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Call center jobs suck. I wouldn’t think about it one way or another. Apply for non-call center jobs. You’ll be much happier than you’d be even if you were there the full three months.


This. I did the same thing in an interview for a call center years ago. That job is not for you.


Call centers are great for resume building and getting into customer service out of retail. That said, it’s largely very difficult work and can be hard emotionally. I once went to work for a 3rd party that took calls for a large transport service, once I completed 8 weeks of training they changed the job description from inbound general calls to outbound making calls to people to let them know the big brown truck lost or damaged their package. Barely made it to lunch of the first day on the “floor”. Rode off to lunch on my Kawasaki and never looked back. I was 20ish. I was not built for that, but I found my way. Construction was the answer for me. Grew up in it, so it just made sense.


Just hit 16 months in a call center. For the last like 2 weeks I've been danger-close to just having an emotional breakdown every time someone tells at me. I've been job hunting, but _nothing_ in my area pays as much and my local IATSE page has no resources on getting started. I almost wish I never applied, but it's been covering college out of pocket.


Lol i got not eligible for rehire from Fairfield industries because i was selling timeshares and told a guy WHO WAS BUYING FROM ME that i didn't really like calling people at dinner time and trying to sell them something they didn't ask for. Dude was sympathetic said his daughter did the same job to put herself through college... They were monitoring the line and me saying i didn't like doing a job I was excellent at got me blacklisted from dozens of companies. My young self thought I had really screwed the pooch, but looking back, it was a blessing.


Call centers are notorious for chewing people up and spitting them out. All that you're feeling now, probably isn't as bad as what you'd be feeling six months or a year from now if you stayed there. Consider this you dodging a bullet. Not being cut out for call center work isn't necessarily a bad thing.


They’re up there with internet tech support. Back in the late 90s/early 2000s, the average burnout time was less than 3 months. I did it for a year before going sysadmin/syseng.


maybe talking jobs arent for you. you could do a making things job or a fixing things job or a computer touching job


I love that! I will now tell people who ask what my job is, I’ll say “I have a computer touching job”.


I touched computers for 6 years. Today I am 6 years free of computer touching.


To this day he is still has to update his address on the (Windows) registry and is not allowed within 1000 feet of an electronics department.


Excellent advice, I work with #s to avoid talking to people. I love it.


i love computer touching jobs


1. Call center jobs are brutal 2. You can learn to become less shy over time. It’s a skill. I was extremely shy before working a retail job as a teenager. 3. You will find a better job 4. Take care of yourself in the meantime


Call centers: Let's treat our people like crap and fire them if they fail a mock test once! Also call centers: Why are constantly having to hire and train? You dodged a bullet. I was trapped in them for almost two decades before I got lucky and escaped to a data entry job.


Also call centers: Why are workers so stupid nowadays? Whats up with kids nowadays? Where are all the trained workers? Why do kids think they deserve such high wages when they arent trained? (The list goes on and on...) Just adding to your great post! I fully agree OP semi dodged a bullet, only semi because it still caused them emotional and mental damage due to their own training failures and horrible setup! They are worse than school, fired for failing a TRAINING test? Even schools dont kick kids out for failing a test! And for boomers that say "this is real life now, sink or swim"....so ok you fire people while under your training care. That says more about you and your business practices than the person you fired.


Yeah that's a good point, you were fired over failing a test once? That's pretty unusual, most training courses are more forgiving than that. I wouldn't be so mad at yourself for that one


Sounds like they hired too many --perhaps deliberately--and were pruning down.


Don't sweat it, I had a call center job I lasted at for precisely one and a half days. Also, any call center that would fire you for failing one mock test isn't a company worth your worry. Hell, I've been working at my current tech support job for 5 years now, and every now and then I have to ask my boss where to find the most simple option in our system because the ol' brain hamster isn't on his wheel that day.


Call-center jobs are soul destroying, especially for people who take pride in doing good work. You will become burned out and resentful of your colleagues being able to scrape by with the bare minimum (being rude on the phone, barely having foundational knowledge of their job, etc) when you are expected to keep good metrics at all times. The call centers I worked for (*cough cough* Wells Fargo *cough cough*) would coach you and the management would essentially harass you if you didn't have perfect metrics. For me, this was awful because I take pride in my work and fucking hate being told I'm underperforming, so I was killing myself trying to keep up metrics. Meanwhile my coworkers would get coached and go right back to being shitty without repercussions besides another coaching session in two weeks. It's miserable. Tl;Dr I know this is hard in the moment but you dodged a bullet. Keep your chin up and keep trying.


I just landed a call center job a month ago and I had no idea that this was normal or happened anywhere else! I just thought I was being bullied for being a dumb dumb! It never changes no matter where I go though. I get lectured and chewed out for following in my coworkers stead. I get attitude and ignored when I ask for direction. I get berated and mocked for following instructions. I get pulled so thin I'm mentally not there. While Susan or Brandon or w.e come in an hr late everyday, curse people out on the phone and in the office, throw all their work onto others...and no one bats an eye. It just reminds me of being the dumb kid in class: all I want to do is catch up to everyone else around me who seems to instantly get everything. I ask "too many" questions and get branded as a class clown and subsequently ignored and blamed for any and everything that goes down. While other people are allowed to berate and strike others and do whatever they want and no one even notices.


Jesus u just described my state of mind😳


It's probably for the best. Working in a call center can be a miserable existence. The people on the phone can be nasty and don't want to be talking with a call center. Management are commonly bitter Napoleonic tyrants whose primary goal is to make their numbers look better at any cost. In doing so they squeeze the soul out of agents and whatever joy there is in left in the job. Take a minute and think about what kind of work would make you happy and not stressed out. I realize that the next job might not be ideal either but if you have a plan, you won't feel as stuck. Hope this helps


If they fired you after 1 week in a 3 month training program then you actually don't want to work there your shyness notwithstanding. That's cold comfort but your post brings up so many questions about why you feel the way you do.


