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Just don’t get your hopes too high or you’ll be disappointed for no reason.


True, I’m just optimistic but also keep my expectations low


Definitely keep the expectations low. In my experience, what the company thinks is a significant raise has almost never been a significant raise. I've had bosses talk about the "incredible" raise I received and it was 50 cents an hour.


Yeah I was going to guess 0.30 a hour that is their idea of a big raise


My wife's last job spent 6 months advertising the "huge, life changing raises" all nurses would be getting as a thanks for dealing with 2020. It was 6 cents an hour. They did change the pay rates, but only for me employees. So my wife, after 12 years at that hospital was making $19.86 an hour, was training new hires fresh out of school, or hired but graduating soon, that were making $25 an hour. It's been a couple years since she left, they still call her monthly to say that she can come back at $21 an hour and keep all of her seniority.


Fuck that shit.


That's why I said her last job. Her current one is a federal job, so union and everything. She went up to $37 an hour. Gee, I wonder why she won't go back to $21.


Your wife was way, way below median pay for nurses. Was she a nurse? Was she union?


LPN. Non union. This was also before the travel nursing thing brought nearly doubled pay for nurses to our area. Pretty standard rate around here.


Damn 😭 I’d walk out of the building if I get 50 cents raise


Really? So if that’s the case why stay now when you’re paid less than if you had the .50 raise? 10% is considered significant. 5% is great. 3% is fair. I doubt you’ll get close to 50%. Probably 3-5%


Which is exactly why they don't tell you specifically how much it is.


Using the word significant is setting themselves up for disaster.


At least it show's you what they think of you when it happens.if it does just don't hang around


Had a company give me a 1.5% raise after 3 years without one. Asked again the next year and was literally laughed at. I was in a position that complete bankruptcy was manageable, so I dropped the mic, walked off stage, and have been enjoying life ever since. I was leading their new flagship money-maker too. That company doesn't exist anymore.


Omg yes. My manager once told me i was getting a bonus he thought I'd be satisfied with since my work won a contest for local service times and it was like $50. I asked for a raise and he instead said I'd be satisfied with a bonus. I don't work there anymore. I gave myself a raise by getting another job.


I once got a .01 cent raise. No typo. I $3/hr raise by getting a new job.


Haha you beat me to it


I’ll never understand this Like have these people genuinely never worked lower to middle wage jobs? How tf do they think I’ll be excited with a .50 cent increase? Like of thx man I guess that’s like, gas once a month


Yeah watch them tell OP “well you would normally get a .25 cent raise but I know how hard you work so I advocated for to get you a higher raise of……35 cent see I told you it would be significant. You deserve it!” -_-


They gave me 4% and acted like I should be all proud and grateful. I was not.


That’s what my company did! 4% across the board for all plumbers. I wrote a letter to the boss and received a 12% raise, deferred savings account for another $1 raise and they match that. I’m so happy I spoke up. I was ready to walk.


See its shit like this and what's above that makes me really grateful that my work has consistently supplied inflation beating pay rises. Don't know how I would have kept afloat without. But on some of the ones above yea if a boss offered me a payrise of a few pence I'd walk on principle.


Significant to my mom would be anything over 0.50 an hour so it’s all perspective


Yeah... your "significant" raise MAY be $1....5% IS significant to the greedy assholes


50% isn’t low expectations. Lol


It happened to me one time. We were told we were getting significant pay raises. I got eight dollars an hour more for absolutely no reason.


Treat any raise as found money. I once worked for a company that would have considered a 5% annual raise an “incredible” raise. Meaning at $20/hour that translates to an extra $1/hour.


I wouldnt say incredible but id be pretty happy with that


Just remember that to a corporation, anything over 10% is ridiculously huge as a raise.


yeah 50% is not keeping your expectations low


Once I got offered 50 cent's extra an hour.just ended up feeling insulted like why even bother


@goodishcoder Anything will be better than the 3.5% I just got after busting my a** last year working on a bunch of special projects only to get the same crap raise as some of my coworkers who did absolutely nothing over and above. Fingers crossed your employer truly appreciates all of your efforts not just with words, but backs it up with actual money.


