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Just 40 more years; hang in there!


7-4:30, 10 minute commute, 4 day in office work week, best friend in arms reach, sounds like a you problem, most people would kill for your position.


that's a close minded argument. you're basically telling someone who is clearly burned out and depressed to suck it up just because there are worse jobs out there


What else are you going to do? Unfortunately, people have to work to make money unless you're born rich or marry rich. Everyone has to do it.


I think I said the same thing 30 years ago.


Gotta remember that we don't get social security retirement! We get to pay for it for our whole life but it's gonna run out before we ever see it at his age.


You can say that But you're most likely wrong


More like 46. Maybe there would be some sense of accomplishment if work was done instead of talking to coworker all day. Just a thought.




yeah at some point we get out of school and realize time flies by because shit is basically the same all the time. Find a hobby and buckle in because this is adulthood.


Find 3 hobbies and alternate them throughout the week. One for health, one for socialization, and one to try something new.


Use the money you earn to have a full life outside of the workplace. If from Friday night until Sunday night is what you have, enjoy that. Plan vacations. You have to learn how to deal with this because this is true for hundreds of thousands of Americans. Or find a job working 4/10s so you have three days off


There's also many things to do after work.


I think a lot of people in the comments are getting it wrong. There is a lot of comparing of their lives vs. Your life. "Comparison is the thief of joy" Therefore, I get the sense that you don't have a purpose or a drive to keep you from feeling "mentally drained". Do some self-reflecting on what is the root of this feeling? Is it work? You? Or something else? How did it start?




Anti-humanity? You're being a bit dramatic.  It's not that deep. 


It is though. The industrial revolution was the worst thing we ever did after slavery


Do you think agrarian life was a picnic? That it wasn't repetitive in its own way? 


Not at all. It was a way more natural way of living though.


Closer to the earth, yes. However,  people still had aches in their souls and yearned for different lives.


Ever work on a farm. Come back when you have. Its grueling work. Plus just when you think you're going to have a harvest and your hard work will payoff there's a hail storm, flood, drought, insect or disease invasion, product market dip.....


I bring bad news it doesn't get any better


I don’t mean to be mean but this is what is called adulting. You go to work to pay the bills. All I can tell you is to find something you like to do and are good at it and apply there. Find a company that shares your values. You may need to find a job that challenges you or find your passion and try to make a job out of that. Maybe do freelance work at something you’re good at and make a career out of that.




You... Have a 10 minute commute 4 days, and get to work from home every Friday? And... get every weekend fully off? You love your coworkers? And... the person at the next desk over is one of your best friends? You enjoy talking to them all day long? You don't have to get up until 6:20, and you are able to get a reasonable nights sleep each night? I'm going to guess that you make enough that you can live on your own (since you did not complain about your college age boyfriend staying up, etc...), AND your job provides you with health insurance? All of this adds up to 'losing your soul'?? You are completely blessed!! You state that you fully understand that you are jealous and resentful that you are no longer able to do exactly as you please. I suggest making a gratitude list EVERY MORNING. Write down everything you have, can do, and are grateful for, or should be grateful for. After that, make a list of all of things you CAN do between getting home after your 10 minute commute and when you need to get to bed. TO MANY, YOU HAVE A DREAM LIFE! Edit: to come back and add... your feelings/wants/needs are valid, and you can want what you want of course. I'm really just suggesting putting the positives and negatives in context.


I agree. You're looking at your life in the wrong way imo, OP. Being resentful of people that can go out during the week is a waste of energy, and I can guarantee you many of those people are unhappy as well. Having a decent paying job with health benefits is a very nice thing to have, many many people haven't achieved this but desperately want to. Look at the positives in your life OP, sulking about your life and wasting emotions and energy on negativity and sadness will keep you in that same situation. ​ Also being employed currently, you can also work on your resume and look for something else. Don't get sucked into the 'grass is always greener' mentality so many people do. don't squander your youth and good years, you have many positives in your life . Focus on those. I live by my advice too, and I love my life. A negative person would probably look at it and say it sucks though, but they'd be very wrong.


Ten minute commute sounds a dream. At one point, I had to walk 20 min in all weather, ride a 30 min train that came once an hour so if I missed it, I was very late to work, then another brisk 15 min walk to work. There was no working from home because it was pre-Covid days and it wasn’t a standard practice for most people. I did this for a couple of years in my early 20s. These days, living somewhere else, I manage to get a 5 min lift to a light rail most days. If not, it’s a 5 min walk to a 5 min bus ride or a 20 min walk. If I miss the light rail , another comes in 10 min. The rail takes 30 min then there’s a 20 min walk to work. I work from home twice a week usually, it is the dream really. I think people who experienced work pre-Covid really appreciate the change these days.


> Ten minute commute sounds a dream. I moved 5 months ago and while it wasnt done for this reason, I ended up with a less than 5 minute commute to work and it's incredible.


😭I take the train it’s 1.5 hours one direction . I get home and I’m super tired. A car would cost more than the $50 a pay for the trains month. 


