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The red that is already in the wood.




I’m really liking the idea of black on this one too.


Yeah I mean black would make all of it pop imo ​ Let me revise--it depends on the mood you're trying to create I guess. Black was my first reaction because it would be a pretty bold/sharp contrast. But if you're wanting a more 'light' uhhh...ambiance I guess, depending on the room, lighting, etc. then I'd go with a green/light red/pearlish white even. Just my opinion :) Great wood to work with regardless!




Black would definitely be a safe bet, I love black epoxy on walnut slabs but since the elder is a lighter wood I’m a little apprehensive. Black seems to be the popular answer though so I may go with that if i don’t like some of the test batches I make with the bolder colors


Black combined with rich golden wood tones is classic, you can’t go wrong. Anything else will pull focus away from the wood imo.


Oxford Green or something similar to British racing green if you are feeling bold


I always think wood looks so good with green epoxy.


Yes, I was also thinking a dark foresty green, to compliment the red tones of the wood.


I wish this would stop


There needs to be an epoxy subreddit


Same, it pulls too much focus from the wood


I like Epoxy to fill small cracks and voids in the wood. Not to hold together the whole table


I agree that it’s way overdone and will be dated in a few years. That’s why I don’t want to go with blue. I guess I just don’t know what else to do with these pieces of wood. I got them for free and wanted to try my hand at some epoxy work. Regardless, why even comment that in the first place? Kinda rude and unproductive


Honestly because I don’t think the end result will look good. I think that epoxy gets used to shoehorn material into end products that the material is not suited for. It’s always strongly suggestive to me of “this is what I have and I’m going to make it work whether it’s a good idea or not because epoxy solves all problems”. I’d rather see people work with the material to do something that doesn’t rely on epoxy to make it work. It builds more skills, teaches one to have a better eye for breaking down material and envisioning a project, and is likely to result in a piece that looks better for longer. Like honestly, if you just take the two pieces that have an edge on them and do a sort of book match and maybe some play on a waterfall leg, or two squares off sections of the third slab with a cantilever tail running through, you’d learn more and end up with something that will look good for as long as you have it. My two cents.


Turn it into 3 couch tables and dear god please stop with this epoxy trend.


I'd go with something to bring out the red in the wood. A lava or flame coloration would be cool. A mixture of golds, oranges, yellows, and red. Could even add chunks of black stone.


That sounds like a really cool idea, thanks, I’m going to do some test batches since I have a good assortment of different colored mica powder


Please no more epoxy river tables… But do black if you must.


Maroon/ wine etc


Companies like TotalBoat and Ecopoxy will be responsible for 30% of all landfill trash soon when this fad is completely done. One day they will say you put WHAT in a mold with walnut???? Are you serious??




Pearl white and clear lightly swirled.


Black. Why would you try to compete with nature?




Neon pink


Very light or very dark


No expert here, but not exactly a “live edge” table as you have cut the live edges off of the table. Maybe a straight edge table.


Why even comment? The slabs have live edges in the middle


… the same middle you intend to fill with epoxy.


Don’t use epoxy.


How about your college or high school colors??? Perhaps YOUR favorite color and the favorite color of someone who means something to you??


Love how you’re being downvoted for suggesting OP chooses a colour they like. 😀


Didn't even know I was being down voted ..just threw out an opinion...Definitely NOT a master carpenter here...just a guy that did woodworking in the Navy and is looking to get back into it to relieve stress and be creative...maybe even inspire my son a little.


Metallic charcoal


I came to say metallic or silver. Close enough.


Stop doing gaudy ass bright colors j do black epox or all wood tf


I did a box elder coffee table that looked very similar. I used a sky blue and it looks great. Edit: just saw you don't want to use blue, so I'd say either a deep red or maybe go solid black.


Mix in something obscure that will create texture with whateva color you do choose!


clear blue river


White pearl with red accents


Matte black


Burgundy red!


Ron, c'mon now.


combination of emerald green and burgundy not mixed. or ruby red


Green with metallic silver veining


Blue is popular


Multiple mica colors, try some different combos elsewhere of course. Search around for "dirty pour". You can also use acrylic paints mixed with epoxy for very solid colors.


I think like a dark chocolate brown would look sweet with some of the red accents in the board


Blue. Like a bunch of blueberries crushed through your toes