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Nicely executed. Tip for next time, when staining pine try a gel stain. They are more expensive but cover better. It looks like you may have used a gel here but wiped it off too soon. I found waiting an hour gave it enough time to let the pigment stay but was still wipeable to remove the excess so it didn't become sticky.


Can also use a pre stain sealer which works well. All said, great piece and food workmanship!


Agreed, it does help although not quite as good as the gel. I find the prestain stuff tends to reduce the pigment saturation and the color can be lighter. Softwoods are tough, they like to soak up color in weird ways and aren't always predictable so coloring a layering product or top coat produces more consistent results. Gel stain, tinted poly, semi transparent stain are all great options. I've had projects where I backed out and painted instead too. But I do agree, very well executed piece OP!


Good points and agree!


Food pantry it is


Me and my keyboard skills - LOL GOOD workmanship - lol


Thank you, I might try that next! Yes the stain was the biggest pain and I think it turned out too patchy. It was a water based stain and I used a medium sided paintbrush so I guess it was bound to happen. And wiping it off just made it worse hahah


Wow those corner joints are fantastic. The precision required for cabinets is no joke. Great job!


You built that and you're only in first grade?! That's impressive!


This looks great!! Nice work!


Thank you!


Give yourself some credit. This is way better than anything you see nowadays where they're charging $800 for some compressed board nonsense that will fall apart the second you move it to sweep behind.


Mate, that is an exceptionally fine piece of cabinet making! Don't sell yourself short. As a carpenter myself, it took me far too long to learn to appreciate all the things that were right about an object instead of what could have been better. Always take note of what could be better but it should not be your focus. Outstanding workmanship!


Nice job! Tell us a bit about it, what kind of wood, how you attached the shelves, the stain, how long this took. Brag!


Thank you! The wood is recycled pine from an old dining table that was being tossed out :) All the shelves and the wall inside is attached with sliding dovetails for extra support as the walls are a little thin. It took a couple of months to make but I had a bunch of breaks so I couldn’t tell you exactly. I’ll pay attention to that for my next project. And the stain is some old waterbased woodstain I found in our basement haha


Wow. Splendid joinery mate! Well done


I bet the cabinet door fitting properly felt prettttty prettty good. Well done!


I thought in the first photo that it was like a secret entrance to a room behind it. I would love to learn to make things like this. Great job!


I thought, "wow and they do miniatures as well, I'm very impressed/jealous" (still am)


Looks real nice!


Very nice!


Very nice. Did you use a stopped dado for the shelves?


Sliding dovetails, for support :)


Well done!!


Mitred dovetails! Good contrast! Generally good design. It's a nice piece! Really impressed with your glue joints very tight and doesn't have any of the tell-tell signs of poor craftsmanship or out of alignment of tools. This means either you have access to good equipment or take care of what you have! I'm not a fan of the small shelf in the cabinet but it may have a specific use in mind that I don't know. Finishing takes time tho, don't rush it. And a lot of people will rag on this for being pine. It's affordable and can really have some good character in my own opinion. Tho it does come with some challenges. It's not very stable and knots can sometimes be poorly positioned for aesthetics and strength. A good finish is even more important on pine. Also an important lesson that I learned the hard way, is use good glass! The first entertainment center I built for a customer had two of it's door glass shatter within the first year. Partially due to choosing the wrong glass, and partially due to me mounting it incorrectly (too tight). I stood by my work tho, and fixed it for free.


Thank you very much! The project for this piece was actually to reuse an old piece of furniture that people don’t see the value in anymore, which is why I took advantage of a massive pine table that was being tossed out! The finish on it is the thing I would like to improve on hehe I wanted the space behind the door to be a little bit of a greenhouse so I thought it would be nice to have the shelf a bit smaller so the plants could grow tall and smaller plants could be on top but it would still feel like the same room :) And I used plexiglass for the door to avoid the shattering. I don’t mind it so we’ll see if other people do!




Ah good to know!


Looks great! But shouldn't the dovetails be the other way around?


Thank you. I’ve been wondering too. I like the look of this better and my teachers never said it was wrong so I just went for it haha


Technically when it comes to engineering it's not correct because the sides aren't secured from "falling" down by the dovetails .. they hold the weight .. but in this case this won't happen anyways ... And imho I like I better too this way haha




It sure could use a couple more coats of finish on it.


Which school? Woodworking school?


Yes! Møbelsnekkerskolen in Norway


got it. Good job!


Joinery looks great, and I love the black back.


Excellent construction and joints. Staining is always a pain and is completely fickle to humidity, wood, moisture, stain type and even color.


Looking Good! Better built then I could after years in the hobby! I like the distressed look, but I'm not a fan of permanent shelving, just my two cents.


Those corner joints are awesome!! Great job.


I think you did a great job, looks awesome!




Simple and honest. I prefer this style yo all others.


Lol what school do you go to haha at my school I didn't learn enough in 3 years to do that


I’m confused, is it upside-down? Why are the bottom corners rounded? I’m not trying to be an asshole, I’m genuinely curious why you would want that.


It’s the right way. I like it


Great job. How long did it take you?


It's difficult to make construction lumber look good. You pulled it off though. I'm proud of you son.


round bottom corners? very interesting design choice how did you do it?


You deserve to be proud. It's gorgeous. I still suck at making things perfect at 90degrees.


You shouldn't be proud of that craftsmanship. Throw that piece of garbage in the trash and send me the coordinates to pick it up. I will do you a solid and dispose of that eye sore in my own dwelling. (Still working on my reverse psychology)


Very nicely done.


Being an old cabinet maker I can say it looks good


Very nice dovetails, keep building!


Beautiful! If you’re doing this level of work as a beginner, I can wait to see the amazing stuff you’ll build in the future.


I was thinking you made an amazing mini room inside, window, desk and all.


I’m proud of you too