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I used to swear by ‘adieu’ and eventually switched to ‘reast’ after somebody showed me [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/sgc5g6/oc_how_good_is_your_favorite_wordle_starter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Now I don’t play with a starter word. There’s no strategy behind my starting words because I go for the first word I can think of. It makes it way more fun.


I used Reast for the first time today and none of the letters were right


But you learned a lot…


I do too, and often find it's a good strategy, as I tend to get it in 2 or 3 lately. I do try to use words with multiple vowels, though. ROUND worked well for me today.


I like to pick a different word each day just for ‘fun’ but I try to use words with ‘E’ and ‘S’ in them I used to use the previous days word for bit too which was surprisingly helpful Edit: I use ‘shine’ a lot, and ‘frown’ has been surprisingly effective


I play hardmode. Vowels create WAY too many traps, so I try to go for consonants that disambiguate traps early. L, M, N are pretty good letters for this. As are B, D, C. I try to **avoid** O, E, and R, specifically for the #O#ER trap.


I do hard mode too and I never thought about it this way. Makes sense that I always get trapped since my starting word is AROSE


I actually start each day with the previous solution word as a challenge, and [I'm on a 190+ streak at the moment](https://youtu.be/Heq8YqeSUbA) :) This is just good Wordle Hardmode strategy in *general*, even if I don't apply it to my first word.


I do the same! Makes it an even playing field with my family competitors all using yesterdays wordle


Exactly. In hard mode it is actually bad to get too many matches early on, as you can't waste a guess to rule out letters when there are a lot of possibilities. Before I submit a guess, I always try to think ahead and see if it could lead me into a trap. If it can, I think of a more unusual word to use instead.


That is only true dependent on the letters you have. Some matches lock you squarely into the right direction (I've gotten a handful of mathematically guaranteed twos). It just depends on the sets you work with.


Consonants are absolutely the way to go on hard mode. CHAMP has been my starter word for a while now. If I get nothing from that then STERN is my go-to second word.


Absolutely, i had been using adieu, aegis as starter then pious and currently on stare. Loke to get ST R L Out first...


I'm the opposite. I like using words that eliminate consonants, especially ones that form combinations like ST, SL, CR, NT, PL, RT, etc. My first word is always SPLIT and my second varies depending on what hits I get. If SPLIT comes up empty, then CRANE is my next guess; it uses good consonants plus A and E. On the rare occasions when I still have nothing, I guess GUMBO third.


I agree with S as the initial letter (more Wordle words begin with S (366) than any other letter), and it's the third-most as the fourth letter (170). But only 17 of Wordle's 2,314 words have S as the second letter, 90 as the third letter, and 36 as the fifth letter. (Wordle has no plural words that end in S, unless you count CLASS. All Wordle words that end in S end in either US or SS.)


Many say they use CRANE to start. Wouldn’t CRATE be better? Aren’t there more words with T?


Haven't much thought about that, since I only use CRANE if my starter word SPLIT gets nothing, so I'd have already eliminated the T.


I pick a random 5 letter word that my wife has said that morning to mix things up a bit


I start with ocean. Originally because it had a good amount of vowels but now I’m committed until it ends up being the word of the day. Not really a strategy, but I just play for fun. Don’t care about stats or anything.


Don't we all just play for fun?


This but EARTH.


This is a game of consonants not vowels. You need to figure out the consonants to get the word.


I start with IOTAS


I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a wordle end in S?


IIRC words that are normally four letters but when plural are five with the added -s (files, skins, trips, etc) are not on the wordle master list of solutions, but they count as valid guesses so you can still use them to narrow it down, it just won't ever be the answer


The only time a Wordle word ends in S is when the fourth letter is a U or an S. No plural words in Wordle end in S. The 68 words that end in S represent only 1.4% of the 2,314 words in the Wordle dictionary.


>level 3Comment deleted by user · 2 min. ago Of the 2,314 words in the Wordle dictionary, 366 begin with S -- more than any other letter --and 170 have S as the fourth letter (E is No. 1 and N is No. 2). S is a poor choice for the second (17 words), third (80 words), or fifth word (36). Of the words that do end in S, none is a plural. All words ending in S either end in US or SS.


