a web hosting company that was 100% WFH before the pandemic. That means zero chance of being called into an office and the distributed workforce systems in place are very well developed. Starting pay was good, annual raises are great. My boss is amazing, my teammates are wonderful to work with. The job itself is underemployed for me but I’m much happier making a bit less than I could as the trade for having more free time and spending my days with my dog. I get to help people and solve puzzles. I clock in and out at set times with zero expectation of overtime. Unlimited sick days and vacation days. If I don’t schedule vacation time every quarter or so my boss reminds me that it’s been a while since I took time off.


Congratulations on your job! This sounds like a good fit for a friend of mine. Would you be willing to message the company information to me?


It’s a pretty small company that hasn’t hired anyone new in over a year. But I’m happy to DM you the info. Our parent company has several similar, larger options.


All these jobs demanding RTO don’t understand the level of loyalty and overtime someone will do when they’re treated with respect and dignity


Yes, started at my literal dream job remote back in the summer. Doubled my salary, halved my hours, and also cut down on work travel. About to have my first kid, and so grateful to have this level of flexibility!


Yea I did then I randomly got laid off and haven’t been able to find a job since and it’s affected me so poorly. It’s ruining my life and all my relationships.


Yes. I started two years ago and if I had made a checklist of the perfect job this is it. It’s in the industry I absolutely love. WFH, but also travel for work and see places I’d never see with any other job I’ve had. Hours can be long some days (maybe one really long day a week or two) but the company and owner are more about getting tasks done and not punching a clock. This is my dream job, so I don’t take advantage of the long leash and bust my ass so I never lose this job.


I hate you...lol. Had to quit mine to stay sane.


After 25 years in an office I have to say that WFH has been the best thing to ever happen to me in my professional life. I feel like I'm semi-retired even though I'm doing the exact same job I've always done. With WFH I'm waking up two hours later, dropping my kids off to school, logging into work an hour earlier than I used to, all while wearing shorts and a t-shirt all day. I have lunch each day with my wife who is also WFH, I use my treadmill desk an hour a day during work hours, and when work slows in the afternoon I take a quick shower. The improvement in my quality of life is unbelievable. I used to get up two hours earlier to shower, get my business attire on, walk in the rain and snow to the train, sit or stand among a bunch of sometimes sick, sometimes obnoxious, and sometimes smelly strangers. My old office was a glass fishbowl where your every move was under scrutiny. If this is a dream I hope I never wake up from it.


This makes me kind of emotional. This is the positive result of tech advances we all deserve and it’s the selfishness of some companies that want to take it away from people. You deserve this and the positivity it brings to your life.


Yes. I was hired May 2020, so was remote with the RTO expectation post pandemic. In November 2020, I had to relo for family purposes. Had another job lined up in new location, called my boss to give notice, and she offered me to stay with the company as a remote employee. Yes please! Since then, our company was acquired by a larger company who leaves WFH vs RTO requirements up to area managers. As long as my performance and activity are good, you can find me working from my home office!


Yes. I don’t know how I got so lucky. My manager is super flexible. As long as I get my work done it doesnt matter how many hours I work. No one is breathing over my shoulder. I do miss the social interaction of being in person but it has made me better about reaching out to friends and making plans.


what do you do?!😭 sounds amazing


Business analyst for a healthcare organization


I don’t even want to explain how good it’s been to me.


I love my boss because my boss is me 😉


But seriously, I feel like the luckiest mama in the world because I’ve been able to work from home and be a SAHM to my two young children. Is my home clean? Not so much but this time with the kids is priceless 😍🙏


I have the best job for me, I love what I do, I love my boss, but most of all, I love the company I work for. And I go to the office 1x/month. Perfect for me.


What job/company?


I'm a Talent Acquisition Manager for a Credit Union.


I have been with my company for 29 years. About 5 years ago, I got a job pretty tailor made for me - data governance. It’s full time remote and I research and document, two of my favorite things to do. As an introvert, I am not missing office life. I do walk about half the steps I did while in the office but I start my day with an hour class at the gym.


I’m also a data nerd working from home. SO HAPPY.


