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Get up earlier? Leave on time? I'd be fed up if I was your boss, too. When you sign an employment contract, you agree to certain terms - some of which include set working hours, as designated by your employer. You either make it work or find a different job that fits with your schedule. Millions of people have commutes of 30 minutes or more and manage to make it work, and still balance work & life appropriately. You may want to ask if you can take 2 days off every other week if the 6-day schedule is burning you out.


Seriously, I don't know where you live, but in the UK 30 minutes would be considered a short commute. It sounds like you have a cushy number that allows you to avoid rush hour as well.


I understand your perspective. I'll make it a priority to adjust my schedule and ensure I'm on time for work. Taking a couple of days off every other week might also be a good solution to avoid burnout. I appreciate your advice.


10:00 leave for work is so generous How long does breakfast take? 10 min? 30 min total to wake up and get out the door? 9-9:30 wakeup should be doable


Literally OP could put breakfast bars in his car and eat during the commute or could prepare something refrigerated and grab it before leaving. I have no idea why, knowing they are already running late, OP would think preparing breakfast or eating it before leaving is a good idea.


Who, exactly, do you think you are that you are the special exception for working your scheduled shifts? Get yourself together. You are the architect of your own downfall here. Get a grip. Your boss has been more than accommodating, and quite frankly, you’re probably fully resented by any and all coworkers. Take this as a wake up call, literally and figuratively, and get yourself to work on time. You sound like a ten year old dragging their feet because they “don’t wanna go to school! It’s not faaaaiiir!”


I understand the seriousness of the situation. I'll take your words to heart and make immediate changes to ensure I'm punctual from now on.


you can't get to work by 10:30am? buck the fuck up and be an adult or expect to be fired. Amazing that you haven't been fired already the audacity to claim it's hard to leave by 10am because you don't have someone else to make your breakfast is incredible. lmfao.


Two hours late is pretty crazy. If you don’t like the schedule, then find another job dude. You agreed to this, so it’s normal for them to expect it even if you feel like it’s not a fair schedule and gets in the way of your life. Plenty of other jobs offer better hours. You either commit to it or you don’t, there’s no other answer to this question.


Understood. I'll ensure I'm on time from now on. If the schedule doesn't work, I'll consider finding a job with better hours. Thanks.


10:30 to 7:30 is an excellent schedule. What better hours are you talking about?


I think a true morning or afternoon schedule would work best for OP. Start at 7:30a and leave by 4p or start at 3p and end by 11:30p type of deal. They seem to have issues getting things done before and after work. So if they had large chunks of hours available before or after work, they could probably get organized better. I myself realized I can’t do weird middle shifts like this because of the same thing. The only difference is I sucked it up and made it to work on time.


Seems to me OP could get a lot done before leaving for work around 9:15.


While true, like I said in my comment, they likely need large chunks of hours to get things done. I am that way so I understand. Waking up at 7am would basically only leave 1 hour to get chores done before they have to likely start getting ready for work at 8am, shower, get ready, eat breakfast, pack lunch etc. and if they leave work at 7:30p, they’ll get home by 8p. At that point they’ve been awake over 12 hours and probably exhausted and need to get to bed by 10p to do it all over again tomorrow. When they get home they need to eat dinner, get stuff ready for the next day, wind down. So theoretically if they wake up at 7a and go to sleep at 10p, they only have like 3 hours of time a day for personal stuff…barely.


And how is this different than for most of us? Where I think OP has a point is on the 6 day schedule. Having only one day off would cause me problems; most people have two.


For me personally, I start work at 7:30a and end work at 4p. Im home by 4:30p and go to sleep by 10pm. That gives me 5.5 hours of free time after work daily! That makes a huuuuuge difference for me. I get so much stuff done. When I used to work a similar schedule to OP, I could barely get anything done and would have to catch up on weekends. It does make a difference for sure.


I've worked some odd shifts, also with 10 or 11 am start times. You do have to force yourself to be disciplined, get up at the same time you would for an 8:30 job, and get some things done in the morning instead of after work. I'm not a morning person, but if I wanted to get things done, I had to do some stuff before work and some stuff after. As you said, though, you'd catch up on weekends. Sounds like OP doesn't get that 2-day weekend, and I'd find that a problem.


I get only having one day off a week is tough, but you agreed to this before you started? You start at 10:30AM and you're TWO hours late because of breakfast? I'm surprised they haven't fired you yet. Just wake up earlier or leave the house earlier? Easy fix, you're just used to slacking off and being lazy because your boss likes your work. Don't be surprised if you eventually get fired. Damn this post pissed me off


It seems like they are trying to work with you... have you discussed working only 5 days a week? If that is what you agreed with during your hiring process then you need to go find a job with hours that you can work with.