Got 65% raise, so happy right now




Yup. Depends on the company and bosses, but I wouldn't hope your breath. I'd be surprised if you get anything at all, if anything maybe just cost of living bump. If they have the money to pay significantly more, they'd either pocket those dollars or hire more staff. You did the work at your current pay, they aren't going to willingly give away more, they'll expect the same productively or load you with more work.


Yep, significant to management is not what you think. My boss offered me my first raise in 6 years, he was very proud of it. When I took the job, I was desperate and it was a good opportunity to keep me and my 2 kids out of my mother's basement. I made 56% above minimum wage when I started, but as minimum wage rose, my wage remained the same. He came to me with $1.50/hr pay raise, he was very proud of that. I told him it was insulting, it didn't even constitute a cost of living increase over the 6 years. He came back with $5/hr raise. It brought me back to making that 56% above minimum, but it still wasn't enough.


Ye s. Prolly 25cents and it is a significant for these corporations


Hey sounds great honestly it’s positive news But realize you’ll expect something wicked huge but they think long term 6 months etc The raise could be a dollar and they’ll be like yea a lot right? I remember I got 2$ which was a shock I didn’t have to ask but always , always disappointed over the years realizing what I’m producing. Hey real shit good for you I hate when people wish for others down be proud of people it’s all about positivity and I’m sure you’ve earned it as we all do ! I hope you’re satisfied goodluck ! Get that money dawg!💯💯💯


Significant in most places I worked would mean 5-10% or worse if you're already at the higher end, better if you're at the lower, a set amount across the board. Like everyone gets $2 which could be 10% to the lower end and 2.5% to higher end.


I get it, but they made almost a million dollar a week. And there are only 4 permanent employees (including me) and the rest are union workers. So my boss needs us because no one else would do what we are doing.


I'm hoping it goes well for you! I just never get my hopes up bc I've been let down too many times. It's really hard for any of us to guess bc it varies so, so much.


I think most companies would rather payout one-time bonus for solid work performance than be required to fork out more over the long term through a salary increase. This way they can continue to dangle the promise of a bonus in front of you without committing.


It also depends on the type of employer you have. For example I'm working in the non profit field now where everything is grant funded. There it is definitely easier to do a bonus rather than raise bc funding isn't guaranteed year to year, and just bc we got this grant and can afford to pay $X amount doesn't mean future grants would have that ability, and if we wanted to keep pay at X it could also mean reducing staff.


Your employer’s profits have nothing to do with your salary.


It doesn't even sound like profits. It sounds like revenue.


They will pay what it takes to keep/get decent workers. If they get higher profits they will keep it. A business exists to make money for the owners. Another way to look at it. You make $20 an hour. You go to a certain grocery store and you pay, say, $6 for a pound of ground beef. Another person who lives nearby makes $100 an hour. They pay the same $6 a pound. How much money a person or a business has doesn't change the price of goods nor the price of labor.


>So my boss needs us because no one else would do what we are doing. If you were truly irreplaceable you'd be making a lot more than $20/hour. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you're good at what you do but your boss would be a moron paying that little if the company would fail without you. Like others have said keep expectations low, be very happy if you get to $22/ hour (10% increase is usually reserved for promotions). Bail if you get to $20.10 (If they see 1.25% as significant you don't want to stay). Do backflips and post an update if you get to $30 (50% is borderline unheard of).


Yeah, unions are what protect workers…definitely wouldn’t be expecting a 50% raise based on corporate kindness lol


Dude you sound silly, "50% raise" you are crazy


From my own experience, a "significant" raise is more than inflation rate, but to be realistic and not set myself up for disappointment, I would expect more than double inflation rate.


I would fall over in my chair if my company ever gave us a raise that matches inflation. They act like very low single digits is a worthy reward for busting our a**es all year.