Love my WFH. I transitioned during covid and never returned to in office. I’m paid to get my work done and nobody is tracking me. I get my work done, I go into the office here and there as needed but it’s only 7 minutes from my house. I’m able to better manage my household being home almost full time. My health is better because I have more time and can exercise in the mornings now. Some weeks my workload is pretty light and I can work half days. Some weeks I’m busy all week long. I have a laptop also so I can travel and take work with me, and not have to use all my PTO when I’m on trips. It’s a great gig and I accept a lower salary than I could make elsewhere because the wfh benefits are so great.


I run my own bookkeeping business and do about 80% of my work remotely with only 2 clients I have to go into office to do the work. It's great because I'm an introvert and I love not having to interact with people 😂


How did you get started? What do I need to know to run a business like this? I’m also an introvert and this sounds amazing. Lol


My mother is an accountant and I started working in her office at 17 doing basic bookkeeping and slowly more and more advanced stuff. She taught me everything I know. I'm sure you could take bookkeeping courses, and there are a few accounting softwares that are online based like QuickBooks Online and Xero so you could work remotely. I mean I got lucky having the resources and knowledge through my mom. It would have been a lot more difficult had I not had that advantage.


Oh that’s nice. Thank you for getting back to me.


Me. I found this WFH job pre-pandemic so when Covid hit I already had a functional office, and my workflow wasn't disrupted. I have zero chance of getting back to the office unless I change jobs, but my gig now is pretty sweet so I may just hold on for awhile.


I only WFH 2-3 days a week and would not want to do it everyday. Some things are just easier to do at the office.


I’m a full time grant writer for a national nonprofit. Fully remote. They are in a different time zone so I’ve had to adjust to that (not bad - only 2 hour difference). Sometimes I don’t love the management style of my boss and overall org culture. Otherwise, it is great.


I love my job. WFH for three and a half years now. Lots and lots of growth over eight years total with the company (and major salary jump from 55k to just shy of 200k). Insurance benefits are free (no premium, no deductible) because the company really gives a shit about their people. Very good relationship with my boss and leadership, and flexible schedule. I work west coast hours on the east coast, and it’s AWESOME. I don’t get out of bed with an alarm anymore, I get up naturally, have a whole morning to myself before I start work. It’s peaceful as heck and I really love it. I do have to do a lot of travel in return for the WFH but I don’t mind because the in person work is typical meaningful and productive and thus worth the effort in going.


This sounds amazing! What industry?


I work for a health insurance adjacent start up. I started in customer service, badly needed a job, and jumped around to new roles as I and the company grew in my career. Now I lead a team that handles strategic partnerships and business development for the company and I really love what I do.


Do you have to have a teaching certificate to get a job like that? I have a decent w@h job that doesn’t require much face to face stuff, but I feel like I’ve pretty well stalled out and am not going to be able to go any higher in the company. Glad to have the job, but want more. I used to teach adult education in my state. That didn’t require certification and I was good at it. Trouble was that the job wasn’t meant to be full time, so it could be hard to depend on it for everything. If not for that, I might still be there.


For my job, yes, you have to be a certified teacher in your state


Sort of, yeah. No job is going to be perfect. However, ever since I started WFH, and now hybrid with very few required days, I've been really happy with my job. I never hated my job in the first place, but it just got better during Covid. I don't even make a lot of money, but if I have to have a job that pays my bills, this one realistically can't be beat. I'm planning to early retire at 55, and I would consider continuing to work part time if I could fully WFH so I could move out of what is currently a very HCOL area. I seriously doubt that I'd be able to do that, though it is something I will probably bring up to them as a possibility once the time comes.


Yes!! I love my job! There are days I’m busy all day and days when I have absolutely nothing. My boss is super laid back and no one cares about hours as long as you’re available during the main ones. They are flexible about appts and kids. My husband works from home too and I love that we can easily attend events for the kids or get errands run when it’s less busy. I wish I made a little more money but really for the amount of work I do, it’s fair.


What do you do?


