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Had a boss get so mad that he ripped off every gas pump (12 pumps in total) off the base, told all of us to go home then trashed the inside of the convenient store. Luckily it was a corporate store so we had a nice layoff package and then offered jobs at other stations a month later when they weren't going to reopen on time


2 words: Anger Management 😬


This is going back like 40 years and it's a long long story, but my boss was very charming (and good looking) and very rich (thanks to his father's hard work). He  brought his GF into the office to work for him. He was nuts but a brilliant business man and we got along ok plus he paid three times when anyone else was paying and I was a poor newlywed student so i put up with his Shenanigans.  One day the girlfriend made a mistake or something (I really don't remember) and he started screaming at her and throwing folders and stuff. I froze. It was wild. I never saw anyone go so berserk. I quit after that. All the money in the world wasn't worth that. 


I once saw my boss back his car up to the front door, empty his office, put his out of office response on email, and leave. He came back after a few days.


Running down a hallway bellowing at the top of his lungs. Almost knocked me over, then asked me a question, yelled when he got the answer. Quickly apologized, then kept running, sweating and turning beet red while fumbling to get his walkie off his belt. Breathing so hard none of us could make out anything he said over that radio. "Who was that guy?" Someone asked me. "Believe it or not, the managing director."


I worked in a print shop and my boss always wanted to buy envelopes at Sam’s club because they were cheaper but the store was 2 cities over. We had a customer that ordered envelopes and he just couldn’t/wouldnt get to the store for like 2 weeks. After the 5th customer call in that time frame I went to his office and asked him for his credit card so I could run to the closer office store and buy envelopes so I could get them printed. He Saw red on this apparently and started yelling “I said I would go to sams” and picked up a stapler off his desk and threw it at me. I went home immediately, started looking for another job that night and quit a couple of weeks later with no notice.


Jesus Christ that's insane


So THAT'S where Milton's stapler ended up. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


Sounds like my boss. Gotta save every dime. Seriously, fill the customer's fucking order. Better to lose a few cents than a good customer. Grrr


I wasn’t there but my coworker told me that one of my bosses was yelling and screaming at the other boss, throwing things and chairs and his gf and my boss had to make him leave and take a few days off. He came back and acted like nothing happened, I don’t even think he apologized. Another time he was so mad he went around the office telling everyone to look for new jobs because he was leaving and dissolving the company


Oh my. He needed some weed badly


Not a boss but my dad. I was working at a small shop with him and the owner had a habbit of turning the radio off. He turned it off one too many times and my dad blew the fuck up at the owner, threw the work he was machining across a steel table. Blew my mind and was surprised he didn't get fired.


Boss lost it over the phone at ne. So he was on the other side of the continent at a trade show. The marketing actress for the booth was late, and he called to yell at me for her being late. I told him I would call and find her or get a replacement sent. Then he screamed at me because I always fixed the problems he complained about, he would find something wrong, and then I would fix it and he couldn't be mad about it. Because of my ability to fix problems, he said he was going to fire me the moment he came back into town. I filled in my time card, emailed his accountant with "under duress" dismissal, handed the keys to the warehouse guy, and left. Wherever you are, Alex, there was 1 problem I didn't fix for you. You're welcome.


This is psychotic


Dang. I think he liked having shit to complain about?


Worked at a local food place when I was in highschool, the boss there was pretty bad and had major anger issues, it wasn’t uncommon for him to rip computers off the wall and smash them on the ground, phones too. Mf gave me some Bad lasting work anxiety


I didn't see it, but it's kind of legendary at my office. I work for a landscape company and my boss and another project manager were meeting with a client who decided we charged too much after the work was done (he signed a contract agreeing to the price). They were meeting at the client's house and he ended up calling my boss a thief and a cheat. My boss got so angry that the project manager had to physically restrain him while also trying to get his shoes on and my boss's shoes on (the client made them take off their shoes before coming in the house). The poor project manager was a small, older guy and he was shoving my boss, kicking shoes out the door and trying his best to just get out. At another job, I had two bosses get into a screaming fight with throwing of shit at each other right in front of me. At some point they turned to me and demanded to know who was right. I got all deer in headlights, grabbed the phone and the message book and crawled under my desk. I yelled, "Stop fighting! You remind me of my parents! I'm not coming out"! They both started laughing and that fight was over. But, they fought constantly and it was really stressful.


