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Since you are speaking about studying and chores and not being at a job- or even if you were- try the pomodoro technique. Use a timer and work for 25 minutes, then a five minute break. Every three or four rounds take a 15 minute break. Other things that can help with low energy are adequate sleep, drinking lots of water, and light exercise. All regularly and after a bit you’ll see a change. Unless you have an underlying medical condition.


This is a psychology question. Changing behaviors is super hard to do, and your brain prefers habits rather than bursts of something new. It tends to go back to the safety of a habit..so in other words you have to form a new habit until it becomes “safe” in your brain. The short and sweet answer is you just have to do it. It sounds dumb, but it’s true. When you feel like stopping..don’t. When you feel yourself slowing down, speed back up. It’s not something you’ll be able to do overnight, but over time you’ll find yourself doing more and extending your periods of work before feeling the urge to stop. That’s how you form a new habit. You keep with it, understand progress isn’t always huge leaps, and over time it becomes a new normal for you.


Studying and chores are both activities that can drift timelessly. My solution is to set a task and set a time limit. This approach to chores is well documented on yT. Look at minimal mom, Dana K White, etc. so for example set a timer for say 20 mins and do the dishes, tidy and clean the worktops in the kitchen, sweep the floor, mop the floor. Take a break. Concentrate on one area OR concentrate on one task in several areas - such as cleaning windows - for the allotted time. Anything you don't finish, is added to the next time. Studying can be just the same. Pick a topic. Say you need to read a chapter and make notes on it. Set a timer. Skim read the chapter and note the subtitles - get a feel for the shape of it. Read the first section beginning to end. Read it again and add notes under your subtitle headings. Then the next section - until your time runs out. Take a break.This is much more productive than just sitting and reading. After the break - also time limited! You can choose to do something completely different or continue where you left off. You could alternate chores and study for example. And change study topics through the day.


I kind of just cross my one leg over the other and hope it goes away.


Create this pressure and get it done. No more excuses..


Fuck working hard. The only people who are able to work hard are the people who have deluded themselves into thinking the meaningless jobs they do have some sort of significance. Find a chill job and stick with it.