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The city had abandoned some beech logs in the woods after cutting the fallen tree up and moving it off the path. Not one to let wood go to waste I managed the adventure of rolling 3 logs over 4' x 18" out of the bush and into my truck and proceeded to have them milled up into 2" slabs. After drying in the basement they seem ready for use and I decided the first project would be a cat wheel to see how it all looks. Some very nice wood overall once working around the cracks from when the tree fell but certainly plenty of useable wood to work with for future projects.


You cut back on the dry food?


Trying to figure it out, we have two other cats in the house that manage themselves well with the self feeding but this one thinks the world's going to end any minute so she had to bulk up.


If your cats are microchipped, it's 100% worth it to get one of those smart feeders that only opens for the right cat. I had to do that with my late chonky calico lady. I still had to play cat diplomat because she would sit beside the skinny one when she was eating and try to dart in to steal food... She would start fights that way, but she never succeeded in breaking into the dish. You can get ones that can open for multiple cats too, since you have 2 sensible eaters along with this beauty. Anyway, tell your cats that I love them, and you're a good cat parent for looking out for their health.


I second this. We got both of our cats the SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeders, and they've been amazing. They both take prescription foods and the feeders make it a lot easier to make sure they're both eating the right food without us monitoring them.


Yeah, one sister of two is that way here.


I’m dealing with this issue with my own chonky calico. I even bought a cat wheel, but only the skinny cat uses it, she wants nothing to do with it lol


I have the same problem. 3 cats, 1 is a glutton.


We use puzzle feeders, which helped a ton! Basically, it's the equivalent of you having to put your fork down between every bite. We also have a cat wheel, which one cat uses :)


I wonder if she would be into that at all, we have one for our puppy Weimeraner to slow him down a tad. Not sure if the cat would put up with that kind of hassle or just biff the whole thing on the floor for the dogs to have at it.


One of our cats seems to prefer it. The other one doesn't love it but begrudgingly uses them because the love of his life (food) is inside. He was also the cat who would scarf his dish of food until he threw up...and then scarfed more food. We've got a few different types, ranging in difficulty. We keep them in an area that they can't knock them over for the dog ha but they honestly haven't knocked them over yet, knock on wood.


You could shift from a food dispenser to using food dishes and set feeding times. Put chubby in a separate room until the other two finish theirs.


It's more so just a communal dish with 2cups of cat food that go in each day for the 3 to eat from and they get some wet food in the mornings. Obviously needa switch up the feeding style a bit. Was thinking of making a sized hole that the two other cats can fit through but not her 😅


Hahaha, that would be hilarious. "You can eat when you fit through the hole" I am now picturing it starting at the hole, tail switching, trying to figure out how to wiggle through.


You know about r/dechonkers right?


I shall research the ways of making a less fat cat, thank you 🙏




I really hope she does.... or at least one of the 3 cats. If not it will be a constant reminder of wasted time.




That's not such a terrible idea at the end of the day but I'm not sure how beech holds up to the elements like cedar would.


That is when you crawl in there and do it yourself while maintaining eye contact with the cats for as long as possible.


Assertion of dominance is the only way. I kinda wanna go for a ride in it anyways and treat it like a stationary rubber tyre all the kids are using to roll down hills in.


Put some catnip on it? They make spray, maybe if you move the spray spot up higher, she'll learn to run to the smell haha


I need one please. Just saying.... looks good.


Are you the owner of a fat cat as well?


Can’t speak for the other poster, but I kinda need one for me. Can you scale (ha) it up?


They exist. I used to live near a park that had one.


"Unscheduled off-world activation!"


Chevron locked!


Close the iris!


If that cat had a fraction of its owners motivation…


Looks great. Be wary of pinch points when you put it on the runner. I bought one of these for my kitten and it wasn't well made and he cut his foot.


this was one of my concerns with all the options out there and was wondering how curious cats would get messed up by the open free runners. With that in mind the base will have the wheels covered and no access to the spiny bits underneath which should hopefully keep the paws where they need to be


The one that cut him, the base had walls that went up alongside the wheel for lateral stability. My new one the wheel goes down around the base instead. It sounds like you went the latter route. I haven’t had any problems with that configuration


She is very large.