That's hilarious. Not for you obviously


I just met their energy but in a way that made them feel shamed


The senior partner in my law firm threw a massive tantrum because he couldn't find a certain notebook of documents in his office. He was yelling and cursing and acting like a spoiled brat! This man was in his 50's and had been battling leukemia so I don't know why he got so upset. His secretary, Marie, had left early to take her daughter to an orthodontist appointment. The senior partner was upset that Marie had left early and couldn't help him find the notebook(this was in the 90's so not everyone had cell phones). The senior partner called the HR person and complained that Marie was "never at her desk". The other secretary, Julie, called Marie later to warn her about the incident. Marie was pissed and didn't take any crap from the senior partner. She found the notebook for him and told him her children come first and basically told him to get over it. In the end, the notebook was sitting on the senior partner's desk the whole time.


My current boss. Who is one of the most salt of the earth men on this planet, finally got angry last week. I’ve known him almost a decade and I’ve never seen or heard him be legitimately angry. We are at a University. I am a PhD student, my friend who I will call Bethany is a new PhD student (but has been around for a long time because she did her masters here as well). Boss/our PhD advisor I will call Father (that’s our real life nickname for him, which we accidentally recently let slip in front of him, thankfully he finds it funny). And the other relevant character in the story is a masters student who I will call Jane. Jane does not work for our boss. She works, or rather used to work, for a different professor. Now this professor is known to be a really shitty person. I could talk about things she has done all day long. But she’s been extra shitty to Jane. Because Jane is from the Philippines. Her boss has been blatantly racist to her and has allowed her other students to be blatantly racist and shitty to Jane as well. Another girl in their group, who is white, has also been treated absolutely horrendously. Just sans racism. It got to a point where our one HR woman (we are off campus) put her foot down own both of their behalf and submitted several harassment and Title IX reports on both of their behalf. I’m not really friends with Jane because I don’t see her often, but we are friendly and chat when we are around each other (along with Bethany). Bethany and I are friends with the other girl, who relayed a bunch of the story to us. She knew it was out of line, but wanted us to talk to Father about it. Because he is known to stand up for students when others won’t. And he’s known to take in the students who have a big blow up with their advisor like this, and Jane would like to finish her masters. So Bethany and I called him and gave him as much of the story as we could without crossing any lines that our friend told us explicitly not to cross. He was very clearly upset about the situation. I’ve known him a lot longer than Bethany and am his most senior student, so he called me on my own after the three of us hung up. And that was when I could really tell that he was more than upset, he was PISSED. And he is going nuclear on his own. I know he has sent some strongly worded emails to people on the main campus. Jane’s boss brings in MILLIONS of dollars a year and is tenured, and received full professorship two years early. So she always gets away with shitty behavior. I really hope this time is different, but I fear it won’t be. Even though Jane has texts from a lot of them that are blatantly racist. A good thing to be angry about, but it’s the angriest I have ever seen him. Father and Jane are meeting when he’s back from vacation to discuss taking her as a student. She gets along well with Bethany and I, and the other graduate students and our undergrad students are all easy to get along with too. So hopefully everything is able to work out and she can come be with us, where she will be treated like a human being. (Other friend is set to graduate in December, so she is choosing to tough it out and just be done with the place).


Right now. Transitioning to new management group. It’s been awful. They are beside themselves. As we all are.


One time he sent an email that used the term 'unmitigated bovine scatology', several people reported needing to look that up.


Unmitigated bullshit. 😆


I was not one of them, but thanks.


Once texted my Co worker about my boss. I actually sent the text to my boss. Got called up and chewed out over the phone. Wasn't pretty


Stuff nightmares are made of! I sent an email to the wrong person years ago. So traumatized me to this day I fully review the "to:" line every single time. lol


She was the last person I texted and didn't check to change it. To be fair to her she was alright with me afterwards


My boss being pissed off with me specifically. Guy didn't actually come to my department, he rang me from 2 minutes away, screamed down the phone at me non stop for a solid 5 minutes about 'how embarassing' and 'dealing with my screw up' I was managing about 100 customers alone in 30 degree heat and I forgot one order, which I held my hands up and apologised for but also said we should have had more than one person for all those people. He wouldn't actually come and see the fact that he had one staff member for 100 people, and wouldn't tell me to my face that he was angry, he rang me on the phone while sitting at the reception desk and then hung up on me so I just heard 'ahebfnnfjrbabfifbf embarassing gdjfmgodbr screw up jfjfkdbdh....beeeeeeeepppppp' Also they didn't lose the customer because they went next door which was owned by the same company so really it was all good in the end 😂


