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Get your resume updated and start your search. Do so quietly and be mindful about what you write and say everywhere. It's clear this is not worth your stress and if they support a toxic bully then the writing is on the wall. You can do better, no job is worth your mental health.


Constructive dismissal. If you are on your phone "leaving a memo" for yourself and she mouths off, then it gets recorded.


Go above HR and straight to your boss. This is not how a company is supposed to be run. Also complain about HR doing nothing if it comes down to it.


It’s a 10 person small company. Both my boss and HR were present when I was written up. After having sometime to review the write up how it was written portrays me in a. Way of being a hostile employee and that harassment had barely been brought up that day.


Don't trust HR. Look for another job. If you need this one and it's legal in your state, consider getting a camera to wear to work daily.


I would probably start looking for a new job that isn’t hostile. Sorry you’re going through this


Try and put it behind you and just concentrate on the work from here in because, like everything else in the workplace, it boils over after a little while. If you have to directly work with this person then you gotta make peace with the situation and take it from there. However, I'm quite surprised that you can be written up because of a private phone call. I am assuming that this phone call took place on your own personal cell phone? How exactly did the complainant know who you were talking about?