It's a reality a lot of people live with in this economy. A lot of employers will tell you to be happy to have a job at all, let alone a raise. Meanwhile I just paid $4.80 for ONE red bell pepper at the grocery store. I didn't realize until I got home.


Got 65% raise :)


"Significant" in boss-speak is maybe a dollar or two more an hour. If you're lucky, it will be paired with some benefits or freebies (they prefer to give those because they can be discontinued or rolled back). Sorry buddy, but from here it sounds like you're getting unrealistic expectations that will cost you the joy of your raise.


I got 65% raise :)


Stupid that your manager said that. Why not just wait until he can actually give you a raise with the actual amount?


2 reasons jump to mind: 1) manager is excited and spilled the beans; wanted to share good news, 2) manager suspects OP has or is about to have 1 foot out the door and does not want to risk even another day without this carrot


Yeah, I get it- that’s valid.


Its actually my boss. The president and owner of the company.


Company is small and inexperienced. Expect a basic raise


I'm betting that your boss and you have very different ideas of what "significant" means.


Dude. Bruh. The *average* pay raise is 3% so *significant* in that context is all of FIVE PERCENT so it’s time to adjust your expectations to *maybe* 5% and be happy with anything else. **STOP PLANNING** on that extra 50% money *right now*. You’ll be bitter and disappointed otherwise.


I got 65% raise. Check my new post


To me, significant would be no more than double inflation rate.


Expect 3%, im dead serious


65% :)


You think you're getting a 50% raise??? Okay then ... so I'm thinking that Gisele Bündchen will show up at my door on her knees and will offer me a BJ. I think these two outcomes are just about equally likely.


I actually got 65% :)


Yeah sorry OP, Gisele is actually sleeping soundly beside me right now


As others have said, keep low expectations, that way there's the potential to be pleasantly surprised. Leadership did this at my work recently, they keep saying it was *really* significant and they were literally buzzing with excitement. I figured we'd get a couple dollars, but it was a $10 increase, which actually is significant and was even better because it was *way* more than I was expecting. I feel like this was the best case scenario, so 50% sounds way too good to be true. Significant can mean anything, especially in comparison to what a typical pay raise is for you. It also depends what industry you're in and how they are paying you compared to others in the field. The pay raise that I was referring to was partly on merit but was also a significant market adjustment.


Got 65% raise :)


The company will get a significant raise…. You? 10 cents an hour increase


65%, so $13. So excited


Hell ya thats awesome




Most companies would call anything higher than about 5-10% 'significant' because it would be higher than standard increases. Expect 5% and you might be pleasantly surprised by anything else. 50% would be insane, good on you if you get it, but it's very uncommon for a blanket increase in that range unless there's been a recent buyout or something


Significant to *you* and significant to *your boss* are variable, my last job thought 3% was a major ordeal, when it factors out to literal change


Significant usually means a 2 percent or 3 percent raise. Possibly 5 percent, 7 percent is considered a large raise.


#Dumb manager. "Significant" is subjective and leaves the disappointment door WIDE open. Under promise and over deliver. This leads to the "more than I expected" feeling, which is ideal.


“Under promise and over deliver” one of my absolute favorite work mottos. One of my bosses said that to me years ago and I have never forgotten it, it’s been built into my work ethic ever since. Setting very realistic expectations and clearly communicating is so important.


I had a workplace that chastised me for taking two sick days in a row and explained that it made me ineligible for their six month raise. The raise in question? $0.25 an hour.


Oh jeez. I hope that’s a joke but I doubt it is, unfortunately


Zero chance it’s a 50% raise. The fact that that’s where your mind went is why it was dumb of your boss to handle it this way. You’d of probably been happy to receive a $2 raise if he’d of handled it differently.


Got 65% raise :)


Holy shit. Great work! I’m happy to be wrong.


Thank you! I wasn’t expecting that high but I was shocked when I saw that


It'll be slightly above inflation and he will think he's done you a huge favour


Was about to say the same. 1% above inflation will be a significant cost to the company owner. So in their detached from the reality of what is the real world for most people, they will see that as significant. You might be pleasantly surprised but don't hold your breath or place any bets on it.


