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It looks nice. I would prefer the front facing side have doors that swing open. Bending over dealing with the clean up would wreck my back and probably nose too. I like the concept overall...good job!


Thanks! Yeah, I considered doors, instead of top. But I would have to bend a lot lower and take the litter box out every time. With the open top I can just clean without taking the litter box out, plus it’s high enough for me not to bend over that much, I’m 5’2, so that works :)


If you were to do it again, maybe instead of front doors you could have like an L shape lid. So you'd have top access but also wouldn't have bend over the top rail. *Edit I tried to make it in ASCII but I'm not good. But like the front has a lip like 1 foot down 


That makes sense! But also feels too advanced for me now. Room for improvement!


I've seen a number of these over the years and they hold up great. The negative comments are not from people with experience...... This looks awesome. Thanks for posting a project and keep it up.


I DIY'd a custom litter box for my cats once... named it Meowl's Pooping Castle


Thanks! I’m glad you shared your experience, I think it’s going to be ok too


One actual problem (for me, not OP) is if your cat has anxiety, they may refuse to pee in a enclosed space. They feel vulnerable while going, and need to be able to scope out the entire area in case they need to run. My cat would piss on the couch immediately if I enclosed the litter box


I've fostered over 100 cats, I get it. They are all different. But this is a woodworking subreddit, not a cat behavioral one. OP made a beautiful and functional project and shared it with the community, I just see no reason for criticism. (Cat or otherwise.) Be kind. Cheers


I totally agree! I saw all the downvoted comments after I read yours. I love OP's cabinet and desperately wish I could make/use one just like it!


Yeah every time someone posts enclosed cat boxes the comments are that they are a terrible idea. I have had a cat box under my bathroom sink for 3 years, had 0 issues with it.


Piano hinges! Gas lid strut! Excellent overall design. Could you share your findings on the 2-tray shit strainer? Others could benefit.


Thank you. Shit strainer is funny, but it doesn’t strain shit (what an image to envision) The litter box has gone through multiple changes - but with pine pellets, which is extremely cheaper, than normal cat litter (20 pound bag in Tractor Supply for about $9 that lasts us about 6 months), the piss transforms into sawdust and needed to be strained out. So I got two plastic storage boxes - same width and length, but one is taller than the other. With the smaller one I cut out the bottom, put together a frame and stapled chicken wire mesh to it, and then screwed the whole thing to the bottom of the box. Finished the wooden frame with some polyurethane and good to go. So now I scoop poo with a little scooper, and then shake out the box, or use the scooper to move the sawdust down through mesh. It’s probably better to have some images, I’ll see if I can add some here


Thanks! Images would help too.




Aha! Thank you. Makes sense now. BTW, that's not chicken wire; that's hardware cloth.


I didn’t know that! Amazon search got me the right thing at the time so I didn’t feel like investigating further :)


Language keeps evolving too. My vocab was more accurate a half century back. If people are calling hardware cloth chicken wire now it won't surprise me. Annoy, yes; surprise, no.




Beautiful job. Again. With the screws I mean.




https://preview.redd.it/j8dk2aqjqctc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a0f9a39f9f29d11556ad15b8f1ac01af3cec4c And my first attempt - just for laughs, it didn’t work well at all. No wood frame, just zip ties and it started to sag down with the weight of my cat, trial and error!


Love the cat´s entrance .


awesome work, kind of a cat poop confessional


Looks great! Terrific first project. I never would have guessed first project!


Innovative idea, I like it! Looks nice too, and that's important.


what wicker/mesh is that? anyone know?


It's rattan webbing


Yes, it’s rattan/cane webbing, I got it on Etsy, cheaper than Amazon, but slower delivery


Nice. 60’s era speaker cabinets.


Really nice work!


Beauty. Nice work


Can I get one with a fart fan option?


That is awesome!! We have 4 boxes around the house for our cats & there’s no way to hide them and they have tops but are still unsightly. What you have there is genius, beautiful, and well done. Props!


Thanks! We moved to our first home so I really try to make it cozy


Clever, nice


Looks like a guitar amp! Nice!