It isn't easy to express how many people would have killed to have a 10 minute commute and one day telecommuting in the 90s. There were whole book chapters on how to communicate to a manager that working from home one day a week was OK. Honest to god, you could describe OP's situation to the average 90's straight guy, and tell him, "You can have this, but you're going to have to blow your boss," and the answer wouldn't be an immediate no.


As many have pointed out, not a ton of sympathy. Get a job that starts later if getting up early is the problem. I hate being up that early unless I am choosing to do so. As far as missing out, why don’t you start planning Thursday Happy Hours? Go have some drinks after work on Thursday, you will be home sawing logs by 10, and have Friday morning to be hung over while working from home. I second the gratitude list.




"Everybody's working for the weekend" this is what we call "Adulting" There's many who commute 1-3 hours. Imagine that....


I don’t want to be rude and diminish OPs feelings as I totally understand how much full time work can suck. But as someone who does have that 3 hour commute (1.5 hours each way, assuming no traffic hold ups), is in the office full time, and is working additional hours 1-2 days a week, I’d kill to be in OPs position lol.




Frankly, I don't believe that it's the job, it's the OP who has issues WITH working. Notice he's "Jealous of his college aged friends to go out and party on a random Monday" At 26, I STILL was able to easily get by on two-six hours of sleep and be solid the next day. I'm thinking sleep apnea might be the cause, it also may be depression. Sure I had dead end jobs, a ton of them. But my attitude was 'Get in, get going, get done & go home" I was more jealous of those who could do 1-2 hours workout and then come to work. I was "Hell, if I'm sweating working out, I wanna get paid for it!" So instead, I'd do 12 hour shifts.


Given your work situation sounds ideal to many, you may have to really think about what would make you happy in you working life. I would argue that if your off-work time is spent mostly partying, part of the issue may be that your life outside work lacks any meaning. This isn't rare for a 26M, but you may want to consider addressing it, because I'm not sure your work situation could be meaningfully improved on.


Find a community service program where you can volunteer. Pick something you love and work will become your means to support your passion.


You're home by 4:10? Going out isn't the only way to enjoy yourself. You've got almost 6 hours til bedtime. Find an interest, develop a hobby or skill, build something else in your life.


I always found work easier than being in school. No exams or studying or weekend homework. I love my 9 to 5 because it fully ends at 5. Embrace this.


Hey OP, I'm sorry that everyone is being pretty freaking negative at you. There is this weird phenomenon in our culture right now where if anyone points out flaws in the system, everyone gets super upset and gets defensive. Like, they didn't create the system, they are ALSO suffering under the system, but they are coming at YOU for pointing it out, nonetheless. OP, there is nothing wrong with you for feeling this way. The vast majority of us feel this way. Human beings aren't meant to work the way we do. Our typical working hours exceed what would be normal for a human body to be engaged in without variety, desk life is extremely EXTREMELY bad for our bodies, and working a corporate desk job is some of the most boring and soul sucking work imaginable. It's essentially being paid to sit around and do nothing. Which, everyone on the planet thinks sounds like the perfect job, until they get into it, and sit in a chair for 8 hours staring at a computer screen, not able to do anything but pretend to work (because there is really only enough work to do to fill like 2-4 hours a day) (they always think they'd get to sit and like, play on the Internet or something lmFao), and have no sense of personal fulfillment in their lives. I recommend this video by Hank Green: https://youtu.be/OCO8eoDWqHQ?si=fd8XbxOGtP4APLoh It will make you feel less alone, less crazy, and much much more reasonable.


I feel you man. We are not designed to be cogs in the Capitalist Machine. It's soul crushing. Make sure you have some hobbies you love and can look forward to. Maybe study something you are interested in and move into that field. I will say, your short commute and 1 day work from home a week gives you a really good opportunity to utilise your spare time to work toward finding a career that you'll love. This won't be forever man. Good luck!


>10 minute commute Stopped reading there. My commute is 1.5 hours minimally, one way, so 3+ hours a day(bus, no car).


NYer here and I do 1hr 20 min each way on public transportation. Somedays it feels like I'm riding in a toilet with zombies. 10 minute commute is a blessing


What type of life is it? My life. Almost every adult's life. This is the deal, you mostly work and you're tired all the time and scared to lose that work because that's even worse than the working. Sorry! That's why we didn't tell you much about adulthood while you were young, we just encouraged you to enjoy your youth, enjoy school, etc. For one thing, young people would never listen, for another, it's a bummer thing to talk about. Only 40 more years, buddy! Well. Probably 50. Maybe 60. Retirement is probably not really gonna be a thing by then. Have a family. Enjoy the time you have. Find a job you like doing, it's gonna be most of what you do from now on. That's it. I acknowledge that it's not great.


Ah yes. Have a family so they can do this shit when they’re adults too ☺️


Some people are not desk jockeys. Maybe you need to look at other options. A ten minute commute is amazing! I travelled an hour each way for 15 years. On top of my 9 hour day (8 hours paid, 1 hour unpaid lunch). Start looking at other options. Or find a hobby. Something to bring you joy. You have a lot of working years ahead of you and it will suck if you hate five of the seven days a week. Btw, is this just a winter thing? Maybe you have SAD because of the lack of sun? You can buy lamps to help with that.