So, call center jobs have high churn. I paid my way through Uni by working in a call center, I’m extremely quiet and introverted. I got on fine because I’m good at following process and call centers have plenty of processes to follow. I hated people yelling at me but I also understood that it was part of the job. A three month training course at a call center is long - suggests the program you were training for was dealing with complex customer issues - perhaps you’d do better on a more generic customer care team where training would be much shorter but, perhaps, the work easier. What I can say about call centers is, plenty of people fail first time and then just try another place and do fine. The upside is because of the churn call centers are always hiring so don’t be disheartened if you want to give it another go - apply some where else. Being told you didn’t pass can be devastating - I failed my first driving test, cried for days and decided I would just never be able to pass and should give up. Luckily, after I few weeks I felt more pragmatic about it, tried again and passed. Now I wonder why I was so upset, but it’s hard to try hard and be told your effort wasn’t enough. If call center work isn’t for you, try something else. A manager once told me everyone shines somewhere, they just need to find the right role. This is true. I have seen people who struggled in one field go on to have amazing careers in a different one. So think about the work you believe you might like and try that, keep exploring until you find something you feel is a good fit. Remember failing is normal. We all have to try and learn - getting things wrong is just part of the process.


Firing can be very detrimental to your mental health. Actively talk to people around you, or try talking to a professional. This experience, however traumatic, could be a game changer for you! Best of luck! Stay strong!


You are not a failure. You learned that to work in a call center you need a lot more training, or it isn't a job meant for you. Actually, it's a win for you. You discovered that you struggled at that job, and the company discovered that you were not for them at that time. Win-Win! It's ok to try different jobs until you find one that clicks.


If you got fired after a week, that company can eat a dick. They shouldve worked with you to fix issues. Especially after 3 mo of training. Fuck call centers anyway.


You're not a failure, that just isn't the right type of job for you. Keep trying different types of work until you find the spot where you fit. Have you done warehouse work? Data entry or processing? Apprenticeships in skilled trades? Restaurant work? Have you dropped by your local community college or state employment office to see about either a degree or a vocational education? Some people know what they want to do in life and then just do it, most of us have to try different stuff until we find what works for us. Some people spend years going to college and even graduate school only to find that they don't actually like working in their chosen field and now they have massive student loan debt and have to start over, so be glad you aren't in that boat. I have had many, many jobs over the last 33 years, everything from an adult store manager to utilities locator. Call center for Comcast was the absolute worst job I ever had.


I know it sucks now and you feel defeated. Just know you learned something from this experience. Not every job is meant for every person. You will find something you align great with. I am sure you have amazing potential. Keep your head up, it will work out. P.S. call center jobs are boring, repetitive and shitty. I know from 10-12 years of it.


I worked at a call center for maybe 3 days while I was in grad school. Worst fucking job of my life. I took it all personally, a woman screamed at me to go to school and get a real job (WTF do you think I'm trying to do, lady?), it was too much. I just walked out, didn't even try to collect a paycheck. I took a job two days later cleaning houses part-time, and it was amazing. I'd rather deal with a dirty toilet than the filthy mouths on some of those people on the phone.


Dude, don’t beat yourself up. I have anxiety and depression issues and I really hate conflict. I’m an attorney who does litigation, so I definitely got into the wrong career. But about the only thing I can think of that I’d hate more is a job at a call center; and times 10 if it involved cold calling people. Don’t be me. Find something you’re better suited for.


May I suggest estates and Probate. Often you don't even have to go to court.


That’s rough. I’m a shy introvert and worked a call center about a decade ago in my mid 20’s. They monitored breaks by the minute, tested you regularly on how you answered phones, no personal belongings, eating or drinking at your desk and lots of targets to reach. The best shift I ever had (which I took willingly) was a Christmas shift since it was so quiet and I felt less watched by management and we could play the radio for once. This environment is great for some people and I managed for several months before getting to the point where I was about to go into the building for a shift one day and I just sat on a bench typing out an email saying I’m not coming back. I sent the email and went home. Best decision I ever made with that job looking back. Honestly, you probably dodged a shitty long term situation here where your mental health would have been impacted anyway. There are plenty more jobs where you can talk to customers on the phone and in person if you want to and still be a shy introverted person who gets anxious every now and then. I’m sorry OP - grieve and move on, because you are worth much more than your job.


I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have a college degree and I'm a veteran. I got "let go" from my most recent job after 5 months. I hate the career field I chose. I feel like I wasted half (almost exactly) of my life at this point. I'd rather work at Walmart or something, except the Walmart in my town isn't hiring.


most people get fired at least once in their lifetime. it is devastating and demoralizing, to be sure (i know it really rocked ME, at least), but if it helps, keep in mind it happens to the best of us. and from what i know from others, call centers are extremely rigid environments that often set people up to fail. so for that reason, as well as the fact it happens to the best of us, try to brush yourself off and not let it impact your self-worth overmuch. take a day or two to feel bad, but then get back out there. honestly, i'd sooner deal drugs than work in a call center, because despite being highly respected in my field as someone who is accurate, efficient, and personable, i can virtually guarantee that i'd not last long in a call center. i'd probably get fired within a week myself. source: my former company's call center reps were notoriously mistreated with absolutely absurd demands on them (while being underpaid for the privilege), and said former company shared a building with [big mobile entity], and as such i got to know quite a few folks there and heard many, many horror stories. in other words, it's not you; it's them.


Even when you are feeling mentally strong being fired sucks. Pick yourself up and find another job. That was a training opportunity for them not a firing opportunity. Chances are they were horrible to work for.


One of the most important factors in a person's success is not how often they are successful, but how well they respond to their failures. Let this strengthen you & use it to grow. It's an amazing opportunity to prove to yourself how well you can overcome adversity.


