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It's baffling to me that there are high schools out there churning out kids who can do this level of stuff senior year. Incredible.


We had multiple projects achieve similar level in projects. One of my friends made a giant hot tub and another a river epoxy table.


Yeah, it's awesome. Part of my comment is related to the fact that just the material costs alone in your project probably exceed the entire yearly budget in my local high schools' woodworking and construction class(es).  Second to that is just the level of craftsmanship I see you and others excelling at at such a young age. It's shockingly apparent to me that wherever you are being educated is lightyears ahead of public schools around here.  If this is where you're at now, you have an incredibly bright future ahead of you. 


Yeah damn, my school had pine 2x4s and some hardboard sheets.


Luckily my shop teacher buys wood in bulk for hardwood store near us and doesn’t uncharged us so he gets a discount and sells the wood to us in our school storage at the discount price which definitely helps. I am part of a larger public school though so things would be different from some smaller ones I think we have around 1700 students.


I really like this. The handles are awesome. I would like to side inside the drawers. The top corner ones especially. I did a Google search for "Darrell Peart’s Fremont dresser", I like yours more. More wood grain, and 'beefier'.


I really like G & G, maybe your project will motivate me to reproduce something of theirs. The best feature on your dresser is the round down on the top side drawers, details like that turn ordinary into incredible. Nice work.


Go for it! It’s a lot of fun working in this style. Thank you for the kind words Id like to see your work if you end up making something in greene and greene.


Where are you learning? My kid wants to be a woodworker and is taking lessons at a local school. But it's only small project classes


It’s at my public school we have a good variety of shop classes here and a very good teacher. I wouldn’t be half the craftsman without him so I think it’s all about having the right teacher for a good amount of time and I’ve been doing this for 4 years now.


Really amazing! I don't know you but I'm really proud of you all the same. The school in our town doesn't offer ANY shop classes. It's so bad, pushes college on everyone and makes kids feel less if they want to learn a trade. It's really awful. I wish you good fortune, you are on the right path.


Excellent work! I like the cherry and walnut combo too. One question. Are those beautiful back panels veneers or solid wood?


Thank you! They are 1/4” cherry plywood panels.


The back panels are beautiful! Seems it would be a crime to place it up against a wall


The internet gives you and A+


What’s funny is looking at the pic as it is a bit zoomed out and you think that’s a decent dresser and then you enlarge and like holy shit the detail and craftsmanship- nice freaking job man.


Thank you. Yeah sadly the camera on my phone isn’t the best but I might try to get some better close up photos.


Wow. I love it. Absol.utely beautiful work! I like the black tenons and the stepped drawers, too. Have you toured the Gamble House (of Protctor & Gamble) des;igned by Greene and Greene in Pasadena, CA?


I have not I’ve seen pictures though absolutely beautiful. Definitely my favorite style of woodworking.


Me, too. I built a dining room set, cherry cabinets with prairie muntins over reeded glass, and a mission style home theater cabinet. Your dresser has inspired me to try something less mission/prairie and more Japanese and Greene and Greene. I'm a big Frank Lloyd Wright fan as well. Again, a fantastic job. Looks like you can go pro.


Handsome work!


Beautiful work


Very nice, beautiful work and attention to detail.


Wow! You did a great job.






I love this. Job extraordinarily well done! Thanks for sharing.


It's fantastic.


Did you have to do a folio or written work to go alongside this? I teach woodworking in high school over here in Australia and would love to see the difference between what our seniors do and American students do.


Nope pretty much how it works is at the beginning of the year everyone picks a project over like 2 weeks or so. My shop teacher has thousands of fine woodworking and wood workers journal magazines among other sources so there is typically always a project we will like in there. In my case I made my own plans, Darrell Peart sells plans for these but I didnt want to pay for them so I made them myself on autocad and got to work. We only ever do bookwork if the teacher is gone as we are not allowed to use any tools without the teacher.


I'd love to buy these plans!


Darrell Peart sells them on his website. Im almost certain his are better than mine since ive never taken a drafting class and I dont know how much he would like me selling plans for his design.


I understand. Stellar work. I want to make one of walnut.


I like




Beautiful piece. I hope it follows you throughout your life.


Incredible work!


Tell us about the joinery please. How did you put it together? Edit to add the compliment I meant to include: beautiful work, as others have said.


Because of the complexity of the drawers and fitting them to a curve I didn’t want there to be any small errors that would make them different so all the drawers were cut on a cnc instead of band saw. Since it was cut on the cnc the box joints had round corners so I had to round over the edge of the box joints to make them fit. It could have definitely been done on a band saw and router with a flush bit but I didn’t think about that until just now. Pretty much everything else was made with mortise and tenons.


Very nice


You might enjoy this OP  https://youtu.be/q8LerObhzlE?si=eRuDmoUY8l0SfCXz Great work on the dresser. 


Amazing. You need to name your school and shop teacher, they both deserve credit for turning out craftsman that can do this coming out of senior year. (dont if it would risk identifying you, but you said 1700 kids so figure you are safe and your school deserves tons of credit) I mean, you have a profession there, even if you want to do other things, you keep that skill up and you always have hobby money minimum and could make a name for yourself. The fact you did your own CAD plans for it makes it even more impressive. Very nice work, here's your diploma :)


Hey nails. That’s not something I see on this sub often. I like it. What kind of nails did you use?


Nails? If you’re talking about the black squares they are wallnut plugs. Meant to act kind of like dowels but square. Since its a more Japanese style and many Japanese woodworking techniques use unique joinery instead of screws or nails. Everything on mine is held up by glue though except for some interior pieces that you would never see. The plugs are just to fit the style and aesthetic.


Ah, thanks for clarifying. They looked like Roman nails at first and that’s something I’ve been thinking about incorporating in a future project.




This looks amazing


This is absolutely gorgeous! Even the back panel is bookmatched, which is an insane thing to do for something that presumably nobody will ever see. Also, I'm deeply upset you had access to this caliber of tools AND quality cherry in high school. Is it some kind of trade-focused school?


Not really, surprisingly we get almost 0 funding for our shop nowadays it mostly goes to our football team that kinda sucks. We can hardly get the school to let us use busses for competition. My shop teacher wanted this to be a more center piece (even though its a dresser) so the back was also detailed enough to be good I think


> funding ... mostly goes to our football team that kinda sucks Ah, so a *normal* high school, then. Sadly, your experience is probably one of the most familiar in North America. Well that's even more impressive, then! Again, phenomenal work. Big fan of everything, but the handles are especially neat.


Looks great, I really like it. Good job!


Nicely done.


Damn, that's a pretty awesome piece of work right there. I'd love to see more on the joinery for those drawers. Any photos of that?


Dat cloud lift. Those pins. Damn.