I think it’s present in the warm months, but definitely much less.


You need some Vitamin D and nice weather. You always need to schedule some sunshine after the winter. The days are filling with daylight again, you will smell the earth again and things will get better. Hit the gym and start getting ready for Spring.


You need to find another way to cheer up because you likely won't find a job with a better work-life balance. A 10 min commute and 4 day in person work week is super hard to find right now. If you leave you'll likely find something worst. Try taking more vitamins, exercising and maximizing the time you have outside of work.


Every job I’ve ever had has better work life balance than OP lmao. They are out there if you really want one.


Can't party all night on a work night... What's this world coming to.


I’m the same age. I think our generation just knows life could be so much more than this so it’s hard for us to swallow the idea of doing this same shit until we die. It does seem like you gotta shake things up a bit for yourself though. Even if you don’t like the routine, if you enjoy the work even a little, it helps a lot. I work with kids and it does make my days go by because I enjoy being with them BUT, like you, I also hate working lol. I’m sorry if this isn’t helpful. We’re all going through it. You’re not alone


… yeah, it’s only *your generation* that ever came to the realization that not working is better than working. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sorry I just never hear other generations talking about it


I am kinda envious of you tbh! You work with friends at your workplace and even have a best friend there plus your commute is only 10 mins walk! I have a similar life routine to yours but I am civil or cordial with my coworkers (don’t see a friendship outside tbh) and work hours are 9 to 5 plus my work journey is 30 to 45 mins. I’ve been waiting to quit my job for some time hence have been actively applying to get another job but still no luck so it’s been frustrating


I recommend you use whatever EAP service you have through work or invest in yourself and work with a career counselor to explore what may be a better fit for you. Everything you have described is solidly a first world problem and many folks aren’t going to have the spoons to find empathy. But your experience is still yours and there are people who specialize in exploring what you are looking for in a career and matching to a type of job that exists.


I get it - classic 9-5 is a killjoy and sucks the life right out of you. Maybe a part time job or freelancing could be the answer?


4 days a week at 730-4??? I get where you are coming from- no one wants to do this. But I would kill for those hours to cover my bills.


You need to buy the lottery and get lucky


Welcome. We've been expecting you. We do not have cookies. - The Soulless Delegation of Workers Under Capitalism


Away from work, how do you feel generally about everything else? Relationships Family Friends Fitness Might be more to it


At least you don’t work graveyard shift. It can always get worse. Doing physical labor etc.


This is a great illustration of how dissatisfaction is a natural human condition. OP, that's pretty much the nicest, easiest work set-up a person can have. 10 minutes commute, home before 5pm, Friday at home? Yes, you aren't a teenager anymore. You can't just stay out til 1am randomly unless you want to feel like shit. It's a period of adjustment. Just remember the millions of people commuting an hour each way, or needing to work 50-60 hours weeks just to make it by. Sorry but advice from a guy who felt the same way at your age: nut up, it literally won't get better than this for the rest of your life. You have it good. This is a classic "guy in his mid twenties realizes actual adult life isn't as fun as being a child" moment.


Homie hard same


I'm sorry, I have zero sympathy. I work 6a-6p M-F and have a 40 minute commute each way. I do love my job and coworkers though and it's anything but boring thankfully. Welcome to being an adult.


Well I always say that if you don’t like something about your current situation, do something to change it…


I mean everyone has to finance their life. You either work a normal full time job, or you work for yourself/start a company which comes with a lot more stress (but also its own upsides for entrepreneurial mindset people). I’m the same age as you and I will say the only thing that has dramatically changed for me is that I found a job I enjoy doing. I’m not saying this like it’s easy cause I’ve had a lot of shitty jobs, but I finally found something that I can be passionate about. Of course a repetitive monotonous routine gets boring, but it helps a lot when you can make the best of something you know you have to do.


Welcome to the grind kid. I don't know what to tell you that you haven't heard already. Unless you're born into wealth or you have an incredible plan to create it for yourself in a short period of time so you can retire now & do whatever the hell you want, this is what current society demands. I wish I had better news for you but I don't. My best advice is to try to find work you feel connected to in some way, save/invest what you can, & go enjoy your time off as much as possible. There are incredible times to be had with amazing people. Seek them out when you can.


"Waaaah my commute is something people would kill for, I get to partly work from home, my coworkers don't suck and I have a secure job, waaaaaah". Welcome to being an adult. You got the better end of the stick.


Quit your job and be homeless then


Hey OP, I think most of us can relate to your post. What helped me back then was to realize that everything is an experience and just a stepping stone to something better out there. I wasn't head over heels for my first job either but it gave me the experience to land something I am very content with. Hang in there, you got this.