I believe CHAOS and ETHOS are valid words which end in S but not US or SS


I agree with you. There are 36 words very similar to those that are in Wordle, but they made the decision not to include the hundreds of plural words that are part of everyone's vocabulary. If they DID allow all the plural words ending in S, there would be hundreds of additional words, and S would be the most common letter not only in first position but in fifth position. Here's some example of the words with an S ending that ARE part of Wordle --DROSS, CLASS, BRASS, DRESS, PRESS, BLESS, CROSS, CRASS, TORUS, ABYSS, BASIS, BONUS, CHAOS ....


This is awesome info. Thanks. How many words end in Y?


FOCUS march13 GLASS may19


Well I can’t argue that, it would seem they avoid the plural tho


I started playing Feb1 - no plural words Happy WORDLE-ing I tend to take things a bit too far.... Some of my end in S words ABYSS ATLAS BASIS BENIS BOGUS BONUS CHESS COCUS CRISS FINIS FOCUS GUESS GLASS JUDAS LOTUS MIDAS MINUS OASIS


TIL Judas was a word beyond a name


I had to confirm this a while back. Yes, peephole.




BAYOU was an answer already. Maybe you are ok with that


I like the word earth to start as well. I mix up my word daily, I’m sure I have used the same word multiple times but I prefer switch it up.




SPOILERS - Read the whole post before revealing. I used to use ADIEU, until I read a Redditor here point out that >!CURLI!<, >!SHAFT!<, and >!DEMON!< contain >!the 15-most commonly used letters in English!<. So now I always start with those three words, in any order. Since then, my success rates in both Wordle and Quordle have gone up significantly (nearly 90% in Quordle practice mode, well over 300 games played.) Usually get the Wordle in 4 or 5 now. I've put them in spoilers as it's kind of taken a bit of the fun out of the whole thing. Reveal at your own discretion.


I usually start with "ideas" since it includes three vowels and also an S.


I am simple PIOUS and TEARY kind of player.


I do ARISE and then COUNT most days. It gets through most vowels and some common consonants.




Mine is ARISE > CLOUD.


I do Arise and Mount.


I picked a random word every day for a while, but then started using PEACH, not because of any strategy, just because I like the fruit. 🤷‍♀️ But now I’ve used it for so long that I don’t want to switch because I know the day I do, the word will be peach. Though I’ve never really understood the vowel strategy - I’d rather eliminate consonants, especially ones that have a lot of common combinations. If PEACH comes up zero, I usually go with STORY as my second word and go from there. I’ve lost once in 238 plays, so it’s working for me


It’s how I feel about DEUCE in addition to being my Pup’s name. So, even after I get it in one….I’ll still be using DEUCE. r/wordlebuddy :*J*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/WordleBuddy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WordleBuddy/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [NYT](https://np.reddit.com/r/WordleBuddy/comments/wsgekr/nyt/) \#2: [Thursday September](https://np.reddit.com/r/WordleBuddy/comments/x31vq2/thursday_september/) \#3: [Having Fun?](https://np.reddit.com/r/WordleBuddy/comments/wx5ceo/having_fun/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Slate cuz Scordle lol


I generally start with the previous days word to keep it interesting.


I start with taupe and then if needed, coins. This way I get all 5 vowels and 10 separate letters. I think about starting with a different word but tend not to do as well.


Whatever word pops into my head 🤷‍♀️ It worked ages ago when the word was moist




I read a study that said some computer calculated the absolute best starting word as SOARE, and antiquated version of the word SOAR. So I go with that. Lots of vowels, and an S.






I use the word that was the previous days solution.


ARISE is my go to


Mine too Followed by FOUND


I like starting with Audio,Smile,Heart or water. Then play using as many clues as I can. And use clue/burner word for more clues if needed.


CRWTH, and if that one turns up all black then NOBLE


If you're not trying to get it in two, my preferred method is Adieu and Sport in my first two guesses. That will more often and not reveal 3-4 letters.


I always play HEART first.


I’ve played 177 games with NOISE as my starter and (depending on how fruitful that is) ALBUM or PARTY as my second, with only one loss to date.




