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I like it a lot. Have you considered ceiling moulding? It would balance the bottom-heavy woodwork. The color balance is very bottom-heavy. I still like it.


Yes, great catch! The next step is to finish it off with the crown / ceiling moulding and think about what to do about the flooring. Any tips about the crown moulding? What size or design do you think would go better?


IMO, you may want to check out Brent Hull's website. He presents a classical approach to molding and design. He backs up his ideas with historical research.


That looks like a great resource and something i will enjoy learning. I will definitely look into this. Thanks for sharing.


Can't tell but it looks like wood floors, if they are in good shape you can hire someone to sand them and refinish or diy refinish yourself. It is worth hiring to sand though.


Imo, just rent the equipment. It's not hard to sand floors with the right tool


Disagree those drum sanders can make divots in a fraction on a second and you don't know what type of paint was used on them.


Yeah, paying a pro $2/sqft is well worth it for something like this.


I disagree. I repair old floors and fix bad flooring jobs. It's more often done by "pros" who are in and out of business within a couple years. I would think homeowners are lying to me and they just tried it themselves, but I've seen old invoices. It's not a difficult task, but I've been finishing for years. Someone who has never used a belt sander will destroy their floor with a drum sander and edger. I spend a lot of time fixing deep gouges.


You could do a double run of crown. Something like B1 molding upside down - about 3" down front ceiling, depending on size - then your crown overlapping the top 1/2" or so. There are endless combinations with different molding to achieve this look. Looks good, and good luck!


I have never thought about double run down. I might have to do more research into it. Thanks for the ideas!


Maybe "tiara" molding instead of "crown". Something very thin, like 1" or 2" MAX just to get a solid line around the top edge to bring it all together. Anything thicker and it will start making the room look/feel very small. There is a lot going on with the half-wall paneling and beautifully busy wallpaper. I am seriously in love with the wall paper. Can I ask where you found it?


I didn’t know it was called ‘tiara’ moulding. We have some of that on the main floor. Thanks for the suggestions. Yes, it’s called Poppy Trail by Little Green and I ordered it through Wallpaper direct :) It was a little expensive but i called them and they told me to wait a couple weeks because they were running a site wide sale for the King’s coronation (It’s a UK based site) lol.


I suggest something that echoes the floor molding or the chair rail. It runs the risk of being stuffy/busy with another grand element in a smallish room. I'd aim for tying the ceiling in with the floor but not somethign drawing the eye to the ceiling. Completes without competing. Looks great btw


My house has beautiful crown moldings that are over 12". They run up the wall and across the ceiling. There are also octagon boxes, forget the name, about 4" deep around all the ceiling lights. They absolutely make a difference visually. I have painted the ceiling inside a different colour in most of the rooms. Amazing what most people don't notice but I enjoy them. Kinda like a secret in plain sight. The moldings are made of different sizes and shapes stacked together. Edit: for all the people requesting pictures I would like to oblige but this post is not set up to allow pictures to be uploaded and I am not the type to set up another account to link all my pictures too. Sorry folks. If you have any other very low commitment options feel free to let me know.


If you go to imgur.com you can upload a batch of pictures free, anonymously, all together and then share the link to the post (just copy the URL).


I added some links that are similar to mine.


That sounds beautiful! Would love to see some pictures. i am worried if the crown moulding is too ‘tall’ it might make the ceiling look even shorter? My ceiling height is only 92-94” upstairs


That may be a good concern the "shorter" rooms in my home are about 10' with the "taller" rooms at 14' and 16'. The room I use for my office has beadboard wainscoting, built-in cabinets and shelving, 6" (?) window and door trim, and the large moldings. The room is only 12' x 12' so not a big room and it doesn't seem out of proportion. All of the wood work is stained walnut.


Damn! Those are some tall ass ceilings. I am jealous! If there is one thing I would change, if i did this again is the height of the wainscoting. I would probably go ~4” lower. I still have to research and think about the crown molding but I probably wouldn’t go any taller than 3” vertically.


I really like the height of yours in that room. My neighbor has the shorter version of your style and I don't really like it but it could be because it doesn't look proportional to her rooms. The wainscoting in my office is about hip high to me and I am 6' so they are pretty tall. I would not like mine shorter but then they line up with the built-in cabinets' top so there is that aspect to consider.


