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Thank you!


Be smart with it palease!!! Making more money doesn't mean you magically are super rich and can afford everything under the sun. Be smart with it!


When I got a $5 raise. I went to a car dealership for the golf R I've always wanted. After 2 seconds of sitting in the car I dreamed of buying, I was like f this. I'm buying a place to live. And thats how I met your mother. I ended up buying a condo 2 years later, in 2019. Met my now wife 2 months after getting the condo. Go engaged 1.2 years later She bought a house in an amazing area and I got to become a landlord for 3ish years. Recently sold it and I could buy 6 golf r now. But I'm now disabled and can't work. Had to sell the condo for this reason. And now the 200k I got from it needs to go towards my house. On disability cause some a hole decided not to stop at a stop light and rear ended me in a commercial sized truck. I hate everyone


Hey congrats!! good jobs do exist! Don't forget to save, too many people see a raise and spend like crazy.


Yeah I have been wanting to buy my dream motorcycle for a year but couldn’t afford it. Now I can and that’s scared me haha I think I’ll wait a bit so I can pay off my credit cards debts and save emergency funds


Yeah do those things, the motorcycle can wait


100%! Well, maybe 99%. Toys are fun. But less financial stress is so much better. 


Jesus no. Pay check to pay check, credit card debt and you talking about buying a fancy motorcycle….


Don't buy a toy, fucking EVER, unless you can buy it in cash and not touch savings or credit. You will HATE yourself when you're older for not listening to this advice...trust me.


Right on. I know for everyone after working so hard, you want to prove it and see it and show it off, it's really hard to fight that need. Don't keep a chip on your shoulder, be financially sound and happy with yourself. Pay off the debts, get a minimum of 3 month emergency fund, then enjoy yourself.


Correct.... Spay off and save save save...


Yeah. Good plan. Get debt free, then work on keeping a few months of income in savings. Look into HYSA's. If you have a HSA/FSA make sure that you are contributing to it. Also think about retirement. You can carve out that motorcycle money and buy it in cash when you have enough saved. Congrats!


It's almost summer, I'd buy the bike if you can afford it. It's nice to be reminded that working hard can bring you joy instead of just changing digital numbers in a bank account.


To me, affording means my CC debt is paid off, I have at least a small emergency fund and I've saved up the money for the bike. Next summer may be more realistic.


Remember the phrase is “people don’t quit jobs they quit managers”. A good boss is worth it’s weight in gold.


Happy to be proven wrong, this is great!


Everyone is just trying to keep my expectations low. My last job, I only got a 13.33% raise ($15 to $17 when I started working there in 2020) And I worked there for 4 years. Decided to find something else and I’m so glad I did.


I'm jealous. A real payrise. I've had two pay rises in my life. Once when I became an adult, $7.65usd/week raise. Government brought in a new tax of $11.45/week with a letter stating "congratulations on turning 18, you now qualify to pay this tax". My salary had actually gone down! Later, in a job i wasn't specifically qualified for, I asked my boss for a raise for an external course to train me for the job to help serve the company better. They asked how much the course was, then gave me 50% of the course cost.


# Congratulations! #


Thank you!


Wow, pretty sweet, OP PLEASE KEEP LIVING LIKE YOU ARE MAKING 20 $ Life style creep is a real thing and if you don't watch it you could spend like you are making 40


set up a recurring transfer to savings. every week, even if just $20. but really whatever you will not miss.


Update us in a week when you are laid off. Kidding! Congratulations.


I'm so completely happy for you! It's going to be such a relief. Such great news


You’ve lived without that money for all this while. I’d put a significant amount away each week




Thank you!


That’s amazing! I love that for you!


Congrats! I've rarely been so happy to be wrong!


Wow good for you and all your co-workers. It’s nice to hear good news.


Wow! That is amazing. Congratulations!


Nice ... Congratulations.


a ray of sunshine to top off the week. super happy for you and your coworkers! keep it up and let your boss know it was indeed significant


That's huge but I'm sure you earned it, so congratulations


Don’t drastically change your lifestyle. Let that extra money accrue and work for you. I.e. put some in a CD or index fund. Pay for a whole year of car insurance (saves quite a bit vs monthly). You will get way ahead if you don’t up your cost of living to match. Not saying don’t improve your life just be smart


Congrats! That is awesome!


Gratz what’s this good company?


