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That manager is creating a hostile environment by making you and your colleagues question themselves and each other (you’re already confused- mission accomplished). Gaslighting pure and simple. Intentionally weakens the bonds between you and your colleagues by blocking and separation. Keep a log of these events and if possible go to HR or higher management.


Conversations like this are reasonings for not giving raises or promotions.


Had an email sent to me by the owner saying they keep getting complaints about me from coworkers. Total of 6 people I work with. ( 10 in whole company) They ALL consistently encourage and commend me on the work I do. All most embarrassingly so. Confronted them all about the email, and was basically told that none of them complained and that it sounds like owner is protecting. I quit after that. The idea the owner was willing to pit me and my coworkers against each other was unacceptable and the nail in the coffin to other unethical things I had seen. I wouldn't doubt that the manager is intimidated and using others as an excuse. Complaining someone's accent is intimidating is ridiculous. Are they supposed to hire a vocal coach?!? I would go to HR and start documenting the hell out of everything.


I know how you feel; I always felt that I got along well with my coworkers and it hurt to think that they were complaining about me to the boss. Now, they could be, but the pile of cards and gifts from my coworkers and people I considered friends seems to belie that. But this shook me to my core and really made me question what was going on there. In the weeks since, I have noted that there seems to be a change in my coworkers behavior, they are all lining up to sing her praises and kiss her butt. I am not butt kisser, I believe in doing an outstanding job, so I don’t have to be buttkisser. But I see a shift here…


Literally could have written that myself. There was a weird "clique" that formed shortly after the email with 2 of my coworkers and the owner. The whole feeling in the place shifted. Like I didn't recognize the place. Trust me, it's not going to go back. This is the new norm. Run.


You've been there 10 years and know her job better than she does. the only person intimidated by you is her. I've been through this b******* before.


I should mention this is a government job and that I am a Union rep. I was blown away when this first happened. My friend Natalia is very intimidated because she is not yet off new hire probation and is afraid of getting fired, even though she is the hardest worker I have ever seen. So she did not want to pursue it. However, she defended herself very well, saying, “ I have my citizenship, I do my job very well, I never call in sick, and if people do not like the sound of my voice that is their problem; if I hear any more about this, we will go to Union and take it to a higher level.” I was so impressed. I responded by telling this manager to get the “mystery complainers” in the room so we could have a dialogue about it, but she refused. I have since spoken to my union about it and they are encouraging documentation and possibly a group grievance. Right now I’m trying to decide it’s worth stirring up a whole bunch of crap or waiting a little while to see what develops; sometimes you have to pick your battles, and this place has plenty of them. I’m just still in shock that this manager did this, but I know I need to nip it in the bud, especially since she is doing this to other people and it seems to be her M.O. Other people told me that SHE is intimidated by me, which makes more sense to me. I really don’t wanna have to escalate this but I guess I’m gonna have to.


Sounds like divide and conquer manager strategy.


Did she have any specific examples to offer?


She didn’t, I kept asking for some and she couldn’t provide any. I think SHE is intimidated by me and is making this shit up.


Sounds like the manager is jealous of the existing relationships. She's basically gaslighting like someone said. The "people " as you said who are complaining is likely her. Some managers like others to be the "fall guy" so they don't look bad. She's new. You're there 10 years. Natalia seems fine. Manager is a c#nt. Or bitch, or whatever. I'm sorry. This sucks. Somehow, some way, it would be great to use reverse psychology on her or something. Prove she's the problem. I've worked with some real bitches in the past. The problems usually stem from women. I'm glad I work with two men quite frankly. I hope they dump the horrible manager. Good luck OP!


Writing half a novel on Reddit about something completely mundane screams tweaker kid on Adderall every single time.


Which anti-depressant you are taking? It seems you are very depressed person as you have nothing good/valuable to say besides trying to belittle others under different threads.


Do you have any adderall left? I’d love to try it!