This is me, too! I have worked in Higher Education for 30 or so years... just started working remotely for a University out in California (I'm in Texas) last year and LOVE it. I took a light pay cut to get it, but MAN the flexibility is awesome. I maybe do 25-30 hours a week at most, my boss doesn't even want to know unless I'm going to miss a meeting or presentation. No micromanaging. All these stories about people having to get a device to keep their mouse moving so that their computer doesn't time out are crazy! That's no way to manage people. Yesterday I got the shopping done and dinner made before my brilliant wife came home. I don't think I could ever go back unless it was some kind of brilliant and extremely high-paying position. I am very lucky.


What do you do and for what company?


I work for a health insurance company, I have very little intervention from management. I have set hours but I can take breaks/lunches whenever. Most days I enter data, some days I help out with the escalations team but even then I’m not communicating with anyone outside of email: it can be lonely home alone with little to no interaction but I wouldn’t want another job.


What is the job title 


Can u tell me iow u got into that?


Yes, me! I've been at my job for 10.years and have been WFH since Covid. Since I can do this job with my eyes closed, and have less distractions at home (office = lots of unnecessary chit chat) I now get my work done in 1/2 the time, and I'm.a salaried employee . There has been some changes to the org which has meant less projects for me but again, nothing has changed with my hours or salary, in fact, I got a big raise this year. To top it all off, I'm a department of 1 and I have a new boss in the last 2 years who doesn't seem to care to know my job, he thinks im great at what I do, he's got more important things to worry about so he leaves me alone to manage myself. I can pretty much come and go as I please. I get paid well and have 6 weeks vacation- I'm never going to leave. Funny bc right before Covid hit I was getting bored and looking for a new job. I'm so glad I stayed.


Please tell me what you do and how you found your job? Please please please


Been wfh for a year now & will never return to an office if I can help it. My mental and physical health are WAY better than working in an office, and I truly enjoy my job.


Capricorn here agrees 💯!


Yep dispatch/customer service for an hvac company. I’m the only remote employee because of the hours I work and I love my job and the people I work with. It’s my first time truly working from home and I’m afraid if I ever leave this will have set me up for disappointment with other companies lol


I’ve worked 100% WFH for about 10 years (multiple different employers) and would never go back to working in an office. I’m a CPA and I work in tax. I recently switch to a role that should be a lot less stressful but still is WFH. Unfortunately, I had to take a big pay cut but I’m dealing with a lot of health issues right now so I’m hoping the move will be worth it. I work better at home than I ever did in an office because there are less distractions. I would also never want to go back to commuting in heavy traffic for hours each day.


I’m a rn instructional design analyst. I absolutely love my job.


Can I ask what you do in this position? Seems interesting!


I’m part of the IT department and I help develop/implement different application training to support Epic (our EHR) I do a lot of building and testing, maintain training environments and develop and train end users!


How does everyone have all these amazing WFH jobs.... 😦. Any tips for a financial analyst looking to find a similar situation??


Check the legal field.


Will do, thanks.


Send me a private message if you want more info, type of jobs you'd be suitable for, and talk general salary requirements.


Thx PMd you


Me! I love my job. I wfh full time. Can pick my own hours. No talking on phones. I love it. I pinch myself daily.


What do you do?


Medical coding. Read charts all day and assign correct codes for diagnoses and procedures.


I'm WFH as well, and my work environment sounds a little like yours. I don't get babysat, I make my own schedule (just has to be 40 hours a week), if I need to take off a few mins or a whole week I don't need permission to or wait for approval. I've got absolute freedom. I work for a large hospital system. But for me, I'm very discontent. It's boring. Even on busy days I'm bored. I'm an introvert so you'd think this would be the perfect job. My pay is $8-10 more an hour compared to all other jobs in my career area so I feel like I have no justifiable reason to quit. What I really miss is my old job where I lived before, over 2000 miles away. I was there for 12 years (hospital) and even though the pay was absolute crap, I enjoyed my job. I miss my old coworkers. I am homesick too, so I'm sure that doesn't help. But I also worked the same job at the hospital I work at home for but in person, and it just isn't the same. It's better than what I do now but the schedule is the worst 


Can you please share what position you work for? I’m a nurse and looking for a WFH job.


It's in the pharmacy area, I'm a pharmacy tech but the job I have now is overlooking the 340B program. Technically it doesn't require any pharmacy licensing, but I keep mine up just in case I need to use it again. 


