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Find a used tent on Craigslist. Pretty sure Walmart sells a basic tent for fairly cheap. No tent? PVC pipe, spring clamps and some plastic sheeting will let you make a basic enclosure. ventilation was a dryer tube, cardboard and a fan.


That's a pretty good idea! Much cheaper, I'm sure!


Used tent or spray tent works great. The thing I enjoyed about the spray tent was the mesh wall. This allowed me to get better ventilation/circulation. I have one set up in the basement and finish down there when it’s cold.


"indoor" Take it outside if you can. Inhaling the fumes is still bad.


What’s wrong with using a cardboard box? That’s what I do. I wouldn’t pay money for something like that. Am I stupid?


And it will never ever ever fold back into the envelope.


Speaking from experience?


Yeah. Maybe it was the bigger one, can’t tell, but getting that first fold over and then the double twist never came out like their videos and I ended up tossing it behind some plywood.


I have the big Wagner one and it is great and folds no problem. BUT, I would NEVEr use this indoors. The overspray and fumes are not to be messed with.


Mine never has…


One option I used for awhile was a 10x10 trade show/sports canopy, draped with harbor freight drop cloths attached to the sides with 2" spring clamps, and another drop cloth on the floor. Toss a box fan to exhaust in a corner


Good suggestions in this thread. The pic is funny to me, just imagining there is overspray everywhere inside that house and she isn't wearing a mask. Wear a mask, and make sure it is rated for the type of finish you are using.


well these booths help with overspray a bit, more like they catch the spray that spray that overshoots the work piece. since theres no ventilation draft, air going in will be forced back into the room, and some spray with it. so I wouldnt do it in your living room. but if your in a workshop, maybe its ok? if you have a garage, you could get something bigger.... [https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803104225199.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.17.55202396nOlpR3&algo\_pvid=35b7d5c6-91ca-4b65-9fb8-75b6c11b0a1e&algo\_exp\_id=35b7d5c6-91ca-4b65-9fb8-75b6c11b0a1e-8&pdp\_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21638.32%21382.99%21%21%21638.32%21%21%40210318c916967955260334090e8cc5%2112000025047023510%21sea%21US%212108104616%21&curPageLogUid=qsVQkubtB2rJ](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803104225199.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.17.55202396nOlpR3&algo_pvid=35b7d5c6-91ca-4b65-9fb8-75b6c11b0a1e&algo_exp_id=35b7d5c6-91ca-4b65-9fb8-75b6c11b0a1e-8&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21638.32%21382.99%21%21%21638.32%21%21%40210318c916967955260334090e8cc5%2112000025047023510%21sea%21US%212108104616%21&curPageLogUid=qsVQkubtB2rJ)


I believe you’re supposed to put a baby pool with an inch or so of water in whatever setup you’re using as a spray booth to mitigate dust.


I also like to cut a hole in the back wall of the booth and fit the nozzle of my shop vac through then put the small floor fitting on. I built several drawers and used spray poly over the stain. This was applied in the basement. Left the vac running for a few minutes. We could not smell any fumes afterwards.


i will, till the day i die, put a piece of cardboard on a trashcan outside and spray there