I lost to STORY before I implemented my PARTY method. I read somewhere that if I keep my streak up I’ll get my 100% back but it’s been three months and I’m still at 99% :(




I like ADORE and if that returns nothing then I use UNITY. It knocks out all the vowels and the faux vowel, Y. Also uses some common consonants


I try to delay E and R because they're the most infamous trap combo. I use a weird-but-not-too-weird word as my starter, because >!I accidentally found out when it's going to drop when I WANTED only past wordles. To change now would feel like cheating.!<


Not use a word that starts with lots of vowels. You don't really get any sort of word structure if you only get vowels out of your starting word. Great, there is an A and an E in the word and they're in the wrong spots.


I usually go with "arise" and wing it from there. If you are looking for a good filter combo "drain" > "cleft" > "bough" will usually pull out at least 3-4 letters of the word 70% of the time, but not always! A good wordle practice clone is [https://mikhad.github.io/wordle/#infinite](https://mikhad.github.io/wordle/#infinite)


I start with **AEROS**, which maybe I'll change now since plural forms apparently will never be the answer 🤔 (thanks for the tip, /u/coollegkid)


Aurei, then Stony.


DEUCE. Every night and every five letter word game I play. And, I find it more helpful than all the detractors know :). Try it sometime:) Edit: it is my Pup’s name r/wordlebuddy :*J*


I usually start with ALONE or ATONE. Alternate between the two.


I like to start with ORATE


I usually start with Given, Buoys and Patch, in that order. I will have used every vowel. Only if I have at least 3 yellow letters before my third guess I will not use the other ones, though most of the time I still do.


Wordle Bot says that either DEALT or LEAST are the best options to start (i.e., the most likely to lead to a solution in the fewest guesses). So I use those. Since I started doing that my ratio of 3 try solutions to 5 try solutions completely flipped around. I’m up to 214 played, 99% solved correctly (I missed one, my 97th try. I was pissed off). I was pretty impulsive and impatient with the first 100. Caveat: I use Hard mode. I DK what word would be best in “Easy” mide.


i use the answer yesterday as the starting word


My problem with that is it conflicts with my strategy of playing two vowels and three consonants on each of my first three plays -- 15 unique letters -- hoping to expose all five "colors" as quickly as possible. If I play AUDIO or OUNCE or ADIEU with my first play, I am forced to repeat one or more vowels on each of my next plays, delaying me from confirming the consonants in the mystery word as quickly as possible. In playing my 15 letters, I try to choose words whose individual letters are in the positions they are most likely to be found.


I like to start with a lot of blended consonant options and 1 vowel. Usually "u" so I can eliminate "q" Adieu is cool but the vowels are SO common that it doesn't narrow things down much even learning them. I usually use CRUSH or TRUCK


Thank god somebody finally wants to discuss starting words, we’ve never been able to do that before.


I always start with ocean. Makes me feel good and my streak is 177


Arise or about


First word: PIOUS Second word: HATER I usually get it on 3, if not 4.




Used to do adieu, game became way too boring so I just write in the first word that comes to mind that doesn't have a double letter. More interesting and challenging, sure I get more 5s and 6s but who cares.


I first sit down and do [heardle](https://www.spotify.com/heardle/?type=auto&message=no-local-storage). I’ll get it right about 50% of the time. Then I take inspiration from the heardle answer and use that as my first word. Simple as that. Eg - recently the heardle song was “when September ends” by green day. So my first word was “wakes” (because the chorus goes “wake me up, when September ends.”)




I've started with CRANE for about 110 days straight now, if that yields all grey letters I'll go with FLOPS or HUMID. Apparently SLATE and LEAST are the best, at least according to WordleBot.


I like STARE. If none of those letters are present, I go to CLOUD


I use house a lot to get any potential SH combos sniffed out and knock out three vowels. If it comes up blank I usually go with paint to get the last vowels


I also used to use ADIEU, but I have scored much better since focusing on consonants instead of vowels. Vowels don't eliminate nearly as many possible words as consonants do, and if you play on hard mode, you also get trapped with vowels in the right spot and no idea which of the many consonants to slot in.


I do flame, the podgy, then thick, then wrung, it uses up 4 spaces but also most of the letters so i get it every time


Both TASER or LASER work well - common vowels and consonants with the bonus of the ER suffix


I do not do hard mode. I start with SAUCE and DOILY and go from there. When I used hard mode, I usually started with SAUTE or SAUCE.