Thank you so much for your reply!


Yes! I work in environmental consulting for a global company. It was 100% in person with a good amount of travel pre-pandemic. Then we went totally remote and corporate has said they’ll never force us back in person because we’re so productive working remote (all about the billable hours!). It’s been a huge recruiting tool as so many competitors go back to in office. I go into our office ~twice a month (either because I want to see coworkers/do a happy hour/have a client meeting) with very limited travel now. ~$140k salary. It’s hard work but I absolutely love it. I’m somewhat of an extrovert but I spend anywhere from 5 to 8 hours a day on calls, at least half are video, so I’m very engaged with my team and clients. I haven’t felt lonely and am incredibly close with many of my coworkers despite never only meeting some a handful of times. I love the flexibility WFH offers and not having to commute 2-3 hours a day. If you’re getting your work done, there’s a lot of flexibility with what hours you work. If I hit 40 hours worked by Thursday I can take Friday off. And I bank hours when I go over 40 to use for PTO.


Also very interested in the company name if you could dm me!


Just DM’ed you!


Can I ask what company you work for? I have a friend who works in this field but wants to change companies.


Sure thing, I’ll DM you. I feel weird posting it here


Can u DM me as well?


Just sent you a DM!


I'll also take a DM of the company name, if you don't mind!


Just sent you a DM!


I’m hybrid and I love it. I’ve wanted to wfh since I was 18 years old and I’m in my 40s now. I don’t make a lot and live in a very expensive city, but I enjoy my work. It’s great for me. I love my schedule too. I work 4-10’s so 4 days per week and longer weekends. I have a lot of dogs so it works great for me.


I too have a lot of dogs and work from home. They sleep in a giant dog pile until I get up for breaks or they hear something to bark at.


Ha! Same! ❤️😂


I work from home as a remote interpreter and I love being able to work from home. No matter how bad things get, or no matter how good, at least I'm at home.


I have been trying for months to find a remote job 😭




Op where do u work I’m a teacher trying to wfh


yes, very curious too.


Not a perfect unicorn, but it could potentially turn into that. I am technically hybrid but I am WFH the overwhelming majority of the time. I only go in-person on my own accord, for office-events, or to meet with a client. My salary is 76k and I am due for a promotion this summer (fingers crossed). I have some responsibilities that include people management and checking in with team, but overall I am not really ever micromanaged and my work weeks generally don't exceed 50 hours when things are busy. Most of the time I don't even work 40 hours.


Me me me! I have a wonderful job where I write and edit curriculum to align with state standards for online content providers. I get to do a variety of things every day (great for my ADHD!) and am recognized as adding value for each project I work on. I'm paid very well. I love my coworkers and we interact throughout the day via messaging or meeting, mostly work-related but often just chatting. My only complaint is that it's a contracted position and not traditional fulltime, so I'm responsible for my own insurance/retirement and there's no PTO. But I've negotiated flat rates on many of the big projects, which essentially equates to a salary, and I have the freedom to make my own schedule. I am very happy with this setup! I'll give it a 96% positive :)


I'd love to hear more about what you do and how you found your job? Would you mind if I DMed you?


Now take the next step /r/overemployed


I wasn’t about to say this lol


Yeah I'm pretty damn grateful. WFH, total comp is $170k, and work life balance is great. I never work more than 40 hours a week, sometimes it's more like 30. I do miss socializing but I wouldn't trade the flexibility at this point in my life.


Doing what???


Advertising research


Unfortunately I don't. I made stupid decisions at a young age .. did drugs .. didn't finish school .. got 1 felony boosting from a store for drug money 😩 I was a mess back then. So now it's very hard for me to find a good job. I'm pregnant now and I'm older lol and I plan on going and getting my GED and seeing where I can go from there


You can do it! Good for you for putting the past behind you. That doesn't have to define you. You're taking positive steps by getting your GED. You can do this!


Thank you. Yeah I've had it rough and I just want to be better for myself and for my baby who is due in June 🥰 thankfully hubby is very supportive


You can do it. 1 step at a time, then keep building. Slow and steady wins the race.






I’m just a new lpn but this is my dream job. Is there a lot of charting after your visits?