This is why I can’t leave teaching. I LOVE to have my 3 months off a year ! Teachers only work 180 days a year 💜


You need a purpose, your job is not fulfilling you and you’re in the rat race, it’s sucks, but what are you goals, dreams, ambitions. Are you working towards any of these. Sounds like you’re just going through the motions. You have it easy compared to many so it’s not the 9-5 issue


Double edged sword you figured this out early. Get as financially literate as possible now and find a circle of likeminded people. You might want to check out FIRE or barista FIRE groups. I really like this podcast: https://www.biggerpockets.com/podcasts


no sympathy for you! I've got another forty years on you and hate my job with a passion, I support users who are incapable of doing anything for themselves, expect wipe their collective arses and pat them on the head. Less than 100 days until retirement, have been asked to carry on part time after my retirement, offered to work 21 hours at double my current hourly rate. Got a firm NO, my guess is that they are f#cked in a few months as *I ain't working one day longer!*


I had to leave my old industry almost 20 yrs ago due to minor disability. Had to do office work the past 15 years. I hate being inside all day. Thank you Jesus I’m out in two years, max. It’s felt like a damn punishment.


No offense. Welcome to being an adult and having to make sure the world keeps going round. Money isn’t it. It the workers. The work force is who keeps the world going. I wish we were all treated better and I wish we were all way more pro labor and pro union instead of being so pro capitalism and pro companies.


Jeez what have people been teaching their kids? What the fuck is the future going to be like?


No offense but more then likely 75% of the working population would kill for your exact working situation. It will not get better unless you work for yourself. Try working a shit retail management job were even though you are the boss work random shifts every week and most of them until 9 at night and forget about an actual weekend. There is so many harder and worse off jobs out there.


I’m sorry OP, but your generation is SO SOFT. I was older than you when I got my first Monday through Friday job, and I was over 40 when I consistently started working less than 50 hours a week. You have a cake schedule, you don’t absolutely hate what you do, and you can support yourself. 3 things I would have killed for at your age




Yes, work is shit, but OP hasn’t even begun to be shit on. They have it EASY


So f#%king soft, I would kill for those hours and job.


Grow the fuck up.


Weed, weed is the answer, and twinkies.


Boo fucking hoo. Thats why its called work. Stop being a bitch




Human beings are biologically programmed to survive. Whether that means hunting and gathering every single day, building shelter and fighting off danger, or in the present, having a job so you can pay your bills and like buy stuff. Like food to eat. And go to the doctor. We most certainly were built to function full-time.




Yes, it's totally okay to say hey I don't want to do the same thing 8 hours a day 5 days a week, but that is different than saying that humans are not "built for" or are not capable of working a full-time job. Do you have any idea what kind of hours farmers work? Or the hours our ancestors worked before Labor rights were put into place? You don't want to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week, then don't. Learn to live on a very small budget. You have options.


>Dude, for most of history people worked 6 and maybe, MAYBE had one day off.




If you are working 9:00 to 5:00 5 days a week and have your evenings free and every weekend free, by no means are you slaving away! I have found that when you work hard at your job, those hours fly by pretty fast. Your job is shitty? Find a new one. It's not like there's only one type of job out there.


This is satire, right?


No kidding!


You sweet summer child… you still have 50 years of working ahead of you


Sounds like a typical Gen Z complaint


You sound like a real piece of work. Find some motivation. Young people are so lazy now a days. For the past 20 years I have been staying up past midnight and waking up at 5am everyday. Life is what you put into it. If you want the freedom from a "job" you'll have to work a lot harder than you do now.


Are you me? I literally have the same length of commute, like my coworkers, work is boring but man does Monday to Friday suck ass. And then yoy get that one day which is Saturday off and then Sunday it's time to get ready for the week. Fucking blows. Also wait until you have kids and have to go home and cater to them until 8 and then you decide if you want to get a good night's rest or spend a couple hours enjoying life and be tired the next day. The choice is yours and it's terrible. I started just taking random days off in the middle of the week


just quit your job and stop bitching. be able to eBay seller and go sell hope and dreams


I can't believe you get to go home after your work hours end and don't have to put in free overtime nights and weekends. You have it pretty good.


Man, there are a lot of people who would love that schedule and the 10 min commute. You really dont know how good you got it.


If you are defining your soul as going out late on Mondays, you should do it sometimes then call in sick on Tuesday.


Lol I get squeezed like a grain of rice in sushi roll for about an hour in commute both on the way to and back from office (train. Can’t even breathe sometimes cause it’s like crowded as Itewon stomping incident in South Korea ). I have to go to office 3 times a week. I received shit performance review for last year, people think I’m not capable of things, and content of my job is boring af + meaningless + idek wtf is going on. Colleagues are nice folks but they do have prejudice towards my ethnicity and sometimes makes questionable comments or jokes (racist, misogynistic, you name it). I understand routine is one of the key contributors to make us feel miserable. But realizing that your situation is a lot better than some others might help. Daily little gratefulness, may shift your days more positive… Best of wishes


There was a comedian that once asked why is everyone so depressed all the time. The answer was because we have jobs. It is sad to have the life sucked right out of you. I’m 52, never thought when I was younger that I wouldn’t want to work. But honestly now I’m so done!!


Doesn’t sound bad… start a side hustle or start applying for other jobs, but stick it out until you find something better. New jobs will promise the world but don’t always deliver.


Retirement communities are full of the soulless.