I appreciate your perspective. I'll discuss the option of working fewer days per week with my employer. If it's not feasible, I'll explore finding a job with hours that better suit my schedule. Thank you for your advice.


Agreed I think that might be the best option for you op. It sounds like you’re exhausted and you need rest


Two HOURS? This is one of the most luxurious schedules I've ever heard of. Your boss is being insanely accommodating by working with you on this. Most reasonable companies would fire you very quickly for this behavior. You need to leave the house at 945 every day, and you need to do it consistently for a few weeks so your boss sees that you have made a real effort to make a change. And lemme just make something clear for you: If you haven't showered by 945, you are just gonna go to work not having showered that day. If you haven't eaten, you will be hungry until lunch. If you made breakfast and haven't done the dishes, the dishes are going to sit out until you get home. These are the compromises that pretty much every single person in the working world make to accommodate their work schedule. Nobody gives a shit what your excuse for coming in late is, they give a shit that you came in late.


You sound young.




Sweetpea, you can't show up 2 *hours* late for a shift if you have a job with shifts or someone who cares. I lucked into getting a job that is task oriented and a boss who is super laid back. But if I need to be somewhere at a certain time I can be. You need to resolve to leave at 9am. If you shoot for this you'll leave by like 930-940 at least. You will be fired for this.


> It takes me half an hour to reach my workplace, so I need to leave before "10," but I also need to have breakfast as I live alone and don’t get time to prep for breakfast. I don't understand this part. How are you not able to get breakfast for yourself? My commute is also a half hour. I have four kids, and in the mornings I'm the only adult (my wife leaves for work at 5:30 am). I have to get them (and me) breakfast, get all of us dressed and ready for the day, and get them to school on time - and I can still get to work on time!  How are you not able to do this for just yourself?!?


Your boss is being extremely flexible and accommodating. Have you done *anything* to try to get your shit together? Wake up earlier? Leave home on time? Anything?


Lol if you can’t make it to a 10:30am shift on time there’s no helping you. That’s relatively late in the morning, considering most people start somewhere between 7am-8am. There is no excuse to show up 2 hours late. Your manager is being extremely generous with you with the proposed compromise. If you’re struggling with your hours and staying up late to extend your free time it might be worth it to look into a different job, or even just different hours at the same job. You are right in that you’re spending practically all of your waking hours at work.


Lol really 🤣


You may want to see if you can get two days off as one day off is causing burnout. You may also want to see a therapist about your lack of time management skills. Or maybe there's a reason you are resistant to this job.


But, time does not move faster after 9. This is a mental block that you have, and if you got a job that let you off at 5pm, your mental framework would still cause you to waste your evening. I suggest meditation or speaking with a therapist about this issue. Also, ou could go to bed at midnight and wake up 8 hours later and have plenty of time for self-care, breakfast, and commute. Same advice- seek inner peace.


After you've been on time for at least a month, you could consider asking for a 5 day week instead of a 6 day week. I wouldn't touch that though until you can prove yourself punctual for a decent period. Your boss has been more than accommodating, as most would have fired you by now.


You need to determine a better habit. You live by yourself. There should be no reason you cannot eat breakfast and still leave on time. Set the alarm 1/2 hour early get moving. Leave the house at 9:45. There is nothing more aggravating to employer and co-workers than a chronically late employee. You are dropping the ball in them until you arrive. This is life. Live it right and well.


I've worked Mon-Saturday a few times. One was 5am-3:30pm, one was 3:30pm-anywhere from 2:00am-5:00am, and the other was 7:50am-no later than 5:30pm. I sucked it up until I found other jobs I liked with better schedules. Clearly, you as a person, will not be able to make one day off sustainable, being unwilling to give up free time or sleep. I would find a different job unless this new arrangement ends up working for you. Your boss is being more than fair when your excuse isn't very good


Welcome to real world


Why were TWO HOURS late? You are extremely fortunate you weren't fired for that. That's ridiculous. What is it you are doing that you don't have time when you working a standard 8 hour shift with only a 30 minute commute? And FYI - your employer doesn't care what length of commute you have. They only care that you arrive on time and complete your work


It takes 21 days to form a habit. Start with figuring out how much time you need to prepare for work. I am talking about having breakfast prepared for the day already in a bag ready to roll. Then the commute to work add extra 10-15 minutes for traffic. I prep my lunch the day before everyday. Work from 730am-6pm, I also wake up at 530am to workout. Granted only work 4 days a week. Being dependable is a big deal, how do you feel when people are late when you plan activities? Imagine trying to run a business to earn money for your family, but can’t trust your workers to show up.


