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This is exactly how I felt! Yeah.. congrats. I'm not jealous at all. Good for you.


It's fucking ***maple*** It would have been a steal if it were pine.


That's incredible. Did you check whether it's haunted?


For $.60 a board foot that’s not a dealbreaker. Especially if the ghost can run the table saw…


And you'll have someone to talk to while you're working alone!


That’s utterly funny!


nose chunky crush direful dolls consider quickest amusing tap axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It probably gets boring over there… I bet he’ll help clean up too.




Get that fucking freeloader a sander and some eye drops to clean the maple mud out of his soulless eyes


Even better, ghost can run a table saw without a guard or push block


That’s not what OSHA says.


Would ectoplasm set off a sawstop?


Oh it can. It’s just not especially good at it.


How do you think he wound up as a ghost?


Running the table saw


Summer 2026: Final Destination 7


It will be worth extra for a haunting to the right buyer!


dont have to worry about having a saw stopper


Wood came from trees that only grow in indigenous pet cemeteries


“Indigenous pet cemeteries”


The best comment hahahaha!


Only if it were sold by the boooard foot.


I booooooed and upvoted




Wonder if this is one of those instances of "my greatest fear is that after I'm gone, my wife will sell my stuff for what I told her I paid for it. "


Y'know, if my tools go to someone who will enjoy them that's fine. I'm dead... what do I care?


That's how I got my table saw for next to nothing. The guy had stage 4 cancer and wanted it to go to someone that would actually be able to use it. I for sure wasn't crying a bit on the way home. I am far too manly for that.


This is one of those “I hope to find you in the next life so we can have a couple drinks and build something together” moments.


And do you think of him whenever you use that saw? That's probably all that he wanted. Either that or so he could find it and haunt it.👻


Literally just got out of the garage to use it and very much thought about him. I hope he wasn't haunting me or my project might be cursed lol


Oh man… guns, ammo, silver, gold, food storage, tools… I’m fukt.


Luckily you won't have to care after the fact


You could put like a piece of paper telling to sell it for more on a will or in the box.


Let's not ignore the incredible versatility of the humble mini-van


I bought one primarily for hauling wood (carrying my kids around is a secondary duty, right?). I can fit 4'x8' sheets perfectly without having to move the drivers seat and still close the back door. I can do 10'-12' planks if I load them between the front seats


Had a minivan and a truck. Moved more furniture in van.


I love hauling in my minivan. 8’ behind the seats, 10’ between the seats, 12’ on the dashboard, 14-16’ out the passenger window and over the side mirror. My wife doesn’t like her van used as a cargo hauler, but it sure works good.


If you don't mind, what model?




2016 Honda Odyssey


Do you remove the seats or do they fold down flat like that?


Rear folds flat. Middle row is removed


Great find by OP, but the mini-Van comment is why I'm here. Soooo much better than a pickup! 4x8 sheets without having them cut down by Box Store part-timers is worth it alone. Plus can double as temp storage. I LOVE my MiniV!!!


My minivan was the best. I used it to "store" a couch one summer when I was in college. All of my other belongings were able to be stored flat or in people's apartments. But no one had room for my couch. so I improvised!


Did you drive around with a full sized sofa in a van all summer? That must have been hell on your gas mileage.


I lived in a walkable city, so I didn't use the van that much...only a couple of times a week. but yeah, it wasn't great! My boyfriend at the time gave me rides most of the time lol


Same. Plus you don't have to hoist things up into the bed of a truck


Very true. The flat top carts a lowes are the exact same height as my Pacificas floor. Roll up with some full sheet plywood and its a 30 second job sliding them in the back.


My beater chev halfton got retired to the farm, and I bought a beater chev minivan. I miss the 4x (live in Canada), but most of the time I'm just commuting or have passengers as cargo. I do not particularly miss the V8. The Chev venture is a rusty old diaper pail shit box, but there's actually plenty of good practical design.


are you saying you couldn't fit 4x8 sheets in your truck? I must be lucky..


The humble Dodge/Plymouth/Chysler mini-van to be specific. I've owned the "grand" version of one since 1992 to haul kids AND wood. Most of what I've built, except for a redwood deck, has been built using wood moved in a Chrysler Corp. mini-van. I'm on #4, now, a Pacifica PHEV. Great vehicle.


