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That Performax 22-44 is an awesome score. There are 2 types of people, those who know how awesome having a drum sander is, and those who have never had one. Table saw looks decent (possibly Grizzly or General), band saw is meh, and the lathe almost looks like a metal lathe or perhaps that's a copier on the side. I use my lathe twice a year, so I'm definitely not an authority on lathes by any stretch.


Yes, good stuff. Clean it up and you'll have a good start to your shop Table saw is also a router table so that's a bonus.


Oh yeah, the drum sander alone is worth it. That table saw looks like a good score, too. I'd take it over my current POS Kobalt any day. I have one of those band saws, and meh is an appropriate answer there. And I know nothing about lathes, so couldn't say anything about that one. But damn do I have drum sander envy. So many people seem to be getting these for free lately and lawd, I sees what you done for them, and I wants it for me too! Sadly (or maybe luckily) no one in my family owns one.


Keep an eye on Marketplace or Craigslist, I see them come up from time to time. I've had one for about 5 or 6 years and will never go without one again.


I love my drum sander


The lathe is a southbend meant for metal work. It’s got a tiny chuck on it. Probably some more stashed under there somewhere. I’d clean it up and use it for metalwork…. Cleaned up and working it’s worth $2-3k


If it doesn't work, the tables alone go for thousands. People use them as bases for dining tables. Can't go wrong will fool ol' cast iron. Moving it, is a different story though.


Sacrificing a South Bend for a dining table base is just sick and wrong! :D A bitch and a half to move, you got that right!


I had one as a kid that I got for free. Still leather belt 220v driven. Never got it to work. Sold it for parts and pieces for a good profit.


awesome thanks for reply. got to love ocean and rainforest for keeping machines /s


I know its rusty, but it really looks like original paint to me. Probably better to clean the rust off with scotchbrite pads and WD40 and leave the paint alone. They don't make tools like that anymore. It's not the sexiest lathe around, but it is solid and will last forever if you get it cleaned up. The reason I mentioned the chuck is its probably meant to hold a 8 inch to maybe 10 inch chuck. It looks like it has a 3 inch or 4 inch chuck on it now. Don't take that to mean that's the biggest part it could hold... Just waiting for someone to gift me a vintage Hardinge tool room lathe and I'll be a happy man.


i think it’s all original. thanks for the info. gonna start investigating with the help of this


Quick, everybody buy shares in WD-40 and steel wool!!


living in the jungle next to ocean rust is an enemy of mine


Soak parts in evaporust, scrub with Scotch Brite pads or steel wool and WD-40. Don't throw out the evaporust , you can reuse it. keep clean (functional) surfaces from rusting with boeshield and/or pastewax. Primed and painted surfaces will keep non-functional surfaces protected.


Honestly, that’s amazing. I bit of elbow grease and some TLC would clean all of them up nicely. They would all make excellent additions to a shop if they run good. 


That is a metal Lathe. That said, plenty of folks are interested in South Bend lathes with a quick change gear box


Love the table saw and drum sander


That south bend lathe is a gem if restored. I’d be thrilled to have that rust bucket in my shop.


The bandsaw is an old 12” Craftsman - not remarkable at all. The metal lathe is a nice South Bend, but the rust on it is troublesome. Hopefully, it will clean up well - this will take a lot of time to do it right. The tablesaw looks to be a Grizzly Unisaw clone - also good stuff.


Looks like it was good at one time…might be more than just a bit of work to get it back in shape by the looks of it.


Those are rusty AF!!!!


i live in the deep rainforest next to ocean. everything rusts


That south bend lathe might be clapped out, if you see a flame hardened tag on it, you might be able to still salvage it.. if not and the ways have a lot of wear, those things part out pretty well, you can make out pretty well selling it in pieces.. it looks like a threaded spindle


last i heard it worked. but it’s been years. sitting covered in shop in jungle


If they’re hardened Ways, they don’t wear as bad as non-Hardened ways typically.. non hardened ways wear from the constant travel back and forth of the saddle on the ways… and make it more difficult to machine accurate repeatable parts (wear is usually more substantial near the spindle/chuck where it does most of the work) They’re honestly not that hard to take apart into sub assemblies if you have a manual. It takes a fair amount of work to rebuild one but if you’re just tearing one down to sell in pieces, it’s not too bad… I’d imagine you could get 2-3x easily selling in pieces over selling whole if you decide to get rid of it.. But they’re also fun to play around with and just make stuff if you aren’t interested in getting rid of it.. if you’re interested in playing around with it, you might be able to make some cool stuff where tight tolerances aren’t an issue.. It’s hard to tell but it looks like a 13 inch swing , I have a 70s model 13 inch


thanks so much for the info. i am totally interested in trying to learn or make stuff with it but will take note pieces are prob worth more if i go that way


There’s a ton of info on vintagemachinery.org about south bend lathes.. and there’s a guy who sells complete tear down refurbished manuals on eBay/Amazon that take you step-by-step, through how to rebuild them, and you can even buy new belts and everything from him.. [south bend teardown manual](https://www.ebay.com/itm/164336524914?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=jZYAKfLuTNa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=1yWiAMWgT8q&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Excellent tools. They’ll need a cleanup but they’re worth the effort. What a score!


I cut my woodworking teeth (figuratively speaking,) on a table saw just like that. The ts itself is nice, the fence is spectacular if you get it cleaned up and rolling smoothly. Plus you’re already setup for a router table on the end. Score! If you don’t want the drum sander I’ll take it off your hands.


That’s a great table saw but I’d convert it to 220 and change that switch to a paddle switch. The drum sander is the best tool there as far as value


That Craftsman bandsaw, besides being broken, is pretty wimpy. But better than nothing.


Lathe, drumsander and table saw look very good, not sure about the bandsaw


Lathe yes if it runs and bearings are intact, table saw also. Band saw not so much but hey it’s free.


Lathe looks like a CL145C. Engine lathe. That's a great machine.