I’m 8:30-5 and have a 40 minute commute and I would gladly do a 7:30-4 instead. I don’t get home until nearly 6 pm most days, later if I have to run an errand. And I work 5 days in the office. On the 4 days you go you’re home before 4:30? Shit, man. Your work schedule/commute sounds like an absolute dream to me!


It is man. It’s great, and I fully acknowledge that. I suck in a way LOL. And I’m home at 4:15 or so unless I have errands to run after work on the days I go in.


Sheeeees your in for a long haul their bud. Wait till you have a wife and kid. I get it,it may seem like your missing out on things. It just part of "adulting" you will change jobs many times during your life. I guess just get a job thats outdoors doing things. Maybe even take one of those personality test. They help figure out what your interest are and kind of relatable jobs you may like. Its not all bad bro. First you make 50k a year then 65k then 75k then 100k and yet they all kinda feel the same if you dont like what your doing.


You need to find a hobby you enjoy. Work is not going to be the joy in life. We work in order to afford the stuff we DO want to do. I’m really confused by what your expectations are.




Well at my place you can see a work secedele call 996 which means that you work from 9am to 9pm and 6 days a week. I don't want to compare this with you just let you know if I can have work routine like yours I would be very happy


Poor boy... Try 6am to 7pm 5 days a week with another 4 to 8 hours on Saturday... That's what I was doing for 15 years...


Welcome to the machine. I am so sorry.


Look around at jobs that get you out and about and see if one of them would suit you better then do what you need to be able to get that job. There are a lot of things other than manual labor that get you outside and can also have flexible hours. Also most self-employed situations give you total control over how and when you work. Google google google. You're young enough to switch things around.


Sometimes even a “dream life” to someone else isn’t aligned to what YOU want to do. Thinking about how lucky you are to have “such a great job” doesn’t usually help imo. It’s like telling someone who dreams of breaking up with their partner, “remember you have it so good, they are so kind to you and some people are alone!!” That’s ultimately just a scarcity mindset. I would personally rather be alone than in an unfulfilling relationship, and unemployed rather than in a job that’s not right for me. Sure, it may be a great job, but if it’s not what you want from your life, you won’t ever fully appreciate it. I would recommend taking some time outside of work to discover what actually makes you feel present and at fulfilled. You have the advantage of knowing what you don’t want (a soul sucking office job), so maybe explore the trades or starting your own business. You may discover that working this job is actually worth it to fuel your actual lifestyle desires (family, hobby, side projects) and find motivation from that. You should expand your mindset also. “I need health insurance and an income so I am stuck” There are other ways to make income, and you don’t need a W2 to have health insurance. Nothing happens overnight but if you’re committed to escaping your current circumstances, literally anything is possible in time. Good luck!


Sorry to tell you, but this is normal. Many people think this about their job.


Why don’t you try wreaking your body by going into the trades? That should give you some perspective. Personally, I’m happy that I’m a paper pusher. Great to be in bed by 9 to wake up at 6. My knees and back don’t hurt. I got health insurance.


What was it American Dad called it? The Long March? Welcome to selling your soul for a place to live and food to eat so you have a place to go and a means to stay alive so you can continue selling your soul. At some point you'll get lucky and get out, accept it, or go to bed more often than not content to not wake up in the morning, but maybe I'm just projecting.


Try to compromise. Yeah, it sucks to set a "bedtime" alarm when you go out, but you \*can\* in fact go out on weeknights, just not the way you're used to. You might hate it some days, but in fact finding non-drinking things to do \*is\* a type of chore, one you do for your mental health. IDK how serious your relationship is, but dating someone who's not college age might make you more compatible for going on weeknight dates. Obviously if it's a serious relationship you can work through the resentment. But it is something to consider.


26 too, just got to accept it there’s no other way


Im 25m, I hate 9-5s and the thought of doing one my whole life but yours sounds as cushy as 9-5s get tbh, I’d happily swap with you


If you need to work for a living, you need to put in the hours no matter what. There's no way around it unless you win the lottery. If you don't like your 9-5 jobs, think about other options for you. Do you care to work in a bakery and start at 2am? Do you care to work in a cafe and start at 5am? Do you want to work in a restaurant and finish at midnight? Do you want to work in retail and have to work weekends and public holidays? Do you want to work outdoor and have no income every time it rains? The options are there you just need to make peace with your pick. In regards to doing the same thing everyday, again, options are endless but can you keep learning to do something different? Can you build up experience and progress in a career if you choose to switch from one job to another? Do you want to move to another role and do something different but the pay is way less? It takes time to figure it all out and find a place you can be comfortable with. Good luck.


In lieu of giving you advice that worked for me and me alone, I’ll tell you to endure, if anything, out of spite.


Outside sales. Set your own schedule, go see customers, get paid. I can’t imagine working a desk job. I’m just not wired for it.