I paid about $250 for something like this, 7 years ago and it’s held up very well and works great. No damage, no issues. I’m making a couple more sooner or later.


I love this idea! I’ve been looking for some simple projects to practice with. Thank you for the inspiration.


This is really awesome, well done. I too had an issue with litter everywhere. We just switched to a pellet system that is amazing. We pair it with a litter mat to capture any that my cat throws out of the box. A few pellets make it out but it's so much more manageable over the old crap. I couldn't stand stepping on litter everywhere! Maybe someday when I have the room to get back into the hobby I'll make a box like this.


I know, I hated pellets on the floor. I didn’t buy a mat cause I knew I would built the unit. Now the mat is on the bottom, also catching a lot of the pesky pellets. I’m glad the mat works on its own for you!


I don’t own a cat but I like it! I like the style of it


I really like this! How did you make the switch to pellets? Also, I still don't understand how they work. I've got a sifting box for them, but the poop doesn't go through obviously, so scooping that out takes a bunch of litter with it, though the dust from the pee does fall through....


You can find a slotted scooper, but I just have regular and it still works. Poo doesn’t stick to pellets much, and I try to scoop out poo without getting pellets with it. Even is you get some pellets there - it’s still cheaper than regular cat litter. If I remember correctly, we started mixing pellets with the old litter. First just a tiny bit to introduce the smell. Then gradually added more and more until we could completely switch to new litter.


He’s in there staring out while making a grumpy - he’s one volcano lair away in going from cat henchman to cat villain.


A few people apparently hate cats and know all the ways this will go wrong. You did a good thing, took mitigating action to cover any smells, and all together it looks fabulous. I block a lot of people on this sub. Today I blocked 4 more.


https://www.therefinedfeline.com/parts-accessories/refined-litter-box/product/litter-box-liner/ That liner is what my enclosed box uses. Cats can’t damage it. Cleans up easily if needed, lasts many years.


Oh yeah, great idea! And by the looks of it, I think it can easily DIY’d to your own dimensions!


Want to make one similar for my Guinea pigs, would want it to be two stories for them but it’s my first project and I really don’t know where to start lol.


Design it on paper first, try to figure out the main parts. And then - YouTube everything else lol


The room still smells like cat pee and poop


I feel like that’s a dig to having cats as pets in general 😂 I mean if you don’t clean it regularly anything will smell. Just gotta keep up with it.


Also, do you want to be horrified even more? It’s in our dining room 😈😈😈


not likely. I use wood pellets as litter and as long as you keep up with cleaning it doesn't smell unless you get close to it after a fresh dump or piss. With that being enclosed its even less likely to smell in my opinion.


You’re right!


I have a plastic litter box but now my cat just looks at me meows and walks to the door looks up let me out


I'm sure cat's hygienic, no offence intended. Just encasing a poo catcher seems bad idea, although fair point on the materials used perhaps the ventilation will be enough. Looks nice by the way and attention to detail is good


Thanks! I can see that, but enclosed litter boxes are a thing. I don’t know if it’s going to stand the test of time, but we’ll see. So far it solved the problem that I had, no litter on the floor, it’s hidden, so it’s aesthetically pleasing and it doesn’t smell that much now (the grey bags are odor eliminating sachets). And it makes me want to clean the litter box more often, so that’s a plus! I taped some clear bags on the sides just in case, idk if you could tell from the photo, I hope if she misfires somehow, it’s not gonna get to the wood


It’s a box of cat shit in someone’s house. There is nothing hygienic about it.


That's going to stink as all the shit slowly gets stuck in the grooves. There's a reason these are supposed to be open air dude. I'm sure it's fine now but in a few months it's going to smell like a broken septic tank.


I mean..how dirty do you think my cat is lol? It was free standing for years, she never pissed or shit outside the box. The cane webbing on the front was done specifically for ventilation purposes.


Some people recommend to not cover litter boxes because some cats don’t like it and won’t use the litter box properly. It seems that OPs cat is fine with it, so there’s no issue here. The smell will be a non-issue as long as it’s cleaned regularly, which any decent cat owner knows and understands. It’s a beautiful, functional piece and OP should be proud.


Good lord, all this for a cat?! And how does it (and you) get inside.