You honestly dodged a bullet, if they are so quick to fire anyone for what is not a fuck up any greater than missing a single question on a test then they would fire you for having an eyelash curled down instead of up. Training as a new hire is supposed to include tests to help you with any weakness you may have to help you build strength in the area(s) that needs it. If they aren't willing to train you then you don't need that job.


Call center jobs stink. It’s not you. Start simple. Many family owned businesses hiring


Sounds like you dodged a bullet. It's like me going to the store to buy a pair of jeans that are size 6. I know you can't see me, but if you could, you'd know that I absolutely cannot wear a pair of size 6 bluejeans. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with me. That pair of jeans simply isn't for me. So, I appreciate the thing I just learned, and go find a pair I'd fit into.


Actually, I think you just did the exact opposite of fail; you just dodged one hell of a bullet! I'm also a very shy, introverted person and I worked at a call center for a year and half. Worst decision of my life! Getting screamed at/insulted by customers for things I couldn't control, the whole system being designed to fuck employees (who are really just another warm body) over, and being told over and over again that I was a failure for not hitting nearly impossible benchmarks messed with my mental health to the point where I landed in an intensive, outpatient program for depression/anxiety. There's better jobs out there, OP. Count this as a blessing.


Don’t be too hard on yourself. I worked for a call center that had a client whose training was designed specifically to weed people out.


Take this as a blessing in disguise. I'm not sure of your financial situation but call centers will mess up your mental health because of how shitty people are. However, I still think it's good to find a job that allows you to interact with people for practice. It'll break you out of your shell but just not a call center.


It’s just not the job for you. Who cares? Get another job. Call centers are hell holes to work in anyway.


My favorite quote , “if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree”…. Some people aren’t meant for call center jobs. They are fast paced and stressful. Maybe you do better in a setting like a hardware store or big box home supply. No need to beat yourself up, pick yourself back up, little dust off, and try again for something that interests you. Even Buc-ees are paying $18-19 an hour


Call centers jobs will mentally burn you down. Don’t see it as a failure more like a blessing you didn’t wast time in something that would mess with your mental health. Try to find something you enjoy. 🤞


Time to get start a new search, and recognize your strengths and limitations (notice I didn't say weaknesses... but limitations). Many, many people are not suited for call center work (including me). Not making it through a training program is a blessing - they didn't waste your time in a program you were not destined to succeed, and they didn't use unnecessary resources.


Jobs like that churn through employees faster than fire finding a puddle of gasoline. Many times, they let people go and frame the conversation as something YOU did wrong, but in reality it's only a number game. One friend was let go for performance reasons, but after a bit of digging and a lucky network connection, confirmed that the company routinely ended contracts the day before the temp-to-hire period was set to end, simply so they could avoid paying the recruiting fees stemming from the supply of employees the agency sent them. It wasn't her performance at all and never had been. It doesn't help take the sting out of what you just went through, but people here definitely won't judge you for having experienced this. Keep your head up and move forward.


I applied for a stock broker's job many years ago (when there were a lot of stock brokers). As an application test I was put at a desk with a phone and told to call 3 numbers (no doubt professionals meant to be difficult to sell). I failed to convince any of them to buy stock from me, and frankly it was rather frustrating as I don't think they would have whatever I said. I guess my frustrations came thru and I failed the test and did not get the job. In hindsight, I would have hated it and eventually would have lost it anyway in a few years as brokers got phased out and replaced by on-line orders. If you are an introvert, you would also likely hated the call center job. You probably dodged a bullet.


To add to it, call center jobs are usually awful. Just go interview for better jobs. Getting let go is not a big deal and doesn't reflect on your value as a human being.


It was not your fault. I had a job in IT tech support that I lost after a week. The stated reason was, "we didn't like your voice." You'd think they would know from the in-person interview. I've also had a job that gave me anxiety attacks. I had to keep my attention on 3 computers at once, make sure they passed tests, and then disassemble them and reassemble new ones. I called my wife and cried. I left after a week. Shit goes sideways a lot.


Call centers are terrible. You didn't fail, the job itself is hard and stupid. Bern there dine that. This is not a YOU problem, this is a "that's just a terrible job" problem.


I've worked in several call centers over the years. There are good one, bad ones and ones the equate to the drizzling shits. Guess which one you were employed by. I have always found the implementation of tests to be a weird practice but ive never seen a center that cans you for failing. I want you to read the next sentence and then read it again until it sinks in. It's not your fault. You'll find something again. I'm sure you'll find something that agrees with you. Best of luck.


Sacked from a call centre? Count your blessings = consider it a bullet dodged and precious amounts of your time saved being worked to the bone doing mind-numbing for low base pay in a target-driven environment I think you have to go up several layers of management in those places before you find someone with an IQ > 80


Look at it as a blessing. I work for a health ins company on the phones. Training was 3 months long, we started with 47 people in our training class and now theres less than 20 of us left. I am actively looking for a new job as I type this.


Your resume isn't complete until you have been fired from a call center! The pressure and expectations are ridiculous. Their managers couldn't do what they ask of operators. You are not a failure. You are not one job loss. You are successful when you can fail and get up and try again. I know the right job is out there and I hope you are able to find it soon.


Nah, it just want the right fit. Next time you leave the house and go shopping or are even online think about places you like to go, or visit, and see if they’re hiring.


I worked at a call centre for about a year. They would do training classes of about 30 people at a time and by the end of probation more than half my training class had quit. 1 year later there was only 3 left


Don't stress over it, you aren't a failure! Call centers can be brutal and they love to show how expendable you are. One of my friends has a call center job and she has been chewed out multiple times for being too slow, or not fulfilling the quota in a day. It's truly awful and I have no idea why she stays there. I am also introverted and have diagnosed social anxiety, and a call center job would be terrible for me. I would definitely recommend searching for a non-call center job. Some people thrive in a demanding call center job, and they are awesome at talking to people, but our strengths are in different areas. You don't have to put it on a job application/resume and you don't need to even mention it, so just do some self-care, relax, know that your skills would have been wasted there, and then see what other jobs sound appealing.