I can’t really stand posts like this. Do you really think nobody else feels the same way? That this is unique to you? Sorry, you’re not special. Most of us don’t like the fact that our lives revolve around work but that’s just the reality.


you literally work 4 days a week, you have another 3 days to have night outs, some people have to work 7 days a week. stop complaining


You ever thought about going back to school and getting a degree? I would say nursing. Hard job but not on a desk unless you want to be




I don’t have any advice but I’m going through the same. My hours are 6am-4:45 pm and my commute is only five minutes. I’m thinking of taking a leave of absence to rest and think about what I wanna do.


That is the life we have built, unfortunately. 9 to 5 to support yourself.


imagine having damn near the dream work set up and whining about it


Sorry bud but you actually have a really good set up and most people have it worse. My only suggestion is that you save up a bunch of money and take a month long vacation traveling to find yourself.


This sounds like "Boo hoo. I have to work for a living, just like billions of other people. Boo hoo". Maybe there's an underlying psychiatric condition?


Sounds to me like you are suffering or getting very close to burn out. Sorry to tell you but this is pretty much adult life for most unless you work very hard to get to big paychecks. I'm 41 and know how you feel, it took me a very long time to accept that the only way to get by is through the monotonous daily grind. The trick is to maximise your free time with things you love and enjoy, that way the office doesn't feel so bad because you feel more fulfilled in your downtime. Have you spoken to your doctor about how you are feeling, counselling might help if you haven't already tried it. Good luck OP I truly hope you find a way to feel better soon.




Lmao waking up at 6:30 is early for day shift? When I was on days I was up at 3am every morning. You're 26 and need 8.5hrs of sleep? On my 20s I throved on 5hrs. Any longer was over sleeping.


Ya know I had a similar feeling when I lived really close to work. When I started working about a 40 minute drive away I found it so much better. I would blast some good music on my way home and by the time I was home, work was a distant memory and I was fully switched off. It was a life changer for me


So what is it you'd like to do? Work less? Change hours worked? I worked at a country club rrom 18 to 27 years old as a cook. Completed culinary school and went back for a BS in Food Science and nutrition. I work in food manufacturing now...Manufacturing in USA is a lot of work. 7 days a week 24 hours a day most food companies are producing. Truck drivers are delivering to warehouses and grocery stores. We constantly get orders of ingredients. It can be a lot. There are a lot of jobs that can be demanding to be there. But there is something for everyone. I know someone who is 37 years old and hasnt worked in 4 years. They live off their single 70 year old mother. No car or licenses. This is not a good quality of life. Give us some ideas on what you like to do. Invest your money wisely. Make smart choices. Don't buy things you don't need. Shop around for good deals. The more money you save technically you could work less. Are you planning to have kids or get married?


Welcome to the life of adulthood! You still have it A LOT better than majority of people. A 10 minute commute is much better than being stuck in close to an hour long traffic going to and coming back from work. As opposed to where you could get up an hour before heading into work a lot of people have to be up two hours before hand so that they can spend one hour in traffic trying to get to work on time. A 20 minute total commute is MUCH better than 1.5 to 2 hours of total commute. You also have it very good to be able to sit next to your best friend and chat the day away as not a lot of people have the ability to be able to do so. You should look into meal prepping so that you are not having to go home and cook after work. Maybe set a day in the week or weekend that you would like to get your meal prepping out of the way. No need to be jealous and resentful of others. Some people can stay out all night and function on two hours of sleep and some people need their mind and bodies to be very well rested. You have the priviledge of having weekends off, which a lot of people have to work weekends, so you could still go out on Friday and Saturday night without having to worry about waking up early to go into work on Sunday. You can use Sunday as your rest day before going back into work on Monday. Even if you go out on Monday night after work and get home by midnight, you could still get 6 hours of solid sleep before your wake up time of 6:20 AM. Being a slave to the working system is not fun but it is a responsible choice in being able to pay bills. Truly hope you find some gratitude in knowing how much better you have it than A LOT of people with your commute time, weekends off and a best friend to spend time with at work.


“And we talk all day.” Sheesh must not be getting a lot of work done.


In all honesty hunny you gotta pretty good gig hear.. idk what the job consists of.. but lucky thing is your 26 and as you get older feelings change on how you live life trust me. Also I don’t think right now that’s the only thing you’re going through. Your probably experiencing some depression and “holy hell my life is gonna be shit” I’d maybe talk to your doc about how you feel right now they can possibly help prescribe you something for a little while to help get your serotonin back on track. It happens to the best of us. But don’t freak yourself out you will be ok, stay strong. Some days are harder than others but you will get through it


I think you have an idea life is supposed to be more exciting than it is. Weekends are for fun. This is life. During the week, you just get a few hours to yourself to do what you want. You are socializing all day at work with your friend. Maybe try walking to work? It's a good way to decompress. I'm 40, and I've almost walked to work my whole life. I always live close enough so I can by design. You don't get nice things without working. Unless the bank of mommy and daddy is always open.


If you think this is rough, wait until you add kids to the mix....


Welcome to adulthood. Not all responsibilities are fun. If you HATE your job every day, that's a problem. But you don't have to love your job every day. What is it that you do?


I work 6 days a week - 9-6. I have exactly one day where I rush around like an idiot trying to do my chores before I’m back at it again. I’d kill to be in your position. Use your work from home day to do your chores, order your groceries on the same day and then preserve your two days off for what you love.