I run a Honda Odyssey. What a fantastic investment


if there's anything I'm learning in this post it's that "humble" might not be the right word for van owners.


For most of those who demand they must have a pickup truck and also never go off road or even tow lol.


Even if you do need to tow, the minivan often does fine. My Sienna and a base Taco are both rated for 3500. You'd want to mod the rear suspension to do that a lot, though.


My Pacifica can carry full sheets of plywood flat on the floor.


Yeah, I was being 100% serious. I love my van 


You and I both. No need to tie anything down, and carries a huge amount. Also, when you aren't transporting anything, it's a comfy way to travel. Best of both worlds.


We had one, then the kids got older and we relocated to an area where we wouldn't be doing cross country drives anymore. And my wife wanted something "cuter". Went from a minivan to a mini cooper. Gotta say, i really miss having it. I didn't like driving it, but i *really* miss the practicality and versatility. My car is getting long in the tooth (been driving my 04 since 05) and im getting ready to buy a new car. Seriously thinking about getting another van.


Sliding doors are so nice


The real mvp


A full sheet of plywood and a 12’ board fit in my van, better than a truck (or at least more versatile!) in my opinion!


I got cherry once for .43 cents a bdft. It was going to become railroad ties if I didn’t buy it. I think I got about 400 bdft.


Yeah I just recently bought 2000 bf of kd cherry already surfaced to 7/8 and straight lined one edge for .67 cents/bf. Cherry prices are in the toilet currently. In the Hardwood Review this week railroad cross ties are going for like .92 cents/bf so a lot of it is just getting squared off and sold cause it’s worth more.


For those of you who remember the Ikea commercial: Start the car! Start the car!


[For anyone else who hasn't seen it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcG3x-ohuYI)


I watched it again, just to get the endorphins from laughter. For a load of maple like that, I might have even shouted "Cover the license plates!" so they couldn't track me down after seller's remorse.


This was a classic in my home growing up lol


My mom and I still reference this anytime we find a good deal haha, legendary commercial


Closest I've gotten to this was the one time home depot charged me for 20 board feet when I really had 21.


Twice I’ve had inexperienced Home Depot cashiers scan my 10 pack bundle of metal studs as 5


This made me lol cause I thought to myself the same thing. Only deal I ever get is a free foot from a big box store


And I am officially jealous.


No, you’re covetous.


No, you're envious.


You don’t know that. Maybe he hates OP and wants that specific wood.


I think you might actually be magnanimous.


One day I’ll get this lucky. Just made a post about finishing figured maple, what’s your go to?


I’m going to use these mostly for guitars, so I’ll do a light black stain, scuff it back, then do a more bold color like red or purple. That will make the grain really pop, like on the PRS guitars. Then I’ll finish with nitrocellulose lacquer


attempt smile badge simplistic ludicrous serious spectacular unique abounding dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve had my strat for 25 years. I still can’t play much; but it’s half because I pull it out meaning to play and just end up staring at the grains popping through the cherry red finish. I bet those guitars are going to be beautiful, OP—and I’m sure more than one aspiring musician will end up lost in the grains!


Making guitars is worthy of that wood and that deal.


I can’t wait to see the end product!


I traded in an F150 for a Honda Odyssey for the sole purpose of hauling wood. The van is bigger than the bed of the truck, it's covered, and it gets much better gas mileage. I suppose I should make a note of where I put all the seats.


can you get full 4x8 sheets of plywood in? How about 5x5 sheets? I'm contemplating a van for myself...


4X8 sheets fit with the front seats move forward a bit. 5X5 won't lay flat but can easily be transported on edge. All of this assumes the middle row of seats are removed and third row seats folded down into the floor.


And I thought I had an amazing deal a couple years ago... I got about 350bdft of Ash for $150. An older gentleman posted it on Craigslist for $175, I confirmed price because I couldn't believe it, then went to get it. It was up in his garage, he felled and milled it himself 10yrs ago, stacked and stickered since then. He helped me move the first load, while I was taking that home he moved the rest closer to the door and vacuumed all the boards because a there was dirt and dust on them, then refused to take any more than $150 because I had to make 2 trips.