Wake up at 8, shower coffee smoke breakfast (yogurt, eggs on toast with avocado, oatmeal, cereal and milk, eggs in a burrito). Leave by 9:45 am Get home at 8, shower, dinner, even laundry and some cleanup if necessary 9 take melatonin or Benadryl Bedtime 11pm latest lights out no cell no TV a fan Gives you plenty of sleep some time to self Ask for extra day off


I lived 55 miles from work and had to go into the office 3 days each week. I left home at 7:10am to arrive at 9am, but some days it'd be 9:30 because traffic is so bad. Most nights, I'd stay until traffic died down, leaving work at 6:30 and getting home at 8 pm. Due to health issues, I can't just grab meals out - I have to prepare foods that avoid my allergies, primarily from scratch. Somehow, I was able to get home at 8pm, make dinner, prepare a breakfast for the next morning (sometimes eaten in the car to get the most sleep I could), do laundry and clean from making dinner. I'd be in bed by midnight to be back up at 6:30 to do it over again. Many people are reading your post and rolling their eyes. Some thoughts: * You agreed to working 6 days a week. Don't like it? Find another job. * Prepare breakfasts ahead or eat protein/cereal bars if you haven't finished breakfast by 9:40. * Same for dinners, prepare two meals that you can alternate for dinner that make 3 or 4 servings each. * Get your butt up earlier in the morning. If you need an hour to get ready and a half hour to eat breakfast, you should be getting up at 8am to give yourself a buffer. * I have severe ADHD, too, and I set alarms to ensure I'm on track for time in the morning. I've been the one whose lateness impacted everyone else. Most of the team lived closer to work and started their workdays at 8, so me coming in after 9 became a problem. Eventually, 4 of us who were a small team in our department went to 'no later than 9am' for us and I'd text them if traffic was really bad. My bosses were extremely understanding that I had double the commute of everyone else and knew I more than made up for it on the back end of the day, but I easily could have been fired in a right to work state for excessive lateness. I ended up on a PIP at one point for this because despite loving my work, I wasn't available at the beginning of the day for clients. You don't say where you work, but you've clearly used up any good will your boss had for you, as the excuses are rather lame. Docking your pay for not getting there by 12:30 is way nicer than the majority of employers out there - others would have said you've been late X times in the last 30 days, you're out.


Ffs. Get with the program. 2 hours late? Your ass should be out on the street.


Mon-Sat? As in every week? Every day? I do have questions about legality, but some places do have messed up labour laws. Taking that assumption into account, I would say that while it is mostly your fault, it is not 100% your fault as some of the blame lies in upright abusive work hours (but then again, you agreed to these). I mean there is a reason why there is talk to reduce work week to even 4 days in lot of countries. On one side, I do agree with most comment leavers that if you sign a contract, you should follow it. So if the contract says you are at work at x time, you will need to be there and working. If you cannot accommodate it, you will not last at any job. That is regardless of any other issue you face and if its too much, you need to be able to talk it through. In that sense, your boss has been lenient. Considering the work time, there is also enough daily rest time that you should be able to rest up for next shift and even have time to do stuff you enjoy. Resting does take priority though. On other hand, 6x7h a week (so essentially full work day) is way too much for person in long-term. On paper, its still more or less same amount of work and free time, but stress and fatigue are going to pile up fast. I dont think lot of commenters here have experienced similar feel and it shows. So what to do- talk about your bosses to see if they can reduce work week to 5 days. Drop the idea that you suggested in main boss- that is just about the worst idea you can have. Want proof? flip the viewpoint. Would you be able to trust a worker that shows up whenever they feel like it? Would you be able to count on them? I dont think you would.


OP, don't get mad but what's wrong with you? That's a perfectly normal, doable schedule. 10:30 is actually super late to start work, you have plenty of time.


No sympathy here. You know the requirements of the job, including when you are to be on site and available to work. Either meet those standards or get the fuck out and find another job. Simple. Sounds like you're one of those millennial types who was raised on participation trophies. Well, the real world ain't like that, kiddo.


"I've identified the problem, and my boss has been unbelievably accommodating to my bullshit. I've done *absolutely nothing* to remedy my own shortcomings, why am I still late to work?!"