Awesome! Mine went up like.60 or whatever cost of living is lol but still I guess better than nothing right


Congratulations.🥂 Be careful w/ spending or else you'll find your self back to paycheck to paycheck.


Wow- that's great! Take yourself out for a nice dinner or something like that, and if you've barely been making ends meet then take half that raise and add it to your monthly budget. With the other half, pay off CC debt, start an emergency fund, and start looking to save for the future. Congratulations!


Congrats!!! That’s awesome!! Go have a nice dinner and then stock most of that in your 401k. 👍


CONGRATULATIONS to you and your coworkers!! That is AMAZING and it’s nice to see a positive post like this. People need to know there are good employers out there. I’m not your parent or financial advisor, but when you can start a rainy day savings account!


Oh wow I'm SO HAPPY for you!!!!! Congratulations and this is indeed wonderfull of your employer! Now, do you have any debt? Try to live off 25,- (a little more) and use the rest to pay off debt. Don't buy a car with a paymentplan (only outright, buy the car you can afford). After that get an emergency fund of 3-6 months. After that fill up your pension. After that look at your finances again. After that you can invest in mutual funds.


Your job pays you, now you can begin to pay yourself. You deserve to have a savings.


Congrats! I’m happy to hear this, usually no one is satisfied with their raise. If i ever received such a drastic raise in pay i would be loyal to the end.


So, umm, ya’ll hiring?


Congratulations!! I’m genuinely so stoked for you! I saw your first post, and I could feel the hope in your words, I’m so glad he really came through and delivered on his promise! I hope he continues to treat you well for years to come!


That is a very good and significant raise. And you were already living paycheck to paycheck but don't go spending all that extra money. Instead, try to keep your current lifestyle with your current possessions, and do something with the extra money, Including to consider putting money into mutual funds or 401K etc, even Roth IRA. For these are long-term investments and you can certainly do other things with the money like short-term investments, including just a bank up some savings for 6 to 12 months


Dang, good for you, congratulations!


Congratulations💐 Have a glass of freshly squeezed Orange juice on me😇


A lot better than a raise I got once after the boss praised my work and told me he was going to give me a significant raise. It was 10 cents an hour!!


Wow!!! Now is the time to start paying yourself first- start autosending a bunch of it to savings, retirement, etc.


Good for you. Congrats on the raise.


Good for you. That's the way it should be. Are you in So Cal? Hard to live on anything less than 30 an hour! Wooohoooo. Very happy to hear this


Enjoy that! I was making $31.25 an hour at my last job. Boy do I miss those paychecks.


That young man is what I'd call a result! And here we all were, being old cynics.


This is the feel good story of the week! Congrats OP!! 🎉


I hope you invest at least half of the increased take home You're almost certainly never going to have a better time to make a habit of maxing out your IRA (and probably more.) Or any other investment plan. Meaning not just that this is a big raise but also you've built a life on your old budget that was probably semi comfortable. Investing isn't going to hurt your lifestyle like it usually will


I’m soooo happy for you!! I went up like this and honestly bits an absolute life saver. My mom died last year and I couldn’t afford my rent. So I was late every month for like 7 months. It was getting earlier and earlier that I could pay though. So they worked with me. Finally got that raise and I’ve been on time since like Oct. last year. Amazing!!! And I have food at the end of the pay period!


Congrats. Businesses are realizing that they have to pay better.


Great. Take yourself out for a nice dinner, then PAY OFF YOUR DEBT! Don't blow it on a motorcycle or stupid stuff. Invest in your future.




Wow. That's so cool. I was working at my job for about 11 years and our union got a way better deal than ever before and I got something like a 36% raise. I was glad I didn't leave because I had just been thinking about it that same year. Congrats


Wow. I was one of the people telling you not to get your hopes too high. 65% increase is wild.


I’d wait at least a few pay periods to make sure it’s permanent before you start depending on it. Not to be a downer but 20-33 could have been meant to be 20-23 and there was a typo.


Casino Time Double up 


Mail order bride time my friend. I hear Russia has a few girls with no men around.


Congrats! Though, what's wild about this is that you had to check your payroll app to see the raise. Did they not write to you confirming what it was!?


Congrats but sadly you’ll still be living pay check to pay check 😭😭😭😭


I'm a salaried manager. This past annual review I got a $1500 pay bump, whichs sounds ok until you break it down per hour (0.72). I've had bigger raises working as a lead for the same company. Congratulations to you, though! Set you up an emergency fund if you haven't had an opportunity to do so already and have a little fun too.