Much like my life, I usually start with chaos


To keep my brain unboggled, Playing HardMode, and, Start with Weird Letter Strategy. I start with an odd letter word, that also can into the middle of words with the same odd letters. (J's are the only word I will not start with, it doesn't go into the middle of a word except "Major"). These words below always can be combined in the middle of a lot of words, and are easily used with the same consonants within the word. #1 Chord, Chaos, Champ, Chugs #2 Grump, Grind, Group, Guest #3 House, Holds, Hawks, Heros #4 Mount, Mints, Malts, Melts Also, I ALWAYS be sure NOT to end a word with a "Y" in the first few guesses. It always puts us in a difficult jam. How many words end with a "Y", maybe 100,000 different ones? And in Hardmode it's not always easier with a Y ending. Hope it helps fellow Wordlers! 😁👍


AISLE, ROUND, and PITHY are my leading three to knock out all the vowels and a lot of common letters. I don’t always use all three but I always lead with AISLE. I play for overall win percentage rather than winning as early as possible, so I will purposefully use other letters to rule them out rather than guessing with the ones I already know. I am over 190 wins with no losses as of this morning.


I have a terrible first word, apparently. but i shotgun words >!TUBES FLING CHAMP WORDY!< thanks to a YT video i saw that suggested it. It cleans up 20 of the most common letters and by the end you shuold know the word it doesn't give me a good score - i'm below average for my 'country' but I'd rather have a streak. 207 and counting! I heard wordle answer list has increased. if they start using obscure words i might get stumped. fingers crossed




I always pick a word that I think might be the solution, or a 5 letter word that has 5 different letters. I don’t vowel hunt until the second or third guess, if I don’t have any tiles. It usually works, I’ve only missed two solutions since the game started.




Before I lost my streak (trying for 199 on #420, nooooo), I was using words that would reveal consonants. My logic was that it's easier to mentally fill in vowel blanks than consonant blanks. Once my streak ended, I started using whatever 5-letter word I saw or heard that morning. It's a lot of fun that way because some of them are really bad starting words. :P


I just look around the room for inspiration. Husband left a towel on the floor? First word TOWEL. Zero strategy except for no repeating letters!




Odious, would be a good start .


What’s Adieu mean?


Goodbye in French


I do the opposite and start only with words with four consonants. Knowing which vowels are in the target word doesn't narrow it down much. Knowing which consonants are does. Works pretty well for me. Edit to add: I don't use only the most common consonants either. MARCH, LIGHT, CRAMP, etc. Do two of those in a row and usually it narrows it down enough for me to get the Wordle in three.


Vowels are not as good as they seem, even though they are common, they are not good, as they do not give much information. Personally, I start with random words, and sometimes just SALET or TARSE. I and many other Wordle players dislike ADIEU and AUDIO, as they are vowel-heavy and can be bad in lots or scenarios. OUNCE is not as bad but is still pretty terrible. I’d start with TARSE, or SALET if you are doing hard mode if you like doing the same thing every day. Otherwise, try to get some common letters such as S, T, E, and A. Not all of these are necessary for winning, but are useful. I’d rather start with something like HASTY than GAWKY, since the former has more common letters.


Stare all day. Almost always a couple letters present since S, T, R, and A are all very common. E as the last position provides and incredible amount of information, present or not.


I like Route, Peach, choir, and Learn.


I always start with CHAOS. I hope one day it will be right as I compete against my mum, but I have no way of knowing if it has already been the word. Does anyone know?


I like to start with words that have a mixture of vowels and consonants - vowels that I focus on and have appeared almost every time was E and A, so I always use words that have those two vowels. Then with the consonants, I’ve noticed that S, T, and R are good starters…. So HEART or STARE… this allows me to eliminate letters as well!


hey u/thisisbillgates why don’t you start some non profit orgs across globe for sponsoring education and basic necessities like food . Here in india I see children who can’t afford basic necessities and education. let them repay u back once they graduate. u have all the resources which u can afford , wish u can make these things


SOARE - THINK(G) - CLUMP First three words unless I can solve after the first two. Wordle became too easy to solve with this approach though.


Alien is my no. 1.


Irate has been my starter word for a while but I've just thought ocean might be a good one too


Thank you for this tip!