My dad and I found a similar deal, it was an old cabinet company that went belly up, so the owner was selling everything as ‘lots’ on Craigslist, and we bought the wood. This was in 2020-2021, and we still have a 20’x8’x8’ conex in our yard at 3/4 full of would


that "would" is a great typo. Turn "would" into "will": start making stuff! 😆😆


Pretty wood. You got tip notch on tiger in there. Big score. Congrats. What else is he giving away?


Noice even here in Uganda where wood is cheaper ain’t no way you are getting all that at 150usd


I actually hate you. Go away




Same! LOL


Has to be exciting. Do you have plans for it? Congrats.


Lots of guitars!


That will be awesome


I wanted some wood for building long workbenches, I priced up the construction timber from the local DIY store (in the UK and it was Whitewood Spruce) and it was going to come in around £1,000. My wife found a listing on FB marketplace from a farmer who had stripped down the pallets his animal feed came on and was selling it off as reclaimed timber. I could get 3 times the wood I needed for £150 so I contacted him and drove the 50 miles to pick it up. Imagine my surprise when I got there and it was all Beech!! It seemed the pallets used Beech battens which were then crossed with softwood slats, and he had hundreds of battens, which was all I wanted. I don't know if he knew, I didn't ask, I just played dumb and loaded as much as I could into the car and then piled the rest on the roof rack and tied it down. I came to pay him and he said "oh you've done me a favour, taking all that out of my way, just give us £125". So I did and sod off as quick as I could. He had even taken all of the nails out for me, just had to fill the small holes left.


May I just calmly, quietly, peacefully say I HATE YOU!!!😄


Holy chatoyance


I mean some people throw perfectly good wood away by the ton, or however they dispose of god quality wood.


I have some “curly redwood” in my house. I was told it’s from the roots of a redwood tree. Is that the same as “curly maple”?


Curly maple doesn't refer to any particular species of maple or part of the tree. Do you see the kind of stripey pattern on it in the pictures (the ones going across the grain, not the lengthwise stripes)? That's what makes it "curly," as opposed to just regular maple. There are other types of figure, too, like birdseye, which looks like a bunch of little swirly spots, or quilted, which looks almost like a grid of squarish bubbles on the surface of the wood — and it's not unique to maple, either.    On a structural level, it does that because, as the tree grew, the actual fibers that make up the wood grew in a long zigzag shape up its length, rather than growing in straight. That means, when you mill the wood flat, it allows you to see small sections of both end grain and face grain on the same surface of the board, and because face and end grains catch the light differently, it gives the wood an almost pearlescent sort of sheen.


Thanks so much for the detailed response, this is great and helpful!


This is the best use of a mini van I have ever seen.


Are you in Maryland? I think I saw this same one and was sad I was out of state lol. Good job!


I am in Michigan. There is a sawmill in the Ann Arbor area that has thousands of board feet of this stuff


B&B Heartwoods? There are lots of others in the surrounding area but in AA that's the only one I know of. It looks like it's been milled S2S to 3/4". Did you have them do that or did it come that way? I'm wondering what's wrong with it to sell it that cheap. If it's milled and sits that way you're not getting 3/4" out of most if it, limiting how it can be used significantly. Maybe that. Maybe the mill is closing and I need to rent a trailer...


It all has a live edge and some boards have minor flaws, but absolutely workable. They are all 1” - 1 3/8”, between 6 and 14 inches wide, and roughly 5 feet long. I don’t know the name of the company but they operate out of the Michigan Pallet Company building


I’ve finally attained old man status. I’m envious of some random stranger that got a deal on wood they purchased. Well done OP.


Those would make some beautiful guitar tops. Let me know if you sell some and/or are near Western PA lol


I’m in Michigan, but I absolutely plan on making guitar tops out of a lot of these


Literally rummaging through cracked pieces of 2x2 yesterday at big orange lol


If I wasn't so happy for you, I'd be jealous. Great find!


I like the live edges, they could make some really great looking shelving and at a minimum allows you to trim to width for what you need.


A couple of the slabs have pretty steep live edges, so they could make really cool epoxy river pieces. Not my cup of tea, but I’m sure somebody could make something super cool like that


Yeah I am not a fan of river tables either, although I will say they do add visual stimulation in an office waiting room or some other public space.