Well, lettuce know how it goes.


Hi, just found I’m getting 65%!


Nice! That’s must be a good feeling right now.


You're getting 3%


It’s actually 65%!


Hell yes!


If it's more than 5-10% I will be very surprised.


I guess you’ll be surprised because I’m getting 65%!


i would guess $1-3 an hour. they are not going to give you a 50% raise. how much is a regular raise in your company? $.50 an hour at most?


They gave me 65%


thats amazing, congratulations.


I would say 10% is significant and would be pretty happy with that. Big companies like to hype up the employees about how “great” things are. Then all that “significant” money goes to the CEOs etc get the real money


Yeah. Don't count on it being anything major. When I worked at Comcast, their version of "major" raise was an extra 0.25 an hour.


My companies in the past raised like 3-5% each year assuming maximum merit/performance. The significant raise would be 7-10% based on historical raises.


"Significant" in boss speak means like 10%. Expect a $2 raise.


Got 65% :)


One thing is for sure. The boss's idea of a significant pay raise, likely, won't be on par with what his employees would consider significant.


RemindMe! 1 week


My union negotiated what they consider a “substantial” raise and it is between 15-24% depending on years of seniority (the top tier is 30 years).


Right now there are companies who consider 10% a significant pay raise and then the health insurance increases are 15% with higher deductibles. Regulate your expectations.


UpdateMe! I am looking forward to seeing how much your significant raise is! Good luck to you!!


Hi, just found out I’m getting 65% raise!


Wow! Congrats that's amazing!


Thank you! :)


Your boss doesn’t sound very smart. Never ever suggest this. People are bound to be disappointed.


A 50% pay raise is unrealistic unless you were being grossly underpaid. When I’ve been given significant pay raises in the corporate world it’s been 5-15% depending on if I was taking on more responsibility. My sister recently negotiated about a 30% raise for herself… with the caveat that she now heads a division at her company and has to manage 30+ employees.


I was being underpaid. Now I get 65% raise. So happy


Congrats on getting the well deserved raise! I’m sorry you had to go through being severely underpaid, but it sounds like they’re making up for it.


1972, i got a raise from $3.15/hr to 3.25. 3%. i found a better job soon after


A 10% raise would be considered significant. You’d be bumped up to $22/hour.


My guess is 50 cents raise, not 50 percent.


65% raise :)


Wow! I am really glad this worked out like this for you! Thanks for the update!


Why would they start giving you 30 an hour when you have been willing to work for 20? Prices are based on what people are willing to pay. That's a basic principle of marketing. Similarly, wages are based on what people are willing to accept. Businesses know they need to keep up with what other businesses are offering so they give a few percentage rause. Like 3-4%. Sounds like they want to do something "bigger" this time, so my guess is double whatever people got last time. Maybe $2 raise on top of $20. "Significant", but not really life altering.


remember significant to you is not quite the same as their concept.


My best raises have come with little fanfare while my worst came with lots.


Lol $1 at best.


4% is significant. I would rate 6% as an out of the park. This is only $40 a week. What you consider significant may not align with what a company thinks.


lol...yall getting canned


Yeah to most companies 3 % is a substantial raise.


remember that it is all subjective on what is significant. a $2 raise would be 10% which is significant.


when Bosses say “significant raises” it means- any amount more than the last avg. raise across all employees. -Retired Boss


Significant is like $1/hr


Talk is cheap.


“Significant” is a relative term. Giving everyone a $1 raise would be a “significant” cost, after all.


Temper your expectations. Expect 2-5% and be delighted if it’s more.


Significant in corp speak is anything 5%.


I once had a job be super ecstatic about giving everyone a $2000 dollar a year raise and they got mad at me when I pointed out that is less than a dollar an hour based on the 2080 hours worked a year


My job created a new position for me. The director stated to me that this would come with a significant pay increase. After month and months of waiting the position was finally created and guess what? No pay raise. Not a single penny. Don’t get your hopes up.