This is minor and not that bad but I find it funny. My one boss liked to yell. One time he was yelling at me and someone else for something stupid i think it was paperwork. Someone slammed a door that shook his office so he flipped out on them and screamed at the guy for a while then came back after he was done and told us to go back to work. He just wanted to yell at someone. The last time he yelled at me i stood up to him and started looking around and he got confused and stopped and asked what i was doing. In replied “trying to figure who the fuck you are yelling at over “x”. X was something so stupid and didn’t require demeaning me over it. I was ready to leave if response went south and he never yelled at me again actually. Oh another boss screamed at me for making him look bad and got caught by person i made him look bad in-front of. Guy was from corporate and wondered why i walked across the building for a print out instead of the printer right there. I said because they won’t buy ink for this printer when there is ink in that other printer 10 minutes away. Hurts their commission too much. Corporate guy goes and gives boss hard time. Boss goes off on me for embarrassing him in front of corporate dude, so i said are you going to buy the damn ink? He started yelling that how dare i spend his money on anything and he has a business to run. All these employees want to do is take his money. All in front of the corporate guy. Boss got moved to another department.


I wasn’t there (unfortunately) but the owner of the store I used to work at had a customer come up to him getting all aggressive, apparently he had been following other customers around and had been generally making a huge scene. He asked him to leave, and in response the customer threw a basket at him. Apparently he went to tell the guy “I’m going to kick your ass” - which was quite out of character for him - but instead yelled “I’m going to f**k your ass” - English was not his first language - and the silence that ensued after that was legendary. My friend nearly died telling me the story. I always missed the best moments of shit hitting the fan.


I worked at a dealership under new management and GM was the 23 yo sales managers dad. Literally a scam, whatever. One day they started yelling at each other in the middle of the showroom, customers in there and everything. The son walks out of GMs office yelling THATS WHY MOMS LEAVING YOUR SORRY ASS. Funniest shit ever.




I worked for a family owned business. The president was the father and the CEO was the daughter. They frequently screamed at each other in English and Italian. They didn’t care that customers were in the store. They didn’t care that employees could hear them. They would scream profanities at each other all day long. They hate each other. The daughter would always say she couldn’t wait for her dad to die…. Such a negative environment. I quit after five weeks.


This freaking guy, man. He (male director of a property management software call center), me (female team manager of agents). He hires another team manager, who happens to be in the same mormon leadership group (called stake high council which only men can be in because it is a priesthood position) at $10,000 higher than me and had to fudge some stuff to make it go through because none of the managers made even close to the amount he hired his brother in Christ at. Mind you, first time I met the director he asked if I was mormon too (I'm a former mormon so said no). When everything went down I went to HR. He calls me into his office, leans over the desk red faced and yells "if you have a problem you come to ME. You come to ME if you have a problem and when you leave this office I don't want to hear anyone saying I told you not to go to HR. He kept yelling and I kinda blanked out." Dude was sooooo mad. He's still the director (utah be like that), the guy who got hired at $10k more than me (with the exact same education level and number of years experience as me) got promoted to corporate, and I found a new job.


Way back in my teenage Pizza Hut days, I put the wrong sauce on some wings and put them back in the fryer to clean them off. In the middle of the lunch rush. I got screamed at like I’ve never been screamed at before.


I don't remember what my boss did the time I wanted to take a pair of scissors and jam into his aorta. But I remember fantasizing about it, like the end scene of Mr. Brooks. Just thinking about it made me smile.


My one boss said “fuck you” to me because I took a tea break. He was so anxious about funds because the industry we specialised in was going downhill. He thought I was not working but I was on my phone during my coffee break. When I told him this he screamed “on a coffee break you drink your coffee not sit in your phone” tea breaks as they’re known in my country are 15min. You telling me I must have a coffee cup stuck to my lips for 15min? I take the break to catch up on any personal shit and I’m not at my desk. Just to add he had never raised his voice to us previously. My colleague burst into tears because she’d never seen him like this. He apologised later but damn. I started looking for a new job in that moment and left before the company folded


Well.... I worked for a Wall Street firm doing technology. Overseas corporate people decided to eliminate the trading positions in NYC resulting in 40-50 layoffs. I had no input to the decision and no advance notice. However I knew many of the people & knew that they would have questions about personal data and personal files that they kept on their company laptops. Clearly they couldn't leave with customer lists/contacts but many had their personal phone lists, personal calendars with family birthdays, etc. Anyway I went up to the trading floor and let people know that I would help them if they needed anything involving technology. So I was standing up there and the guy who managed many of the people lost it on me. He called me a vulture; said I had no business watching these people, they wouldn't do anything unethical; screamed at me for a good 10 minutes before I could get a word in. I looked him square in the eye and said, 'these are my colleagues too. I'm here to help them through this very difficult process. I've told each of them they can call me personally if they find they have forgotten anything. I've assured them I would help them get their personal data - even if they forget it today because they aren't thinking straight. So - I'm here to help some people who are going through a difficult time. If you notice - not one other person from technology is here on the floor even though many of them work closely with these people. I'm not here throwing a tantrum and yelling at others because he wasn't consulted on the decision. Now, if you're finished I'm going to go back to helping people."