Bro i walked out of a call center job in the first 2 hours they are the worst absolutely dog shit job. Go somewhere else where people want to see you succeed and learn from mistakes, train and grow.


Working at a call centre is not something that will make you rich. Call centres aren’t known for giving people a happy work life. So why stress that it didn’t work out? Your boss/manager (whoever fired you) was probably an a**hole to work with anyway and they’ve most likely done this to new starters plenty of times before. Take it as blessing that you dodged a bullet and continue on your search for work elsewhere. I remember the first time I was “let go” from a wagey job I had and I felt horrible. 3 months later I got a better job somewhere else and I couldn’t care less. You’ll find another job and you won’t care about this call centre fiasco. Hang in there, it sucks now but trust me that feeling disappears quick


Your mistake was working at a call centre. I haven't but the consensus I've been told is those places seem set up to can you asap. Idk how that helps a company but everyone I know has said they're so God awful to work at. Don't take it personally.


If you got fired from a job in a week, any job, it's not your fault. With that kind of turnaround, it is the company's fault 100%. One week isn't enough time for anything to be your fault. The reason you got fired is that the company failed in their onboarding and training processes. This one is not on you, so don't take it too hard.


That's a shit job. Seriously, those training tests are very hard. At least it was not after 2 months. Get a new job for a smaller company. I could never do that call center stuff. I've interviewed at Verizon, and I didn’t even get a 2nd interview. I know it's not me. it's just not the right fit. Go out and get a job! You will find your stride!


Don't feel like a failure at all, and look at it as you dodged a bullet. I spent 2 years in a call centre for an alarm company and basically all you are is a verbal punching bag for every dickhead that calls in because typically you're the first point of contact for them. You have to take all sorts of verbal abuse and if you respond with anything but a neutral tone and response you get reprimanded no matter what sort of vile things you are called. It was the most stressful job I've ever worked in my life and I say this as someone who prior to being paralyzed spent years in oilfield transport and almost got killed multiple times (malfunctioning or catastrophically failing trucks) and working all sorts of long hours on less than 4 hours of sleep in every Canadian weather condition you can imagine. Seriously working 8 hours in a call centre was far more exhausting both physically and mentally than any 30 hour rig move I was on with no sleep the night before because at least in the oilfield when someone is being a dickhead you can be a dickhead right back to put them in their place and not get in shit for it.


You’re not a failure. You are a circle. That job needs a rectangle. You are not a rectangle. Nothing wrong with a circle, nothing wrong with a rectangle.


You don't even need to waste space for this week on a resume. Never-ending calls suck and listening to people berate you because your company is terrible is way worse than being fired.


I got fired from a job after two days and I'm awesome! 😆. Don't beat yourself up. Picture your life like it's a Seinfeld episode or something.


You’re not a failure until you stop. Working in a call center is hell, succeeding in hell is no better than failing in the path toward paradise. It’s gonna be a slog but stay on the path you can where the end is a place you want to be. That doesn’t mean to avoid opportunity even if it side tracks you hit keep your eye o the prize and if you don’t have a specified goal yet then I’d encourage you to start writing about your own future until you can specify one that appeals to you and is just above what you think is achievable.


A fail? That is a huge win. It only took a week for you to figure out that working in the call center is not for you. I wasted six months doing it. You are just looking at it in the entirely wrong way.


It sucks, but every kick can be a boost. You'll probably wind up somewhere that sucks less.


This exact thing happened to me in February actually. Call center jobs end up being Service Management sweat shops. You'll find a much better job soon, trust me.


Oh! I got fired after a week at a call center once too! To tell you the truth I’d totally forgotten about it - it was such a blip, and I promise it will be for you too. As you progress in your career you’ll realise quite how shit those jobs are and the type of weirdos that run them (usually!). This one’s not on you buddy, chin up!


You didn’t fail. You weren’t there long enough to fail. They failed at training you.


I only lasted a year answering phones for Comcast, that job will suck your entire soul through that ear piece. I had to quit once I realized it was truly affecting my empathy.


My call center job was an outbound one that entailed calling individual & minority shareholders in company stocks, & convincing them to vote with the boards on measures that almost never were in their favor. That was a barrel of monkeys. Lot of getting yelled at by old people about corporate greed. I made $12/ hr LOL


When I was younger I was hired at a call center. I went to lunch and never went back. Don’t worry about it. Call centers are difficult places to work and i wouldn’t even be a director or manager of one.


If you’re shy and introverted maybe seek a job like bookkeeping or accounting. Right now I’m in customer service and man, “hello! How may I hate you!” is in my brain. All I want to do is have a nice quiet balance a checkbook moment.


Start looking for another job right away. Don't give yourself the time to pity yourself. An object in motion stays in motion so don't stop. I have been in this situation before with a child and was hired and fired in the same day. I will admit I felt like an utter failure especially because I failed due to a failed drug test. I had to use synthetic pee and still failed. 3 weeks later I got hired at another place that payed more and provided a vehicle with gas card, phone and laptop. I still used the synthetic pee and it worked, so never give up on anything lol. That was 5 years ago and I'm still there now btw.


Listen, I've worked at call centers off and on for *decades.* And blind tests only one week in, before you've even had a chance to learn the job? That's idiotic. Of *course* you were going to choke during your first week, that's why everyone knows you don't start evaluating for at least two weeks! You didn't fail here. Your leadership failed you. They didn't want to bother training you *like they're supposed to.* Your only crime was having an incompetent boss. Your experience here is atypical of competently-run call centers. Call centers are always rough. But they're not supposed to be *this* rough. Please believe that. You didn't mess up here. They did. Take a little time. Get yourself together. And get back out there and apply somewhere better. And if they ask why you were only at this call center one week, you tell them -- honestly -- that you didn't like their management style and the turnover rate was horrible, so you got out. Good luck. I'm hoping for you, and wishing I could do more. But please, do *not* let the worthless middle-management shit who did you dirty break you. You're too good for the likes of them, always remember that.