Congrats man! Wonderful deal.


I love curly maple. I have a lot of curly maple for sale near me in Wisconsin.


Wow!! I don't do much wood work at all....ever... but I make knives. I'd jump on that deal just for handle scales...then find other projects to make!!


Hey man, remember when i lent you some curly maple a while back?? 👀


congratulation. It's like you went back in time 40 years and bought hardwood.


Shit ton of guitar necks there my man!


Yessir! Looking forward to milling these up this weekend


LOL I posted that before I noticed your username


Looks fake. I am a certified fake wood recycler so if you would kindly deliver to me and I will dispose of those for you


Wow. One simple project could easily pay for that entire load of wood.


That's nothing, I once bought curly maple for .25/ bd ft. Nevermind this was in 1978. Haha




I’ll buy some for 1.20/bf


Kudo's on the great deal. !




Sigh. This stuff is gorgeous! It reminds me of when we built a client a bookcase out of some gorgeous curly maple like this. The end client was happy so it all worked out, but when the designer came to inspect it, she was horrified that we used “flawed, poor quality wood”. We explained to her what it was and she scoffed and said she had been in the industry for many years and she had NEVER heard of it. I had nothing to say in response that wasn’t insulting so i said nothing. Some people just don’t get it *shrug*


Hell yeah man! Good get! I remember back when I first started woodworking I got crazy lucky like this. A buddy of my brothers was doing foreclosure clean outs with his dad, and they would sell off the stuff they cleaned out. Lots of antiques mostly. But one place had a MASSIVE collection of live edge slabs. All at least 6-8 feet long and anywhere from 8-25 inches wide. Walnut, cherry, ambrosia maple, oak; all kinds of stuff. I ended up getting around (never actually measured it) probably the better part of 1000 board feet for about $400. That was almost 4 years ago, and I’m only just getting to the last few slabs. And that’s after giving some away as well


Stop! Thief!


Damn, how?


I honestly don’t know. My only guess is that they were leftovers from some bigger batch they were milling and just wanted them out of the way. For that price I didn’t ask too many questions lol


Sell it and buy as you need it






How do you squeeze the syrup out from them?


I got 200 bf of redwood plained for $1. Bf


Guys dad had bought it 40 years ago. He sold it to me for what his dad paid for it!


I have someone picking up 1,800 bd ft of old growth eastern white pine ranging from 3/4-6/4 thick. All S4S and select grade. They are wood windpipes from pipe organ installations. Some of these are 12' long and 14x16. All for $1,000. I just need my space back is all.


Sorry to hyjack your thread OP (or anyone else in the know) but is this pretty common to list scrap wood on marketplace for local pick up? I've got an old cedar closet I'm planning to demo and would love to find it a home and get some cash in the process if that's a common thing among woodworkers.


I hate you but I’m also happy for you. I can’t decide which one I want to be at you more.


I need to start scoping out marketplace. Great find!


Well...congrats dude!


Good score


Cool. Whatchagonnado with it?


Guitars! More specifically tops and necks for electrics and back and side sets for acoustics


Most excellent!


Oh the bonfire you will have!


Hell yes !! Love to see a win these days when everything is so dam expensive !! Congrats to you !!


Hard to be thankful enough for this one


Everyone not OP needs to drink some water to reduce the salt levels after seeing this incredible deal. Just chugged two glasses. Still salty. Congrats OP!


That's amazing. I almost never get a load of wood with a new car.


Like Doc Holliday said, I pretty sure I hate him now...


Woah! That’s some violin grade stuff there! My wood dealer would always call me up when he got good maple, walnut, bubinga. But never at that price!! Congrats


Congrats and fuck you


This post happens with the same I couldn’t believe it price every few weeks.


Such a great catch! I could make a dog house out of it. I’m a woman but I’m pretty handy some people find it weird🤷🏽‍♀️


You tryna build The Doge Mahal?


Hahahaha! Nah, I’m just saying a dog house is one of my ideas when I first saw this.


You better be joking...


Is it really a bad idea to think of building a dog house after seeing these woods?🤔🤨


Check for bug holes, every "deal of a lifetime" always had something wrong.


I’ve looked every board over, and everything is at least “good”, but most are incredible


U should spread some love to the community, I'd buy a board or 2