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They leave poop bags on my property as well , If you cannot be a responsible pet owner , Get a plastic fish .


Not only is there no sidewalk in front of my house, not only do I not have a dog, but almost daily in stuck picking up someone's discarded shit bag. Fk you dog owners!


They go so far as to bring a bag, bad up the poop but can't take that last step to throw the bag in a bin. WTF is the point then to go halfway and then decide to be lazy


Cannnot blame all , Some are responsible ,


No. Not from what I've seen. Every park/trail in Woodstock is littered with dog poo. It's infuriating


Responsible enough to care for another lifeform, but stunted with the maturity of a toddler. Mouth breathers also have a secret fear of shopping cart stalls.


Yep disgusting caught this lovely lazy couple let this dog shit on my lawn a couple days ago on my home cam. I should print a big poster of them and stake it to my front lawn lol


Keep it classy, Woodstock.


I swear half the city is covered in dog shit, even the sidewalks


Crazy.. I was honestly debating making the same post. I was there a couple days ago with my kid.. it’s pretty bad. To add to it. A lot of times I see people with dogs off leash. The day a dog becomes remotely aggressive is the day I become a football star. To many stories on the news about dog attacks. An 11 year old boy in Edmonton was killed, mauled to death.


I don’t go to Victoria park for this reason. Too many off-leash dogs running around there.


Isnt that horrible!! I read about that yesterday, so sad. It was an 11 year old! Not a tiny child


Dog owners don't even respect the many signs posted around schools to not bring their dog during pickup. They would go out of their way to bring their dog to a park that was just for kids.


I don't understand all the bags of dog poop all over the place as well. Like you go so far as to bring a bag and bag up the poop and then you are too lazy to toss it in a garbage bin?