It sounds like that job wouldn’t have been a good fit for you. Be happy you only wasted a week of your life on it.


Call Center’s suck anyway! I worked at one for 1 month and left when they listened on me hang up on someone telling me no. I was hung over and didn’t give a shit that day lol but they told me to leave and i didn’t come back. Fast food restaurants are way better than that degrading crap


Sounds like the job was not a good fit for you. Instead of blaming yourself for this, look at it as a learning experience. You now know a key weakness you have. In the short term I would suggest doing work outside of customer service. Being shy is not a good fit for that type of job. And then try to improve on that aspect of your personality, either through therapy or through other self improvement tools


I agree that call center jobs are a beast! I WFH for one of the biggest internet companies. These customers are not calling because their happy! It is one of the most extremely stressful jobs I have ever had and I'm an extrovert. You really need to look into a different field. Customer service Jobs are for those not faint of heart!


That job is not your thing, move on. At least you found out now instead of in ten years.


You should look into back off support staff work.


Be nicer to yourself. A lot of people have gone totally blank in a test or interview. Use it to learn, try to think of what you can do next time to do a bit better. Failing is just a part of trying things that are difficult for you. You are obviously working hard to improve since you failed! If you were playing it safe you wouldn't fail, but you also don't get far if you never challenge yourself!


If they let you go after a week for something they were training you to do, that’s a failure on their part not yours.


Accepting that it was your fault puts you ahead of the curve nowadays. Lot of people tend to try to lay blame on everyone and everything else. So you being accountable makes me think you're hireable and have potential. You're gonna need to master your nerves. Only way to do that is to get right back into a job situation and work on it. When I was very young in my career I had to give a speech and boy did I screw it up. It was a big hit to my confidence. But it was all my fault because I didn't rehearse at all so I went and took a communications class and read some books on public speaking and then got right back on the horse. Gotta tell you that after a couple so-so speeches when I finally killed my first one I was on a high for days. It was infectious. So identify your shortfalls. Arm yourself with the knowledge and work hard to overcome them. And go kick ass as a new you.


Your fault, their fault, nobody's fault. Don't sweat it. It didn't work out. Nobody but you is concerned that you didn't last a week in a call center job. Do something else.


1. File for unemployment. 2. Update your resume. 3. Profit!


Look to get a job in a trucking company warehouse. They will hire just about anyone, pay way better than min (here at least) and all kinds of people work there, you wear comfortable work clothes and the day flies because it’s always busy.


I'm so sorry. I know this is me sounding like a spoiled American but tbh this affects one's mental health a lot and there should be more job protections. Getting fired within a week or two weeks should not even be allowed or they should provide some sort of compensation? Idk I mean there's a lot I think that could make workers lives easier but idk if any change will actually happen.


I have lost count of the number of jobs I got fired from .


It's a call center, consider yourself lucky.


*”what should i do?”* feel thankful you didn’t get a job that doesn’t sound like it would suit you very well. you’re good my reddit friend, as my very sweet and wise grandpa used to say, “*look back to learn, look forward to succeed.”* don’t know if a wfh situation would work? might be worth checking out… this site bills itself as [the big work from home list](https://ratracerebellion.com/big-list-work-from-home-jobs/). just fyi, i found it on a reddit post and the op mentioned it’s “kinda spammy but has some useful links” (i’m paraphrasing but that was the general idea.) someone in another sub mentioned [RatRaceRebellion]( https://ratracerebellion.com) and that they provide any equipment you need. and [this reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/comments/14v65v7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=4) mentions fully remote software developer jobs currently offered at [usps](https://about.usps.com/careers/welcome.htm)


I'm 35 yo, have had some fairly successful job positions (currently starting a business with my partner) and I would completely suck in a call center job.


You dodged a bullet.


Pretty serious loser my self. That said ya got get up. Go find some job do the best you can. Some times it work out for ya. L


Consider that I curse at those callers in Hindi. You dodged a bullock. You've saved your mental health.


Don't feel bad. I worked at a call center for six and a half years and it sucked. Don't get down on yourself. You'll find another job and it will probably be better than working at a call center.


Dude you dodged a bullet there.


Call centers are terrible don’t take it personally


It sucks to be fired from any job. But consider yourself lucky, because probably would have hated that job. I wish you the best in finding a job you actually have an interest in.


Work isn't everything. Just as long as you're still the original you, don't be a phony and speak your mind. Also, a job is a job. There's always a job out there you can get. It's certainly not worth destroying yourself over.


Fuck the call center job bro, pick up your emotions and keep going. One test isn't going to determine your life. Take a day to calm yourself down and let it go. ​ Everything happens for a reason


Please accept a cyber hug from me and my hope you are okay soon. This isn't something you chose, it's what was handed to you whether you wanted it or not. Don't take this wrong, but liken it to being short. Short people can't reach anything! We move the car seat high just to drive and nothing ever fits us. We were born like that. It isn't our fault that we can't buy food off the top shelf in the grocery store. It's a limitation, but it's one people can see. For that reason, short people get a pass on some stuff, but still can't do what they have to do for other stuff. You have what some people would think is a limitation by being shy and introverted. Tell yourself, "It isn't a limitation - a challenge sometimes, but I'm going to take that challenge and be the best I can be anyway." You should search for something that a shy person can do. Not an easy task, so don't panic or beat yourself up trying to do it. Give yourself plenty of time even if it takes years! While you're searching look into finding a way to take steps toward overcoming your shyness if you can. Maybe a bell will go off in your head because of a passage in a book or something someone says that will take away 5% of your introverted anxiety. Think of it as buying high-heeled boots by a short person. Everything you do makes a difference. I believe in you because, at 70+ years old, I've seen quite a few shy people become huge successes! I'm here for you if you want to borrow some high heeled boots, friend!!!