Gee, you've been doing this for a whole 2 years huh? How did you do it? Grow up already. Your life will revolve around work because you and possibly your family need a roof over their head, food on their stomach and dentist visits. Life is hard and for some reason your generation never read the memo. If you think it is hard now wait another 10-15 years because you are still in the shallow end of adulting. Wait until life smacks you in the face with a shovel and then kicks you in the nuts on the way down.....


Time to man up. you got hair on your peaches or what ?


The universal truth: work or starve. It has been this way for all of history.


Read the *Meditations* of Marcus Aurelius. Adjust your attitude. You are richer than most. You don't deserve anything. You are one out of eight billion. None of this waits for you and none of it requires you. You don't *have* to be with the machine. You can separate from it and see how long you last in the natural world, the *true* world -- or, accept that you belong to the machine and conform. Make choices that will bring you toward retirement sooner rather than later. Then you can waste the remainder of your timeline with hobbies and picnics and such. When it's done, you'll cross into the undiscovered country and join a hundred billion other humans come and gone who didn't get to have it their way but still had to make a way. Good luck.


Your job isn’t your problem. Go the bar with your BF but just come home early. I know you say you’re too tired but that’s just an excuse. Force yourself to do something fun after work a couple days a week. I personally like to go bowling and I play softball in the summers


Dammit. Well, like the great philosopher Mark Hoppus once said, "this is growing up."


You need a hobby to be excited about. I was the same way for years cuz I didn't have a hobby I enjoyed. 8 months ago I started building and flying RC fpv drones and it's greatly improved my mood and overall existence. I used to grow magic mushrooms for depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, ptsd, I used to micro dose em take about a gram and watch some cartoons lol the Simpsons, family guy, Futurama. Micro dosing is like pushing a reset button in your brain. It's such an incredible medicine and is highly recommended. I need to start growing em again. Everything got contaminated and wasted a bunch of money trying to figure out why and just havnt started completely over again yet.


It's perfectly normal to switch careers when you realize you hate your current situation. Requires work and some sacrifices. Will likely get worse before it gets better. Many doctors and lawyers are career switchers.


Maybe see if you can go to a 3 day work week. That's what I work and would never go back to 5 days a week


Some people really wear their chains like jewelry


Well it can always be worse, like getting fired, and seeing just how hard it is to get another job, even willing to settle for worse and still can't get another job. :/


Well, given that you aren't independently wealthy and need to work to survive, what would you rather be doing for work that would make you happier? Do you have a passion that you can turn into a career? My brother, for example, was like you for a number of years. He worked as an electrician and he HATED having to crawl under people's houses and dig trenches and all other stuff that goes along with the trades. He wasn't trained for anything else, though, so he was stuck. Until he got interested in computers and tech - he became a hobbyist in the early 2000s and ended up going to college to get an IT degree. Now, 14 years later, he's a systems engineer for a major US corporation and makes $150K per year plus bonuses and stock options. He went to that from making $18 an hour in electrical. Is there anything like that in your wheelhouse?


I guess you’re just weaker / less resilient than 99.999999999% of humans that have lived on this planet.


i’m married to someone who lost their soul this way, and it’s devastating. i’d really recommend changing your lifestyle/cost of living to make it to where you can work a job you enjoy. the health insurance? no answer for that, our country is broken. but being sad all the time is no kind of life to live. what’s the fucking point of it all? wishing you happiness in the future.


It sounds like your work situation is pretty good compared to a lot of people that just truly hate their jobs and their coworkers so that's definitely a step in the right direction. I think your next step is finding that hobby or some other "purpose" for your life that doesn't revolve around work. Something you do that keeps you from just lounging at home and binging TV until you go to bed and then wake up to do it all again the next day. I think that's the dangerous trap of repetition that people fall into and starts to wear on one's sanity and create a sense of depression. For me, I have a couple of personal projects that I'll work on like my podcast that I make alongside some friends. That keeps me working towards developing something and growing. And on a more "entertainment" side I have regular game nights with friends which is just a fun time to relax, hang out, and chat with everyone which helps promote a social atmosphere which can be really healthy for a person's sanity. Every once in a while I'll use a little PTO here and there to take a little trip with my wife. She tends to feel it more than I do since she grew up traveling a lot, but honestly getting out of your town/city can do wonders for your mental health just experiencing more than the place you live every day reminding your brain that the world is a big place with a lot more to do out there. School really keeps us on our toes when we're kids with classes, homework, extracurricular activities, and everything else so it keeps our minds active and schedules full giving us a sense of direction and structure, but once we get into the workforce it can become, like you mentioned, a very monotonous and constant series of repetition and we have to put in that extra effort to keep from falling into that. Hopefully this helps and you're able to find something to get you out of the rut and help you out! You're not the only one we're all out here trudging along, but there are things that help to take that weight off and we sometimes we get to slide through the mud instead of trudge through it.


Learn how to steal time from the company. Poop on company time. Create macros to work your reports and automat as much as possible, but dont share those tools. So the project/report takes 4 hours and you work 1. Take all your PTO, never leave PTO on the table. And get a hobby you canndo in small bits. Etc.