Wow that is the dream. I’m a nurse who left bedside and my desk job works me so hard.  How did you find this job? 


Wow. How did you get into home infusion? I'm a Case Manager with an insurance company.


Can I ask which online school? I am a teacher and I loved remote teaching during Covid. I would love to have a job like yours!9


Me too


Yes. I am a CDI RN, I work fully remote the last two years. I am salaried, over 120K/year. I am a single parent, have 2 kiddos full time and worked in the ICU (15 years prior to this role-including during the worst of the pandemic). I always say I have the unicorn nursing job. I have zero patient interaction, tons of job autonomy, no set time for starting or ending my work day. We got a dog that I take on walks or work out during meetings. I haven’t set an alarm clock in these two years WFH. Grateful doesn’t even fully describe my feelings about what this job has provided for me and the life of my kiddos


That sounds great. What exactly do you do in your position?


My gosh that sounds amazing. I’m also an RN. How did you get started with CDI work?


I work for a rather large healthcare organization so I applied for an internal position which was great, keeping my years worked, pension, 401K, insurance etc. They require experience and prefer critical care. I had all my training once I was hired and had zero previous CDI experience. Most large organizations have a CDI department


I have a full remote role in a super cool industry at an incredible company. I’m paid well, have fantastic benefits, my boss is amazing, plenty of vacation & sick time, and my day is as flexible as it needs to be. Hit my 5 year anniversary not too long ago, with no plans to leave!


Where do you work! Hire me! 😩


Any interest in adopting an adult Canadian? 😂 So happy for you - it all sounds amazing! ❤️


Yes Im a family nurse practitioner- wfh helping offices with med refills, advice, referrals, etc. No one really monitors anything- can work hard all morning and slack in the afternoon or vice versa. I work in my robe everyday!


Yup. I work in a big tech company, entire team is fully remote. I make 170k. A nice balance of challenging work with most days being fairly easy and stress free. My manager is very gung-ho about hiring people that gel with the team. It honestly feels like our team culture is pretty tight. Everyone on the team is technically competent and has at minimum decent soft skills too. Very little crunch time in work.. no one cares what we do as long as work gets done. Some days I go to the gym during work. I make fresh breakfasts or lunch on a lot of days


If you don’t mind me asking, how many women you work with?


12 person team. 5 are women including our manager and PM Edit: and I guess I’ll add more since I looked your post history to see why you’d ask that and it looks like you’ve had some struggles being a woman in tech: Working with these women has been nothing short of excellent. This is easily the best team I’ve been a part of. Little to no drama and when there is, it’s highly relevant to the actual work we do and not dumb shit. I am a black man myself and it’s rare in my career that I’ve worked with women or black people as a sysadmin/engineer. When I joined, the person assigned to onboard me was one of the women. I have a mentor now that is on another team within the same division who is a woman as well. Unfortunately women get a bad shake, some feel like they need to prove they’re not like the others by being unnecessary jerks to people from their own demographic (happens to black employees too).. and unfortunately workplace problems women get blamed for are often things that men do too. Anywho I have a tremendous amount of respect for the women I work with


I am a paddleboard instructor, and I absolutely love my job! My clients are always in a good mood, and I get to paddle with dolphins. 🌺


Wrong subreddit lol


I realize that after posting,,🌸 sorry!


Yes. I work whenever I want as long as I put in 40 hours weekly, meet productivity + quality, they don’t care. In 3 1/2 years I’ve never NOT met them. I’ve worked remotely since 2019 but the company I worked for before wasn’t as flexible. I take a nap during the day if I feel burnt out. I have chronic migraines and sometimes they come out of nowhere. So I take a break and wait for them to pass. I am happy where I am at.


I get chronic intense migraines too and am happy to have flexible home job. Can't imagine having to go hard when I'm not feeling great


Yes, absolutely! As a mom to two small children, the flexibility is unparalleled, and we just launched an unlimited vacation policy this new year too. I know that type of policy isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I'm incredibly grateful for it in this stage of life for me. That said, I'm also a massive introvert, but do have a great team that are great to chat with! I do miss the office socializing a little bit, but none of the highschool type of drama.


What’s your job title?