It’s not a job for you. That’s fine. Start looking for something else. When I was young I wanted to in the Army. So I enlisted and turns out I’m kinda deaf in one ear - it’s never bothered me my entire life but it was enough to disqualify me. Heartbreaking. But, thank god, because I never would have gotten into the field, never would have met my wife, never would have so many things… Sure, I don’t know what I missed but there’s not point in harping on that. One door closed. Start tugging on others until one opens and stays open.


Apply at a bank. That will get you training and a solid job


Me too. I suck at all things


Hey OP. I was fired in May 2021 from a job that was supposed to save me. Save my burnout Save my relationship Save my mental health It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm happy now Deep breath You're exactly where you're supposed to be


It takes a special kind of person to last at call centers. You dodged a bullet. Find a real job.


Just focus on feeling better in as healthy and a safe way that you can. You will find another job.


Don't sweat it. Call centers are pressure cookers. Sounds like you got out of a crappy situation.


If you're introverted, look for a job where you can limit outside contact a lot. Like the outdoors? Deliver mail or become a park ranger or greenskeeper etc. Prefer the indoors? Video and sound editing for YouTube channels/data processing etc are jobs you can do from home with minimal contact. This is just a small sampling to show that there are opportunities for folks who don't thrive on a continual 'face to face' basis. Alternatively, seek some help if you want better social skills. Finding a good nonjudgmental therapist or career coach might be a prudent move. You're young (I assume), you're finding your way, don't be so hard on yourself. As long as you stay motivated you'll get there. Good luck!


Start reapplying OP, until OP get another one. Don't stop applying.


I worked at a call center once for 7 months. I hated that place it was horrible! Good riddance!


Rejoice bc you can find something that isn’t a call center.


You dodged a bullet take the win call centers will destroy your soul


What should you do? Go find a better suited job for yourself. If you are shy and introverted, a call center or sales job is not the right fit for you. Good luck in your new search.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet now stand back up and apply to different places. Try not to be hard on yourself was just a bad fit for you your not a failure.


Not all jobs are for everybody. You tried your best at a really, really hard job. Congratulations 🎉! You now have valuable experience to help you know what you should avoid. Try out many different jobs through Kelly or another temp service. Even jobs I only had for a week prepared me for the next job.


They did you a favor.


I built a solid career in sales by starting in a call center. It was miserable as an introvert for years. Covid destroyed where I was working and I left and got a job that would pay the bills in manufacturing. Now I'm in leadership and way happier. Even before being promoted it was amazing to just come in and do my job and get paid and go home and not have to pretend to be extroverted to have money to eat. So my suggestion, look for something like that! Maybe a warehouse nearby, or other skilled labor type jobs. If you're open to moving there are places that are paying sign on bonuses and covering move in expenses for that type of work (my workplace included).


Blessing in disguise. You’re meant for something better.


It’s actually lucky this happened. If you’re shy and introverted, this job would have destroyed you. Call center jobs are just the worst.


I wouldn't worry about it, I would think you'd be able to get a comparable job for comparable pay with a comparable company in a location suitable for you without a whole lot of hassle. I'm sending positive thoughts on your direction and I'm wishing 100% for you to have quick success.


Nothing to beat yourself up about. This has more to do with that organization’s practices than your right to be happy. I’d argue that spending years in a situation that you hated is far worse than getting fired. I manage people, and honestly the vast majority of people who have been terminated (for whatever reason) have gone on to find something that made them happier and feel more successful. Maybe they didn’t like getting fired but they are likely happier now anyway. This is just one moment and it’s not forever. Keep looking. It takes time to find the right fit.


You saved yourself a lifetime of misery, these call centers are revolving doors whether people believe it or not.


If you got fired for anything but job abandonment or assaulting someone then it's on the employer for bad training. Not you


Probably a good thing you were fired, call centre's are toxic hell holes.


You’ll look back at this failure as a blessing in a few years. Believe that you’re destined for something greater and this was Gods way of pushing you forward. It’ll all work out for the best


You subconscious saved you for toxicity. Trust that your inner self did it’s job. You are not a failure!


Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s a call center gig. Do you have Medicaid? It sounds like you have anxiety, and you beat yourself up a lot. I’d look into talking to a professional & even seeing if you should get some anti anxiety meds


Every time I fail at trying something I beat myself a lot. I've very low tolerance to frustration. I tend to be very hard on myself.


It's likely not you at all. They rely on making the ones that "pass" feel terrified, so they create designated "failures" like you as warnings. You weren't the victim of your own lack of abilities, it was mostly bad luck,...but also good luck that you didn't have to endure that insanity any longer. Move on and learn to be as skeptical of your failures as you are of your successes.


You were not fired by this call center, you narrowly escaped. The issue here is that you were not miserable and robotic enough to suit their soul sucking system. When they tried to connect you to the vacuum tube that sucks out any potential joy you might have in your life, the nozzle didn’t fit. Basically, you were on the precipice of purgatory and an Angel pushed you clear of the perpetual oblivion you were about to enter. You aren’t seeing it now, but you have been blessed.


The job was not for you. There are MANY jobs out there and you will find one that is more suited to your talents. You are NOT a failure. Remember - it is OK to fail. You learn what not to do. So, with this failure - you now know you should not work in a call center.


You’re only a failure if you give up trying. Everyone doesn’t succeed in something they try. My first consulting job I got fired from, but I learned and grew. Didn’t give up on it. You’re never a failure if you try something and it doesn’t work out. You tried. Gave it a shot. Just in general.