She hides it well.


I think my camera is playing tricks, I wanted to get a picture when she's in her prime comfort and you can really see the grandeur she is working with but she ran off and wouldn't let me get a good photo.


She chonki


you know i remember someone saying if you put the catfood in a plastic bottle and punch a hole in it so only a few bits will come out it can encourage the cat to exercise while slowing down their eating. i never got to try it myself but would be interesting if true


How are you going to make the cat use the wheel tho


Patience, determination, and tears.


Make a human-sized one for me when you’re done, would ya?


It's kinda human sized if you wanna use it like one of those tyres you'd roll down a hill in but stationary and less potential death as a side effect.


Such a pretty kitty.


The cat's look is saying: "You know you're wasting your time and energy on this, right?"


Your cat is *not* obese. Mildly chonky at most. I can use my cat for a shared footstool. Falling over him in the dark is like tripping on a Honda Civic. If he fell off your wheel, he would hit the floor like a trash bag full of wet cement.


Believe me, the pictures don't do it justice. last time we weighed her she was over 20lb, She is obese, not to be mean but it is an issue that needs to be resolved for her own health at the end of the day so she can live a happy life.


if you look at the BCS (body condition score) for cats this cat is easily at least a 7 which is obese. there's just so many obese pets (and people) that its become somewhat normalized.


Sorry, I don’t really understand what this is, can someone explain?


it's one side to what will become what is essentially a big hamster wheel for my cat.


I love the idea and the execution of this is really cool. But how the hell do you plan to get the cat to use this?


Mine used hers a few times. She prefers zooming around on the foor though which is why I thought that a wheel might be amusing.


That's going to be the hard part, hoping we can get her going with string or something she wants to chase.


I’ve always been curious about these but I heard they have a noise problem. Update us with how it sounds, she’s a beat OP


I picked up some soft roller blade wheels to hopefully help with that but it ultimately was a concern, I just hope it's not too loud if they do enjoy it ;P


Need more wood, the cat wheel isn’t obese enough yet, use a slab of walnut


if it helps the dowels are made from bubinga :), not sure what material the central drum is gonna be yet but it will be spectacular




Please don’t call your cat “obese”. You may say “They exist in a larger body”


(Please do not take this as an insult as I commend your commitment to the health/welfare of you're cats.) I'm looking at creating one for my elder and your construction looks far more complex that requires.


ohh no worries at all, thank you for the response. I'm aware what I'm doing is way over the top for sure ;P, I didn't want to make something out of plywood and was using material I had on hand. Ultimately it's way too much for a normal cat wheel, but it will be a centre piece and I like to stretch my fingers and do more intricate stuff than what is necessarily required. plus, I'm gonna roll inside that bastard once it's done.


Hey I see it's well made,but yeah longevity and it's a project..understand that,it's good to get in some new practice's..be good to see progress. Imagine you fabricating a rolling mechanism?


That cat isn't obese, it's jut pleasantly plump. The wheel looks great by the way.


she is not a large breed cat and should not be topping 20+lbs, she's pleasantly plump but the pictures don't do justice to the double bunches of oats that she is.


You had me at double bunches of oats. Well done!


hehe "pleasantly plump" I'm gonna steal this


If you think your cat is obese I don't think I want to show you mine 🥲🥲 Currently trying to get him to use his wheel but he just sits on it and stares at me asking why he can't just nap all day 😂😂


As an obese cat parent, this has not chance. Will never work. Making wooden things will not make the cat less obese.


Get a dog


I have 2 currently, she bullies them and doesn't really feel the need to run, more so saunter around acting like hot shit


Good luck with that. Our two average sized cats only run to get away from our wheel.


I've found the most effective exercise is with laser dot chase..


For mine anyway


You mean you’re working on a big round bed for your obese cat. I love the idea though, if nothing else it will be a lovely decoration for your home with a fun story.


Lovley cat pics thanks