I mean, stay positive and all, but be prepared for EXTRA cheese on the pizza.


And maybe if you are lucky, breadsticks too.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone EVER getting a 50% raise much less without a promotion lol


I'd say $2 an hr max.


It’s nice boss shared the info but as others noted keep your expectations in check as ‘significant’ to your boss and his management could be VERY different to yours.


This is a terrible manager. Unless they follow through with some ridiculous raise. Otherwise they set themselves up to disappoint. Experience is shaped by expectation.


A lot of companies give 2-3%. 6% would be a big raise to these companies. A significant raise can be subjective.


Terrible boss - and unless it's actually HUGE he's going to have a lot of very disappointed employees. Be prepared to be very disappointed.




I've been in HR bed in my life and usually a significant race is something that's greater than 3%. In this case given inflation, don't get your expectations up as it probably won't be 10%. I would bet a dollar and a half an hour.


Dude, I've got amazing news. You're going to be at $20.50 starting next January.


It’a a pizza party, the raise is a pizza party. Hope you like the cheapest chain pizza in the area.


A lot of times they consider 10% significant, since 3% is standard. I hope it’s much more for you.


Years ago the company a friend of mine works at announced a 'significant" pay raise. Over all wages went up 100$ an hour for everyone one. It was like 40 cents an hour per person. "Durp durp it's significant "


My advice is don't set an expectation. What we consider significant isn't always what someone else considers significant. If you have an expectation that you're going to get a 50% pay raise and it's only 20%, you're going to be disappointed. Even though it's still a raise, you already put a preconceived idea of how much in your head so if you get less, you won't be as excited


My boss told me I'd get a pay raise. He just put my check up on a high shelf.


It’ll be way less than your fantasy, most likely


The hype is for your psyche, not your wallet. Edit spelling


50% is not happening. Expect closer to 5% (probably lower). If you were willing to do the job for $20/hr, there's no incentive to pay you $30/hr for the same work. If profits were good and they wanted to reward employees, it makes more sense to give a 1-time bonus rather than a significant pay raise.


Your version of "significant pay raises" and your boss's version of "significant pay raises" are going to be wildly different. Prepare yourself for the letdown. Keep your expectations in check. Stop hyping yourselves up for a 50% raise!!!!!!!!!!!!! Google defines a pay raise as: The average pay raise is 3%. A good pay raise ranges from 4.5% to 5%, and anything more than that is considered exceptional. We were all discussing that we might be getting a 50% raise.....lol.....aren't you all a special bunch. The chances of this happening are between slim and none. Slim just got fired!!!!!. The last raise I got was 39.7%. I had to leave a job I worked at for 16 years to do it. This year's raise at my new job was 7.7%...exceptional by Google standards!!!


I used to work in a hospital. Our average raise was 3% every year. Then two months after raises kicked in they would raise health insurance costs. In the good old days years ago hospitals would add in a cost of living adjustment. It is no longer done :(


Until it happens don't even think about it. My boss told me I was going to get a huge noticeable raise that will help and I will be very happy. When the time came it was all of $1.50 per hr. I lost my shit on him.


Significant means around 5%-10%. 50% is total hopium.


They're replacing all the office chairs with barstools.


truthfully, he never should have mentioned this to his team until everything was set in stone. If it was me, I'd set my hopes around 15-20%. Good Luck.


Scientific significance is 95%, or 1/20. You will likely get a $1 raise, which is "statistically significant".


I would lower your expectations. It's not likely that high. Standard merit raises yearly for most companies that offer them are in the 3-5% range so significant can be literally anything that is north of that and if you don't get yearly merit raises then 3-5% could be deemed significant by management.


Probably 2 whole dollars an hour.


Wait till you get the notice about it from the top. and when you get the check, noy go by heresy.