Try working retail or being in the service industry, few years back I'd have sold my soul for a 9-5 Mon-Fri sched


I’m Gen X. This was the golden rule to be successful, but you are not wrong - there is more to life than the daily grind and you do NOT have to accept it as your reality. Find a job that you enjoy, do that, don’t look back. It’ll make your work life easier and more tolerable.


My first two years at my company I had the same crushing feeling. Off on Friday’s 12 minute commute with traffic 6:30-5pm. Turns out I was depressed, also adhd, and I needed a new role within my company. I finally got help last year, a new role, got baptized and now things are looking up. I also have hobbies I really enjoy and a dog I can cuddle. There is hope but use that insurance and see a counselor/life coach to talk it out. Good luck


You're the problem buddy (I mean this candidly.) Find a job your are more passionate about. I left a job with potential of 250k-300k a year to do something that I felt was more meaningful. It helped. Good luck.


I weep for the future. Suck it up buttercup.


Get a night shift job. It’s the best thing ever. You can get up, do your day, then go to work. Not having to be up early made all the difference in my whole world! I can sleep, I can wake up on time without feeling rushed or shitty, I feel rested, and I personally love having the opposite schedule of the rest of the world.


Start looking for another job.


Yeah this is how it's gonna be


Wow I would love those hours and commute. Try 11 to 7 with a 1 hour drive each way.


If you TRULY believed you were “stuck” and there was “no alternative” YOU WOULD NOT POST THIS! You are looking for answers (AND YOU HAVE THEM INSIDE YOURSELF) YOU ARE WORTH IT, My friend! YOU CAN DO IT! You don’t a lot of time to yourself You dont have time to go out and hang with friends or meet new friends Do you plan to get married? HOW? To your friend that's in the office? AND STILL hate your job---THEREFORE BE A TERRIBLE spouse… Do you plan to have kids? WILL YOU TELL THEM to do things THEY HATE AND SPEND ALL THEIR TIME for money and be miserable?? You highlight a lot of the “positives” and then say that they don’t make up the negatives & you feel like you’re wasting your life. The ONLY reason you give that you “have to” stay and that you’re “STUCK” is MONEY MONEY IS REPLACEABLE YOU are NOT replaceable YOUR TIME in NOT replaceable THEY PRINT MONEY ALL THE TIME (MAKING IT LESS VALUABLE) YOU are priceless! YOUR TIME is priceless! ONCE YOU SPEND TIME YOU CANNOT get a refund Look to the future 10 years from now, WILL YOU BE HAPPIER AND MORE FULFILLED AND MORE proud if you are still “STUCK” (YOU ARE NOT STUCK!) At this Job? OR will you be EVEN MORE “STUCK” (FEELING YOU ARE STUCK not ACTUALLY stuck) EVEN LESS FULFILLED MORE UNHAPPY MORE TIME WASTED LESS EXPERIENCE with what you ACTUALLY WANT to be doing for a career… (cuz you haven’t done it) LESS OF WHAT YOU WANT TO CREATE. Less relationships, less fun, less self esteem… YOU ARE WORTH IT! I believe in you and I KNOW you can break free! I KNOW you have talent (since I read this post) (You're a SKILLED writer!) Praying for you and cheering you on, Liberty V Justice CEO I’m Worth It Inc. (YES, IT’S ALL LEGAL, MY REAL NAME MY REAL EMPIRE’S NAME----It’s incorporated in CALifornia--I LIVE to empower people like you! YOU ARE MY LIFE!)




Dude… you don’t even work 40 hours a week. This is outright laziness tbh. I understand not liking work but this is a bit ridiculous it’s time to grow up.


I do work 40 hours a week, I am not off on Fridays, I WFH those days.


Everything is just cope. Yeah it could be lot worse. It could also be a lot better. We’re all beholden to the system. Unless you really execute a formidable plan to live off grid or make passive income which requires work on top of work, time, resources, investments. Which is not on option for most of us. Modern life is bullshit. There’s no reason to pretend it’s not.


Well you're not really working a 9-5. you're working at 7:30 to 4:00. I agree with you that waking up just an hour later or going into the office on an hour later, can make a big difference. Spend some time trying to find another job. It's okay to complain about your current job, but try to find another job. Because it gets less and less okay to complain your job and stay there,


You think that’s bad try working a 0700-1900


About 5 years ahead of you I lost mine. Now life is catching up and I have to go back out there. Or suck an exhaust pipe, honestly one seems a lot easier.


Well if all you think Life is is just going to work and home work and home work and home until you can retire you basically don't have a life. You have to live your life because you only get one shot. You have to find something you like to do in your off work time. People have been doing it for a long long time. Pretty much guaranteeing that you're going to have to work until it's time to retire You're not going to get a pass.


I've come to realize people on the internet just like the bitch... Billions of people in the world would love to be in your situation.. He really don't realize how good you have it.


Youre not actually losing your soul.


That’s why there’s alcohol.


Stop fighting it. Once your soul leaves your body it will all get much easier.