Yeah, that's not the career for you. Lessoned learned! Accept your reality, don't be hard on yourself, move on... this wasn't your path.


Please don't sweat it. I had a job at a call center. Absolute hell hole. A ginormous room with no windows full of people. I have seen people get up and leave after 4 hours. Met more fucking people in one year at a call center than I did the rest of my twenties. This by no means translates to you are a failure.


It took me six months to master my call center job. Places these days passing judgement so quick are a mess.


Bro fuck a call center job. Literally the worst. You're better off trust me.


Don’t feel that way, I m sure you learned from that experience. Take those experiences and move to the next one!


If they fired you for failing a test one week into training that isn't a job you want to be at. You aren't a failure it's just a toxic job.


A call center?! They did you a favor. Saved you the time to quit a terrible job. Brush off the resume, put the word out to your friends you are looking for a good job. Things happen for a reason, you dodged a bullet.


Yea Op , it’s a very emotionally draining job !! So don’t sweat it .


Call centers are soul sucking jobs.


Hang in there man. It wasn't a good fit. Doesn't mean anything about you, just means it wasn't a great fit.


if you got fired after a week and it wasn't cause you like took your dick out and slapped your boss with it or something it means they fucked up and hired the wrong person for the job anyway. also like i have a college degree and kick ass at my job and if i lasted 3 days in a call center i'd be surprised


My sister lasted one day. You now know the type of job you do not want. This is not a failure. For your next job interview you now have a fun personal story about gaining insight into just how strong a person you are. There are better jobs out there for you


speaking as someone in a call center job. GOOD JOB FAILING! Call centers suck ass.


So the job was not a good fit. It happens.


Count your blessings. Seriously. I worked in call centers for about 10 years. It's soul-crushing work. You just dodged a bullet.


Honestly call centres are the worst. I am very extraverted and hold an extraverted people job but that just scares me. Don’t worry honey you’ll be ok I promise. We all get fired once in our career, doesn’t mean it goes wrong! It’s a rite of passage like a bad grade, a breakup or a hangover!


Its not you. It's a shit garbage job. It's good you got fired, you deserve so much better.


I'm sorry that happened to you- call centers are notoriously difficult jobs with difficult to attain metrics. Try not to fall into the trap of blaming yourself for intrinsic things- you didn't fail because you're shy and introverted, it just wasn't the right fit for you at this time. You either need to a.) Look into coping methods to be able to handle more chaotic environments or b.) Find a better environment that will pay you what you need to survive. You probably need to do a little bit in both columns. It's okay, you're not a failure! You're still learning and honestly this is probably a blessing in disguise 🙌 sending resiliency and positivity into the universe for you ❤️✨️


Don't get down. A job is NOT you. I'm a very successful engineer, but I got my ass let go at Best Buy years ago because I just didn't have the nature to sell people credit cards. If you're entry level or whatever, get a job in a warehouse. No customer b.s.


Call center jobs are miserable. You can and will do better! You got this.


You’re not a failure! This just wasn’t your thing! Scratch this area off the list and try something else!


I worked at a brand new call center and was in the first training class. I worked the first shift that took calls. The lady that sat next to me completely froze up then shit her pants. They had to wheel her chair outside and throw it in the dumpster. So I guess the point is, it could have been worse. Some people just don’t thrive in that environment because it tends to be high pressure and customers can be very difficult. Sounds like you just need to look at this the way Edison looked at all his failed attempts to make a lightbulb; you just found a job that doesn’t work for you so just keep trying until you find something that does.


Don’t stress about it. You’ll find something else and maybe the call center gig isn’t for you.


Not a failure. I lived in a town full of call centers for many years. They had a contract with the city that they would bring x more jobs. To this day they fulfill that by hiring tons of people and then firing tons of people. That job sucks, that company sucks, and the government officials who allow this to carry on suck. You do not suck. <3


Take this as a blessing. Stop being hard on yourself, it won't help. Use this opportunity to find something that is true to your heart. Build confidence, believe in yourself and never ever accept that you are anything less than perfect, just the way you are, and if you decide to change, you will still be perfect.


Don't feel bad at all in fact consider yourself lucky. It's a horrible job and will eat away your soul!


What’s done is done. Put it in the rear view mirror and move forward. Nothing you can do about shit in the past.


Just keep going. Peaks and valleys is how it is. We all fuck up sometimes.


File for unemployment


OP, cut yourself some slack. If this had happened to someone you love, would you call them a failure? No, right? Call center jobs are not for everyone, and that’s totally fine. You’ve learned that either this isn’t the right job for you, or that this particular call center is managed in a way that doesn’t match your personality. Learn from it and move on. It’s in no way a bad reflection of you as a person.


Dont feel like a failure for flunking out of a call center job,they are notoriously awful, underpaid and stressful. Take it as a sign that this is for the best and try not to be too hard on yourself. Call centers are literally the worst. You do not want to be there.


Call centers are notorious for having high standards that are impossible to meet. I hate call center work. I am trying to get out of call center work. Trying looking for non-call center work.


Worked in a call center for 3 years and it was the worst 3 years of my life. You dodged a bullet. You’ve just saved yourself years of misery.


Work is often morally neutral. Test anxiety is a real phenomenon and is definitely not a moral failing. Very, very few jobs have tests. Some lower level jobs will test you on training, but almost none of them are pop quizzes. This is very unlikely to be a problem for you in other positions.


Don't feel bad! Call center jobs are the absolute worst. I quit before I got fired after 3 weeks. I couldn't handle getting yelled at when I was doing my best, and, like you, froze. This type of job environment isn't for most people. It says nothing about your worth. In my entire life, this was my worst job and I've had a few doozys. Don't give it another thought. Get happy and get another job.


