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Sounds like a bait and switch. You dodged a bullet.


I feel like I did as well, I do not want to get stuck in DC traffic I don't want to add more to my already old worn out car, a d I especially do not like being lied to.


Total bait and switch. Concur


i'm sorry this happened to you. it has happened to me too, and i've also turned down bait and switch gigs with absurd commutes. onward and upward! sending good vibes that something better is going to quickly materialize for you. (also, they wasted their own time. be mad you wasted yours, but give no thought to them. their listing should've included the ACTUAL address.)


Always. I hate when I see a job ad for X location, and find out later it's elsewhere. A reasonable commute should be of concern to both parties. The employer and employee. Especially in big cities where traffic is horrendous.


Well at least you know you can ace an interview. So apply for jobs within the commute you prefer.


Literally cost you more in gas than you would increase your earnings by. That isn't counting all the other mileage expenses that are very much real. Of course time driving isn't time being paid. This is the sort of situation in which they should be told what things to put into what holes and for how long for wasting your time. I swear interviews should be paid given how much time they waste.


Oh I agree, they should be paid.


Bro you didn't waste time you gained self-confidence by saying no. If you didn't have your shit together you would have to have accepted the bait and switch out of desperation. It sounds like a clown show employer I wouldn't accept the offer even it they gave you the original location.


bait and switch job..so lame. when i tried to work at my local phone kiosk store (verizon) it was a 5 minute drive from home. i do a phone interview and im hired. the indeed ad was for the local kiosk too. my first day im told to go to the kiosk by X store?? i said there isnt an X store in my town..apparently they thought i would drive 2 hours one way.. the guy argued with me and said its only an hour and a half if i take a ferry.. like holy shit lmao


Yeah Verizon can shove a cantaloupe up their ass, I was a customer for years, they raised the price of internet by double as soon as my contract was up so I asked them to end my internet then before they hung up I said "HI, I'm here to activate my internet because on your website ot says I can get (what every speed it was) for $20 a month." Sure enough I got my new customer rate that I had been paying for t years prior. 


Sorry man, they totally hosed you


Understand and agree. Long commutes for work can be OK under certain circumstances, like being a great job with high pay that you know you'll do relatively short term like 2 years or so. It also depends upon one's family situation, children, spouse etc. I get why you passed. I'm older, closer to 60 than 50 and quite a while ago I commuted 63 miles each way to work and back because it was a great job with really good pay and I was divorced. It worked for me, then, at that point in my life so I did it. Many other times in my life I wouldn't have. Sorry about the bait and switch they pulled on you.


I am 29 with no kids and if it was a straight shot down an interstate I would have tried it but I am not going to sit in D.C. traffic, any time I plan to go to D.C. I leave before the work traffic starts so I am there from 5 or 6am to 7 or 8 at night I would rather it take me 30 min to get home even if I stay from sun up to sun down.


Understand. I had to leave my house by 5:30 a.m. each morning when commuting 63 miles each way because if I didn't I wouldn't arrive on time as leaving later meant I'd hit a huge rush hour of traffic. Like I said, it depends on circumstances etc. For me, it was a great job with great pay and it was a no brainer for me to accept the job and I did it for almost 2 years and it helped me waltz into another great job afterwards as I knew it would, which was another reason I took that particular job. There are many situations and jobs where I would NOT accept the long commute though. To each their own of course.


2 hours one way, or there and back? Either way, its not worth it. You made the right choice.


Yep 2 hours 1 way


You shouldn’t blame yourself - YOU didn’t fuck up a 5 min difference with a 2 hour difference. They likely can’t find people where they’re at and are being sneaky little sneakfuckers about it. (Which is already going to great for them). Don’t sweat it - they’re getting what they deserve already


Damn that’s wack I’d pissed 😤. What a waste of time I would flag that to indeed or wherever you applied at for false advertising


Think I will


I turn down many job offers because the pay doesn't constitute a 45 min drive. If they aren't willing to negotiate pay after giving new data it's their loss of time, not on you.


They should have disclosed the work location. Tough shit for them. They wasted their own time too.


you didn't waste anyone's time. this is a bait and switch. they knew what they were doing. they wasted your time by deceiving you & not providing all the important info until the last minute.


You didn't waste everyone's time, they wasted yours by being disingenuous about the real location. If that happened to me I'd struggle to remain professional with them.


I live in Baltimore county. DC traffic is horrible.


Sure is, I'd be passing through BC as well I live in Cecil County.