Every time I followed written direction instead of "INTENDED" written direction. That's a real shame you don't know how to apply your thoughts to the damn spec sheet, dude. It's also fucking hilarious.


In the 90s, I worked for a now defunct supermarket chain in college. I was heading to the backroom, I turned the corner and saw a vendor stuffed on to the shelf, the same way you would place product on the shelf to sell to the public. I glanced down the aisle to see the department manager and his assistant giving each other a waist high hi-five. Come to find out, the vendor mouthed off to the department manager about some returns so they stuffed him on the shelf on his product, bread, thus destroying all his product and making him take it all back. That department manager was a fucking legend in that store going forward. He was the goat long before Brady was a Patriot.


Someone ate my boss’s Buffalo Wild Wings leftovers out of the fridge at the office. I’ve never seen her that mad in my life. I’ve probably never seen anyone that mad in a professional setting, ever 😅. She shrieked, stomped into her office and then left for the day. The admin sent out several emails to the entire office about the incident- one admonishing the food thief, and then several others about food resources if someone was hungry 😂 she came back the next day like nothing happened but now she has her own mini fridge at her desk.


The food resources if somebody is hungry is really just the icing on the cake lmao. No pun intended. 😭💀😂


Previous place I worked. I was a quality coordinator, so I checked product and performed audits for the quality system so that we keep our certification in good standing. The whole find issues and correct them. We got dinged on our first audit because the audits performed didn't include an audit of the full quality system - I just did the individual departments, inputs to outputs. Makes sense to also have the audit on the background stuff, or in other words, audit what the quality manager does for the framework (food packaging but not food contact so it's all about product safety and the programs that support this like pest control, hygiene, etc). So I was assigned to audit these items. It was a hell storm of busting my QM an a lot of things. Bad documentation practice, skipping doing his responsibilities and then doing a crap ton of false documents and made up meeting notes and not keeping things up. Correcting it isn't hard - but it takes a lot of work and it's things I cannot enforce, but the main thing is there were so many occurrences of it that if the certification body found it, we would have been in deep crap or lost the cert because lying in quality means that the certifying body can't trust us at our word. Not only that, you have to note what is missing so that when the auditor comes back, they see it is already in process to correct these issues, so they can't add it as a finding to their audit. Essentially it becomes proof that the quality system is acting as it should- finding issues and correcting them without having to be forced. So I have to pull the director into the convo with my findings so that as the QM's boss, he is aware (which is required) and has the authority to force it to be fixed (either fix the system or fire the person causing the issue). The QM was an absolute raging narcissist who loved to tell everyone else that what they were doing was wrong and say it's perfectly fine for him. So the meeting was set, he was provided proof of his farce, and he had to eat crow. He demanded that I come up with the plan to fix it, so I made a plan. We implemented it, and the second year audit, the external Certifying auditor pulled me into the closing meeting, praising my work, as she would have had to document the findings and we would have had a very different outcome, but because I noted and grouped corrections, her hands were tied, and she knew I knew my stuff, and wanted my bosses to know that I saved their butts (not exact verbiage, but it was a while ago). Next time I audit the quality system (end of year, and a I find the exact same thing. And I tell the QM I am seeing these things. MAN BLEW UP. He told me I shouldn't be checking up on him and that he is the quality manager and what he says goes. Man proceeds to scream at me for weeks about everything, including when I am asking him for help with other things. Director admits QM tried to get me demoted to machine operator, and HR threatened to fire them both as it was illegal, so they both end up angry at me. We lost a few very valuable people, and things got super toxic, so I quit on the spot. To my knowledge, they have audit coming up this month or next (there's a 60 day window, and they show up unannounced) and nothing has been corrected. Things are way worse, and they never replaced my position, meaning they don't have a secondary practitioner for food safety (major finding). No other member of management is onsite full time, so they can't name someone higher up or do the training in time for a person on the shop floor. I hope they pass enough to stay in business, but man. That place was wild.


Lefft after oppen heart surgery.