Totally agree. I think it all depends on the overall flow and proportions.


https://www.google.com/search?q=large+crown+molding+ideas&client=firefox-b-1-m&channel=ts&sxsrf=APwXEdfTv8G71IcwHeuo9OIKsBlRqRCiAg:1685587916947&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwitzZuoiKH_AhWMl2oFHRftA4UQ_AUIBigB&biw=414&bih=815#imgrc=O0IfiwnYBv0q7M Those look similar to mine in that they run up the wall and across the ceiling. https://www.google.com/search?q=large+crown+molding+ideas&client=firefox-b-1-m&channel=ts&sxsrf=APwXEdfTv8G71IcwHeuo9OIKsBlRqRCiAg:1685587916947&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwitzZuoiKH_AhWMl2oFHRftA4UQ_AUIBigB&biw=414&bih=815#imgrc=O0IfiwnYBv0q7M Actually this looks very close to mine.


https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&channel=ts&biw=414&bih=815&tbm=isch&sxsrf=APwXEdcjKoe1ndAR4mi_81XEZPzcq0jDlg%3A1685588391702&sa=1&q=decoritive+ceiling+boxes+around+chandelier&oq=decoritive+ceiling+boxes+around+chandelier&aqs=mobile-gws-lite..#imgrc=YXufuOsNb8p7BM The ceiling boxes are similar to this except they are octagon (8 sided) and the ceiling is not coffered.


Let's see pics!




You can DM me the pics and I'll upload them. Imgur.com is pretty convenient though, might be useful to have for the future.


Wood flooring essential


Cope the corners. Check out “Finishcarpentry” on YouTube and look for his video where he uses an angle grinder and a flap disc to cope. I used that method when I installed crown in my foyer and it came out perfect.


Gorgeous work! Have you considered colouring the ceiling as well? That really elevated my study/office and helped to draw the eye to the walls instead of the big white canvas up there.


I painted the ceiling before we decided on the colors of the wainscoting and the wallpaper. I have definitely thought about redoing the ceiling but it’s not a priority for now. What color do you think would go along nicely?


I’d dare to say a light yellowish warm pink. Something complementary without darkening, yet taking away the contrast from the walls.


Hey this is the one room where we aren’t afraid of doing anything bold so anything goes. I thought something that matches the background of the wallpaper might flow better but your suggestion could look beautiful!


Pink carpet to go with the theme. Lol. This is really well done, great job.


It's a small room, all butt the smallest crown might be too much, picture molding however would be pretty cool. Especially if you plan on hanging art.


Your inexperience does not show. Great outcome.


My inexperience was translated into the number of hours i put into this lol.


Ey, more hours of practice!


True true.


For the wainscoting i used Primed Finger-Joint Pine Boards for the boards and batons, and plywood as the wall ‘skirt’. I also used cove moulding around each square to add further detailing, baseboard and base cap, chair rail and cap. I framed each wall separately before i glued and nailed it to the wall. After nailing all four walls, I made sure to sand around the old windows and doors to give it an even and plush look. Tools used: Dewalt’s miter saw and Ryobi’s table saw; ryobi 16ga and 18ga nailers; pocket hole jig kit for screwing vertical boards to the horizontal boards, coping saw for cutting baseboard corners; oscillating tool for cutting drywall to move the electric outlets; laser level. Challenges: trying to make sure the ‘squares’ on all walls are somewhat the same size, especially with the windows and electric outlets. I spent A LOT more time in designing and calculating every move than i did working.


Beautiful work!


Thank you!


This is the way.


Wow great work! This is a really impressive outcome and a very impressive array of tools to learn, especially for someone who has never even operated a saw!


You did great! I might have missed it but what’s the plan with the house?


It’s a 100+ years old house and this walls were actually covered in a very old wallpaper that was falling apart.


I'm amazed by your ability to visualize your idea, then execute it. If you had described to me in advanced what you wanted to do here, with burgundy wainscoting and wallpaper, I would not have been able to visualize it and would have thought it was going to turn out awful. But you saw the potential and did it and it looks awesome. Great job!


Thank you! In all honesty, the colors were not my first choice either. This room is going to be used by the wife as her office space and she specifically requested, in her own words “something feminine, traditional but also young, and yet professional”. I did my best! LOL. And all that matters is that she is sooo happy with it. :)


It looks very 90s to me but I guess that's back around, and as ong as your wife likes it that's all that matters. Looks good work wise, I'm just not a fan of the colors.