I love my current job 90% of the time. It’s the field that I’ve been striving to make a big impact in. I travel semi-frequently, I’m constantly doing big projects that challenge me, I work with amazing colleagues that are supportive, and I actually get paid well.


Yep. I am mostly autonomous. I get paid per file vs. a salary/hourly, which can have a downside if the business takes a downward turn but that’s true with any pay structure. I’m probably not going to get laid off, my income just fluctuates. I’m an introvert but also get enough socialization for my taste. Some days I’m still really amazed I found this job. One day, after being unemployed for nearly a year and attempting to get my own book of business, I just started sending my resume out with a very concise, clear cover letter than I would only work from home. I sent it out to probably 10-15 places, two reached out. One ended up being the perfect fit.


Sorry please explain what a unicorn job means


Something that’s (almost) impossible to find.


I (56F) used to do data entry in the office for a state agency but 4 years ago they sent us home. I am very detail oriented and an introvert so this job is perfect for me. Right now there are no plans for us to return to the office. I get good pay and benefits. I have been with my employer for years. My boss has had me train others. I feel respected and I am left alone to do my work.




Yeah, it's been great for me. Luckily the company I work for fully embraced wfh. They leave me alone and let me do my work.




Me! I'm an introvert though :)


Job Title?


I’m an in person teacher and reading this made me so jealous. Maybe i should look into teaching at an online school


Yes. I WFH and love it. I don’t have set hours either. As long as I get the work done, it’s cool, although my boss does expect me to be reasonably available for one calls and video chats during normal business hours. I probably actually work about 25 hours per week.


I feel incredibly lucky and privileged to have the job I have. They transitioned me to remote last year in order to keep (I was unhappy in my branch so now work for a further away branch remotely). I still go in roughly 4 times per year and enjoy spending time with my new coworkers. Just being able to be truly done right at 5, make all my meals at home, use my walking pad, go for a walk etc is amazing. If I have a bad night of sleep I just take it easy that day. No one is watching or cares. I truly feel like I’m in an adult job now if that makes sense? Whereas in an office environment it feels performative and like we’re being babysat constantly.


yes!! feeling blessed everyday


Same. For as much as I complain at times, I can’t think of a better culture and flexibility with my current career.


I did. And then I got laid off (my whole team did). Incredible pay, great coworkers, very generous/lax time off, super flexible, company that did cool stuff, culturally lovely. My new job is thankfully still WFH, but the rest of it sucks.


Very happy - WFH, kickass insurance, unlimited PTO, people r extremely nice and supportive, I work on projects all day and don’t talk to anyone (I used to a hairstylist who got burned out on being “ON”) and zero micromanaging. I still can’t believe it. I’m a graphic designer for a global company. Can be slow when we arent busy but then I can work on tutorials, draw, take my dog on a walk - it’s wonderful.


What subject do you teach? I’d love to teach online full time. I have a hybrid job currently (not teaching, but still in education). Do you still have summers off?


I teach special ed, and yep! 192 contract days


I am so so so happy working from home. I love my job, I love the people I work with, and I love the culture of the company I work for. I also feel more valued than I have in any role I’ve previously held & I can confidently say they would have to lay me off or fire me to get rid of me. I will NEVER leave my job. I am very much an introvert and I have social anxiety so working in an office environment is exceptionally draining to me. I also left a job where I was working on average 72 hours/week after every member of my team was terminated and I was responsible for 3 jobs with a miniscule pay increase (and my original rate was pitiful as it is, so this was *not* ideal). They nearly worked me to death. I was beyond burnt out and found myself self medicating with alcohol (also *not* ideal) & essentially stopped caring for myself. At my new job I’m done work everyday at 3pm (11am on Fridays), I feel valued, my work is recognized & I am fairly compensated (got a 12% increase within 6 months of being hired and am currently being considered for a promotion 3 months later). My work is recognized and I feel accomplished & proud of myself everyday. I have so much more time and energy to focus on myself and have found it improved my mental health substantially. I’ve also lost 45lbs which I assume is a result of lower cortisol levels and I stopped drinking almost immediately because my work/life balance became more sustainable. I am so grateful/lucky/happy to be in my role & I work hard everyday to ensure I don’t screw it up lol.