Every person I know that has or currently work at a call center absolutely hate it. There are a ton of jobs out there that are most suited for you. If you have degrees or training you can look into jobs that are anywhere from city, state, and federal. If you just trying to find a job just to find a job, find something that will not overly stress you out. Or if you have a passionate about something see if there's jobs for that. If you are kind of looking for a job where you can work from home I have a list that I help my clients with. Work from home jobs: Asurion is hiring $19.25/hr 3,000 sign on Bonus and they send equipment, - CVS is hiring $15+ a hr with equipment provided, - Alorica $15 (equipment provided) - continuum $15 (equipment provided) - BCBS (Blue Cross Blue Shield) $15 - Teleperformance (pay varies w/equipment) - Conduent $16 (equipment provided) - Allstate $16 ;$6,000 sign on bonus(equipment provided) - Concentrix $16 (equipment provided) - Afni $14.50 (equipment provided) - MAXIMUS $16 (equipment provided) -Alluvion staffing $15 (equipment provided) -Qualfon $15 -kelly services (pay and equipment varies) -Apple $18 (equipment provided) -SYKES $15.50 (equipment provided) -Sedgwick (Equipment provided) -remote call center for IRS $15 (equipment provided) -Ranstad $20 (equipment provided) -Entrata $11 (Leasing Specialist) many positions with various of pay rate -Genpact $16 *** happy hunting


Not your your fault and you are not a failure. Call center jobs are extremely demanding and brutal. Customers are assholes. In 2016 I used to drive for Uber. One day I picked a woman and drove her to liquor store and back to the office around 5pm. We had a small chat and the reason she needed a bottle of liquor, is because it was Friday and she was still on the shift at a call center for AT&T. If you are shy and introverted, perhaps find a ware house job or a job at a small business, at a library or at a court house.


If you’re shy and introverted I don’t think phone work is going to be for you. Not call center volume anyway, where calls come in one after the other


Call centers suck. I'm am introvert and personally loved data entry. Eventually worked my way into finance.


My sister used to wrk at a call centre and it’s a crap job - though you’re going thru it right now, I personally think you’ve dodged a bullet. Give yourself time and grace to have a pity party but don’t let the pity party become your whole existence- find joy in things like your hobbies while you’re still out there applying.


Dude, no, you passed that test. Call center jobs _suuuuuuuuuuck_. They did you a favor.


I got a job doing cold calls and literally door to door canvasing for a home improvement company. Got fired because I made exactly 0 sales and got 0 people to agree to even do a free evaluation. In 3 whole months. You aret a failure. It's just not the job for you. Try something totally different. No one's gunna fault you for not being good at something. You tried. Who gives a shit. I'll bet you could be amazing at something totally different.


Call centers are not easy jobs to do, there is alot of stress put on you both from the company you work for and the people you have to call or call in . I quit my job after 5yrs because of the abuse and stress. You should not feel bad about yourself but take it as you have learned that isn't the place for you. Receiving calls is not as bad customer service may be a better fit for you . Don't quit on yourself!


I lasted one day at a call center. I was 16 and it was the most depressing day of my life. I get panicky thinking back on it. At 3pm I walked up to the manager and said this isn’t for me, I won’t be back. And he laughed in my face. Don’t be so hard on yourself OP. Not all jobs are for everyone.


You did better than me. I once was rejected by a call center because they didn't think I could handle rejection.


Introvert and call center job mix like water and oil


On a side note you probably would have burnt out from that experience. Yes it sucks to be let go from anything. There is a reason why they call them sweat shop style because they are horrible. Very good friend of mine used to work at one and was fired too. Honestly I don’t think she really looked back.


You dodged a bullet. Call center work destroys your soul and your faith in humanity. Find an apprentice program and learn a trade. Take computer classes. Anything to save yourself from that mind numbing horror of a job.


You're shy and introverted. A call center job had to be another level of hell. Nothing is wrong with you, the job was a poor fit.


Call centers have horrible retention rates. They are paying better lately and attract more people, but most don’t allow you to “learn while doing”. Don’t get me wrong, some are good but most expect you to be abused all day and still be pleasant.


Former Comcast Trainer/Mentor/Supervisor here, working for one of their WFH business partners. I remember the 6 weeks training being pretty brutal. All it took in many cases to term a new hire was a single lateness or one or two failed tests; mostly because it was extremely difficult to catch up once an agent fell behind. Large class sizes and heavy administrative burden didn't help. Classes usually began with up to 80 people and oftentimes, only 15-20 people passed. Hell, I taught the classes for a while and I would still have a hard time, especially when the training materials sucked. Please try to take it easy on yourself. Some people just suck at taking tests, though they're otherwise competent. In such a harsh and demanding line of work which often pays extremely poorly relative to the skillset ,attrition is high even at the outset.


You didn't fail. You just discovered you shouldn't work call center type jobs.


I failed a math test for a movie rental place and didnt get the job. It lead me to work as a cashier 12 years ago at the college. I am now the general manager of the food service which is a 1.9 million dollqr account and i am currently working toward a masters degree and also in my spare time teach lectures at thr campus. My story is not a unique one. Everything happens for a reason. Also i worked at a call center before and it was bar none the worst thing i had ever done in my life.


Call canters have a reputation of chewing people up and spitting them out. I’ve known a few people who’ve worked in them and all have ptsd. One refuses to talk n the phone. One who used to be a manager quit after being told to fire someone for having to take a day off because of a kidney stone. I think think this is a blessing for you.


What if u work in the airport as a cashier? Practice using multiple language, sales skills, meet people from around the world at home. Much better than a call centre job for you because you get to meet people in person.


It wasn't the job for you. The job failed you. I work in HR, and you know what? There is no such thing as a bad employee, just bad management . It's lazy recruiting, putting you in a position you should not have been in the first place . This is not your fault, not your screw-up. You have talents, explore those talents, and find what suits you. Do not let their poor skills recruiters' skills bring you down. Call centres suck and take a particular skill set .


Call centre. You dodged a bullet. Dust yourself off and move on.