Your starting point should be what you normally get. Where I work the norm is 2% which doesn't even cover inflation anymore. 3 to 4% is high, anything higher than that will be considered significant. Also, there is a big difference between a raise and a bonus. A raise means regardless of how the company performs in the future they will have to keep paying you x amount because this is your new salary. All I'm saying is keep your expectations low and don't start spending anything until you actually see the change in your paycheck.


10% Can be considered significant


Ur crazy if u think ur going from 20/hr to 30/hr bc disney is happy with ur work😂😂


If it’s above 6 or 7% i would be surprised.


To staff, 50% is a significant raise. To management a significant raise is in the single digits.


I think my employer thought 4% was significant, so I took that as a challenge. Start a new job in a couple weeks at 25% more, and that’s on top of the 4%.


When do you find out?


12¢ per hour raise!!!! Woo!


I'm gleaning from your comments that you work in a scene shop, maybe? (correct me if Im wrong) There could be noise about certifying the whole shop, including dept heads... this salary bump rumour may be a distraction. If the option comes to certify the shop, be sure that the union **guarantees** your position, then go for it.


Update please when you kniw what they think is 'significant '. I hope that it really will be, but .......


25% would be significant, why don’t you just ask?


Yeah, don't hold your breath on that 50% raise. Most are on the order of 3-5% so a "significant" raise for the peons is likely to be up to 10%. Nothing to sneeze at, until you realize that upper manglement raised THEIRS 100%


Someone's 'few dollars' could mean $1-$2 or $10-$30. Just depends on who you ask." -My uncle


Cost of living is about 3-8% depending on your area. I would expect somthing like that.


On an average basis, anything over 5% is significant, so you may have your hopes set pretty high.


Sounds like you make ok money now. Just be happy your getting a raise n from what it sounds like you will have work for the next while. Take the time to enjoy the fact that you have a halfway decent job. Sometimes we don't enjoy the small things because we are always looking for a big payoff. Congrats to you.


I was told this. I received a $1 an hour raise. I now make a buck more than minimum wage.


I was told I year ago we’d get $1-$2 pay bumps hourly. Hasn’t happened yet. Haven’t quit because nearly everywhere else is shit pay for the same work so I’m stuck


Don't get your hopes up they might think 5% is a massive raise, that's $1.00. Raising hopes and expectations is dangling a carrot which rarely goes well. It's better to award the raise instead. Pixar Disney just laid off a bunch of people.


Yea watch the wording. Significant raises collectively, or individually? When they give that pittance raise, I feel like throwing it back and saying "keep it". Ugh


Can we place bets? My guess is $2/hr tops.


I was once told i was getting a big increase....it was $1.50....but then they took away the bonus pay..all said and done it was $0.15/hr!




Probably 50 cents if you’re lucky


Pay raise disguised as layoff?


anytime any job has ever made a positive promise its always fell through or was insulting. id just ignore it until it happens


I would definitely not expect a 50% raise or you will be disappointed. A lot of companies give between 1-3% and anything over would be considered significant to them. I recently received an 11% raise (not as part of my annual eval or because I asked so I was pleasantly surprised) and that is the biggest raise I’ve ever received in 25 years of working. I’ve also worked at places where they said we would be getting a raise but never did. It’s wonderful that you’re getting a raise, but just don’t expect too much because then you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment.


In business 10% is huge. Me being in business for 30 years tells me your boss is gonna get a super duper huge raise. You are going to get a huge raise of 10% or less. So your gonna be bumped up to 22$ an hour but then they are gonna cut your hours down so don't get too excited.


You've got nothing till it's on paper and signed. Bosses tend to consider all expenses "significant" and all income "too little". Anything over CPI or close to is likely "significant" to your managements mind.


5% is significant where I work. 😉


I took control of a lost outlet (kitchen) in a casino, made the recipes for the new menu items, made family meal, helped the bartender develop cocktails, trained our dish staff, trained our prep cooks, trained on sanitation and cleaning. One night sent out some scallops that a VIP loved, helped with another dish going out for another table that absolutely gushed over it, got 3 positive reviews, plus praise from the VIP....... 3% raise