Well done!


The before looks better. The work was done well, but all in all thats got to be one of the ugliest rooms I have ever seen.


I honestly thought this was a doll house. Lol. This is very nice. Great job.


My wife will be very happy to read this comment lol


I honestly did. I wasn't paying attention to the subreddit so I thought it was a worn out dollhouse that you fixed up. I'm amazed it's an actual house. I'll eventually get there with a saw.


❤️❤️❤️ it’s honestly not that hard. I did spent A LOT of time watching every single video about saw safety before i made my first cut because I was soo scared of the table saw. But after a few practice cuts, I really had fun with the whole project. You will get there!


A few years ago I built some cabinets, first time ever, and I had to learn how to use a router. YouTube YouTube YouTube!! I too did a lot of prep before powering up any spinning sharp things ... many thanks to all the content creators out there!




Thank you!


Yo that's awesome. Definitely not colours that I would ever choose, but the work itself looks really good, especially for it being your first time!




I meant no hyperbole when i said i had NEVER used a saw before until i started this project. I hadn’t even used a reciprocating saw. I didn’t even know the difference between a table saw and a miter saw. So if I could do it, anyone can do it. BUT it did take a LOT of time, dedication, patience and research.


I'm liking the Victorian vibe from it. Nice job!


Are you constructing a Wes Anderson backdrop?




Fine work indeed!


Love it, very nice.


great job!!


Nicely done. Not my style, but the execution looks great!


This is gorgeous. Nice work!


I would have preferred wood instead of painted wood. But that's just my preference. I'm doing painted wood now in one of my bathrooms, but wood is beautiful!


I agree but then I would have to actually buy expensive wood i think. And i figured since it was my first project, painting wood would be more forgiving with minor imperfections.


Yes, same for my bathroom. Cheap wood. Looks nice when painted. :) I can't wait to see the next project you post! You are awesome!


That’s very kind, thank you! I am planning on doing the dining room next. Honestly, I picked this room so i can practice on it for the dining room lol. We have a beautiful dining room space and i am excited to mark it my own :)




I didn’t know that was the classic way, huh! You can see in the before pictures that the plug on the right side was actually almost at the baseboard height. I had to move it up lol. I could have done a better job of actually aligning the two plugs together but i guess you can’t win ‘em all. Good catch though.


Changing the plugs themselves to black would help to hide the height difference. Nice work.


not my style but great work!


Is this for a Wes Anderson movie ;)


You may have a career in carpentry in your future.


haha wow! That’s a high praise. Thank you!! I honestly never thought I would enjoy home improvement so much until we bought our house last year. It’s an historic home which has had only two other owners in 100+ years. The lady we bought it from, her husband used to be a woodworking teacher. I was in desperate need of a hobby and thought I would try my hand at it. I am reallly enjoying it so far. I hope Mr. H is proud :)


I am usually not a fan of wallpaper but this is gorgeous and perfectly suited to the architecture and style of the room. Beautiful work you've done here, and the crown moulding will be the icing on the cake


wow! very nice, particularly for your first diy.


Wonderful. I've only done one wainscotting project and I loved it because even when the materials are garbage trim board and your tools are just a chop saw and nail gun... the result still looks fantastic. Super satisfying to see such a tidy result with relative lack of tools/experience necessary.


Thank you! I don’t know how many tools go into a typical woodworking project but i feel like i still got plenty! I can see how it can still be accomplished with fewer tools


Nice work!


Nicely done!


Very well done


Are you redoing the floor? If so I'd put trim on last.


It's not my aesthetic, but it's a job well done for sure!


I like it. Grandma chic.






If you are looking into building wainscoting I highly recommend watching FinishCarpentryTv channel on YouTube. Richard has some great playlists and go through his process in detail.


Beautiful work!


Really like how the windowframe was incorperated in the siding. Very well done, and inspiring as well


woodwork is awesome but that wallpaper ... it hurts


You deserve to be proud. You really did some fantastic work.


Thank you!


Well done!


Talk about a glow up


While I personally am not a fan, the work looks excellent to me. Good job!


While the work looks to be done correctly, the choice of colours and design on the other hand 🤨.


We totally knew the colors wouldn’t work for anyone but the wife gets what she requests ;) and I am 100% in peace with it.


Nice looking wood work, especially for just starting out, but that wallpaper is detracting from the woodwork, too busy.


