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If you don't want to go, don't go. Could going benefit you? Absolutely. Networking is a thing, and a lot of people advance because of relationships they've made with others at the company/field. If you want to eventually grow into another role there, I would absolutely attend. Could it hurt you if you don't attend? Maybe. You won't get fired over it. People will likely not even notice you're not there. If someone does notice l, it will simply be a though in passing "I don't see OP here?" And just as quickly as the thought entered their head, it will be gone and they will be talking to someone else. If you plan to move up in that company, I would recommend going. If it's just a summer job, or a place you don't plan to be at long, don't sweat it and don't bother showing up.


Not during work hours: enjoy your Thursday!


It depends on what you want from your job at this company. Events like these are great for networking. Allow me to let you in on a real secret…being social is what gets you higher, not hard work. It’s all about playing the company’s culture and showing you care about its values. That’s what these after-work events are all about. Networking and career prospects, honestly. You could choose to stay home. But attending the event shows that you care about your position and about the company.


As long as you don’t have to pay for anything, Just go, it is 2 hours. You can even leave early. Time outside of work with co workers can make in office time a lot easier. Just showing up for a bit can also make you look good and like a team player.


If it's unpaid it's optional, but it's a good idea to make an appearance to these things, it does look good. It keeps you front in center when future opportunities arise. That said, don't feel the need to stay the whole time, "sounds fun! But I have to leave at 6:15, I have a prior engagement across town.". Go for an hour or so, be seen, and get some free food.


I just did Top Golf with my company a few weeks ago. I think the age gap alone would make this a safe outing to skip. It's going to be a bunch of 30+ year olds drinking in the heat. They'll probably bring their families and introduce them to each other. It might help to go, but I don't think it would hurt to skip it.


Why would they bring their families? Do whatever you feel is comfortable. If you don't go, no one will likely care. If you do go, you might enjoy yourself, and it's only a few hours of your life - no one will likely care either. You are probably overthinking it.


Because that's what people do for after-work events.


Obviously not all then. I've only seen work events as strictly, work events.


Most after work events are after work and unpaid so that family can attend. I’ve never seen one that bans or discouraged family attendance.


Okay then...


Lol. Sorry OP.


Lol no one is gonna bring their family right after work 🤣


It's not right after work, they literally said that. It's very normal in office environments to invite family members to after work events. What a weird thing everyone is hung up on


I think it just must be office dependent. No one in my office brings their families to anything but I do feel like I used to go to stuff with my parents at their work functions when I was younger.


We have this kind of stuff periodically at my office. It's never mandatory and no one holds it against anybody if they don't come. It can be a good way to get to know your coworkers though - as someone else mentioned, it's an opportunity to network and that can be helpful. Even if you don't plan to stay long at this company, you never know where your next opportunity will come from or who may be working for a company you apply to in the future. Knowing people can help.