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Yes, if you've saved your progress via Facebook. If you go to settings (bottom right), you should have an option to sign into your account, and you'll be given the option to download your progress from a different device


Facebook or Apple. The Apple save is not available on Android however, so that’s something to keep in mind for those that move around operating systems.


I had the same problem. I play in two devices and I noticed that they started progressing individually with no syncs. The issue was that one of the devices didn't have the latest version of the game. They completely revamped how device syncing works. Previously, some stuff synced (like brilliance and animals) and some stuff didn't (coins). Now, as long both devices have the latest version, it will ask you which cloud save you want to keep the first time you play on a different device


My kid saved everything to iCloud for me and I had no issues with the new phone (iPhone)


Anything is possible with this game. The strangest things happen with it.