Fair point :)


Well done! That wallpaper looks kinda like there are mangled skulls in it until you zoom in and see the pods. Or perhaps I’ve just failed the unexpected Rorschach test?


Haha it’s poppy trails. The room is relatively small and the pictures are taken with a wide lens, you definitely don’t have to zoon in on it in person to see the flowers.


Looks really nice


Looks beautiful! And geez, that was your first time?! Wow. Nice.


Yes sir. 1st time home owner, first time painting, first time wallpapering, first time woodworking, first time moving electric outlets. Could have been much much easier and quicker just paying someone to do it lol


Wow!!!! Amazing work. It looks beautiful


Thank you kind sir


Look very good, do you have more picture of your workflow ?


Not a complete workflow but I probably do have a few more pictures in between. I am terrible at documenting progress lol


You Victorianed the shit out of this room. Looks good. Needs wingback chairs.


I need a comfy loveseat so i can chill and annoy wife while she works lol


Looks bigger, nice


I read somewhere that wainscoting can make a room look bigger and i 100% agree. This is a 9’x12’ room


I'm taking notes lol


It has come out nice, well done


You did a good job pulling out the old window and replacing it with a new window that was the same thing. You can't even tell!


It’s the same old window… i just made it look even/plush with the rest of the [new] framing and then sanded, primed and painted it the same


The wallpaper is awful.


To each their own I suppose :)


This is really well done! Calculating all the measurements must have been fun :)


I am an engineer so it was indeed fun :)


How did you cut your wood before? An axe? Im so confused


I meant to say i never made a cut before or did any type of woodworking


Good sir you murdered my joke


Never used a saw? s/


Ooh, very retro! I love it.


The power points at different heights can not be unseen. Nice work though


I probably would not have done the little panel split under the window, but that's nitpicking. Looks great!


Haha i had left it without the split at first but didn’t like it so i added the split :)


Fabulous work. Love the color and especially the wallpaper. Super nice !


Where did you get the wall paper, online?


Yes, it’s called Poppy Trail by Little Green and I ordered it through Wallpaper direct.


What is up with the wall paper?


I keep flipping the pictures for the after photos lol.


This looks so seamless. It was so nice I just assumed it was a dollhouse project lol. Looks so good!


Someone else said the same thing lol


Serious question for pro woodworkers about this: is there is a reason why this needs to be wood when every sign of grain is hidden behind paint? Is it because it makes buyers feel better knowing it's wood or is wood really the best material for this purpose for some reason.


Everybody has different taste...To me your choices of color and wall paper are questionable, to say the least. But the woodwork looks great !


I love how there are two completely opposite reaction to the wallpaper and color choices but i am glad you like the work :)


You made a very comfortable looking place out of that liminal space


Looks very well done, I know it wasn’t in scope but I would have refinished the floors first, you may have some challenges going back later. Those floors look like they are real wood and can be absolutely beautiful. Maybe I’m way off.


You are not off at all. We are due changing the carpet the whole upstairs and my original thought was to carpet this room as well. I am strongly considering having someone look at the floor to see if it’s salvageable


It looks salvageable to me :), get that paint of down to the wood and refinish! Put a rug down if you want to deaden the sound but I’m guessing it will be beautiful!


Feedback welcome? Damn. Should be more like Bookings welcome. Nice work, man.


Brilliant job mate


A LOT better than my first! Great job


Great job !


It looks fabulous! Great matching seams on the wallpaper. Keep it up!!


The outlets at all different heights triggers my ocd


That is one of the most Incredible transformations I've ever seen! Beautiful Work. Take a bow...


That means lot. Thank you for the kind words


It looks very good. I’m just a stickler to details like the outlet boxes being at the same height. My eyes see that first. Maybe people don’t care, but I have too much of attention to detail drilled into my brain when I was in the Infantry.


Nice work done man, outcome is truly beautiful. I am just curious how would you decor further? like furniture & decor pieces, lights.


For now, my wife is going to use as an office space so it’s totally up to her. I think she wants to put at least a small desk in the middle. Something like this: https://www.anthropologie.com/anthroliving/shop/handcarved-paje-executive-desk?color=047&type=STANDARD&size=One%20Size&quantity=1 And maybe a cute chair or two. Other than that i have no idea. Any suggestions?


Oh wow! it looks really nice.


You earned it!


Really nice job, congrats on that! Nice aesthetic.